MONTHYEARML20056E5101993-08-11011 August 1993 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR20 Re Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning ML20059P0531990-10-15015 October 1990 Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR2,50 & 54 Re Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal ELV-01267, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR71 Re Compatibility of Pu Air Transport Regulations W/Iaea Stds.Supports EEI-UWASTE/NUMARC Comments to Be Provided to NRC by 9002091990-02-0707 February 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR71 Re Compatibility of Pu Air Transport Regulations W/Iaea Stds.Supports EEI-UWASTE/NUMARC Comments to Be Provided to NRC by 900209 ML20011E4861990-02-0707 February 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR71 Re Compatibility of Pu Air Transport Regulations W/Iaea Stds.Supports EEI-UWASTE/NUMARC Comments to Be Provided to NRC by 900209 ML20248D2831989-09-28028 September 1989 Notice of Appearance.* Advises That Author Will Enter Appearance in Proceeding on Behalf of Nrc.W/Certificate of Svc ML20247Q2661989-09-26026 September 1989 Establishment of Aslb.* Board Will Comprise of Mb Margulies, Chairman & Oh Paris & Fj Shon,Members.W/Certificate of Svc. Served on 890926 B13367, Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR30,40,50,60,70,72 & 150 Re Preserving Free Flow of Info to Commission.Nrc Made Wise Choice to Not Impose Any Obligation on Private Parties to Include Affirmative Statement in Employment Agreements1989-09-20020 September 1989 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR30,40,50,60,70,72 & 150 Re Preserving Free Flow of Info to Commission.Nrc Made Wise Choice to Not Impose Any Obligation on Private Parties to Include Affirmative Statement in Employment Agreements ML20248C8751989-09-13013 September 1989 Response to Order Modifying Licenses & Order to Show Cause Why Licenses Should Not Be Revoked.* Requests Hearing on Issues,Including Funds for Equipment.Supporting Info Encl ML20246C7141989-08-18018 August 1989 Order to Show Cause Why CPs CPEP-1 & CPEP-2 Should Not Be Revoked & Requiring Licensee to Notify Commission at Least 30 Days Before Taking Possession of Any Classified Equipment ML20245G0721989-08-0303 August 1989 Comment on Draft Reg Guide, Assuring Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors. Recommends That NRC Recommendation on Trust Agreement Wording Be Deleted or NRC Should Grandfather Existing Trusts Such as for Plants ML20248B6201989-08-0202 August 1989 Comments on Draft Reg Guide, Assuring Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors. NRC Should Permit Use of Potential Tax Refund as Source of Decommissioning Funds ELV-00674, Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR50,72 & 170 Re Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in NRC-Approved Storage Casks at Nuclear Power Reactor Sites. 10CFR72.6(c) Should Be Revised to Provide for Storage W/O ISFSI Requirement1989-07-0707 July 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR50,72 & 170 Re Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in NRC-Approved Storage Casks at Nuclear Power Reactor Sites. 10CFR72.6(c) Should Be Revised to Provide for Storage W/O ISFSI Requirement ELV-00679, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components. Agrees W/Numarc Comments Provided to NRC on 8906261989-07-0505 July 1989 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components. Agrees W/Numarc Comments Provided to NRC on 890626 ML20246K4801989-07-0505 July 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components ML20246D8811989-06-30030 June 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components ML20245D2481989-06-16016 June 1989 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR50,72 & 170 Re Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in NRC-Approved Storage Casks at Nuclear Power Reactor Sites. NRC Must Consider Provision in Rule to Permit Indiscriminate Storage of Spent Fuel at Reactors ML20246Q2971989-05-15015 May 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20245J0191989-04-14014 April 1989 Comment Re Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20244B3241989-04-10010 April 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20247A2971989-04-0404 April 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20246M2771989-03-20020 March 1989 Decision.* Affirms Board Decision LBP-89-05 Granting CP & OL to Licensee.Certificate of Svc Encl.Served on 890321 B13113, Comments on Proposed Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.9, Selection, Design,Qualification,Testing & Reliability of Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Sys at Nuclear Power Plants. Reg Guide Does Not Provide Flexibility1989-03-0808 March 1989 Comments on Proposed Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.9, Selection, Design,Qualification,Testing & Reliability of Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Sys at Nuclear Power Plants. Reg Guide Does Not Provide Flexibility ML20246N9471989-03-0808 March 1989 Comment on Proposed Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.9 Re Selection Design,Qualification,Testing & Reliability of Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Sys at Nuclear Power Plants