IR 05000267/1989017

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Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-267/89-17. Implementation of Corrective Actions Will Be Examined During Future Insps
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/02/1989
From: Milhoan J
To: Crawford A
NUDOCS 8910100134
Download: ML20248G207 (2)


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  'In, Reply Refer:To: 1     < 4
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Docket:.150-267/89-17: y *


W>s aPublic Service Company of Colorado- .

         'o gR  ' ATTN: ~ A.; Clegg .Crawford, Vice President .     .


   , o Nuclear Operations

P.O. Box 840

,   Dener..ColoradoD80201-0840
  (Gentlemen:  '

d u

   :Thank you for yourlletter of September 15, 1989, in response to our letter t

N :and Noticejof Violation dated August 10, 1989. We have reviewed.your reply and ind it' respons1ve to the concerns raised in our' Notice of Violation. L We.will L review 'the' implementation.of your' corrective actions .during a. future inspection


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  ' to determine that fulli .ompliance c has been achieved and will be maintained.



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Sincerely, ' '


DgIginal Signed By ,

       % g, D. hiilhoan ~

James'Li Milhoan, Director

*       Division'of Reactor Projects-T CC:.

Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Station a

  . ATTNF i C. Fuller, Mana'  g er Npelear
+"-    Production DivisionL g  .16805 WCR 19)

M .a . Platteville, Colorado 80651

 . Fort St.:Vrain Nuclear Station
  ' ATTN: P. Tomlinson, Manager
  '. Quality Assurance Division
  '16805 WCR 19)

o Platteville, Colorado 80651 - . Colorado Public lJtilities Commission PATTH: , Ralph Teague, P.E.

21580 Logan Street 1 0L1


Denver, Colorado 80203

  . Colorado. Radiation Control Program Director     I RIV:RI.:PSS[u)  :C:PSS D:DR  D.D P y

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??k'     .RRI-        R. D. Martin, RA- .    ,

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                'I gs     ;RPB-DRSS   .n     Lisa Shea, RM/ALF

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    , K.Heitner..NRRProjectManag'er(MS: 13-D-18).


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hPublic Service'  ? ."*/ A .... P.O. Box 840 Denver CO 80201 0840 j A. Clegg Crawford September 15, 1989 (c'j;'gly,,,,

     ,  j Fort St. Vrain Unit No. I P-89347 g gg V[~'h,

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i SEP251989 qu U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Di M ATTN: Document Control Desk _ I !I I :~d',.,

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Washington, D.C. 20555 t :::: t ::%" Docket No. 50-267 r t'=' i""..'... SUBJECT: NRC Inspection [ EC",, m.,


Report 89-17

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REFERENCE: (1) NRC Letter, Milhoan ITY

    .to Williams dated i.E ..

August 10, 1989 '"r: re:::::"

    (G-89262)  0 020 L

Dear Sirs:

This letter is in response to the Notice of Violation received as a result of the inspection conducted by Mr. J. R. Boardman during the period of July 17-21, 1939 (Reference 1). As a result of a phone conversation with Mr. Raymond P. Mullikin of Region IV on September 11, 1989, an extension of seven days was granted for submittal of this response.

Identification of Violation: Technical Specification (TS) 7.4.a requires that written procedures shall be established and implemented covering the following activities: o Procedures recommended in Appendix A of Safety Guide 33, November 1972, and o Surveillance and test activities of safety-related equipment.

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P-89347 -2- . September 15, 1989-


Contrary to th'e' above. during the' period of July 17-21, 1989,.


i M , procedures covering;the'following activities were not established:

  . Timely . testing of the Reactor Protection System-(RPS)

/, o.

Startup Channel and Linear Power Channel trips .and. alarms tfollowinge power reductions to.a level where these channels are required. 'As a' result of this deficiency, some' testing of these channels was'-delayed for' a time . period that y exceeded the required TS surveillance frequency; o Periodic test and calibration of the diesel engine overspeed trip for the diesel driven fire pump; and o Calibration - of the. emergency diesel generator (EDG) engine-temperature gauges used to determine EDG operability and for ,

EDG operation.




