IR 05000327/2020004

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Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2020004 and 05000328/2020004
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 01/29/2021
From: Tom Stephen
Division Reactor Projects II
To: Jim Barstow
Tennessee Valley Authority
IR 2020004
Download: ML21029A093 (15)


January 29, 2021


SEQUOYAH, UNITS 1 AND 2 - INTEGRATED INSPECTION REPORT 05000327/2020004 AND 05000328/2020004

Dear Mr. Barstow:

On December 31, 2020, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an inspection at Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2. On January 12, 2021, the NRC inspectors discussed the results of this inspection with Mr. Scott Hunnewell and other members of your staff. The results of this inspection are documented in the enclosed report.

No findings or violations of more than minor significance were identified during this inspection.

This letter, its enclosure, and your response (if any) will be made available for public inspection and copying at and at the NRC Public Document Room in accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 2.390, Public Inspections, Exemptions, Requests for Withholding.



Thomas A. Stephen, Chief Reactor Projects Branch #5 Division of Reactor Projects

Docket Nos. 05000327 and 05000328 License Nos. DPR-77 and DPR-79


As stated

Inspection Report

Docket Numbers:

05000327 and 05000328

License Numbers:

DPR-77 and DPR-79

Report Numbers:

05000327/2020004 and 05000328/2020004

Enterprise Identifier: I-2020-004-0054


Tennessee Valley Authority


Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2


Soddy Daisy, TN 37379

Inspection Dates:

October 01, 2020 to December 31, 2020


J. Bundy, Operations Engineer

N. Childs, Resident Inspector

C. Fontana, Emergency Preparedness Inspector

D. Hardage, Senior Resident Inspector

S. Sanchez, Senior Emergency Preparedness Insp

J. Viera, Senior Operations Engineer

J. Walker, Emergency Response Inspector

Approved By:

Thomas A. Stephen, Chief

Reactor Projects Branch #5

Division of Reactor Projects


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) continued monitoring the licensees performance by conducting an integrated inspection at Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2, in accordance with the Reactor Oversight Process. The Reactor Oversight Process is the NRCs program for overseeing the safe operation of commercial nuclear power reactors. Refer to for more information.

List of Findings and Violations

No findings or violations of more than minor significance were identified.

Additional Tracking Items

Type Issue Number Title Report Section Status LER 05000328/2020-001-00 LER 2020-001-00 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Unit 2, Ice Bed Inoperable Due to Exceeding Maximum Allowed Ice Bed Temperature 71153 Closed


Unit 1 and Unit 2 operated at or near rated thermal power for the entire inspection period.


Inspections were conducted using the appropriate portions of the inspection procedures (IPs) in effect at the beginning of the inspection unless otherwise noted. Currently approved IPs with their attached revision histories are located on the public website at Samples were declared complete when the IP requirements most appropriate to the inspection activity were met consistent with Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2515, Light-Water Reactor Inspection Program - Operations Phase. The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, and interviewed personnel to assess licensee performance and compliance with Commission rules and regulations, license conditions, site procedures, and standards.

Starting on March 20, 2020, in response to the National Emergency declared by the President of the United States on the public health risks of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19),resident inspectors were directed to begin telework and to remotely access licensee information using available technology. During this time, the resident inspectors performed periodic site visits each week; conducted plant status activities as described in IMC 2515, Appendix D, Plant Status; observed risk-significant activities; and completed on-site portions of IPs. In addition, resident and regional baseline inspections were evaluated to determine if all or portions of the objectives and requirements stated in the IP could be performed remotely. If the inspections could be performed remotely, they were conducted per the applicable IP. In some cases, portions of an IP were completed remotely and on-site. The inspections documented below met the objectives and requirements for completion of the IP.


71111.01 - Adverse Weather Protection

Seasonal Extreme Weather Sample (IP Section 03.01) (1 Sample)

(1) The inspectors evaluated readiness for seasonal extreme weather conditions prior to the onset of seasonal cold temperatures for the following systems:
  • Unit 1 and Unit 2 Emergency Raw Cooling Water on November 10, 2020
  • Unit 1 and Unit 2 Condensate Storage Tanks on November 10, 2020

71111.04 - Equipment Alignment

Partial Walkdown Sample (IP Section 03.01) (4 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated system configurations during partial walkdowns of the following systems/trains:

(1)1B auxiliary feedwater (AFW) pump and the turbine driven AFW pump while 1A AFW pump was out of service for maintenance on October 7, 2020.

(2) Unit 2 A train emergency core cooling system (ECCS) pumps and 2A-A emergency diesel generator (EDG) alignment while 2B centrifugal charging pump was out of service for maintenance on October 29, 2020.
(3) Vital instrument board 2-I with invertor 2-I out of service for transformer replacement on November 4, 2020.
(4) Unit 2 auxiliary feedwater following surveillance testing on the turbine driven AFW on December 20, 2020.

71111.05 - Fire Protection

Fire Area Walkdown and Inspection Sample (IP Section 03.01) (5 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated the implementation of the fire protection program by conducting a walkdown and performing a review to verify program compliance, equipment functionality, material condition, and operational readiness of the following fire areas:

(1) Unit 2 Auxiliary Building, Elevation 669 on October 7, 2020
(2) Unit 1 and 2 Auxiliary Building, Elevation 714 on October 29, 2020
(3) Unit 1 and 2 Auxiliary Building (Non-RCA), Elevation 749 on November 2, 2020
(4) Unit 1 Auxiliary Building, Elevation 690 on December 19, 2020
(5) Unit 2 Auxiliary Building, Elevation 690 on December 20, 2020

71111.11A - Licensed Operator Requalification Program and Licensed Operator Performance

Requalification Examination Results (IP Section 03.03) (1 Sample)

(1) The licensee completed the annual requalification operating examinations required to be administered to all licensed operators in accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 55.59(a)(2), "Requalification Requirements," of the NRC's "Operator's Licenses." During the week of December 28, 2020, the inspector performed an in-office review of the overall pass/fail results of the individual operating examinations and the crew simulator operating examinations in accordance with Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.11, "Licensed Operator Requalification Program." These results were compared to the thresholds established in Section 3.02, "Requalification Examination Results of IP 71111.11.

The inspectors reviewed and evaluated the licensed operator examination failure rates for the requalification annual operating exam completed on December 17, 2020.

71111.11B - Licensed Operator Requalification Program and Licensed Operator Performance

Licensed Operator Requalification Program (IP Section 03.04) (1 Sample)


71111.11B - Licensed Operator Requalification Program and Licensed Operator


Licensed Operator Requalification Program (IP Section 03.04) (1 Sample)

The inspectors completed an inspection to verify the licensees ability to evaluate the performance of their licensed operators during the conduct of examinations, to assess their ability to properly develop and administer requalification annual operating tests and biennial written examinations, to evaluate the performance of the control room simulator and their testing and maintenance of the simulator, to ensure that licensed individuals satisfy the conditions of their licenses, and to assess their effectiveness in ensuring that operator license conditions are satisfied.

Biennial Requalification Written Examinations

The inspectors evaluated the quality of the licensed operator biennial requalification written examination administered on 11/25/2020.

Annual Requalification Operating Tests

The inspectors evaluated the adequacy of the facility licensees annual requalification operating tests.

Administration of an Annual Requalification Operating Test

The inspectors evaluated the effectiveness of the facility licensee in administering requalification operating tests required by 10 CFR 55.59(a)(2) and that the facility licensee is effectively evaluating their licensed operators for mastery of training objectives.

Requalification Examination Security

The inspectors evaluated the ability of the facility licensee to safeguard examination material, such that the examination is not compromised.

Remedial Training and Re-examinations

The inspectors evaluated the effectiveness of remedial training conducted by the licensee, and reviewed the adequacy of re-examinations for licensed operators who did not pass a required requalification examination.

Operator License Conditions

The inspectors evaluated the licensees program for ensuring that licensed operators meet the conditions of their licenses.

Control Room Simulator

The inspectors evaluated the adequacy of the facility licensees control room simulator in modeling the actual plant, and for meeting the requirements contained in 10 CFR 55.46.

Problem Identification and Resolution

The inspectors evaluated the licensees ability to identify and resolve problems associated with licensed operator performance.

71111.11Q - Licensed Operator Requalification Program and Licensed Operator Performance

Licensed Operator Performance in the Actual Plant/Main Control Room (IP Section 03.01) (1 Sample)

(1) The inspectors observed and evaluated licensed operator performance in the main control room during testing of the Unit 2 steam driven auxiliary feedwater pump on December 16, 2020.

