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Forwards Proposed Tech Spec Additions & Revs for NRC Review, Per 850115 Meeting in Bethesda,Md.Changes Revise Startup Test Program & Incorporate Necessary Specs for Referencing Unit 2 OL in Next Version
Person / Time
Site: Byron Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/18/1985
From: Tramm T
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
9643N, NUDOCS 8502070272
Download: ML20101U349 (220)


- - _ __ . - - - - _ - _ _ - - _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . __ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ -

[* 7"'N Commonwealth Edison

/ One First National Plaza. Chicago, lhnois i >


, ( C ) Address Reply ts: Post Offica Box 767

[ \ ,e Chicago. Illinois 60690 January 18, 1985 i

Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Byron Generating Station Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications NRC Docket Nos. 50-454/455

Dear Mr. Denton:

Enclosed are proposed additions and revisions to the current Byron 1 Technical Specifications. These new specifications  ;

are necessary for the issuance of the Technical Specifications which will be incorporated into the Byron full-power operating licenses.

Prompt NRC review is requested. These changes were discussed with the NRC~ Staff at a meeting in Bethesda on January-15, 1985.

The attached specifications correct certain typographical errors existing in the current Byron 1 Technical Specfications, make revisions ~found to be necessary during the startup test program, and 3 incorporate the necessary speelfications so that the Byron 2 operating license can also reference the next version of the Technical Specifications. Each attachment contains an explanation of the individual changes. We are available at your convenience to t

discuss these matters further.

One signed original and fif teen copies of this letter and the attachments are provided for NRC review.

Very truly yours, f $n T. R. Tramm Nuclear Licensing' Administrator 1m i

cc s ' Byron Resident Inspector Mr. Calvin Moon Mr. Ed Butcher


unH #, 9 B *

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. ATTAC H MENTS A troch men t ' 2 Ul bmc k. l+e4+ Sin k Ahock ment 3. ACS i:icerefe.

AHockment 5 Operchcwcl L ea kc.3< e.

Attachment (c Cc.sto n menF Lenkage.

AHockment i Beren D.luhcw feckchew Sy skm A hch ment 8 Pes.htw Incl cahew $3 skm Ahackment 9 Fire Dekchew rnshn.ments AnachmenP 10 S;3ni f, cont- Tygca Akockment il Rect Drop T:me AWachmehr 12. (enhment ISolahew Valves AHachmenF 13 Opecahem) Lec.ka) S r veillance.

Anachment h ECCS Fleuruka ,.

A bachm.n k 15 Reccbe Coclae Spec;hc. Achv.h Somple. onel A ncl3s,s


Pecgram Ahachment 1(. Liguict RoAcsw TraFment ysk.m AHe.chment 11 Accidee mco.hnn) rn3% men +shcw AH ochm+n P 16 Re.visiew of Inkom T4ch Spec.S AHochmear 19 Auxiliary Feehke-AHdc.hmenP 20 Type.graphice,l Droes ,

A a c chment- 21 3)cen UG 1 cnci a Tech Specs I

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" j7Y~C f ut.'?twA?! HU T $fN<

UMITING CONDITTCN FOR CPERAft0N 3.7.5 Two ineesencent ultimata neat sinks (UH5) cooling towers sna11 ne CP(AA8LE, each with

4. A minimum water level in tne UHS cooling tower easin of 873.7$ ft ast ,

(48 of tctal volume),

n. Four CP!AASLE cooling tower fans (CA, 08, OE, 0F for U1),
c. One OPEAASLI essential service water makeus puso per train,
d. An essential service water puso discharge temocrature of less than or equal to 80*Fw,A u n % ,. +. M r*,a ;a y y S?" o ; oc tmb.
  • /t e .4 % g g =f . .+~ . n q. 6, , 4 3 ,~ V p w u.e
e. A mYnimum Rocx River water level at or aseve 670.6 feet meln sea level, USGS datum, at tne river screennouse, anc
f. Two CPERA4LI ases wells wita:

(1) Rocx River water level forecast ey National weatner Service to exceed 702.0 feet as1, or (2) Rock River water level at or metow 670.6 ft as1, or (3) Tornado weten issuec sy National Weather Service that includes' Byron site area.

APouCAg;LITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, anc 4 AM:

a. With a water level of less than 473.75 ft asl (SG of total volume) in eitner UMS cooling tower easin, restore the water level to 473.75 ft est in esca UH5 cooling tower easin within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> or se in HOT $7AN0lY within the next 6 neurs and in COLD $HUTOOWN witnin the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />,
b. With one of the fans listed acove inopernele, restore tne listed fans to CPGA8LI status witnin 72 nours or ne in at least NOT

$7AN08Y witnin the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> anc COL 3 $ HUT 00WN witnin tne following 30 nours.

c. Wita one essential sartica vatar sakeuo oume inoceracle, asstors t's essential saref ce water sensus sume to CPGA6LI status witnin 72 nours or ce in at least HOT $7ANC8Y witnin tne next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COL 3

$HUTDCWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.


  • UNIT 1 3/4 7 U

l l

l i


1. Reactor Trip Inst. Table (pg. 2-5)

Change "}.90% of loop design flow *" to "190% of loop minimum measured flow *" in item 12 Trip Setpoint.

Change "189.2% of loop design flow *" to "2,89.2% of loop minimum measured flow *" in item 12, Allowable Value.

Change "* Loop design fl~ow" to "* Minimum measured flow" at the bottom of

.the page.

The RCS flowrate requirement which appears in the Tech Specs should be the minimum measured flowrate, as used in the Improved Thermal Design Procedure, which already takes into account the flow measurement uncertainties assumed in the safety analysis. This minimum measured flow is four times the loop flow of 97.600 or 390,400 gpm.

When the RCS flowrate was originally determined for Tech Specs it was assumed that the 390,400 was -the thermal design flow to which the uncertainties must be added. As a result the RCS flowrate currently in Tech Specs is much more conservative than actually required. Therefore it is requested that the Tech Spec RCS Flowrate be revised to 390,400 gpm.

2. T.S. 3.2.3 (pg. 3/4 2-8) RCS flowrate Change "399,000" to "390,400" in t.C0 3.2.3 a.
3. Bases for RCS flowrate (pg. 83/4 2-4)

Replace 83/4 2-4 with the att. ached page.


1 IAttel 2.2-I (Coatinueel)

.,. At M.IGR .I.N_I_P___SY_illM 10_tS.I..R_UMI NI All0N IRIP 5t IPolelli 8


StNSon c 10iAt inom f fuuCllesent taeII

-4 Alt _0WAleCL (IA) I

_(5Q INIP SilP0lNI Att0WAtti VAIHf .

e 12. Reactor Ceolant f low-tow 2.5 I. 7/ 0.6 390% of loop >89.2% of loop ' ,

L a ., : "

13. Steam Generator W ter S'Ma,;,_"*AT &# AMrswerMdTorr/f/esa 21.1 18.28 1.5 240.8% of narrow >39.1% of narrow Ievel isma-tow resage instrument range instrument span span
14. undervoltage - Reactor 12.0 01 0 Coolant Pumps 3S268 wolts.- 34128 volts -

e th hus each bus

15. thalerf requency - Reacter 14.4 13.3 0 Coolant Pumps 351.O Hz 356.5 les u

J. 16. lurbine Irip

4. leergeeny Irip Steader 88. A. N.A. N.A. 3540 psig 3520 psig Pressure
b. Burbine Ibrottle W Iwe N.A. N.A. N.A. 31% open gl% open Closure It.- Saf ety Injection Iseput N.A. 88. A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

t ros L ST

18. Reacter Coolant Puoy M.A. N.A. M.A. N.A. al. A.

Breaker Position Irip m ._ m ... n , /. ou o,.

y s/hnmerm h3tsort lOLO c

S ,.

l ff of PC'aE4 O!5 #!SU?!0N LIMI*$

3/4.2.3 RCS FLCW RATE aNO NUC.'iAR EN?wAL Av 4:SE wo* CWANNEl, FAC*R L!MI?!.NG OCN0!?*CN 80p C8tRA?!:N 3.2.3 IncicatecReactorCoolantSystem(RCS)totalflowrateancF7"snali:s maintainec as follows for four loco coeration. -


a. RC$ Total Flowrate 1 200.!C0 gpm, and D. F i 1.55 (1.0 0.3 (1.0-3)) ,


w N easurec values of Fh aae octainec sy using tne novac*e 'ac:re cetectors. An accrecef sta uncertainty of 4% (nominal) or greater sna11thenbeaccliectothemeasurtavalueofF)y tefore it is c:mearec to tne recuirements, anc

  • THE4 MAL 80bER p , 4 ATE 0 inEAMAL 7CwEA A80'.!CA8 !L IW : "CO E 1.


WitnRCStotalf':wrateorFhcutsice:neregionofac: acta:1eoccas:1:n:

a. W1:nin 2 nours eitnea:
1. 4estare 4CS total fio a:e anc 27 4 :: .itn'a : e a:ose **v :s.


2. Recuce THEA."AL 8ChEA :s f ess nan 50% :f 4A7EC *HER.*AL 80WE4 anc recuce ne Power Range Neutren *!a**1;n **'s Set:cim: ::

less snan or ecual to 55% of 4ATED THERMAL 8ChER .* tat, :ne next a nours.


w .-

co a POWER O! QN t.!Mf?S BASIS N .

b HEAT Ft.UX MOT NNEL FACTOR, and SC3 A,0W 4 E aNO NUCLEAR ENTHa VY 4tSE k HQT CHAhh0. FACTM (Continuec) yr- c. The cont I rod insertion limi of Specification are 4 maintain and

d. The axial r distributio , expressed in tanes of AXIAL FLUX 4 OIFFERE.4CE, s maintained thin the limits.

b [D A rod bow penalty is no applied t the final value of Fh for the following reason:

D y maintain Fg wi in its limits provided the Conditions a. througn

d. comeination of the RC3 flow requirement (399,000 gam) andabove are meintained.3 the requirement on F g T rantee taat the ONGR used in the safety analysis will be set.

Fuel rod bowing doe redu the value of the ON8R. However, predictions with the methods described i WCAP-861. Revision 1 " Fuel Rod Sow Evaluation," July 1979 for the 17x17 09 mized Fuel Assemolies indicate snat the fuel rod bow reduction on DN8R wil be less taa 3% at 33,000 MWO/MTU assemoly average turnuo.

At higher burnups, ' e decrease in issionaale isotopes and tne buildus of fission product in ntary more than oncensate for the rod bow reduction in DN8R.

s l There is a margin available tw u n the 1.32 and 1.34 design DNSR Ifmits 1 and the 1.47 an 1.49 safety analysis NSR limit. Use of the 35 fuel rod bow OMSR margin re etion still leaves a margin in ON8R between design limits and safety analy a limits.

The R flow requirement is sased on ne loop flow rate of 97,600 gym =nica is used i the Improved Thereal Oesign Pro cure described in FSAR 4.4.1 anc 15.0.3. his design value is taen increase by 2.25 for measurement uncertain-ties. he measurement error for RC3 total f ow rate is based on performing a preci f on heat balance and using the results o calibrate tne RCS flow rate inci-cat s. Potential fouling of the feedwater v turi, whica signt not be detected, ce d bias the results free tae precision heat alance in a non-conservative nner. Therefore, a penalty of 0.1% has been cluoed in the 2.25 measurement ertainty of the RC3 flow rate. Any fouling w ich might bias the RCS flow rate measurement greater taan 0.15 can be cetacte by monitoring and trending various plast performance parameters. If detects action saall be taken, Defore performing

  • subsequent precision heat balance esasu , nts , i. e. , ei tner the effect of fouling saall be eventified and comoensat d for in the ACS f1w rate ,

measurement, or the venturi snal' be cleaned ta eli nate the fouling.

Survet11ance Requirement provides adacua a sonitoring to cetect possible flew reductions due to any rapid core crud b Idup.

Surveillance Requirement specifies that ta seasurement instrumen-tation shall be calibrated witain seven days prior is t, performance of the calorimetric flow sessurement. This requirement is due , the fact tnat tne drift effects of tais instrumentation are not included in ne flow seasurement uncertainty analysis. This requirement does not asoly for the instrumentation weese drift effects have been included in the uncertainty analysis.




c. The control rod insertion limits of Specification are maintained, and
d. The axial power distribution, waaressed in tares of AXIAL FL'JX O!FFERENCE, is maintained witnin the limits.

A rod bow penalty is not acclied to the final value of F"g for the following i reason:

n F" will.Demaintainedwithinitslimitsp'rovidedtheConditionsa,.tn4cygn T d. above are maintained.3 The combination of the RCS flow requirement (499-906 gpm) ,


E and the requirement on F# guarantee that the DNSR used in the safety analysis will De set.

w Fuel rod bowing does reduce the value of the ONGR. However, predictions with the methods described in WCAP 4891, Revision 1, " Fuel Rod Bow Evaluation," July 1979 for the 17x17 cotimited Fuel assencif es indicate snat the fuel rod bow reduct. ion on QN8R will be less than 3% at 33,000 MWQ/Mi1J assemoly average turnwo.

at nigner burnuos, the decrease in fissionasle isotopes and tne buildwo of fission product inventory more than comoensate for the rod bow recuction in ONOR.

There is a 11% margin availacle between the 1.32 and 1.34 design DNBR Ifmits and the 1.47 and 1.49 safety analysis ONGR limit. Use of the 35 fuel red bow ONGR margin Nduct. ion still leaves a 85 margin in DNSR between design limits and safety analysis limits.

aetoppMM1 #WOJ"!*Y l'he RC3 flow requirement is based on ene loop,, flow rate of 97,600 gom wnien is used in the Improved Thennel Design Procedure described in FSaR 4.4.1 and

15. 0. 3. # ,*re.ciMn. demt batence a p re /'s. m al ones each cycle ernet is austel /c Co/,We,Je ,Me pg /k ,.e ,lt so'sorionfoes, f sesams.

could bias the results from the precision neat balance in a non-c

    • nne r.

-rsors oGer , or pena /4 of if.i y ,, arrassa,i j,, ,,,i,,,,,,

he/ ewe /ft fd&,*t b Wolt f JY pNg,mpp gggyyg4Q g,g

  • f 2. t X Li 4ren ma/u /cd

,;, /44 /up min *

. . ,. a n. r. n O .-.s bf S S / u ne U tc. h el h e du.u k e k4 *,% gjjY#1 - ' * ' ' "" #* Acs /~ k 2 < ., f. <-

Any fouling weien signt bias the RC5 r row rate seasurement greater taan 0.1% can be detected by senitoring and trending varieve Want performance pareseters. If detected, action snell be taken, before perfe Wng' subsequent precision heat balance esasurements, f.e. , eitner the effect of feeling shall be quantified and compensated for in the RC3 flow rate measurement, or the venturi sna11 be cleaned to eliminata the fouling.

$urveillance Reevirement provides adequate sanitoring ts cetect possible flew reductions due to any rapid core crud buildwo. ,

surveillance Reevirement specifies that the seasurement instrumen-tation sna11 De calibrated within seven days prior ta the performance of the celerimetric flow seasurement, this reevirement is due to tne fact that tne drift effects of this instrumentation are not included in the flew seasurement uncertainty

...... 4 . analysis.

.,4.... This requirement does

.......4.,i.... 4. ...not.....

acoly . for


... instrumentation

. . . - . - . . . _~ - .- -. . - - . - - - _ . _ - _ . _ - _ _ _ _ . . . _ .




- 1. T.S. (pg. 3/4 4-22)

To Surveillance Requirement add the following words at the end of the sentence "except for valves RH8701A and B and RH8702A and 8.".

l This change is requested because the current wording requires that every time the RHR system is placed in operation (ie, flow through valves RH8701A and 8 and RH8702A and B) leakage must be verified to be within its limit within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Placing the RHR system in operation is a normal part of the plant startup and shutdown proqess and requiring these valves to be leak tested every time RHR is used is an unnecessary operating restriction. This surveillance requirement was intended for monitoring check valve leakage but the RHR suction valves are motor operated valves.

Therefore it is' requested these valves be exempted from the requirement of leak testing within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after flow through the valves.

J i


M%c F


4. 4. 6. 2.1 Reactor Coolant System leaxages sna11 be cemenstratec to ce witnin eacn of the acove' limits Dy:
a. Monitoring the containment atmosonore gaseous and particulate racicactivity monitor at least once per 12 nours;
e. Monitoring the reactor cavity sumo cisenarge, and the containment floor crain sumo cisenarge anc inventory at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />;
c. Measurement of the CONTROLLED LEAKAGE from the reactor coolant pumo seats when the Reactor Coolant System pressure is 2235 = 20 asig at least once per 31 cays with the moculating valve fully coen. The provisions of See:ification 4.0.4 are not acolicacle for entry into MCOE 3 or a;
c. Performance of a Reactor Coolant System water inventory malance at least once per 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />; anc
e. Monitoring the Reactor Hetc Flange Leakoff System at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Each Reactor Coolant System oressure Isolation Valve soecified in Tacle 3.4-1 snall se comonstratac OPERABLE sy verifying leakage to me witnin its limit:

a. At least once per 18 months,
b. Prior to entering M00E 2 wnenever tne olant has seen in COLD SHUTDOWN for 72 nours or sore and if leakage testing has not been performed in the previous 9 montas,
c. Prior to returning the valve to service following maintenance, repair or roolacement wort on the valve, and
c. Within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> following valve actuation due to automatic or manual

, action or flow enrougn ene valvej ewcept- Aw yelves R ii g g o t A o S and Me'f ot A andB.

The provistons of Specification 4.0.4 are not acclicaele for entry into MCCE 3 or 4

$YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 a*22


.1, T.S. (pg. 3/4 6-3) Containment Leakage In Surveillance item c.1) delete the words in line 2 " containment leakage rate. . . . imposed leak;" and replace with " supplemental test result,

, Lc, minus the sum of the Type A and the superimposed leak oL , is equal to or less than 0.25 La, or 0.25 Lt ;"-

Appendix .7 of 10CFR50 specifies the difference between the supplemental test data and the Type A test data should be within 25% of the maximum allowable leakage rate, La or L t. Current wording in Tech Specs is confusing and needs to be clarified since the wording implies the superimposed leak is not included and this is not correct. So wording similar to other plants Tech Spec wording is proposed.

I s

e 0

. (0644M)


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If any periodic Tyne A test fails to meet eitser 0.75 L, or 0. 75 L.,

the test schedule for sucsecuent Tyce A tests sna11 te reviewed anc acoroved my tne Commission. If two consecutive Ty:e A tests fail to meet 0.75 L,, a Tyce A test snall me performea at least every 18 montas until two consecutive Type A tests meet 0.75 L,, at wnica time tne acove test senedule say ce resumed;

c. The accuracy of each Type A test snail be verified by a succlemental test whicn:
1) Confirms the accuracy of the test my verifyin; tnat tne

-- - ':: m e --  :: :c ;;;; >  ;;;; ;;c;; J : a -

"r 9 .1 .' 7: ';;; r _ :. *: < =3-25Y -' to: : -t:<-  :- "'

!;;,...  ;;; .;.... w rLc . . . . . .;.;;.;;:... or 6., . . . . .

H::::: ';;f supple.mentul ft3F resut+, L , minus Me W CIA >

t Type A and 4he. dopwimposeci l ee kj L., i3 egal b o,- les s %cm

2) Has a duration sufff Cient to esta011sn accurately the cnange in c. 2 5 leakage rate netween ene Type A test and tne supolemental test; ' ** j

~and or D.35

3) Requires that the rate at wnica gas is injected into the c:r- L t.#

tainment or sted from the containment curing the sucolemental test is between 0.75 L, and 1.25 L,.

d. Type 8 and C tests shall be conducted with gas at a pressure not less than P,, 44.4 psig, at intervals no greater tnan 24 months except fer l

tests. involving:

1) Air locks, and
2) supply and ex taust isolation valves with resilient matertai a


e. Air locks sna11 be tested and demonstrated CPERA8L! cy the require-

, ments of Specification;

f. Purge supply and exhaust isolation valves with resilient material seals sna11 se tested and comonstrated OPERA 8Li oy tne requirements of. Speci fication 4. or 4.6.1. 7. 4, as aoolicaole; ana
g. The provisions of Specification 4.0.2 are not acclicable.

SYRON - UNIT _1  %/ML-3

i I



1. Table 4.3-1 Item 9 (pg. 3/4 3-12) 1 Add "Following a Reactor trip or unit shutdown the monthly surveillance is I not required for 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />." to NOTE (9).

This must be added to allow time to do the Source Range Analog Channel Operational Test following a Reactor trip or shutdown. This surveillance can only be performed below P-6 (10-10 amps on IR). The surveillance

-can't be kept current while the plant is operating above P-6. Immediately following a Reactor trip the unit is in MODE 3 and the Analog Channel Operational Test is currently required to be in frequency.



e (0644M)



%%c TABLE a.3-1 (Continuec)

TA8LE NOTATIONS "with Systas thecapable Reactorof Trip rocSystem withdrawal. creaxers closed and the Control Rod Drive M Below P-6 (Intermediate Range Neutron Flux Interlock) Setpoint, Megelow P-10 (Low setpoint Power Range Neutron Flux Interlock) Setpoint.

(1) If not performed in previous 7 days.

(2) ' Comparison of calorimetric to excore power indication aDove 15% of RATED THE? MAL POWER.

Adjust excore channel gains consistent with calorimetric power if absoluta differenca is greater than 2%. The provisiccs of Speci-fication 4.0.4 are not apolicaele for entry into MODE 2 or 1.

(3)- Single point comparison of incere to excore AXIAL FLUX OIFFERENCE aoove 15% of RATED THERMAL POWER.

greater than or equal to 3%. Reca11brata if the aesolute difference is The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not appitcaele for entry into MODE 2 or 1.

(4) Neutron detectors may be excluded from CHANNEL CALIBRATION.

(5) Initial plateau curves sna11 be measured for each cetector. Sunsecuent plateau curves shall be octained, evaluated and compared to the initial -

. curves._-For the Intermediate Range and Power Range Neutron Flux channels the provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicaele for entry into MODE 2 or 1. -

(6) Incore - Excore Calibration, above 75% of RATED THERMAL POWER. The provi-

i. sions of Specification 4.0.4'are not appifcable for entry into MODE 2 or 1.

(7) Each train shall ee tasted at least every 62 days on a STAGGERED TEST SASIS.

. (8) With power greater than or equal to the interlock Setpoint the required ANALOG CNANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall consist of verifying that the inter-lock is in the required state by ocserving the permissive annunciator wincow.

I (9) Monthly surveillance in MODES 3", 4", and !" shall also include verification that permissives P-6 and P-10 are in their recuired state for existing plan conditions by observation of the permissive annunciator window, Montaly l

l' surveillance shall include ' verification of the Soron 011ution Alarm Setpoint of less than or ecual to an increase of.twice the count rat, within g (10) on (11) -At least once per la months and following maintenance er. adjustment of the Reactor trip breakers, the T'4IP ACTUATtNG OEVICE OPERATIONAL TEST shall include independent verification of the.Undervoltage and Shunt trips.

(12) at least once per 18 montns during shutdown verify that on a simulatec Baron Oilution Doucling test signal CVC5 valves 112D and E open and L <

112S and C close witnin 30 seconds.

-(13) CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall include the RTD bypass loops flow rate, s

r' l ..

SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 3 12 i


I l

1. T.S. 3.10.5 (pg.'3/4 10-5) l In the first line of the ACTION statement, change the word "or" to "and" l This change is requested for clarification. The intent of this specification is to allow the Digital Rod Position Indication System to be inoperable during rod drop time measurements. However, with the Position Indication System inoperable, the ACTION statement requires that the Reactor trip breakers be opened immediately. The ACTION statement currently conflicts with the LCO and the proposed wording will correct this.

4 L .

t e

- (0644M) 6 __ -


-LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERAT!CN 3.10.5 The limitations of Specification may be suspended during the performance of individual full-length shutaewn and control rod drop time measurements provided only one shutdown or control mann is withcrawn from the fully inserted position at a time.


MODES 3, 4, and 5 during performance of rod drop time sessurements and during surveillance of digital rod position indicators for



oncI With the Position Indication System inocerable ed'with more than one bank of rods witndrawn, immediately open the Reactor trip creakers.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.10.5 The above required Position Indication Systems shall be determined to be OPERABLE within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to the start of and at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> thereafter during rod drop time seasur-ments by verifying the Oemand Position Indication System and the Digital Rod Fosition Indication System agree:

a. Within 12 steps when the rods are stationary, and
b. Witnin 24 steps during rod motion.

BYRON UNIT 1- 3/4 10-5


1. Table 3.3-11 (pages 3/4 3-58 and 3-59) Fire Detection Instruments Add the following instruments as noted on the attached sheets. These instruments are required to detect fires in areas containing equipment required for safe operation of Unit 1.
2. T.S. (pg. 3/4 7-35)

In the LCO add an item e.-that reads as follows "e. Cable tunnel room.".

Delete the word "and" from the end of item c and add it to item d.

This change is required because the cable tunnel room is protected by the CO2 system and contains safety related cables.

3. T.S. (pg. 3/4 7-35)

In Surveillance the number "375 psig" should be changed to "357 psig". This change is in accordance with the information provided in the Chemetron Maintenance and Operation Instruction Manual for operation of CO2 systems.

4 N Oa 3 1-5 Fw Mm s h s( g 3/+733 r3 a/4v.+,)

AAA. W. .L._ h wa ~S. . t.M s Ms .hd p h M M r w c d. ~d7 Sh=

1 (0644M)


i l



1. Containment ===

Zone 11 Elev 426 Suppression 1 ""

Zone 12 Elev 426 Sucoression 1 ""

Zone 2 Elev 401 Detection 2 Zone 3 Elev 401 Detection 2 Zone 4 Elev 401 Detection 2


Zone 5 Elev 401 Detection 2 Zone 6 Elev 426 Detection 6 Zone 76 Elev 426 Detection 13 '

Zone 7 Elev 414 Oetection 7

. Zone 24 Elev 414 Detection 16

2. Control Room 2.m a sw 383 'Datr h at Zone 68 Elev 451 Oetection 1 Zone 69 Elev 451 Detection 12 Zone 75 Elev 451 Detection 20 Zone, f 6 Eter451(MN "b#4.ilnn, 3
3. Switcagear Rooms
2. % % 6 b afst "Da: ,6 ao Zone 77 Elev 426 Detection 21 Zone 78 Elev 426 Detection -

19 4 Upper Cable spreading Room Zone 41 Elev 463 Oetection 4 Zone 42-Elev 463 Detection 4 Zone 43 Elev 463 Detection 8

- Zone 44 Elev 463 Detection 8 Zone 45 Elev 463 Detection 10 Zone 46 Elev 463 Detection 10 l Zone 47 Elev 463 Detection 5 Zone 48 Elev 463 Detection 5

Lower Cable Spreading Room Zone 49 Elev 439 Detection 23 Zone 50 Elev 439 Detection 23 l Zone 51 Elev 439 Detection 13 Zone 52 Elev 439 Detection 13 Zone 53 Elev 439 Detection 9 Zone 54 Elev 439 Detection 9 Zone 55 Elev 439. Detection 6 Zone 56 Elev 439 Detection 6

5. Remote Shutdown Panel Zone 13 Elev 383 Detection 7



  • UNIT 1 3/4 3-58

C 4.3

. , _ . . . TABLE 3.3-11 (Continuec}


. Heat Flame Smoce

6. Station Battery Room Zone 67 Elev 451 Detection 13
7. Diesel Generator Room Zone 37 Elev 401 Sucorossion 6 Zone 38 Elev 401 Suporession 6 Zone 71 Elev 401 Detection 1 Zone 72 Elev 401 Detection 1 i 8. Diesel Fuel Storage .

Zone 39 Elev 401 Sucoressica 1 Zone 40 Elev 401 Suporession 1 Zone 27 Elev 383 Sucoression 3 Zone 29 Elev 383 Suceression 3 Zone 10 Elev 383 Detection 6

9. _ Safety Related Pumos.

Zone 41 Elev 383 Suppression 2 Zone 42 Elev 383 Suppression 1 Zone 16 Elev 364 - Detection . 2 Zone 18 Elev 36a -

Detection 10 Zone 19 Elev 36a Oetection 3 Zone 2a Elev 3a6 Detection 3 Zone 21 Elev 346 . Detection 3 Zone 52 RSH Suppression 8

'DMb N 10.

(ca n 81w Sk(uoJf.2.)

ruel Storage Zone 39 Elev 401 -Detection- 29 Zone 38 Elev 426 Detection 3

11. 5 - M J b=$

TA8LE NOTATIONS "A single detector in a zone marted " Detection" will alarm in the Main Control Room. A single cetector in_a :ene marked "Suoeression" will initiate suocrossion and alarm in tne Main Control Room.

-) **These are Containment Ventilation temperature switches. ^Upon receict of a Hi ni temocrature, suocression sust be manually initiatec. These switenes are not

- 720 supervised.

"*"The fire detection instruments located within tne containment are not recuired to be OPERA 8LE during the performance of Type A containnent leakage rate tests.

4 .

8YRCN - UNIT 1 3/4 3-59

.- )

i w -*i < sw ,,,--,--,"----w.- -------w~w-~,--e v----- ---------s------------m- ------ - - , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , -


r.ememwr t.oenion y Qy[yf f fk " " ** * *

  • r e c --

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2&t]r I/D /* U 34 V Dr??rE<co 7 2 e s s // r b* V J P 3 Drmn>D J '7 2exis 8 r a '/d/ 3rrrz n w 26 20nr x.Trbo V24 nrm 77ss.? 4 2cor E'FIO VJ7 u 7re@h 7

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zos,is th wi urnoz , a 1 2 soc /7 rb sy u ?rc7M L? 'O Tsac77 rbu JYb prirard (aw 2 ) .7z-voce Vor/lv.1% ormwo iowr AT i 2.

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'~~ ~ ~'~ ~ '


- The following CO 2 Systems shall be CPERABLI:

a. Diesel generator rooms and cay tank rooms,
b. Lower cable spreacing room,
c. Auxiliary feecwater diesel room and day tant room, cr:" -
c. Diesel-criven Essential Service Water (ESW) maxe-uo pumos anc cay tank rooms, and e.. Cabta ( unna) room.

APPLICA8ILITY: Whenever equipment protected by the CO 2 systems is requirec to be CPERA6LE:


a. ith one or more of the above requirec CO 2 systems inoperacle, g*# U thin 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> estaolisn a continuous fire watch with Dactuo fire -

-3tW suppression equioment for tnose areas (Lower Catte Screacing Room)

[ in which recuncant systems or components could De damagec; for otner areas, estaclisn an hourly fire watch patrol.

b. The provisions of Scecifications 3.0.3 anc 3.0.4 are not aoolicaole.

SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS Each of the acove recuirec CD: Systems snail be comonstratec

' OPERA 8LE at'least once per 31 days :y verifying tnat eacn valve (manual, oower oceratec or automatic) in the flow path is in its correct position. Eaca of the acove requirec CO2 Systems snail ce cemonstratec CPERABLE:

a. At least once per 7 days by verifying the piant CO 2 storage tanc
level to me greater taan 96% (9.5 tons) and river screen nouse

. storage tank level to te greater than 50% (1 *an), anc pressure o:f both to be greater than 275 and less than M sig, anc' X 357

b. At least once per 18 months ey verifying:
1) The system._ inclucing associated ventilation system fire camoe-s, actuates moth automatically uoen receipt of a simulatec actuation signal, anc manually, and
2) Flow from each no::le curing a Puff Test."

SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 7-35

taste 3.7-5 f IRf ful5f SIAll0NS -


_B l0CA110N fifVAll0N 00$f RACK RffL ANGif VAtVf z

., Aux. Roof E' -L South wall U-l of safety valve penthouse 481 1 ofP331 Q L-26: . North wall U-2 of safety valve penthouse 481 2- OfP338

" .Aug..Old 0.

. 5-18: By dumb waiter 480 233 Ofr458 S-15: By U-1 profilters (near stairs) 471 176 Ofr329 5-21: By U-2 profilters (near stairs) 471 177 OfP334 Q-17: Wall by elevator in upper cable race 469 244* OfP469 q-19: Wall by stairs in upper cable room 469 252* OfP477 L-!!: Outside Southeast corner of upper cable spreading race A-1 467 240 ofP465 w- L-14: Sy the southeast door of UCSR C-1 467 241* Ofr466

) M-13: 8y the northwest corner of UCSR A-1 467 242* OfP467

  • y Q-13: In the northwest corner of UC5it 8-1 467 243* Ofr468 a

en P-38: Northwest corner of UCSR C-1 467 245* ofP470 y.18: North wall of UCSR C-1 467 246* Ofr471 H-18: South wall of UCSR C-2 467 247* Ofr472 L-25: Outside northeast corner of UCSR A-2 467 248 ofr473 ~

L-22: 'In the northeast corner of UCSR C-2 467 249* Ofr414 M-23: In the southwest corner of UCSR A-2 467 250" DIP 4/5

  • P-20: West wall of UCSR C-2 467 251* OIP476 Q-23: In the southwest corner of UCSR 8-2 467 253* OtP478 S-2.1: By U-2 VA filters (U-2 side) 464 232 ofr457 S-15: By U-l VA filters (U-l side) 464 234 OfP459 S-21: By VA filters (U-2 side) 456 231 OfP456 15:

'M filtersJU-lside) umst c

. 456 235 OfP460 M1 nie oFP37S

-10: 8 ontrol roco')curnee refrig. asfits ne 8 td8 *9 387 106 OfP385 --

L-12: By blowdown it r filter 387 107 Ofr384 I m.

s-sq $ .t A fl H ttt EAC Sy f IM 317 sia oFP373 7' afire hoses that de not sigiply the primary means of fire sigipression. . .


. (



TA8tf 3.7-5 (Continued) g FIBE leGSE SIAll0NS 10 Call 0N fifVAll0N leOSE RACK RffL ANGif VALVE nued) g Aux.81k.(

m- w wce4 o M1 soi oF 7 s M-18: 8 us. er motor ven peep IA 387 108 OfP d N-23: By remote shutdown panel U-l 387 111 OfP316

" Q-15: By 480V MCC 132M3 387 113 ofP382 V-18: By letdown heat exchanter 387 li4 OfP379 ,

P-7: West Wall 6.9 kV switchgear room 455 20 ofP324 L-II: In UC llVAC 8e DA of LCSR C-1 455 22 of PU g l L-25: By 08VC HVAC Room 455 27 35


l M-8: South wall of battery room 451 279 ceP638 M-26: South wall of battery room 451 280 OlP639 M-18: Marth wall U-1 A8 by door 444 238* Ofr463 t-7: fast wall LCSR A-1 .

. 443 207" OfP330 M-10: In the southeast corner of LCSR 8-1 443 208" OfP327 u P-10: la the southwest corner of LCSR B-1 443 209* OfP325

) M-13: *$outh wall of 105R C-1 443 210* Ofr326 y P-13: West wall of LCSR 0-1 443 211* OfP328 h [ S-21: By cabinet 2RY0lfC (elec. pen. area) 431 229 ofP454 5-24: By U-2 cent. shield wall (elec pen. area) 431 230 Of P45'a p ce4 g S-15:

5-12:By 8 Par U htr.

c L.transformer shield wall(elec (elec pen.

pen. area) area) 431 431 236 237 Ofr464 ofr462 Krn 0 @5 8 thiv.$1 krW 43h 21 N6 l

.P-11: Outside laundry Room. 430 52 ofr313 -

4-19: By U-2 VCI valve aisle 430 54 ofP342 P-24: By rachvaste evaporator. 430 55 ofP343 V-17: By east door to decon/ change area 430 58 OfP319 V-17: By west door-to decon/ change area 430 61 dip 320 5-15: By Par. htr. transformer (elec pen. area) 419 174 OfP322 Q-10: By electrical penetration area 419 205 ofP321 L-II: By waste all tank room 405 90 dip 315 P-18: 8y elevator -

P-23: By spent resin pumps 405 405 9I 92 DeP388 dip 349  %

%! 4] -

Q-11: By laundry tanks 405 93 OfP314 P ge >

. 5-21: Iest of U-2 hydrogen recombiner- 405 94 Ofr348 ( ,

V-21: West of U-2 hydrogen recombiner 405 95 ofr345

  • fire hoses that do njo supply the primary means of fire suppression.

k Attac h men t- A lllSl%

idose l Eley. ^ sit iR'f m-i 8 Sourluan.f4 % Lc sR u.-a AB g Peen V43 239* OFP V L .t q Eant U)caLe i.cSR A-Q VV3 &If oFPs M- % Av Ncakesat % y LcsR B-R </ 93 GG" oF?as P-Q& Jn Mmraweat catete4 % 4,C3R 3-4 W3 41 Y* c5P 5Yt pt- 2 3 Alettf EdcJlf LCSR C-A W3 .7/8 oFP3%

P-aI Eot luate y L esR D-a W3 .?it.* OFP5K o

i -

l l ..

, - - . , - . , . , - , - -,-e<--., -...,..,~,--,-r.-+e.#w-,- .-.w., -w.+--.e+--.---e-w,. - - .--~, m

's TAetf 3.7-5 (Continued) g FIRf HOSE $1ATIO005

!} 10CATIost ELEVATION HOSE RACK RffL ANGif VAtVE Aum. Side. (Continued)

5. V-15: West of U-l hydrogen recombiner control -

d panel . 405 96 Of P316

" 5-15: East of U-1 hydrogen receshiner 405 97 OfP317 N-II: By the recycle holdisp tanks 368 130 OfP373 M-l): by time U-l stairs 368 131 ofP374 P- 3 3: By panel IPL84JR 368 132 Ofr369 L-20: By the U 2 stairs 368 133 Of7355 P-21: Sy the bloudoun condenser 368 134 OfP356 L-25: sy the PW M/U pumps 368 135 ot PMI

'N-25: ty chemical drain tank 368 IM ofr357 5-l$i By panel IPl86J 368 138 ofrM2 Q-II: By Auz. Bldg. floor drain tanks 368 139 Of rM8 g 0-15: 8y U-! spray add tank 368 140 ofP372

  • V-18: }yU-2 cent.che,pumproom 368 I41 OfPM6 7 P-I I: sy recycle evaporator feed pumps 350 158 OfP381 8 M-13: By U-l stairs 350 152 ofP3/0 N-23: By Sas decay tanks 350 154 ofP352 Q-19: By "A" i.ux. Side. Espelp. drain tank 350 155 Ot PMS Q-17: By "A" Aux. Sidg. Equip. drain tank 350 156 ofP371 4-13: By collection siemp pumps 350 157 OfP300 5-18: telween moderating heat exchangers 350 158 dip 354 V-18: Setween BR chiller units 350 161 OfP353 W-15: C5jaamp 1A 350 163 ofP367 x L -s9 a51 et lttLyct.E EVAPRn 3So esa ofP363 M-13. By lea t detection sump 334 165 OtP448 P-38: Sy elevator pli 334 166 0(P449 ,

P-38: By le SM pump room 334 167 OtP351 M-23: By 18 SM pump race 334 168 OIP350 fuel Hasui. Sidg. ,

7-15: South of decon, area 430 170 OfP389 <3 M-21: North of spent fuel pool 430 171 Ofr386 l I l-15: By 400V MCC 134M6 405 172 dip 388 i

AA-19: Outside FC pump room 405 173 ofr387 .

Cont. #1 gg A-17: By reactor head assembly area 430 62 Ifr163 *t i 1t-2: Ny er.cumulator tank IC 430 63 IIP!b4

IA81f 3.7-5 (Centinuedj g fIRf IMSE SIAI10N5

8 2 10 cal 1000 fil'VAlliIN 8105f RACK Rift F lf VAlvf Cont. #1 (Continued)

E q- R-7: By equipment hatch 430 64 IIP 160 -

A-12: By charcoal filter IA 430 65 IIP 157

by south stairs 403 98 IFP164 N-2: By RCfC IC 403 99 af rl55 N-7: By pressurizer (outside missile shield) 401 100 lirl65

, N-12: By panel IPt69J 403 tol IIP 158 R-12: By PRI 381 143 IfP159

{ N-17: By south stairs 381 144 Iffl62

By RCFC IC 381 145 IIPIS6 R-7: By panel IPL52J 381 146 Afr165 Turbine eldu.