1. Reason- For The Violation if Admitted: The' violation is admitted.

, The discrepancy identified with respect to the timely testing of-

'   LtheReactorProtectionSystem(RPS)Startup Channel. and_ Linear, Power' Channel trips was due to procedural inadequacies.

Due to system / design, the fixed low-power trip and alarm setpoints can not be. tested with' the plant .at power levels

  -greater than '30%. In the past, we had relied on'the scheduling process to identify a power reduction. Following a reduction in
  . reactor power.SR, " Linear Power Channel Scram Test" would be performed. Reliance on scheduling for identifying -the need- to perform .the surveillance- was not v   formalized in an approved procedure.

The discrepancy identified with respect to the periodic testing and calibration of the diesel engine mechanical overspeed trip for the diesel driven fire pump was also due to a procedural



, The failure to test and calibrate the mechanical overspeed trip for this equipment in no way prohibited the diesel driven fire pump from performing its design function.

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i , _ P-89347f -3-- September'15, 1989

   ~The_ Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) temperature gauges are skid mounted automotive type temperature' gauges. This type of gauge-is.-not capable of being calibrated in the classical sense. We have, in the past,. replaced these gauges on an as-needed basis.

-A' calibration check is used to determine-the operability of the


gauge and if-replace 6ent is necessary.

2. Corrective Steps Which Have Been Taken and the Results Achieved: With regard to timely testing of the RPS, a procedure change was-initiated, while Mr. Boardman was still on site. New steps were added' to SR-, " Linear Power Channel Heat Balance Calibration", which is performed daily when the reactor is critical. ~The procedure change will ensure that the A and B level Rod Withdrawal Prohibits (RWPs) are tested -(per SR, " Linear Power Channel ScramTest")

  , below 5% and 30% respectively, if not tested within the previous 30 days. These RWPs cannot be tested while the plant is at power levels above 30%. It should be noted that at the time of this written response the decision to never restart the reactor at Fort St. Vrain had.been made. Therefore, this situation will not

occur again. , Controlled . Work Instructions and a Station Service Request have been prepared for the testing and calibration of the diese1~ driven ' fire pump overspeed trip.

With regard to the calibration of the EDG temperature gauges, a-Technical Equivalency Assessment (TEA) #89-0169 has been initiated and approved to assign an instrument number to the local temperature indicator on the Alternate Cooling Method (ACM) diesel, K-4804. In addition, Data Base Change Request (DBCR)

   #89-0268, was' initiated to place the appropriate calibration frequency and parameters into the Plant Component Data Base.

This DBCR will also provide the necessary calibration information for the Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) temperature gauges.

3. Corrective Steps Which Will Be Taken to Avoid Further Violations: i With regard to timely testing of the RPS, a review of all other ' calibration surveillance was performed to see if other similar situations existed. None were found. Also, the reactor will not be operated above 2% in the future, therefore no additional corrective actions are necessary.

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P-89347 - 4 - -- September 15, 1989: The . maintenance procedure for; .the fire- pump diesel is being.

+i t -rewritten'to include a opriate steps to test the overspeed trip



' The .overspeed trip and the temperature gauges for-the EDGs will be tested for: calibration accuracy' on an annual basis. This check'will determine if adjustment or replacement is needed.

4. Date F'ull Compliance Will Ge Achieved: The testing. of the RWPs is currently in compliance since the conditions identified will not occur again.

Full. compliance will be achieved on' September 30, 1989, when the revised maintenance procedure for the fire pump diesel will be issued. The overspeed trip on the diesel driven fire pump will

   'also be tested and adjusted if necessary, by September 30, 1989.

Calibration checks on the diesel temperature gauges will be

   , completed by September 30, 1989. DBCR #89-0268 will also have
,    placed the calibration frequency and parameters into the Plant Component Data Base by that time.

Should you have any questions, please' contact Mr. M. -H. Holmes at.

(303) 480-6960.


Sincerely, . 4 2.. Y y A. Clegg Crawford Vice President Nuclear Operations ACC:JJM/bhb cc: Regional Administrator, Region IV ATTN: Mr. T. F. Westerman, Chief Projects Section B Mr. R. E. Farrell Senior Resident Inspector Fort'St. Vrain _ = _ _ _ . _ - _ - _ - - - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ }}