IR 05000369/1985031

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Insp Repts 50-369/85-31 & 50-370/85-33 on 850923-27.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters,Qa Program Review,Qa/ QC Administration,Procurement,Receipt,Storage & Handling
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/11/1985
From: Belisle G, Casey Smith
Shared Package
ML20138M481 List:
50-369-85-31, 50-370-85-33, NUDOCS 8511040012
Download: ML20138M483 (14)



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$"s / ,^ REGION 11

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101 MAP'8 iTA STRE ET, N * '

, g ATL # ETA, GEORGI A 30323 c5

\ . .%...s Report Nos.: 50-369/85-31 and 50-370/85-33 Licensee: Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 n

Docket Nos.: 50-369 and 50-370 License No NPF-9 and NPF-17 Facility Name: McGuire 1 and 2 Inspection Conducted: Se tember 23-27, 1985 Inspector:

C. Smitt('

/ ;8 cd f


/c//f Date Signed Accompanying Personnel- ,M,. Scott, Region II f

Approved by: W cf G. A.<Belisle, Mting Section Chief

/9!// .5 Date Signed


Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection entailed 12 inspector-hours on site in the areas of licensee action on previous enforcement matters; QA program review; QA/QC administration; procurement; and receipt, storage, and handlin Results: No violations or deviations were identifie .

I 8511040012 851018369 PDR ADOCK 050 G

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REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • A. Batts, Technical Support Supervisor C. Bell, Quality Assurance (QA) Supervisor - Audit Division M. Blackwell, Senior QA Specialist - Vendors
  • R. Branch, QA Supervi sor - McGuire J. Overcash, McGuire Nuclear Station (MNS) - Materials Handling P. Davis, Quality Control (QC) Supervisor
  • J. Effinger, QA Supervisor - QA Audit
  • E. Estep, MNS - Project Services
  • D. Franks, MNS - QA B. Hasty, QA Associate Surveillance B. Justice, QA Technical Services
  • T. McConnel, Plant Manager - MNS
  • N. McCraw, MNS - Compliance
  • S. McInnis, MNS - Compliance D. Mendezoff, Compliance Engineering Specialist M. Nazar, Associate Engineer - Projects V. Owens, Associate QA Engineer - Technical Support T. Roberts, QA Supervisor - QA Technical Services NRC Resident Inspectors
  • W. Orders, Senior Resident Inspector
  • R. Pierson, Resident Inspector
  • Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on September 27, 1985, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection findings listed below. Dissenting comments were not received from the license Inspector Followup Item: Preparation of Prohibited Items List, paragraph The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio Within this report, abbreviations are used as follows:

APM Administrative Procedure Manual EPR Electrical Procedure

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FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report MG Modification Group MHP Material Handling Procedure MPR Mechanical Procedure MPT Maintenance / Periodic Testing NSM Nuclear Station Modification NP Nuclear Production PR Procedure QCG Quality Control Procedure QCK Quality Control Procedure Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters (92702)

(Closed) Unresolved Item 369/84-33-03 and 370/84-30-03: Preventive Maintenance / Periodic Testing Master Index Computation of Latest Dat The licensee response to the error identified in the MPT program resulted in the preparation of Problem Report #4318-02 which was submitted to the Production Computer Applications Unit. The Compliance Department was informed on November 21, 1984, that the program error had been correcte Subsequent verification of the program was completed by January 1985, and it was confirmed that the MPT program was correctly calculating the latest date To further ensure the accuracy of the required latest dates for 2400 tests, the Compliance Department submitted a program request to the Computer Applications Unit on January 17, 198 On March 17, the latest-date verification computer run was completed. The latest dates of the following tests were manually checked and found to be correct:

ADM 1 ADM 2 OEXA ADM1 EP500 PAL 1 OEFALPXX20 PT 2 A 4600 03E OMW11P5390



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Additionally, the licensee checked the frequency days (i .e. , number of days between test and the number of days of grace) for tests having various frequencies. The licensee verified the frequency days to be correc The inspector determined that the MPT Master Index has been corrected to accurately schedule periodic tests in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 4.0.2.b and 4. . QA Program Review (35701)

References: (a) 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants (b) 10 CFR 50.54(a)(1), Conditions of Licenses (c) Duke Power Company Topical Report, Duke-1-A, Amendment 9 The inspector reviewed the licensee QA Program required by references (a)

through (c) to determine if these activities were conducted in accordance with regulatory requirements. The following criteria were used during this review to assess overall established program acceptability:


Personnel responsible for preparing implementing procedures understand the significance of changes to these procedure Licensee procedures are in conformance with the QA Progra The procedures mentioned throughout this report were reviewed to determine conformance with the QA Program. Each functional area is detailed in other paragraphs of this repor The inspector verified that selected changes to the Topical were incorporated into site sub-tier documents. Indicated changes to the Topical which had been approved by the NRC in amendments 8 and 9 were reviewed. The following 1 specific changes were selected for review: l Page Amendment N Table 17.0-1, page 2 9 Table 17.0-1, page 3 9 17.2-3 8 17.2-10 8 17.2-19 9 The inspector was directed to corporate and site-specific documents which had been affected by the Topical amendment. The inspector reviewed the altered documents for correct implementation and the inspector discussed the j changes with licensee personnel to determine if they understood the reason j and intent of the change.


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Within this area, no violations or deviations were identifie . QA/QC Administration (35751)

References: (a) 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants (b) 10 CFR 50.54(a)(1), Conditions of Licenses (c) Duke Power Company Topical Report, Duke-1-A, Amendment 9 (d) Technical Specifications, Section The inspector reviewed the licensee QA/QC administration program required by references (a) through (d) to determine if these activities were conducted in accordance with regulatory requirements and Technical Specifications.


The following criteria were used during this review to assess overall established program acceptability:


QA documents clearly identified those structures, systems, components,

, documents, and activities to which the QA program applie Procedures and responsibilities were established for making changes to QA program document Administrative controls were established for QA/QC procedures which assure procedure review and approval prior to implementation, control of changes and revisions, and control of distribution and recal Responsibilities were established to assure overall review of QC program effectivenes Methods existed to modify the QA program to provide increased emphasis on identified problem area The following documents were reviewed to verify that these criteria had been incorporated into licensee administrative procedures for QA/QC administra-tion activities:

McGuire Nu: lear Station Quality Standards Manual for Structures, Systems, and Components dated April 1, 1984 QA-100 Preparation and Issue of Quality Assurance Procedures, Revision 8


QA-104 Definition and Application of the Quality Assurance Program, Revision 2 QA-107 Temporary Procedure Changes, Revision 2

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QA-122 Corrective Action Escalation Policy, Revision 2 QA-150 Trend Analysis, Revision 5 I

QA-190 Review of Quality Assurance Procedures, Revision 3 QA-191 Procedure Implementation Reviews, Revision 2 QA-210 Departmental Audit Procedure, Revision 18


QA-230 Departmental Audit Scheduling and Followup, Revision 10 QA-500 Operations Division Surveillance Program, Revision 17

l QA-501 Placing, Reviewing, and Verifying Quality Assurance i l Requirements on Station Procedures, Revision 8


QA-509 Preparation and Issue of Quality Control Procedures, Revision 10 QCK-1 Control of Nonconforming Items, Revision 18 The inspector determined that the licensee is in the process of making preparations for reorganizing the QA department site organization to more

, effectively support plant operations on a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> basi The new organi-

zational chart was reviewed by the inspector, and discussions were held with j licensee management concerning arrangements made to facilitate a smooth j transition from the present organizational structur Organizational responsibilities and interfaces of the various groups were discusse ! Licensee management stated that they envisage no major shift in job responsibilities for existing QA department site personnel who will occupy
positions in the new organization. Additionally, appropriate training is


being provided to new staf f members to ef fectively integrate them into the j new organizatio Licensee management said that changes in QA department i procedures caused by the restructuring of the QA department site organi-

zation will be minimal. In response to the inspectors question concerning i when the reorganization will occur, licensee management stated that a firm date had not yet been established.

I Within this area, no violations or deviations were identified.

r 6. Procurement (38701)

I References: (a) 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Quality Assin ince Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuei deprocessing Plants (b) 10 CFR 50.54(a)(1), Conditions of Licenses

! (c) Duke Power Company Topical Report, Duke-1-A, Amendment 9



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i (d) 10 CFR 21, Reporting of Defects and


Noncompliance i

(e) Regulatory Guide 1.38, Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving,
Storage, and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power l Plants


(f) ANSI N45.2.2-1972, Packing, Shipping, Receiving,


Storage, and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power

! Plants j (g) Regulatory Guide 1.33, Quality Assurance Program

Requirements (Operations)

(h) ANSI N18.7-1976, Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of l Nuclear Power Plants (1) Regulatory Guide 1.123, Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of Items and Services for Nuclear Power Plants

, (j) ANSI N45.2.13-1976. Quality Assurance Requirements i

for Control of Procurement of Items and Services


for Nuclear Power Plants The inspector reviewed the licensee procurement program required by references (a) through (j) to determine if the program had been established in accordance with regulatory requirements, industry guides, and standard The following criteria were used during this review to determine the overall acceptability of the established program:


Administrative controls were established to assign departmental responsibilities for procurement activitie <

Administrative controls were established to identify safety-related

! equipment, supplies, consumables, and services to be procured under the

! QA program.

i l Administrative controls were established to provide measures and assign

! responsibilities for the preparation, review, approval, and changes to j procurement documents.

Procedures were established for qualifying and maintaining approved
vendors, suppliers, and contractors.

l Procedures were established to assure that vendors, contractors, and suppliers conform to procurement and quality assurance document requirements, industry standards and codes, and that nonconformances are properly reported and correcte . - , - _ - _ . _ - _ _ - - - - . - - - . , - . - - _ , . - - - -__- - ,,,_.-- , _ -. , .




Controls were established to provide for audits and surveillances of procurement activitie .

The documents listed below were reviewed to determine if the above criteria had been incorporated into the licensee QA program to control procurement of i safety-related items and services:

APM Section 4.4, Administrative Instructions for Purchase Specifi-cations, Revision 22

APM Section 2.4, Control of Materials, Parts and Components, Revision


Duke Power Company Quality Assurance Manual, Design Engineering PR-301, Procurement Specification, Revision 11 PR-302, Procurement, Revision 10 PR-303, Procurement of Services, Revision 5 QA-505 Processing of Procurement Documents for Operational Nuclear Stations, Revision 9 QA-410 Processing of QA Records for Purchased Items, Revision 11

QA-411 Filing of QA Records for Purchased Items, Revision 11 QA-512 Review and Control of On-site Certification, Revision 2 QA-601 Vendor Evaluation, Revision 9

a QCK-1 Control of Nonconforming Items, Revision 18 i

{ MHP On-site Certification of Items, Revision 5

MHP Receipt, Inspection, and Control of Store Stocks, Capital Stock, and Non-stock Items, Revision 5

The inspector conducted interviews with personnel from the QA Department l on-site staff to assess the degree of involvement of these staff members


with activities in the procurement area. The following surveillance reports were reviewed by the inspector in connection with this effort

i Surveillance Report dated 8/11/84, Topic: Materials, Parts and Components Controls, MC-84-16, Intra-Company Transfer; Repairs of Items for Return to Stock; Onsite Certification, performed 2/28-3/9/84.

I Surveillance Report dated 12/12/84, Topic: Materials, Parts and

Component Control, MC-84-63, Issuance Control, Requisitions and Purchase l Orders, performed 10/12-30/8


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Surveillance Report dated 6/18/84, Topic: Materials, Parts and


Component Control, MC-85-21, Issuance Control; Purchase Orders and Requisitions, performed 4/16-29/85.

i Surveillance Report dated 12/20/84, Topic: Materials, Parts and Components Control, MC-84-69, Preventive Maintenance of Items in Storage, performed 11/15-28/8 The inspector verified that appropriate corrective actions were initiated for deficiencies and/or nonconformances identified by the above surveil-lances. Additionally, all staff members interviewed were knowledgeable of the programmatic controls associated with the procurement process. Based on the discussions with licensee personnel and a tour of the warehouse, the


inspector determined that adequate inspections of procured materials and components were being performed.

1 The inspector conducted interviews with licensee QA Department General i

Office staff members in connection with the review and approval of vendor's QA program, and the preparation and maintenance of an Approved Vendors Lis Quality Assurance procedure QA-601 is the controlling procedure for this function. It assigns responsibilities to the QA Manager, Vendors Division, for the initial approval of a qualified vendor and delineates controls for maintaining a vendor on the Approved Vendors List. QA Department staff members were knowledgeable of the program delineated in QA-601. The QA

Vendor Division interfaces with the Design Engineering Depart 7ent and the i


Mills-Power Supply Co were also discussed. The inspector specifically requested information concerning the effects on the activities of the QA Vendor Division caused by amendments to procurement specifications initiated by the Design Engineering Department. The inspector was informed that all amendments to procurement specifications are reviewed by the QA Vendor Branch for changes contained in specification amendments. Surveillances of i

the Vendor facilities by the QA Vendors Branch are subsequently performed to ensure compliance with the requirements delineated in specification amendment l >

The requirements of 10 CFR 21 and the licensee method for taking action pursuant to the receipt of an IE Bulletin and/or Information Notice were discussed. The inspector determined that a formal program had been i established for reporting defects and/or nonconformances in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 21. The licensee has also established an informal program via a Prohibited Items List for accommodating defective components identified by Duke Power Company and/or others. This program was audited and a finding identified that the program was incomplete in that

! controls do not prevent the purchase of defective components identified by i 10 CFR 21 Notifications or NRC Bulletins. IE Information Notice No. 84-52 and it's Supplement No. 1, titled: Inadequate Material Procurement Controls on the Part of Licensee and Vendors, was discussed with licensee management.

The existing program controls associated with the Prohibitive Item List were also discussed. This issue is identified as an Inspector Followup Item and i is addressed in a later paragraph.

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To verify procedural compliance of the procurement program, the imple-mentation of the following nuclear station modification (NSM) packages were reviewed in connection with items or components specified and procured for use in the modification packages:

NSM N Title MG-00515 Addition of relief valve to CA Pump Suction MG-01132 Changeout Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Transmitters MG-20179 Install instrumentation to monitor pressure oscil-lations at each steam generator pre-heater during powe MG-01117 Install half coupling and root valve for pressure transducer taps on steam generator feedwater nozzle Using the Work Request Number assigned to the above NSM packages, the inspector verified the following information for selected items or components issued by the warehouse:

Description of item ur component is as described in the procurement specificatio QA Condition assignment is in accordance with that contained in the procurement specif1 catio Applicable codes and standards are in accordance with that contained in the procurement specificatio Based on the above, the inspector determined that specifying, procuring, receiving, inspecting, and issuing of materials appear to be adequately controlle Within this area, one Inspector Followup Item was identifie The Prohibited Items List issued by the Design Engineering Department is intended to preclude the procurement and use of defective components. The scope of the materials covered by the list includes equipment, components, and other materials that have been determined to be unsuitable for Class IE application An audit of Prohibited Items, documented in audit report NP-84-20(MC) determined that a complete program to prevent the procurement of defective components identified by 10 CFR 21 or NRC IE Bulletins had not been established. Corrective actions being taken by the licensee in response to this audit finding consisted of:

Expansion of the scope of the Prohibited Items List to include mechanical components and material Issuance of the Prohibited Items List under controlled distributio . .

4 Until the licensee has completed the above corrective action, this is identified as Inspector Followup Item 369/85-31-01, 370/85-33-01,


Preparation of Prohibited Items Lis . Receipt, Storage, and Handling of Equipment and Materials (38702)

References: (a) 10 CFR 50.54(a)(1), Conditions of Licenses (b) Duke Power Company Topical Report, Duke-1-A, Amendment 9 (c) 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants


(d) Regulatory Guide 1.38, Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power Plants (e) ANSI N45.2.2-1972, Packaging, Shipping, Receiving,


Storage, and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power

, Plants (f) Regulatory Guide 1.33, Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operations)

(g) ANSI N18.7-1976, Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Plants The inspector reviewed the licensee program and procedures required by references (a) through (g) to determine if controls were established and being implemented for receipt inspection, initiation of nonconformance reports, disposition of nonconformances, handling, storage, and issue of safety-related equipment. The following criteria were used during this review:


Administrative controls were established for conducting and documenting receipt inspections and reporting nonconformance Administrative controls were established for disposition of items, marking, storing, and protection during storag Administrative controls were established for limited shelf-life items and for performing audits and surveys of storeroom activitie The following procedures were examined to determine if selected elements of receipt inspection, storage, and handling were being implemented.

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APM Section Control of Material, Parts and Components, Revision 22 QCG-1 Receipt, Inspection, and Control of QA Condi-tion Materials, Parts, and Components, Except Nuclear Fuel, Revision 20 QCK-1 Control of Nonconforming Items, Revision 18 MHP- Requisitions for Materials, Revision 7 MHP- Requesting Materials / Service for Emergency /

Confirmation Purchase Orders, Revision 2 MHP- Receipt, Inspection, and Control of Stores Stock, Capital Stocks, and Non-stock Items, Revision 5 MHP- On-site Certification of Items, Revision 5 MHP- Storage Methods and Areas, Revision 5


MHP- Issuing Stock and Non-stock materials; Returning Unused Stock and Non-stock, Revision 5 MHP- Issue and Control of Welding Materials, Revision 3 MHP- Return Components, Parts, and Supplies for

, Warranty Repairs, General Repairs, or Credit, dated November 15, 1976 MHP- Repairs / Salvage Items, Revision 5 MHP- Warehouse Temperature and Humidity Measure-ment, Revision 13


PR-202 Design Nonconformances, Revision 3 PR-260 Nuclear Station Problem Report, Revision 3 PR-301 Specifications, Revision 14 PR-360 Transfer of Items, Revision 5 PR-860 Quality Assurance Training, Revision 9 MPR-140 As-Built Verification of Duke Class A, B, and C Systems, Revision 5

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The above procedures did comply with references (a) through (g). Aspects of the procedural requirements were field checked and are discussed below.

, Corporate audit reports performed in the area of procurement and receipt, storage, and handling that were reviewed by the inspector are as follows:

Audit Number Performance Dates Status NP-83-15 (MC) September 6 to 15, 1983 Closed NP-83-16 (MC) March 12 to 30, 1983 Closed NP-S?-1 (MC) January 16 to 30, 1984 Closed NP-84-13 (GO) July 23 to August 3, 1984 Closed NP-84-20 (MC) November 12 to 26, 1984 Open NP-84-21 (MQA) November 12 to 26, 1984 Closed NP-85-1 (MC) January 14 to February 4, 1985 Open NP-85-13 (GO) July 22 to August 8, 1985 Open Corrective actions for items identified in the audit reports appeared to be technically adequat Audit finding one of report NP-84-20 (MC) is discussed in paragraph Spot surveillances performed by the site QA group in the area of receipt, storage, and handling were also reviewed as indicated in paragraph Modifications addressed in paragraph 6 of this report contained bills of material used in the fabrication of the modification Selected safety-related material for completed plant modifications was tracked through the licensee's material control system. The material traced was as follows:

Material QA Inspection Work Request Description Number Number Half Coupling 16496 92380 l Kerotest Valve 16495 92380 Pressure Transducer 18383 92322 Pressure Transducer 18014 92317 150 Pound Flange 09644 91425


Relief Valve 12143 812105 The receipt inspection packages and purchase orders for the above items were reviewed for completeness and correctnes The inspector checked that quantities of material ordered were utilized or accounted fo Where spares of the above parts existed, and in conjunction with a random selection of other stock items, the inspector verified that proper storage ,

controls and traceability controls were in place. In particular, imple- l mentation of controls for welding rods were examined and found to be  !

satisfactory, j




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Implementation aspects of noncompliance material segregation, store room access, and store room environmental controls were verified by the inspecto These areas of the program were being adequately met. A new environmental monitor for the site's level A storage room was in the process of being adapted; material control personnel were waiting for the monitor's vendor to be qualified by the corporate vendor surveillance grou Within this area, no violations or deviations were identifie i






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