JPN-89-008, Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants1989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants B13136, Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants.Proposed Rule on Maint Will Not Improve Maint in Plants Nor Improve Safety or Reliability of Plants.Proposed Rule Much Too Vague1989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants.Proposed Rule on Maint Will Not Improve Maint in Plants Nor Improve Safety or Reliability of Plants.Proposed Rule Much Too Vague ML20235T3581989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants.Util Endorses Comments Filed by NUMARC & Nuclear Util Backfitting & Reform Group.Rule Fails to Provide Basis for Determining Effective Maint Program ML20235V8541989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants. Util Committed to Goal of Achieving Improved Reliability & Safety Through Better Maint ML20235T1861989-02-24024 February 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants, Extension of NRC Authority to BOP Portion of Plant & Misapplication of Adequate Protection Std of Backfit Rule ML20235T7391989-02-23023 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 55 Re Educ & Experience Requirements for Senior Reactor Operators & Supervisors at Nuclear Power Plants ML20235N8531989-02-14014 February 1989 Comment Supporting Chapter 1 Re Policy Statement on Exemptions Below Regulatory Concern.Policy Development for Criteria for Release of Radioactive Matl Needed for Development of Consistent Waste Mgt Practices ML20235L5921989-02-0606 February 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule on Chapter 1 Re Proposed Policy Statement Exemptions from Regulatory Control.Extreme Care Will Be Needed in Establishing State Role Both in Developing Rule & in Subsequent Implementation ML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20196F5831988-12-0101 December 1988 Memorandum Memoralizing 881129 Telcon.* Applicant & NRC Agreed to Submit Joint Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Served on 881202 ML20196F5981988-12-0101 December 1988 Notice of Hearing.* Notifies That Hearing to Be Held in CP Application Proceedings on 881221 Cancelled & Rescheduled to Commence on 890104.Served on 881202 ML20206M9181988-11-22022 November 1988 Memorandum Memorializing Telcon of 881121.* Discusses Board 881121 Telcon W/Counsel for Parties Re Prehearing & Scheduling Matters.Served on 881123 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206M5321988-11-21021 November 1988 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re fitness-for-duty Program ML20195H0331988-11-21021 November 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program Which Includes Random Drug Testing.Util Strongly Favors 180- Day Period for Implementation of Rule & 360-day Implementation Period for Random Drug Testing JPN-88-063, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program.Util Has Constitutional Concerns Re Proposed Random Testing Which Should Be Fully Addressed Prior to Rule Being Promulgated.Endorses NUMARC & EEI Comments1988-11-18018 November 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program.Util Has Constitutional Concerns Re Proposed Random Testing Which Should Be Fully Addressed Prior to Rule Being Promulgated.Endorses NUMARC & EEI Comments ML20195H0111988-11-18018 November 1988 Comment Supporting NUMARC Comments on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re NRC Fitness for Duty Program Which Includes Random Drug Testing ML20206C6131988-11-14014 November 1988 Withdrawal of Request of State of Tn to Participate as Interested State,Per 10CFR2.715(c).* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20206C6321988-11-14014 November 1988 Withdrawal of Request of State of Tn to Participate as Interested State,Per 10CFR2.715(c).* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20206C3271988-11-10010 November 1988 Memorandum Memorializing Telcon of 881109.* Licensee Request to DOE to Extend Deadline for Receipt of CPs Until 890131 Not Officially Passed Upon.Further Prehearing Telcon Scheduled for 881121.Served on 881114 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20206C1081988-11-0404 November 1988 Requests for Renewal or Extension of Exemption from 10CFR50.54(w)(i) Re Property Insurance Regulations ML20205N2711988-11-0101 November 1988 Memorandum Memorializing Telcon of 881031.* Board Approved Prehearing Telcon on 881109 to Discuss Future Scheduling & Agreed to Start Hearing Prior to 881120 to Accomodate Alchemie.Served on 881102 ML20205Q1501988-10-28028 October 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re NUREG-1317, Regulatory Options for Nuclear Plant License Renewal. Safety Sys Functional Insps & Configuration Mgt Programs Support Renewal Basis as Opposed to Relicensing Process ML20205Q2061988-10-28028 October 1988 Comment Opposing Petition for Rulemaking PRM 50-52 Re Exemption of Financial Qualifications of Applicants from Review of OL Applications.Petition Presents No Compelling Reason to Amend Current Rules 1993-08-11
[Table view] Category:TRANSCRIPTS