{ K-14: By the control room 458 16 IIPl94 y

L-b'loeh lA t IB D f 6 Am. tos 87 lFPIBh '

l K-so oKk IPt DIA b +0S 2%i iFP176

] L7 3+- =ud.- 4 T&%Q1 3(al IM i FP 18Y L-7 ogh g gg g4 430 '17 IFP IB l L-lo ou_M la- Dioil S(p4IL +3o 51 i Ff 182-

} L- S O M &a. m -EsF6wkL 4-55 to IFPIBo

) . L-lo OAA g g 4 55 2.l I F F ~Ii I

sa i

g(r ,

bL 1

i I


1. . Table 3.5-12 (pg. 3/4 3-62) Item 2a Change "1B Outlet" to "1C Outlet". This change is necessary to correct the equipment identification. This change is typographical.
2. Table :3.6-1 (pgs. 3/4 6-19 and 3/4 6-23)

For the Hydrogen Monitor valves numbered 1PS231B, IPS228B, 1PS229B, 1PS230B the Penetration number should be changed from "12" to "31". Penetration number "31" is the correct value. The FSAR Table 6.2-58 currently indicates "12" and this is also being revised to "31".

3.- T.S. 4.7.4 (pg. 3/4 7-14) Ultimate Heat Sink Surveillance 4.7.4 should be changed to 4.7.5 which is the Tech Spec section it applies to. This change is typographical.

b 5

7 Os 1

  • ,; m.. I .

IA88E 3.3-12 RA000ACIlvf tigulo EfflufMI NON110 RING IN511tHMINIAll0N


~1. Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alarm and .

Automatic Iermination of Release Lisesid Raduaste Ef fluent Line (ORf-PR001) I 31

2. Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alarm Rut Not Providing Automatic Iermination of Release
a. Essential'5ervice Water RCIC IA and II Outlet (IRL-PR002) i 32

, to. Essential Service Water RCIC 18 asul ID Gullet (IRL-PRIM 13) 1 32

' t;' c. Station Slowdown Line (ORL-PROIO) 1 32

';" 3. Flow Rate Measurement Devices O

j a. L iquid Railwasle [f f Buent L ine (Icop-WN001) i 33

b. Station Slowdown iine (inop-CWO32) . I 33 1

l 1


s .

b l


e i aj- t i



/ gf i


e- . ...

.a- er p

TA8L! 3. 5-1 (Continued)


1. Phase "A" Isolation (Continued) e 52 1PR001A Process Radiation 4.5 52 1PR0015 Process Raciation 4.5 52 -IPR 066 Process Raciation 5.0 12 1PS228A Hydrogen Monitor N.A. W e"=

12 . 1PS229A Hydrogen Monitar N . A. 4er*"=

12 1PS230A Hydrogen Monitar N.A. MPA==

.E SI 1752238 Mydrogen Monitor 3e 21 N.A. W "

1P52298 Hycrogen Monitar w .A. Mr**=  ;

& 31 1P52308 Hycrogen Monitor H. A. 6""

70 1759354A Primary Process samm1fnq 10 70 175935a8 Primary Process Sampling 10 70 1759355A Primary Process Sameling 10 70 1P593558 Primary Process Samoling 10 70 1759356A Primary Process Samoling 10 70 17593568 Primary Process Sascling 10 70 1P59357A Primary Process Samoling 10 70 1P593578 Primary Process Samoling 10 11 1AD170 Reactor 81dg Equip Orains 10 11 1AE1003 Reactor 81dg fauto Orains 10 65 1AE9157 Reactor side Equip Orains 10

. 65- 1RE9159A Reactor Blog Equip Orains 10 65 1A D 1598 Reactor Sids Equio Orains 10 65 1AD160A Reactor 81dg Equip Drains 10 65 ' 1R01608 Reactor Bldg Eauto Orains 10

. 27 12Y8025 PRT Nitrogen 10-27 1AY8026 PRT Mitrogen 10 27 1AYS033 PRT Mitrogen 10 44 1AYS028 PRT Make-up 10 55 15I8964 Accumulator Fill 10 55 - 15I8880 Nitrogen Sucoly to Ac:usulator 10 55 15I8871 Accueulator Fill 10 55 ~ ISI4888 Not Lag Safety Injection 10 47 1AF026 Reactor Bufiding Fiocr Orains ' 15 47 1AF027 Reactor Suilding Floor Orains 15 SYROM - UNIT _1. W/4 6-19

W TABLE 3.6-1 (Continued)



9. Manual (Continued) 99 1FWO15D" Feedwater 100 1FWO15A" W/A N. A - l Feecwater I/A 101 IFWO158" Feecwater i /A 102 1FWO15C" Feecwater b /A
10. Check 28 1CV8113 RCP Seal Water Return N,'A 37 1CV8348" RCS Loop FfIl NJA f 6 1WG007A Chilled Water N 'A 10 1WGC078 Chi 11ed Water N 'A  ;

21 1 1CC9534 RCP Ntr Brng Return N,'A  ;

24 1CC9518. RCP Thermal Barrier Return N 'A  !

25 1CC9486 RCP Cooling Wtr Supply N,'A i 1 1C5008A Containment Spray Ns A 16 1C50088 Containment Spray N/A 39 lIA091 Instrument Aie N/A  ;

30 1WM191 Make-Up Domin Ns A 52 1PR032 Process Radiation Ns A AL IPR 002G Process Radiation N/ A

.AL IPR 002H Process Radiation N/A 12 1PS231A Hycrogen Monitor N/A 31 .nr 1P52318 Hydrogen Monitor N/A 27 1RY8047 PRT Nitrogen N/A 44 1RY8046 PRT Make-Up N/A

.26 ~15I8815" Safety Injection N/L 50 15I8818A" Safety Injection N/ L

'50 15I88180" Safety. Injection N/ L 51 15I88188" Safety Injection M/ L 51 15I8818C* Safety Injection N/ L 59 15I8905A" Safety Injection N/ L 59 15I88050" Safety Injection N/ L 60 15I881SA" Safety Injection N/.h V 60 15I88138" Safety Injection N/A

'8YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-23



d. With tne essential service water pumo cisenarge water temperature '

not meeting the aoove requirement, ce in at least NOT STANOBY witnin I the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDChN within tne following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />. '

e. With the minimum Rock River water level not meeting the above recuire-ment, nott fy the NRC within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> in accorcance with tne procecure of $50.72 of actions or contingencies to ensure an acecuata supply of cooling water to the Byron Station for a minimum of 30 days, verify the Rock River flow witnin one hour, and:

(1) If Rock River flow is less snan 700 cfs be in at least HOT STANOBY witnin tne next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> anc COLD SHUTDOWN witnin One following 30 nourt, or (2) If Rock River flow is equal to or greater taan 700 cfs continue verification procedure eve'y 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> or until Rock River wat_er-level exceses 670.6 ft es1, or I.

(3) If Rock River level is equal to or less than 664.7 ft msi be in '

at least HOT STANOBY witnin tne next 6 nours anc COLD SHUID0hN I within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> i

f. With one deep well inoperable anc: *

(1) The Rock River water level predicted, througn NWS flood forecasts, to exceed 702 ft ms1, or I

(2) The Rock River water level at or celow 670.6 ft as1, or ,

(3) A tornado watch issued by the NWS that incluces tne area for the Syron Station.

Notify tne NRC within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> in accordance witn tne procacure l of $50.72 of actions or contingencies to ensure an acequata supply of cooling water to the Byron Station for a minimum of 30 days and restore botn wells to OPERABLE status before the Rock River water level exceses 702 ft ssi or the minimum Rock River level or flow falls below 664.7 ft or 700 cfs, respectively, or within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, wnienever occurs first, or be in at least HOT STAN08Y within tne next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> anc in COLD SHUTDOWN within tne following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.


4.7.p" The UHS shall be determined OPERABLE at least once per:

a. 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> by verifying the water level in each UHS cooling tower basin to be greater than or equal to 873.5 feet as1. (86% of total volume)

BYRCN - CIT 1 304 7-10

. 1 l


1. Table 3.6-1 (pgs. 3/4 6-20 and 6-21)

Table 3.6-1 indicates the Main Steam Isolation Bypass Valves have a maximum isolation time of 10.0 seconds. This value is inconsistent with the ESF response time for main steamline isolation of 7 seconds in Table 3.3-5 and the manufacturers design response time of less than or equal to 6.0 seconds. There had been a design problem so the bypass valves response time had been increased to 10.0 seconds and an FSAR change was made. Since then a design modification has been made so the valves now close in 16.0 seconds. Therefore it is requested that Table 3.6-1 be revised to reflect the 6 seconds valve closure time.






TABLE 3.6-1 (Continued)


2. Phase "B" Isolation 21 1CCS414 RCP Mtr Brng Return 10 21 1CC9415 RCP Mtr Brng Return 24 10 1CC645 RCP The6 mal Sarrier Return 24 10 1CC9438 RCP Thermal Barrier Return 13 25 1CC9413A RCP Cooling wtr Suocly ,10
3. Safetv Infection 71 1CV8105* CVCS Charging 10 71 1CV8106* CVCS Charging 10 7 15X0168" Essential Service Water .Nta" M A-9 15X0278" Essential Service water .#fA" N.A.

14 15X027A" Essential Service Water 15 WA N . A-15X016A" Essential Service water wt H A-25 15I8801A" Cola Leg Safety Injection 26 15188013" Afd* M A*

Cole Leg Safety Injection N A* M A-92 15I8811A" 93 15I88118" Containment Recire. Sumo #** M.A-Containment Recirc. Sumo #fA N A-4 Containment Ventilation Isolation 94 IVQ003 Mini-Flew Purge Exhaust 5 94 .1vQ005A Mini-Flow Purge bhaust 5 94 IVQ0058 . Mini-Flow Purge bnaust' 5 94 IVQ005C Mini-Flow Purge Exnaust 5 95 '1VQ002A Purge Exnaust 5 95 IVQ0028 Purge Exnaust 5 ,

96 IVQ004A Mint-Flow Purge Sucoly 5 l 96 IVQ0048 Mint-Flow Purge Supply 5 ,

97 IVQ001A Purge Sucoly 5  !

97 IVQ0018 Purge Sucoly 5 i

5. Containment Sorey Actuation  !

i 1 1C5007A Centainment Soray 30 16 1C50078 Containment Soray 30 I

6. Main Steam !solatien f 77 1M5101D" Main Steam 4&MT(..o  !

78 1M5101A" Main 5 team &&rt* (.. o s

.8YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-20 .

(rv .

/flg TA8LE 3.6-1 (Continuec)


6. Main Steam Isolation (Continued) 85 1M51013" 86 Main 5 team 4 tit
  • 6 0  !

1MS101C" Main 5 team .W-f 4 . o

7. Feeewater Isolation i

i 76 1FWOO90" Main Feedwater 5.0 j 76 1FWC430" Main Feecwater 6.0 79 1FWOO9A" Main Feeewater -l 5.0 79 1FWO43A" Main Feedwater '

6.0 84 1FWOO98" Main Feecwater 5.0 84 1FWO438" Main Feeewater 6.0 i 87 1FWOO9C" Main Feecwater 5.0 87 1FWO43C" Main Feecwater 6.0 99 1F'wC350" Main Feecwater 6.0 99 1FWO390" Main Feedwater 6.0 100 1FWO35A" Main Feeewater 6.0 100 1FV039A" Main Feedwater 6.0 101 1FWO358" Main Feedwater 6.0 101 1FWO398" Main Feedwater 6.0 102 IFWO35C" Main Feecwater 6.0 102 1FWO39C" Main Feedwater 6.0

8. Remote Manual 68 1RH8701A" RH Suction Wf NA 68 1RH87018" RH Suction Wf h j 75 1AH8702A" RH Suction MT i 75 1RH87028" RH Suction **  ;

59 .1SI8881* Hot Leg Safety Injection W#

73 15I8824" '

, Hot Leg Safety Injection W* .

l 66 ISI8825" Not Leg RH Injection wr ,

60 ISI8823" Cold Leg Safety injection .Wr 50- ISI4890A" Cold Leg RH Injection W *-

51 ISI88908" Cold Leg RH Injection NT '

25 ISI84a3" Cold Leg Safety Injection Wr 33 1CV8355A" RCP Seal Injection We 33 1CV83550" RCP Seal Injection we 53 1CV83558" RCP Seal Injection #ff 'f i 53 1CV8355C" RCP Seal Injection Wr N A l

l l .

[ BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-21


1. T.S. 3.5.2.e (pg. 3/4 5-3) ECCS Subsystems - Tavg 1 350*F In the LCO item e add an asterisk after the word " path" in the first line. Also at the bottom of the page add the following:

"*During MODE 3. the discharge paths of both Safety Injection pumps may be isolated by closing valve SI8835 for a period of up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> to perform surveillance testing as required by Surveillance Requirement"

This change is requested so that Surveillance Requirement on page 3/4 4-22 may be performed without conflicting with LCO 3.5.2 item e.

Surveillance relates to testing for RCS pressure boundary leakage in which MOV SIS 835 must be closed in order to test the cold leg injection path check valves SIS 819A. B. C. D for leakage. Valve SI8835 must be closed to prevent a gravity flow from the RWST, through the ECCS pumps to the leakage test lines to contribute to a false high leakage read ing . Closing MOV SI8835 isolates both discharge paths of the Safety Injection pumps to the RCS. thereby violating LCO 3.5.2 item e. The proposed change will eliminate this conflict.

a t


co- ._


<o m -



LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.5.2 Two indepencent Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) subsystems sna'i ce OPERA 8LE with each subsystem comorisec of:

a. One OPERABLE centrifugal enarging pumo, b.. Cne OPERA 8LE Safety Injection pump,
c. One OPERABLE RHR neat excnanger,
c. One OPERA 8LE RHR oumo, and
e. An OPERABLE flow pat cacaele of taxing suction from tne refusiing water storage tank on a Safety Injection signal anc automatic coening of tne containment sumo suctier valves.

ApoLICABILITY: M00E3 1, 2, and 3.


a. With one ECCS subsystem incoeracle, restore the inoperaele subsystem to OPERABLE status witnin 72 nours or ce in at least HOT STAN08Y within the next 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> anc in HOT SHUTD0hN within tne following 6 nours,
b. In the event the ECCS is actuatec anc injects water into the Reactor Coolant System, a Special Report shall be precaroc and suemittec to

. the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within 90 days cascrie-ing the circumstances of the actuation and the total accumulateo actuation cycles to cate. The current value of the usage factor for each affectac Safety Injection noz:le shall De proviced in :nis Special Report wnenever its value exceecs 0.70.

i Dar:q moot 3, ** disekaq'- Paus of beA Igehw pg may be. isolaud by clo h3 velve. st:sa ss & a perio<J o.f. or to 2 h.,<3 6 perform survedlance. M W 3 as repimf b3

.Surve* Nonc,e. Reguire menh 4.V. 6. 2. L,

. 8YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 5-3

g ":



1. Surveillance Requirement 4.5.2.h. (pg. 3/4 5-6) ECCS Subsystems -

Tavg 2 350'F i In item h.1)b) change "535" gpm to "550" gpm In item h.2)a) change "460" gom to "439" gpm In item h.2)b) change "650" gpm to "655" gpm In item h.3) change "3800" gpm to "3804" gpm The above changes are requested so the ECCS pump flow limits in the Tech Specs accurately reflect the values used by Westinghouse in the safeguards analysis. These numbers have been verified by Westinghouse.

i we (0644M) l-

I i


~~. .

u.. .


9 !y verifying tne c:r ect pcsition of esca etenanical ;esiti:n st::

for tne fo11cwing ECOS :nect-le valves:

1) Within 4 nours fellcwing c:::14 tion of each velve c: erat.icn or maintenance en tne valve =nen :ne 2005 su:rystems are recuirec :: be CFERAE'.5, anc
2) At least once per 12 men:ns.

Hie- Heee !* Evste- 5: Svste-valve Nu :er salve s.-:ar l.t . *4.

  • ..e ..

I c e Ao A . .e . ". . D ,c...-?

.... .=..

, u . -


h. c y ;e-forming a flew talance tes , curing shut::wn, c:m-Oletion of t.ecifi:ations to tne E005 su:sys ems :nat alter na sursystem flew enaracteristics anc verify ng inat: i
1) For centrifugal ena ging pue; iines, it.h a single put: running:

a) Ths so ra cf the injection line f':w rates, excluci ; :ne hignest ficw rate, is greater inan er ecual 10 320 g;m,

. anc

. -- 556 y b) The :tal =ue: flow rate is less tnan er ecua! :: id1Fg;h, inclucing a simulated seal injection flew of 20 g::.


2) For Safety Injection pum: lines, witt a single pue: running:

a) The sum cf tne infection line flew rates, exclucing t.'.e.

hignest flow rate, is greater inan er scual t:,hte g;r.,

i anc '4'dA 6.55 t) The total pu : flow rate is less taan or ecual to 6tt g::.

3) For RNE cuen lines, witn a single pum: running, tne su of :ne injection line flow ratas is greater nan or ecual t: &&t? ;;m.

t .3004

.O e$

'( .

l l


  • UNIT 1 3/4 5-5 w - w- -- se ,e y-.-.+ ...c. , - - wp_,, , . , . ,_. _. - , , - _ ,n, _


1. Table 4.4-2 (pg. 3/4 4-31) Table Notations From Table Notations " H " in the next to the last line, delete the words

" isotopic decay".

It is not technically accurate to use isotopic decay data to correct the reactor coolant radioactivity analysis for beta-emitting radio-nuclides because by using the latest available beta-emitters data you assume that the beta activity is remaining relatively constant. Therefore, isotopic decay is not used appropriately and should be deleted.

This change also allows Byron Station to use data from the nuclear data sheets as well as plant specific analysis data.

J e

4 e

se - g (0644M)

(Mer TA8ti 4.4-4 (Continued) -


  1. Until the scocific activity of the Reactor Coolant System is restorec witnin its limits.

l' " Sample to be taken after a minimum of 2 EF30 and 20 cays of POWER OPERA 7 CN j

have elacsec since reactor was last succritical for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or longer.

. ""A gross radioactivity analysis shall consist of the quantitative measurement of the total specific activity of the reactor coolant except fer racionuclices with half-lives less than 10 minutes and all raciof ocines. The total specific activity shall ce the sum of the cegassec beta gamma activity anc the total of all icentified gaseous activities in :ne sample witnin 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> after the sample is taken and extrapolated back to wnen the sample was taken. Determination of the contributors to the gross specific activity shall be basec upon those energy peaks identifiaele with a 95% conficence level. The latest availacle i;;t;..;  ;;; cata may es used for pure Deta-emitting racio-nuclices. '

"""A raciochemical analysis for I shall consist of tne quantitative measurement of tne specific activity for each racionuclice, except for racionuclices with half-lives less nan 10 minutes and all racio-focines, whien is icentifiec in the reactor coolant. The specific activities for these individual racionuclides shall be usec in the cetermination of I for the reactor coolant sample. Determination of ne contricutors to I shall be casac ucon these energy peaks.icentifiable with a 95% conficanca level.



BYRON . UNIT:1 3/4 4-31

1. T.S. (pg. 3/4 11-7)

To Surveillance Requirement add the following words "when the

~ Liquid Radweste Treatment System is not being fully utilized.".

Calculations regarding a dose from liquid releases are performed in


accordance with T.S. at least once per 31 days. Redundant calculations should not be required under unless a portion of the Liquid Radweste Treatment System is inoperable and then a projected dose would be determined.

~This proposed change makes the Liquid Radwaste Treatment System surveillance wording consistent with that used for the Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System in surveillance on page 3/4 11-15.

94 (0644M) l



. LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The Liquid Racwaste Treatment System shall be OPERABLE and aporcoriate portions-of the system snall be usec to reduce releases of racioactivity when the projectac cosas cue to the liquid effluent, from eaca unit, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 5.1-1) would excesc 0.06 mrem to the wnole cocy or 0.2 mrem to any organ in a 31-day perica.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With radioactive licuid waste teing discharged witnout treatment and in excess of the above limits and any portion of tne- Liquic Racwaste Treatment System not in operation, prepare anc sucmit to the Cor. mission witnin 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report. tnat includes tne following information: . .
1. Explanation of why liouid racwaste was being cischarged witneut -

treatment, icentification of any inoceracle equipment or subsystems, anc the reason for the inoperacility,

2. Action (s) taken to restore the inoperaole equipment to OPERABLE status, and

.. 3. Summary description of action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence.

-b. = The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not apolicaele.

SURVEILLANCE RECUIREMENTS 4.11.l.3.1 Doses due to liquid releases from eacn unit to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall tHe projected at least once per 31 days in accorcance with the metnocology anc parameters in tne 00CMj s.Ata -tha. L.;y;d- Radwask. TreaM+ Sy. sum II-nei meig fell.3 uHlized. The installed Liould Raewaste Treatment System shall be considerec OPERA 8LE by meeting Specifications and

'8YRON - UNIT 1. 3/4 11-7


1. Table 3.3-10 and Table 4.3-7 (pages 3/4 3-54 and 3/4 3-55)


On both of these Tables delete items 18 and 19, the Containment Hydrogen Concentration instruments and Neutron Flux (Power Range) instruments.

Renumber items 20 through 23 as items 18 through 21.

These items are requested to be deleted from these Tables because they are

. included in other Tech Specs. The Power Range channels are required to be operable by T.S. 3.3.1 as listed in item 2 of Table 3.3-1 and Table 4.3-1. Also two independent containment hydrogen monitors are required operable by T.S.

5 e


. 17 1

t I,ABLE 3. -to



E NO. Of CilANNfts



~ Containment Pressure 2 1 g 1.

Q 2. Reactor Coolant Outlet leaperature - I,,,, (Wide Range) 2 1

3. fleactor Coolant inlet leaperature - 10080 ( ""8" I
4. fleactor Coolant Pressure - Wide Range 2 1
5. Pressurizer Water Level 2 1
6. Steam Line Pressure 2/ steam generator 1/ steam generator
7. Steaes Generator Water level - Narrow Range 1/ steam generator I/ steam generator
8. Stease Generator Water level - Wide Ranoe I/ steam Generator 1/ steam generator
9. Refueling Water Storage Tank Water level 2 1
10. Auxiliary feedaler flow Rate 2/:. team generator 1/ steam generator s
  • II. PORV Position Indicator" (0 pen / Closed) t/ valve I/ Valve a
12. 'PORV Riock Valve Position ladicatar " (open/ Closed) I/ Valve J, 1/ Valve s
13. Safety Valve Posilloi Indicator (0 pen / Closed) 1/ Valve I/ Valve
14. Containment floor prain Sump Water level (Narrow Range) 2 1
15. Contaisunent Water I.evel-(Wide 2 1
16. In Core thermocouples 4/ core quadrant 2/ core quadrant
17. Containeesit Nigh Range Area Radiation N.A. t 4". fr.' d._ ..".;;, . ...^- _entrath n 2 -!
  1. 2.  ;; ;. .Isu. (Tower i----) i 2 -
18. X Auxiliary Rullding Vent Stack - Wide Range Noble Gas M.A. 1/ stack
19. Jt. Main Steam line Radiation M.A. 1/sta line A

20- 2C Reactor Vessel Water level '

2 1 J. l. M. Reactor Coolant Subcooling Margin Monitor 2*** l***

. D.

"Not applicable'll the associated block valve is ln the closed' position.


    • Not applicatole if the block valve is verified in the closed position and power is removed.  ! *.


  • * . . -....4.... ......... s* t in hinhes e average- core exit temperatures) in conjinoct ion

l.A8t f 4. . /

A,CC!IMill WNH1WilNG IN5!Rt#WNQ!! LNG 5(MV((lLANCE R[gillR,[M,1N,!5

'1551RUNENI Q4ANNti CiKCK OIANNL i _ cat 181tAl1004

1. Containment Pressure M R
2. Reactor Coolant Outlet Ieeperature - I NDI IwId* R*"U'I N "
3. Reactor _ Coolant Intet Temperature - 100t0 I Id* "I" - " "

- 4. Reactor Coolant Pressure - Wide Raswle . M R

5. Pressurizer Water level M- R
6. Steam Line Pressure M N
7. Steam Generator W ter level - b rrow Range M N
8. Steam Generator Wter levett - Wide Range M It
9. Refueling hier Storage lank W ier level M N
10. Auxiliary feedaler flow Rate M R

!!. PORV Position Indicator" (open/ Closed) M N.A.

-12. PORV Block Valve Position Indicator "a (0 pen / Closed) M N.A.

13. Safety W lve Position Indicator (0 pen / Closed) -

M N.A.

14. Cont,iinment floor Drain Sump W ter. Level'(Narrow Range) M R
15. Contaleusent h ier level (Wide Range) M N
16. l$Corelhermocouples M R
17. Containment liigli Range Area Radiatlan M R***

-le- -Cont *4nment ",. . _;;n-fetration- -- - ~ - ---

5 0'

-Neutron-Flex--(PaweFRaiug)- - * "

--St- - ---

  1. S--
18. 20" ' Auxiliary Sullding Vent Stack - Wide Range Noble Gas M N li. 21~. Win Steam l ine Radiation M R lo. 2f. Reactor Vessel Water level M R .>
  • Not applicable if the associated tilock valve is in the closeal position. I
    • Not applicehle if the block valve is verif ical is the closest positines doul power is removeil. g
      • CilANNt t cal 180 TAI 10N may a unsist af .an elecLrunic calihration oi the cismenteI, noL isic liulisig ilic eletet Ius , 8
  • for range elecades above 10ll/h doul 4 osie point calibreetisus check of t he detector below IGN/h with an ' '

installeil or portable gaassa source.


1. T.S. (pg. 3/4 7-9) Main Steamline Isolation Valves
2. Delete the asterisk after and the note at the bottom of the page.

The note only applied until initial criticality on Cycle 1.

3. T.S. 3.7.6e -(pg. 3/4 7-16a) Control Room Ventilation
4. Delete this page. It only applied until initial criticality on Cycle 1.
5. T.S. 3.7.7* (pg. 3/4 7-19) Auxiliary Building Ventilation
6. Change the note at the bottom of the page to read

"*Not applicable prior to July 1 . 1985."

7. T.S. 3.9.4 (pg. 3/4 9-4) Containment Building Penetrations 8.- Delete the asterisk after the words " CORE ALTERATIONS" in the APPLICABILITY statement and the note at the bottom of the page. The note only applied until initial criticality.
9. T.S. 3.9.12* (pg. 3/4 9-14) Fuel Handling Building Ventilation

- 10. Delete the asterisk after 3.9.12 and delete the note at the bottom of the -

page, i


l e


,s n.



3. 7.1. 5 Each main steam line isolation valve (MSIV) snail be OPERA 8LI.




With one MSIV inoperable but open, POWER OPERATION say continue provided the inoperable valve is restored to 0PERA8LE status wi-nin 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />; otnerwise me in HOT STAN08Y within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

MODES 2 and 3:

With one MSIV inoperable, subsequent operation in MCOE 2 or 3 may proceed provided the isolation valve is maintained closed. The provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable. Otherwise, be in HOT STAN08Y within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

L i


4. 7.1. 5 Each MSIV shall be demonstrated OPERA 8LE by verifying full closure within 5 seconds when tasted pursuant to Specification 4.0.5. The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable for entry into MODE 3.



!. -* Noir...ii::ti: ri;r ;;-4aitiei 64 i s a w.l i ;y vn Cf w:. ", . ,.w iw.u , Rs3

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l t

BYRON - UNIT-1 3/4 7-9 L

. _ . . _ . , . . . _ . . . _ _ __ , .___.._.,.~.m . ~ _ , _ . _ . _ . .

i A

. ~.

D E L. E.TE Tu.)S 'PACiE //ffp sp(ANT SYS7 EMS 3


.LIMITI e CONDITION FOR OPERATION I 3.7.6" One trol Room Ventilation System shall be OPERA 8LE.

APPt.ICA8ILITY: , 4, 5, 6.


MODES 3 and 4:

With the Control R e Ventilation System inoperable, estore the inoperacle system to OPERABLE s tus within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> or ne in within the next 6 hou and in COLD SHUTD0'wN wit n least HOT STANOBY the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

, MODES 5 and 6:

a. With the Control Room entilation 5 tem inoperacle suspend all operations involving CO ALTERAT S or positive reactivity changes.

h SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.7.6 The Control Room Ventil .on Syst shall be demonstrated OPERA 8LE:

! a. At least once.per

~ hours by veri ing that the control room air temperature is ss than or equal 90*F;

b. At least on per 31 days on a STAGGE D TEST BASIS by initiating, from the ntrol room, flow through th Emergency Makeup System NEPA filters no charcoal adsorcers and veri ing that the system operates for east 10 continuous hours with the eaters operating; i
c. least once per 18 months or (1) after any tructural maintenance on the HEPA filter or charcoal adsorber housi s or (2) following painting, fire or chemical release in any venti tion zone j communicating with the Emergency Makeup System f ter plenum by:

l Applicaole only before initial criticality on Cycle 1.

.. ./

[ BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 7-164

%e . ,

~ .



5 3.7.7" Three independent non-accessible area exhaust filter plenums (50%

capacity each) shall be OPERA 8LE.

l APPLICA8ILITY.: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.


With one non-accessible area exhaust filter plenum incoerable, restore the inoperacle plenum to 0PERA8LE status within 7 days or be in at least HOT STAN08Y within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS , 4.7.7 Each non-accessible area exhaust filter plenum shall be demonstrated OPERA 8LE:

v a. At least once per 31 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by initiating, e

from the control room, flow through the HEPA filters and charcoal

! adsorbers and verifying that operation occurs for at least

!- 15' minutes;

b. At least once per 18 months, or (1) after any structural maintenance

, on the HEPA filter or charcoal adsorber housings, or (2) following'

painting, fire, or chemical release in any ventilation zone communi-cating,with the exhaust fittar plenus by

3 , 1) Verifying that the exhaust filter plenum satisfies the in-place-l penetration and bypass leakage testing acceptance criteria of i


less than 1% when using the test procecure guioance in Regulatory Positions C.S.a. C.5.c and C.5.d of Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revi-

sion 2, March 1978, and the flow rate is 66,900 cfm
10% for tne i

train and 22,300 cfm 210% per bank;

, 2) Verifying, within 31 days after removal, that a laceratory analysis of a representative carton samole from each bank of adsorters of the train octained in accorcance with Regulatory Position C.6.b of Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revision 2, March 1978, meets the laboratory testing criteria of Regulatory Position

C.6.a of Regulatory Guice 1.52, Arvision 2. March 1978, for methyl idocide penetration of less than 1% when tested at the l tamperature of 30*C and a relative humidity of 70%;

Tuly t, M S S ,



's "Not applicaole prior to,,---- "' m : ' " " ' r  ! ' G n n : ' -"" * - ~/ F n;.~ 2 . = r :;*- n'......,,..~.m. # Z." - -

l SYRON - UNIT.1 3/4 7- 19 -



fkir .



I 3.9.4 The containment building penetrations shall be in the following status:


a. The personnel, hatch shoulc have a minimum of one door closed at any one time and the equipment haten shall be in place anc held by a minimum of four bolts or the equipment haten removec pursuant to Surveillance Req airement,

, b. A einimum of one door in the personnel emergency exit haten is closed, and

c. Each penetration providing direct access from the containment atmospnere to the outside atmosphere shall be either:


1) Closed by an isolation valve, blind flange, or manual valve, or
2) Capable of being closed by an CPERA8Li automatic containment -

purge isolation valve.


APPLICA8ILITY: Ouring CORE ALTERATIONS or movement of irradiated fuel witnin y

l_ (.

tne containment.



With the requirements of the acove specification not satisfisc, immediately i suspend all operations involving CORE ALTERATIONS or movement of irradiated fuel:in tne containment builcing.


SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS t -- Each of the above required containment building penetrations sna11 ce determinec to be eitner in its closed /isolatec condition or capacle of seing

! closee ey an OPERA 8LE ~ automatic containment purge isolation valve witnin 100 nours prior to tne start of and at-least once per 7 days during CORE


l l ALTERATIONS or movement of irraciated fuel in the containment building sy:

a. Verifying the penetrations are in their closed / isolated concition, o r.
b. Testing the containment purge isolation valves per the acclicacle
portions of Specification a.5.3.2.

i &

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  • l 3YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 9-4 L.

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3/4.9.12 FUEL MANDLING BUILDING EXHAUST FILTER ptENUMS LIMITING CONOITION FOR OPERATION 3.9. Two independent Fuel Handling Suilding Eahaust Filtar Plenues shall te OPERA 8LE.

APPLICABILITY: Whenever irradiated fuel is in the storage pool ACTION:

a. Wita one Fuel Handling.8uiiding Exhaust Filter Plenum incoeracle, fuel movement within the storage pool, or crane operation with loads over the storage pool, may proceed provided the OPERABLE Fuel Handling Building Exhaust Filter Planum is capacle of being powered

.- from an CPERA8LE emergency power source and is in operation and taking suction from at least one train of HEPA filters and charecal

. adsorcers.

b. With no Fuel Handling Building Exhaust Filter Plenums OPERA 8LE, suspend all operations involving movement of fuel within the storage pool, or crane operation with loads over the storage pool,

-' until at least one Fuel Handling Building Exhaust Filter Plenum is restored to CPERA8LE status.

c. The provisions of Soecifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.


-4.9. 12 The acove required Fuel Handling Building Exhaust Filter Plenums shall '

be demonstrated OPERA 8LE:

a. At least cace per 31 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by initiating, from the control room, flow through the HEPA filtars and charcoal adsorters and verifying that the system operates for at least 15 minutes;
b. At least once per 18 months, or (1) after any structural maintenance


on the HEPA filter or charcoal adsorter nousings, or (2) following i painting, fire, or chemical release in any ventilation zone

( communicating with tne systas, by:


'~..__. I. .. . ._;_


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~ } __ "

  • _'l'. ,'-

L BYRCN - UNIT 1 3/4 9-14 .



-1. Surveillance Requirement (pg. 3/4 7-5)

Change item b. 2) a) from "ESF" to "SI". This change is made to clarify which ESF signal causes the Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps to start dutomatically.

s a~


l (0644M)



2) Verifying by flow or position check that each valve (manual, power-operated, or automatic) valve in the flow path that is not lockec, sealed, or otherwise secured in position is in its cor-rect position; and
b. At least once per 18 months during shutdown by:
1) Verifying that each automatic valve in the flow path actuates to its correct position upon receipt of an Auxiliary Fetcwater Actuation test signal, and ,
2) Verifying that the motor-driven pump and the direct-criven diesel pump start automatically upon receipt of each of the following test signals:


a) 664, or b) . Steam Generator ' water Level Low-Low from one steam generator, or c) Undervoltage on Reactor Coolant Pump 6.9 kV Suses (2/a), or

( d) ESF Bus 141 Uncervoltage (motor-driven pump only). An auxiliary feedwater flow path to each steam generator shall be demonstrated CPERAELE following each COLD SHUTDOWN of greater than 30 days prior to entering MODE 2 by verifying normal flow to each steam generator. The auxiliary fetcwater pump diesel shall be demonstrated CPERAELE:

a. At least once per 31 cays by verifying the fuel level in its day tank;
b. At least once per 92 cays by verifying that a drain sample of diesel fuel frcm its day tank, obtainec in accorcance with ASTM-04057-1981 is L -

within the acceptable limits specified in Tatle 1 of ASTM-0975-1977 when checkec for viscosity, water, and sediment; and

c. At least once per 18 months, during shutcown, by subjecting the diesel to an insoection in accorcance with its manufacturer's recommendations for this class of service.


BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 7-$



-1. -3/4.4 (pg. XVI) Reactor Coolant System On line 7 of this page change "E31MeV" to "E > 1MeV". This change is typographical.

2. 6.5 (pg. XX) Review Investigation and Audit Section 6.5.2 second line, delete the letter "s" from the word

" Functions". This change makes the Table of Contents consistent with the text - head ings .

3. T.S. (pg. 3/4 1-11) Borated Water Source - Shutdown on Surveillance item a 2) change the word " volume" to " level".

This change is necessary because the operator in the control room sees a borated water " level" indication instead of a " volume" indication for this equipment.

4. T.3. (pg. 3/41-13) Borated Water Source - Operating

.On Surveillance item a 2) change the word " volume" to " level".

This change is necessary because the operator in the control room sees a

' borated water " level" indication instead of a " volume" indication for this equipment.

5. Bases 3/ (pg. 03/4 11-6)

Starting in the first paragraph third line, delete the words "to a 10 CFR Part 20.". Combine the remaining sentence in the first paragraph with the.second paragraph on page 83/4 11-7 to make one.

paragraph. -

This deletion is requested because the information provided is redundant to that presented in the second paragraph on page 83/4 11-7. This

-deletion will help clarify Section 83/

.6. Table 4.3-8 (pg. 3/4 3-64) Items 2a and 2b In item 2a change the "IC" to "1C" and in Item 2b' change "ID" to "10" '

These changes are-typographical.

7. - T.S. Ai3.'4.2 '(pg. 3/4. 3-75) Turbine Overspeed Protection ,

In Item a of TS add the word "by" between the words " day direct" in line 1. This is a grammatical change.

8. T.S. 3.4.3 (pg. 3/4 4-11) Pressurizer In' ACTION a. first line, the word " operable" should be spelled using all upper case lettering. The Tech Spec. definition for the word operable will then' apply. .This change is typographical.

F ATTACHMENT 20 (continusd)

9. T.S. (pg. 3/4 4-20) RCS Leakage In ACTION a first line, the word " INOPERABLE" should be spelled using lower case lettering since this word is not a Tech Spec definition. This change is typographical.

In ACTION c, the last sentence beginning "Otherwise" should be indented.

This is a format correction to ensure that the last sentence applies only to ACTION c.

10. T.S. 3.4.11 (pg. 3/4 4-41) RCS Vents Line two in the LCO change the word " buses" to " busses". This change is typographical.
11. T.S. 3/4.5.1 (pgs. 3/4 5-1 and 3/4 5-2) Accumulators To LCO 3.5.1.a add the words "and power removed,". This change is for clarification since Surveillance Requirement c verifies that the

.MCC compartment is open and tagged out of service.

On Surveillance item a 1) change the word " volume" to " level".

This change is necessary because the operator in the control room sees a borated water " level" indicati,on instead of a " volume" indication for this equipment.

On page 5-2 add the word "and" at the end of Surveillance Requirement b. This change is just grammatical.

12. T.S..4.5.4 (pg. 3/4 5-9) Refueling Water Storage Tank On Surveillance 4.5.4 item a 1) change the word " volume" to " level". This change is necessary because the operator in the control room sees a borated water " level" indication instead of a " volume" indication for this equipment.
13. T.S. (pg. 3/4 9-9) RHR and Coolant Circulation In the ACTION statement, third line, the word " ACTION" is spelled using upper case lettering. This word should be spelled using lower case lettering because the Tech Spec definition does not apply in this case.

This change is typographical.

14. T.S. 3.10.1 (pg. 3/4 10-1) Special Test Exception In T.S. 3.10.1 LCO, line 2, the words " shutdown margin" should be spelled using all upper case lettering. The Tech Spec definition for shutdown margin will then apply. This change is typographical.


ATTACHMENT 20 (continued)

15. T.S. (pg. 3/4 11-1) Liquid Effluents In T.S. LCO, the spacing between lines 4 and 5 should be deleted. This change is irypographical.
16. T.S. 83/4.10.3 (pg. B3/4 '.0-1) Physics Tests In the second line change "10%" to "5%". This change is necessary so that the Bases Section becomes consistent with T.S. 3.10.3.a on page 3/4 10-3.
17. T.S. 5.1.3 (pg. 5-1) Site In line 10 of T.S. 5.1.3 the words " LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION" are spelled using upper case lettering. These words should be spelled using only initial capitalized letters because the Tech Spec definition does not apply in this case. This change is typographical.
18. Table 4.7-1 (pg. 3/4 7-8)

In item 2a under the column " Sample and Analysis Frequency" a hyphen needs to be added to the words "when-ever" and " radio-activity". This change is typographical.

19. Table 3.6-1 (pgs. 3/4 6-19 through 3/4 6-24)

Wherever the maximum isolation time indicates "N/A" change this to "N. A."

This change is requested to be consistent with the Frequency Notation listed in Table 1.1 page 1-8.

20.~T.S. (pg. 3/4 7-42) Fire Rated Assemblies In surveillance the word " performing" should be spelled using an upper case "P". This change is typographical.

Also change "1." to "1)" and "2." to "2)" and "3." to "3)". This change is required for format consistency.

21. Table 4.8-2 (pg. 3/4 8-12)

Listed under Category B. Limits for Each Connected Cell, the "11/4" should be changed to "f1/4". This change is typographical.

22. T.S. (pg. 3/4 8-14) On Site Power Distribution In ACTION b lines 4, 7 and 8 the words " Hot Standby" and " Cold Shutdown" appear a total of 4 times in lower case lettering. These words should be spelled using upper case lettering. _ The Tech Spec definition for these words would then apply. This change is typographical.

