IR 05000327/1989023
ML19353A959 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Sequoyah ![]() |
Issue date: | 11/08/1989 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML19353A953 | List: |
References | |
50-327-89-23, 50-328-89-23, NUDOCS 8912080156 | |
Download: ML19353A959 (10) | |
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s Report Nos.:.50-327/89-23 and 50-328/89-23
Licensee:. Tennessee Valley Authority A
.6N38 A Lookout Place
1101 Market Street
Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801
Facility Name: 'Sequoyah 1 and 2
Inspection Conducted: October 2-6, 1989-Inspector:
'Aec y # /9E 9
J. R. Harris Date Signed
' Approved W MV
//' & /f/P T. Conlon, Chief Date Signed
Plant. Systems Section Engineering Branch'
Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY i,
/ Scope:
L This routine, unannounced inspection was in the areas of fire prevention / fire
, protection.
In the. areas inspected, violations or deviations were not identified.
L L-
.The inspector identified the following strengths in the implementation of the-licensee's fire protection program:
p The licensee's training program for the full time dedicated fire fighting
brigade appears to be effective.
The licensee's management is responsive to NRC initiatives.
This is
evident based on the licensee's corrective actions taken during the inspection for the discrepancies identified in the implementation of fire protection administrative procedures.
No weaknesses were identified 89120B0156 891121
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Persons Contacted Licensee Employees
- M. Cooper, Compliance Licensing Supervisor
- R. Kemer Section Supervisor Fire Protection
- J. Lapoint, Site Director i
- M. Lorek, Operating
- C.-Wood, Quality Assurance
- C Whiltemore, Site Licensing
- C. Vondra, Plant Manager Other licensee employees contacted during this inspection included i
craftsmen, engineers, operators, mechanics, security force members, technicians, and administrative personnel.
NRC Resident Inspector
- P. E. Harmon, Resident Inspector 2.
Fire Protection / Prevention Program (64704)
i a.
Fire Prevention Administrative Control Procedures'
Procedure No Revision Title i
'AI-15 Rev. 18 Torch Cutting, Welding, Open Flame l-Grinding and Spark Froducing Work,
Permit-i PHYSI-13 Rev. 72 Fire PHYSI-13C Rev. 4 Diesel Generator Building Pre Fire Plan
PHYSI 13 W Rev. 1 ERCW Pumping Station Pre Fire Plan PHYSI BX Rev. O Pre Fire Plan for Charging Pump l
Room and Safety Injection Pump Room Based on the inspectors review, it appears that the above procedures meet the NRC Guidelines of the document entitled, " Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Functional Responsibilities, Administrative Controls, and Quality Assurance," dated June 1977.
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Fire Protection Surveillance Procedures The inspector reviewed the following fire protection _ system surveillance and maintenance procedures:
Procedure Nos.
Title SI-122(Rev.6,7/16/88)
High Pressure Fire Protection System (yard) Hydraulic Performance
Verification SI-107(Rev22,3/3/88)
Fire Header Valve Lineup Inspection SI-175 (Rev. 52, 2/33/89)
Low Pressure Co, System
Level and Pressure Verification SI-190 (Rev11,.4/20/87)
Monthly Fire Hose-Station Inventory SI-233.1 (Rev. 5, 12/22/88)
Visual Inspection of Penetration Fire Barriers Mechanical System 302
Visual Inspection of Penetration Fire Barriers Electrical System 302 SI-233.3 (Rev 7, 7/21/89)
Visual Inspection of Penetration Fire Barriers, Fire Dampers
SI-233.4 (Rev 7, 8/9/88)
Visual Inspection of Thermal Fire Barriers SI-233.5 (Rev 3, 11/17/86)
Visual Inspection of Miscellaneous Fire Barriers
MI-10.11 (Rev 4, 3/10/89)
Checking and Testing of Battery
L Pack Emergency Lighting HI-10.56(Rev1,9/16/86)
The above surveillance and maintenance procedures were reviewed to i
l determine if the various tests outlines and test instructions adequately implement the requirements of the plant's Fire Protection Technical Specifications.
In addition, these procedures were reviewed to determine if the inspection and instructions followed general industry fire protection practices, NRC fire protection program guidelines, and guidelines of the National Fire Protection
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(NFPA) Fire Codes.
The inspector also verified that procedure SI.233.4 had been revised to correct Inspector Followup Item 50-327, 328/88-54-06 identified during an inspection conducted on November 14-18, 1988.
The inspector reviewed the following fire protection system surveillance inspections and tests:
Procedures No.