MONTHYEARML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20151M8991988-07-21021 July 1988 Transcript of 880721 Prehearing Conference in Knoxville,Tn. Pp 1-43 ML20196G0621988-06-21021 June 1988 Transcript of TVA 880621 Briefing in Bethesda,Md Re Util Reorganization & Plant Status ML20154C7511988-05-0404 May 1988 Transcript of 880504 Annual Briefing on State of Nuclear Industry in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-60. Introductory Remarks, State of Industry Rept & Status Rept on Util Research... Encl.Served on 880509 ML20207A6561988-01-0707 January 1988 Testimony of T Murley Before Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee Re Plant ML20213F6861986-11-0707 November 1986 Transcript of Commission 861107 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-86-325A Concerning Perry Unit 1 OL & SECY-86-292A Concerning Order Re Dispute Between ASLB & Ofc of Investigations in Braidwood OL Hearing.Pp 1-4 ML20215K9781986-09-26026 September 1986 Limited Appearance Statement in Proceeding.Compares Shoreham W/Chernobyl ML20211B0841986-08-0505 August 1986 Transcript of 860805 Meeting Between Region Iii,Computer Interference Elimination & Util in Redmond,Wa Re Plant as-built Drawing Review.Pp 1-200 ML20203G3571986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of Commission 860724 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re TMI-2 Leak Rate Data Falsification & ALAB-836.Pp 1-6 ML20207A6301986-07-17017 July 1986 Partially Withheld Transcript of Unidentified Witness 840717 Deposition in Glenn Rose,Tx Re Const Insp.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199H5371986-06-23023 June 1986 Partially Withheld Undated Transcript of Feedwater Interview W/Comanche Peak Technical Review Team.Pp 1-11.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199H5601986-06-23023 June 1986 Partially Withheld Transcript of Telcon Re Feedback & Interview W/Comanche Peak Technical Review Team.Pp 1-15. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20205J5191986-02-13013 February 1986 Transcript of Commission 860213 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc on SECY-86-31 Re Request for Reconsideration of TMI-2 Leak Rate Proceeding & Order on Shoreham.Pp 1-3 ML20137R9531986-02-0707 February 1986 Transcript of Commission 860207 Briefing in Washington,Dc on Staff Activities Re Tva.Pp 1-75 ML20155H8941986-01-0606 January 1986 Transcript of 860106 Discussions W/B Daniels & B Dieterich in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-79.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20155H9111986-01-0606 January 1986 Transcript of J Jones 860106 Interview in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-12 NUREG-1195, Transcript of 860105 Meeting in Herald,Ca Re Status Report Update.Pp 1-241986-01-0505 January 1986 Transcript of 860105 Meeting in Herald,Ca Re Status Report Update.Pp 1-24 ML20155H8411986-01-0404 January 1986 Transcript of Brock 860104 Interview in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-42 ML20155H7741985-12-31031 December 1985 Transcript of DD Whitney & G Coward Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-116.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20155H7981985-12-31031 December 1985 Transcript of D Whitney 851231 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-52 ML20155H7261985-12-30030 December 1985 Transcript of M Peterson & D Jenks 851230 Exam in Herald,Ca. Pp 1-47 ML20155H7421985-12-30030 December 1985 Transcript of DD Whitney 851230 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-39 ML20155H7201985-12-29029 December 1985 Transcript of G Simmons 851229 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-82 ML20138P8591985-12-18018 December 1985 Transcript of Commission 851218 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc on SECY-85-391 Re ASLB Decision on Shoreham & SECY-85-241(A) on TMI-2 Leak Rate Falsification. Pp 1-5 ML20138K0661985-12-12012 December 1985 Transcript of 851212 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-85-367A on Palo Verde 1 Leaseback & SECY-85-371 on Refund on Black Fox License Fee.Pp 1-4 ML20137R8771985-11-26026 November 1985 Transcript of 851126 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re Extension of Environ Qualification Deadline for Fort St Vrain & Pilgrim.Pp 1-5 ML20137C8601985-11-19019 November 1985 Transcript of Commission 851119 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-330(a) on Point Beach & SECY-225(a) on Sequoyah.Pp 1-5 ML20198E3301985-11-0505 November 1985 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Cessar/Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station 851105 Meeting in Washington,Dc.Pp 1-326. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20138M8711985-10-25025 October 1985 Transcript of 851025 Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Util Requests for Exemption from Environ Qualification.Pp 1-76 ML20136G3881985-10-17017 October 1985 Transcript of 851017 Public Meeting in Glen Ellyn,Il W/Z Reytblatt Re Containment Leak Rates.Pp 1-135.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20134B2891985-08-0808 August 1985 Testimony of DD Jordan Re Corporate Commitment to Safe Const & Operation of Facility.Pp 1-12.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20134B2671985-08-0808 August 1985 Testimony of Jh Goldberg & RA Frazar Re Applicant Mgt of Facility Const.Pp 1-34.