Licensed Operator Requalification Training/Examinations (IP Section 03.02) (1 Sample)

(1) The inspectors observed and evaluated a simulator examination scenario on November 16, 2020.

71111.12 - Maintenance Effectiveness

Maintenance Effectiveness (IP Section 03.01) (3 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated the effectiveness of maintenance to ensure the following structures, systems, and components (SSCs) remain capable of performing their intended function:

(1) Essential raw cooling water (ERCW) leak on B emergency gas treatment system room cooler on May 26, 2020.
(2) Unit 1 and Unit 2 ice condenser system health rating degraded to red; monitored by system function 061-B (absorb thermal energy) on September 30, 2020.
(3) Unit 1 and Unit 2 radiation monitor recorders justification to return to (a)(2) on October 28, 2020.

71111.13 - Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control

Risk Assessment and Management Sample (IP Section 03.01) (4 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated the accuracy and completeness of risk assessments for the following planned and emergent work activities to ensure configuration changes and appropriate work controls were addressed:

(1) Unit 1 and 2, week of October 4-10 including protected equipment status reviews for scheduled maintenance on 1A AFW pump and the B Common Station Service Transformer.
(2) Unit 1 and 2, week of October 26-30 including protected equipment status reviews for scheduled maintenance on ERCW pump N-B, centrifugal charging pump B, main control room chiller B, ERCW traveling screen C-B, and reactor refuel transfer canal upgrade/stage 1.
(3) Unit 1 and 2, week of November 29 - December 5 including protected equipment status reviews for scheduled maintenance on 2B start bus and replacement of ERCW piping to A Main Control Room Chiller.
(4) Unit 1, Equipment protection and high-risk management plan reviews for scaffold build/removal on top of the 6.9 kV shutdown boards 1A-A and 1B-B, on December 17, 2020.

71111.15 - Operability Determinations and Functionality Assessments

Operability Determination or Functionality Assessment (IP Section 03.01) (5 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated the licensee's justifications and actions associated with the following operability determinations and functionality assessments:

(1) Power Operated Relief Valve (PORV) Block Valve 1-FCV-68-333 Initial Close stroke time in Required Action range during periodic testing (CR 1649761)
(2) Dropped object in Unit 1 reactor building equipment pit (CR 1646282)


"B main control room tripped on low oil pressure and would not reset (CR 1644601)

(4) Batteries identified in the Diesel Fire Pump did not meet acceptance criteria (CR


(5) Cooling water valve 2-FCV-67-348 for 2B-B 669 penetration room cooler found mispositioned (CR1654207)

71111.18 - Plant Modifications

Temporary Modifications and/or Permanent Modifications (IP Section 03.01 and/or 03.02) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated the following temporary or permanent modifications:

(1) Temporary Modification SQN-2-2020-062-001, Crimp and inject sealant into Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) drain line.

71111.19 - Post-Maintenance Testing

Post-Maintenance Test Sample (IP Section 03.01)===

The inspectors evaluated the following post-maintenance test activities to verify system operability and functionality:

(1) Work order (WO) 120196536, Component Cooling Water System (CCS) Pump Safety Injection (SI) Reset After Blackout Time Delay Relay Setpoint Verification and Calibration on October 5, 2020.
(2) WO 120398911, 1-MOVP-3-116B-A, ERCW Header A Isolation, Perform Motor-Operated Valve (MOV) Inspection on October 6, 2020.
(3) WO 121661566, B Main Control Room Chiller Oil Pump Assembly Replacement After Oil/Pump Motor Vibrations was Found Elevated on October 21, 2020.
(4) WO 120170129, 120V AC Vital Inverter 2-I - Replace Transformers on November 4, 2020.
(5) WO 121632394, Diesel Fire Pump Battery Failure, Replace Battery #1 on October 8, 2020.
(6) WO 121351042, DCN 23777 Stage 1 Modification of ERCW 6 Piping on December 5, 2020.

71111.22 - Surveillance Testing

The inspectors evaluated the following surveillance tests:

Surveillance Tests (other) (IP Section 03.01)

(1)1-SI-SXV-000-201.1, Full Stroking of Category A and B Valves Required in all Modes for 1-FCV-068-0333A on November 4, 2020.

(2)0-SI-SXP-067-202.C, ERCW Traveling Screen Wash Pump C-B Performance, on December 9, 2020.

(3)2-SI-SXP-003-201.S, Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump 2A-S Performance Test on December 16, 2020.

Inservice Testing (IP Section 03.01) (1 Sample)

(1)1-SI-SXP-070-201.B, Component Cooling Pump 1B-B Performance Test on December 7, 2020.

FLEX Testing (IP Section 03.02) (1 Sample)

(1)0-PI-FPU-360-020.0, Operation of the Low Pressure FLEX Pumps (Tritons and Dominators) on October 1, 2020.

71114.02 - Alert and Notification System Testing

Inspection Review (IP Section 02.01-02.04) (1 Sample)

(1) The inspectors evaluated the maintenance and testing of the alert and notification system during the week of October 19, 2020.

71114.03 - Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Augmentation System

Inspection Review (IP Section 02.01-02.02) (1 Sample)

(1) The inspectors evaluated the readiness of the Emergency Response Organization during the week of October 19, 2020.

71114.04 - Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes

Inspection Review (IP Section 02.01-02.03) (1 Sample)

(1) The inspectors evaluated submitted Emergency Action Level, Emergency Plan, and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure changes during the week of October 19, 2020. This evaluation does not constitute NRC approval.

71114.05 - Maintenance of Emergency Preparedness

Inspection Review (IP Section 02.01 - 02.11) (1 Sample)

(1) The inspectors evaluated the maintenance of the emergency preparedness program during the week of October 19, 2020.

71114.06 - Drill Evaluation

Drill/Training Evolution Observation (IP Section 03.02) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated:

(1) The inspectors observed and evaluated a simulator drill scenario which included an anticipated transient without a scram (ATWAS), a faulted steam generator and emergency plan classifications on November 16,


===71151 - Performance Indicator Verification

The inspectors verified licensee performance indicators submittals listed below:

EP01: Drill/Exercise Performance (IP Section 02.12)===

(1) EP01: Drill & Exercise Performance for the period October 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020.

EP02: ERO Drill Participation (IP Section 02.13) (1 Sample)

(1) EP02: Emergency Response Organization Drill Participation for the period October 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020.

EP03: Alert & Notification System Reliability (IP Section 02.14) (1 Sample)

(1) EP03: Alert & Notification System Reliability for the period October 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020.

71152 - Problem Identification and Resolution

Semiannual Trend Review (IP Section 02.02) (1 Sample)

(1) The inspectors reviewed the licensees corrective action program for potential adverse trends in 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix R lighting reliability that might be indicative of a more significant safety issue.

Annual Follow-up of Selected Issues (IP Section 02.03) (1 Sample)

The inspectors reviewed the licensees implementation of its corrective action program related to the following issues:

(1) The inspectors conducted safety culture interviews with Operations, Operations Training and Emergency Preparedness personnel. The inspectors concluded the interviewees understood the various methods of reporting safety concerns and were willing to use them without fear of retaliation.

71153 - Followup of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion Event Report (IP Section 03.02)

The inspectors evaluated the following licensee event reports (LERs):

(1) LER 05000328/2020-001-00, Ice Bed Inoperable Due to Exceeding Maximum Allowed Ice Bed Temperature (ADAMS accession: ML20262G938) The inspectors determined that it was not reasonable to foresee or correct the cause discussed in the LER therefore no performance deficiency was identified. The inspectors also concluded that no violation of NRC requirements occurred.

Personnel Performance (IP Section 03.03) (1 Sample)

(1) The inspectors evaluated an unexpected reactor coolant system (RCS) level change during partial drain down on Unit 2 due to a blockage in the reactor head vent path and the licensees response on April 13,


No findings were identified.


The inspectors verified no proprietary information was retained or documented in this report.

  • On January 12, 2021, the inspectors presented the integrated inspection results to Mr.

Scott Hunnewell and other members of the licensee staff.

  • On October 22, 2020, the inspectors presented the Emergency Preparedness Program inspection results to Mr. Scott Hunnewell and other members of the licensee staff.






Description or Title

Revision or






Freeze Protection Insulation Inspection

Revision 10



Freeze Protection

Revision 65




Clearance section for centrifugal charging pump 2B-B





20 Volt AV Vital Instrument System

Revision 73


Auxiliary Feedwater System

Revision 60


Auxiliary Feedwater System

Revision 52


Fire Plans


Fire Protection Pre-Fire Plan Auxiliary Building - El. 669 (Unit


Revision 12


Fire Protection Pre-Fire Plans Auxiliary Building (El. 690 Unit 1


Revision 9


Fire Protection Pre-Fire Plans Auxiliary Building (El. 690 Unit 2


Revision 9


Pre-Fire Plan Auxiliary Building (El 714 Col. A1-15, Q-U)

Revision 7


Pre-Fire Plan Auxiliary Building (El. 714, Col. U-X)

Revision 8


Fire Protection Pre-Fire Plans Auxiliary Building (El. 749 Unit 1


Revision 12


Fire Protection Pre-Fire Plans Auxiliary Building (El. 749 Unit 2


Revision 13


Corrective Action


CR 1642774

Simulator Issue Delayed Operator Exam

SWO 5892, During LOR exam scenario, the simulation

executive program unexpectedly stopped running



Job Performance

Measures [JPMs]

20 week 2 and 3, administered JPMs

Scenario SX-203

20 Annual Exam (Week 3)

Rev 1

Scenario SX-204

20 Annual Exam (Week 3)

Rev 1

Scenario SX-208

20 Annual Exam (Week 2)

Rev 1

Scenario SX-212

20 Annual Exam (Week 2)

Rev 1

Written Exam

Licensed Operator Requalification, Week 2 RO and SRO

written exam






Description or Title

Revision or


71111.11Q Miscellaneous



LOR Cycle 20-6 Simulator Evaluation

Revision 0


Corrective Action


CR 1611076

Leak on B-B EGTS room cooler



Unit 1 and Unit 2 Ice Condenser (System 61) Health Reports,

FY20 - P2

Maintenance Rule Expert Panel Meeting Package




Evaluation (CDE)


Pin hole leak discovered on lower left tube of B ETGS Room





Maintenance Rule Performance Indicator Monitoring,

Trending, and Reporting - 10CFR50.65

Revision 35



High risk management plan for scaffold build/removal on top of

the 6.9 kV shutdown boards 1A-A and 1B-B


0-PE-2020 / 1-


Protected equipment list for 6900V shutdown board 1A-A


0-PE-2020 / 2-


Protected equipment list for 2B start bus outage


0-TO-2020-W/W /


Clearance section 6.9kV start bus maintenance




System Operability Checklists

Revision 25






1-FCV-68-333 Initial Close Stroke Time in Required Action

Range during Periodic Testing




Evaluation of vibration and oil analysis for the B MCR Chiller




Engineering Work Request - Gothic Modeling Support for 669'

Pen Room Cooler POE

Revision 0



Past operability evaluation for CR 1654207, 2B 669'

penetration room cooler's temperature control valve

mispositioned rendering associated cooler not functional


Prompt Determination of Operability for 'B' MCR chiller trip on

low low oil pressure





Crimp and Inject Sealant into CVCS Drain Line

Revision 0





Description or Title

Revision or





Corrective Action


CR 1656292

Incorrect PMT performed on Diesel Fire Pump Battery #1





ASME Section XI Inservice Pressure Test

Revision 25



Testing of Category A and B Valves after Work Activities, upon

Release from a Hold Order, or when transferred from other


Revision 7



20 VAC Vital Invertor Functional Test

Revision 22


Setpoint Verification and Calibration for Time Delay Relays

Associated with Load Shedding Logic

Revision 27

Work Orders


MCR Chiller B Oil Pump Assembly Replacement



Corrective Action


CR 1649761

PORV Block Valve 1-FCV-68-333 Declared Inoperable due to

failed valve strike





ASME Code Valve Testing

Revision 15

Work Orders

21747517, 121793345


Corrective Action


CR 1643011

Adverse Trend in Appendix R lighting reliability



Sequoyah Site Trimester Performance Assessment - June -

September 2020


Corrective Action


CR 1601135

Unit 2 experienced an unexpected valid level rise on both

channels of Mansell during partial drain down RCS condition


CR 1602014

Refuel floor communications for abnormal indications CETNA

