IR 05000424/1985056

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Insp Rept 50-424/85-56 on 851216-20.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Readiness for Emergency Preparedness Appraisal
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/22/1986
From: Cunningham A, Decker T
Shared Package
ML20137N425 List:
50-424-85-56, NUDOCS 8602030209
Download: ML20137N428 (6)


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[" g REGION il gi j 101 M ARIETTA STRE ET, *' .s ATLANTA. GEORGI A 30323


..... JAN 2? 1996 . Report No.: _ 50-424/85-56'

Licensee: Georgia, Power Comp'any P,. O. Box 4545

,.- Atlanta, 'GA 30302


Docket No.: 50-424 License No.: CPPR-108

' Facility Name: s Vogtle Unit 1 Inspection Conducted: December 16-20, 1985 Inspector:

A. L. Cunningham:


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Date Signed Accompanying Personnel: E. F. Williams, J Approved by: lhf/f) f}</4 l' W %

- T. R. Decker, Section Chief Date Signed

[U Division of Reactor Safety 2 SUMMARY I Scope: This routine, announced inspection involved 60 inspector-hours onsite in ,

' the area of emergency preparednes The purpose of this inspection was


assessment of the licensee's readiness for an emergency preparedness appraisa Results: Of the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie .

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8602030209 060122 PDR ADOCK 05000424 G _




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, Persons Contacted Licensee Employees J. Roberts, Emergency Planning Coordinator

  • G. Bockhold, General Manager Vogtle Nuclear Plant
  • C. W. Belflower, Quality Assurance, Site Manager, Operations
  • A. Desrosiers, Superintendent of Health Physics
  • E. A. Schnell, Health Physics Operations Supervisor
  • P..D. Rushton, Superintendent of Nuclear Training
  • J. M. Diluzio, Supervisor, Nuclear Emergency Planning
  • C. Hayes, Quality Assurance Manager
  • G. E. Spell, Jr., Quality Assurance Engineering Support Superintendent
  • S. C. Ewald, Manager, Radiological Safety Other licensee employees contacted included technicians, operators, and office personne Other Organizations
  • W. E. Carnes, Enercon Services (Consultant)
  • J. J. Ghannadian, UESC (Consultant)

NRC Resident Inspectors

  • J. F. Rogge
  • R. J. Schepens
  • Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on December 20, 1985, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio . Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This item was not inspecte . Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspectio __




5. Administration of the Emergency Preparedness Program A site emergency preparedness coordinator has been appointed and is actively engaged in assisting in the development of a site emergency response organization, as well as providing required assistance to plant and offsite support agencies and organizations. The inspectors emphasized to licensee representatives the necessity to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of corporate and plant emergency preparedness programs and personne Additionally, the inspectors defined the need for adequate personnel resources and training required to implement and maintain an effective progra Emergency preparedness program administration was established, and appeared to be adequately staffed and effective. Licensee management appeared to be committed to development and maintenance of an effective progra . Emergency Organization i A cursory review of the licensee's emergency organization was conducte The review included the emergency plans and procedures, notification call-lists, and discussions with cognizant members of the emergency organization. In view of the recent issuance of Revision 2 of the emergency plan and required review thereof, this item will be reviewed in detail during the emergency preparedness appraisal.



7. Training

The emergency preparedness training program overview included review of the training manual, procedures, randomly selected lesson plans, and discussion with cognizant licensee representatives. At the time of inspection, a fully developed training program was in progres The inspector reviewed preliminary matrices which tracked training requirements as well as

, completed and projected training scheduled for site response organization


principals. An identical matrix development is in progress which addresses all response organization and support personnel.

The inspector discussed the use of drills as a training method. Inspection disclosed that the licensee is planning drills for emergency response facility decision makers and required support personnel. Medical and fire drills involving local support agencies have been hel Licensee plans for training State (Georgia and South Carolina) and local support organizations and personnel were discu sed with cognizant licensee representatives. Licensee plans include initial and annual retraining programs for offsite medical, fire, and se urity support organization This item will be reviewed in detail during the emergency preparedness appraisal.


