IR 05000327/1990012

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Insp Repts 50-327/90-12 & 50-328/90-12 on 900326-30.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Inservice Insp (Isi),Including Review of NDE Procedures,Isi Plan for Outage & Observations of in Progress NDE Exams
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/10/1990
From: Blake J, Newsome R
Shared Package
ML20034B007 List:
50-327-90-12, 50-328-90-12, NUDOCS 9004250213
Download: ML20034B011 (9)




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Report Nos.:

50-327/90-12 and 50-328/90-12 Licensee: Jennessee Valley Authority 6N 38A Lookout P1 ace

.. Chattanooga, TN,- 37402-2801 Docket'Nos.:

50-327 and 50-328 License Nos.:

DPR-77 and'DPR-79 y

Facility Name: Sequoyah 1 and 2 Inspe'ction Coid'ucted: _ March 26-30.1990 Inspector:

M b.

tu.14.a +


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Date Signed Approved by.



. Blake, Chief


Date Signed a erials and Processes-Section E gineering Branch Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY.

Scope This routine, unannounced inspection was conducted-'on site in the: area"of Inservice Inspection:(ISI).

This inspection included; a. review of-'theLUnit 1 ISI ' plan -for this - outage; reviews-of nondestructive-examination (NDE)

procedures; ; observations of - in progress _NDE examinations; independent--

examination ' verifications;- reviews of NDE personnel qualifications; reviews of-NDE equipment calibration and material certification documentation;; and, na review of completed NDE examination. data.

Also, previously: opened NRC: items,

were addressed.



  • Result's s





In:the areas insp'ected, violations or deviations were not< identified.




iThis = inspe'ction' indicated that all~ observed ISI nondestructive; examinations


were technically. correct.

The3 Tennessee' Valley-Authority (TVA) NDE personneli *


conducting the' examinations were exceptionally we113 qualified and were _very

^ familiar with the plant piping systems?which-resulted in a' minimum of wasteds


time and radiation exoosure when or_oceedingrto a particular weld / component-that 4-


< required eaminnies a

t of the examination verifications conducted



by the.NRC11 <pect<

. ml o h.the reported-results.



u 9004250213 900417 PDR ADOCK 05000327 O




_... _ _ _ _... _...... _.







I i









Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • L. Bush, Maintenance Supervisor


  • W. Byrd, Manager Project Controls and Financial Services l


  • M. Cooper, Compliance Licensing Supervisor
  • T. Flippo, Quality Assurance-(QA) Manager-
  • u. Gault, Supervisor, Reactor' Engineering

l L

  • J. Gates,' Technical Support Superintendent
  • G. Hendricks,' Reactor Engineer


  • G. Hipp, Site: Licensing


  • R. Lumpkin, Jr., Site Quality Assurance Manager
  • H. Rogers, Engineering Support Supervisor


  • W. Smith, Nuclear QA:and Engineering, Audit Specialist-

'*C Vondra, Plant Manager

  • G. Wade, Supervisor, NDE/ISI-Quality Control.Section-
  • C Whittemore, Licensing Engineer 1.

Other licensee employees contacted during this -inspection included


craftsmen, engineers, security force' members, technicians, and1 administrative personnel.


NRC Resident Inspectors


  • P. Harmon, Senior Resident Inspector D. Loveless, Resident Inspector


  • Attended exit interview Acronyms and initialisms used throughout this report are listed in the


last paragraph.




Inservice Inspection l

The inspector reviewed documents and records and ~ observed activities, as


L indicated below, to determine whether ISI-.was being r

accordance ' withz applicable procedures,. regulatory - requirements, e and

'icensee conunitments The applicable code for ISIlis' the American Society.


of Mechanical Engineers" Boiler and Pressure ~ Vessel (ASME B&PV) Code,


Section XI, 1977 edition with addenda through Summer 1978. TVA personnel are conducting-the majority of the nondestructive-examinations.

Some of.

the NDE surface examinations are being conducted by-two-cortractor personnel _who are assisting.TVA during this' outage.

In the:n6ar future, Southwest Research personnel will be conducting: Ultrasonic -(UT)'.



examinations on selected Reactor Vessel Closure Head weld areas and'



F b

















contractor personnel will be conducting Eddy Current (EC) examinations on the Vait 1 Steam Generator tubing.





ISI Program Review, Units l'and 2(73051).

The inspector reviewed the following. documents relating to the ISI program to datermine whether the plan had been approved by -the licensee and to assure that procedures and~ plans had been established (written, reviewed, approved-and issued) to control and accomplish the following applicable activities:

organizationel: structure-


including qualifications,- training - responsibilities, and duties. of personnel-responsible for. ISI; _ audits including procedures,.

frequency, and qualification of personnel; general-Quality Assurance requirements including. examination reports,_ deviations from previously established program, material -certifications, and.


identification of components to be covered; work and inspection


procedures; control of processes including suitably controlled work j


conditions, special methods, and use of qualified personnel; j

corrective action; _ document' control; control of examination equipment; quality records including documentation of indications and.

NDE findings, review of documentation,' provisions to assure


legibility and retrievability, and corrective action;. scope of the'_


inspection including description of areas to be. examined, examination category, method of inspection, extent of-examinations, and justifi-cation for any exception;- definition of -inspection interval and extent cf examination; qualification of NDE personnel; And, controls-of generation, approval, custody, storage and maintenance _ of NDE -



Unit 1 Interval 01, Period -2 ' Inspection Plan


g Nuclear Power Standards Manual


Section 3.0 Quality Assurance Standard 3.1.60 (R0) Interim Inservice Inspection-Nuclear Power P1 ant Components:

Standard 3.1.61 (RO) Interim Nondestructive Examination i

Standard 3.1.71 (R0) Interim Corrective Action i


Review of NDE Procedures, Units 1 and 2 (73052)



(1) The inspector reviewed the procedures listed _below to determine whether these procedures were consistent - with regulatory I

requirements and licensee commitments.

The procedures were also-

. reviewed in the areas of. procedure approval, requirements for'

qualification of NDE personnel, and compilation of req-ed.

records; and, if applicable, division of responsibility between the' licensee and contractor personnel if contractor personnel


are involved in the ISI effort.


__ -



















l l


Ultrasonic Examination of Pressure.



Vessel Nozzle Forging Inner Radii-


N-UT-5 (RS)

Ultrasonic Examination Of Bolting


Components i

L N-VT-18(R7)

Ultrasonic Examination _of Pipe Welds'



Ultrasonic Examination Of Static and;



Centrifugally.- Cast Stainless:-Steel -

.i l

. Piping. Welds t



Ultrasonic Examination Of. Studs


Utilizing. Angle Beam Shear Waves from i

the Access Hole N-PT-9(RI)

Liquid Penetrant Examination of.ASME-


and ANSI' code Components'and: Welds N-MT-6(R2)

Magnetic Particle Examination of ASME,


And ANSI-Code Components And Welds-



Preservice and Inservice Visual


Examination Procciure

All procedures listed above had been reviewed during= previous -NRC -

,t inspections.

Only current revisions were ' reviewedaduring this:

inspection, j

(2) The inspector reviewed the U1trasonic' procedures to; ascertain j

whether they had been reviewedcand! approved in accordance with -

a the licensee's established QA procedures.

The procedures were.

also reviewed for technical: adequacy = and conformance'with ASME,Section V, Article 5.and other licensee commitments / requirements in the following areas:

type 'of-appara'us ' used; extent - of L(

- beam angles; DAC curves; reference. level; for monitoring coverage of weldment;' calibration requirements; search' units;


discontinuities; method for demonstrating penetratior.;: limits -

for evaluating and recording-indications;_ recording significant'

indications; and, acceptance limits.

(3) The inspector reviewed the' Liquid Penetrant (PT) procedure to

ascertain whether it ' had. been reviewed and ' approved 'in -

accordance with the. licensee's established' QA procedures.

The procedure: was also reviewd for technical ; adequacy = and

conformance with ASME,Section V, Article. 6. - andt other licenue-


commitments / requirements in 'the following areasi specified:


method; penetrant material identification; penetrant mater,ials


L analyzed for sulfur;-- penetrant materials analyzed >for - total be halogens; surface temperature;_ ' acceptable pre-examination






,a i ! N'



















j l

surface conditioning; method used for pre-examination surface _

cleaning; surface drying time prior. to penetrant application;-

method of-penetrant application; penetrant ' dwell time; method" j

used for. excess-penetrant removal;- surface drying : prior to:

developer application if applicable; type 9f developer;_


examination technique; evaluation techniques; and, procedure






(4) The inspector reviewed the Magnetic Particle:(MT) procedure to


ascertain whether it had been reviewed and approved - in


accordance with the licensee's established QA. procedures. The


procedure was reviewed for technical adequacy and for

conformance with the ASME Code Section V, Article 7, and' other licensee connitments/ requirements in the following. areas:--


examination methods; contrast of dry powder particle color with j

background; surface temperature; suspension medium andLsurface:


. temperature requirement for wet particles; viewing conditions; examination overlap and _ directions; - pole ' or -prod. spacing; g

current or lifting power (yoke); and, acceptance criteria.



l (5) The inspector reviewed'the Visual (VT) examination procedure to


determine whet 4r it contained-sufficient instructions t to assure that the' following. parameters were specified and controlled within the limits perm tted:by the applicable code.. standard, or any other specification requirement:

method - direct visual,


remote visual or translucent visual;. application - hydrostatic.


testing, fabrication procedure, visual examination of ~ welds, leak testing, etc.; how visual examination is'to be performed; i

type of surface condition-available; method 'or implement, used-

for surface preparation, if' any; whether direct _or remote'

viewing is used; sequence of performing. examination, -when applicable; data to be' tabulated,_if any; acceptance criteria is specified and consistent with the applicabic< code section.or controlling specification; and, report form completio_n.



All procedures reviewed appeared to contain the necessary ' elements-for conducting the specific examination..


Observation of Work and Work Activities, Unit 1(73753)


The inspector cbserved work activities,. conducted independent examination verifications, reviewed certification records of NDE


equipment and materials, and reviewed NDE personnel qualificacions for personnel that had Nen or will be utilized during the required ISI examinations during tiis outage.

The observations, examinations.

and reviews conducted by the inspector are documented below..

(1) The inspector observed calibration activities.and the in-process ultrasonic examinations bein'g conducted.on a total. of 9 circumferential pipe welds, four loop 2 main coolant welds, two _


loop 3 main coolant welds, and two steam generator-#1 feedwater











............. - _.











welds. These observations were compared with the applicable procedures and the-ASME B&PV - Code in -the 1following areas:

availability of and compliance with' approved NDE procedures; use-of knowledgeable NDE personnel; use of NDE personnel qualified to the proper level; type of. apparatus used; calibration-requirements; search units;. beam angles; DAC ' curves; reference-level for monitoring discontinuities; method of demonstrating.

penetration; extent of ; weld / component. examination coverage; limits of evaluating and recording indications; recording-significant indications; and, acceptance limits.

The inspector conducted. an independent ultrasonic verification examination, using TVA equipment, on. portions of~4 of the welds previously observed being examined, two = of-the. loop 2 main coolant welds and the two feedwater welds.- These excminations-were conducted in order -to evaluate the technical. adequacy of the ultrasonic examination procedure being used by the licensee; and to assess the validity of:the information being reported by the ultrasonic examiners.

x The verification ultrasonic. examinations ~ conductedL by" the.

inspector indicated that the procedure being used to conduct the examinations is: adequate and the vet ification examination.

results compared favorably with the information being reported-by the ultrasonic examiners.

The following listed ' ultrasonic; equipment and. materials certification records were reviewed:


Ultrasonic Instruments Manufacturer /Model

,Spria ? T, :

KB/USL-38 5221u2 KB/USL-38

'522007 KB/USL-38 522184-The inspector reviewed spectrum analysis data for the ultrasonic-transducers ^ listed below:

Serial No.

Size Frequency H11819 1"

1 MHz H11820 1"

1 MHz


90150 1"

1 MHz Ultrasonic Couplant Batch Number 8868 Ultrasonic Calibration Blocks SQ-64, 50-40, and SQ-66






- _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -



_ _ _ - -. _ -.




.. >













(2) The inspector observed the ik process liquid penetrant (PT;



examinations of four loop 2 main coolant pipe circumferential-l-

welds...These observations: were Jcompared with the applicable


procedure; and the ASME B&PV Cede in the ' following areas:

i specified method, penetrant materials-identified; penetrant -

materials an5lyzed for halogens' and ~ sulfur;' Lacceptable -.


pre-examination ' surface; surface ' temperature; surface -drying



time - prior to penetrant _ application;' methodLof penetrant

application; penetrant dwell ' time;' method used for excess


y pen'otrant removal; surface drying prior - to. denloping, if.

applicable; type of developer; examination 1 technique; evaluation-technique; and, reporting of examination.results.



The ' NRC hspector re-evaluated all ' of the welds previously


observed being examined following the PT examiners evaluation of~

the welds but prior to the developer.being removed from the weld surfaces.

-This re-evaluation : was cenducted -in > order to


determine' if the evaluations performed by-the PTcexaminers-was m"

in accordance with the applicable. procedure acceptance criteria and to determine if the examination results were being reported as required. -The re-evaluations conducted-by the NRC inspector


indicated that the proper ' evaluation was made by the PT


examiners and that.the examination results wereLbeing reported


as required.

The inspector's review of thelb'elow listed liquid penetrant,

niaterials certification records indicated! that: the sulfur and; halogen content of the material was within' acceptable content limits.

Materials Batch Number


q Liquid Penetrant 87L010, 83D030'

Cleaner / Remover s

887J29, 88B042 Developer 6%063, 88F017, 86A055,-84D081



(3) The inspector reviewed personnel qualification documentation for 4 UT examiners, 2 PT examiners, 2 MT examiners, and 2 -VT examiners.