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20141H0991985-07-10010 July 1985 Testimony of Nj Palladino to Subcommittee on Energy Conservation & Power,Committee on Energy & Commerce,Us House of Representatives on Facility Licensing Process ML20133C5201985-06-26026 June 1985 Undated Testimony of PM Reep Re Welding Inspector Concerns. Rept of Verbal Harassment Encl ML20137X5031985-06-25025 June 1985 Testimony of Hs Phillips Re Discovery of Quadrex Rept. Related Info Encl ML20137X5111985-06-21021 June 1985 Testimony of Hs Phillips Re Util Sys for Reporting Design & Const Deficiencies ML20127N7591985-06-20020 June 1985 Transcript of Commission 850620 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Concerning Denial of 2.206 Petition for Midland plant,SECY-85-60 Concerning Pressurized Thermal Shock Rule & Shoreham Order.Pp 1-4 ML20199H5721985-06-17017 June 1985 Partially Withheld Transcript of 850617 Telcon in Bethesda, MD Re Discussion of Alleger Feedback on Facility.Pp 1-35. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199A5431985-06-10010 June 1985 Partially Withheld Testimony of Wj Collins Re Welding Fabrication Concerns ML20147E7261985-05-0808 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Mj Stromberg in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-23 ML20147E5441985-05-0808 May 1985 Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Pr Clark in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-26 ML20147E7391985-05-0808 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Nc Kazanas in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-45 ML20147E6191985-05-0808 May 1985 Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Rl Long in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-20 ML20199H6951985-05-0202 May 1985 Partially Withheld Transcript of 850502 Telcon Re Feedback Interview W/Alleger.Pp 1-15.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20147E5171985-05-0202 May 1985 Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Bw Alatary in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-15.Marked-up 841107 & 19 Press Releases Also Encl ML20147E6551985-05-0202 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Ba Bader.Pp 1-45 1988-07-21
[Table view] Category:DEPOSITIONS
MONTHYEARML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20151M8991988-07-21021 July 1988 Transcript of 880721 Prehearing Conference in Knoxville,Tn. Pp 1-43 ML20196G0621988-06-21021 June 1988 Transcript of TVA 880621 Briefing in Bethesda,Md Re Util Reorganization & Plant Status ML20154C7511988-05-0404 May 1988 Transcript of 880504 Annual Briefing on State of Nuclear Industry in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-60. Introductory Remarks, State of Industry Rept & Status Rept on Util Research... Encl.Served on 880509 ML20207A6561988-01-0707 January 1988 Testimony of T Murley Before Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee Re Plant ML20213F6861986-11-0707 November 1986 Transcript of Commission 861107 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-86-325A Concerning Perry Unit 1 OL & SECY-86-292A Concerning Order Re Dispute Between ASLB & Ofc of Investigations in Braidwood OL Hearing.Pp 1-4 ML20215K9781986-09-26026 September 1986 Limited Appearance Statement in Proceeding.Compares Shoreham W/Chernobyl ML20211B0841986-08-0505 August 1986 Transcript of 860805 Meeting Between Region Iii,Computer Interference Elimination & Util in Redmond,Wa Re Plant as-built Drawing Review.Pp 1-200 ML20203G3571986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of Commission 860724 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re TMI-2 Leak Rate Data Falsification & ALAB-836.Pp 1-6 ML20207A6301986-07-17017 July 1986 Partially Withheld Transcript of Unidentified Witness 840717 Deposition in Glenn Rose,Tx Re Const Insp.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199H5371986-06-23023 June 1986 Partially Withheld Undated Transcript of Feedwater Interview W/Comanche Peak Technical Review Team.Pp 1-11.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199H5601986-06-23023 June 1986 Partially Withheld Transcript of Telcon Re Feedback & Interview W/Comanche Peak Technical Review Team.Pp 1-15. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20205J5191986-02-13013 February 1986 Transcript of Commission 860213 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc on SECY-86-31 Re Request for Reconsideration of TMI-2 Leak Rate Proceeding & Order on Shoreham.Pp 1-3 ML20137R9531986-02-0707 February 1986 Transcript of Commission 860207 Briefing in Washington,Dc on Staff Activities Re Tva.Pp 1-75 ML20155H8941986-01-0606 January 1986 Transcript of 860106 Discussions W/B Daniels & B Dieterich in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-79.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20155H9111986-01-0606 January 1986 Transcript of J Jones 860106 Interview in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-12 NUREG-1195, Transcript of 860105 Meeting in Herald,Ca Re Status Report Update.Pp 1-241986-01-0505 January 1986 Transcript of 860105 Meeting in Herald,Ca Re Status Report Update.Pp 1-24 ML20155H8411986-01-0404 January 1986 Transcript of Brock 860104 Interview in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-42 ML20155H7741985-12-31031 December 1985 Transcript of DD Whitney & G Coward Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-116.