ATTACFJ1ENT 20 (continued)

23. T.S. (pg. 3/4 6-14) Spray Additive System On surveillance item b 1) change the word " volume" to " level" This change is necessary because the operator in the control room sees a borated water " level" indication instead of a " volume" indication for this equipment.
24. Bases 2.2.1 (pg. B2-5) Intermediate and Source Range, Nuclear Flux In the title and first sentence of this Bases paragraph, change the word

'" Nuclear" to " Neutron". This change is required to make this trip

~ designation consistent with other references in Tech Specs.

25. T.S. 3/4.7.10 (pg. 3/4.7-30) Fire Suppression Systems

'In LCO b items 1),- 2), 3) and 4), capitalize the first letter of the first word in each item. This change is for format consistency.

L26. Bases 3/4.1.3 (pg. B 3/4 1-4) Movable Control Assemblies In the last paragraph third line add an "a" before " rod position deviation monitor". This is a grammatical change.

27. Section 6.5.1 f (pgs 6-10 and 6-11) Personnel In items 1) a) through j) capitalize the first letter of the first word in each item. This_ change is for format consistency.
28. T.S. (pg. 3/4 7-31) Fire Suppression Systems .
Delete the following words "on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS". There is only one pump to be considered in this surveillance, therefore it cannot be tested-

-by-the Tech Spec definition of STAGGERED TEST BASIS.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) manual and codes provide a definition of its own for staggered test' basis which describes alternating methods for starting pumps.


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SECTION i PAGE 6.~ 1 RESPONSIBILITY................................................ 6-1 i-

6. 2 0RGANIZATION.................................................. 6-1 FIGURE 6.2-1 0FFSITE ORGANIZATION................................. 6-3 FIGURE 6.2-2 UNIT ORGANIZATION.................................... 6-4 TABLE 6.2-1 MINIMUM SHIFT CREW COMP 051 TION........................ 6-$

't 6.3 UNIT $TAFF QUALIFICATIONS..................................... 6-6 6.4 TRAINING......................................................' 6-6 6.5 REVIEV INVESTIGATION AND AU0!T................................ 6-6

6. 5.1 0FFsITE..................................................... 6-7 Offsite Review and Investigative Function................... 6-7 Audit Function.............................................. 6-8 Authority................................................... 6-9 Records..................................................... 6-10 Procedures.................................................. 6-10 Personnel................................................... 6-10 6.5.2 0NSITE...............................................'...... 6- 12 ,

OnsiteReviewandInvestigativeFunctionPkI................. 6-12 Responsibility.............................................. 6- 12 Authority................................................... 6-13 Records..................................................... 6-14 P ro c e d u r e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14 Personne1................................................... 6-14 6.6 R E P O R T A B L E EV ENT AL I 0 N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15 8YRON - UNIT 1 XX

  • wi c w og,

/S sf BASES SECTION PAGE 3/4.4.5 STEAM GENERATOR 5.......................................... B 3/4 4-3 3/4.4.6 REACTOR COO LANT SYSTEM LEAKAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3/4 4-4 3/4.4.7 C H EM I S T R Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3/4 4-5 3/4.4.8 SPECIFIC ACTIVITY......................................... 8 3/4 4-5 3/4.4.9 PRESSURE / TEMPERATURE LIMIT 5............................... 8 3/4 4-7 TABLE 8 3/4.4-1 . REACTOR VESSEL TOUGHNESS.. .I.................... B 3/4 4-11 FIGURE B 3/4.4-1 FAST NEUTRON FLUENCE (E AMev) AS A FUNCTION OF FULL power SERVICE LIFE........................ 8 3/4 4-12 FIGURE B 3/4.4-2 EFFECT OF FLUENCE AND COPPER ON SHIFT OF RTNOT FOR REACTOR VESSEL STEELS EXPOSED TO IRRADIATIO,N AT 550*F........................... 8 3/4 4-13 3/4.4.10 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY..................................... 8 3/4 4-15

'3/4.4.11 REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT 5................................ 8 3/4 4-16 3/4'. 5 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS 3/4.5.1 ACCUMULATOR 5.............................................. 8 3/4 5-1 3/4.5.2 and 3/4.5.3 ECC5 5UB5YSTEHS............................... 8 3/4 5-1 3/4.5.4 REFUELING WATER STORAGE TANK.............................. B 3/4 5-2 3/4.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 3/4.6.1 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT....................................... 8 3/4 6-1 3/4.6.2 DEPRE55URIZATION AND COOLING SYSTEM 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3/4 6-3 3/4.6.3 CONTAINMENT ISO LATION VALVE 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3/4 6-4 3/4.6.4- COMSUSTI8LE GAS CONTR0L................................... 8 3/4 6-4 i.


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80 RATED WATER SOURCE - SHUTDOWN LIMITING CONDITICN FOR OPERAi!ON As a minimum, one of the following borated water sources shall be OPERABLE:

a. A Soric Acid Storage System with:
1) A minimum containec barated water level of 7.0%,
2) A minimum boren concentration of 7000 pom, and
3) A minimum solution temcerature of 65'F.
b. The refueling water storage tank (RWST) with:
1) A minimum contained barated water level of 9.0%, . .
2) A minimum baron concentration of 2000 com, and
3) A minimum solution tamcerature of 35'F.

ApoLIOA8!LITY: MODES 5 and 6.


With no borated water source OPERA 8LE, suscend all operations involving CORE ALTERAi!CNS or cositive reactivity enanges.

SURVEIt'JNCE REOUIREMENTS a .1. 2. 5 The above required borated water source sna11 be demonstrated OPERAa'.!:

a. At least once per 7 days by: *
1) Verifying the boron concentration of the water,
2) Verifying the containec carated water N, anc
3) Verifying tne boric acid storage tanz solution temce ature ner it is tne source of berated ater,
b. At least once per 2a nours by verifying tne etwST temoerature wne, it is the source of barated water and tne outsice air tamoerature is less than 35'F. ,,,

8YRON UNIT 1 3/4 1-11


'<sr SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS a.1.2.5 fach barated water source snail ce cemonstratec OPERA 8LE:

4. At least once per 7 days Dy:
1) verifying tne coron concentration in the water, 2) level verifying tne containec moratec water weasme of the water source, anc
3) Verifying the Boric Acid Storage System solution temocrature when it is the source of boratec water.
o. At least once oer 2a nours by verifying the RWS7 temcerature wnen
ne outsice air temperature is eitner less than 35'F or greater nan 100*F.
c. At least once cea 2a nours by verifying tne RwST vent path teaceaature to De greater tnan or ecual to 35'F wnen the outsice air temperature is less enan 35'F.

I i

l 8YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 1-13 J

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-3/a.11.2.a GASiOUS RACwa57! TIEATMO T SYST9 The OPERA 8ILITY of the WASTE GAS HOQUP SYSTB anc the VENTI 1.ATICN DHAUST TREATMNT SYSTM ensures that the systaes will be available for use wnenever gaseous effluents require tnatment prior to release to the environment. The requirement that the accrocriata portions of tais system be used wnen specifisc provides nasonaale assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gas-ecus effluents will se kaot "as low as is reasonaoly acnievante". Thi s see:"i-i cation implements the requirements of 10 CFR 50.364, General Design Cr4terion 60 of Apoendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 cad the design ocjectives given in Se: tion *.C of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The specified limits governing the use of 3 appropriate portions of the Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System were specifisc as a suitante fraction of the dose design oejectives set forth in Section II.8 and II.C of Appendix I,10 CFR Part 50, for gaseous effluents.

This specification acclies to the release of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents from esca unit at the site. When snarea Radwaste Treatment Systems are used ny more tnan one unit on a site, the wastes from all units are mixed for snared treatment; Dy such mixing, tne effluent releases cannot

accurately be ascribed to a soecific unit. An estimate should be made of tne contributions from esca unit based on input conditions, e.g., flow rates anc radioactivity concentrations, or, if not practicaele, the treated effluent releases may be allocated ecually to each of the radioactive waste producing units saaring the Radwesta Treatment System. For determining conformance to LCOs, these allocations from shared Radweste Treatment Systems are to se acced to the releases specifically attributed to esca unit to octain the total releases per unit.


This specification is provided to ensure that the concentration of potentially explosive gas mixtures contained in tne ' WASTE GAS HOLDUP SYST& !s maintained telow the flammaaility limits of nycrogen and oxygen. Automatic control features are included in the system to prevent the nydrogen and oxygen concentrations from reacning these flammaaility limits. These automatic control featums include isolation of the source of nycrogen and/or oxygen, automatic i diversion to recomeiners, or injection of dilutants to reduce the concentration I below the flasseanfif ty limits. Maintaining the concentration of nycrogen anc

! oxygen below their flammacility limits previces assurance that the releases of

! radioactive mataMals will be controlled in conformance with tne recuirements of General Design Critarion 60 of Accendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.

3/ GAS OECAY TANKS The tanks included in this scocification are those tanks for whica :ne cuantity of radioactivity contained is- ^^^" act--limitac directly * - - -

or indirectly my anotner Tecnnical $cecification. - -"--t"

- " ^ ^ -^- - '* " - * -- " ^^^^

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c.o%;n udL, no.wh ps.recspb on pga 6 W H-1 to mak c SYRCN.* UNIT 1 8 3/a 11 6 " 8- f* " YPk




1. Radioa tivity k nitors Providing Al4:e amet Aastomatic lerminalioet ut Nelease t ispaial Naabaste L f fluent t ine (DNt-PN001) O P N(3) Q(1) N.A.
2. Radioxtivity Monitors Providing Alarm Sul ht Providinig Automat ic Iermination of Release - 1 R 4. EssentialServiceWaterRCfCIAandkC

{ Dutlet tine (IRL-P11007) g D M N(3) 4(2) N.A.

to. Essential Service Water NCIC IB doul k0 Outlet (IRf-PROS)) D M R(3) Q(2) M.A.

c. Statioes Blowdown Iine (DNf-PN010) D M N(3) Q(2) M.A.
3. Ilow Nate hasurement Devices
4. L ispeid N4abaste [f fIuent tine (lcop-WX001) S(4) N.A. R N.A. Q to . Station Slowstown iine (toop-CWD12) 0(4) N.A. R N.A. Q

=.e. .

Gify INSTRUMENTATION 3/a 3.a TUR8tNE OVERSPEED 8ROTECTION t.IM!*ING CON 0!TICN FOR OPERAftCN 3.3.4 At least one Turcine Oversooec Protection System sna11 ne OPERABLE.

AP8t.!CA8tl.!TY: MODES 1, 2, and 3.


a. With one tarottle valve or one governor valve per nign crossure taroine steam line inoceracle anc/or wita one reneat stoo valve or one reneat interceot valve per low pressure turnine steam line inoceracle, restore tne inocersole valve (s) to CPERA8LE status within 72 nours, or close at least one valve in tne affectec steam line(s) or isolate the turnine from the steam sucoly wi: Min the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.
c. With tne aceve ecuired Ture'ne Overspeec 8*otection System otne%ise inoceracle, witnin 6 nours isolate ne turoine face tne steam sucoly.

SURv!f t. LANCE REOU!REMEN?$ - The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not acclicable. The aeove recutrec Tureine Oversceec Protection System small ne comonstrated OPE.RA8f.i:


a. During turoine operation at least once per 31 cays 4cirect ooservatden of the movement of tne valves Delow :nrougn one comclete cycle from the running oosition:
1) Four nign pressure turnine tarotste valves,
2) Four nign pressure turoine governor valves,
3) Six turoine reneat stoo valves,
4) Six turoine reneet intercent valves, anc
e. Witnin 7 days orier to entering M00E 3 from NCE 4, ny cycling eae..

of tne 12 extraction steam nonreturn enecx valves from the closec position.

c. During tur:ine coeration at least once Dee 31 days ey airect oose*va-tion, of freedom of movement of eacn of sne 12 extraction steam non-return eneen valve weignt arms,
c. At least once per 18 montns by performance of OHANNEL CAL:3RA7::N on tne furoine Overspeed Protection Systems, anc
e. At least once ser 40 sonths my disassemoling at least one of eacs of the valves given in Specifications anc 3. aeove, anc :er-forming a visual anc surface insoection of valve seats, ciscs anc stems anc verifying no unacceptacle flaws or corrosion.

8YtCN - UNIT 1 3/4 3-75


/$ 0 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 3/4.4.3 PRESSURIZER L!MITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.4.3 The pressurizer shall be OPERABLE witn at least two groues of pressurizer neaters eacn having a cacacity of at least 150 kw anc a water level of less taan or soual to 92%.

AP8LICAB!L:TY: MCCES 1, 2, anc 3.



4. With less than two groucs of pressurizer heaters ee M , restore at least two groues of pressurizer heaters to OPERA 8LE statas witnin 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or ce in at least MOT STANCBY within the next 6 nours anc in HOT SHUT 00kN witnin the following i nours.
c. With the pressurizer etnerwise inocernole, ce in at least MOT STANO3Y witn tne Reactor trio creaners ocen witnin 6 nours ano in M07 SHU"0ChN witnin the following 6 nours.

SURVEIt. LANCE REQUIREMENTS The pressurizer water level small es determinec to me witnin its limit at least once per 12 nours. The cacacity of eacn of tne aoove reoutrec groues of pressurizer heaters small be verified my energiting tne heaters anc measuring circuit current at least once per 92 cays. The cross tie for tne pressurizer heaters to tne !$F power suco!y sna11 ee demonstratec CPERA8LE at least once per la montns my energizing tne neaters.

SYRON = UN!i 1 3/4 A*ll L-

c.. -

/$ W REACTOR COCLANT SYSTEM 3/4.4.6 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEAKAGE LEAU.GE OE ECT:CN Sr57E.*5 LIMITING CON 0!T!CN FOR OPERA 7!ON The following Reactor Coolant System Leakage Detection Systems sna11 De OPERA 8LE:

a. The Containment Atmos nere Particulate Racioactivity Monitoring System.
e. The Containment Floce Orain anc Reactor Cavity Flow Monitoring System, anc
c. The Containment Gaseous Racioactivity Monitoring System.

ApoLICABIt.!TY: M00E5 1, 2, 3, anc 4 ACT!ON: 4

a. with a. or c. of the acove recuirec t.eakage Detection Systems :T:X.I.

operation may continue for us to 30 cays provicea gram samoles of tne containment atmosonere are cotainec anc analytec for gaseous anc particulate racioactivity at least once car 24 nours =nen the required Gaseous or Particulate Racicactivity Monitoring System is incoerable; otherwise,-te in at least HOT STANOBY witnin tne next 6 nours anc in COLD SHUT 00WN witnin the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

b. With b, of the above recuitec Leakage Detection Systems inoceracle be in at 1:ast HOT STANOBY witnin the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> anc in COLO SHUT 00kN witnin tne following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.
c. witn a. and c. of tne acove requirec Leakage 3etection Systems inocertole:
1) Restore eitner Monitoring System (a. or c.) to OPERABLE status witnin 72 nours and
2) Obtain and analyze a grao samole of tne containment atmosonere der gaseous and particulate racioactivity at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, anc ,
3) Perform a Reactor Coolant System water inventory balance at least once '

per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

Otnenvise, se in at least HOT STANOBY witnin tne next 6 nours and in COL 3 M4 SHUTy0kN witnin the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREWENTS a.4.6.1 The Leakage Detection Systems sna11 ee cemenstratec OPERA 8LE sy:

a. Containment Atmosonere Gaseous anc Particulate Monitoring System-perdermance of CHANNEL CHECX, CHANNEL CAL!! RATION, and 0 G:TAL NANNE.,

OPERATIONAL TEST at the frequencies $Decified in Tacle 4.3-3,

3. Containment Floor Orsin and Reactor Oavity Flow Monitoring System-performance of CHANNEL CALIBRATICN at least once per 18 montns, arc
c. Verify the oil secarator portion of tne containment floor craf ton tne cc11ection sumo nas seen fillac to ne level of the overflow containment floor crain unidentified leakage collection weir oox once per 18 montns, following refueling, and Drior to initial startuo.


  • UNIT 1 3/4 4 20

~ ~ . . _ ,

,I t r 3r REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 3/4.4.11 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM VENTS LIMITING CON 0!?!ON FOR OPERATION bosses 3.4.11 At least one reactor vessel nead ent path consisting of two valves in series'powerec from emergency sna11 be OPERABLE anc closec.

APOLICABILITY: M00E5 1, 2, 3 anc 4 ACTION:

With the aoove reactor vessel head vent patn inocerable STARTUP and/or POWER OPERATION may continue provicec the inoceraole vent path is main-tained closed *ftn power removed from the valve actuator of all the valves in tne inoperacle vent catn; restore tne incoeasele vent catn to OPERABLE status witnin 30 days, or, me in HOT STAN08Y witnin 6 nours anc in COLO 5HUTDOWN witnin the following 30 nours.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.4.11 Each reactor vessel neac vent pata sna11 te comonstrated OPERABLE at leasy once per la montns ey:

a. Verifying all manual isolation valves in eacn vent patn are lockec in the open position.
b. Cycling each valve in the vent pata tnrougn at least one ecmolete cycle of full travel from the control room :uring 00L3 SHUT 00%N or REFUELING.
c. Verifying flow tnrougn :ne *eactor vessel neac vent catns curing venting coerations at COLO SHUTDOWN or REFUELING.


  • UNIT 1 3/4 4*41

m 3/4.5 EMPGDCY C32E C0 CLING SYST95 3/a.5.1 ACCL'MULATORS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERA 7!ON 3.5.1 Esca Reactor Coolant System accumulator shall be OPERA 8Li vita: (

a.' The isolation valve opep 0M pow Nmovedj D. A contained borated water level of between 31% anc 63%,

'c. A toren concentration of between 1900 anc 2100 ccm, and

d. A nitrogen cover pressure of between 502 and 647 psig.

AP8LICA!!LI T MCDES 1, 2, and 3".


a. With one accumu?ator inoceracle, excect as a result of a closec

. isolation valve, restore the inoceracle accumulator to OPERA 8LE status within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANOBY witnin the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in HOT SHUTOChN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.


b. With one accumulator inoceracle due to the isolation valve being closed, either immediately coen the isolation valve or ce in at least HOT STAN08Y witnin 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> anc in HOT SHUTDChN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, SURVE!LLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each accumulator shall ne demonstrate'd OPERA 8LE:
a. At least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> cy:
1) Verifying, my the acsonce of alarms, the containec moratec z water Mand nitrogen cover-pressure in the tanxs, anc a,m0_
2) Verifying that esca accumulator isolation valve is open.

"Pressuruer pressure acove 1000 psig.


4 on .

---'=w .4 eas

/ /S Jf EMERGENCY CCRE CCCLING'5YSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RECUIREMENT5 (Continueci At least once per 31 days and within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> after each solution b.

volume increase of greater tnan or equal to 70 gallons by verifying the boron concentration of the accumulator solution.orud

c. At least once per 31 days when the RC5 pressure is above 1000 psig by verifying-tnat the MCC comoar ment is open anc taggec out of stPVice.
a. 5.1. 2 Each ac:amulator water level and crossure enannel small ee' comonstrated CPERA8LE at least once per 18 montns my tne performance of a CHANNEL CALIBRAI!CN.

P 8YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 5-2

' re -


3.5.4 The refueling water storage tank (RWST) and tne neat traced portions of the associated flow catas sna11 be OPERA 8LE with:

a. A minimum containec boratec water level of S?%,
5. A minimum coron concentration of 2000 ;cm,
c. A minimum water temperature of 35'F, anc
c. A maximum water temcerature of 100*F.

AP8t!CA8!LITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, anc 4 ACTION:

Witn tne RWST inoceracle, restore tne tank to OPERASLE status within 1 nour or ce in at least HOT STANOBY within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> anc in COLD SHUT 00%N witnin tne following 30 nours.


a. -At least once car 7 cays by:


1) verifying the containec moratea watar weA,me in the tanx, anc
2) Verifying tne boren concentration of the water.

D. At least once oer 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> by verifying tne RW57 temperature wnen the outsice air temoerature is eitner less tnan 35'F or greater tnan 100*F.

c. At least once see 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> my verifying tne RW57 vent patn temoerature to be greater than or ecual to 35'F wnen tne outsice air -temperature is less than 35.

SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 5-9


. ,_::A

~ -

/ /Jr Jrs' l i


APDLICABILITY: MODE 6, when the water level above the too of :ne reac:ce vessel flange is greater than or ecual to 23 feet.


with no RHR loco OPERABLE anc in operation, suscend all operations involving an increase in :ne reac:ce cecay neat 1cac or a recuction in boren concentra-tien of the Reac ce Coolant System anc immeciately initiate corrective 2^ ;.., ac.41'on to return the recuirec RMR loco to OPERA 8LE anc operating status as seen as possible. Close all containment penetrations provicing cirect ac:ess from :ne -

containment atmosonore to the outside atmosonere within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

SURVE!LLANCE REQUIREMENTS At least one RHR loco snall be verifiec in coeration anc circulating reac ce coolant at a flow rate of greater nan or ecual to 2800 gpm at least once Der 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

"The RMR ioco say ce removed from coeration for up to i nour per 8-nour cerice curing tne per*ormance of CORE ALTERAT!cNS in :ne vicinity of tne reac:ce vessel hot legs.

BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 9-9



3/4.10 SPECIAL TEST EXCEPTIONS 3/4.10.1 SHUT 00kN MARGIN LIMIT!NG CON 0! TION 804 CPERATION 3.10.1 The SHUTDOWN MARGIN recuirement of Specification may be suspenced for measurement of control roc .or n anc r.:......n., . provicec reactivity ecuivalent to at least tne nignest estimatec control c orin is availaole for trip insertion from CPERABLE control roc (s).




a. Wita any full-lengin control roc not fully insertec anc wita less tnan tne acove anac hity ecuivalent availacie for trip insertion, immeciately initiate anc continue ocration at greater taan or ecual to 30 gpm of a solution containing greater : nan or ecual to 7000 com ~

coron or its ecuivalent until the SHUT 00WN MARG lN recuitec Dy Specification is restorec.


b. Wita all fu11-length control rods fully inser ec and the reactor succritical Oy less tnan tne acove reactivity ecuivalent, immeciately initiate and continue moration at greater tnan or ecual to 30, gam of a solution containing greater than or ecual to 7000 ppm coron or its equivalent until tne SHUTOCWN MARG *N recuitec ey Specification 3.l.1.1 is restorec.

SURVE!LLANCE REOUIRE.WENTS The cosition of each full-leng:n control oc e4:ner partially or fully witacrawn snail be ceterminec at leas once per 2 nours.

~ Eaca full-length control roc not fully insertaa snali ce cemonstratec cacaole of full insertion wnen tripoec from at least :ne 50% witnerawn sosition witnin 24 nours prior to recucing_the 5HUTDOWN MARGIN to less than :ne limits of Soecification

BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 10-1 ,

l nn, . . ,..

3/4.11 RADICACT!VE EF~tuENTS l f[f 3/a.11.1 LIQUID EF:LUENTS CONCENTRATION LIMITING CCNOITION FOR OPERATION The concentration of racioactive material releasec in licuic ef*1uents to UNRESTRICTED' AREA 5 (see Figure 5.1-1) sna11 ce limitec to tne concentrations i

specifiec in 10 CFR Part 20, Accencix B. Tacle II, Column 2, for racionuctices p jg, 'other than dissolvec or entrainec nocle gases. For cissolved or entrainee g ;nat, 1,nocle gases, the concentration snail be limitec to 2 x 10

  • microcurie /ml gg4Le total activity.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With the concentration of racicactive material released in liquic e**1uents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS exceecing tne acove limits, immeciately restore ne

. concentration to witnin tne acove limits.

3. The provisions of Scecifications 3.0.3 anc 3.0.4 are not acclicaele.

l o

SURVEILLANCE REcVIREMENTS Racicactive 1fouic wastes sna11 ce sanclec and analy:ac ac:orcing to the samoling anc analysis program of Tacle 4.11-1.

I The results of tae racicactivity analysis sna11 os usec in ac:ord-ance with the metaccology anc parameter < in :ne 00CM to assure tnat tne con-l

-centrations at tne point of release are maintained within :ne limits of Specification

L i

8YRON - UNIT 1 . 3/4 11-1

'agr 3/4.10 SNCIAL TEST DCEPTIONS SASES 3/A.10.1 SHUTOCWN MARGIN This special test excestion provices tnat a sinious amount of control roc worth is immeciataly availaele for reactivity control wnen tests are performec for control roc =crtn seasurement and shutcown margin catemination. This scocial test exception is required to permit tne periccic verification of the actual versus precictec core reactivity concition occureing as a result of fuel burnuo or fuel cycling operations.

3/a.10.2 GROUP HEIGHT. INSERTICN, aNO #ChER OISTRIBUTION LIMITS This special test exceotion pernits incividual control rocs to se cositioned outside of tneir normal groun heignts and insertion limits curing the performance of such PHYSICS TESTS as those requirec to: (1) measure control rod wortn, anc (2) cetermine tne reactor stacility incax anc camoening factor uncer xenon >

oscillation concitions.

3/&.10.3 24YSICS TEST 5 This special test exceo ion permits PHYSICS TESTS to se performee at less than or ecual to . f RATED THERMAL PCWU with tne RCS T stigntly lower thannormallyallowedsosnatthefuncamentalnuclearenarideristicsofthe t

core and related instrumentation can ce verified. In orcer for various characteristics to be accurately measured, it is at times necessary to operate outsica the normal restrictions of these Technical Soecifica..ans. For instance,

.to measure the eccerator temocrature coefficient at SQL, it is necessary to position the various control rods at neignts wnica may not normally De allowec l

my Specification wnica in turn say cause tne RCS T,yI to faH sligntly l- setow tne minimum tescerature of Soecification 3.1.1.a. ,

3/A.10.A RDCTOR COOLANT t.00PS This special test exceotion gemits reactor criticality under no flow conditions and is required to perfor's certain startuo anc PHYSICS TESTS wnile at low'THUMAL POWU levels.

l 3/A.10.5 POSITICN IMOICATION SYSTES SHUTDCVN This special test exception permits the Position Incication Systems to ce The exception is recuirec since L

inoperante curing roc crop time measur.esents.

the cata necessary to determine tne rod creo time is cerivec from tne incucac This incucac voltage in the position indicator coils as tne rod is croogec. cannot ce voltage is small comoared to the normal voltage anc tnerefora, l caserved if tne Position Incication Systems remain OPERA 8LI.

(, .

i L SYRCN - UNIT 1 8 3/4 10-1


l i



-. =ae*

'If if 4

5. 0 DESIGN FEATURE 5 5.1 5!TE EXC'.USION AREA 5.1.1 The Exclusion Area shall be as shown in Figure 5.1-1.

LOW POPULATION ZONE 5.1. 2 The Low Pooulation Zone shall se as shown in Figure 5.1-2.

MAP OEFINING UNRESTRICTED AREAS AND SITE BOUNDARY FOR RADIOACTIVE GASEO L13ulO EFF'.uENi5 5.1. 3 Information regarcing racicactive gaseous anc licuic effluents, wnien will allow identification of structures anc release ceints as well as cefinition of UNRESTRICTED AREAS witnin tne SITE BOUNDARY :nat are accessi:le to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, snail ce as snown in Figure 5.1-1. The cefin':i:n of UNRESTRICTED AREA usec in imolementing nese Tecnnicai Soecificatiens nas teen expancec over : hat in 10 CFR 20.3 (a)(17). The UNRE57RICTED AREA Councary may coincide witn :ne Exclusion (fencec) Area :ouncary, as esfined in 10 CFR 100.3(a),

The c:nce:t cut the UNRESTR!CTED AREA coes not inciace areas over .ater cocies.

of UNRESTRICTED AREAS estaclishec at or ceyond the 5ITE SCUNOARY, is utilizec i n :n e ' * ~ ~ "" - '" * ~ ~ ~ " " ~ ~ ~ ^ : Ra - . ? *o keep levels of racioac-ive materials in licuid and gaseous affluents as low s is reasonacly acnievaele, cursuant to 10 CFR 50.36a. For the Byron Station :ne Exclusion Area anc UNRESTRICTEC AREA councaries are ne same.

5. 2 CONTAINMENT 1iN Oihj '


5. 2;1 The containment ouilcing is a steel lined, reinforced c:ncrete cui!cing of cylincrical snape, witn a dome roof anc naving ne following cesign features:
a. Nominal inside diameter = 1A0 feet,
b. Nominal inside heignt = 222 feet,
c. - Nominal tnickness of concrete walls = 3.5 feet,
c. Nominal thickness of c:ncrete :ome = 3 feet,

.e, Ncminal tnickness of c:ncrete case s'ao = 12 feet, f.

Nominal tnickness of steel liner = 0.25 inen, and s

g. Net free volume = 2.3 x 10 cubic feet.


5.2.2 The c:ntainment :uilding is casignec anc snail be maintainec 'or a maximum internal pressure of 50 psig anc a temoerature of 250'F.

3YRON - UNIT 1 5-1


., n . -.


1. Gross Radioactivity At least once per 72 nours.

Dete rmi nati on"

2. Isotocic Analysis for 005E a) Once per 31 cays , -nen--

EQUIVALENT I-131 Concentration ever the gross -acio--

activity cetermination indicates concentrations greater than 10% of ne allowaole limit for raciciocines.

b) Once per 6 montas, wnen-ever the gross racio _

activity cetermination indicates concentrations less than or ecual to '

10% of the allowaole limit for raciciocines.

"A gross racioactivity analysis shall consist of the cuantitative measurement of the total specific activity of Me seconcary coolant exceot for racio-nuclices wita half-lives less tnan 10 minutes. Determination of the contri-butors to the gross specific activity shall be based uoon tnose energy ;eans icentifiaole with a 95% conficence level.

SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 7-3


6 6 me -

.i .

TA8L! 3.6-1 (Continued)



1. Phase "A" Isolation (Continued) e 52 1PR001A Process Radiation 4.5 52 1PR0015 Process Raciation 4.5 52 1PR066 Process Raciation 5.0 12 1PS22SA Hydrogen Monitor M. A. WA ==

' 12 1PS229A Hydrogen Monitar N . A. 4tr***

12 ' 1PS230A Hydrogen Monitar N.A. ferA==

.E SI 1952218 Hydrogen Monitor N A. W" 32 31 1PS2258 Hycrogen Monitor w .A. Mr**= ,

R 31 1P52308 Hycrogen Monitor H. A. M""

70 1P59354A Primary Process Samoling 10 70 1P593548 Primary Process Samoling 10 70 1P59355A . Primary Process Samo11ng 10

, 70 17553558 Primary Process Samoling 10 70 1P59356A Primary Process Samoling 10 70 1P593548 Primary Process Samoting 10

, 70 1759357A Primary Process Samoling 10 70 1F593578 Primary Process Samoling 10 11 1AES170 Reactor 81dg Equip Orains 10 ,

11 UE1003 Reactor Slag E uip Orains 10 65 1AE9157 Reactor Bleg Equip Drains 10 65 1RE9159A Reactor 81dg Equip Orsins 10 65 1RE91598 Reector Bldg Esuis crains 10 65 1RE9160A Reactor 81dg Ecuip Orains- 10 55 -1AE91508 Reactor 81cq Ecufo Crains 10 l' 27 1RY8025 PRT Mitrogen 10

[ 27 1KY8026 PRT Mitrogen 10

(- 27 .1RY8033 PRT Mitrogen 10 L 44 1AY8028 PRT.Make-vo 10

'55 15I8964 Ace'.asulater Fill 10 55 15I8880 Mitrogen Sucoly to Ac usulator 10 55 15I8871 Accumulator Fi11 10 55 15I8888 Mot Leg Safety Injection 10 47 1AF026 Reactor Building Floor Orains 15 .

, 47 1AF027 Reactor Tu11 ding Floor Orains 15

' .i .

l: 'BYROM - UNIT 1 3/4 6-19 i


TABLE 3.6-1 (Continued)


2. Phase "8" Isolation 21 1CC9414 RCP Mtr Brng Return 10 21 1CC9416 RCP Mtr Brng Return 10 24 1CC685 RCP Thermal Barrier Return 10 24 1CC9438 RCP Thermal Barris* Return 10 25 1CC9413A RCP Cooling Wtr Sucoly 10
3. Safety Infection 71 1CV8105" CVCS Charging 10

.71 1CV8106" CVCS Charging 10 7 15X0168" Essential Service Water Xf M A-9 15X0278" Essential Service water Xf M A-14 15x027A" Essential Service Water Mr N.A-15 15x016A" Essenti.a1 Service Water Wf H A-26 15I8801A" Cold Leg Safety Injection Aff N A '

26- 15!88018" Cola Leg Safety Injection jys" W A*

92 15IS811A" Containment Recire. Sumo )MS* Pt. A -

93~ 15188118" Containment Recire. Sump MrA ta A-

'4 Containment Ventilation Isolation ,

94 IVQ003 Mini-Flow Purge Exnaust 5 94 IVQOOSA Mini-Flow Purge Exnaust 5 94 IVQ0058 Mini-Flow Purge . Exhaust 5 94 IVQ005C- Mini-Flow Purge Exnaust 5 95- IVQ002A Purge Exnaust 5 95 IVQ002E Purge Exnaust 5 ,

96 IVQ004A Mini-Flow Purge Sucoly 5 l 96 IVQ0048 Mini-Flow Purge Supply 5

! 97 IVQ001A Purge Supoly 5 .

97 IVQ001B Purge Sucoly 5 .

5. Containment Soray Actuation -

Containment Soray 1 1C5007A- 30 16 1C50078 Containment Soray 30

6. Main Steam Isolation 77 1M5101D" Main Steam MMT 6.o I 78 ' 1M5101A" Main 5toam Mht'(.. o BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-20

e ., .

TA8LE 3.6-1 (Continued)


. 6. Main Steam Isolation (Continued) 85 1M51018" Main Steam 4eT (n . O I 86 1M5101C" Main Steam J,0:f (,, . o (

7. -Feeewater Isolation  ;

76 1FWOO90" Main Feeewater 5.0 l 76 1FWO430" Main Feeowater 6.0 l 79 1FWOO9A" Main Feedwater 5.0  :

79 1FWO43A" Main Feoewater 6.0 84 1FWOO98" Main Feecwater 5.0  !

84 ,

1FWO438" Main Feedwater 6.0 i

87. 1Fwo09C" Main Feeewater 5.0 87 1F'wC43C" Main Feecwater 6.0 99 1FWO350" Main Feecwater 6.0 99 1FWO390" Main Feecwater 6.0 100 1FWO35A" Main Feecwater 6.0 100 1FWO39A" Main Feecwater. 6.0 101 1FWO35B" Main Feecwater 6.0 101 IFWO398" Main Feeowater 6.0 102 1FWO35C" Main Feecwater 6.0 q 102 1FWO39C* Main Feedwater 6.0
8. Remote Manual 68 1RH8701A* RH Suction *tr N.N

! 64 1RH87018" RH Suction We b  :

-75 1RH8702A" RH Suction erf 75 1RH8702B" RH Suction .We  !

59 .15I8881" Het Leg Safety Injection Jue ','

73 15I8824" ,

Hot Leg Safety Injection Ju*

66 1518825" Hot Leg RH Injection Jer  ;

60 -1518823" Cold Leg Safety Inject.fon .aer' 50- 1518890A" Cold Leg RH Injection IV* '

51 15188908" Cold Leg RH Injection- .MrK 26 15I8843" Cold Leg Safety Injection arr 33 1CV8355A"- RCP 5eal Injection JMr .

33 1CV8355D" RCP Seal Injection Avr 53 1CV83558" RCP Seal Injection arff V +

53 1CV8355C" RCP Seal Injection avr N A l I

I 8YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-21

TABLE 3.6-1 (Continuec)


, 8. Remote Manual (Continuec) 59 15I8802A" Hot Leg Safety Injection 11/A N k-73 15I8802S" Hot Leg Safety Injection i /A 60 15I8835" Hot Leg Safety Injection t /A 50 15I8809A" RH Colc Leg Injection WA 51 15I8809B" RH Colc Leg Injection NA 66 15I8840" Hot. Leg Safety Injection N, A l 100 1AF013A" Feecwater '

N/ A 100 1AF013E" Feecwater N/ 4 101 1AF013B" Feecwater N/ - '

101 1AF013F" Feecwater N/ L 102 1AF013C" Feecwater N/ L 102 1AF013G* Feecwater N/ L l

99 1AFC130" Feedwater N/.i  !

99 1AF013H" Feecwater N/,L  !

9. Manual  !  !

e i 1

37 1CV8JA6" RCS Loco Fill N/ o -

I3 IVQO15 Instrument Penetration N/J j l I3 IVQ017 Instrument Penetration N// t I3 IVQ018 Instrument Penetration N//  :

I3 IVQ019 Instrument Penetration N//

30 1WM190 Make-Up Demin N/;


57 1FC009 Spent Fuel Pool Cleaning N/J, 57 1FC010 Spent Fuel Pool Cleaning N/> ,

32 IFC011 Spent Fuel. Pool Cleaning N/a 32 1FC012 Spent Fuel Pool Cleaning N/, 6 j

1 77 1M50210" Main Steam N/ 4 78 1M5021A" Main Steam N/ 4 -

85 1M50218" Main Steam N/A 86 1M5021C" Main Steam N/A ,

AL IPR 0025 Process Radiation N/A ,

AL IPR 033A Process Rdiation N/4 i Process Raciation N/ L I '

AL 1PR0338 AL 1PR002F Process Radiation N/4 I

, AL 1PR033C Process Raciation N/4 AL IPR 0330 Process Radiation N,1 A BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-22


  1. s/s TABLE 3.6-1 (Continuec)



9. Manual (Continued) ,,

99 1FWO150" Feecwater W/A N.A-100 1Fw015A" Fetewater I/A i 101 1Fw0158" Feeewater i /A  ;

102 1FWO15C" Feecwater b /A 1

10. Cheet 28 1CV8113 RCP Seal Water Return N,'A  !

37 1CV8348" RCS Loop Fill N, 'A k j

.6 IWG007A Chilled Water N 'A  ;

10 IW9007B Chillac water N 'A .

21 1CC9534 RCP Ntr Brng Return N 'A ,

24 ' ICC9518 RCP Thermal Barrier Return N,'A i 25 1CC9486 RCP Cooling wtr Supply N,'A 1 1C5008A Containment Spray N, A 16 1C50088 Containment Spray N/A 39 lIA091 Instrument Air N/A 30 1W191 Mane-Up Domin N/A 52 1PR032 Process Raciation N/ A AL IPR 002G Process Radiation N/ A AL 1PR002H- Process Radiation N/A

- 12 1PS231A Hycrogen Monitor N/A 31 & 1P52318 Hycrogen Moniter N/A 27 1RY8047' PRT Nitrogen N/A

-44 1AY8046 PRT Make-Up N/A 25 '15I8815" Safaty Infection N/L 50 .15I8818A* Safety Injection N/A 50 15I88180" Safety Injection N/.4 51 15I88188" Safety Injection N/4 L 51 15!8818C" Safety Injcetion N/,4 59 15I89C5A" Safety Injection N/,L 59 15I88050" Safety Injection N/,k 60 60 15IS819A" 15I88198" Safety Injection Safety Injection N/.L N/,4 y

BYRON - UNIT.1 3/4 6-23

.-- . _ - . . _ _ -- .._ .._ _ _. _-_ ...._.-__- . - _ . - _ ~ _ . _ - - _ . - - _ _ _ __. _ _. -

AFT - - ..

+- v .,7,, 3 L

TABLE 3.6-1 (Continuec)


10. Cheet (Continued)  !

60 15I8819C" Safety Injection /A NA 60 15I88190" Safety Injection /A 66 15I8841A" Safety Injection /A ,

66 15188418" Safety Injection /A i 73 15IS9058" Safety Injection $A 6 73 15I8905C" Safety Injection N/A 55 1518968" Safety Injection .

Ny/A 34 1FP345" Fire Protection N[' A 33 1CV8368A" RCP Seal Injection N/A ,

33 1CV83680" RCP Seal Injection N/A {

53 1CV83688" RCP Seal Injection NPA ,

53 1CV8368C" RCP Seal Injection N/A  :

11. 5/G Safeties /PORVs l 77 1M50130" Main Steam N/ A 77 1M50140" Main Steam N/ A f

77 1M50150" Main Staam M/A '

77 1M50160" Main Steam N/A i

77 1M50170" Main Staam M/A 78 1M5013A" Main Steam N/ A Main Steam Ns A i

. 78 1M5014A" Ns A  ;

-78 1M5015A" Main Staam IM5016A" Main Steam Ns A 78 Main Steam Ns A 78 1M5017A" 85 1M50138" Main Steam N/A 85 1M50148" Main Steam N/A  ;

85 1M50158" Main Steam N/A .