These personnel qualifications were reviewed in the

s following areas:

employer's name; person ' certified; activity


qualified to perform; current period of certification;- signature.



of employer's designated representative; ' basis used for -

certification; and, annual : visual acuity color vision


examination, and periodic recertification.



Data Review and Evaluation, Unit l'(73755)




Records of,ISl~ nondestructive examinations-for'12 UT, 8 PT, and 34 VT examinations were selected and reviewed to ascertain whether:


method (s), technique, and extent c the examination complied with the



geJ :q



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-. _.















.j I

ISI plan and applicable NDE procedures;- findings were properly recorded and evaluated by' oualified personnel; programmatic deviations were re. corded as. required;. personnel, instruments,.

calibration blocks, and NDE materials? (penetrants, couplants)- were



l h



All of the examination reports' reviewed appeared to contain the'



required examination information including disposition 1 of


indications, if any.





1, i


l A random sample of current examination results were compared.iith


i historical examination results.

No ma,jor discrepancies were noted -

I during the comparison.







In the areas inspected, violetions or deviations were not identified.



Licensee Action 0n Previouslyt0pened! Items






(CloseC Violation 50-327,328/89-08-01, Failureito Follov Procedures'and i


l Drawings to Assure Correct Welds Are Examined During-ISI.


m.n t

This matter identified an incident where an NDE\\ liquid penetrant examiner


was observed by an NRC inspector; erroneously conducting a PT examinatio'n


on a weld that did not require examination insteidJ ofi. the weld that -

required exan:ination.

This error would have resulted in:the correct weld

'never being examineo.




l During inquiries following this observ' tion, it was' determined that the PT a

examiner had mistakenly conducted examinations on two l additional welds which had not required examination and had reported;theseiweldsgas.being y

the welds requiring e~xaraination.

Possib e contributing. factors.which resulted in the examinstion of the wrcng] welds * werexin-fields drawing--


quali ty, physical piping configuration,. and. the absen'ce ofL weldJ H

identification markings.

Also, during the-followup investigation of this t

matter, it was determined that licensee personnel had c9nducted-an o'n-site t


partial surveillance of the PT examination of. the :latter, two weldsiduring.

the actual examination process but failed to identify that the'woNS which




were being, examined were not-the' welds that. required examination One




possible reason for1the failure Icf. the surveillance-personnelf to-


identify that incorrect welds were being examined was absence 'of a provision in the surveillance-proceosre check off sheet; tu verifnthat N

the correct item / weld-is being examined.

j The licensee has determined by actual piping system walkdowns: with the-inspector involved that no additional welds were faistakenly examined..In


addition, a sampling of other ' contract NDE inspictors' work ' revealed no.

additional welds-neing mistakenly examinid.

The NDE data shmts for the'


three walds exarined by' mistake were velded and the three correct welds

1 were examined and the results documented. Also, procedure QMI-555, " Level


III Monitoring of Special Processes l." has been revised to inclu(e a









y q








2, dj



- e








component identification eni verificatice signoff as one ofithe attributes t

on all NDE monitoring activity checklists.






The NRC inspector conducted in-field. examination observations during this inspection and verified that the welds being examined were the welds which

' require examination and further determined that the system now used for


q establishing which welds are required to be examined is adequate.,

.The-inspector has reviewed. documentation which shows that a sample: of all

other NDE inspectors work was-conducted and-that no additional problems of-mistaken weld examinations were found,,t The inspector reviewed:the' voided t

original -PT examination reports for the welds. incorrectly examined and



also reviewed examination reports which -Sow that the-required welds were-



PT examined.

In addition, the inspector reviewed procedure. QMI-555, e


Revision 4, which now includes a component identification and verification


signoff as one of the attributes during surveillance.






Based on the.HRC inspectors' observations during this : inspection and ;the review of the' tbove documentation, this item is considered' closed;



Exit Interview L

The inspection scope and res91ts were summarized on: March 30, 1990,;with thtsse persons' indicated in paragraph 1,.

The inspector described the areas


inspected and disc.ussed in -detail! the inspection results., Al though -.


reviewed during this' inspectioni proprietary information is notecontained-in this. report.

Dissenting comments were rat received-from the(licensee.-

y 5.

Acronyns and~ Initialisms





American Society of Mechanical Engineerss




_ Boiler and Pressure Vessel


.. _

I DAC Distance Amplitude Curve.




EC Eddy Current it



ISI Inservice Inspection




KS Krautkramer/Branson



s MT-.

Nagnetic Particle



MHz Megahertz





NDE Nondestructive Examinatien i








y No.







NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission





PT Liquid Penetrant

.. ;-



QA Qu6li ty >. Assurance









s J

Tennessee Vallej Authority








VT Visual-





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