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20155H7981985-12-31031 December 1985 Transcript of D Whitney 851231 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-52 ML20155H7261985-12-30030 December 1985 Transcript of M Peterson & D Jenks 851230 Exam in Herald,Ca. Pp 1-47 ML20155H7421985-12-30030 December 1985 Transcript of DD Whitney 851230 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-39 ML20155H7201985-12-29029 December 1985 Transcript of G Simmons 851229 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-82 ML20138P8591985-12-18018 December 1985 Transcript of Commission 851218 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc on SECY-85-391 Re ASLB Decision on Shoreham & SECY-85-241(A) on TMI-2 Leak Rate Falsification. Pp 1-5 ML20138K0661985-12-12012 December 1985 Transcript of 851212 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-85-367A on Palo Verde 1 Leaseback & SECY-85-371 on Refund on Black Fox License Fee.Pp 1-4 ML20137R8771985-11-26026 November 1985 Transcript of 851126 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re Extension of Environ Qualification Deadline for Fort St Vrain & Pilgrim.Pp 1-5 ML20137C8601985-11-19019 November 1985 Transcript of Commission 851119 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-330(a) on Point Beach & SECY-225(a) on Sequoyah.Pp 1-5 ML20198E3301985-11-0505 November 1985 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Cessar/Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station 851105 Meeting in Washington,Dc.Pp 1-326. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20138M8711985-10-25025 October 1985 Transcript of 851025 Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Util Requests for Exemption from Environ Qualification.Pp 1-76 ML20136G3881985-10-17017 October 1985 Transcript of 851017 Public Meeting in Glen Ellyn,Il W/Z Reytblatt Re Containment Leak Rates.Pp 1-135.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20134B2891985-08-0808 August 1985 Testimony of DD Jordan Re Corporate Commitment to Safe Const & Operation of Facility.Pp 1-12.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20134B2671985-08-0808 August 1985 Testimony of Jh Goldberg & RA Frazar Re Applicant Mgt of Facility Const.Pp 1-34.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20141H0991985-07-10010 July 1985 Testimony of Nj Palladino to Subcommittee on Energy Conservation & Power,Committee on Energy & Commerce,Us House of Representatives on Facility Licensing Process ML20133C5201985-06-26026 June 1985 Undated Testimony of PM Reep Re Welding Inspector Concerns. Rept of Verbal Harassment Encl ML20137X5031985-06-25025 June 1985 Testimony of Hs Phillips Re Discovery of Quadrex Rept. Related Info Encl ML20137X5111985-06-21021 June 1985 Testimony of Hs Phillips Re Util Sys for Reporting Design & Const Deficiencies ML20127N7591985-06-20020 June 1985 Transcript of Commission 850620 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Concerning Denial of 2.206 Petition for Midland plant,SECY-85-60 Concerning Pressurized Thermal Shock Rule & Shoreham Order.Pp 1-4 ML20199H5721985-06-17017 June 1985 Partially Withheld Transcript of 850617 Telcon in Bethesda, MD Re Discussion of Alleger Feedback on Facility.Pp 1-35. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199A5431985-06-10010 June 1985 Partially Withheld Testimony of Wj Collins Re Welding Fabrication Concerns ML20147E7261985-05-0808 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Mj Stromberg in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-23 ML20147E5441985-05-0808 May 1985 Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Pr Clark in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-26 ML20147E7391985-05-0808 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Nc Kazanas in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-45 ML20147E6191985-05-0808 May 1985 Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Rl Long in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-20 ML20199H6951985-05-0202 May 1985 Partially Withheld Transcript of 850502 Telcon Re Feedback Interview W/Alleger.Pp 1-15.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20147E5171985-05-0202 May 1985 Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Bw Alatary in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-15.Marked-up 841107 & 19 Press Releases Also Encl ML20147E6551985-05-0202 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Ba Bader.Pp 1-45 1988-07-21
[Table view] Category:NARRATIVE TESTIMONY