85 1M50168" Main Steam N/A IM50178" >'ain Steam N/ A 85-1M5013C" Main 5 team N/A 86 IM5014C* Main Steam N/ A 86 1M5015C" Main Steam N/ L 3 86 IM5016C" Main Steam N/ 6 86 NA 1M5017C* Main Steam N/4 86

.1M50180" Main Steam 20 77 Main Steam 20 78 IM5018A" Main Steam 20 85 1M50188*

Main Steam 20 86 IM5018C" "Not sucject to Type C leakage tests.

    • Proper valve operation will be comonstrated by verifying that the valve strokes to its required position.

8YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-24

l /[



' 3.7.11 All fire ratec assemelies (walls, floor / ceilings, caele tray enclosures

, anc c ner fire carriers) secarating safety-related fire areas or se:arating portions of recuncant systems imcortant to safe snutcown within a fire area ano all sealing devices in fire-rated assemoly penetrations (fire coors, fire wincows, fire campers, caele, picing and ventilation cuct penetration seals) shall be OPERA 8LE. '-

APoLICA8ILITY: At all times.


a. Wita one or more of tne acove recuirec fire ratec assemclies anc/or sealing devices inoperacle, witnin 1 nour eitner estaDlisa a contin-uous fire waten on at least one side of the affectec assemcly, or verify the OPERA 8ILITY of fire cetectors on at least one sica of tne inoperacle assemoly anc estaclish an nourly fire waten patrol.
3. The provisions of Scecifications 3.0.3 anc 3.0.4 are not acclica:Te.

'5URVEILLANCE RECUIREWENTS At least once per 13 montns tne acove recuired fire carrier pene:. a-tions -anc cenetration sealing cevices shall be verifisc OPERA 8LE ey:


a. /erforming a visual inscoction of:
1) The exposec surfaces of eacn fire rated assemcly,
2) Each fire wincow/ fire camcer and associatec nareware,
3) At least 10%'of each tyce of sealec penetration. If accarent enanges in ac:earance or acnormal cegracations are founc, a, visual insmection of an accitional 10% of eacn type of sealec penetration shall be mace. This insmection process sna11 l continue until a 10% samole witn no accarent enanges in ac-
l. pearance or aenormal oegracation is founc. Samples snal' e selectec such :nat each penetration seal will te inscoctec every 15 years.
b. Performing a functional tes of at least 1C% of :ne fire cameers. If

(- any nonconforming camoers are found,:an aceitional 10% .ill ee 'unc-tionally testec. This process will continue until an accostacle sample is founc. ,

a.7.11.2 Eacn of the acove requitec f 4re doors snail be verified OPERA 8LE :y inspecting :ne release anc closing mecnanism anc latenes at least once :er 6 montas, anc ey verifying:


a. The OPERA 8ILITt of ne Fire Door Sucervision System for eacn e'ec-trically sucervisec fire coor ey performing a TRIP ACTUATING CEVICE l

OPERATIONAL TEST at least once er 31 cays, I' ~ 3. That eacn lockec closec fire coor is closec at least once Oer 7 cays, anc

c. That eacn unlocked fire coor witnout electrical sucervision is :'.osec -

at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

l l: BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 7-42

Mr/sr l



! C3) ' '



Electrolyte > Minimum level > Minimum levei Above too of Level indication mark, inc_ication marx, plates, I anc 1 %" acove b _anc f k" aoove anc not i maximum level maximum level overflowing l incication marx incication marr j

, l  !

Ficat Voltage > 2.13 volts (0) > 2.07 veits I> 2.13 volts -

Not more taan j i

0.020 eelow tne averageofall(

Specific > 1.195 connectec celis Gravi y( t> 1.200(')

! Average of all Averageofal'!

connectec celis connectec cells:


, # > 1.205 > 1.195 III-  !

i  !

TABLE NOTATIONS (1) For any Category A parameter (s) outside One limi:(s) snown, tne cat ery may te considered CPERABLE provicec tnat within 24 nours all tne Category 3 measurements are taxen anc founc to ce within eneir alloweele values, anc provicec all Category A and 3 parameter (s) are restorea c witnin limits witnin tne nex:' 6 days.

' (2) For any Category S parameter (s) outsice tne-limit (s) snown ne catte /

may be consicerec OPERABLE provicec tnat tne Category S carameters are

- witnin :neir allowacle values anc croviced *.no Category 3 parameter (s) are


restorec c witnin limits witnin 7 cays.

(3) Any Category 3 parameter not witnin its allowaole value incicates an incoeracie cattery.

-(1) Correctec for electrolyte temoerature anc level.

(5) Or cattery enarging current is less -nan 2 amos .nen on enarge.

(5) Correctec for average elec rolyte amcerature. .

SYRCN'--UNIT 1 3/4'8-12 e-gW+r ' 4 =

- s *---w q=W-e--+w eT-* 7- tw 99le-**---d9T- y r 1 r

/ /f /J ELECTRICAL PCWER SYSTEMS 3/4.8.3 CNSITE DOWER OISTRIBUTICN CPERATING LIMI'ING CCNCITION FOR CPERATION The following electrical :usses snali ce energi:ec in the soecifiec manner:

a. Division 11 A.C. ESF Susses consisting of:
1) 4160-volt Sus 141,
2) 480-volt Sus 131x, and
3) 480-volt Bus 1312.
b. Division 12 A.C. ESF Busses consisting of:
1) 4160-Volt Bus 142
2) 480-volt Sus 132X,and
3) 480-volt Sus 1322.
c. 120-Volt A.C. Instrument Sus ill energi:ec f-em its associatec seve-ter connectec to 0.C. Sus ill,
c. 12C-Vol: A.C. Instrument Sus 113 energi:ec from 1:s associatec inverser connectec to C.C. Sus lil, -
e. 120-vol: A.C. Instrument Sus 112 energi:ec from its associatec inverter connectec to 0.C. Sus 112, anc
f. 120-Volt A.C. Instrument Sus 114 energi:ec from its associatec inverter connected to 0.C. Sus 112.

APPLICA8!LITY: MC055 1, 2, 3, anc 4 ACTION:

a. Witn one of tne civisions of A.C. ESF cusses not 'ully energi:ec, reenergi:e-ine civision witnin S nours or te in at leas:

HOT STANOSY .itnin tne next S nours .anc in COL 3 SHUTOChN witnin :ne following 30 nours.

c. With one A.C. instrument cus eitner mot energizac from its assoc 4atec inverter, or witn the inverter no: connectac to its associatec 3.0.

kyDay bus: 1) reenergi:e the A.C. instrument aus witnin 2 nours or ce in N at leas m e"-ry witnin tne nex: 5 nours anc in '- '-

- dolo M within tne following 30 nours, and 2) reenergi:e.:ne A.C. ins rument aus from its associatec inverter connec ac to its associatec 3.C. cus witnin 24 nours or ce in a: leas " -

1--in the nex: 5 nours anc in " * ~- -

\within:nefollowing30nours. HOTSTMDB9 C08.D SH W

.SYRCN - UNIT ~1 3/4 6-14


~. Wi-


a. A scray accitive tank containing a level of between 78.6% anc 90.3%

of between 30% anc 36% by weign: NaOH solution. anc

5. Two scray accitive ecuctors each capable of accing NaOH solution from tne spray accitive tanx to a Containment Soray System puma flow.

APOLICA8I'.!TY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4 AC* ION:

Wi n :ne Soray Accitive System inoceaacle, restore the system to OPERAELE status witnin 72 nours or ce in a: least HOT STAN08Y wi:nin ene next 6 nours; restore the Soray Accitive System to OPERABLE status witnin tne next 48 nours or ce in COLD 5HUTOChN witnin tne following 30 nours.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The Spray Accitive System sna11 ee demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 31 days by verifying that esca valve (manual, oower-coerated, or automatic) in tne flow atn tnat is not locxec.
sealed, or otherwise securec in position, is in its correct position;

. At least once per 6 months by:

latvel in ne tank, anc Verifying ne containec solution weavme 1)

2) Verifying the concentration of the NaOH solution Dy enemical analysis,
c. At least once per 18 months curing snutcown, by verifying that eaca automatic valve in the flow pata actuates to its correct position :n a Containment Soray Actuation test signal; anc
c. A: least once oer 5 years my verifying eacn water flow rate ecuivalent to 55(+5,-0) gallons per minute for 30% NaOH from tne ecuctor test connections in :ne Soray Accitive System:


) C526A 58 -0 gym (Train A), anc


2) CS258 68 -0 gpm (Train 3).

8YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-14

1 1

-- nv . _,

, "'=w exy, l'

ll$ f LIMITING 5AFETY SYSTE.M SETTING 3 BASES Power Rance. Neutron Flux. N'icn Rates (Ccntinued) 9 The Power Range Negative Rate trip provides protection for c:ntrol rec croc accidents. At hign power a single or multiple roc crop ac:icent coutc cause local flux peaking which could cause an unconservative local DN8R ::

exist. The Power Range No Negative Rate trip will prevent this from occureing my crecit is taken for oceration of the 7cwer Range tricoing tne reactor.

Negative Rate tric for tacse control roc crop accicents for wnica ON8Rs wii!

De greater taan the limit value.

i Ne.utrun Intermediate anc Source Rance, m..'.i- Flux Nev+ren The Intermeciate and Scurce Range, 4.c". ~1ux tri:s crevice c:re protection during reacter START'JP to mitigate tne c:nsecuences of an uncontrolled r:c cluster c:ntrol assem ly tank witncrawal from a su critical concition. These trips-provice recuncant protection to tne '. w 5et:oint tri:

' of tne Pcwer Range, Neutron Flux cnannels. The Source Range enannels wi'l initiate-a Reactor trip at aoout 105 c:unts per seconc unless manually Diocxec wnen 9-6 cecomes' active. The Intermediate Range enannels will initiate a Reactor trio at a current level equivalent to approximately 25% of RATED THERMAL POWER unless manually blocxec when P-10 eac:mes active.

Overtemeerature af The Overtemperature a7 trip .orovices core protection to prevent DNS for all coseinations of pressure, power, coolant tem:erature, anc axial power cistribution, provicec that the transient is slow with rescoct to piping transit celays from the core to the temcerature detectors (about 4 sec:ncs),

anc pressure is witnin the range cetween tne Pressurf ter Hign anc Low Pressure trips. The Setpoint is autsmatically variec witn: (1) coolant temoerature to c:rrect for temperature inducac changes in censity and heat cacacity of water anc includes cynamic concensation for piping delays from the core to the ioco temcerature detectors, (2) pressurizer pressure, anc (3) axial oower distribution.

Wita normal axial power distribution, tais Reacter trio ifmit is always sei:w the c:re Safety Limit as snown in Figure 2.1-1. If axial peaks are greater tnan design, as indicatec ty the cifference cetween ::c anc mottom ower range nuclear catect:es, tne Reactor trip is aut:matically recucac accorcing to the notations in Taole 2.2-1. .

SYRCN - UNIT 1 5 2-5

~~~ - - -.

v n c., u m PLAN

  • SYST. EMS /


I The Fire Suceression water Succly System snall be OPERA 8LE with:

a. Two fire su=oression pumos with their cischarge alignec to One fire j . su pression neacer, anc
b. An OPERA 8LE flow path capa 1e of taking suction from :ne *1ume anc transfer-ing tne water thecugn cistricution piping wita OPERABLE sectieralizing control or isolation valves to:
1) Ie yarc nycrant isolation valves (for nyc:: ants near tuilcings containing safety-retatec ecui: ment),
2) Ielas valve aneac of eacn nose stanc: ice as recuirac :y

. Speci fication 3. 7.10. 5,

3) Ielastvalveaneadofthe:elugevalve(on:nediesel generator fuel oil storage room foam system anc manual contain-ment charcoal filter celuge systems), or
4) howalarmvalves(enscrinklersystems)asrequired:y Speci fication 3. 7.10. 2.

ApoLICAE!LITY: At all times.



a. Wita one cumo and/or one water succly inoperacle, restore the
- inoceracle equipment to CPERABLE status witnin 7 cays or provice an alternate tackun pump or sucoly. The provisions of Specifica-tions 3.0.3 anc 3.0.4 are not acclicaele.
2. With the Fire Sucoression Water Sucoly System otnerwise inocera:1e estaotisn a sacxup Fire Suceression water Supoly System wi:nin 24 nours.

SURVE!LLANCE REQUIREMENTS a. The Fire Suceression Water Su:31y System snail be demonstratec OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 7 days cy verifying ne containec water sue:ly volume,

!YRCN - UNIT 1 3/4 7*30 t

!ifff' REACTIV!TV CONTO 0L SYSTEMS BASES MOVABLE CONTROL ASSEMBLIES (Continuac) 18, 210, anc 229 steps witnerawn for the Shuteewn 6anns scovices assurances that tne Digital Rod Position Incicator is operating ccreactly over tne full range of indication. Since the Digital Roc Position System coes not incicate < ~

the actual snutcown roc cosition between 18 stees anc 213 ste s, only points in the incicated ranges are picxec for verification of agreement witn comancec position.

The ACTION statements wnica permit limitec variations from tne basic requirements are acc meaniec Oy accitional restrictions wnien ensure tnat ne original design criteria are met. Misalignment of a roc requires measurement of peaking factors anc a restric* ion in THERMAL PCWER. These res*rictions crevice assurance of fuel roc integrity curing continuec c eration. In accision.

those safety analyses affectac y a misaligned roc are reevaluated to confirm that ne results remain valic curing future ocerat :n. i The maximum roc cree time restriction is censistent with the assumec *cc crop time usec in :ne safety analyses. Measurement wita 7,yg greater tnan or ecual to 550*F anc with all reactor c:clant pumos coerating ensures that tne measured crop times will be representative of insertion times experiencac curing a Reactor trip at operating concitions. C Control roc positions and CPERASILITY of the roc :osition indicators are recuired to be verified on a nom' asis of once ser 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> witn more /

frecuent verifications requirec ,e position caviation monitor is inoce*acle.

These verification frecuencies ar cecuate for assuring that tne acclica:!e LCOs are satisfiec.

l r

  • C 9


  • UNIT 1 3 3/4 l'a

1 l /S$[



c. Recorcs
1) Reviews, audits, and recommencations shall be documented anc distributed as covertc in Soeci fication anc 5. 5. it. ;


2) Copies of cocumentation, recorts, anc corresconcence sna11 :e kept on file at the station.
e. Procacures Written acministrative procacures sna11 te creoarec and maintainec for the offsite reviews anc investigative functions descrioec in Specification anc for tne aucit functions coscrinec in Specification Those procecures sna11 cover tne fo11 ewing:
1) Content anc metnoc of suomdssion of presentations to ne Sucervisor of tne Offsite Review anc Investigative function,
2) Use :f committees anc consultants, 4
3) Review anc acproval,
4) Detailed listing of items to be reviewed,
5) Metnod of: (1) acocinting personnel, (2) performing reviews.

investigations, (3) reporting findings anc recommencations of reviews anc investigations, (4) aporoving reports, anc (5) cistributing reports, and

6) Determining satisfactory concletion of action requirec casec on amorovec findings anc recommencations recorted by :ersonnel performing tne review anc investigative function.
f. Personnel
1) The persons, including consultants, performing the review anc investigative function, in accition to tne Sucervisor of tne Offsite Review anc Investigative Fune-ion, sna11 have excertise in one or more of the following disciplines as acercoriate for ne sucject or sucjects ceing reviewed and investigatac:

a) N e'velear power plant tecnnotogy, b) flegactor operations, c) Vatility operations, c) Peower plant design, e) freactor engineering, f) Kraciological safety, g) llreactor safety analysis, i

SYRON - UNIT 1 6-10

/ trof ACM:N!574A**VE CONTROL 5 OFFSITE (Continueci h) ][#nstrumentation anc c:ntrol,

1) meetallurgy, anc 4

j) Aany otner accrocriate cisciplines recuired cy unicue enaracteristics of the facility.

2) Indivicuals performing tne Review anc Investiga-ive Functi:n saali possess a minimum formal training anc excerience as listed below for each ciscicline.
4) Nuclear Power Dlant Tecanciogy Engineering gracuate or equivalen wita 5 years excer'erce in the nuclear power fiele cesign ancier oceration.

b) Reactor Ocarations Engineering graduate or ecniva'ent wita 5 years exceaieace in nucitar cower plant ocerations.

c) Utility Ocerations Engineering gracuate or ecuivalent with a: !aas: 5 years of experience in utility oceration anc/or engineering, d) Power Plant Design Engineering gracuate or ecuivalent witn at leas 5 years of experience in power clant design anc/or Oceration.

e) Reactor Engineering Engineering gracuate or ecuivalent. In accition, at least 5 years of excerience in nuclear plant engineering, cceration, anc/or gracuate wert in nuclear engineering or equivalent in reacter physics is required.

f) Raciological Safety Engineering gracuate or equivalent witn at least 5 years

. of excerience in raciation c:ntrol anc safety.

g) Reactor Safety Analysis Engineering gracuate or ecuivalent with at least 5 years of excerience in nuclear engineering.

$YRON - UNIT 1 6 *.;

9 s


D. At least once per 31 days s ; !"C:~C ".;T S'*.y ey starting tne X electric motor-criven pump and operating it for at least 15 minutes on recirculation flow,

c. At least once per 31 days my verifying that eacn valve (sanual, sower-operated, or automatic) in tne flow path is in its correct position,
d. At least once per 6 montns my performance of a system ring header flusn,
e. At least once per 12 montas By cycling each testante valve in :ne flow path through at least one comclete cycle of full travel,
f. At least once per 18 months By performing a system functional test wnica includes simulatec automatic actuation of tne system througnout

[ its operating secuence, anc: ,

1) Verifying snat esca fire cumo coveloos a disenarse of 15C% of ratec capacity at 65% of ratec pressure (3750 ges : 10% gom at 107 2 10% asig), anc recorcing measured performance at minimum anc rated loacs.
2) Cycling eacn valve in tae flow path that is not testacle curing plant operation througn at least one comolete cycle of full travel, anc
3) Verifying that esca fire sucoression pumo starts (secuentially) to maintain tae fire suceression water system pressure greater than or equal to 125 psig,
g. At least once per 3 years by performing a flow test of the system in accorcance wita Chaster 8, Section 16 of the Fire P-otection danctoon, 15tn Ecition, pue11snec sy tne National .8tre Protection Association. The fire puso diesel engine snail ne demonstratec OPERA 8t.!:

a.  : At least once per 31 days by verifying:
1) The fuel storage tant contains at least 325 gallons of fuel, and
2) The diesel starts from amcient concitions anc coerates for at least 30 minutes on recirculation flow. .



  • UNIT 1 3/4 7*31

pamw-F F

AiT AC.H mEsuT .2 I EWOM UMT I AND 2. T Ec" SPEC 5 The se- cir e % C C how)e.s t'egvi eec\ -lo % e CC.T4yd U n i t- l 3 ' Teck Spec 3 to m eA.s. %em c~ cmbivse d a rCv g U ni b 1 ond 2.

IEch b p"a ,


-e in

NU R EG-)Ef x.


M Isc,anical Spec...mcat.ons Syron Station '

. nit \ o. _A No.2 5

Docket No. STN 50-454 %4 STN-so-+55 .

. Appendix "A" to License No. NPF-M l


lssued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory i

Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation October 1934

$ h

.u .""*.

I . f. < h . I I

i s.;,:~O.


- !, (,




BYROM STATION UNITSNO. lud No.1 00CXET NOS.STN 50-454 %d Sc-455

4 l

l SCI 2 D l 1

I l


Raciation Monitoring for Plant Ocerations. . . . ...... 3/4 3-39

, TA8Li 3.3-5 RACIAT!ON MONITORING INSTRUMENTAT*0N FOR PLANT OPERATIONS... ............... .. . . 3/4 3-40 TA8Li 4.3-3 RADIATION %NITORING INSTRUMENTATION FOR PLANT OPERATIONS SURVEILLANCE REQUIRGENTS... ................... .. ............. 3/4 3-42 Mevae l e Inco re Ce tecto rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 3-43 Seismic Instrumentation.. . .. .. . .. .. . . 3/4 3-44 74 ELE 3.3-? SE 5MIC MCNITORING INSTRUMDT47:0N. . . . ... 3/4 3-45 Meteorciogical Instrumentation. . . . . 3/4 3 TABLE 3.3-9 METEOROLOGICAL MONITOR:NG INSTRUMBTATION. ...... 3/4 3-ce TABLI 4.3-5 METIOROLOGICAL MONITOR:NG INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIRDENTS..... .. ...... ....... ... 3/4 3-49 Remota Shut:cwn Instrumentation................... . .. . 3/4 3-50 TA8LI 3.3-9 R9075 SHUTDOWN MONITOR *NG INSTRUMOTAT!ON. .... ... 3/4 3-i*.

TABLI 4.3-5 REMOTE SHU DOWN WONITOR*NG INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIR & BTS.. .... . ........ ... 3/4 3-52 Ac:icen w enitoring *ns:-.anentation. . . . ... ........ . 3/4 3-53 7A8LI 3.3 AC !OENT NONITORING INSTRUMENTATION. ... ........... 3/4 3-54 TABLE 4 3-7 4C":0ENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVE:LLANCE REQUIR8ENTS.......... ............ .. 3/4 3-55

-Fire Oetec-ion Ins: usentation.. ........... ....... .. 3/4 3-in n 28t! 3. 3-t$ 7:RE OE icT:0N INSTRuMeT514i4Q . . . . . . . . . 3/4

. . .3-sa L:ose-Par. Detac ion a. ystem. . . . . . ... . ............... a/. .4w..

Racioactive Licuic Effluen: Monitoring Instrumentation. . . 3/4 3-5*.



. . . ..u ........ . .. ..... .......... 3,, . 4 x r

Td,24.p.nh F.A.u.1&rde (u,h) 3+b._ .

~3YRON'- UNIT 1 -V!


-3/4.4.7 CH DI57RY................................. ........ ... . 3/4 4-24 TA8LE 3.4-2 REACTOR C00uMT SYSTD CHEMISTRY LIMIT 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 4-25 TA8LE 4.4-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYST D CHEMISTRY SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS................................... .... 3/4 4-25 3/4.4.8 SPECIFIC ACTIVITY........................................ 3/4 4-27 FIGURE 3.4-1 DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 RD CTOR C00 uMT SPECIFIC lf ACTIVITY LIMIT VERSUS PERCENT OF RATED THERMAL PCWER WITH THE REACTOR COOLANT SPECIFIC ACTIVI'Y

>l wCi/ GRAM 005E EQUIVALENT I-131.. .. ... ... 3/4 4-29 TABLE 4.4-4 REACTOR C00 uMT SPECIFIC ACTIVITY SAMPLE ANO ANALYSIS PR0 GRAM.................................... 3/4 4-30 L 3/4.4.9~ PRESSURE /T 9PERATURE LIMITS Reactor Cociant 5ystem................................... 3/4 4-32 K- FIGURE 3.4-24 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM H DTUP .


_ LIMITATIONS APPLICA8LE UP TO 32 EFPY.(N.8.). . . . . 3/4 4-34 TA8LE 4.4-5 REACTOR VE5SEL MATERIAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM WITHORAWAL SCHEDULE............... ....... 3/4 4-35 Pressurizer....................................... ...... 3/4 4-36 0verpressure Protection-Systems. ....... ............... 3/4 4-37 q FIGURE 3.4-4 NOMINAL PORV PRESSURE RELIEF SET?cINT


i OVGPRE55URE PROTECTION SYSTEM. ............. 3/4 4-38 I

i. 3/4.4.10? STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY...................... .............. 3/4 4-40
3/4. 4.11 - RDCTOR C00LA'+ ' ;Y S"*EM V EN T 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 4-41


7- i + .t.) . 2 d .60.,J 5p,-. & y g4,uGp@eAph ib EFP f (. dst) M Y ~----


. , = --

? t >.cp 3. + - A h. W 5 f 3 04.dem


o pn +%_ _.m s u m n .a., a u


gc12 6 e

' :9??:NG C"N0!?!CNS =0R OPERATICN AND SURVEII LANCE RECU!RE9EN*3 SECTION PAGE 3/a.7.10 FIRE SUPPRESSICH SYSTEMS Fire Suceression Water Succly System. .... .. . .. 3/4 7-30 Water Systams. ..... ... . .. .... .... ......... .. 3/4 7-33 CC: Systaas... .... . ....... ... . ..... . ... ........ 3/a 7-35 Naton Systams........ . .. . ..... ......... .. . .... 3/a 7-36 Fire Nose Stations.. ..... . . .. ... .. ......... .. 3/a 7-37 TA8LE 3. 7-Sa, FIRE HOSE STATIONS. .L l..%id J.J. . . . . . ..... .. ... 3/4 7-38 T.C. - ;; . ' . $E -b c' ' - ~> i 31 4,//-a2 d*-

3 / a ."7.11 FI RATED A5'5EMBL'iE5.~~ W to n ' ' t r i..'...Gs . .. ...... . ... .

2/a.7.12 AREA TENDERATURE MON!TCR NG.. . 3/4 7-43 7 5LE 3.7-5 AREA TEMPERATURE <NITOR:NG. . . 3/ 4 7-44 3/a.S ELECTRI"At 20%ER D57595 3/4. 5.1 A.C. SCURCES Ocerating . ... ... ...... .. .... .... .......... .. 3/a 3-1 TASLE 4.3-1 OIESE1 GENERATOR TEST SCHECULE. . .. . ..... .... 3/4 8-E inutecwn. ... . ...... .. . .. . . ... . .. ... 3/4 3.-9 3/a . 3. 2 0.C. SCURCE5 Ocerating.. . .. . . ... .. . ........ . 3/4 8-10 TA2LE 4.3-2 SAT'IRY SURVE:L'.ANCE . REQUIREu!NTS. .. ........ ... 3/4 3 *d Shute:wn....... . .......... . . . .. .. ... ......... 3/4 S-13 3/4.3.3. ONSITE POWER OISTRIBUTION Ocarating... ....... ...... .... . . ....... 3/4 8 *.a 5huteewn................ ........ . .. . ..... .. .. .. 3/4 S-15 3/4. E. A ELE TRICAL EQUI?"ENT PRCTICTIVE DEVICES Containment penetration Concuctor Overcur ent 7-otective Devices.. . . ....... . ........ .. ' 3/ a 3-17 E


  1. Tcu. 3.e-:b hd. PMAGMi mg fs, ,n : .. he (.thah 0 a/t B

.3YRCN - UNIT 1. X:

% '46 O t.IMITING 00NC! !ONS ~CR OPERA?!ON AND SURVE '. LANCE RECU! RESENTS SECTION D&GE Motor-Coeratec Valves Thermal Overloac Protection ,

0evices............. . ... .. ..... . ............... 3/4 S-29

'X TABLE 3.3-2[ MOTOR OPERATED VALVE 5 THERMAL OVERLCAO PROTECTION OeVI C15 L LLatQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 s-30 h 3 Stb h mA:.scemhwn.omA4 3/+ 3 ~

3/4.9 REPJELING CPERATICNS( % d. O 3/4.9.1 BORCN CONCENTRATICN.............. ..................... 3/49-1 3/4.9.2 INSTRUMENTATION........... . . . . ........ ..... .. . 3/4 9-2 3/4.9.3 OECAY 7:ME.. . .. ............ . . .. . .. . 3/49-3 3/4.9.4 00NTAINMENT SU!. DING PENETRAT ONS. . . ... .. . .. 3/4 9-4 3/4.9.5 COM*UNICATICNS....... ...... ......... ............. . .. 3/4 '

3/4.'9. 6 REFUELING MACHINE....... .................... ........ .. 3/4 5-7 3/4.9.7 CRANE TRAVEL - SPENT FUEL STCRAGE FACILITr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 9-5 3/4.9.8 RESIDUAL NEAT RENOVAL AND CCCLANT CIRCULAT!CN Nign Watar Level.............. . ........... ..... .. ... 3/4 9-9 Low Water Level.............. ........... ........... .. 3/4 9710 3/4.9.9 CONTAINMENT PURGE ISCLATION SYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 9-11 3/4.9.10 WATER LEVEL - REACTOR VESSEL. ......... . . ... .... .. 3/4 9- 12 3/4.9.11 WATER LEVEL - STO RAGE PCO L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 9 '.3


3/4.9.12 rUEL NAN 0 LING BUILDING EXHAUST FILTER PLENUMS. . . . . . . . . . 3/4 9-14 r


00T 2 5 rd4 SASE5 SECTION PAGE 3/4.4.5 STEAM GENERATORS... . .... ........... .. . . . . . . S 3/4 4-3 3/4.4.6 REACTCR CCOLANT SYSTEM LEAKAGE. . .. . ... . 5 3/4 4-4 3/4.4.7 CHEMISTRY.... . .. .. . ..... ..... .. . ... . S 3/4 4-5 3/4.4.8 SPECIFIC ACTIVITv... .... ... . .. ..... .... . . . S 3/4 4-5 3/4.4.9 P.RE55URE/TEMPERATUAE LINITS.. ... ...... .... ... .. B 3/4 4-7

-s. TABLE B 3/4.4-1 REACTCR VE5SEL TCuGHNE55 f.Ldk .C. . . . . . ... . . . S . 3/4 4-11 s.


IRRACIATION 47 550*F. . . 2 3/4 4-13 3/4.4.10 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITf. . . .. . ..... ... .. . 2 3/4 4-15 3/4.4.11 REACTOR VE55EL HEA0 VENT 5. . . . . . . . . . . ... ..... .... B 3/4 4-15 3/4.5 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS

.. .... .. .... ... 8 3/4 5 *

' 3/4. 5.1 AC UMULATORS. . . . . . . . .. .

. . .. .. ..... ... . . . S3/45-1 3/4.5.2 anc 3/4.5.3 ECCS SUB5YSTEMS.

. . . .. .. .. ...  ! 3/4 5-2 3/4.5.4 REFUELING WATER STORAGE TANK.


.... 3 3/4 5-;


3 3/4 5-3 3/4. 6. 2 DE?RE55URIZATICN ANO CCCL~NG SYSTENS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

S 3/4 5-4 3/4.6.3 CONTAINMENT ISCLATION V ALVE5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

... . . ..... ...... . ....... a 3/4 5-4 3/.t. s . 4 C:MeuST st! GAS C:NTRot. ~

TAs 3l4. g-g b Q Van &% (.dkN b N t 't N



I Allit 2.2-1 (Continucal) u,, lit AC.100t 1111P SYSl[M IN5111t30fMIAI10N IRIP SEIPOINIS E

2 i StNSOR c 10lAt iRNOR

= __ntt 1R.JP sq P0iNI An towanar vAiut

-4 ruMCriONat uNil A_ttwaNcL114.)  !

e 12. steactor Conlasit f low-tw 2.5 1.77 0.6 390% of loop 389.2% of loop d;; P

---> p

  • n ::i.f!
  • M W46 m .- -
13. Steam Generator Water 27.I 18.28 h.5 340.8% of narrw 139.1% of narrw level low-t w range instrument. range instrumeant G.. M  :- 81 0 14.16 1.5 span spesi g , tg z --
14. Usulervoltage - Reactor 12.0 0.7 0 352(>8 volts.- 34128 volts -

Coolant Pumps escit bus eacts intas l

15. Usulertreepsency - Reactos- 14.4 13.3 0 351.8 11: 356.5 lia Cool 4 sit l' umps n 2 8 71 *6 ""-"

""^"" /"**^**"'d 3 88'0% * *\

t-J. 16. Iushine Iglp , Me.

  1. P Enk"k= 6>-"


a. _imergency Irly lleMicr N.A. N.A. N.A. 5 3S20 psig Pressure a
b. Iurbine throttle Valve N.A. N.A. N.A. 31% open 31% open Closure
17. Safety injection Isiput N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

- trom IST

18. Reacter ConIenL Pump N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Ilreaker Position Irlp

%, m : . : := Y 1, . o,,e b

  1. m e n ...... 1 p g m w E

1 4

D 2 S $84 il&

3/1 LIMIT!NG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEI'. LANCE REOUIREMENTS 3/1.0 AP8LICABILIW LIMITING CONDITICN FOR OPERATION 3.0.1 Como1f arce with the Limiting Conditions for Operation contained in the succeeding specifications is recuired during the OPERATIONAL MODES or other g conditions specified therein; except that uoon failure to meet the Limiting Conditions for Operation, the associatad ACTION requireteents shall oe met.

3. 0. 2 Noncompliance with a specification shall exist when the recuirements of the Limiting Condition for Operation and associated ACTION requirements are not met within the specified time intervals. If the Limiting Condition for coeration is restored prior to expiration of the specified time intervals, completion of the ACTION requirements is not required.

3.0.3 When a Limiting Condition for Operation is not met, except as provided in the associated ACTION requirements, within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> action shall be initiated-to place tne unit in a MODE in whien the specification does not apply by placing it, as apolicaole, in:

a. At least HOT STAN08Y within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />,
b. At least HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and
c. At least COLD SHUT 00WN within the suosequent 2a hours.

Where corrective measures are completed'that permit coeration under the ACTION (

requirements, the act.f on may be taken in accordance with the specified time limits as measured from the time of failure to meet the Limiting Condition for Operation. Exceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual specifications.

This specification is not applicable in MODE 5 or 6.

3.0.4 Entry ints an OPERATIONAL MODE or otner specified condition sna11 not l

be made unless the conditions for the Limiting Condition for coeration are met without reliance,on provisions contained in the ACTION requirements. This provision shall not prevent passage througn or to OPERATIONAL MOES as requirec to ' comply with ACTION requirements. Exceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual specifications.


1 3.0.5 Limiting Conditions for Operation including the associated ACTION re-
quirements shall apply to each unit individually unless otherwise indicated as follows
a. Whenever the Limiting Conditions for Operation refers to systems or

,g components which are shared by both units, the ACTION requirements 47 will-apply to both units simultaneously. .

1. .

. :T '

b. Whenever the Limiting Conditions for Operation applies to only one unit, this will be identified in the APPLICA8ILITY section of the specification; and
c. Whenever certain portions of a specification contain operating

!' parameters, Setpoints, etc., which are diferent for each unit, this

, will be identified in parentheses, footnotes or body of the require-ment, 3YRON - UNIT 1 b-

&l OCT 2 6 S84 i



b. Surveillance intarvals specified in Section XI,1980 Edition, Winter 1981 Adoenda, of tne ASME Soiler and Pressure vessel Coce for the inservice inspection and testing activities shall be

- applicaole as follows in these Tecnnical Specifications:

ASME BOILER AND PRES 5URE VE5SEL REQUIRED FREQUENCIES FOR C00E AND APPLICA8LE A00ENDA PERFORMING INSERVICE TERMINCLOGY FOR INSERVICE INSPECTION AND TESTING INSPECTION AND TESTING ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES Weekly At least once per 7 days Monthly At least once per 31 days Quarterly or every 3 months At least once per 92 days Semiannually or every 6 montas At least once per 184 days Every 9 montas At least once per 275 days Yearly or annually At least once per 366 days ,

c. .The provisions of Soecification 4.0.2 are applicable to the acove required frequencies for performing inservice inspection and testing activities;
d. Performance of the aeove inservice inspection and testing activities shall be in addition to other specified Surveillance Requirements; and
e. Nothing in the ASME Soiler and Pressure vessel Code shall be construed to supersede tne requirements of any Tecnnical Specification.

4.0.6 Surveillance Requirements shall apply to each unit individually unless otherwise indicated as stated in Specification 3.0.5 for individual specifica-

- tions or whenever certain portions of a specification contain surveillance parameters different for each unit, which will be identified in parentheses,

- footnotes or body of the requirement.

NEW SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 0-3



OCT 2 A ~CC r 4 TABLE 3.3-1 (Continuec)

ACTION 57AT M NT5 (Continuec)

ACTION 4 - With the nuncer of CPERA8Li channels one less taan the Minimum Channels CPERA8Li recuirement suspene all operations involving positive reactivity enanges.

ACTION 5 - Wita :ne numoer of CPERA8Li cnannels one less taan the Minimum (

Channels OPERA 8LE recuirement restore :ne inoperaole enannel to CPERA8Li status within 48 nours or witnin :ne nex: nour open :ne reactor trip areakers, suspenc all operaJions inyoJving co pi*ive

p. jJetivity en es , anc veri fy valves JCV-1113, 7.V-5429, f.V-S435, r

g p -8441 anc V-8435 are closec and securec in position. Wita no channels CPERA8LE verify comoliance with me ShuTD0hN MARGIN recuirteents of Specification or, as acclicacle, anc take the ac*.icns stated acove witnin 1 nour anc verify comoliance at least once per 12 nours :neraftar.

ACTION 5 - Wiu ce numcer of OPERA 8LE channels one less inan :ne Total Numoer of Channels. STARTUP anc/cr o0WER OPERATICN may crocesc provicec the following concitiens are sa.isfiec:

a. The inoperaole enannel is placec in :ne tricoec conc 1:1on -

witnin 1 nour; and

b. The Minimum Channels CDERABLE recuirement is met; newever, the inoperaale enannel may be myoassee for uo to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> t for surveillance testing of otner enannels per Specification 4. 3.1.1.

ACTION 7 - Wiu ut numoer of OPERABLE enannels one less : nan :ne Total Numcer of Channels, STARTUP anc/or 70hER OPERATION may procesc until :erformance of tne next requitec ANALOG CHANNEL OPERAT*0NAL TEST provicec tne inoceracie enannel is piacec in tne tripoec concition witnin 1 nour.

ACTION 8 - Viu less than tne Minimum Numoer of Channels OPERA 8Li, witnin 1 nour catarmine my caservation of :ne associatac cermissive

. annunciator wincow(s) tnat tne interlock is in its recuirec state for tne existing plant concition, or acoly Specification 3.0.3.


ACTION 9 - With tne nuncer of OPERA 8LE cnannels one less : nan :ne Minimum Channels CPERA8Li-recuirement, be in at least HOT STAN08Y

- witnin 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />; newever, one enannel say me typassec for we to 2 nours for surveillance testing mer Soecification a.3.1.1, oroviced tne otner enannel is OPERABLE.

ACTION 10 - wita me numoer of OPERA $Li enannels one less than me Minimum Channels OPERA 8Li recuirement, restore ene inoceraole enannel to CPERA8Li status witnin 44 nours or open tne Reactor trip creakers witnin the next hour.


  • Wim tne numoer of CPERA8Li cnannels less taan the Total Numoer of Channels, oceration say continue oroviced the inoceracle enannels are placed in :ne triocec concition wi uin 1 nour.

SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 3-3

lAnil 1.3-1 (Continueil)  :


k2 181Gl80t t_Af0 Salt }yMiuttt$ ACluAll004 S_YMIM INSlitHNINIAlloN I


f. 101At 100. CHAtesefL5 CitAN001 L$ APPtICA8If *

, ' I IM I 88288Al __tNel i Of CilANNtt5 to lillP I),Pit NAS,Q N004~ S ACIIGN

6. Aux Isdry Ieesheeter a
4. m uual Intilation 2 1. 2 1. 2. 3 22 8.. Automatic Actuellen logic 2 1 2 1. 2, 3 21 desal Attuallen Relays
a. . Sim. Gen. Water ievel-Iow-Ians I) Start Motor- i Driven Pump 4/sta. gest. 2/sta. sy n. 3/sta. gen. 1. 2. 3 19" e in any opera- in e4cli .

6 L ing sta gese. operalisig y sta. gest.


2) Start Slesel-Driven Pump 4/sta. gen. 2/sta. gest. 3/sta. gest. 1. 2. 3 19" in any isi c.atti operat iseg operaLing sim. gen. sim. gen.

is . unalervoltage - RCP 4-l/teus 2 3 1. 2 19" Hus-Start Motor-Drivesi Pisap and linesel-Driven Pump o

c. Sately Injections -

Start hior-Driven Pump See item 1. dinove for all Saf ety lasjection isiltiating fusictionis asul Q .

doest Diesel-Drivese Pump respai rement s.


Innv ision i tsi St B us i y s. ...,,,),,* o.*-2) [g tienten wo f Lege- A t Ntor-lis avun P. ,. < S t , , ., > ,.. s L 2 2 2 1. 2. 3. 4 25.- l ul x ,e. si< isio, a-

4 iML! 3. 3-4_(Cont inaci!)

j 2

lNil!atfRIO SAlflY IIAIUIIIS ACluAll0N SY5itN_IN5lNUNINIAll0N INIP $1'IPol!il5 ,

e 101At StMSDN INIP At10WA81[

E [8.N,ec_} logeAL,_!ai!! AtithfANC[ (IA) 7' INNON (5[) SE IP0lNI . VAlu[

q .

4. Steam Line Isolation f
4. Manu4I initlation N.A. N.A. N.A. M.A. N.A.

I h. Autom. tic Attuation logic dept A4.tuation

  • l Ne!4ys N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. M.A.
c. Contalement Pressure-liigh- 2 7. 7 0.71 1.5 , 18.2 psig 19.2 psig it . Steam Iine Pressure- 21.2 14.81 1. 5 >640 psig* ->617 psig a T.

s low (Alsove P-ll)

!Y e. Stede tine Pressure lX Negative kate-liigh M.0 0.5 0 1100 psl** <l11.5 psla"

. (llelow P-11)

S. liesisine is ip anet -

feestwater Isolation k

4. Anat oma t it AtLis4Liuss togit asul Ac tasat ion j Nelays M.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
h. Stede Generator Water i' t evel-liigh-liigh (r-14) 6.0 4.28 1. 5 <81.4% of <82.7% of t) Q l 54rrow range Earrow range y 5.0 I"'"""*"' I"'"""*"'


2) Q2. 2.18 1.5 y sp.n span to o) i a: . 54f ety lasjet.t iaan See fleen 1. 41aove f ais all S4f ety Ise clion Irlp 5etpoints asul Allmdale Values.

7g g7* O,,] ,

w.g.+:-=}&\ &79.97,$ m _ 4 e


n ~1 y 1


.1A8tf 3.3-4 (Continued).

'Y -

g listilleIENij SAftlY ffAlullf 5 ACluAllege SV511M INSINUMENIAll0N lit lP 5[IrelNIS


  • 10lAt 5fNs0N INIP - A110WASLE i .g iUNCI1000AL UIlli A,4,,L(lWAjletf_J I,,A) . 2

_ iNet0Nj5fj ${IPOINI VAtU[

4 l g 6. Auxiliary f emaluater i
4. Manual Initiation N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

1 te. Autoestic As.tuation i togic anal Actuation

Nelays ll. A. . N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.


c. Steme Generator h ier

, level-tow-tou-i Start Motor- *

  • l m Driven Pump and 27.1 18.28 - 4. 5 140.8% of 139.1% of 1 ) liiesel-Driven Pump narrow range narrow rance

, ,,, t) M t leistrument instrument g dj Q 2. -

7 Il'O lY.18 l.S g span span i d. Usedervoltage-NCP Bus- N.A. N.A. N.A. 15268 volts 14728 volts .

Start Motor Driven Pump

  • asul Diesel-Driven rienp 3

y gg _ , .

e. Sately injection- A- " "= I 1 Start Motor- 4 p i Driven Pump and See item 1. alusve for all Safety injection Irlp 5etpoints and 4

Diesel-Drlwen Pump Allouable Values.


  • . . I i -

i cn 3ll. j

.1ABLE 3.3-4 (Contisused)

ENGINf fRfD SMflY f fAIURf 5 ACTUAI10N SYSIEM IN511tuNfMIAll0N 1AIP SETPOINTS e 10lAt- SENSOR 1 RIP ALLOWABLE g fuMCil0NAL UNil AILOWANCf (IA) { ENNOR(SE) 5flPOINT VAluf 4 6. Auxillary feedwater (Coatinued) g

  • u ( . i. A e )

.. . s i ( v. . . . . , ,

f. Olvision 11,f5f-Sus undervoltage -

Start Motor-Driven Pimp N;A. N.A. M.A. 2870 volts 2730 volts i

g. Auxillary feedwater "

Pump Suction Pressure-Low (f ransfer to Essential Service -

, Water) N.A. M.A. M.A. 1.22" Hg vac 2" leg vac k

T 7. Automatic'11pening af iU Containment Simp Suction

. Isolatiosi Valves

. a. Aastomatic Actuation N.A. M.A. N.A. M.A. N.A.

logic asul Actuation

llelays .

{ h. ItWSI tevel-tow-Low N.A. N.A. M.A. 46.7% 44.7%

. Colacident.wlth .

Safety Injection See Item 1. above for Safety injection Irlp 5etpoints and Allowable Values.

i s


f i u

) -

l l

h. ,. .

, TABLE 3.3-5 (Continued)



7. Staam Generator wa+,e i.evel-8.sw-tow
a. Motor-Oriven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump <60
b. Diesel-Oriven Auxiliary -

Feedwater. Pumps 150

8. Containment P ossure-Mien-2 Staam Line Isola. tion <7
9. RWST Level-!.sw 8.ow Coincident with Safety Iniection Automatic Ocening of Containment <100 Sumn Suction Isolation valves
10. Undervoltace RCP Sus '
a. Motor-Oriven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump 150
b. Ofesel-Oriven Auxiliary Feecwater Pu c <60 x

-b u.4.k : (.bh 2:

Divisio*n UAESF Bus Undervolgw4:it A)


11. . ace


Motor-Driven Auxiliary Feecwater Pumo 150

12. Loss of Power l a. ESF Sus Undervoltage 11.9
  • Grid Oegracec Voltage 1310 2 30 delay
13. Staem Line P-ossure - Negative Rata-Mien (Below P-1.1) -

Staes Line Isolation 17 i-

14. Phase "A" Isolation Containment vent Isolation <

_7 j.

15. Auxilfarv Feeewater Puse Suetion ,,,

P re s s u re- t.ow-t.ow


Automatic Switenover to E5W N.A.

~ .

l i

! 8YRCN - UNIT L 3/4 3-32

.-m, , , . . , , - ....,.,..-.-.-.,y,-n.,, . . -- , - - , ,-- ,.rr- - - - - - - -- - - ,., . - - , --,

. I_ABIE 4.3-2 (Centinued)

'b [NGilif fRfD SAf t'lY l'f AltNtf 5 ACIDATION SYSIIM IN511tuMENIAll000

@ $48RVQtiANCERf0HIRfWitis c IRIP

$ ANAL 0G ACIDAllNG M00f5 -

-8 -


5. Turbine trip and feedwater (Continued)
b. Steam Generator Water 5 R H N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. I, 2 l evel-Illuh-liigli (P- 14)
c. Salety Injection See item 1. al>ove for all Safety Injection surveillance Requirements.
6. Auxillary feedwater
a. Manual Inittalion N.A. N.A. N.A. N N.A. N.A. M.A. 1, 2, 3
h. Automatic Actuallon N.A. N.A N.A. N.A. M(1) M(1) Q 1, 2, 3

't Iogic asul Actualion Relay

c. Steam Generator Water 5 R H N.A. N.A. N.A. M.A. 1, 2, 3 ievel-tow-tow d Usulervoltage-RCP Bus N.A. R N.A. N N.A. M.A. M.A. I, 2
e. Safety injection See Item I..above for all Safety injection Surveillance Requirements.
f. Division 11 Si Bus N.A. R N.A. N(2) M.A. M.A. M.A 1, 2, 3, 4 l Usulervoltage .
g. Auxillary feedwater $5 R M N.A. M.A. N.A. M.A. 1,2,3 Pump Suction Pressure-low
7. Automatic Openlow4 of , a Containment 5 map Suction '

(7 H

Isolation valves s M g ('Didwn 2.! sl d h 7, fU

= ~

.IAst[ 3.3-6 u.


NAlll ATION HONI10NilNi INSINUNfNlAll0N _l'ON l*l A_NI OPillAll0NS

. '1 c HININilH 3 CilANNELS [IlANNils APrilCA8if AL AllH/IlllP

, 10 INIP/ALAllH GPl HAllil HlWil 5 MIPolN, AC{ ION ItJHtilluMAI UNil

1. luel Huilding LiwiLy-allgli and ^

Critis4Iity (ONt-ANOSS/51.) 1 2 <5 mil /h 29

2. Containment Isolation-
  • Containment #4dioactivity-

^^ 26 liigli (1NEANull/12)' s_ 1 2 All gy g A

. ) u. .iLc(  :- AR.o n/. L J -_ t 2-b s_ m ../. a. ) --

3. l,iaseolis ina.Ilvsty-c Nt:5 leakage liclect ion t* # I N.A. 20 d M (IHi PHullH) N.A. 1, 2, 3, 3


'~ b) tid L (. Lea-PR.c,*G)

  • n.n l ,, g , 3 , N . A. 26 K

".* 4. l'as L it.ulate Nadioat t ivity-8 NB:S ige nelecLlon N.A. 20 w)u.l i ( lut -PHoll A) - - - - - -

  • N.A. I 1, 2, 3, 4 N.A. 2.3 X, Qudt (.tg.E -Pacs A ) ---- - - - -- -- - -

-6 n,A. g , , y. , 3 , 4 S. H.ain Contsel Iluum Is~ldtlun- u Outside Air intake-C4scous H. sill o L I w i t y-liigli (OHL -PHilllll/32il asul DNL-PN0338/349) 1 2 per All 1 0 [-b 1 27 isilake pCi/cc O


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IA88E 3.3-9 h _ RIM 0lf $4maillobat Minelloill00G INSlHUMINIAIION E

  • 101At 100. MINIMUM E RfAHOUI DI CilANNil.$ ,

9 10CA11004 filANNil S OPINARif M INUM_tN[ -

1. Intermeelidte Itasige Neutron flux .P106J 2 1
2. Source Range Neutrun fIum Pt06J 2 1
3. Reactor Coolant lemperature -

Wide kasuje

4. Ilot leg .

Pt053 1/ loop I/ loop is. Cold leg PtOSJ 1/ loop 1/ loop

4. Pressuriser Pressure Pt06J l 1 S. Pressuriser level IPttEl 2 1 ,

" 6. Steam Generator Pressiefe- Pt04J/ Ptoh.I 1/sta gea 1/sta gest

  • I/sta gen 1/sta gen I. Steam Gesecretor level 'P404J
8. Illiet i lo., Itate IOCAL 2 1
9. IIIIIt leaperatus e IOCAL 2 1
10. Auxiliary Ieesbater iIow Itate Pt04J/ lPtOSJ 2/ste gen 1/sta gen 6l c,


ha 03 E

u R

t Y




FIRE OETECTION INSTRUMENTATION t.IMITING CONDIT*0N FOR OP!4ATION As a minimum, tne fire detection instrumentation for each fire cetection zone shown in Taale 1.3-11gna11 ne OPERA 8J.i.

W t44ki (T.LA s. bub.fn(L4f.2.)

AP8LICABILITY: Whenever equipment protected my tne fire cetection instrument is requirec to be OPERA 8LE.


a. With any, but not more than one-nalf the total in any fire zone, fire detection instruments shown in Tacle 3.3-11 inoperacle, restore

< the inoperaole instrument (s) to OPERA 8LE status witnin 14 days or witnin tne next i nour estaelish a fire weten patrol to insooct the zone (s) with the inoperable instrument (s) at least once per i- hour, unless tne instrument (s) is located inside the containment, l then inscoct tnat containment zone at least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> or l . monitor tne containment air temocrature at least once per

  • nour at the locations listed in Specification
b. With more than one-nalf of the fire detection instruments in any fire zone snown in T401e 3.3-11 inoperaole or with any fire suppression instruments snown in Table 3.3-11, inocersels, or with any two or more adjacent fire detection instruments snown in Taele 3.3-11 inoperacle, witnin 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> estaolisn a fire watch patrol to inspect the zone (s) witn the inopera01e instrument (s) at least once oer nour, unless the instrument (s) is located inside the containment, -

then inspect that containment zone at least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> or monitor the containment air temperature at least once per nour at the locations listed in Specification

c. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not aopitcaole.

SURVEILLANCE RiOUIREMfMTS facn of the aeove required fire detection instruments whica are accessible during plant operation snail te demonstrateo OPERA 8LE at least once-per 6 monens my performance of a TRIP ACTUATING OEVICE OPERATIONAL TEST. Fire detectors wnica are not accessible during plant operation sna11 Se demonstratac OPERA 8LS by tne performance of a TRIP ACTUATING DEVICE OPERATIONAL TEST curtng esca COLD SHUTD0kN exceeding 24 nours unless performed in the previous 6 montns.

i I


- SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 3*56 u

r, .

c og




1. Containment """ v Zone 11 Elev 426 Suporession 1 ""

Zone 12 Elev 426 Suporession 1 ""

Zone 2 Elev 401 Detection 2 Zone 3 Elev 401 Detection 2 Zone 4 Elev 401 Detection 2 Zone 5 Elev 401 Detection 2 Zone 6 Elev 426 Detection 6 Zone 76 Elev 426 Detection 13 Zone 7 Elev 414 Cetection 7 Zone 24 Elev 414 Detection 16

2. Control Room 2.w n aw SSS d+ .% 4 Zone 68 Elev 451 Detection 5 Zone 69 Elev 451 Detection 12 Zone 75 Elev 451 Cetection 20 Zerw. feb Elt/451(M N 'ba2Laik 3
3. Switchgear Rooms '

1 % % (Aa Hst %2LI*E so Zone 77 Elev 426 Detection 21 Zone 78 Elev 426 Detection - 19 4 Upper Cable Spreading Room Zone 41 Elev 463 Oetection 4 Zone 42 Elev 463 Detection 4 Zone 43 Elev 463 Oetection 8 Zone 44 Elev 463 Detection 8 Zone 45 Elev 463 Detection 10 Zone 46 Elev 463 Detection 10 Zone 47 Elev 463 Detection 5 Zone 48 Elev 463 Detection 5 Lower Cable Spreading Room Zone 49 Elev 439 Detection 23 Zone 50 Elev 439 Detection 23 Zone 51 Elev 439 Detection 13 Zone 52 Elev 439 Detection 13

Zone 53 Elev 439 Detection 9 Zone 54 Elev 439 Detection 9 Zone 55 Elev 439 Detection 6 Zone 56 Elev 439 Detection 6

, . 5. Remote Shutdown Panel Zone 13 Elev 383 Oetection 7 BYRON

  • UNIT 1 3/4 3-58

J D ~. ..s Q.

.,__ TA8LE 3. 3-11dContinued)


(.L.&rwt 1 )


6. Station Battery Room Zone 67 Elev 451 Detection , 13
7. Diesel Generator Roos Zone 37 Elev 401 Suppression 6 Zone 38 Elev 401 Suppression 6 Zone 71 Elev 401 Detection 1 Zone 72 Elev 401 Detection 1
8. Diesel Fuel Storage Zone 39 Elev 401 Suppression 1 Zone 40 Elev 401 Sucoression 1 Zone 27 Elev 383 Suoeression 3 Zone 29 Elev 383 Sucoression 3 Zone 10 Elev 383 Detection 6
9. Safety Related Pumps Zone 41 Elev 383 Suporession 2 Zone 42 Elev 383 Suporession 1 Zone 16 Elev 364 Detection. 2 Zone 18 Elev 364 Detection 10 Zone 19 Elev 364 Detection 3 Zone 2a Elev 346 Detection 3 Zone 21 Elev 346 Detection 3 Zone 52 RSH Suppression 8

- 2.3 2 % n Olaar Sk(u.,st.2,.) 'D.a b h

10. Fuel Storage Zone 39 Elev 401 Detection 29 Zone 38 Elev 426 Detection 3

\\. $-- = & .fWa_nk TA8LE NOTATICMS

  • A single detector in a zone marked " Detection" will alarm in the Main controi Room. A single detector in a zone marked "Suopression will initiate suporession and alarm in the Main Control Room.

) ""These are Containment Ventilation temoerature switenes. Upon receiot of a Hi ni temocrature, suppression must ce manually initiated. These switenes are not 720 supervised.

      • The fire detection instruments located within the containment are not reovired to be OPEAA8LE during tne performance of Type A containment leakage rate tests.

SYROM - UNIT 1 3/4 3-59



_I.Nontomgwr LocATioM -

  • # W W "'

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-, iA til 364' x ikiso.u i<A zept 4y sb Vo/ pt?/ensD S rear 65rfsti YDJ w c r k p o J' S

-z=: h ly  :=w 3 -

2/nf /V f y V!/ Dr7R 7b 0 4 EcQF l$ f G VC/ Pf77fG70/j &

zwc /F rb Sy -

cepreraco 'O 2onc/~7 tb JY& prrktea (atti 2 ) .72-usu Vo edu .1% orrrauo laser AT~ iz 2cor/2.rbv VSf x(7rsio (oxnr 2.)_- //

zooir 2z rb YJ7 .1;crr~c7xo (t.?pr.1) __ j?

nur sz. sAi w or77o7so (ow, &:. n inas 4/ skes V59 wreneo (iwis2Y.- 7 zouf 75 sb lbd ycykno>> (comb ._ J3 IQ n11l>o%,ma

~len L6 Olca 264 Dh It s}q 1-s%

g'e' 2 6 564 7:s'.!3.3-nb

    • 85 05 E:?!:N IN574tMENT5 w INS?ttMENT .0 CATION * ( vNW INS2.)7auscNT TveE' 'OTAL %F9Et Or Ns :tMENf3

-est  :'ame smece

'. Containment '""

I:ne *.1 i'ev 425 Su: ressten . ""

I:ne 12 i'ev 225 SS:crossion . ""

I:ne 2 Elev A01 cetec: ten 2 Zone '3 !!av 401 Cetection 2 Zone a Elev 401 Cetection 2 Zone 5 Elev 401 Detection 2 Zone 6 Elev 425 Cetac fon 5

% Ione 76 Elev 425 Detection ,tf Ct Zone 7 Elev 414 Detection .# 4 I:ne 21 51ev 414 Detec-1:n *+

. go

2. C:nt ci Roca T / m 1/4 l A -4 3 a 8 ( M d "Do tt ;t-jw *}.

I:ne 6a Elev 451 Detection '3 Zone 59 Elev 451 Cetection . W /*[

^ I ne 75 Elev 451 (.M i) Cetection 20 3

Zaa. *>8 FA, ws: (.u.ati) tro h

3. 5.itengear Rooms (c 2na.* car'+5L 'D4A'h 21 'I I:ne 77 Elev A25 Detaction

% I:ne 78 Eiev 425 Cetection ja 9 1 Uccer :acle Screacing Roem .

a I:ne 41 Elev 463 Oetec-ton a

I:ne 42 Elev 263 :staction Setec-icn a I ne 23 Elev 163 3 I:ne 44 Elev 463 Cetection Cetac:fon '.M 9 3 I:ne 45 Elev A63  ?! 9 Isne 46 Elev 463 Cetection Inne 47 Elev 463 :etec ica 5 5

ne 48 Elev 163 Detection L:wer Casle Screacing Room Zone 19 giev 439 Setection 2 8 Getaciten M S Zone 50 Elev 439
  • d l'i I:ne $1 Elev 439 Detection

& Ostaction M l'1 Ione $2 Elev 439 J 8I Ione 53 Elev A39 Detection Detection P

Isne la ilev 139 5 I:ne 55 !!av A39 Cetec:fon 3

Inne 56 Elev 439 Cetection

5. Remote'ihu cewn 8snei 7

I:ne 13 Elev 383 Q1MN Oetaciton SYRCN

  • UN!" 1 3/4 3*4& d9 b

I' e


'ABL! 3.3-1; '::ntinueel A

      • E OE iO7' N INST *UMEN75

% QucT a)

INsittMEN7 798t= 0TAL NumeEt y Ns *tv5N 5

N57tUMENT t.: CAT *:N

- Heat  : tate Smeke

5. Station Sattery Room S  ::ne 37 E'ev !; Oetection . Wlo
7. Diesel Generat:r 4cem
one 37 !!av 101 Su:oression ,P 4'

/ Zone 38 Elev ac; Suceression y /p-Zone 7. Elev 401 Detection 1 Inne 72 Elev 201 Detection i

3. Diesel .'uel. St:enge I:ne 39 Elev AC'. Su:oression i Zone 40 Elev 20'. Suceressi:n 1 Ione 27 Elev 383 Succression 3 Zone 29 Elev 383 Sanoression 3 Zone 10 Elev 383 Cetection 6
9. Safety Relatec 8umes Ione A1 Elev 383 Sucaression 2

. Inne 42 Elev 383 Sumoression i b :ne *.6 Elev 36a Oetection 2 Icne 18 Elev 364 Getec-icn 'l 3l Zone 19 Eiev 364 Catec icn J' 1;

ne 20 E'ev 346 Cetecti:n 3
ne 21 Elev 3c6 Catecti:n 3 Z:ne 52'RSH (MU Sucaression 3


& zn se En aso mds - - . .

13. 8 vel Storage Inne 39 Elev 40*, (u.MO 3etection 29 Ione 38 Elev 225 (u.,4.t.s) :stection 3 k c M w .4.Y" @ W v

7A8Li NC7A**0N$

"a single etecter in a tone mortec "0etec-ion" .1' af arm f n :ne "a'9 ::st. ci Roem. A single setect:r in a zone martec Su:crossion wtil initiate s :crossd:n anc alars in tne wain Cantes1 Room.

w' a4

    • These are Contai,-ment Ventilation temcerature swit:nes. Ucon recei:t of a temocrature, suncressten must :e manually initiatec. These swit:nes are ic:

723 su ervisec.

"""The fire detection instruments locatec wt tain :ne emntainment are not -ecut-ec is se opt.RA8Li :uring ne :er dermance of 7/ De A :entainment teenage ate :ssts.

!YRON - UN!? 1 3/4 3*.$P diT (,,

ad Tl?5 abbNY  :


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-h j A 4 3 SYRCN - UNIT 1 3/4 3*i2

  • e i


- I Ast E 4. 3-8 .

BASIGACIIvf L IgIS [ffitMNI_MDell10A100G lil51AUNINI All004 SuRvfiti AstCf RiguillittlNIS ,

DIGlIAL A00A40G c CHANett t CHA080t t

} IN5100teW NI CHA0011 L CIR CK Sausitti t[lN CE CleAselfL CAllSNAllDet GPL NAI1010AL IL5I GPLNAI80004L 1458

1. Radia4ctivity Munitors Providing

. Alarm and Automatic leraination of Nelease t ialuid Nadw4ste Ef fluent Line (00t(-PNeet) D P R(3) q(1) N.A.

- 2. Radioactivity Munitors Providing Alarm Sut Ilut Providing Automatic termination of Nelease t' 4. Essential 5=rvice Water X;I : . '0"

(*at-tese2; utJj Q(2) "^ A


d as aiet-Id *: ri K.4 E E nr6h! L;;k W'-- E r:: "

aut-let-t4% C "i) A M u(as igii) 3. O b g[. Station Bl=hw Line (OSC-PNelo) D M R(3) 4(2) N A.

3. flou Nate Measurement Devices

. a. tleguid li m ste IffBuent tlae (lpop-nnl0G B ) 9(4) N.A. N N.A. 4

.h. 5t'ation El - h m Line (toep-CWG12) p(4) N.A. N N.A. y ,

1 9

I)wildi M NI) (T) N*A ['

a.) R(.FC. : A ed iC..Jal(idF-Soot) D (gi.) N.a I ..

b) R.cF(_ la .-<l :D moitt-ateos) D m R(1) l ..

2.) M 2. ^ Es) (,2.) N a.

g o.) acr<. ta 4 tc.wu. O-p-r**) D M g,(g) g) ,g, b) RLFC. s& a, <! 1D e- M- (1A.E-NOS D e


!W.!!aaE!!v!.GA.Rta85_!!!!uge!! guussioninc Lus!RieInvAriosi 5 .



=.- ManlMuM commets AeFi!cARitisy Acilos!

g !nsl e i oPLRAR t U l. riant Vect Monitoring System - ikilt I to

a. etoble Gas Activity Monitor-Providing Alare
  • 39
1) High Range (IAE-PR0280) 1 tow Range (IAE-PRc2en) 39
2) 1
  • 40
b. Iodine Sampler (IRE-PRG280) I
  • 40
c. Particulate Saagnier (IRf-PR028A) 1 1:' d. ffiluent System flow Rate a
  • I 36 Measuping Device (loor-VAul9)
  • 1'

$ e. Sampler flw Rate Measuring Device I 36 (lil-Pal 65)

2. ilaat Vent Monitoring System - Unit 2
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor-Providing Alare ,
  • 39
1) High (2Rf-PRG280) I

^ 39

2) tw Range (?RL-PRG2HR) I
b. lodine Sangiler (2RL-PR0280) I to a 40 I c. Particulate Sampler (2Rf-PR028A) I



d. If fluent System f tw Rate Measuring Device (ROOP-VAG20) I 36 l


e. Samqnler iIw Rate Measuring Devite i .


(281-PR365) 6 r

I Allt E 3. 3- 1) {Continesed)

N h

!.Ag10,Al]((y[ ,pA,}{ W),Q f1IN g{,,,M,,W[10 RING Ig}]N_tIMI NI AI1014 25 x

  • MININIH CilANNfi5 GPtitAhli APPtICA8it11Y ,ACIl0N g IN,}llitiMt NI

-s Gaseous Waste Massacemeni System

,, 3.

    • 38
4. Lly43rogell Asialyzer (OAl-CAN1000) I y' CATT is . timygest Analyzer (GAFraMit asul .

2 44 HA)-(MWKil)

4. Gas Detay lank System
a. Noble Gas Activity Mostitor - Provistisig Alarm asul Automatic levelnallon of
  • 35 itelease (UNE-PHOG2A asul 28) 2 1 5. Contalsweent Purge System j ,

i l

a. Nidale Gas Activity Monitor - Providisig
  • 37 Alarm Nt-FN00lH) 1 13 . Indine Sampler l
  • 40

% NL-PN00IC) 1

c. Particulate Samtaler
  • 40 A gitt-PN001A) 1
6. Radioat.tivity Monitors Providing Alarm asul Automallo Closure of Surge Bank Vent-Component
  • A Coolisig Water iisie (Ulti-PN009 asut Nf -Pit 009) 2 42


{ N l Os i

X X a j

y A d

i i

l UCT 2 i 524 Ta8LE 3.3-13 (Continueci i



At all times.

"" Ouring WASTE GAS HOLDUP SYSTEM operation.

1t # O.t A ine d u , e 1 y u.d (14:t.i n M 2. ey'^#'^. -


