IR 05000267/1989004

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Insp Rept 50-267/89-04 on 880227-0303.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensed Operator Training
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/1989
From: Gagliardo J, Vickrey R
Shared Package
ML20247A999 List:
50-267-89-04, 50-267-89-4, NUDOCS 8903290252
Download: ML20247B008 (4)




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NRC Inspection Report: 50-267/89-04 Operating License:' DPR-34 Dockets:


Public Service Company of Colorado 2420 West 26th Avenue, Suite 15C Denver,-Colorado 80211-


Facility Home:. Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station Inspection At:

Fo'rt St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station l

Inspection Conducted:

February 27 through March 3, 1989



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I Soberg B. VfG: rey, Reactor Inspector Date<

Operat90nal Programs'Section, Division of Reactor Safety


3 Ib f



i J. K. Gag (1ardo, Chief, Operational _ Programs:

Date Section, Division of Reactor Safety


Inspection Summary pspectionConductedFebruary27throughMarch3,1989(Report 50-267/89-04)

Areas Inspected:. Routine, unannounced inspection of licensed operator training.


Results: The licensee has. complied with the requirements for annual review of--

the training.progrem and has met the'necessary requirements for requalification of: reactor operators-(R0s) and senior reactor operators (SR0s).

Records were-maintained as necessary. The licensee's evaluation of Ltraining needs~ and -..


implementing them into an effective training program were satisfactory. Within-the area inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.

8903290252 890317


{DR ADOCK 05000267 S





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Persons Contacted

-*C H. Fuller,' Nuclear Production Manager

  • F. J. Novachek, Nuclear Support Manager l
  • M. T. Ferris, Quality Assurance Operations Manager
  • F. J. Borst,- Nuclear Training Manager-
  • D. Warenbourg, Nuclear Engineering Manager
  • M. H. Holmes, Nuclear Licensing Manager
  • H. L. Brey, Nuclear Licensing and Resources Manager i
  • L. R. Sutton,. Quality Assurance Auditing Supervisor


  • G. E. Krajewski, Quality Assurance Auditing Senior Technician.




  • W. Magninie, Acting Operator Training Supervisor


W. Ashmore, Training Instructor

  • D. L. Frye, Nuclear Licensing, Operations


The.NRC inspectors also contacted other licensee personnel during the inspection.

  • Denotes those persons that attended the exit meeting held on March.3, 1989. The NRC senior resident inspector, R. E. Farrell, also attended the exit.


Followup On Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Open Item (267/8818-01):

Assignment of action for training development requests (TDRs) - NRC Inspection Report 50-267/88-18


identified TDRs dated from October 1985 to January 1988, which required-action to be taken.. The licensee committed to evaluate each of these TDRs and to assign a completion date. The NRC inspector checked the computer log that was maintained by the operator training supervisor. There were 18 TDRs outstanding which required a'ction. The outstanding TDRs were dated from February 10-23, 1989. The computer. log was dated and indicated assigned responsibility to facilitate ensuring that the required action


would meet the 90-day requirement for disposition. This item is considered closed.


Licensed Operator Training (41701)

The NRC inspector reviewed the licensed operator training program in selected areas to verify that the program met with the licensee's NRC


approved program. Areas of the program inspected included:

Verification and review of an annual training program evaluation


Review of initial qualification and requalification examination


results over the past 3 years Auditing a scheduled training class




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Verification of operators maintaining their required minimum


' reactivity manipulations over the past 2. years Review of the licensee's evaluation of Licensee Event Reports (LERs)


and factoring'the evaluation into the training program

. Review of documentation and storage of required' training records


The NRC inspector reviewed the _ quality. assurance training audits, TRQL 88-01 and 89-01. " Training and Qualification."' The training audits met the required annual evaluation.. The NRC inspector found that the-audits were of sufficient depth and quality to provide a good evaluation



of the training program. Several_ discrepancies and areas of required improvement were addressed in the a'udits. The NRC inspector found that:

the training department _ had'made a significant improvement between.the-1988 and 1989 audits. Even though the,1989 audit still addressed _several areas of concern, the_ NRC inspector found that, in light of the significant changes that were beingl undertaken'by the training department,'an


improvement was being made with the. resources available. The NRC inspector concluded that both the quality of the audits and the improvements made by the training. department have demonstrated'a very professional and.


positive' approach by the licensee in the areas-of~ evaluation and self-improvement.