MONTHYEARML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20151M8991988-07-21021 July 1988 Transcript of 880721 Prehearing Conference in Knoxville,Tn. Pp 1-43 ML20196G0621988-06-21021 June 1988 Transcript of TVA 880621 Briefing in Bethesda,Md Re Util Reorganization & Plant Status ML20154C7511988-05-0404 May 1988 Transcript of 880504 Annual Briefing on State of Nuclear Industry in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-60. Introductory Remarks, State of Industry Rept & Status Rept on Util Research... Encl.Served on 880509 ML20207A6561988-01-0707 January 1988 Testimony of T Murley Before Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee Re Plant ML20213F6861986-11-0707 November 1986 Transcript of Commission 861107 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-86-325A Concerning Perry Unit 1 OL & SECY-86-292A Concerning Order Re Dispute Between ASLB & Ofc of Investigations in Braidwood OL Hearing.Pp 1-4 ML20215K9781986-09-26026 September 1986 Limited Appearance Statement in Proceeding.Compares Shoreham W/Chernobyl ML20211B0841986-08-0505 August 1986 Transcript of 860805 Meeting Between Region Iii,Computer Interference Elimination & Util in Redmond,Wa Re Plant as-built Drawing Review.Pp 1-200 ML20203G3571986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of Commission 860724 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re TMI-2 Leak Rate Data Falsification & ALAB-836.Pp 1-6 ML20207A6301986-07-17017 July 1986 Partially Withheld Transcript of Unidentified Witness 840717 Deposition in Glenn Rose,Tx Re Const Insp.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199H5371986-06-23023 June 1986 Partially Withheld Undated Transcript of Feedwater Interview W/Comanche Peak Technical Review Team.Pp 1-11.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199H5601986-06-23023 June 1986 Partially Withheld Transcript of Telcon Re Feedback & Interview W/Comanche Peak Technical Review Team.Pp 1-15. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20205J5191986-02-13013 February 1986 Transcript of Commission 860213 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc on SECY-86-31 Re Request for Reconsideration of TMI-2 Leak Rate Proceeding & Order on Shoreham.Pp 1-3 ML20137R9531986-02-0707 February 1986 Transcript of Commission 860207 Briefing in Washington,Dc on Staff Activities Re Tva.Pp 1-75 ML20155H8941986-01-0606 January 1986 Transcript of 860106 Discussions W/B Daniels & B Dieterich in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-79.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20155H9111986-01-0606 January 1986 Transcript of J Jones 860106 Interview in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-12 NUREG-1195, Transcript of 860105 Meeting in Herald,Ca Re Status Report Update.Pp 1-241986-01-0505 January 1986 Transcript of 860105 Meeting in Herald,Ca Re Status Report Update.Pp 1-24 ML20155H8411986-01-0404 January 1986 Transcript of Brock 860104 Interview in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-42 ML20155H7741985-12-31031 December 1985 Transcript of DD Whitney & G Coward Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-116.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20155H7981985-12-31031 December 1985 Transcript of D Whitney 851231 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-52 ML20155H7261985-12-30030 December 1985 Transcript of M Peterson & D Jenks 851230 Exam in Herald,Ca. Pp 1-47 ML20155H7421985-12-30030 December 1985 Transcript of DD Whitney 851230 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-39 ML20155H7201985-12-29029 December 1985 Transcript of G Simmons 851229 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-82 ML20138P8591985-12-18018 December 1985 Transcript of Commission 851218 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc on SECY-85-391 Re ASLB Decision on Shoreham & SECY-85-241(A) on TMI-2 Leak Rate Falsification. Pp 1-5 ML20138K0661985-12-12012 December 1985 Transcript of 851212 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-85-367A on Palo Verde 1 Leaseback & SECY-85-371 on Refund on Black Fox License Fee.Pp 1-4 ML20137R8771985-11-26026 November 1985 Transcript of 851126 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re Extension of Environ Qualification Deadline for Fort St Vrain & Pilgrim.Pp 1-5 ML20137C8601985-11-19019 November 1985 Transcript of Commission 851119 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-330(a) on Point Beach & SECY-225(a) on Sequoyah.Pp 1-5 ML20198E3301985-11-0505 November 1985 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Cessar/Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station 851105 Meeting in Washington,Dc.Pp 1-326. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20138M8711985-10-25025 October 1985 Transcript of 851025 Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Util Requests for Exemption from Environ Qualification.Pp 1-76 ML20136G3881985-10-17017 October 1985 Transcript of 851017 Public Meeting in Glen Ellyn,Il W/Z Reytblatt Re Containment Leak Rates.Pp 1-135.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20134B2891985-08-0808 August 1985 Testimony of DD Jordan Re Corporate Commitment to Safe Const & Operation of Facility.Pp 1-12.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20134B2671985-08-0808 August 1985 Testimony of Jh Goldberg & RA Frazar Re Applicant Mgt of Facility Const.Pp 1-34.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20141H0991985-07-10010 July 1985 Testimony of Nj Palladino to Subcommittee on Energy Conservation & Power,Committee on Energy & Commerce,Us House of Representatives on Facility Licensing Process ML20133C5201985-06-26026 June 1985 Undated Testimony of PM Reep Re Welding Inspector Concerns. Rept of Verbal Harassment Encl ML20137X5031985-06-25025 June 1985 Testimony of Hs Phillips Re Discovery of Quadrex Rept. Related Info Encl ML20137X5111985-06-21021 June 1985 Testimony of Hs Phillips Re Util Sys for Reporting Design & Const Deficiencies ML20127N7591985-06-20020 June 1985 Transcript of Commission 850620 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Concerning Denial of 2.206 Petition for Midland plant,SECY-85-60 Concerning Pressurized Thermal Shock Rule & Shoreham Order.Pp 1-4 ML20199H5721985-06-17017 June 1985 Partially Withheld Transcript of 850617 Telcon in Bethesda, MD Re Discussion of Alleger Feedback on Facility.Pp 1-35. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199A5431985-06-10010 June 1985 Partially Withheld Testimony of Wj Collins Re Welding Fabrication Concerns ML20147E7261985-05-0808 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Mj Stromberg in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-23 ML20147E5441985-05-0808 May 1985 Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Pr Clark in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-26 ML20147E7391985-05-0808 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Nc Kazanas in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-45 ML20147E6191985-05-0808 May 1985 Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Rl Long in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-20 ML20199H6951985-05-0202 May 1985 Partially Withheld Transcript of 850502 Telcon Re Feedback Interview W/Alleger.Pp 1-15.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20147E5171985-05-0202 May 1985 Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Bw Alatary in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-15.Marked-up 841107 & 19 Press Releases Also Encl ML20147E6551985-05-0202 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Ba Bader.Pp 1-45 1988-07-21
[Table view] |
.o September 13, 1982 U. S. House of Representatives Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs Subconstittee on Energy and Environment Hearing on Quality Assurance for The Zinuner Nuclear Power Station on Tuesday, September 14, 1982 Testimony By: Donald M. Milan Chief Inspector, State of Ohio Mr. Chairman, and members of the Committee.
It is once again my pleasure and privilege to be permitted to appear before this distinguished constittee.
I would like to thank you on behalf of the citizens of Ohio for allowing our views on this vital subject to be expressed at a forum of such a high level.
The reports that I receive on a regular basis from the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, along with my personal visits have lead me to the following conclusions:
The work being performed by The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors Audit Team is vital to providing the State of Ohio the necessary assurances that the Zimmer Nuclear Power Station is being constructed in a safe manner and in accordance with our laws and regulations.
The work being performed by The Nuclear Regulat6ry Commission Inspectors under the present N.R.C. program appears to be effective and extremely important.
I have seen evidence that the N.R.C. and The National Board are working in close cooperation with each other to the mutual benefit of all concerned. I believe it is extremely important that these two organizations work together as they are doing at Zimmer.
If we would have had both organiza-tions auditing in close liaison with each other as we now have, the problems we are faced with at this plant could have been averted.
8508150360 850703 PDR FOIA LEIGHTOB4-293 PDR EO-l'?
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Page (2) l This could have saved the owners of this plant huge amounts of money, time and frustrations.
I am of the opinion that i
The National Board Audit Team activity should be written into f
the federal Regulations, since it would enhance assurances of safety and compliance with all regulations in each and every Nuclear Power Plant in this great country.
One of the problems of the past relates to the number of N.R.C. personnel on site to the number of workmen or craf t personnel. Many of these sites have over 2,000 construction workers on site. The size, scope, and magnitude of this activity is such that three or four inspectors regardless of how highly trained or capable they might be, they cannot keep pace with the activity.
I hasten to point out that this is no reflection upon the quality or dedication of all N.R.C. personnel, because I can assure you these people are truly professionals performing their duties in a highly commendable manner. There is just a need for more personnel, and we fully comprehend the budgetary restrictions which prevent more inspectors or auditors from being assigned to every nuclear site.
At Zimmer, by utilizing a National Board Audit Team, we have increased the number of audit personnel on site from three to six since we presently have three National Board Auditors on site. Whenever you double the number of personnel it only stands to reason that you will have a greater opportunity to achieve the necessary levels of safety.
The second Interim Report sent to me by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors identifies many additional violations.
Listed below are a few of thess violations listed in the second Interim Report dated July 1,1982.
2.0 CINCINNATI GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY 2.1 The National Board Audit Team in reviewing CG&E generated NCR's, noted that at least two (2) portions of piping systems had b
.n overstressed during hydrostatic tests.
Involved were Low Pressure Core Spray (LP) and the Residual Heat Removal (RH)
2.1.1 The LP piping system involved was 12 inch diameter designed for 475 psi at 202 F and includes lines 1LP17A3, ILPO2A12 between valves 1E21F005 and 1E21F309, ILP14A2, ILPOSA12 to valve 1E21F012; lines 1LPO303A3 and ILPO902 between valves 1E21F034 and 1E21FOO4 and 1LP32AA314, ILP32AB314, ILP30A314 and ILP31A314. The maximum hydrostatic test pressure permissible was 629 psi (475 x 1.25 x 1.0601. The actuel test
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' pressure applied was 1200 psi according to a nonconformance report. issued (Re: NR-7247 R-1).
The system is classified as ASME Section III, Class 2.
2.1.2 The RH piping overstressed was a section of 8 inch diameter piping having a design pressure of 1125 psi at 575 F.
The maximum hydrostatic test pressure permissable (based on DP x (1.25 x 1.06) was 1490 psi. The actual test pressure applied was 2700 psi according to a Nonconformance Report (Re: NR-7258). The system is classified ASME Section III, Class 2.
1 2.1.3 The above-referenced NR's (NR-7247, R-1 and NR-7258) i were reviewed by the Owner's A.E., Sargent and Lundy Engineers, and dispositioned by the S&L engineer " Accept-As-Is". This disposition was based on the A.E.'s reviewing the yields as shown on the CMTR's for the material used, using the actual thickness of the material as determined by UT and recalculating the design pressure using actual thickness as measured and actual yield strength as indicated on the CMTR's and not using i
the stress values as listed in Table 1.7.1, Appendix I, ASME Section III. The piping material used in both systems is SA-106 Grado B.
2.1.4 It is the National Board Audit Team's opinion that 4
disposition of the alove overpressurization and " Accept-As-Is" is not permitted by the rules of ASME Section III since maximum allowable stress values for material are established in the Appendix I tables; and in NC-3600 the definition of "S" states "the value of "S" shall not exceed that given in Tables 1.7.1, 1.7.2 and 1.7.3".
NATIONAL BOARD FINDINGS 2.3 In the National Board Audit Team's Interim Report No. 1, concern was expressed regarding the scope of the work that was to be performed by Catalytic, Inc. (Item 2.6)
The National Board Audit Team has been advised that Catalytic, Inc. has been assigned by CC&E the implementation of ECR-623, which involves the cutting out and replacing of Code piping installed by Henry J. Kaiser that has not been Code symbol stamped or covered on a N-5 Data Report.
I 2.3.1 Again the National Board Audit Team is of the opinion that such construction shall be in accordance with Code requirements and shall be acceptable to all parties involved; CGsE (Owner), the Authorized Inspection Agency (A.I.A.), and the State of Ohio.
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NATIONAL BOARD FINDING 2.4 A letter dated February 22, 1979, by S. A. Zych and D. D.
Crisp of Sargent and Lundy Engineers contains " Notes of Inspection -
February 5, 1979, regarding a Steam-Jet Air Ejector Condenser, William H. Zimmer Unit 1".
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Apparently this steam jet air ejector condenser failed due to overpressure causing cracks on the shell side to the tube sheet and the pulling of some tubes in the outer two (2) rows of tubes.
A reference in the report was made to " poor penetration" (Weld),
and the National Board Audit Team became interested in a possible Code violation by the manufacturer of the pressure vessel.
In addition, the Team wished to confirm that the vessel was replaced as recommended in the above-referenced " Notes of Inspection".
i 2.4.1 The National Board Audit Team examined externally the pressure vessel ICDO3AALIA and noted a Westinghouse nameplate with information as follows:
Westinghouse 1-8A 2679-1 Steam Pressure -200 Cooling Water -7600 There was a tag as follows:
HJK P.O.# CG&E 2043 MR #10247 Received 7/1/74 ID ICD-03AA Location - Compound 2.4.2 There was no evidence externally on the pressure vessel that it had been constructed and stamped in accordance with the ASME Code (a State of Ohio requirement for pressure vessels designed for 15 or more psi).
It was also noted that the pressure vessel had apparently been repaired in the field.
2.4.3 The National Board Audit Team has attempted to obtain documentation from the CGEE vault and the Henry J. Kaiser vault for this pressure vessel and any repairs that have been made to it, and none has been made available to date.
2.4.4 It is the opinion of the National Board Audit Team that documentation shall be presented to the National Board Audit Team assuring the pressure vessel (s) in this condensate system and repairs to pressure vessels in the system are in accordance with the requirements of the State of Ohio.
There are many conformance programs in effect to correct these violations at the Zinsner site. The National Board is Monitoring and will continue to monitor these programs.
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'We are getting good cooperation from the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company at this time.
With a joinc effort by the N.R.C. and The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and The Jurisdiction, I believe we can bring this plant into conformance with the code and State of Ohio rules and standards or the equivalent.
_s Boiler Div. Chief, State of Ohio O
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