Tests Results Reviewed SI-167 (Monthly)
2/21/89,3/21/89,4/23/89 5/21/89,6/27/89,7/24/89 8/25/89,9/26/89 SI-175(Weekly)
1/6/89 through 7/17/89 SI-190 (Monthly)
3/10/89,4/10/89,5/22/89 6/19/89,7/31/89,8/31/89 SI-233.3(18 Months)
2/3/88 7/5/89 MI-10.56 (3 Months)
7/24/88,10/24/88,1/6/89,4/10/89,7/24/89 The surveillance test record data and testing frequency associated with the above fire protection system serveillance test inspections
- i were found to be satisfactory with regard to meeting the plant Technical Specifications for fire protection.
Fire Protection Audit The most recent audit report was reviewed.
This was Audit Report SQA8995.
Fire Protection and Loss Prevention (Annual / Triennial)
conducted August 2-11, 1989.
This audit identified a number of items requiring improvements.
These items are listed below:
Contrary to ONP-STD-5.7900, prefire plans have SQ A890450915
not been prepared for all critical and high hazards in the SR and 80P. Scheduled completion
date is September 30, 1990 SQ A890101915 -
Manual release valves for fire protection preaction sprinkle systems should have labels or drawings designating the area protected.
Scheduled completion date is October 31, 1989 Sequoyah's Fire Hazard Analysis Tables should be SQA890102915
reviewed to ensure they accurately reflect the l
current fire hazards (0 pen)
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Utilization of commitment data base (0 pen)
Ensure that the fire protection impairment SQA890104915
instructions can be effectively implemented with the planned reduced staffing levels.
Completion date October 15, 1989 The. inspector reviewed the proposed corrective action on_ these finding and the. scheduled completion date for these findings.
Fire Brigade
Organization The station fire brigade is being reorganized.
The staff was c
formally composed of thirty full time professional fire fighters. The staff has been reduced to fifteen members. These
members are J. Allen, G. Camilleri, J. Carr, R. Chambers, G.
Dickey, D. Dotson, E. Hargis, J. Holdbrooks, J. Johnson. G.
Kelly, B. Kennedy, M. Partrick, L. Reed, G. Williams and G.
Young. The training of the above persons was reviewed and found to be acceptable.
TVA is presently replacing some of the staff with Auxiliary Unit
The inspector reviewed and found acceptable the -
training of the following operators:
J. Andrews, T. Cooper, J.-
Headrick, J. Sparks, J. Stinson, T. Taylor,- C. Turner, E.
Varnet, E. Williams, G. Williams and M. Witt.
These members have ' been trained 'in accordance with NFPA 1001-1987, Standard l
for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications.
To meet regulatory requirements, the licensee must have a
minimum of five trained fire fighters available during each l-shift.
The licensee's current staffing meets this requirement.
The training provided to the full time fire fighters and Auxiliary Unit Operators is in accordance with NFPA requirements and meets NRC regulatory requirements.
l 2.
Fire Brigade Drill During this inspection the inspector witnessed an unannounced fire brigade drill.
The drill scenario was smoke coming out of the north door of the cable spreading room at elevation 706.
The selection of the fire fighting equipment was appropriate for the - drill scenario.
Personnel protection equipment included Self Contained Breathing Apparatus which was worn appropriately by the fire brigade members.
Three 1-1/2 inch standpipe packs were used with a gated wye from standpipe hoselines.
- #
and advancement of hoselines were appropriate.
Fire operetions demonstrated knowledge of standpipe operations and sector
Directions to auxiliary unit operators were'appro-priate with the command post.
Use of water spray for cable trays was correct and search techniques were used appropriately.
Comunications were well established and clear.
The fire brigade leader and incident comander set up and maintained an organized fire group.
During the drill the inspector evaluated the brigade performance in the following areas:
Response time to the fire scene
Fire ground comand by the FBL
Brigade fire fighting methods
Fire fighting strategy
Comunications between the fire brigade leader and the
comand post.
l The brigade performance in all areas was found to be-satisfactory.
Radio comunications was identified as a corcern during an inspection
conducted November 14-18, 1988; however, it was found to be adequate i
in this drill, f.
Plant Tour and Inspection of Fire Protection Equipment-(1) Outside fire protection walkdown.
I The inspector verified the isolation valves from the fire pumps i
to the fire loop were open and-that an operable flow path existed as required by Technical Specifications.
The following sectional valves in the outside fire protection water supply loop were inspected and verified to be properly aligned and locked in position Valve Nos.
Location 1-26-556 1A Fire Pump Isolation Valve 1-26-558 IB Fire Pump Isolation Valve 0-26-858 Hydrant and Test Isolation Valve 0-26-860 Hydrant Isolation valve 0-26-564 Diesel Generator Building Supply Isolation Valve 02-26-1340 Yard Isolation Valve A tour of the exterior of the plant indicated that sufficient clearance was provided between permanent safety related buildings and structures and temporary buildings, trailers, and other transient combustible materials. The general housekeeping of the areas adjacent to plant structures was satisfactory.
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lc (2) Permanent Plant Fire Protection Features
'A plant tour was made by the inspector.
During the plant tour the following safe shutdown related plant areas and their related fire protection features were inspected:
. Auxiliary Building Elevations; 669, 690, 714, and 734
Control Building Elevations; 669, 685, 706 and 732
l Diesel Building Elevations, 722 and 750 Turbine Building Control Building Elevations; 685, 706, and 732 i
The fire / smoke detection system, manual fire fighting equipment
(i.e.. portable extinguishers, hose stations etc) and' the fire i
area boundary walls floors and ceiling associated for the above i
plant areas were inspected and verified to be in service or
The actomatic sprinkler system installed in the hallway outside-j the diesel generator. rooms was o)erational and the CO,' tank i
located in the diesel generator
)uilding was found to be 82 i
percent full at. 300 psi which satisfied Technical Specifi-
Based on this inspection, it appears that the fire protection
features associated with the above fire protection areas,are d
satisfactorily maintained.
l The plant tour also verified the licensee implementation of the fire prevention administrative ' procedures.
The inspector also verified that housekeeping in the area was good.
(3) Appendix R Fire Protection Features The inspector visually inspected a sample of fire rated raceway l
barriers identified in procedure SI-233.4.
This included a visual Inspection of Thermal Fire Barriers required for i
compliance with Appendix R,Section III G in~the'following plant areas:
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h Interaction Procedure SI-233.4 Location
Cantrol Building Elevation
749, 480V Board Room 2A
Control Building Elevation 749, 480V Board Room 2B
Auxiliary Building Elevation
Auxiliary Building Elevation 714
Auxiliary Building Elevation 734
Auxiliary Building Elevation 714, and Elevation 706
Control Building Based on the inspectors observations of the above raceway fire
barrier enclosures, it appears that the one hour fire barriers integrity associated with the above fire barrier assemblies was being properly maintained in a satisfactory condition.
The following eight-hour emergency lighting units were inspected:
Location Unit No.
Auxiliary Buildings Elevation 714 8, 9, 10, 11, 22,
Control Room 3, 4, 10, 14, 16,
Mechanical Room
Relay Room
Auxiliary Instrument Room Unit 2 28, 27, 25, 29, 30 Diesel Generator Corridor 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11,
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The battery powered emergency lighting units were in service, lamps were properly aligned and appeared to be properly
(Closed)DeviationItem 50-327,328/88-54-01, Failure to Control
Fire Retardant Treated Lumber as a Transient Combustible.
Corrective steps taken included a revision of PHYSI-13
Attachment E to establish control of pressure treated fire retardant lumber under the transient fire load control. Review
of Attachment E indicated that proper corrective action was taken.
l b.
(Closed) Violation Item 50-327, 328/88-54-02, Failure to Implement the Welding Control Requirements of Procedure AI-15 Corrective actions on this item were that all general foreman were counseled not to issue permits without the required certification and a trained required fire watch being assigned.
Also, the general foremen were provided with an up to date list
of the personnel qualified to stand watch, j
(Closed) Violation Item S0-327, 328/88-54-03, Failure - to
Document Monthly Fire Protection Engineer Inspections Required
by Procedure PHYSI-13
In response to this finding the licensee immediately implemented the following actions:
The fire protection engineering staff was counselled as to
the importance of conducting the inspections required by
The licensee reimplemented monthly inspection programs, ano
an inspection was completed November 14, 1988.
Based on
this review this item is closed.
(0 pen) IFI 50-327, 328/88-54-04, Fire Brigade Portable Connunications Problems. This item is still being pursued by the licensee.
(Closed) IFI 50-327, 328/88-54-05, Review Corrective Action for Breached Penetration Seals. Review of corrective action on this item verified that completion of seals was done on March 10, 1989.
(0 pen) Inspector Followup Item 50-327, 328/88-54-06, Review Procedure Revision For SI-233.4 for Inspection of Appendix R Raceway Fire Barriers.
Completion date for this item is February 13, 1990.
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Exit Interview The inspection scope and results were suninarized on October 6,1989, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1.
The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection results.
The licensee
did not identify as proprietary any of the material provided or reviewed by the inspector during this inspection.
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