IR 05000424/1985046

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Insp Repts 50-424/85-46 & 50-425/85-33 on 850826-30.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Preservice Insp Program for Unit 1 Reactor Vessel, Procedures,Work Activities & Data Review
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/19/1985
From: Blake J, Newsome R
Shared Package
ML20137X482 List:
50-424-85-46, 50-425-85-33, NUDOCS 8510040531
Download: ML20137X513 (9)


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Report Nos.: 50-424/85-46 and 50-425/85-33

! Licensee: Georgia Power Company P. O. Box 4545


Atlanta, GA 30302  !

, Docket Nos.: 50-424 and 50-425 License Nos.: CPPR-108 and CPPR-109 Facility Name: Vogtle

) Inspection Conduct d: August 26 - 30, 1985 Insp tor: #ers N / [o ,~- TD&tf (i Sigt ed 8[

+ R. W. Ne  :


Approved by: - 7 /f 85 i Date signed


{cy? j alaYe, Secti E neering Bra D ision of r Safety l SUMMARY l

i i Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection entailed 37 inspector-hours on site j in the areas of preservice inspection (PSI) of the Unit I reactor vessel: review

of PSI program, review of procedures, observation of work and work activities, data review and evaluations. Also, licensee action on previous enforcement
matters, general observation of construction activities, and material storage was
addresse l j Results
No violations or deviations were identifie l f

I 8510040531 850924 PDR

G ADOCM 05000424 .'




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REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted


Licenseo Employees l * F. Kitchens, Operations Superintendent


  • C. E. Belflower, Quality Assurance (QA) Site Manager, Operations
  • A. L. Mosbaugh, Superintendent Engineering Liaison
  • C. H. Williams, Jr., Operations Supervisor
  • H. Varnadoe, Plant Engineering Supervisor
  • C R. Brewer, Assistant Quality Control (QC) Manager, Constructions
  • J. L. Blocker, Mechanical Engineering Supervisor
  • J. A. Caudill, Plant Engineer, Nuclear Operations
  • M. S. Hairston, Associate Engineer, Regulatory Compliance B. Mundy, QA Audit Supervisor

Other licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen, engineers, technicians, operators, mechanics, security force members, and i

office personne Other Organizations

] *T. N. Epps, Manager, Inspection, Testing and Engineering, Southern Company a Services (SCS)

  • J. M. Davis, Supervisor, Nandestructive Examination, SCS
  • J. M. Agold, Supervisor, Coordinator and Documentation, SCS  ;


  • R. K. Watson, Assistant QA Manager, Pullman Power Products (PPP)

! A. S. Nelson, Project Engir.eer, Combustion Engineering (CE)

.l R. S. Kusy, Ultrasonic Testing Level III, CE i NRC Resident Inspectors

  • J. F. Rogge, Senior Resident Inspector, Operations
  • R. J. Schepens, Resident Inspector, Construction
  • Attended exit interview
Exit Interview l The inspection scope and findings were summarized on August 30, 1985, with

!' those persons indicated in the paragraph above. The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection finding No i dissenting coments were received from the license (0 pen) Inspector Followup Item (IFI) 50-424/85-46-01, " Guidance for Main-taining Physical Integrity of Reference Reflectors in U.T. Calibration Blocks," paragraph 6.c.(4).

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The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio . Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters (92702) Units 1 and 2 (Closed) Violation 50-425/85-07-01, Failure to follow Procedures for Control of Tools Used on Stainless Steel. This item identified instances where wire brushes and grinding wheels that were not identified with red paint as required by PPP Procedure VII-13 were used during welding and repair operations on stainless steel piping weld PPP issued deficiency reports requiring the affected areas be lightly buffed and cleaned with approved materia In addition, PPP issued a reinstruction memo dated April 11, 1985 to all craft personnti re-emphasizing the requirement to use only properly marked tools when working on stainless steel. This matter is considered closed, (Closed) Violation 50-425/85-07-02, Failure to follow Procedure for fit-up Inspection of Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping. This item identified the fit-up inspection of a welding joint that did not

, have the welders symbol on the pipe adjacent to the joint as required by PPP Procedure X-1 The weld has now been properly marked and QC examination personnel have been reinstructed on procedure requirements for fit-up inspection. The inspector reviewed supporting documentation and has no further questions regarding this matte Unresolved Items I

Unresolved items were not identified during this inspectio '

5. Independent Inspection Effort Housekeeping (548348), Material Identification and Control (429028) and

Material Control (429408)


The inspector conducted a general inspection of the Unit 1 and Unit 2 containments, turbine buildings, auxiliary buildings, fabrication areas, and

storage areas to observe material handling and control, general house-d *

keeping, and material storage.

Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified.

4 6. Preservice Inspection (PSI) Unit 1 The inspector examined documents and records and observed activities as indicated below to determine whether PSI was being conoucted in accordance with applicable procedures, regulatory requirements, and licensee commit-ments. The applicable code for PSI is the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel (ASME B&PV) Code,Section XI,1980 edition with addenda through Winter 1981 and USNRC Regulatory Guides 1.150 and 1.147. Southern Company Services (SCS) has the primary responsibility as the PSI contractor for GPC. However, nondestructive examinations by

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Combustion Engineering (CE) personnel using both automated and manual NDE techniques will be or have been accomplished on the Reactor Vessel (RV)

welds and the RV Closure Head welds. Approximately 30 percent of the RV welds had been examined at the conclusion of this inspectio PSI Programmatic Review (73051B)

The inspector reviewed the below listed documents relating to the licensee's PSI program (Plan) in the areas of program approval; QA l program requirements including organizational structure, audit require-ments, general QA requirements (examination reports, control of devia-tions from established program, quality documentation and identifica-tion of components); work and quality inspection procedures; control of processes; corrective action; document control; control of examinations and examination equipment; quality records; inspection scope;


inspection intervals; personnel qualifications; and NDE records, l including provisions for storag Volume 1 Document No. 1R-ISI-063(R1), Preservice Examination Program for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) Unit N Reactor Pressure Vessel and Closure Head


VEGP-FSAR-1 Volume 2 Section 1.9.150

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VEGP-FSAR-5 Volume 12 Section 5. VEGP-Preservice and Inservice Inspection Program, Procedure

No. 00411-C Rev. 0


VEGP-Storage, Handling and Shipping Requirements, Procedure N C Rev. O PSI Review of Procedures (730528)

(1) The follow'ng CE procedures were reviewed in the areas of proce-dure approval and qualification of NDE personne Procedure Number Title i

10285-151-001, Rev. 1/FR-A Automated Ultrasonic Examination Procedure for Reactor Vessel Welds i

10285-151-002, Rev. I Ultrasonic Examination Procedure for Reactor Vessel Flange Weld 10285-151-003, Rev. 1 Ultrasonic Examination Procedure


for Reactor Vessel Flange Ligament Areas STD-ISI-007, Rev. 0 Ultrasonic Instrument Linearity Verification


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10285-ISI-008, Rev. 1 Ultrasonic Examination Procedure  ;

for Closure Head Welds 10285-ISI-053, Rev. 1 Procedure for the Operation of the  !

Inservice Inspection Positioning Device for the Inside Surface i Ultrasonic Examination of Reactor Pressure Vessels


j 10285-ISI-058, Rev. O Magnetic Particle Examination Procedure


j 10285-151-065, Rev. O Procedure for the Remote Visual


Examinations of a Reactor Pressure Vessel j 00000-15I-069, Rev. 2 Procedure for the Orientation and i Set-up of the Inservice Inspection

Position System for the Inside Surface Examination of Reactor i Pressure Vessels



NQAI Certification Program for Nondestructive Examination Personnel l (2) The inspector reviewed the above listed ultrasonic examination ,

procedures to ascertain whether they had been reviewed and l approved in accordance with the licensee's established QA proce- l dure The above procedures were reviewed for technical adequacy and conformance to the ASME code,Section V Article 5 and other ,

license commitments / requirements in the following areas: type of (


apparatus used; extent of coverage of weldment; calibration

requirements; search units; beam angles; DAC curves; reference


level for monitoring discontinuities; method for demonstrating i

penetration; limits for evaluating and recording indications; recording significant indications; and acceptance limit , (3) The inspector reviewed procedure 10285-ISI-058 to ascertain

! whether it had been reviewed and approved in accordance with the I licensee's established QA procedures. The procedure was reviewed ,

for technical adequacy and for conformance to the ASME code, t i Section V, Article 7, and other licensee commitments / requirements in the following areas: examination method; contrast of dry powder particle color with background; surface temperature;

, suspension medium and surface temperature for wet particles; viewing conditions; examination overlap and directions; pole or prod spacing; current or lifting power (yoke); and acceptance criteria.



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l e PSI Observation of Work and Work Activities (73053B)

, The inspector observed work activities and reviewed certification records of NDE personnel which were being utilized during the PSI



examination The reviews conducted by the inspector are documented 4 belo '

(1) Examiner Qualification


The inspector reviewed the qualification documentation for the i below listed CE ultrasonic (UT) examiners in the following areas:

employer's name; person certified; activity qualified to perform; f effective period of certification; signature of employer's

! designated representatives; basis used for certification; and 4 annual visual acuity, color vision examination, and periodic 4



i Examiner UT-LEVEL







) (2) The inspector observed portions of the remote ultrasonic reactor i vessel examinations indicated below. The observations were j compared with the applicable procedures and the ASME Code in the i following areas: availability of and compliance with approved NDE i

procedure; use of knowledgeable NDE personnel; use of NDE personnel qualified to the proper level; type of apparatus used; '

extent of coverage of weldment; calibratiori requirements; search


units; beam angles; DAC curves; reference level for monitoring i discontinuities; method of demonstrating penetration; limits of l evaluating and recording indications; recording significant

indications; and, acceptance limits.

I l Weld Identification Description

i 01-RY-004 Upper Shell to Intermediate Shell l Circumferential Weld 01-RV-029 Outlet Nozzle to Shell Weld at 202 Orientation

01-RV-031 Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld at 293*

Orientation i




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The inspection system used for the examination of the above listed welds is an automated system and the examinations were observed to determine whether the following additional requirements were met:

the instruction manual and/or program procedure was being followed; the examination personnel were thoroughly familiar with the inspection system, its application, operation, and its limitations; the examination permits continuous observation of scanning patterns to achieve 100% volumetric coverage of welds and base metal sections designated for examination; there is a t continuous recording of meaningful and reproducible data with accurate orientation to established reference points; the initial unit calibration, examination block calibration, and subsequent calibrations were being done in accordance with the instruction manual and/or program procedure; the type of couplant used; and certification of specified materia (3) The inspector made direct observations of the automated examina-tion apparatus being manipulated within the reactor vessel both


during positioning maneuvers and while performing ultrasonic examination functions. The inspector also made remote observa-


i tions of ultrasonic equipment calibrations being accomplished and additionally made direct observations of calibration activities i

while the reactor vessel ultrasonic calibration blocks were in an j immersion tank adjacent to the reactor vesse (4) While observing the ultrasonic calibration equipment activities, the inspector noted that the physical integrity of the calibration reflectors in the calibration blocks was not being maintained in all cases when the blocks were out of the immersion tank and not actually being used. The inspector indicated to the licensee that the integrity of the reflectors should be maintained at all times

. to prevent deterioration of the reflectors and that sufficient guidance should be provided to examination personnel for main-taining the integrity of the reflectors when the blocks were in a standby situatio The licensee indicated that the reflectors were protected while the blocks were in- the immersion tank but

< agreed that guidance for protection of the block reflectors, while the blocks are in the field, should be addressed either through procedural means or by the use of check-off sheet Pending issuance of guidance for the protection of the calibration block reflectors while being used in the field and subsequent NRC review of these guidelines this matter will be identified as IFI 50-424/85-46-01, Guidance for Maintaining Physical Integrity of


Reference Reflectors in U.T. Calibration Block Preservice Inspection, Data Review and Evaluation (73055B)


(1) Records of completed reactor vessel nondestructive examinations were selected and reviewe'd to ascertain whether the method (s),

technique, and extent of the examination complied with the PSI

, plan and applicable NDE procedures; findings were properly


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recorded and evaluated by qualified personnel; programmatic


deviations were recorded as required; personnel, instruments, calibration blocks, and NDE materials were designate The Records selected for this review are listed below:


Weld Identification Description


01-RV-003 Vessel Flange to Upper Shell


Circumferential Weld 01-RV-004 Upper Shell to Intermediate Shell Circumferential Weld 01-RV-012 Upper Shell Longitudinal Weld at 42 01-RV-013 Upper Shell Longitudinal Weld at 162 01-RV-014 Upper Shell Longitudinal Weld at 282 (2) During the review of the above data the inspector noted a discrepancy for a calibration check time period while calibration block ISI-D-401A was being used. The controlling procedure 10285-ISI-001 requires that, as a minimum, a calibration check be accomplished on the calibration block at least once every 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. The 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> time interval following the calibration checa


on August 24,1985, at 1720 was not accomplished because examina-tion personnel misinterpreted the calibration check criteria established by the controlling procedure. Discussior.s with CE personnel indicated that the error had been detected by CE and a satisfactory calibration check was made at 2030 on August 25, 198 As a result of the oversight a Construction Discrepant Condition report was initiated which described the incident and


examination personnel were reinstructed as to the intent of the calibration criteria in procedure 10285-ISI-00 The inspector reviewed supporting documentation relating to the above error and has no further questions regarding the inciden Within the areas examined no violations or deviations were identifie ' Inspector Followup Items (IFI) Units 1 and 2 (Closed) IFI 50-424, 425/85-23-01, Calibration Block Material Identification. This item concerns the material identification of certain ultrasonic calibration blocks being utilized by PPP NDE personne The licensee has received the necessary documentation from the manufacturer of the blocks in questio The inspector has reviewed the material certification documentation and considers this item closed.



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b. (Closed) IFI 50-424/85-25-01, Procedure UT-V-406, Clarification of Establishing Primary Reference Respons Deviation 001 to Procedure UT-V-406 has been issued and provides the necessary clarification for


establishing the primary reference response using the appropriate calibration block reflector The inspector reviewed the procedure with the accompanying deviation and has no further question regarding this matte c. (Closed) IFI 50-424/85-25-02, Procedure UT-V-404, Applicable Materia Deviation 001 to procedure UT-V-404 has been issued and prot ides sufficient information to comply with controlling documents with regard to materials and product form. The inspector reviewed the procedure with the accompanying deviation and has no further questions regarding this matter.



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