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4 Emergency Response Facilities and Equipment Control Room (CR)

The inspector conducted a brief tour of the Control Room and observed locations of the instrument and control panels, and the SPDS displays avaflable to the facilit The status of construction precluded a detailed inspection of the facility. This item will be reviewed during the appraisa .$chnical Support Center (TSC)

At the time of inspection, work was still in progress in the TS Cognizant licensee representatives stated that the TSC was approximately 90*. completed. Items requiring completion included the remote control PASS module and console, electrical service, furniture, SPDS display module wiring, status boards, and telephone installation The TSC is provided with an HVAC ventilation system which is manually actuated to initiate and maintain required habitabilit Current i plans and procedures require that the subject system will be actuated following declaration of an Alert emergency classificatio This facility is scheduled for turnover operations in early January 198 This area will be reviewed during the emergency preparedness



t Emergency Operation Facility The E0F was completed and provided with all required equipment j including the SPDS display modules. The EOF is located within the

{ training center, approximately 1 mile from the plant site boundar , The reactor simulator is located within the training center and


provides 'the capability to drive the SPDS modules located within the


EOF and TSC.

j Operational Support Center (OSC)

i The inspectors toured the OSC which is located in the lunch room on the l


second floor of the Maintenance Buildin Completion of equipment designated for operation of this facility requires installation of


telephones, and provision of neces sary status board Cognizant


licensee representatives stated that this facility will be completed


prior to the proposed scheduled emergency preparedness appraisal. The i backup OSC is located in the rear area of the TS Nonessential


personnel will be evacuated to the EO Post Accident Sampling System (PASS)

An inspection of portions of the reactor coolant / containment air sampling system was conducted. At the time of inspection, the system

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was not complet This area will be reviewed during future inspection f. Meteorological Measurements Systems Primary (60 meters) and backup (10 meters) meteorological towers are located at the plant site. The licensee has established a program for calibration and maintenance of meteorological instrumentatio The current program appears to be censistent with guidance promulgated in Regulatory Guide 1.2 g. Prompt Notification System (PNS)

The prompt notification system was discussed in detail with cognizant licensee representative Licensee representatives stated that the subject system will use both sirens and NOAA Tone Alert Radio receivers. Definitive plans were not yet finalized. This item will be reviewed in detail during the scheduled emergency preparedness appraisa h. Other Support Facilities The inspectors reviewed the status of licensee onsite and offsite support facilities, namely: plant health physics and chemistry laboratories; and offsite expanded support facilities including fire response and the emergen~cy news center (ENC). Inspection disclosed that plant health physics and chemistry laboratories were under constructio Turnover of these facilities was not stated by licensee representative The inspector toured the offsite medical treatment facilities which included the Humana Hospital located in Augusta, Georgia, and the Burke i County Community Hospital near Waynesboro, Georgia. The Humana facility has completed an initial drill. Remaining construction and required preparation will be completed prior to the scheduled emergency preparedness appraisal. The new Burke County Hospital, currently under I construction, is scheduled for full use prior to the projected full scale emergency preparedness exercis Inspection also included a tour of the Burke County Emergency Management facility currently under construction. The facility includes the fire


department, county security and emergency communication center, and the l

State of Georgia Near-Site Emergency Operations Cente Facility construction is scheduled for completion and initial >peration prior to the emergency preparedness appraisal. All support fa cilities will be reviewed during the referenced appraisa i. Protective Equipment During inspection, cursory evaluation of selected items of protective equipment was confined to the EOF. This arc; w111 be reviewed during the


emergency preparedness appraisal for applicable emergency response facilitie . Plans and Procedures The licensee has developed a radiological emergency plan for the Vogtle facilit Revision 2 of the Plan was released in December 1985. Most emergency plan implementing procedures have been developed and approve The licensee identified a need for 32 implementing procedures. As of the date of the inspection, 29 procedures have been completed and are involved in the approval proces Additional work remains on procedures addressing security, offsite dose assessment, and support to the Hatch facilit Approval of all procedures are projected for February 15, 198 The licensee's program for review and distribution of the emergency plan was evaluated. The licensee has committed to review the emergency plan at least annually. The document control program for the licensee's General Office regulates control copy distribution of emergency plans and procedures. This includes distribution to groups within licensee organization and to offsite support agencie . Drills and Audits The licensee's program for emergency preparedness drills and audits was not reviewe This area will be reviewed during the emergency preparedness appraisal.