ACTI STATEMENTS ACT!cM 35 - With :ne numoer of enannels OPERA 8Li less tnan requirec ty tne

- Minimus Channels OPERA 8Li requirement, tne contents of the tant (s) may me released to the envircnment for uo to la cays provicec tnat prior to initiating tne release:

a, At least two incocendent samples of the tant's contents are analyzed, and

b. At least two technically cualiff ec memoers of the facility staff incocencently veri'y the release rate calculations anc disenarge valve lineuo.

0:nerwise, suscena release of racioactive affluents via :nts patnway.

ACTION 36 - With the numoer of enannels OPERA 8Li less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERA 8Li requirement, effluent releases via :nis j patnway may continue for un to 30 days provided the . flow rata is estimatec at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

ACTION 37 - Witn :ne nuncer of enannels CPERA8LI less taan recuired by tne Minimus Channels OPERABLE recuirement, immeciately suscenc PURGING.

of racioactive effluents via tais patnway.

ACTION 38 - With the nuscer of channels OPERABLE less taan recuirec by tne Minimum Channels OPERABLE recuirement, coeration of the'Gasaous

  1. Waste Management System may continue for wo to 14 days provicec grao samoles are taxen and analy:sc at least once per a nours (once per l

4 nours curing cegassing operations).

ACTION 39 - Vita :ne numoer of enannels CPERA8Li tess tnan recuirac ny the Minimum Channels OPERABLE recuirement, ef'luent releases via nis <

patnway may continue for un to 30 cays.oroviceo grao samoles are taxen at least once oer 12 nours anc :nese samoles are analytec for racioac-ivity witnin 24 nours.

V .

SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 3-59

. l A_Bi f 4. 3_. 9 IIAll!UA.C.!!.Y!. @5tWS.I,_!!!l,8!,N,[, EM,l.10NING IN5811tMfMIAll0N SullVfIl1 ANCf NfQUINQNijl5 DIGlIAI CilANNt I. H00f 5 iDN lallCat CalANNEL SOINICf CilANNII OPiNAIIONAl SINIVf ILi ANC(

IUNCl10NAl UNil ClKCK ClKCK CAR lilNAI100! If51 _Q NigulNI p l .' Plant Vent Munitoring System - Unit i

a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor -

Provialing Alarm

1) liigh Nange (INf-PN02HO) D M N(3) Q(2)


2) Iow it.snge (INE-PNO2HR) D M N(3) Q(2)
b. loillne Sampler (litf-PN028C) D M N(3) Q(2)
c. Particulate Sampler (INf-PN02ilA) D M N(3) Q(2)

<! . Ifiluent System flow Nate D N.A. N Q Measaarieng Devite (llM)P-VA019) .


$ e. Sampler flow Mate Measuring H N.A. N Q 4

Hevice ( til-PNiliS) i 4

2. Plasit Vesit Hosilloring System - Heilt two
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor-l Provialing Alare l

!) lligh Nanee (2Nf-PN02HD) 11 M N(3) Q(2)

2) low Nange (2NL-PNo?Hil) D M N(3) Q(2)
b. Ioaline Sampler (20lf-PNH200) D H N(3) Q(2)


c. Pas t is:islate Sampler (2Nf til028A) in H N( 3) Q(2) t.'

4 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

. l Ani l 4. i- 9 s

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x lilGil At -

CilANNII NNil5 8 pil nelltil t 5tNWCl filANilf! OPillAlinHAL SIWVilllANCE *

  • [j filANIH i

!4NfljlWA! [Wjl ,[!l{ Q , ,[!a(Q (A(!gl(A!!(N! ,l[SI _, _l'[H[iMajg[g,_ -

2. Pi.uit veni nisiitorisin Syste= - unit two

( . .insi isoic.1) ,

IIIluent System iIow Itate H M.A. It 4 el.

nra:. ass enti Devis e (llWH' van?II)


Lampler i low Itate Hea:. taring D N.A. Il I) s: .

llev en c (28 l-Pitle S) .

l. I;.i'.canas Wa:.4e H.induement Systemi


liyala ouen Analyser (HAl (.Wil HWl) H N.A. Q(4) H

,',", 4.

' N'. Q I fl4TT

  • \p is llaygest An.slyser (tgGulWl4 anal N ^^

flAl I.WildWil) H H A. Q(S)

4. ii.i:. lict.ay I.neelt Sy:. t em

.t . Nolite At4iwity nisillar - P P St(1) . 4(!)

Ps ovialisig Alasm .nsul Assinamat as lem menat lusi ul liclea:.c (Hill-PNGH2A anal 2tl)

S. Cont aisianesit Pies ge 'aysteni .

a Noiste Gas Astiwity ninitor - "

I Po uvi.16pg Al. an NL PillMilll) l} P N( 'll Q(2) c%


la luillne kingiles P P ll( 3) N.A Q

( l l'NtWill ) o m * ' #'

P N( 1) NA

a. Pas-t se estatc %ingiles P g HI l'HIHil A) e

_ m C -_

p{ . V l0CT 2 0 S4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATICN At least two of the reactor coolant locos listed melow snail ce OPERABLE with two reactor coolant loops in operation wnen the Reactor Tric System creakers are closed anc one reactor coolant loop in oceration wnen tne Reactor Trip System creakers are ocen:"

a. Reactor Coolant Loco A anc its associated steam generator anc (

reactor coolant pump, D. Reactor Coolant Loop 8 and its associated steam generator and reactor coolant pumo,

c. Reactor Coolant Loco C and its associated steam generator and reactor coolant pumo, and
d. Reactor Coolant Loco 0 and its associated steam generator and reactor coolant pumo.



a. With less than the aeove recuitec reactor coolant locos OPERA 8LE, restore the required Icoes to OPERABLE status within 72 nours or De in HOT SHUTDOWN within ".no next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
c. With only one reactor coolant loop in operation and the Reactor Trio System breakers in the closed position, wi.nin 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> open the Reactor 4 Trip System breakers. -
c. With no reactor coolant loco in coeration, suspend all operations involving a reduction in coron concentration of tne Reactor Coolant System and immediately initiate corrective action to return tne -

required reactor coolant loop to operation.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS At least the aeove required reactor coolant pumes, if not in operation, sna11 ee determinec OPERA 8LE once per 7 cays my verifying correct

. breaker alignments and indicated power availability.

4. 4.1: 2. 2 The rhquired steam generators shall ce determined CPERA8LE ty verifying secondary side narrow range water level to be greater than or ecual to 41% at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. e X >

7 . The recuired coolant loops shall te verified in operation anc circu-hlatingreactorcoolantatleastonceser12nours.

[udii (IS% d2c.LLAhM.

p/ "All Reactor Coolant sumos may.3e coenergi:ed for up to I hour cro (1) no coerations are oermitted that would cause dilution of the Reactor Coolant System coron concentration, anc (2) core outlet temcerature fs i: saintainec at-least 10*F below saturation temoerature.

""See Special Test Exceotion Soecification 3.'.0.2

' 3/4 4-2 BYRON - UNIT 1

' ~ '

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- -N 9//l 1-71

W 2 6 sea 1

TA8L! 4.3-9 'Continueci TABLE '47AT*CNS

" At all times.

    • Curing WASTE GAS HOLOUP SYSTEM operation.

g .j$

  • M- a (L,3,A,,jahdA*DATICNALg57 snall M i et M L T- ->N. N -

also comonstrate that automatic (1) The OIGITAL CHANNEL OP i.

isolation of this pataway anc control room alarm annunciation occur if any of the following concitions exists:


a. Instrument incicates measurec levels acove tne 41arn/ Trio Setcoint, or .
b. Circuit failure (monitor loss of communications - alarm only, cetector loss of counts, or monitor loss of power), or
c. Detector eneck source test failure, or

. c. Detector enannel out-of-service, or


e. Monitor loss of samole flow.

- (2) . The OIGITAL CMANNEL 00ERATIONAL TEST shall- also comonstrate that control room alars annunciation occurs if any of tne following conditions exists: ,

a. Irist*Jaent 'incicates measured levels acove tne Alarm Setpoint, or
3. Cirtuit failure (monitor loss of* communications - alarm only, deteciar loss of counts,. or monitor loss of power), or
c. Detector enecx source test f ailure, or
c. Ostector. cnannel out-of-service, or


' e. Monitor loss of samole flow.


-(3) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION snall be performec using one or more of the reference stancarcs certified my the National Sureau of Stancarcs


(N85) or using stancarcs tnat have been octained f om suco11ers that participata in measurement assuranca activities wita N65. These stancarcs shall sersit calierating -ne system over its intenoec range of enern acc measurement range. for sucsecuent CNANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that nave seen relatec to One initial calibration snail ce usec.

L (a) The CHANNEL CAL!3 RATION sna11 incluce tne use of stancarc gas samoles containing nycrogen anc nitrogen.

(5) E The CHANNEL CAL *3RATICN 53411 incluce tne use of stancarc gas samoles

.containing oxygen anc nitrogen.

m -8YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 3-74 -


$URVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS The required reactor coolant pumc(s) and/or RHR pumos, if not in operation, shall be determined OPERA 8Li once per 7 days my verifying correct breaker alignments and indicated power availacility.

4. a.1. 3. 2 The recuired steam generator (s) shall ce determined OPERA 8LE Oy verifying secondary sice narrow range water level to De greater than or ecual to 41% .at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. At least one reactor coolant or RHR 1000 shall be verified in operation and circulating reactor coolant at least once per 12 nours.


l \b

  • E-w .


_l SYRCN - UNIT 1 3/4 4-4 R . , - - _ - . _ , _ _ _ _ . _ _ , , _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

Y'V Or:7 .

. x. . ,

1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM COLD SHUTOOWN - LCOPS FILLED i . i LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION i At least one residual heat removal (RHR) loop snall be OPERABLE anc in operation", and either: ,

a. One additional RHR loco shall be OPERABLE #, or
c. The secondary side narrow range water level of at least two steam generators snall De greater taan 41*.(

AP9LICABILITY: M00E 5 with reactor coolant loops filledw.

g,gg ACTION: *

a. With one of-the RHR locos inocerable and with less than the recuired steam generator level, immediately initiate corrective action to return the inoceraole RHR loop to OPERABLE status or restore the required steam generator level as soon as possible.
b. With no RHR loop in operation, susoena all coerations involving a reduction in coron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System anc immediately initiate corrective action to return the required RHR loop to operation.

SURVEILLANCE RECUIREMENTS The secondary side water level of at least two steam generators wnen required shall be determined to se within limits at least once per 12 nours.

4. 4.1. 4.1'. 2 At least one RHR 10o0 snail be determined to be in operation and circulating reactor coolant at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

"The RHR puso may be doenergized for up to 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> proviced: (1) no operations are' permitted 'that would cause dilution of the Reactor Coolant System coron .

-concentration, and (2) core outlet tamcerature is maintained at least 10*F melow saturation tescerature.

  1. 0ne RHR loco say be inocersole for un to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for surveillance testing provided the otner RHR loop is OPERABLE and in operation.

, MA reactor coolant Dumo shall not ce started with one or more of tne Reac or i Coolant System cold leg temperatures less than or equal to 350*F:unless tne secondary water tamcerature of each steam generator is less tnan 50*F amove eacn of tne Reactor Coolant System cold leg temmerittures.

BYRON UNIT'1 3/4 4-5 Iu


,5I8900A,3,C,0 CHG/SI Check Valve i  : SIS 815 CHG/SI Sackuo Checx valve


5IS9a8A,3,C,0 Acesmulator Check Valve l
SI8956A,3,C,0 Accumulator SacKuo Check Valve
.5IS818A,3,C,0 RNR Cola Leg Check Valve
5I8819A,S,C,0 SI Cold Leg Check Valve
SI8949A,3,C,0 SI Hot leg Check Valve

. _JSI8905A,B,C,0 SI Hot Leg Sackup Check Valve 1 5I8841A,3 RHR Hot Leg Check Valve

  • 1RH8702A,3 RHR Suction N V's O

I l

f l


1. Leakage rates greater inan 1.0 gpm but less taan or ecual to 5.0 gpm -

are considered accootaole if the latest measured rate has not exceedec  !

the rate determined my the previous test by an amount tnat recuces the l


margin between measured leakage rate and tne maximum permissible rata of j 5.0 gps'oy 50% or greater, and i


2. Leakage rates greater inan 1.0 gpm out less taan or equal to 5.0 gpm are l l t consicered unacceptacle if the latest measurec rate exceeded ne rate ceterminec ey tne previous test by an amount inat reduces tne margin . ',

between measured leakage rate and the maximum permissible rate of 5.3 ;;m i oy 50% or greater, anc. .

' Leakage rates greater than 5.0 gpm are considerec unacceptacle. -


1. SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 4-23

g-v 27 2 6 sa4



LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION I l The Reactor Coolant System (except one pressuri:er) tamoerature anc pressure sna11 ce limited in accorcance with tne limit lines snown on ;fgures 3.4-2unc 3.4-3Surinc neatup, coolcown, criticality, and inservice lean anc hydrostatic testing wita:'fy g g (5" - a.J s.+- O (141,2.)

a. A maximum heatuo of 100*F in any 1-hour period,
b. A maximum cooldown of 100*F in any 1-nour perioc, and
c. A maximum temperature change of less than or equal to 10*F in any 1-hour period during inservice hycrostatic and leak tes-ing operations above the heatuo and coolcown limit curves.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


With any of the anove 1f aits exceedec, restore the temperature and/or pressure

- to within the limit within 30 minutes; perform an engineering evaluation to determine the effects of the out-of-limit conditifon on the structural integrity of the Reactor Coolant System; determine that the Reactor Coolant System remains acceptacle for continued operation or be in at least HOT STANOBY witnin tne next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> anc reduce the RCS T,yg and pressure to less than 200*F and 500 psig,- respectively, within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The Reactor Coolant System temperature and pressure shall be deternrined to be'within the limits at least once per 30 minutes curing system heatuo, cooldown, and inservice leak and hydrostatic testing coerations.

4 M.9 1.2 The reactor vessel material irradiation surveillance soecimens shall be removec and examined, to cetermine changes in material orocerties, as required my 10 CFR Part 50, Acconcix H, in accorcance with the senecule in

) Taole 4.'4-5. The results of taese examinations sna11 se used to uccata Figures 3.4-2, 3.4-3, and 3.4-4

-SYRON'- UNIT 1 3/4 4-32


.0CT z o w


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                                                                                                     .                               .        3.

49 4 . t, ise.g les.3 380.0 986.0 900.9 It0ftatto fiaftaarvat s08..Fs [" S .4 - 2. 0 __ w p.. n. p . g h u eseY W ) s/+ 9 - 3%

d (/ 4

                       !llllIil l ll1 II J liI ! li:i i t ii :                  +i!!ll'ii         iitI!

_ MATERIAL PROPERTY BASIS l!  ! !0 !!!III I !I' ' CONTROLLING MATERIAL RV UPPER lli1l llllljiIl lll; e : ,,.

                   - SHELL SP 5333                                                                              I'
                   ,,,, COPPER CONTENT: CONSERVATIVELY              liIII       Ii!IIilII         I!!!      !

ASSUMED AS 0.10 WT% lllll lllllllll llllg;;i. IIIl l jy

                   ,,,                        y.                                   l ("ESfuRE.TIMPERATURE {

_ 1/47.121*P Illll #1'lIIIII l'I!: ;I 3/47, 94'F lllll!!i [lli// li!lIi lll lilllilli lil!Lill.! lill!ll/l llll111ll 111ll1!!i g 1illlllll lilllill! illllll/Il ll11lllll lilllili! E 111llllll l l 1 l l l UNACCEPTABLE flI  !!!ill}ll lllllIiii ! E 11lllll11 111111lll l i l l l l/ 11 lililllit littlilli E lilllllll Illilllll illlifill lillllill llill!!!! tillilill lill!Ill! I l l i l/ l i : 1111lltll II!Il!;ii h w SINGLE CURVE APPLICA8LE FOR ll/jltl jll;jjlll l[ljljlll il: COOLDOWN RATES UP TO 100*F/HR

         '            FOR THE SERVICE PERICO UP TO              I[.IIll llii!,'*ll,               !l l?5 'I'           ,
         @         "32 EFPY AND CONTAINS MARGINS gjjll;l gllj,"lljg                               lg;';ljgl e


         $             11i11ll11 1illlllll illlllili 11lll1111                                    lill!!!i!

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I!!!l'i lllll lli 111i1ll11 !llllli!! i,i!!ll!! lilli'll-0 III'I ' I!'!I I' ' ' ' ' O 100 200 300 400 500

       ,                                             INDICATED TEMPERATURE (*F) l l                                Figure 3.4-3% Reactor Coolant System Cooidewn Limitations l

Applicable up to 32 EFPY (j,1,odi) 3+ BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 4-K I

 - . . . _-                           u___.

N . MATERIAL m PAsis -

        ',                                 EIMITItiGl1ATERIAL                      : WEL3f*E AL COPPER CC:iTDT                          : A550?'E3 TO !E 0.C5 WT: (AC*UAL CCitTENT = 0.C6 WT';)


                                  ~ CURVE APPLICABLE FCR CCCLCOMI RATES UP 70100*F/HR FOR TiiE SERVI PERIOD UP 70 16 EFPY A?:0 C0!JTAI:15 .v;RGItas CF 10'F AliD 60 7513 FCR POSSIBLE !!iSTRU'.:E.'AT ERKCAS sts.s
                                                                     ;        eI    -                                       *               .

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                                                                                        .                           .        1 - - r- - _ _ .                                   _

_ ._v . _w. , 50 100 200 300 400 fsyg . N cans eT=J gaswat'uag .=ce FIGURE 3.4-4 NCMINAL 70RV PRES 5URE RELIEF SETPOINT VERSUS RCS TEMPERATURE FOR THE COLD OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION._SISTEM Cly3U~ Lt _q ok Io GFPY ( a.C-y I SYRON - UNIT 1 3/44-J8"3b

  - - . . _ . . _ _ , - . ~ . . . - .             . . . - - . - . - . . - . . - - . - - - - _ _ _ _ _ -

(/ - L. OCT 2 6 se4 REACTOR C00i.ATd SYSTEM

,     SURVEILLANCE REQUIREu!NTS Each .80RV shall ce cemenstrated OPERABLE ty:
4. Performance of an ANALOG CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST on the 70RV actuation channel, but excluding valve operation, within 31 days l

prior to entering a conoition in wnich tne PORY is recuired OPERAELE and at least once per 31 cays thereafter wnen the 80RV is recuirec CPERA8LE;

b. Performance of a CHANNEL CALIBRAT!ON on the PORV actuation enannel at least once per 18 months; and
c. Verifying the PORV isolation valve is open at least once per 72 hours when the PORV is being used for overpressure protection. Each RHR suction relief valve shall be demonstrated OPERABLE when the RHR suction relief valves are being used for cold overpressure protection as follows:

a. For RHR suction relief valve 87088:
1) By verifying at least once per 31 days that RHR RCS Suction y
                            . Isolation Valve ,Dh8702A is open witn power to the valve operator removed, and
2) Byverifyingatleastonceper12hoursthath87029isopen. V
b. For RHR suction relief valve 8708A:
1) By verifying at least once oer 31 days that H87013 is ocen X with power to the valve ocerator removed, and L 2) By verifying at least once per 12 hours that kH8701A 'is ocen. af
c. Testing pursuant to_ Specif1 cation 4.0.5.

4.a.9~.3.3 The RCS vent (s) shall be verified to de ooen at least once per 12 hours

  • when the vent (s) is being used for overpressure protection.


       *Except-=nen tne vent cathway is proviced with a valve wnich is locked, sealec, or otnerwise secured in tne coen position, then verify these valves open at

! least once per 31 cays. ji SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 4-Y3 39 L


g. By . verifying tne correct ;osition of each meenanical position st:c for the following ECC5 throttle valves:
1) Within 4 hours following coedletion of escn valve stroking C operatfon or saintenance on the valve wnen the ECCS suosystems are required to be OPERABLE, and
2) At least once per 18 months.

Mich Heed SI Svstem SI System valve Numoer Valve NumDer [5I8810A,B,C,0 [IS822A,B,C,0 J3I8816A,B,C,0 x

h. By cerforming a flow balance test, during shutdewn, following com-plation of mocifications to the ECCS suesystems tnat alter tne
                - subsystem flow characteristics and verifying taat:
1) For centrifugal charging puso lines, witn a single pump running:

a) The sum of the injection line flow rates, excluding the < hignest flow rate, is greater than or equal to 330 gpm, and 550 b) The total pump flow rate is less than or equal to M;m, including a simulated seal injection flow of 80 gpm.

2) For Safety Injection pume lines, with a single pumo running:

a) The sum of the injection line flow rates, exclucing the highest flow rate, is greater tnan or equal to 460 gpm, and 4 39 f.55 b;) The total pump flow rate is less than or equal to 450 gpm.

3) For RHR pump lines, with a single puma running, the sum of the injection line flow rates is greater taan or equal to 4664 gpm.


 >- . SYRON - UNIT l'                          3/.i 5-5 6

f . If- L i t



3. 5.1. 2 Containment leakage rates sna11 be limited to:
a. An overall integratec ' leakage rate of:
1) Less taan'or equal to L,, 0.10% ey weignt of the containment air per 24 nours at P,, 44.4 psig, or l
2) Less than or equal to L,, C 07% by weignt of the containment air per 24 nour at P.,'22.2 psig.  !
b. A concined leakage rate f less than 0.60 L, for all penetrations and valves suaject to Typ 8 and C tests, ween oressurized to P,.

APPLICA8ILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. gi [ Tg f.t.( N ACTION:

                                                                  ^d a A p 2.4 h With eitner the measured _overall integrated containment leakage rate exceecing              8 0.75 Lg or 0.75 L g, as applicante, or the measured comeined leakage rata for all penetrations and valves sucject to Types B and C tests exceeding 0.60 L,,

restore the overall integrated leakage rate to less than 0.75 L, or less than 0.75 L., as applicable, and the comeined leakage rate for all penetrations subject to Type S and C tests to 1ess than 0.60 L, prior to increasing tne


Reactor Coolant System temperature acove 200*F. SURVFILLANCE RECUIRPENTS 4.6.1'.2' The containment leakage rates shall es demonstrated at ne following < test schedule and shall be determined in conformance witn the criteria speci-fied in Appendix J of 10 CFR Part 50 using the setnods and provisfons of ANSI N45.4-1972:

a. Three Type A tests (Overall Integrated Containment Leakage Rate) sna11 se conducted at 40 = 10 montn intervals curing snutdown at .

3- 22.2 psig, curing a oressure not less than P,, 44.4 psig, or 7., l each 10-year service seriod. The tnied test of eacn set snall be conduc*.ed during One snutdown for tne 10 year plant inservice a_ inspectfon; I 'SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 0~2

      +, -

g- L OCT 2 6 se4  ! l



3. 5.1. 5 Primary containment average air temperature shall not exceec 120*F. C
        -APPLICA8ILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4 ACTION:

With the containment average air temcerature greater than 120*F, reduce the average air temperature to witnin the limit within 8 hours, or be in at least HOT STAN08Y within the next 6 hours and in CCLD SHUTOCWN within the following 30 hours. t SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 'The primary containment average air temperature shall be the arithmetical average of the tesceratures of. the running fans at the.

        .following locations and shall be determined at least once per 24 hours:

Location , '.A . RCFC Ory Sulb Inlet Teocerature

                 ,8 . RCFC Ory Bulb Inlet Temoerature LC.       RCFC Ory Bulb Inlet-Temoerature                                    (
,0 . RCFC Ory Bulb Inlet Temperature.

O I , I~ l

   )  -

SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-7

                   ,m.          - . . _ , .


1. -Phase "A" Isolation

[ 28 , CV8100 RCP Seal Water Return 10 29  : ,CV8112 RCP Seal Water Return 10 41  :,CV8132 RCS Letdown 10

   '41                :,CV8160            RCS Letdown                             10 Chilled water 5                     , W9020A                                                50 Chilled Water
   .5                     , W9056A                                                50 6                     .ke006A         Chilled Water                           50 8                     ,W9020B         Chilled Water                           50 8                     ,W90568         Chilled Water.                          50 10                    ,W90068         Chilled water                           50 22                 .
                          ,CC9437B"       Excess Lten HX Return                    10 48                 : ,CC9437A"        Excess Lton HX Supply                    10 34                LFP010"             Fire Protection                         12 39                : ,IA065           Instrument Air                           15 39                : ,IA066           Instrument Air                           15                      g 13                 :AG079            Hydregen Recombiner                      60 13                 :AG080            Hydrogen Reconciner                      60 13                 : AGC82           Hydrogen Recomoiner                      60                 .
   = 13                :AG084             Hydrogen Recombiner                      60 23                lAG081             Hydrogen Recomoiner                      60 23                  : 9G085          Hydrogen Recomeiner                      60 69                    JG057A         Hydrogen Recomoiner                      60 69                  'JG083           Hydrogen Recomoiner                      60 56                   .5A032          Service Air                              4.5 56                   '$A033
                          ,               Service Air                              4.5 80                  ;,50002C         Steam Generator Slowdown                 7.5 80'                 :400058          Steam Generator Slowdown                 3. 0                    c 81                  :,50002D         Steam Generator Slowdown                 7. 5 82                  :,50002A         Steam Generator Blowdown                 7.5 82                  :,50005A         3 team Generator 31owdewn                3.0 83                  :,50002S         Steam Generator Slowdcwn                 7. 5
   - 88                                   Steam Generator 81owdewn                 7. 5
                     '].500025                                                     3.0 88                  J,50005C         Steam Generator Blowdown                                       -

89- iS0002F 5 team Generator Blowcown 7.5 90 150002G -Steam Generator Slowdown 7.5 90 1500050 Steam Generator Slowdown 3.0 91 0002H Steam Generator Slowcown 7.5 BYRON _- UNIT 1 3/4 6-18


1. Phase "A" Isolation (Continued) 52 1,PR001A Process Radiation 4.5 C 52  : .PR0013 Process Raciation 4.5 52  : PR066 Process Raciation 5.0 4,b.

12 , PS228A Hydrogen % nitor WA"" 12 LPS229A Hydrogen Monitor n,A NA*= 12 LPS230A Hydrogen Monitor N.AWA"" , Al H- LPS2288 Hydrogen Monitor /4dJi/A"" 31 M' LPS2298 Hydrogon Monitor A,A,WA"" at M LPS2308 Hydrogen Monitor g.AftpA"* 70 LP59354A Primary Process Samoling 10

      -70                 LPS93548         Primary Process Samoling              10 70-                LPS9355A         . Primary Process Samoling            10 70                 LPS93558         Primary Process Samoling              10 70                 LPS9356A         Primary Process Samoling               10 70                 'PS93568
                          ,                Primary Process Sampling              10 70 .               ,PS9357A         Primary Process Sampling              10 Primary Process Samoling 70-                , PS93578                                              10 11                 .AE9170          Reactor Bldg Equip Orains             10 C

11 .AE1003 Reactor Bldg Equip Orains 10 65 .LAE9157 Reactor 31dg Equip 0 rains 10 65 'LAE9159A Reactor Bldg Equip Drains 10 65 LAE91598 Reactor Bldg Equip Orains 10 65 ,RE9160A Reactor Bldg Ecuip Orains 10

     -65                  .AE91608         Reactor 51dg Equip Orains              10 27                :,AY8025          PRT Nitrogen                           10 27                :,AY8026          PRT Nitrogen                           10 27                :,AY8033          PRT Nitrogen                           10 44                :,AY8028          PRT Make up                            10 7                             Accumulator Fill 55                :II8964                                                  10

( 55  :,5I8880 Nitrogen Sucoly to Accumulator 10 55  :,5I8871 Accumulator Fill 10 55  :,SI6888 Mot Leg Safety Injection 10 47  :,AF025 - Reactor Building Floor Orains 15 47 'AF027 Reactor Builcing Floor Orains 15


SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-19


2. Phase "B" Isolation

( 21 .CC9414 RCP Mtr Brng Return 10 21~ .CC9416 RCP Mtr Srng Return 10 RCP Thermal Barrier Return 24  ; CC685 10 24  : CC9438. RCP Thermal Barrier Return 10 25 RCP Cooling Wtr Supply 10

3. Safetv Infection 71 1 .CV8105" CVCS Charging 10 71  : ,CV8106* CVCS Charging 10 7 .SX016B" Essential Service Water W*#.d-9 .SX0278" Essential Service Water N* M d -

14 ,SX027A" Essential Service Water W#N). 15 .SX016A* . Essential Service Water W*d.d - 26 .SI8801A" Cold Leg Safety Injection WANA-26 .SI8801B" Cola Leg Safety Injection W*v.d. I 92 .SI8811A" Containment Recire. Sump W * #.d' 93 LSIS8113" Containment Recire. Sump WA d d-

4. ' Containment Ventilation Isolation 94 ,VQOO3 Mini-Flow Purge Exnaust 5
        - 94                      .VQ005A          Mini-Flow Purge' Exnaust         5 Mini-Flow Purge Exhaust 94                      .VQOOSB                                           5 94                     .VQ005C           Mint-Flow Purge Exhaust          5 95                     LVQ002A           Purge Exnaust                    5 95-                    LVQ0028           Purge Exhaust                    5               i 96                     LVQ004A           Mini-Flow Purge Supply           5               i
        . 96 .                   LVQ0048           Mini-Flow Purge Supply           5 97                     ,VQ001A           Purge Supply                     5 97                     ,v,Q0018          Purge Supply                     5                         ,
5. Containment Sorey Actuation 1 C5007A Containment Soray 3C
        . 16                      ,CS007B          Containment Sprny                30
6. Main Steam Isolation 77 .M51010" Main Steam

b . 78 .MS101A" Main Steam b i .

     ,     BYRON - UNIT 1                               3/4 6-20 a.


                                                                           '- L '


6. Main Steam Isolation (Continued) (

i ' 85 ,M5101S" Main Steam .. Io 86 ,M5101C" Main Steam . (o

7. Feoowater Isolation 76  : ,FWOO90" Main Feedwater 5. 0 V

76 , FWO430" Main Feedwater 6![ 79 ,FWC09A" Main Feedwater 5. i l 79 JwC43A" Main Feecwater 6.Il 84 LFWOO98" Main Feedwater 5. 1, 84 JWO438" Main Feedwater 6. I 87 ,FWOO9C" Main Feecwater 5. ) 87 JWO43C" Main Feedwater 6.1 99 . J.0350" Main Feecwater 6.0 99 EWO390" Main Feecwater 601 100 JWO35A" Main Feecwater 6.n 100 ,FWO39A" Main Feecwater Giu 1 101' LFWO358" Main Feedwater 6.n 101 LFWO398" Main Feedwater 601 102 JWO35C" Main Feecwater . 6:0 102 LFWO39C" Main Feoowater 6. il

8. Remote Manual 68  : .RH8701A" RH Suction W* d.A .

68  : RH87018" RH Suetion wad . 75  : RH8702A" RH Suetion m #.A. 75  : RH87028" RH Suction WJr#.A.  ; 59 5I8891" Hot Leg Safety Injection .Nv'AN.d-73 .5I8824" Hot Leg Safety Injection . WA #,A - l , 66 ' .518825" Hot Leg RH Injection ) MAN E' , 60 LSI8823" Cold Leg Safety Injection M*#J' 50 .5I8890A" Cold Leg RH Injection WA #,ri,  ; 51 .5I88908" Cold Leg RH Inject. ion W A N.4- l 25 .5I8843" Cold Leg Safety Injection W4 u.rr. i

 .33                 ,CV8355A"        RCP Seal Injection              Wash, 33                 ,CV83550"        RCP Seal Injection             WAN d.                l 53                 ;CV83558"        RCP Seal Injection             W4NA,                 ,

53 LCV8355C" RCF Seal Injection MA M. i 4 k SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-21

{ . il4

                                                                                                $I 2 & ' ;~.J.


8. Remote Manual (Continued)


59 '5IS802A"
                                  ,                   Hot Leg Safety Injection          4W4/.r}.

t 73 .518802S" Hot Leg Safety Injection .J44W.A. 60 .5I8835" Hot Leg Safety Injection M N.A RH Cold Leg Injection 50 , 5IS809A" -WA # A. RH Cold Leg Injection 51 ,5I88098" .WA NA - 66 .5I8840" Hot. Leg Safety Injection 444 d.A. 100 AF013A" Feedwater JMA N.4 100 . AF013E" Feedwater Ji./.A W. A . 101 AF0138" Feedwater au4d.A. 101 AF013F" Feedwater al4A #.4 - 102 AF013C" Feedwater e d. A . 102- AF013G" Feedwatar -M N . A . 99 AF0130" Feedwater

  • w e N.A.

99 AF013H" Feedwater udA W.4. Y

9. Manual 37  : .CV8346" RCS Loco Fill .-M/Jrg.A.
  • I3  : ,VQOl6 Instrument Penetration JWe#,4 -

13  : VQ017 Instrument Penetration #4AN.d. Instrument Penetration 2446.4-13 VQ018 Instrument Penetration 13 , VQ019 N/A 4.4 15 ,AYO75 Instrument Penetration JW.A N. A - 30 .WM190 Make-Up Domin 4% #.A. Spent Fuel Pool Cleaning .WAN.h 57 57

                                    .FC009 FC010          Spent Fuel Pool Cleaning           WAN. A.             .'
         '22      .            :       FC011          Spent Fuel Pool Cleaning           N/A d. &.

32 - ,FC012 Spent Fuel Pool Cleaning .WA #. A . i c 77 .M50210" - Main Steam JWAn.4, l 78 W5021A* Main Steam M/*u.a. 85 ,M50218" Main Steam @ N.A. , 86 .M5021C' Main Steam NfreJ. A .

   .g AL                      ,PR002E             Process Radiation                -w
  • N.A. 3 AL
                    '              ,PR033A            Process Radiation                  M/+#. A.              !

AL' ,PR0338 Process Radiation JW&#,r).

                                  ,PR002F~            Process Radiation                 .M/*4.d.f J    AL
       . AL                      LPR033C             Process Radiation                 W* #,4 PR0330         Process Radiation                 dW*p.d e                ,

AL. , e N

   .l     BYROM - UNIT 1                                   3/4 6-22


                                                                                                 , //-1 TABLE 3.5-1 (Continued)


9. Manual (Continued) 99 , FWO150" Feedwater -W 4/i.A I 100 ,FWO15A" Feecwater c
                                                                                     .W4AA            l l          101                     .,FWO15B"        Feedwater                          WAN.A-102                   :fWO15C"           Feecwater                          WANA-
10. Check 28 ,CV8113 RCP Seal Water Return l 37 ,CV8348" RCS Loop Fill N*B,k 6 ,W6007A Chilled Water W4 d.h. l 10 , WG0078 Chilled Water W* # A - l, 21- ,CC9534 RCP Mtr Brng Return W.A N, A,
   '      24                       .CC9518        RCP Ther:nal Barrier Return         W &N,+.

25 LCC9486 RCP Cooling Wtr Sucply W.hM,  ! 1 LC5008A Containment Spray @ N,h. i 16 LC50088 Containment Spray WAN4  ! ( 39 LIA091 Instrument Air . WA/.A { 30 LWM191 Make-Up Domin Writ Nh. ,' 52 ,PR032 Process Radiation ..WA N. 4  ! AL ;PR002G Process Radiation N/4.N.r) . AL ,PR002H Process Radiation W e#,4, 12 ,PS231A Hydrogen Monitor . wad,4,

       % X .~5 l                  ,PS2318         Hydrogen Monitor                    N#itN.4 27                      .RY8047         PRT Nitrogen                        Mr%8.A*

44 ,

.AY8046 PRT Make-Up W.A4. A
  • 25 ',5I8815" Safety Injection .N/*N.$,

50 .5I8818A" Safety Injection W&/M 50 .

                                  ,5I88180"       Safety Infection.                  .Wr//.d.


                              .. 5I881SB"      Safety Injection                  .Mrn!.c
 )        51                :,5I8818C'            Safety Injection                  . wag.r) .

59  :,$I8905A" Safety' Injection .Mr* #, A - 59  :,5IS8050* Safety Injection W* M,4 ' 60  :,5I8819A" Safety Injection WAA,4 60 ',5I8819B" Safety Injection We #, A p 8 BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-23 I i

        .                                                                                                    I il - >

OCT 2 6 334 l

                       ,  *        = .


10. Check (Continued)
                                                                                                   ,       C Safety Injection 60                  , 5I8819C"                                       J14ANA,          l 60                  .5I88190"        Safety Injection               WJr N4,           i 66                  ,SI8841A"        Safety Injection                W*N4r             -

66 .5I88418" Safety Injection .WA N,0.  ! 73 .5189058" Safety Injection #4 ' 73 Ji!8905C" Safety Injection .WA-N.**

             $5                  .5I8968"         Safety Injection              ,4
  • B.4-34 ,FP345"- Fire Protection 33 ,CV8368A* RCP Seal Injection id4AN. h >

I 33 ,CV83680* RCP Seal Injection WA N, A - - 53 ,CV83688" RCP Seal Infection aid *B,ks i 53 ,CV8368C" RCP Seal Injection MrJ, A .

11. S/G Safeties /00RVs 77  : N50130" Main Steam as4A N A, ,
            -77                : N50140"          Main Steam                      W.A4,4,             t 77                : N50150"          Main Steam                      WJrvA4, r             j W A.M A,                  (

77 N50160" Main Steam , 77 ,M50170" Main Steam M/.A N.4 , 78 .M5013A" Main Steam -

                                                                                  .M4A u. A.

78 .M5014A" Main Steam Ji/A N.k, . 78 .MS015A" Main 5 team WAN.A. . 78- W5016A" Main Steam N AN.h-78 W5017A" Main Steam M4A#,4  ! Main 5 team- WA#.A. 85 WS0138" 85 LM50148" Main Steam WA#,4- -l 85 LM50158" Main Steam Wed.h- 3 85: ,M50168" Main Steam .as4*N. A. 85 ,M50178" Main Steam .as4AgA, 86 .M5013C' Main Steam WAN,A.

          -- 86                  W5014C"          Main Steam                       #44-#,4


          - 86     .             W5015C*          Main 5toam                     .W*N.A -

( 86 . W5016C" Main Steam- +tt##, A '. 86 LM5017C* Main Steam 44 A4/r 77 . W50180" Main Steam 20

          .78                    LM5018A"         Main Steam                        20 85                  LM50188=         Main Steam                        20 86           .      LM5018C*         Main Steam                        20 I                       U                             . . .
              "Not suoject to.7ype C leakage tests.
             "" Proper valve operation will be demonstrated by verifying that tne valve
    }     . strokes to its required position.

g 8YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-24 I' - l

i. t(-il

                                                                                   -" ; e . , ::


.M5013(A-0) 1235 psig 16 inz
.M5014(A-0) 1220 psig 16 in2 E
          .M5015(A-0)                           1205 psig                   16 in:

J15016( A-0) 1130 psig 16 inz

          ,M5017(A-0)                           1175 psig                   16 in:
         "The lift setting pressure shall c:rrespond to amoient concitions of the valve at nominal operating temocrature and pressure.

C e 4 e BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 7-3 . l


f.{- % i

2) Verifying by flow or position check that each valve (.tanual, power-operated, or automatic) valve in the flow pata tnat is not i locked, sealed, or otnenvise secured in position is in its cor-rect position; and
b. At least once per 18 .montas during shutcown by:
1) verifying that each automatic valve in the flow cata actuates C to its correct position upon receipt of an Auxiliary Feecwater Actuation test signal, and
2) verifying that the motor-driven pump and the direct-driven diesel pump start automatically upon receipt of eacn of tne following test signals:

a) , or b) Steam Generator Water Level Low-Low from one steam generator, or


c) - Undervoltage on Reactor Coolant Pumo 6.9 kV Suses (2/4), or d) ESF Sus 141(Undervoltage (motor-driven pump only). K -&re M i( b.zet: $ An auxiliary feedwater flow path to each steam generator shall be demonstrated OPERA 8LE following each COLD SHUTDOWN of greater than 30 days. - E prior to entering MODE 2 by verifying normal flow to each steam generator. The auxiliary feedwater. pump diese1 ~ shall be demonstrated CPEAABLE:


At least once per 31 days by verifying the fuel level in its day t'ank;



b. At least once per 92 days by verifying that a drain sample of diesel fuel from its day tank, octained in accordance with ASTM-04057-1981 is within the acceptante limits specified in-Table 1 of ASTM-0975-1977 when checked for viscosity, water, and sediment; and _
c. At least once per.18. months, during shutoown, by su'ajecting the
                 -    diesel to an inspection in accorcance with its manufacturer's recommendations for this class of service.

( u . BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 7-5 y.

1 l 1 1 l OCT #

                                                                                                 ; &4 Pt. ANT' SYSTEMS 3/a.7.3 COM9ONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM                                             i        T KCM t.IMITING CONDITICN FOR OPERATION                                               /

c 3.7.3 The Component Cooling Water System shall be OPERA 8LZ witn:

a. Two safety locos serving the AH pumos and AH neat exchangers,
b. Two component cooling water pumps powered from 4 '" Las 141 anc
  • 142g %:k (Wp.f d M pd2)M
c. Two comoonent cooling water heat exenangers.


a. With only one safety loco OPERA 8LE, restore at least two locos to OPERA 8LE status witnin 72 hours or be in at least HOT STAN08Y witnin the next 6 nours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 nours.
b. With only one component cooling water pumo CPERA8LE, restore at leas '

two oumos to CPERA8LE status within 72 nours or me in at least HOT STAN08Y within the next 6 hours anc in COLD SHUT 00WN within tne follow-ing 30 hours.

c. With only one heat exchanger OPERA 8LE, restore at least two heat exchangers t.o OPERA 8LE status witnin 72 hours or be in at least HOT STAN08Y witnin the next 6 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the fola -
                     ' lowing 30 hours.

SURVEIt. LANCE REOUIREwfNTS At least two casoonent cooling water loops shall be demonstratec

       .0PERA8LE'at least once per 31 days by verifying that each valve (manual, power-
        -operated, or automatic) servicing safety-related ocufpment tnat is not locxec, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, is in its correct position.                           4 L At,least two camponent cooling water pumps shall be demonstrated OPERA 8LE by. performing the following:                                                           <
               . 'a. The component cooling water pusos shall be operated each month. Per-formance will belacceptaale if the pump starts upon actuatiorr, coer-ates . for at. least .4 hours,- and satisfies the cooling requirements for N'                   the routine operation of the component cooling water systas      y   hJ
b. By verifying at least once per 18 mo_ntns during. shutdown that eacn component cooling water pump starts automatically on a SI test signal.

This will-include a' test of the common cosconent cooling water pumo - A wnfle. powered from M41 and 144(1A1: (hMW 2.4 p.dat.2.),

       ' x At least two component cooling water heat exchangers shall be verified -

OPERA 8LE at.least once per 31 days by:

a. . Verifying that each component, cooling water heat exchanger inlet and
 .1L -                outlet-_ valve is OPERA 8Lf3 omd.
b. Verifying the Essential Service Water is available to eeen coeconent cooling water. heat excnanger.

8YROM - UNIT L 3/4 7-11

                                                                                                                                         &{~ 1-
                                                                                                                         .U (T ;            s-yog n.~.

PUNT SYSTEMS 3/4.7.4 ESSENTIAL SERVICE WATER SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.7.4 At least two independent Essential Service Water Systems, each of which includes a loop and a cooling tower, small be OPERA 8LE. C APPLICA8ILITY: MCOES 1, 2, 3, and 4 ACTION:

a. With only one Essential Service Water System OPERABLE, restore at least two Essential Service Water Systems to OPERA 8LE status witnin

72 hours or be in at least HOT STAN08Y within the next 6 hours and in COLD SHUTOOWN within the following 30 hours. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.7.4 At least two Essential Service Water Systems sna11 be demonstrated OPERA 8LE:

a. At least once per 31 days by verifying that each valve (manual,