The NRC inspector reviewed the qualification and.requalification results-involving the qualifications:in 1987 and the requalifications for.1986.

1987, and 1988. The requalification pass rate for 1987:and;1988 was 100 percent?for the 19 R0 and 35 SRO examinations conducted during this period. The licensee-had established a program for evaluating. individual and overall scores of each section of the' requalification. examinations. to determine if there were deficiencies _ in the operators' understanding.of -


the material or if the. questions were inappropriate.

Interoffice, Memorandum PPC-87-2056 indicated that Section'4 of the RO e' amination and-x the' corresponding Section 7 of the SRO examination had_ a deficiency in


operator understanding. During'the 1988 requalification examinations,!

these two' sections both averaged higher than the total examination.

averages indicating that the licensee's established program achieved a positive result. These' actions and results indicated that the licensee


has made substantial progress in improving the quality of the training program.

On March 2, 1989,-the NRC ins Moisture Monitors'(RO 132.04)pector audited a training class on Dew Point-

. A review of the lesson plan and handout


material revealed no discrepancies. The training. facility and aids were

satisfactory-for= conducting the class..The.NRC inspector found that the-


class material thoroughly covered the necessary areas that.. included changes in the equipment. Technical Specifications,: theory, operation, and

' testing of the equipment.

Class participation was very good in that the instructor. interfaced well with the students, and the questions,. answers,.

and discussions enhanced the quality of the: course. The NRC inspector observed. that the instructor.was quite knowledgeable on'the. subject k



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l-4-matter, was well prepared for the class, and demonstrated excellent teaching methods and ability.

The NRC inspector reviewed the reactivity manipulations for 18 SR0s and 8 R0s for the period of June 1986 through June 1988. The licensee has a i

good system for tracking and documenting the required manipulations and no discrepancies were noted.

The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's LERs for 1987 and 1988.

For this review, four LERs were selected from each year and used to determine whether the licensee was making an adequate review and evaluation for training purposes. The NRC inspector determined that the LERs selected had been adequately reviewed by the licensee and effectively factored into the training program.

l The NRC inspector reviewed the permanent record files for 3 R0s and 3 SR0s. This review was made to verify the accuracy of recorded examination scores and documentation of required training; no discrepancies were noted i

l in these areas. When reviewing the " Operating and Oral Examination Summary Report," the NRC inspector noted that four out of five reports reviewed for 1987 were not dated.

It was also noted that, in microfilming the records, some pages had been returned to the individual's file that could not be microfilmed. The identification of some of these partial records was not provided. The NRC inspector brought to the licensee's I

attention the observations regarding the records not being dated and the lack of identification of partial records that were being returned to an individual's file when they could not be microfilmed. The licensee acknowledged the above observations and indicated that they would address the problems accordingly.


No violations or deviations were identified in the review of this program i



Plant Tour The NRC inspector toured the licensee's facilities. The NRC inspector


noted that general housekeeping and the storage of gas cylinder bottles

were satisfactory.

It was noted that the licensee made good use of j

barriers, for work operations in progress, to limit traffic, and to l

designate the work area.

Security was being maintained on the breached i

barrier for the ongoing dietel generator work. Tagouts and identification of deficiencies were satisfactory.

No violations or deviations were identified in the review of this program area.



Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were discussed with those individuals identified in paragraph 1.

The information provided to and reviewed by the NRC inspector was not identified as proprietary by the licensee.

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