IR 05000327/1990013

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Insp Repts 50-327/90-13 & 50-328/90-13 on 900423-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Facilities,Equipment,Instrumentation,Supplies, Organization & Mgt Control & Independent Review/Audits
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/21/1990
From: Rankin W, Testa E
Shared Package
ML20043D299 List:
50-327-90-13, 50-328-90-13, NUDOCS 9006070349
Download: ML20043D302 (8)





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ltiAY 24 990 l

Report Nos.:

50-327/90-13 and 50-328/90-13 Licensee:

Tennessee Valley Authority

6N38 A Lookout place 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN-37402-2801

Docket Nos.:

60-327 and 50-328 License Nos.:

DpR-77 and DpR-79


Facility Name: Sequoyah I and 2 Inspection Conducted: April 23-27, 1990 Inspector: [lddt_ d



E. D. TFsta ate sign,e'd'_

Approved by: MdM2^^ -- k If


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ed Emergency preparednest, Section


Energency preparedness and Radiological protection Branch Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards e



s Scope:

This routine, unannounced inspection was' conducted in~ the area of emergency preparedness, and included review of the following progransnatic elenents:

(1) Radiological Eniergency Response Plan and;its implementing procedures; (2) energency facilities, equipnent, instrunentation',

and supplies; (3) organization and management control; (4) training; and (5) independent reviews / audits.



In the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.

The energency preparedness program received adequate managenent support.

Energency response facilities, equipment, and supplies were properly maintained.

Training of energency response personnel as inspected was effective.

The-requirements and consnitments addressed by the emergency preparedness program were effectively managed by the licensee's staff.

Records of program activities were maintained and auditable.

The findings of this inspection indicated that the licensee was adequately prepared to respond to a


radiological emergency at the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.

9006070349 '00524 ADOCKOSOOgpj<









Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • J. Bynum, Vice President Nuclear Power Production
  • W. Byrd, Manager Project Controls and financial Service
  • M. Cooper, Acting Site Licensing Manager
  • T. F11ppo. Quality Assurance Manager
  • C. Hudson, Manager, Corporate Radcon
  • C, Kent Manager, Radiological Protection
  • R. Kitts, Manager, Energency Preparedness - Chattanooga
  • T. Noble. Energency Preparedness Specialist, Sequoyah
  • J. Osborne, Health Physics
  • M. Palner, Manager, Radcon, Radiological Health
  • J. Profitt, Acting Compliance Licensing Manager


  • W. Smith, Quality Assurance Specialist
  • S. Spenser, Licensing Engineer
  • J. Steigelman, Health Physicist
  • P. Trudel, Project Engineer
  • J. Vincelli, Manager, Radcon Field Operations
  • C. Whittemore, Licensing Engineer
  • A. Vondra, Plant Manager i

Other licensee en@loyees contacted during this inspection included craf tsnen, engineers, operators, mechanics, security force members, technicians, and administrative personnel, t

Nuclear Regulatory Consnission

  • M. Elliott. Radiation Specialist
  • P. Harmon, Resident Inspector
  • R. Shortridge, Radiation Specialist
  • Attended exit interview (


Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedures (82701)

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(16),10 CFR 50.54(q), and Appendix E to l

10 CFR Part 50, this area was reviewed to determine whether changes were made to the program since the last routine inspection (April 1989), and to assess the impact of these changes on the overall state of emergency


preparedness at the facility.





The inspector reviewed the licensee's program for mLking changes to the Radiological Energency Plan (REP) and the Energency Plan Implementing


Procedures (EPIPs).

A review of selected licensee records confirned that i

all changes to the REP and EPIPs since April 1989 were approved by managenent and submitted to the NRC within 30 days of the effective date, as required.

The inspector reviewed the licensee's action in response to the following Information Notices (ins) and found the licensee had appropriately considered the applicability of the Information Notice to their facility and had taken appropriate action.

IN No.

,T_opic IN 90-08 Kr-85 Hazard from Decayed Fuel


IN 89-89 Event Notification Worksheet IN 89-72 Failure of Licensed Senior Operator to i

Classify Emergency Events Properly i

IN 89-46 Confidentiality of Exercise Scenarios IN 09-19 Health Physics Network Controlled copies of the Energency Telephone Directory, Radiological


Emergency Plan,(and EPIPs were audited in the Control Room, TechnicalTS Support Center The selected docunents examined were found to be a current revision.

The inslector reviewed six energency declarations made by the licensee


since t1e last inspection of April 1989.

All were classified as a i


Review of the Energency Action Level


(EAL) Classification procedure and conditions prompting the classification


indicated that the classifications - for all but one event were made


and that timely offsite notification had been made.

promptly, correctly (loss of both Unit 2 diesel generators at 6:15 p.m. on



The one exception


October 26,1989) had been cited as a violation in a separate report (89-25,04).


No violations or deviations were identified.

l 3.

Energency Facilities, Equipment Instrunentation, and Supplies (82701)

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(8) and (9), 10 CFR 50.54(q), and Section IV.E l

of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, this area was inspected to determine.

whether the licensee's energency response facilities (ERFs) and other essential emergency equipment, instrunentation, and supplies were maintained in a state of operational readiness, and to assess the impact of any changes in this area upon the energency preparedness program.







The inspector toured the licensee's ERFs, including-the Control Room, TSC, and Operational Support Center (OSC) and CECC.

The facilities and emergency equipn.ent therein appeared to be maintained in an appropriate state of readiness.

According to observaticns by the inspector and statenents by licensee representatives, no significant changes in the facilities were made since the last inspection.

The inspector selectively reviewed the licensee's docunentation of required equipment and supplies inventory and maintenance records



Attachmeg Frequency a.

Main Control Room Corridor Cabinet Table A Annually Table B Quarterly b.

Communication Room Table A Annually Table B Quarterly c.

Radiological Control Lab Monthly d.

Site Emergency Supplies Quarterly-e.

Self-Contained Breathing Air Monthly f.

Emergency Van Quarterly g.

Hospital Energency Room Cabinet Quarterly h.


Quarterly i.

OSC Cabinets (References and Supplies)

Quarterly l


inventory records were complete and equipment supplies were maintained as listed on the attachments.


The inspector reviewed the licensee's documentation of required monthly conanications tests in the TSC and OSC for the period April 1989 to


l March 1990. According to the records, and selective operational checks by the inspector, the connunication lines in the facilities were maintained




The inspector viewed the first of four new Environmental Monitoring Vans and the new Screening Yan.

The vans were roon'y, well layed out and l

attention given to the ergonomics of their intended us __.. _ -





The inspector witnessed a pager test conducted on April 24, 1990, initiated at 2:43 p.m. to test the ability to staff the CECC. Review of the Paging System Status Report indicated that all Ley CECC positions had answered the page and sufficient personnel were available to staff the CECC within the 60 minute concitnent.

The inspector selectively reviewed test records for the Prompt Notification System (PNS) sirens.

The siren availability for the entire year of 1989 was observed to be 97.6 percent and for 1990 to date (three months) it was observed to be 96.3 percent.

The system consisted of 107 fixed sirens.

The licensee was in. the process of final acceptance testing for a con:puterized data logger and feedback system to monitor the activation and operability of the PNS.

The inspector selectively reviewed placement of evacuation signs by independently traveling two evacuation routes.

Signs were found in good repair and at steted 'Dcations.


A sclective revf-t the licensee's agreement letters for hospitals, ambulance suppor'

ud offsite Fire Department Support found them to be current.

No violations or deviations were identified.

Organization and Managenent Control (82701)




Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(1) and (16) and Section IV.A of Appendix E to 10 CFR part 50, this area was inspected to determine the effects of any changes in the licensee's erergency response organization and/or management control systems of the energency preparedness program and to verify thet such changes were properly factored into the REP and EPIPS.

The organization and managenent of the energency preaaredness program were


reviewed and discussed with a licensee representative.

The reporting


chain for the Energency Preparedness Coordinator has been changed from Site Support Manager / Site Director to Site Programs and Facilities Manager to Site Programs Manager to Site Director.

This change made in November 1989 has caused no observable change in the site program at this time, i

The corporate support organization has undergone a reduction in force (RIF) from 19 persons during the last inspection to 12 persons.

The impact of this change was not directly visible.

The shift of responsibility for the exercise scenario from the corporate organization to the site organization has occurred but no exercises have yet been observed. Other changes brought about by the reduction in force include a reassignnent of the Connunication Testing to the Teleconmunication group.

l i




The inspector ieviewed the licensee's methodology for program maintenance.

The following procedure was reviewed:

EPIP 19 Radiological Energency Preparedness Training and Drills Review of selected records showed that Radiological Emergency Preparedness Training and Drills were being done and coniplete records were maintained and available for review.

No violations or deviations were identified.


IndependentReview/ Audits (82701)

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(14) and (16) and 10 CFR 50.54(t), this area was inspected to determine whether the licensee had performed an independent review of the audit of the emergency preparedness program, and whether the licensee had a corrective action system for deficiencies and weaknesses identified during exercise and drills.

Records of emergency preparedness audits were reviewed.

An independent audit conducted by the Division of Nuclear Quality Assurance (DNQA) was reviewed.

The audit resort was documented in Report NO. $$A 89909, dated July 14, 1989.

11e report identified one significant finding (" conditions adverse to quality") in the licensee's terminology with regard to the Sequoyah Emergency Preparedness Program.

This item had been satisfactorily resolved. The referenced audit fulfilled the 12-month frequency requirement for such an aud.t. The report provided evidence that the State and local governnent interface was properly evaluated.

Audit findings and recon,mendations were presented to plant and corporate management.

The inspector reviewed the experience and background of the independent EP audit team and found them well qualified in the EP area to perform an indepth audit of the program.

Items identified in the audit and drill and exercise critiques were followed for close out on the Activities Management and Oversight System (AMOS).

The inspector determined that the licensee was effectively using AMOS as a management tool for ensuring the timely completion and corrective action for energency preparedness problems.

The part of the audit involving the evaluations for adequacy of interface with State and local governn:ents was transmitted to the State of Tennessee by letter on August 14, 1989.

The inspector contacted the State and one of the local counties to access their working relationship with the license. The working relationship was characterized as effective and technically supportive.



l l





The inspector reviewed the critique iten:s identified during the following drills:


January 11, 1990 January 25, 1990



February 1, 1990 Drill critiques appeared to be detailed and in depth and identified items were actively pursued for closcout.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Training (82701)

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2) and (15), and Section IV. F of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, this area was inspected to determine whether the licensee's key emergency response personnel were properly trained and understood their emergency responsibilities.

The inspector attended a Plant Operating Review Comittee (PORC) on April 26, 1990, at which the revised EPIP Emergency Plan. Classification Logic was presented, discussed and approved for use.

The inspector then conducted an interview with one Shif t Operations Su3ervisor, who was given five different sets of hypothetical emergency cond'tions and plant data, and was asked in each case to talk through the response he would provide l

as Site Emergency Director if such conditions actually existed.



individual using the newly approved EPIPs demonstrated comprehensive


knowledge of the REP and newly revised EPIPs.

No problems were observed in the areas of event classification, protective action decision-making, and notifications.


The inspector selectively reviewed training records, and Emergency Plan training), requirements as delineated in Administrative Instruction 14 (PartXV Revision 1 beginning on page seven. Nineteen randomly selected l

records were chosen and included at least one person from each of the EP-I Response Positions.

All records were found to be complete and the required training accomplished and current.

No violations or deviations were identified.



l l


(Closed) Inspector Follow-up Item (IFI) 50-327, 328/89-13-01:


Elimination of the Distinction in EPIP-1 Between " Declaration" and l

" Reporting" of an Emergency.

The licensee revised the wording in Section 3.0 of EPIP-1 to address


this concern.

Training on this revision had been provide,






(Closed) Ifl 50-327, 328/89-13-02:

Addition of an Entry for " Tine Event Terminated or Classification Changed" on the Operations Duty Supervisor (ODS) notification forms, r

The ODS forms have been revised to incorporate these changes, c.

(Closed) IFI 50-327, 328/89-13-03:

Development of a system for retaining surveillance records completed in accordance with EPIP-17.

EPIP 17 has been revised to include Section 2.8 "All inventory forms will be retained by the SQN Energency Preparedness Manager at least two years beginning with the first Quarter of 1990."


(Closed)IFl 50-327,328/89-20-01:

Exercise Inconsistencies resulted from controller provided incorrect data and controller altered data.

An extensive training program was conducted for exercise controllers.

This training emphasized not ' deviating from the scenario. ~ Three exercises have been held with no controller problem identified.

t c.

(Closed) Ifl 50-327, 328/89-20-02:

Delayed activation of the TSC, 050, and CEEC identified for corrective action by licensee.

The CECC directors checklist had been formalized in Anpendix G of the revised CECC EPIP 5.

The checklist identified the key positions required to be filled in order to declare the center activated. The


licensee also conducted TSC and OSC staffing drills to demonstrate that the energency centers could be activated within acceptable tine limits.


(Closed) IFl 50-327, 328/89-20-03:

Plant personnel were not kept apprised of accident status.

EPIP-6 had been revised to remind the Station Eniergency Director (SED) to periodically update plant personnel on key events.


(Closed) IFl 50-327, 328/89-20-04:

Licensee failed to follow Protective Action Reconnendations (PARS) guidance as the bases for reconnendation to the State.


The CECC EPIP-5 was revised to formalize the CECC Director Checklist in Appendix G.

The checklist identifies the need to confer with other Ley CECC staff and n:ake PARS to the State as appropriate. The PAR guidance was successfully demonstrated during the BFN exercise.


Exit Interview The inspection scope and results were sunnarized on April 27, 1990, with those persons indicated in Paragraph 1.

Although proprietary infonnation was reviewed during this inspection, none is contained in this report.


I Licensee managenent was inforned that seven IFis were considered closed.