                             . power-operated, or automatic) servicin'g safety-related equipment that is not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position is in                                                              {

its correct,positio p , f b. At least once per 18 months during shutdown, by verifying that:

1) Each automatic valve servicing safety-related equipment or isolating the non-nuclear safety-related portion of the system actuates to its correct position on a Safety Injection test signal, and Each Essential Service Water system pump starts automatically
                       ,'.. . 2)              on a Safety Infection test signal.

l c. At least once per 31 days, by verifying that each cooling tower far.

                              . operates for at least 15 minutes and at least once per 18 months ey visually inspecting and verifying no annormal breakage or degradation of tne fill satorials in the cooling tower.

( r g( C PGR.k G G h y u :. R 'm 3:1.5 8YRON UNIT 1 3/4 7-12 r 7-y l l

Wth q 007 2 s a PLANT SYSTEMS If OA y

        ' ~f7~4. f. __.

5 .ULTINATE HEAT SINK C " ^d o % u . C, M,dt2 , I g-g y Es'g, YM UCCO; Sw 4 gu U. U " 0 LIMITING CONOITION FOR OPERATION

                                                                  'tras e..oh;"n   f b-l
                                                                                     , -.- _/% <0. sa:ch
                                                                                                  , r .1, f,

C k w.h.df Mf d6 Ay jWf F " Y-""'t e M n ww: o^L 3.7.5 Two indeoendent ultimata heat sinks (cro; coo. ing ;,;ww . . . . . Q OPERABL:,, each with

a. A sinimum water level in the UHS cooling tower casin of 873.75 ft mst (86% of total volume),
                          "... ,,, .. ~ . ....,, ._        '-- '** " " ' ~ - " ' - " - '

y D. ,,

c. One OPERABLE essential service water saKeus pumo per train,
d. An essential service water pumo discharge temocrature of less taan or ecus 1 to 80*Fwick Q hor,, i &.wh a ' .~ ' e,as.& ' e MhAo n sG Mic h cm & y 9 ? *F w U.h a.LS .) f un,di s rv - '
e. A minimum Rock River water level at or aced 70.6 feet een ' sea level, USGS datus, at the river screennouse, and
f. Two OPERA 8LE deep wells with:

(1) Rock River water level forecast by National Weatner Service to exceed 702.0 feet asl, or (2) Rock River water level at or below 670.6 ft as1, or (3) Tornado waten issued by National Weather Service tnat includes Byron sita area. APot.ICABILITY: MODE 3 1, 2, 3, anc 4 ACTION:

a. With a watar level of less than 873.75 ft est (86% of total volume)

! in eitner UHS cooling tower basin, restort the water level to 873.75 ft est in each UHS cooling tower basin within 6 hours or be ! in HOT STANOBY vithin the next 6 nours anc in COLD SHUTD0kN witnin the following 30 hours. sL4 ce S n. & t,e n % d h c h

b. WithoneofthefansClistadaboveinoper se, restore the listad
     %                     fans to CPERA8LE status within 72 hours or be in at least HOT STANOBY within the next 6 hours and COLD SHUTDOWN within tne following 30 hours.
c. With one essential servica water makaus pumo incoeracle, restore the essential servica watar sakauc pumo to CPERASLE status witnin 72 hours or be in at least HOT STANCSY within the next 6 hours and in COL 3 SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours.

l l BYROM - UNIT 1 3/4 7-13

1 l

 ,                                                                                                                                                                                                l l


b. 24 hours by verifying the essential service water pump cischarge water tamoerature is witnin its limity


c. 24 hours by verifying that the Rock River watar level is witnin its C limits.
c. 31 days by starting from sne control room eaca UHS cooling tower fan 4 not already in operation and operating each of tnose fans for at least 15 minutas.

t cb.ak> t be.

e. 31 days by jf ,m 4

A; 1. jerifying that ne service water saxeuo pump is at least 367. of tne fuel suaaly fuel sucoly for each diesel powechops senua, t tank volume. ' s 4 2. tarting tne ciesel from amoient concisions on a simulatec low f

                                                                 , asin-level test signal and operating the diesel powered pumo for 30 minutes.
                              ~4                     3.               erifying that each valve (manual, power operated, or automatic) in the flow patn is in its correct position.                                                                ;     4

- y 4 tarting each caec well pumo and ooerating it for 15 sinutes , and verifying that eacn valve (manual, power-operated, or auto-matic) in the flow cata is in its correct position. I i g f. - hen tish tne' National Weather Service forecasts a flood concition wnica would cn ate a Rock River level greater inan or ecual to p j' _702.0 ft as! at tne river screennouse, or tne measured river level is , less taan or ecual to 570.5 ft asl, ey starting eaca coep well pumo ' and operating it for 15 minutes and verifying tnat each valve i (manual, power-operatec, or automatic) in-tae flow pata is in its  ; correct position anc verifying tnat each pump will provice at leas a 550 gpa flow ratej [ g-

g. 92 cays by verifying that a drain samole of diesel fuel from tne )

L fuel storage tank, ottained in accordance with ASTM 04057-1981, is within the acceptacle limits-soecified in Table 1 of ASTM-0975-1977

                           -g                         wnen enecked for viscosity, water, and sedimenty
n. 18 montas by suajecting each ciesel tnat powers an essential servf ee water makeup puso to an inspection in accordance witn procacures prepared in conjunction witn its manufacturer's recommendations for the class of service and by cycling eacn testante valve in tne flow l

y paththrougnatleastonecompletecycleoffulltravelM , p

                                              '.i       18 montas by verifying each deep well pump will provice at least l                                       550 gym flow rate.                                                                                                                    i
! 4 L

i '

8YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 7*15 f .

t CCT *.c eg PLANT SYS 95 FIRE HOSE STATIONS @ @&b. i- t.IMITING CONOITION FOR OPERATION { ThefirehosestationsgiveninTanle3.7-5")sna11ceOPERA8LE. APC'.!CA81LITY: Whenever equipment in tne areas protected by tne fire hose q stations is requirec to De OPERA 8LE. ACTICN:

a. Wita one or more of the fire hose' stations given in Tacle 3.7-5 inoceraale, provice gated wye (s) on the nearest OPERA 8LE hose station (s). One outlet of the wye sna11 te connected to the stan-card length of hose provided for the hose station. The seconc

' outlet of the wye shall te connected to a length of hose sufficient to provice coverage for the area left uncretected by tne inoceracle hose station. Where it can be cemenstrated tnat the physical routing '~ of tne fire hose would -esult in a recognizacle nazarc to operating personnel, plant scuisment, or tne nose itself, the fire hose shall be stored in a roll at the outlet of tne coeracle hose station. Signs sna11 ne asunted aoove the gatec vye(s) to icentify tne procer hose to use. The acove ACTION shall be accomplisned witnin 1 nour if the inoperatte fire hose is tne primary means of fire suppression; otherwise rauta the accitional hose within 24 hours. The provisions of Scecifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not app 1(caste. f b. ^ 51JRVEILLANCE REQUIREwENT5 4.7.i0.5 Each of the fire nose stations given in Tacle 3.7-5 snail be demonstratec OPERA 8LE:

a. At least once per 31 days, by a visual inscoction of the fire hose stations accessible during plant coerations to assure all requirec equipment is at the station,
                      'b. At least once per 18 montas, by:
1) Visual inspection of the stations not accessible curing plant ocerations to assure all required equipment is at the station,
2) Removing the hose for inspection and re-racking, and c
3) Inspecting all gaskets and replacing any oegraced gaskets in the couplings.
    <                 ' c. At least once per 3 years, by:
1) Partially opening eacn hose station valve to verify valve OPERASILITY anc no ficw blockage, and
2) Concucting a nose hycrostatic test at a pressure of 150 psig or at least 50 psig aeove maximum fire main operating pressure, whichever is greater.

8YROM.- UNIT 1 3/4 7-37

                                                                                                                                            , TAtt E 3. 7-(4 i

e iIlf IIDSE SIAll0005 ( tA*ISTl) ElEVAIION @SE RACK RffL ANGif VALVf' [ .x

k. LOCAll006
                                              ,       Aux. Soof
                                           ~g                   L-10: South wall U-l of safety valve penthouse                                                     481                1             Ofr331              .

L-26: leerth wall U-2 of safety valve penthouse 481 2 Ofr338 Q. .

                                             "-        Auu. Side.

5-18: By dush waiter 480 233 ofP458 ofr329 e 5-15: By U-l profilters (near stairs) 471 176 l

                                                      .         5-21: By U-2 profilters (near stairs)                                                              471                177           OfP334
                                                             'Q-17: Wall by elevator in upper cable room                                                           469                244*          Ofr469 Q-19: Wall by stairs in upper cable room                                                           469                252*          Ofr477 l

l L-II: Outside Southeast corner of upper cable spreading room A-1 467 240 OfP465 { OfP466 i w L-14: By the southeast door of UCSR C-1 467 241* M-13: Sy the northwest corner of UCSR A-1 467 242" Ofr467 ~

                                              )                                                                                                                    467                243*          OIP468 j                                               y             -Q-13: In the nortineest. corner of UC5R 8-1 1
  • P-38: Northwest corner of UCSR C-1 467 245* Ofr470

! U M-18: North wall of UCSR C-1 467 246* OfP471 M-18: South wall of UC5R C-2 467 247* OFP472 l - L-25: Outside northeast career of UCSA A-2 467 248 OfP473 I L-22: In the northeast corner of UC5R C-2 467 249* Ofr474 M-23: In the seuttmeest corner of UC5N A-2 467 250* ofP475 P-20: West wall of UCSR C-2 467 251* OtP476 ! Q-23: In the southwest corner of UCSR 8-2 467 253* Ofr478

j. 5-2.1: ty U-2 VA filters (U-2 side) 464 232 Ofr457 1 5-15: By U-l VA fliters (U-l side) 464 234 06P459 i 5-21: -Sy VA filters (U-2 side) 456 231 Ofr456 15: fliters EU-l side) 456 235 OfP460 iontt ')csarvleene oFP37S j-
                                                                  -10:'                 itrol room                     refrig. udits$tA h.*M                        "ML"7 387 sie 106          OfP385                           .

L- 12: By blowdown it r filter 387 107 Ofr384 ' I m. s-se 4et Ege eye TA 31s 7 eia o FP37s By .t A R H afire hoses that do_not supply the primary means of fire suppression. ,

                                                                                                 ^                                                               ^                                         n

L. . Se. TA8tE 3.7-5.(Continued) (Ml flRE is0SE ilA)ll0NS e, ELEVATION is0SE RACE REEL ANGLE VALVE 10 CATION

                                                        -ed) c-      av.. m-            eiTi.(                    wa.w, feebaTec itcal 9an4peup 1A                                                                M1            . #01 108 OF1P317 OfrM3 E                        M-18:                      u..          r motor driven                                                                   387 d                         M-23: By remote shutdown panel U-l                                                                                      387              Ill      OfP376
   "                         Q-15: Sy 480V MCC 132M3                                                                                                 387              113      Of P382 V-10: ty letdoun heat exchaneer                                                                                         387              114      OfP379 West Wall 6.9 kV switchgear room                                                                   455              20       ofP324 P-7:

L-II: In UC ifvAC Re GA of IC5R C-1 455 455 22 27 OfP33 5 N i l t-25: By 08vC HVAC Room M-8: South wall of battery room 451 279 04P638 M-26: South wall of battery room 451 280 OfP639 M-18: North wall U-l At by door 444 238* Ofr463 t-7: East wall LCSR A-1 . 443 201" OfP330 M-10: In the southeast corner of LC5R S-I 443 208" ofP327 a P-10: In the souttwest corner of ICSR R-1 443 209" OfP325

    )                         M-13: $outh wall of ICSR C-1                                                                                           443              210"     ofP326 y                          P- 13: West wall of ICSR 0-1                                                                                          443              211*     ofP320 h                          5-21: Sy cabinet 2AYSIEC (elec. pen. area)                                                                            431              229      OfP454 ofr455 5-24: By U-2 cent, shield wall (slec pen. area) 431                                                                                    230 431              236      Ofr461 y          co3' g 5-15:         5-12:By8 Fzr            U1chtr. L.

transformer shield well (elec (elecpen, area) pen. area) 431 237 OfP462 ggc $ Ql Sackofkiv.$1 rood 43F 2 6 l P-ll: Outside laundry Room 430 52 Ofr313

  • Q-19: Sy U-2 VCI valve aisle 430 54 ofP342 P-24: By ra4heaste evaporator 430 55 Ofr343 V-17: By east door to decon/ change area 4 30 58 OtP319 V-17: By west door to decon/ change area 430 61 OfP320 5-15: By Par. htr. transformer (elec pen, area) 419 174 OfP322 q-10: Sy electrical penetration area 419 205 OfP321 1-11: By waste oli tank room 405 90 OIP315 I

P-38: 8y elevator 405 91 Ofr318 Q P-23: By spent resla pumps 405 92 OfP349 -e 4-11: By laundry tanks 405 93 Of P314 g e 3 5-21: East of u-2 hydrogen recombiner 405 94 OfP348 < , V-21: West of U-2 hydrogen.reccehiner 405 95 OIP345


afire hoses that do not supply the primary means of fire suppression. . a - e

pg 3/4 7-39 -4 . , 3 j Attac h men t- A tiobt elev. jy Ansit V al ve. m-i5 Seu.rJuvelf y Lc sR u.-2 AB g Pm 445 239* OFP %S L-aq Ean.t UJcd.g tc SR A - a </v3 aga* oFPaa6 M- % h N& Cenmra y LCSR S-Q 493 RW oF?as7 j  ?-M W3 Al V* osPsve c M catme $ 4c.3R 3-a pt-23 Metd (dalf LCSR C-A W3 4AS* oFP 34] P-aI eet wa.U q t.cs~R o-a w3 a* orraas i l l C l l l

5 IAtti13.7-5 (Centlaued) (Q e) FISE IIDSE $1 Ail 0005 g

                       $'.*LSCATION                                                                                                     fifVATION     ig5E SACK Sfft _Aferdf VALVE Aun. SidS. (Continued)

V-15: West of U-l hydrogen recombiner centrol - - pane 1 . 405 96 OfP316

                          "                  5-15: East of U-l hydrogen recombiner                                                      405                97        Ofr317 N-ll:   By  the recycle heldup tanks                                                       Me                 130       Ofr373 M-l):   Sy  the U-l stairs                                                                 368                131       afP374 P-I3:   By  panel IPtS4JS                                                                  M8                 132       OfPMS L-28:   By  the U-2 stairs                                                                 368                133       PTP355 P-21: Sy the blowdown condenser                                                            368                1 34      ofr356 L-25: By the PW M/W pumps                                                                  M8                 135       of PMI                                        .

N-25: Sy chemical drala tank 368- IM Ofr357 5-19: Sy panel IPle6J M8 138 OfPM2 Q-ll: Sy Aqu. Side. fleer drain tanks ' 368 139 OfrMS g U-15: By U-l spray add tank M8 140 ofP372

  • ofr366 V-18: 'pyU-2 cent.che.pumproom 368 141 T P-II: sy recycle evaporater feed pumps 350 151 OfP3el 8 M-13: Sy U-l stairs 350 452 ofP370 N-23: Sy Sas decay tanks 350 154 OfP352 4-19: By "A" Aum. Side f9s88P. drata tank 350 155 OfrM5 Q-17: By "A" Auu. Sldg. Equip. drain tank 350 156 OfP371 q-11: By callection sump pumps 350 157 Ofr380 5-18 Setween moderating heat enchan0ers 350 158 OIP354 V-88: Setween SS chiller units 350 161 Ofr353 W-15: 8 C5 IA 350 163 of PM7 x s_-si dy e c.yc.tE EVAPAM
                                                                                                                                       .3 5 0              iS3       oFP3h3
                                            - M-13. By le                                           sectten sump                        334                165       dip 448 P-IS: By elevator pit                                                                     334                166       ofr449 P-IS: By 18 SN pump reen                                                                  334                167       06P351 M-23: Sy 18 $X pamp reen                                                                   334                168       08P350 fuel Hand. Sids-2-15: South of decen. area                                                                430                17e       OfP389                          43 X-21: leerth of spent fuel peel                                                           430                171       of P386                           I, 2-15: By 480V MCC 134N6                                                                   405                172       ofr388                            3 8    -

AA-19: Outside fC pump room 405 173 of P387 .- ,

                                     ' Cent. #1 8-17: Sy reacter head assembly area S-2:    Sy accumulator. lank IC 430 430 62 63 IFP161 IIP 154
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ]int      s
                                                                                                                 -                      -                                       m
                                                                                    ~~IABL[ 3.7-5 Centini:edj

( M "t) g O RE Itost 51ATIONS LOCAll0N [tiVAI10N 800SE RACK RffL ANGl[ VALVf Cont. #1 (Continued) E By equipment hatch 430 64 IfP160 -

               -         R-7:

R-12: By charcoal filter IA 430 65 IIP 157 [ 98 IFP164 R-17: By south stairs 403 R-2: By RCfC IC 403 99 Ifrl55 R-7: By pressurizer (outside missile shield) 403 100 IfP161 R-12: By panel IPt69J 403 101 IIP 158

             -           R-12: Sy PRI                                                                   381                 143       IFP159 R-17: By south stairs                                                          381                 144       IfPI62 R-2:    By RCfC IC                                                              381                145       IfP156 R-7:   By panel IPt52J                                                         381                 146       Ifr165 Turbine Oldg.

451 16 Ife194 N, K-14: 8y the control race y' L-ro ioA'.i t LB D/&Re- +os 8-l IFPIBS K -i o c h iPi ol* b +os 2si i FP 2.'76 L ~i 3%d 4 t & %Qlg. %I IM i FP 18Y L- 7 ogh .DIV a M%9-- I-D O 'Il If f l8 I

                                                                                                       +30                51          i Ff i81-L-lo o o M da O h gt Stn 41L L- 5 Osks>h jaa ess= Stase.                                                 4-S5               t 8,        1FP180
                        . L-lo O AL. g                                            A                    4-55               2.l         IFFMi Ri t )
                                                                                                                                                      .-( e l'
                                                                                                                                                            .L TAStf3.7-h
     ,                                                      ,] . f liti IIG5E STAII0005
                                                                 &-                EtiVATION HOSE RACK RffL   ANGti VALVf x


      ,        Anat. Seef L-le: South wall U-l of safety valve penthemse             481            1           ofr331                    .                     ;

!. E Ofr338 l ty L-26: leerth well U-2 et safety' valve penthouse 481 2

     "        ~Aum. Side.

5-18: By dumb waiter 400 233 ofr458 i 5-15: By U-l profilters (near stairs) 471 176 OfP329

               .        5-21: By U-2 profilters (near stairs)                       471           177         Ofr334 l

4-17: Wall by elevater la espper cable rees 469 244* OfP469 q-19: Wall by stairs in upper cable roen 469 252* Oft 477 L-II: Outside Soestheast corner of upper cable spreadl#9 reen A-1 467 240 OfP465 L-14: Sy the southeast deer of UC5R C-1 467 241" Ofr466 w M-13: By the northwest corner of UCSR A-1 467 242* Ofr467 *

      )                                                                             467           243*        Ofr464 y                4-13: 1n the northwest corner of UC5R S-1                                 245*        Ofr470 g'              -P-38:    Northwest corner of UCSR C-1                        467 246*        Ofr471 ff               M-18: leerth well of UCSA C-1                               467 M-IS: South wall of UCSR C-2                                467           247*        Ofr472
       .L                                                                           467           248         Ofr473
       -                 L-25: Outside northeast career of UCSA A-2 I                 L-22: In the northeast corner of UC5R C-2                  467           249*        Of P474
            .           M-23: In the southwest corner of UCSN A-2                   467           250*        OtP475 P-20: West wall of UCSR C-2                                 467          251"        OtP476 467           253*        OfP478 4-23: la the southwest corner of UC5A 8-2 5-2.1: Sy U-2 VA filters (U-2 side)                         464          232         OfP457 5-15: By U-l VA filters (U-l side)                          464           234        OfP459 5-21: ty VA filters (U-2 side)                              456           231        ofr456 15:         filters vu-l side)                            456           235        Ofe460 c, ')cumee ne 8tds.o%                                 sse        oFP375
                           -M                                                        MJ
                          -10:                reen refrig. usfits                    387           106        OfP385                            -i        .

L-12: By blewdown yttpr filterg 387 107 OfP384 I5 s-aq B .tA 1894M Ndet 61the y f I A 311 Ia o FP375 ,' aftre hoses that de net supply the primary means of fire suppression.

                                                                                                                                              . N   -


                                               ~                                 s                                  n
i. .

b IAttE 3.7-5,(Centinued).


) .g .( Q a) Fist HD5E SIAll0N5 f tEVAllees test SACK SEEL - VALVE

! noCAiltet
                     ' Aum. Side. (            tamed)                                              551                801              OFF317

! g m-h Ji.,eune ee4 9 enc er meter driven Haup IA 387 108 OfP383

             -                M-18: 8           n. t ee Ofr376 j             d                10- 2 3 : By remote shutdoun panel U-l                              387                 til
             "                                                                                    387                 113              ofr382

,i 4-15: By 480W MCC 132n OfP373 V-IS: By letdown heat enchanger 387 134 , j 455 22 OfP332 y L-II: In UC 4WAC Sm GA of LCSS C-1 L-25: Sy OSVC HWAC Seen 455 27 OFFM335 South wall of hattery reen 451 279 Ofr638 4 M-8: OfP639 M-26: -South wall of hattery roem 451 200 444 238* Ofr463

                             -M-IS:       North well U-l At hy deer OfP330 207" L-7:        East wall LCSS A-1                          .            443 In the southeast corner of LCSS S-I                      443                208*              Ofr327 M-10:

443 209" Ofr325 P-10: In the southuest corner of LCSS S-1 280* OfP326 1 443 , M-13: $euth walI ei tCSS C-1 443 218" OfP328 l  % P-13: West wall of ECSS O-1 5-21: By cabinet 2SV81fC (elec. pen. area) 431 229 Ofr454 I gb 5* M 5-24: Sy U-2 cent. shield wall (elec pen. area) 431 230 Ofr455 5-15: Sy Par htr.. transformer.(elec pen. area) 431 236 Ofr461

                 *B'                                   t. shield well (elec pen. area) 431                            237                Ofr462
                          ***S-12: 8 hic                                                                               5"!                OFPS23 j
                '              4-l& . a .f.,.c m ,095ic.e3                                          V30 j
  • P-ll: Outside taundry Rose 430 52 Ofr313

! 430 54 ofP342 l Q-19: By U-2 VCI valve aisle Ofr343 P-24: By raeheeste evaporator 430 55 i V-17; Sy east deer to decon/ change area 430 58 OfP319 l Q" ac. 17: By west door to decen/chan0e area 430 61 OIP320

                                  -11: By waste eii tank room                                       405               90                  ofP315 Ofr318        g*'.

TM P-18: .By elevater 405 405 95 92 Oft 349 -,

                  "D"            P-23: By spent resin pumps 4-11: By laundry tanks                                             405               93                  Ofr314                 '

5-21: East of U-2 hydresen receshiner 405 94 Ofr34a e i ,' , V-2): West of U-2 hydrogen recombiner 405 95 OfP345

                                                                                                                                                         . D.'
  • fire hoses that de not supply the primary means of fire suppression. .

N Jiba. .


. _ - _ _ _ - _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - - --_ _ __ - - _ _ - _ . - ~ - . _. LAttf 1. 7-5L Centlaved) g -(M3 ISE MS$f $1ATI8005 h '? 6 SCAT 1000 . El fVAileII etOSE RACK SffL. AleGtf VALVE Awa. Side. (Centinmed) V-15: West of U-l hydrogen receableier' control *

  • 4 panel . 405 . 96 0FP316 5-15: East of U-l hydrogen receshiner 405 97 Ofr317 11-11: .By the recycle holdup tanks 368 13e OfP373 M-13: Sy the U-l stairs 368 131 of7374 P-33: By panel IPL84JS M8 132 OfPM9 L-20: By Line U-2 stairs M8 133 ofP355 P-21: Sy the blowdown condenser M8 134 OfP356 L-25: Sy the PW M/u pumps 368 135 OfrMI
                                'I- M                             11- 2 5 : Sy cheetcal drain tank                                   368                     IM              Ofr357
                                           " E                  5-IS: Sy panel Irl86J                                              M8 .                    138             ofPM2 II: By Auu. Side. fleer drain tanks                             M8                      139             Of PMS s

V-18: gy U-2 cent, chg. pump room. 368 341 ofP366

7. P-II: By recycle evaporator feed pumps 350 151 OfP381
                               $                                  M-13: By U-l stairs N-23: Sy. gas decay tanks 350 350 152 154 ofP370 ofP352 he Q-19: By "B" Awa. Side. Egistp. drain tank                         350                     155             OfPM5 Q-17: By "A" Ana. Side. Eeulp. drain tank                          350                     156             ofP371 5-18: Between anderatin's liea't enchangers                       350                     158             ofr354 V-IS: Setween SS chiller units                                     350                     161             OfP353 x                             fL-n8  M-13.

8 By 1 aR eMLtLfen detect sumpEHipstm 350 334 eS3 165 P3(O P448 F

                                                                   #~   '** *'*****' "

P-38: Sy 18 SM pump rose 3'* '" "*** 334 167 OfP351 M-23: By 18 SM pump reen 334 168 etP350 fuel Mand. Sids-2-15: South of decen. area 430 178 OfP389 j3 M-28: Iterth of spent-fisei peel 430 17I OfP386 I, Z-15: By 480V MCC 134M6 405 172 OfP388 i*- AA-19: Outside IC pump reen 405 173 OfP387 c ,

                                                       ' Cent. 4X # 2.                                                                                                                              l S

Turbine Side. ,, I .I

                                                                                         .n                                        n                                                  n

sh h- #= *.h 3.7 - s b C eq,t)2 y -.- g ., F-29: 00sstwau 6.q ky swga. R. i4 2. ys3 2, ,y g ,,, 7MT . < W3 239* oFPVy , 11-15 SNM j Lc sR u,- 2 AB Sg P% V Y.5 &la* OFPad t .ti Eaat W ad.g 4.c SR A - R Jn MoctA4aat h (C6R S-2 W3 et/ o FPas?

   #\- 4 L WS         RI4" osPavo ;
   ?-QL       Jn cetme f 4,c3R b-A
                                                                    - W3        .7As*   oFP syf C- A
   #1-23         Alettd (d(d8 % LC SR D-d             WJ         #&*      oF P Sal 4

, P-A( 6d Md LCSR rac- si errav9 [ 9. ,9 : p wen o s.c waa past suaw vie 4 lo 184 0Ff44I

        $-1(e *          'IM 4DW. st SuJea. Ames                                                .

T M *)" < r

        ~5-1 i    -

sy u-t e.a. m.m.m.e gec. g iq n, e,, , ,,

        @*16'              Sy LA-L ste(-r. etNesumog Assa Asan) (gq         gog      gg.,

rya - "E ~ 137 CFF 36,o 368

        $-15:              g Sped gases wwswans AMP            368          14L      OFP358 41 - 18:           By 4,-1 5#Amy Ano -RANK k
                                                                                 '5 ^ ^
  • Y***l'f**
                                                                                                          ?Y 4YTddT        hff         byC                                                                                                              G J a s.i t       var         1n                                          s-~v s/a          er T:tv                                         as-x YJ         Joh                                            W s/d97 *(2VV                                                     g,1-7            .

fitJ/t cer#r 7J eth *h /r'M W 2r-7 j

 ,             Itv dit       7p          och 1'VW *t*PD                                              is-7 rirar          er        .stA                                       N         ,

r a y/ *e r P pr-7 .i ltidd> ji JJ/r & WZ W f1 *

                                                                                        # f s 581F' P J "'F ' T T 'P                                     of-7 Terg/r,         /r/       ff/r ha v.J .

1.v=1 0J/ //f Dd ~tt-1 n Lv/MT **f%* V LC-5 1*)/d/T j)/ /dE

                                          /4C WV                                                       /t-W 91/MY      Jp/                                                                                                                                        '

LJ/ /dt .cTJ7dr M l 9Y-g E O h N S N 0 W h W 'k. .' " Jt///t sp -p dJ/MY fo/

                   /VHT       Je/        C0k                                                   MY                                                     y-y
                                                                                                @M                                                       / t -1
                 .,,ts/ N      CP/       [9k
                 )9/MY         70/        ftk                    (W 'i .~ .  jd) W;"'^A f

TV-1 LJ///t f9 och pf M T/-Y 091gir $p och w <p'--e WW LE-W

                                                                                                                                                          /E-1 I

hst Mt i9 och Fru= M Ofk ifff^ & 9Y-1 i E9/ddY 9) l 3 7 7'"// - M

                                                                                                                         .. H ,WI i

1 N . _ t fierdeo bs: oss ssmv swos m u. w o 2.o Ag  : s t-4 l i




l ( ) 9 5 -t/ E V T *.1 - 4 +. p " I .



1. Misc. Electric Equipment and Battery Rooms 108
2. ear Rooms 108 C E5F Switcag& Uni + l (Divisicr\ 22. feeUnW 2-)3
3. Division 12 caole A Spreacing Room 108 4 Upper and Lower CaDie Screading Rooms 90
5. Diesel-Generator Rooms 132
6. Diesel 011 Storage Rooms 132
7. Aux. 8uilcing vent Exnaust tilter Cucicle 122
8. Cantrifugal Cnarging Pume Rooms 122
9. Containment Scray Pume Rooms 130
10. RHR Pumo Rooms 130
11. Safety Injection Pumo Room 130 ,
12. Control Room 90 .

I (


BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 7*44

1 OCT 2 5 LCg4 ELiCTR! CAL 80%Ei 5YSTIMS LIMI?!NG CON 0!?!CN ~0R OPERA 7:0N ACTICM (Continued)

c. With one ciesel generator inoperaole in accition to ACTION 4. or m.

aoove, verify that:

1. All requirec systems, suosystems, trains, comoonents anc cevices C tnat cepene on the remaining CPERA8Li ciesel generator as a source of eseagency power a so ? ERA 8Li, anc
      .        2.     'ahen in . MODE 1, 2, or 3, .no ciese -criven auxiliary feeewater K                puso is OPERA 8Li anc the " nit MA)iesel generator is OPERA 8LE."

if the inoceraole diesel generator 'is the emergency power sucoly for the motor-criven auxiliary feecwater pumo. If these conditions are not satisfied within 2 hours me in at least HOT STANOSY witnin the next 6 nours anc in COLD SHuTochN wi pin the following 30 nours. witn tno i of the aoove recuired offsite A.C. circui*.s inocerso!e. c. comonstrate the OPERA 8I'.:Tr of two :1esel generators cy co fa ming Soecification witnin 1 nour ano at least once oer 8 hours enereafter, unless tne ciesel generators are alreacy operating; restore at least one of tne inoceracle offsite sources to CPERASLE status witnin 24 hours or me in at least HOT STAN08Y witnin the next 6 hours. Wita enly one offsite source restored, restore at least C two offsite circuits to CPERA8Li status within 72 nours from time of initial loss or me in at least HOT STAN08Y witnin the next 6 hours anc in COLD SHUTOCwN witnin taa following 30 nours.

e. Witn two of tne acove required ciesel generators inoceracle, comonstrate tne OPERA 8ILITY of two offsite A.C. circuits my cerfere ing Soecification 4.8.* witnin 1 nour anc at least once cor 8 nours taereafter; restore at least one of tne inoceracle ciosai generators to CPERA8LE status witnin 2 nours or me in at least wCT STAN08Y witnin ue next 6 nours anc in COLO SHUTCChN witnin One following 30 nours. Restore at least two ciesel generators to CPERA8Li status witnin 72 nours from time of initial loss or ce in least HOT STAN08Y witnin tne next 6 nours anc in COLD SHUTUCVN witnin tne following 30 hours.


    "Until 2 years after issuance of an coerating Itcense for Unit 1 me Unit 2. A ciesel generator must ce cacaole of crovicinq power to ous 141, ane ce L: .

ACTICH anc SURVE!L' J NCE recuirements of Scecifications 3/a.3.:. 3 small ce acclicaole. Sucsecuently , '.C0, 2), anc 3), anc Surve f 1 ? anca Recuirements sna11 os acclicaole to ne Unit 2, A diesel as acclicao!e for comonstrating cat tne Unit 2, A ciesel is OPERA 8LI as an emergency come* sucoly for ue Unit 1 motor-criven auxiliary feeenater cumo. 3Ye.0N - UNIT 1 3/' 8*2


                                                                                   +: 4 l


13) Verifying snat the following diesel generator lockout featurts prevent diesel generator starting only wnen recuirec:

a) Turning gear engaged, anc ( b) Emergency s:co.

g. At least once ser 10 years or after any mecifications anfen coutc affect ciesel genera ce intercecencence ey starting octa ciesel generators simultaneously, curing snutcewn, anc verifying tnat tota diesel generators accelerate to at least 60Q rge in less taan or equal to 10 secones; and M. At least once per 10 years by:
                  .1)    Oraining eacn fuel oil storage tank, removing tne accumula:ec sociment anc cleaning :ne tann using a socium nyoocalor a solution, anc
2) Perfoming a cressure test of nose ;ortions of ne diesel fuel oil system cesigree to Section III, suosect.on N0 of :ne ASME Code at a tes; pressure equal to 110 cercent of the system design pressure.


i. "At least once per 31 cays ty:

k) verifying tne caoacility of crosstising the Unit 2, A ciesel generator to Bus 141 cy incocencently :erforming ne foliowing: . a) Synchronizing :ne Unit 2, A ciesel generator to fus Zal.

3) Closing creaner 1414 c) Closing treaker 2414
j. "At least once per 18 men ns cy"
                 *1)      Crosstising the 1esel generator to Bus 14*.


4. 8.1.1. Recorts - All ciesel genera:ce f ailures, valic or non-valic, snall De recortac .c :ne Commission pursuant to Soecification 5.9.2. Reece:s of ciesel generator failures sna11 include one information recommencec in 4equlatory g Rosition C.3.3 of Regulatory Guice 1.108, Revision 1. August 1377.
  • f tne numcer of failures in :ne last 100 valic tas:s (en a cor nuclear unit easis) is greater.: nan or ecual to 7. ne recor sna11 os sucolementec to inciuce :ne accitional information recommencac in Regulatory Position C.3.c of Requiator/

Guice 1.108, Revision 1, August 1977.

        "This surseillance only acoltes to 40551, 2, and 3 and is not acclicaole until 2 years after issuance of an ocera:1,ng 11 cense for Unt: 1.

BYRCN - UNIT 1 3/4 8-7 k"%%l"'; Age 1 Unit I apu.itan uk incons s,1,o,s N O M F '"d' M l.httik 2 eA M.a.L]rn d fytO D S 4 1,2,eg.3

A " P

                                                              -.                                                           a       - T# _

c d % y s/+ e-7


4^6/4y@ 4%4 l [ C 4 th.UnikI,AoLiul @ b) % 6 % is iv . c) & 2484 O rinM B

     # #a)                                            &/Ad)w!                                                                6 4"A a d/ / .          a

( l s

 ,--    ,   .-,..-,.....-,,,,.-,,,n,..n.,..,,s.-,._              ...--e._,-n,,,-.- - - _,..- - , , , - , - . , ._. . ,. --                .- _.-. ,-

OCT c c

                                                                                                                                                   . 3 4
                  . ELECTRICAL D ER SYSTEMS 3/4.8.2   0.C. SOURCES CPERATING LIMITTNG CONDITION FOR OPERATION t" a. As a .sinimum 125-Volt nafrom 0.C. Sus 111 fed following Sat.ary 111 0.C. anc itselectM

                                                                       .fc.WdI(Scvat:             And assoc           iatec         %eal.            hful.           sources gi.:iO,sh. ,

capacity charger, anc .

b. 125-Volt 0.C. Sus 112 fed from Sattar/112. and its ' associated full capacity enarger. 4 4

p b d:a( L -o.11 L f b AP'LICAEILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. MLA h )

                                                                                                                                                            .2i ACTION:
a. Wita one of tne recuired catter/ tanks anc/or enargers inoceracle, restore the inoperaole battary cant anc/or cattsr/ bus to CPERA8LE status within 2 nours or be in at least HOT STAN08Y witnin the next 6 nours and in CCLD SHUTDOWN witnin the following 30 nours.

D. With the norsal full capacity charger inoperable: 1) restare the , affected battery and/or tattery cus to operante status wita tne cocasite units full cacacity enarger witnin 2 nours or se in at Tear 1_. "L..2, witnin the next 5 nours anc in ".6 L. .n r Cel D 3 HOT'DOWA HOT N b witnin tne following 30 hours, and 2) restore tne normal full

          -                     cacacity enarger to coeraole status witnin 2a nours or se in at leas? A . L...;.. witnin tne next 6 nours anc in S *: M r - C Ct.O SH UTM Har 5@h                   witnin the folloYing 30 nours.

SURVEILL.*NCE RECUIRESENTS Each 0.C. bus shall be determined CPERA8Li and energited free its mattery at least once ser 7 cays my verifying cor ect breaker alignment. .< a. Eacn 125-volt =attery bank and its associated enarger snall :e canonstratac CPERA8LE:

a. At least once per 7 days by verifying tnat:
1) The parameters in Tante 4.8-2 meet the Category A limits, anc
2) The total battery tarsinal voltage is greater taan or ecual to 125 volts on float enarge.
                    ."This specification is only applicaole prior to Unit 2 coeration in MODE 4 BYRCN - UNIT 1                        3/4 8-10
                                                                              -m-on    +--,---n.   - . . . . , - - - - - - . . - - _ _ ,, , , _ _ . , , , , . ,


                     ' 3/4. 8. 3 ONSITE P%ER OISTR:!U?iCN OPERATING LIMITING CONOITION FOR OPERA?!ON The following electrical busses shall be energized in the specifioc manner for the. oFPi'ubic unir :                            .

l Q. A .C. EiOF cew3;4 tin ei- : M N'T I uni 1 2 C Division 11 Divwon 21

1) 4150-voit Bus *.C.. i) *t160 -voir 3as 281 480-volt Sus 131X, anc
2) 2) -18 0 - Valt 34 231x cinJ
3) 480-volt Bus 132. 3; gso- wie saa23tz'
       ,,,,... -                 b . A. C. ESF Sasas %n,5 g :

UN IT* I V NC 2. Division 12 Divis. m 2.1

1) 4160-Volt Bus 142 o a0 - Vot+ S as 2' 2
2) 480-volt Bus 132X,anc a) .t go - Volt 8.2.; 231 X,und
3) 480-Voit Bus 1321. .3 ) at do - Voir ss s 2312. .

f., vn.r n (Bos all be U6;r 2)

c. 120-volt A.C. Instrument Bus ni ener c connectec to 0.C. Sus 111fo,- on,w i (gizedBu 2ii from fo r UitsNassociatec r >.), inve ter por Un.'H b41Mn.t 2.h. -

120-Volt to connected A.C. 0.C. Instrument BusI .Gus Bus 111For- Un* U[energ(ized 2is +w us.+ 2from )j . its associateo 120-Volt A.C. Instrument Bus 112'energizac free its associatec inverter

    ~ ((or Un f I          h e.      connected to 0.C. Sus 112 aaea. b Unw i ( sw 2.i2.6< vncez), aM

{ 43 r.ts for d T energizac from its associatec inverter

f. 120-Volt A.C. Instrument 8us n4 fQ,,,r igrUdg connected to 0.C. Bus 112,,+be Un.r n ( Gs.; 212. f6< Un.r 2) .
      'g g            Ap o t.!CAE t t.!?Y: M00ES 1. 2, 3, anc 4 ACTION:
a. Wita one of the recuitec civisions of A.C. ESF eusses not fully energized, reenergize the civision witnin 8 nours or De in at least c HOT STAN08Y within the next 6 hours anc in COLD SHUTCOWN within t.9e following 30 hours.
b. With one A.C. instrument aus either not energizac from its associatec inverter, or with the inverter not connectec to its associated 0.C.
                               . bus:   1) reenergize the A.C. instrument bus within 2 hours or De in
  • at leapt !!ecy within the next 6 hours and in Ce4 3h4 e.: -

Mct SNOG1 - witnin tne following 30 hours, and 2) reenergize the A.C. instrument

,                                    bus from its associated inverter connected to its associatec 0.C. Dus witnin 24hours     or ce in at least h 3 ..~ -         nin the next 5 nours i .'

and in - witnin tne following 30 nours. C J L.) CowD ah ri d 97 sg,)pg3 .ssrMW L SYROM - UNIT 1 3/4 3-14

OCT 2 5 (A: ELECTRICAL 80kER SYSTESS  ! ONSIT! POWER O!ST4!3Uit0N SHU70ChN b LIMITING CONDITICN 2CR OPERATION As 'a sinimum, the following A.C. electrical ausses sna11 ee o;erante and energized in tne specifiec manner:

a. One 4160-Volt ESF Sus (141 or 142 sMM8
  • 1%M NN
b. One480-VoltE5FSus(131Xor132Xho.Jd(J3'*"13N
c. One 480-volt ESF Bus (131Z or 132.!fy.-eecp.d d.d(L5tE S2 M s
c. 7=o of tne 120-Volt A.C. instrument tusees powerec f-om tse's associatec inverter witn tne inverter connectec to its 0.C. sower succly.

AP8LICA8!LI M MOCES'S anc 5. ( ACTICH: With any of tne aeove recuired A.O. cusses inoceracie or not energi:sc, immeciately suscene all ooerations involving CORE ALTERATIONS, oggitive reac.ivity enanges, movement of irraciated fuel, or crane coeration nita loacs

       .over tne scent fuel pool, anc witnin S nours decressuri:e anc vent tne RC3 nrougn at 1eas a 2 square inen vent. In accition. =nen in .10E 5 wita the

reactor coolant loccs not f111ec or in NCE 6 witn less tnan 23 feet of coratec water covering tne reac.or vessel fl.nge, immeciately ini-iate corrective action to restore tne recuirec A.C. cusses to CPERABLi status. C SURVi!L'.ANCE RECUit!*ENTS

        . The soecifisc musses sna11 os cetermined anergi:ec in Me recuirec sanner at least'once er 7 cays oy verdfying cor tet alignment acc incicated voltage on :ne tusses.

3YRCN - UNIT 1 3/t. 3-16

4/ -1 t ne.

                         . _ . .                                                                                  l

ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS 3/a.8.a ELECTRICAL ECUIP*ENT #ROTECTIVE CEVICES CONTAIMMENT DENETRATION CCNCUCTOR OVERCURRENT 8ROTECTIVE DEVICES LIMITING CON 0ITICN FOR OPERATICN C All containment penetration conductor overcurrent protective devices given in Table 3.8-16sna11 se OPERA 8LE. w,dh (,1~ Lfe. 5.5-Ih b'dr.L) ll APPLICA8ILITY: MODES , 2, 3, and 4. ACTION: With'one or more of the above required containment penetration concuctor overcurrent protective device (s) inoperable:

               . a. Restore the protective device (s) to OPERA 8LE status or de-energi:e the circuit (s) ny tripping tne associated circuit creaker or racxing out or removing ne inoperable circuit breaker within 72 nours, declare tne affected system or component inoperacle, and verify the circuit breaker to be tripped or the inocerable circuit breamer racked out, or removed, at least once per 7 days thereafter; the provisions of' Specification 3.0.4 are not applicaele to overcurrent                   (

devices in circuits which nave their circuit Dreakers trf 4Ded, their inoperacle circuit breakers racked cat, or removed, or

b. 8e in at least HOT STAN08Y witnin the next 6 nours and in COLD SHUTOOWN within the following 30 nours.

SURVEILLANCE REQU!REMENTS All- containment penetration conductor overcurrent protective devices given in Tacle 3.8-1 shall be demonstrated OPERA 8LE:

                  ' a. At least once per 18 montns:
1) By verifying that the 6.9 kV and the 4.16 kV circuit areakers are OPEAA8LE by selecting, on a rotating easis, at least 12E of tne circuit breakers, and performing the following:

a) A CHANNEL CALIBRATION of the associated protective relays, b) an integrated system functional test wnich includes simulated automatic actuation'of the system to demonstrate j' that the overall oenetration protection design remains within operacle limits. 8YRON - UNIT 1 3/a 8-17 l

l l C(-L A 007 ', o.

                       .-                                                               564 TA8LE 3.9-14.


1. 6.9 AV Switengear.

IRC0174-RCPA paima ry Bus 157 Cue 1

             . Bus 157 Nors. Feed                   -

Sacxuo ACS 1571 Sus 157 Emerg. Feed Sackuo AC3 1572 1RC01PS-RCPg Primary Bus 156 Cue 2 Bus 156 Norm. Feed Backuo

       -*        AC3 1561 8us 156 Emerg. Feed                             Sackuo ACS 1562 1RC01PC-RCPC                                    Primary Bus 154 Cum 5                          ,-

aus 158 Norm. Feed Backun ACS 1582 . Sus 154 Emerg. Feed Sackuo ACS 1581 1RC01PD - RCPD Paimary Bus 159 Cue 5 Sus 159 Norm. Feed 3ackuo ACB 1592 Bus 159 Emerg. Feed Sacxus AC8 1591 (

2. 480V Switengear 1RYO3EA - Pzr. Primary Mtr. Backuo Grouc A
             ' Comet. Al-A6, 51                                Sacxuo 1RY03E3 - Pzt.

P at ma ry ' Mtr. Backuo Grous 3 Cemet. 31-56, Al Sa:xuo SYRON

  • UNIT l' '3/4 8-19

l l;(-1. 007 : .

                                                                                ~ ~ cc4
            ,                            TA8LE 3.3-1 (Continuec)


2. 4400 Switengear (Continuec) 1RYO3EC - Pir. Primary Htr. Bacxuc Group C Comet. Al-A6 Backun 1RYO3ED - Pzt. Primary Htr. Bactuo Grouc 0 Comet. 81-86 Backue i 3. 480V A.C. Ckt. Skrs.

IVP01CA - RCFC Fan 1A Low Soeec Feed Skr 5 gr 131X Paimary Cwo 4C Hi Saeed Feed Skr Primary C 5=gr 131X Cuo 5C IVP01CC - RCFC Fan IC Low Saeed Feed Skr 5=gr Primary 131X Cuo 2C Hi Soeed Feed Skr Primary Swgr 131X Cuc 3C Sus 131X Norm. Feed 141 Swgr., Bacxuo Cue 19, AC8 1415X C IVP01C8 - RCFC Fan la Low Speed Feed Skr Primary Swgr 132X Cao 4C Hi Soeec Feed Ikr Paimary Swgr 132X Cuo SC IVP01C3 - RCFC Fan 10 Low Soeec Feed Skr Paimary 5=ge 132X Cao 20 SYRCN - UNIT 1 3/4 8-20

       ,       . . - . .-                  - -   -                       __        - _- \


 ' PROTECTIVE DEVICE NUM9ER AND t.:CATICN                                  DEVICE C
3. 480V A.C. Okt. Skrs. (Continuec)
     -Hi Sceed FeeQ Skr                                  Primary 132X Cue 3C Bus 132X Norm.' Feec                              Backuo 142 Swgr., Cue 14,
       'ACS 1425X I                                y
4. 480V Molcea Case Ckt. Sk[s.(MCC3)

MCC 133x4 1RC01PA-A Primary Cuo 81 Backup

  . LRC01PA-3                                             Primar/

Cue 32 Backuo j 1HC22G . 8eimary Cuo 83 Backuo 1FH03G Primary Cue 84 Backuo IvP05CA P-imary Cue C1 Sackwo 1RF03P Primary Cue C2 Bacxuo 1AC0170-A Primar/ Cue 01 Sackuo ( 1AC01PO-9 Primary-Cue 02- Bacxuo 1RF0298 Primary i Cuc 04 Sacxuo 1RF01P Detmary Cuo 05 Bactuo I , SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 6-21


                                                         "CC 133x4 1RE017A                                             Primary Cum 06                                          Bacxuo IVP02CA                                             Primary Cua El                                          Backuo IVPO4CA                                             primary Cue E2                                          Bactuo IVPO4CC                                             Paimary Cub F1                                          Sackuo 1EW11EA,3,C                                       , Primary t

Cuo F3 Backuo



                                                     . Primary cua F5                                           Backuo IIC02!3-                                             Primary Cue G1                                           Sacxuo IIC02EC                                              Primary Cum G2                                           Backuo MCC 134x5 IIC02EF                                              Primary Cut Al                                           Backuo

( IIC02EE Primary Cuo A2 . Bacxuo IIC02ED P-isary Cue AJ 3ackuo I I i 8YRCN

  • UNIT 1 3/4 3-22 l

l l l

                                                                                                      &f- L.

CCT g. .,,

                            .-                          A TA8(E 3. $-1.(COnticuec)


           .       Cue G1                                            Backwo 1FH03J                                               Primar/

Cum G2 8ackup 1RC01PS-3 Primary - Cum 31 Bacxuo 1AE01PS Primary Cue B3 Backun 1AC01PC-A Primary Cue C1 Backuo 1AC01PC-9

                                                                  . 8-isary Cun C2                                            Backuo
             '31VP05C3                                               Primary Cue J1                                            Backtp 1RC01PS-A                                            Primar/

Cue C3 Backuo INC55G-A Primary Cum 03 Bacxuo IVP02C3 Primary ,

Cuo'F1 Sacxun 1AC01A-A . Primary Cue F2 A&8' Bacxuo 1AF02PA Primary Cuo G3 Bacxuo ifw'12EA,3,C Primary Cum F3 A&B Sacxuo P~
j. BYRON - UNIT-1 3/4 S-23

4'-L CCT25 y TABLE 3.8-II/Certinvec) CONTAINMENT 8ENE MAT:CN CONCUCTOR OVE4 CURRENT 880TECT!v! OEV!CES (M i ) PROTECTIVE CEVICE NUM8ER aNO t.CCATION OEVICE C 7 4 a80V Molded Casa Okt. Sk,[A.(MCCS)(Centinvec) MCC 13ax5 IVPO4C3 Primary Cuo F4 Backup

     -IVPO4C0                                               Primarf Cue F5                                           Backup
                                                            .EC 132X2A ISI8808C                                             Primary Cue A2                                .

MCC 132X2 Backuo Cue 82 - d 15I88088 . Primary Cue A3 MCC 132X2 Sackuc ' Cua S2 MCC 132X2 1RH8702S P*imary Cao 31 Bacxup 1RH87018 Primary Cut 83 Inckun ICV 8'112 Primary Cue 34 . Sacxuo 10G079 Primarf Cue C1 Bacxup a

 .I     l'mC056A                                             Pristry Cao C2                                            Bacxuo .

IL 10GC80 8"imarf

  /        Cao C3                                            Backuo
 'l-     BYRON - UNIT 1'                    3/4 s'24 1

l 1,  ! W'Z OCT ~ . . . 1 TABLE 3.S-II(entinuec) CONTA!NMENr stNe <A'::N CNOUCTCR OVERCURRENT 890TECTIVE 3EVICES ( u~k 0 > PROTICTIVE DEVICE , NUM9ER ANO LOCAi!ON OEVICE , c 4 a60V Molced Case Ckt. Sk7s.(MCCS)(Continuec) MCC 1323 1RY80008 , Primary Cue C4 ' Backup 1RC8003C Primary

          -Cum 05                                                               Backuo 1RC30038                                                            Primary Cue 04                                                              Backup l

1RC3002A Primary Cub G1 Sackwo 1RC30028 8eimary C Cup G2 Sackuo 4 1RC8002C

                                                                        -        Primary Cuo G3                                                               Sackuo 1RC80020                                                             Primary Cum G4                                                               Backuo-t l                                                                                 MCC 131X2A o

15!!8080 Primary Cuo A2 MCC 131X2 3ackum 7 Cum 82 c 1 SIS 808A Primary

          -Cum A3 MCC 131t2                                                            34CkuD Cuo 32 MCC 131x2 l                                                                                  Primary IRC3001A
8. 3acxue
           .cao G1 8

BYRCN - UNIT 1 3/a 8-25

v.,  ;. f.(-L ' ' TABLE 3.8-1 (Centinuec) CONTAINMENT 8ENE 2A7!:N CCNCUCTOR OVERCURRENT 8ROTIC?!VE DEV!CES { i) PROTECT!VE DEVICE NUM9ER ANO '.CCATION DEVICE c 7 < 4 480V Molced Casa Ckt. Skb.(MCC3)(Continuec)

                                                         "CC 131X2 1RC80013                                              Primary Cue G2                                              Backuo 1RC8001C                                              Primary Cue G3                                              Backup 1RC80010                                              Primary Cue G4                                              Backuo 1RH8701A                                              Primary Cue 91                                              Sackwo 1RH8702A                                              Prim'ary Cue 84                                              Sac'<up                     t 1LL42)                                             ,- Primary Cue C1                                              Backuo IVQ001A                                               Primary Cue C3                                              Backup IVQOO2A                                               Primary Can F1                                              Backuo 1RC30030                                              Primary Cue C4                                              Backuo 1RC8003A                                              Primary Cub C5                                              Sackuo 1CG057A                                               Primary Cue 01                                              Bacxuc 1CC9415                                               Primarf

- < Cue 03 Sackuo ICC3a38 Primary Cum 04- 3ackuo i 10G081 Primary Cum E2 Bacxuo

 ,  SYRCN - UNIT 1                           3/4 3-26 i


                                  .                            MCC 133X6 1HC01G - Cum 82                                       primary Cuo 31                                            Gackup ILLO4E - Cwo C2                                       Primary 4

Cua C1 Backuo IVP03CA Primary

           ' Cub A3                                            Backup IVP03C0                                               Primary Cum C4                                            Sackup MCC 134X7 ILLOSE - Cub 82                          -

Primary < Cuo 81 . 3ackup IVP03C8 Primary Cue A3 Backup IVP03CC Primary Cut 34 Sackup MCC 131X23

        -1W00563                                               Primary Cua A4                                            Sackuo 1RY8000A                                              Primary Cue A5                                            Backup                      c I


                         'e 1

c 4/-1 nr r e~-'.

                .                                                                             si .


5. 250 VAC RCD Power (53 rocs, 5 panels)

Stationary Gef =cer crimary Coils (all panels) Bacxuo Lift Coils Primary

     .                (all panels)                                      Sackuo Movacle Gripper                                        Primary .

C:ils (all panels) Backuo C v t L f F . i i < I - SYRCN - UNIT'l' 3/4 3-29



1. 6.9 kV Switengear RC01PA-RCPA Primary Bus f57 Cum t*7 L

Susb.57 Norm. Feed - Backuo AC3 499t 2.5~!I Bus 1257 Emerg. Feed Sackuo ACS MM 2. S'7 L 2.ZRC01PS-RCPS Primary Susp6Cueff Bus 2255 Norm. Feed Sackco ACS 46R 2.54.I Bus 1Z56 Emerg. Feed Backuo ACS M60 2.56 2. d 2.ZRC01PC-RCPC Primary Sus 1Z58 Cum E.5 Sus125a Norm. Feed Backuo ACS t999 "LK82-Sus 1258 Emerg. Feed Backup ACS 464s LSSI 2.lRC01PO - RCPO Primary Sus 1259 Cum f.3 Sus1159 Norm. Feed Backuo ACS 499e IS1L. SusLZ59 Emerg. Feed Backuo

           - ACS 14M 159                                                             c
2. 480V Switchgear 11RYO3EA - P:r. Primary
   .       Htr. Backuo Grouc A Sackun Cemot.gij6,{1 12RYO3E3 - P:r.                                    P"imary-Mtr. Backuo Grouc 3 Ccmot. 11 ::, 'l Al- A'o ,B 1                    Sacxuo SYRCN - UNIT 1                        3/4 S '2 8 A


2. 480V Switengear (Continuec) 2.ZRYO3EC - P:r. Primary Mtr. Backuo Group C Comot. At-*6- Bi- Eb Backuo 2.lRYO3ED - Pzt. Primary Htr. Backup Grouc 0 Comot. 44 A1 - Af* Backuo
3. 480V A.C. Ckt. Skrs.

2.IVP01CA - RCFC Fan 2 2A L:w Scesc Feed Skr Swgr 131X Primary Cuo 4C 1 Hi-Speed Feed Skr Primary C Swgr{31XCuoSC 11VP01CC - RCFC Fan 12C Low Speed Feed Skr Swgr Primary Lf31X Cuc 2C Hi Speed Feed Skr Primary Swgr1231X Cub 3C Susk31XNorm. Feecil41 Swgr.,- Bacxuo Cue 49 f

              ,   ACS{415X

( 11VP01CB - RCFC Fan IS Low Speed Feed Skr Primary SwgrtI32X Cao 4C

          'Hi Sceec'Feec Skr                                    Primary SwgrgI32X Cec SC 1

12VP01C3 'RCFC Fan ID Low Soeed Feed Skr Primary Swgr 132X Cao 2C

 ..               g 3YRCN - UNIT 1                          3/48-2.3b


3. 480V A.C. Ckt. Skrs. (Continued)

Hi Scesc Feed Skr Primary Swgr2132X Cue 3C 2 Sus Z32X Norm.' Feed Backuo 1L42 Swgr.. Cuo ha b

           -ACB g                     7 4; 480V Molded Case Ckt. B d (MCCS) 1 MCC 133X4
2. lRC01PA- A Primary Cuo 81 Sackup 1ZRC01PA-3 Primary Sackup Cue B2
  • 2JHC22G Primary Cuo B3 Sackup 12FH03G -

Primary Cub S4 Backuo 11VP05CA Primary Sackup Cue C1 2.IRF03P Primary Cue C2 Sacxuo

   '2.lfC01PO-A                                              Primary Cue 01                                            Backuo             <

Primary 1[4C01PD-S Cuc 02 Sackuo e Primaiy 12RF02PB 8 Cuo 04 Sackuo Primary 1[RF017 Sacxuo

;-          Cao 05

-i , SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 3 2.8 C


               -2bE01PA                                                    Primary Cum 06                                               Backuo 2.[P02CA                                                   Primary Cue El                                               Backun 2.[P04CA                                                  Primary Cue E2                                               Bacieuo 2IVPO4CC                                                  Primary Cum F1                                               Backup 11EW11EA ,S .C                                             Primary Cue F3                                            , Backup

( 2.fIC02EA - . Primary Cub F5 Sackup

             .  -2.ZIC02EB                                                  Primary Backup Cue G1 llIC02EC                                                   Primary Cue G2                                              Backuo 1

MCC 43aXS - 2LIC02EF Primary

                      . Cub A1                                              Backuo 1ZICO2EE~

Primary < Sackup Cue A2 . Primary 2.fIC02ED 3ackup

                       ' Cue A3
       =L i-BYRCN - UNIT i 3/48,28 l-


         .            Cub G1                                                Backup s/
             . f.1FH03J                                                     Primary Cuc G2                                                Sackup 2fRC0199-3                                                  Primary Cue 31                                                Bacxuo u

2.1RE01PB Primary Cum B3 Backup thC01PC-A Primary Cue C1 Backuo 7

             - 1MC01PC-B                                                 . Primary Cue C2                                                 Backup Primary 1[VP05C3                                                     Sackup Cub J1-2.[RC01PS-A                                                   Primary Cub C3                                                 Sackup
                   ./                                                        Primary
              ' 11HC55G-A Cue 03.                                                Bacxuo el Primary 21VP02C3 Cuo 71                                                 Backuo                   c
                                                                            . Primary IIRC01R-A                                                    Bacxuo Cub F2 ALB '

e Primary L lRF02PA Cuc G3 Backuo [: 1,IkW12EA ,3,C Primary Cuo F3 A&B 3acxus h-i BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 8 .2. Set. e-


4. 480V Molded Casa Ckt. 8khi.(MCCS)(Continued)

MCC Ax5 1[VP0aC8 Primary Cub F4 8ackup 1 PO4CD Primary Cue F5 Backup 2 MCC [32X2A is 1 1SI8808C Primary Cue A2 MCC 232X2 Backuo Cue 82 3

          , .1[$I88088                                                .

Primary Cue A3 Backup

              .MCC N2X2 Cue 82 A.                                                                             2 ,.

MCC 232X2 1[RH87023 Primary Cao 81 Backup 1[AH87013 Primary Backup Cut 83 1[CV8112 Primary Cue 84 Bacxuo 1[CG079 Primary Sacxup Cuo C1

  'I:        1[w0056A                                                    Primary
                  ;Cuo C2                                                Backup .

J' P*imary 1[0GC80 I Cub C3 Backuo I- BYRON . UNIT 1 3/4 8-: 26h' r


  • 1- j 007 e ..
                                                                                -        ._   l b


                                           -(YA -

PROTECTIVE OEVICE NUMBER AND LOCATION DEV!CE 4, 480V Moldeo Case Ckt. Sk[s. (MCCS) (Continued)L MCC2$2x2 YS0008 Pr_imary Cue C4 Backuo 1[RC3003C Primary Cue 05 Backuo i dC30038 Primary Cub 04 Sackuo IIkC3002A Primary Backup Cub G1 1[hC3002S Primary Sackup Cuo G2 1[AC8002C Primary Cub G3 Sackuo i

           .1fRCa0020                                           Primary Cub G4                                          Backuo 1

MCC 131x2A Primary J.[5IS8080 Cuo A2 2. MCC [31X2 Backuo Cao S2 ( Primary 1[5I8808A 1 Cub A3 2. MCC 51x2 Sackun Cue S2 ' ~ MCC D 1X2 Primary 2[RC3001A Sacxuo 3 Cuo G1-8

        , 3YRON - UNIT-i                        3/4 8* M


                                              -(u. mbt 1)
             . PROTECTIVE DEVICE NUMBER AND LOCAT!ON                               DEVICE                 C 4     480V Molded Casa Ckt. Bds.(MCCS)(Continued)

A MCC f31X2 L[AC80018 Primary Cub G2 Backuo J.[9C8001C' Primary _. Cub G3 Sackup 1[RC30010 Primary Cum G4 Backup 2.[RH8701A Primary Cup 91 Backuo LIkH8702A Primary Cub B4 Backup C 2.[LL42J Primary Cue C1 Backup t[VQ001A Primary Cao C3 Backuo 1[VQ002A Primary Cub F1 !ackuo

          '1[RC80030                                              Primary Cue C4                                         Backun 1[AC8003A                                             Primary C

Cub C5 Backun 1[0G057A Primary Cao 01 Backuo IICC9415 Primary Cup 03 Backup

      ,    -IICC9438                                              Primary Cuo 04                                         Sackuo 1[0G081                                               Primary
                  'Cuo E2                                          Backuo
    ..         ~SYRON - UNIT 1                     3/4S.26b

W** 1-l OCT3n

                                                                                   ~v ee4 TABLE 3.8-1    Continued 1 CONTAINMENT DENE RAT!CN OCNCUCTCR 4

OVERCURRENT DROTECT*VE DEVICES IM 2[ < PROTECTIVE DEVICE NUMBER AND LOCATION DEVICE 7 4 480V Molded Case Ckt. Sds.(MCC3)(Continued) L MCC113X6 lbC01G-Cue 32 Primary Cum 31 Sackuo 1[LLO4E - Cue C2 Primary Cun C1 Backuo 2.7/P03CA Primary Cue A3 Sackuo 1MP03CD Primary Cub C4 Backup 2. MCC134X7 225 LOSE - Cub B2 Primary Cuc B1 Backup a 2.IVP03CB Primary Cue A3 . Backup J 12VP03CC Primary Cub S4 Backuo 2. MCC 151x29 v 11wo0563 Primary Cue A4 Sackuo

           '1IkY8000A                                                 Primary                  ,

Cue AS Backup I 3/48-M6k




i e.


  • II M~-.- .
5 l TABLE 3.3-1 (Centinued)


5. 250 VAC RCC Power (53 rocs, 5 panels)

Stationary Griccer Primary Coils (all panels) Sackup Lift Coils Primary (all panels) Sacxuo Mcvable Gripper Prima ry Coils (all panels) Sackuo C I a F . I SYRCN - UNIT 1 3/48*'<28 1. _. __ __.m


                                                                                                        .ic t - -  x>,

ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS MOTOR-OPERATED VALVE 5 THERMAL OVERLCAO 3RCTECTION DEVICES LIMI*ING CONDITION .:0R OPERATION The thermal overloac protaction devices, integral witn the motor c starter of eacn valve listaa in Tacle 3.8-2$ snall be OPERABLE.

f. p gad. i (.~i~o.L.ii.a. 6 S4b MM.

APOLICABILITY: Whenever the motor-operated valve is required to me OPERABLE. ACTION: With one or more of the thermal overload protection devices inoperable, declare the affected valve (s) inoperaole ano apply the appropriate ACTION statement (s) for the affected valve (s). SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS The above recuired thermal overload protection devices shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 18 months y the performance of a CHANNEL CALIBRATICN of a representative sample of at least 25% of; t

a. All thermal overload devices, such that each device is calibrated at least once per 6 years, and -
3. All thermal overicad devices such that each tnermal overload is calibrated and eacn valve is cycled througn at least one comolete -

cycle of full travel with the' motor-operator when tne thermal overload is OPERABLE, at least once per 6 years. i- < 3YRCN - UNIT 1 3/4 3,25 ,29 O , . . - . _ . - - . . _ , . - . . - - . . - . . . . - - . - - - -

i OCT 2 6 5s34 s TABLE 3.9-2 ot

                                                                                           ~                  -

MOTOR-OPERATED VALVES THERMAL OVERL0A0 PROTECTION DEVICES O N t1" 2. _ c VALVE NUMBER FUNCTION 00G059 Unit 1 Suct Isol Viv H2 Receso 00G060 Unit 1 Disenarse Isol viv H Recomoiner 00G061 Unit Oisenarge Xtie for H2 Recomoiner

       .00G062             Unit Xtie on oisenarge of H: Reconciner 00G063            _ Unit Suction Xtie for H Recemoiner 00G064             Unit Suction xtie for H2 Recomoiners 00G065             08 H2 Analyzer Inlet Isol Viv 00G066            .08 H Receso Disen Isoi V1v 10G057A            CA H: Recemo Disen. Isol. Valve 10G079             H2 Recoec Disen. Camt. Isol. Valve ICG080             H2 Recemo Suct. Cnet. Isol. valve 10G081            H Recomo Suction Comt. Isol. Valve 10G082             OA H2  Recomo Disen Cnet Isol V1v 10G083             CA H2  Recome Oisen Cnet Isol viv 10G084-           0A'H2 Recome Cast Outlet Isol viv                                                    <

L 10G085 H2 Recomo Cost Outlet Isol Viv 1AF006A LA AF Po $X Suct Isol Viv 1AF0068 13 AF Pp SX Suct Owst Isol V1v 1AF013A AF Mtr Orv Pee Disca Her Owst Isol v1v LAF0138 AF Mtr Ore Peo Osen Her Ows: Isol viv 1AF013C AF Mtr Orv Pp Disen Her Ows: Isol v1v 1AF0130 AF Rtr Orv Pp Disen Her Owst Isol viv 1AF013E AF Os1 Orv Pe Osen Her Owst Isol viv , . LAF013F AF Os1 Orv Pg Osen Her Owst Isol Viv 1AF013G AF Ost Orv Pp Osen Her Ows: Isol V1v LAF013H AF 0s1 Orv Pp Osen her Ows: Isol v1v 1AF017A 1A AF 79 SX Suct Ues; Isol viv ( 1AF0171t IS AF Po SX Suct-Ums: Isot Viv 1CC645 RCP Thermal Barrier Outlet Her Cnet Isol V1v . ICC9412A CC to RH MX 1A Isol Viv i ICC94123 CC to RH HX 13 Isol V1v' '

        .1CC9413A           RCP CC Supply Owst CNMT Isol                                              ;

1CC94138 RCPs CC Sucoly Umst"CNMT ! sol L t .1009414 CC Water from RCPs Isol. Valve ICC9415 Unit i Serv. Loom Isol viv 1C09416 CC wtr from ACPS Isol. Valve ' ! 1CC9438 CC wtr fran RC'Puses Thermal Sar tsoi. Valve s ICC9473A- Disen Her X-tie Isol Viv l s L 1CC94738 Disen Her X-tie Isol V1v l BYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 8-30 L

                                                                         - - - . . ~ -   --_____.___________a

OCT 2 5 w TABLE 3.8-2_qCContinueo)- - - - - MOTOR-OPERATED vat.VES THERMAL CVERLCAO PROTECTION OEVICES UN11- 1 (Conteved) C VALVE NUM9ER PJNCTION IC5001A 1A C5 Pp Suct from RwST 1CSCOU 18 C5 Po Suction from RWST 1C5007A C5 Pp 1A Disen Line Owst Isol V1v 1C50078 C5 Po 18 Disen Line Oownstream Isol Viv 1C5009A 1A Pumo Suction from 1A Recirc Sume IC50098 18 C5 Cont Rectre Sumo 8 Suct Isol V1v to C5 1C5019A C5 Eductor 1A Suction Conn Isci Viv IC50198 C5 Eductor la 5 action Conn Isot Viv 1CV1129 MOV VCT Cutlet Ucstm Isol VCT vh ICV 112C MOV VCT Qutlet Owst:s Isol VCT Viv ICV 1120 MOV RWST to Chg Po Suct Her ICV 1125 MOV RWST to Chg Po Suct Her 1CV8100 MOV RCP Seal Leakoff Mce 1501 1CV8104 MOV Emerg 8eration viv 1CV8105 MOV Chrg Pos Ofsen Mcr Isol V1v 6 1CV8106 MOV Chrg Pos Ofsen Her Isol viv 1CV8110 MOV A & 8 Chg. pp Recire Ocwnstream Isol 1CV8111 MOV A & 8 Chg 7p Recire Unstream Isoi . 1CV8112 RC Puso Seal water Return Isol. Valve 1CV8355A MOV RCP 1A Seal Inj Inlet to containment Isol 1CV83558 MOV RCP 18 Seal Inj Inlet Isol ICV 8355C MOV RCP 1C Seal Inj Isol 1CV83550 MOV RCP 1D Seal Inj Isol MOVRHRSysX-71eVivtoChrgngPusoSuctionMctA/S. x' 1CV8804A A X 1RH610 RH PP UH01PK Recire, Line Isol. UH611 RH PP 1RH01PS Recire, Line Isol. UH8701A RC Loop 1A to RNR Puso Isol. Valve 1RH8702A RC Loop 1C to RHR Puso Isol. Valve ( 1RH8701S RC Loop 1A to RHR Pump Isol. Valve 1RH8702S RC t. cop IC to RHR Pump Isol. Valve UH8715A RH HX UH02AA Ownstra Isol Viv UH87168 RH HX 1RH02A8 Ownstm Isol valve

         ~1RY8000A              Prz. Relief Isol. Valve 1A 1RY80008              Pet. Relief Isol. 41ve 13 15 8801A             SI Charging Pume Disen Isol viv 15IB8013-
                               .5I Charging Puse Disen Isol v1v 15I4802A             SI PP 1A 01sen Line Ows: Cont Isol viv 15I88023             SI PP 18 Oisen Line Owst Isol V1v                           t 8YRCN - UNIT 1                        3/4 8-31


Wi(c.seNeb. c VA(.VE NUMBER PJNCTION 15I88048 SI Puse 18 Suct X-tie f=om RNR HX
        .      15IB806           SI Pumos upstream Suction Isol 15IS807A          SI to Chg PP Suction Crosstie Isol V1v 15I88078          SI to Chg PP Suction Cresstie Isol V1v
15IS808A Ac:um. LA Disch. Isol. valve '

i 15I88C88 Ac:us.18 Disch. Isol. Valve 15I8408C Ac:us. 1C Disch. Isol. Valve 15IB8080 Ac:um. 1D Disen. Isol. Valve 15IS809A SI RX MX 1A Osca Line Dwst Isol V1v 15IB8098 SI RX HX la Osen Line Owst Isol Viv 15I8811A SI Cnet Sumo A Outlet Isol viv 15IS8113 SI Cnet Sump 8 Cutlet Isol v1v 15:3812A - SI Rwst to RH Po LA Outlet Isol V1v 15I88128 SI Rwst to RH Pp 18 Outlet Isol Viv 15I8813 SI Pusos 1A-13 Recir: Line Owst Isol 15IS814 SI Pump 1A Recirc Line Isol V1v .C 115IS835 SI Pumps X-tie Otsen Isol V1v 15I8840 SI RHR MX Disen Line Oostre Cont Pen Ist V1v 15I8821A SI PP 1A Disen Line X-tie Isol Viv 15I88213 SI Puso IB Discn Line X-tie Isol V1v ,

15I9920 SI Puso 13 Recir: Line Isol V1v 15I8923A SI PP 1A Suction Isol Viv 15I89238 SI Puso 18 Suct Isol Valve

! '15I3924 SI Puso LA Suction X-tie Ownstes Isol V1v r 15X0168 RCFC 8&D 5x Succiy MOV ! 15X015A RCFC A&C SX Supply MOV i 15X027A RCFC A&C Return RCFC S&D SX Return MOV 15X0273 C 05X007 . CC HX Outlet V1v 05X063A- SX to Cont Rs Refrig Casr QA 05XO638 SX to Conc Rs Refrig Casr 08 ' 05X146 IC Hx "0" return Viv to Unit 1 McCT 05X157A IX M/U Pp OA Sucaly Fill to MOCT

             ;05X1575            SX M/U PD 08 Juooly to MOCT 08 MOV                        l 05X158A           SX M/U Pp CA Sucoly-Fill to MOCT MOV 05X1588           SX M/U Pp 08 Sucoly to MOCT 08 MOV                        -!

05X162A MOCT OA typas: to :asin MOV  : i 05X1623 MDCT 08 Sypass to casin MOV 1 SYRON - UNIT 1 -3/4 8-32



*y TABLE 3. 3-2 i(Continuec)


       ,{.         Z.              w.. s sys m                             .u.        m     ,

05X563I MbCTb5bsUrIsl1vivMov 05X1638 McCT OA Riser Isol V1v Nov

       ":"*~::                         ;; ;; :.. :__'  ' ' " "                             -
       ?!* " a r"

05X163E - MOCT 08 Riser Isol v1v Mov 05X163F MOCT CB. Riser Isol viv Mov , CC.:.; .w . . .o s.m .w. . . . , . . - i 15X001A 1A SX Po Suct viv Mov 15XC013 13 SX P: Suct viv Mov 15X004 U-1 SX Sucaly to U-1 CC4 MX Mov 15X005' la SX Pp Sucoly to O cod HX Mov 15X007 CC HX Outlet viv ' i" 15X010 U-1 Trn A return vlv A8 15X011 Trn A Trn S Unit i return X-tie Viv A6 15X033 1A 5X Pp Disen X-tie Mov 15X034 13 SX 79 Disen X-tie Mov 15X136 Unit 1 Trn 8 return V1v A8 IWOOO6A Chilled wtr coils 1A & IC Susoly Isai viv 1W00068 Cnilled wtr coils 13 & 1D Succly Isol v1v ik0020A Chilloc wtr coils 1A & 1C Return Isol viv 1 WOO 208 Chilled wtr coils 13 & 1D Return Isol viv l' 1W0056A Chilled Vater Comt. Isol. valve 1k00568 Chilled water Cnmt. Isol. valve i 5 i

                      ..r s '.
  • SYRON - UNIT 1 3/4 3-33 L
                          -  ~             _                               _      ___.

I M- 1.

                                                                                       = ua:


      %                                                TABLF 3.3-2 a
                                      *0 TOR-CPERATED VALVES 4 E8FAL CVERLCAO PROTECTICN OEV!:E5 U.N I T 2.

VALVE NUMBER FUNCTICN c 00G059 Unit 1 Suct Isol Viv H Recomo 00G060 Unit 1 Disenarge Isoi v1w H Recomoiner 00G061 Unit Oisenarge Xtie for H2 R*Comeiner 00G062 Unit Xtie on Disenarge of H: Recomniner 00G063 Unit Suction Xtie for H2 Recomoiner 00G064 Unit Suction Xtie for H2 Recomoiners 00G065 08 Hz Analyzer Inlet Isol V1v 00G066 08 H2 Recome Disen Isol Viv

2. ;,CG057A 0B4* H 2 Recomo Disen. Isol. Valve 1 LCG079 H2 Recomo Disen. Cnet. Isol. Valve
OG080 H Recomo Suct. Cnet. Isol. Valve
                ' CG081             H2 Recomo Suction Cnet. Isol. Valve
0G082 eB & H 2Recomo Ofsen Cnet Isol Viv '
OG083 e6 M H Recomo Oisen Cast Isol V1v LOG 084 e6 & H 2Recomo Cnet Outlet Isol Viv H2 Recomo Cnet Outlet Isol Viv
                   .0G085 LAF006A         2.'A AF Po SX Suct Isol v1v                                   C LAF0068         2.4,3 AF P3 SX Suct Owst I4c1 ,viv LAF013A -         AF Mtr Orv Pso Of sen Her Ows: Isol viv LAF0138           AF Mtr Orv Pmo Osen Her Owst Isol V1v LAF013C           AF Mtr Orv Pp Disen Her Owst Isol Viv AF0130            AF Mtr Orv Pp Disca Har Owst Isol Viv AF013E            AF Os1 Orv Pm Osen Her Owst Isol V1v JF013F       ,    AF Os1 Orv Po Osen Her Owst Isol Viv AF013G .          AF Os1 Orv Ps Osen Mce Owst Isol Viv                      l AF013H            AF Os1 Orv Pp Osen Her Owst Isol Viv
                .AF017A           1A AF Po SX Suct Ucst Isol Viv f                  AF0173          IgAFPoSXSuctUpstIsolV1v I'                                                                                               <

LCC685 RCP Thermal Barrier,0utlet Mdr Cast Isol Viv LCC9412A CC to RH HX A ZA IsoltViv i LCCS4123 CC to RH HX I IS Isol V1v  ; LCC9413A RCP CC Supply Owst CNMT ! sol , LCC94138 RCPs CC Succly Unst CNMT Isol .

          -l      ,CC9414           CC Water from RCPs Isol. Valve I     ;CC9415           Unit Z25erv. Leoo Isol V1v I 'LCC9415              CC wtr from RCPS-Isol. Valve                              '
               -}CC9438             CC wtr fm m RC Pusos Thermai Sar Isol. Valve
    ;           1CC9473A            Oisen Her X-tie Isol viv CC94738         Discn Hct X-tie Isol Viv SYRCN - UNIT 1                        3/4 8-&r-I                                                        DDA        .



                .                                                                                    OCT 2 5 c: 4 b

TABLE 3.9-23 (Continuec) N TOR-OPERATED VALVES *-ERMAL OV!4LOAC 290~EC**CN 3EVICE5 QN IT 2. ((%-h* ,g d) _ VALVE NUM8ER FUNCTION ( 2.',C5001A 2 /.A C5 #p Suct f-em RWST

                   .C50013                   2 Z8 C5 72 Suction from RW5T
                   ,C5007A                     C5 P21 2A Disen Line Ows: Isol Viv
                ..C50078 C5 Pn128 Disen Line Downstream Isol V1v
                   , C5009A                  22.A Puno Suction from 1A Recirc Sumo
                ',C50098                     2.ZB C5 Cont Recirc Sumo 8 Suct Isol V1v to C5
                   ,C5019A                     C5 Ecuctor22A Suction Conn Isol viv
                   ,C30198                     C5 Ecuctor225 Suction Conn Isol viv
,CV1123 MOV VCT Cutlet Uosta Isol VCT Viv
                 ;,CV112C                      MOV VCT Outlet Owsta Isol VCT V1v
,CV1120 MOV RWST to Chg Pc Suct Her
.CV112E MOV RWST to Chg Pp Suct Her
.CV8100 MOV RCP Seal Leakoff Her Isol
.CV8104 NOV Emerg Beration V1v
,CV8105 MOV Chrg Pos Disen Her Isol V1v LCV8106 MOV Chrg Pos Disch Her Isol Vlv
                   ,CV8110                     Mov'A & 5 Chg. 99 Recirc Oownstream Isol A l
                   .CV8111                     MOV A & 8 Chg P Recire Upstream Isol
                ',CV8112                       AC Pumo Seal Wat r Return Isol. Valve i                                               <.
                   ,CV8355A                    MOV     2 RCP   1A Seal Inj Inlet to containment Isol
,CV83558 MOV RCP 13 Seal Inj Inlet Isol 1CV8355C MOV RCP IC Seal Inj Isol icv 83550 MOV RCP 2 10 Seal Inj Isol LCV8804A MOV RHR Sys X-Tie Viv to Chrgng Pumo Suction Mcr A/8.


                  ,,RH610                      RH PP 1RH01PK Recire Line Isol.

>  :,RH611 RH PP 1RH01Pt Rectre, Line Isol.

                   ,                           RC Loco 21A to RHR Pumo Isol. Valve

, 1RH8702A RC Loco 21C to RHR Puse Isol. Valve !  :,RH87018 RC Loco 12A to RHR Puse Isol. Valve

,RH87028 AC Loco 2!C to RHR Puso Isol. valve *
,RH9716A RH HX2ZAH02AA Ownstra Isol V1v
,RH87168 RH HX 2 LRH02A8 Ownsthe Isol valve
RY8000A Pez.ReliefIsol.Valveb
,RY80008 Pet. Relief Isol. Valvei13
,5IS801A SI Charging Pumo Gisen Isol V1v
,5I88018 SI Charging Pumo Disen Isol V1v 15I8802A SI po21A Disen Line Ows: Cont Isol V!v
           .,V       SI8802S                   SI PP113 Disen Line Ows: Isol Viv                            ,

8YROM - UNIT.1 3/4 8-)k [ ab . , t

U - L.



                     - 2, :,5I88048                  SI Pumo Zs Suct x-tie from RHR xx
,5IS806 SI Pumos Unstream Suction Isol
,5I8807A SI to Chg PP Suction Crosstie Isol V1v
,$I88073 SI to Chg PP Suction Crosstie Isol viv

. i  : ,5I8808A Accum.11A Disen. Isol. Valve

.5I88088 Accus.218 Disch. Isol. Valve
                               ',$I4408C            Accum.2ZC Disch. Isol. Valve
                               ',5I88C80             Accum.210 Disen. Isol. Valve
                                  .5I8809A           SI RX MX11A Osen Line Owst Isol Viv
                                 , 5I88098           SI RX MX   2 18 Osch I.ine Owst Isol v1v
                                 , 5!8811A          SI Cnst Sumo A Cutlet Isol V1v
                           ',5I88113                SI Cnet Sumo 8 C t1st Isol Viv
                           ',5Ia812A                SI Rwst to RH PD             Outlet Isol V1v
                                .5I8812S            SIRws:go            .Pg 13 Outlet Isol Viv-
                          ',5I8813                  SI Pumos IA            Recire Line Owst Isol
                                ,5I8814             SI Pump 2ZA Recire Line Isol V1v
                           ,,5I8835                 SI Pumos X-tie Disen Isol V1v
                          ;      ,5I8840            SI RHR HX Disen Line Oostrm Cont Pen Ist V1v 7

,~  :,5I8821A SI PP2ZA Disca Line X-tie Isol Viv

,5I48218 SI Pumpala Disen Line X hie Isol viv 2.
,5I8920 SI Pumo 13 Recire Line Isol v1v
,5I8923A SI PP2ZA Suction Isol Viv
,5I89238 SI Puso218 Suct Isol valve
,5IS924 SI Pump 4A Suction X-tie Ownstem Isol Viv l

lL5X01EB RCFC 844 51( Sucoly MOV x 15X016A RCFC A&C SX Supply MOV 15X027A ACFC A&C St. 5x 8teturn MeV

  • C V SX0273 ACFC 8&D SX Return MOV 00007 OO "% 0. tie; "i '


                         ?!0:2                    L .      0.... L.,  ".f. . , 04.. ;;. "-

00^'?"  % ;.. Co . . R. 6 r:4 Co., 0- t b $N:5 ~ $ 0 t in B E "'" :: i: i- @ H. 7 05 5 h '

"~12 *3^* "' " ? *" ! ***' .' 1 ' ' ' !.. ", T: : %'  ;
             ,i          !*" =                          ~ U Y *" ****'I -" dj" " ' ~                       :
                                                   .,vg g gypsas .. ........ q                               j 7.~.

4m we aypass to casin .m -

                         .                         .,,n..                                                    ,

os'x.M7 (.C. h "2, A" r'ctern %.V' do un cr 2 mc.r r

           'y_           SYROM - UNIT 1                                   3/48-M
                                                                                .3 Sc.
  • i

4'.- 1 K ?ABLE 3.!-23 (Continued) , *0 TOR-OPERATED VAL.VE5 *WERMAL OVERLCAO 8ROTECT!ON CEV!CES un si 2.(%+4.. A)

            ' VALVE NUMBER                FUNCT!ON                                                                           C 05X152C
  • 0CT OA Sycass to asin Mov 05X1620 90CT 08 Sypass to tasin Mov O ! M '_ " ' TCT A a . .., w: '
                                                                   ?!            -

O!M1" * ""C T O A L ,. . h ,; ' 9'? - 05X153C McCT CA Riser Isol v1v Mov 05X1630 McCT CA Riser Isol v1v MOV O!M100C MC^T ;G R;... w: T;

  • CSM'.00F .,w w . wo u ser m; .

T!' 05X163G .0CT 08 Riser Isol Viv Mov 05X163H MOCT 08 Riser Isol v1v Mov

  • 2, L5X001A 2fA SX Po Suct V1v Mov ,
,5X001S 2.ZS SX Pp suct viv MOV 15X004 u-22,5X Sucoly to U-Z1CCW HX MOV 15X005 2,23 SX Po Sucoly to O CCW HX Mov SX007 CC MX Outlet v1v SX010 U-22. Ten A return viv A8
             ?.5X011              Ten A Ten S Unit,12 return X-tie V1v AS                                                    C
             'J,5XO33           IfA SX Po Disen X-tie Mov 15X034 213 SX Po 01sen X-tie .4 '                              .


              ,5X136              Unit 22Trn 3 return viv A8 t                                                2         1 Chilled wtr coils              & :,C Sucaly Isol viv q .,W0006A l

1h0006B Chilled wtr coils &:,0 Succly Isol viv IWOO20A Chilled wtr coils &:,C Return Isol viv

        ; IV00209                 Chilled wtr coils 43 & J Return Isol viv i :' WOOS 6A              Chilled Water Comt. Isol. Valve T W00568 1                    Chilled water Camt. : sol. valve                                                      !-

05X007 CC HX Outlet V1v 05XO63A SX to Cent As Refrig Cdse OA c , 05X0638 SX to Cont Rs Refrig Cdsr 08 05X157A SX M/U Ps OA Sucoly Fill to 90CT OSX1 STB SX M/U Po 08 Sucoly to MOCT 08 MOV 05X'.54A SX M/U Pp OA Sueoly Fill to MOCT MOV 05X1588 5X M/U Pp 08 secoly to MOCT 08 MOV e 8YRON - UNIT 1 3/4 8-3/4e-asa t - __ . _ - - _ _ _ . _ _ __ _ __ _ _

W-A OCT 2a e:4 3/4. 9 REFUEt*3G OPERATIONS 3/4.9.1-90RON CONCENTRATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.9.1 The boron concentration of all filled portions of the Reactor Ceolant System and the refueling canal shall be maintained uniform and sufficient to c ensure that the more restrictive of the following reactivity conditions is met:

a. A X,ff of 0.95 or less, or
b. A baron concentration of greater than or equa'l to 2000 pcm.

Ap*LICABILITY: MODE 6". ACTICN: With the requirements of the above soecification not satisfied, immeciately

           - suspend all operations involving CORE ALTERATIONS or positive reactivity changes aqd initiate anc continue boration at greater than or equal to 30 gpm of a solution containing greater than or equal to 7000 ppm boron or its ecuiv-alent until K,ff is recuced to less than or equal to 0.95 or the boron concentration is restored to greater-than or equal to 2000 ppm, whichever is
           - the more restrictive.

C SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS more restrictive of the above two reactivity conditions shall be cetermined prior to:

a. Removing or unbolting the reactor vessel head, anc
- b. Withdrawal of any full-length control rod in excess of 57 steos 4: .(accroximately 3 feet) from its fully insertec position within the reactor vessel.
4. 9.1. 2 The boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System anc the refueling canal determinec by enemical analysis at least once per 72 nours.

V8439 sna11 ce veri- X

a. 9.1. 3 Valves V1113, 1842S, V8441, J V8435, anc fied closed and securse in position by mecnanical stoos or by removal of air or
            -electrical power at least once per 31 days.


             "The reactor snail se maintained in MCOE 6 wnenever fuel i's in the reac or vessel with the vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned or aita
             the nead' removed.


           - 3YRON'- UNIT 1                           3/4 9-1 a-I
      -r r             - c        g    , -.         -
                                                   .. e  --w- - + m   w---y --w me.-y ep.~,p-w, w  w  _=w .-e-

OCI _ _ .. SPEC:AL TEST DCEPU CNS 3/4.10.4 REACTOR COOLANT tcops C LIMITING CCN0! TION FOR OPERATICN 3.10.4 The limitations of the following requirements say e sus:encec:

a. Soecification - Ouring :ne :erformance of startu; anc PHYSICS TESTS in MODE 1 or 2 previcec:
1) The THERMAL POWER coes not exceed the P-7 Interlock Set:oint, and-
                 -2)      The Tri; 5et:cints :n ue OPERAELE Intermeciate anc Power Range enannels are set less taan or ecual to 25% of RATIO THERMAL PCwER.
b. Scecification - Ouring tne :erformance of not ece cree time measurements in MODE 3 Orovicea at least two reactor c:clant lo::s as listec in Specification art CPERA8LE..

t APOLICA8:LITY: Ouring operation below the P-7 Intericek Setseint or :erformance of not roc cree time seasurements. ACTICN:

a. Wim tne TH6AMAL power greater than me 8-7 Interlock Set;oint :uring .

tne cerfomanca of startu; anc PHYS!C5 TESTS, imeciataly open ue  ! Reactor-tri; =rtstars.  !

. wita less than the aceve recuirec reactor esclant locos OPERAELE during :erfomance of not roc creo time measurements, immeciately I coen ue reac cr tri; =rtaxers anc c:mely wiu ne = revisions of .

the ACTION stataments of Soecification SURVEILLANCE REOUIRESENTS The THERMAL- 70hER sna11 be detarsinec t e less than P-7 Intarlocx Set:oint at least once per nour curing startue anc PMYSICS TESTS.

4. 10.4.2 Eaca Intermeciata and Pcwer Range uannel, anc P-7 Interlocx snali
e sucjectac to an ANALOG CHANNEL OPERATICNAL Tis 7 wiuin 12 hours prior to initiating startuo anc 8MYSICS T1575. L At least the aseve recuitec reactor ::clant iccos saali ce cetarmirec OPERA 8LE ninin 4 nours Order to initiation of me not roc creo time seasurt-sents anc at least enca :er a acurs curing the not roc creo time seasurenents by. verifying c:r ect Organer alignments anc incicatec sower avai'acility anc

y verifying sec:ncary side nar w range water level to se greatar uah or ecual to,41% (o, umt i ( ggef, g g,g g 3,) ,
     -8YRCN - UNIT 1                             3/A 10-4

f/*L TABLE 4.*1-1 (Continueo) TABLE NOTATIONS (Continuec) (3);The crincioal gamma emitters for wnica :ne LLD specification acolies include the following racionuclices: Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-50, In-55, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141, and Ce-144 This list does not mean nat only these nuclides are to se consicerec. Otner gamma peaks that are identifiaale, together witn those of tne acove nuclides, small also se analyzed and reported in the Semiannual Racioactive Effluent Release Resort c pursuant to Scecification i.9.1.7 in the format outlinec in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Apoendix S, Revision 1, June 1974 (4) A comoosite saacle is one in wnich the quantity of liquid samoted is proportional to the quantity of liquid waste cisenarged anc in wnica :ne method of sampling employed results in a specimen tnat is representative of ~ the liquias released. (5) A continuous release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a nonciscrete volume, e.g., from a volume of a system tnat has an input flow curing tne . continuous release.

! ..       (6) To be recrosentative of the cuantities anc concentrations.of racioactive materials in liquid affluents, samoles snall be collected continuously in proportion to .the rate of flow of the effluent stream. Prior to analyses, all samples taken for the esmoosite shall be thorougnly mixed in orcer for the composite sample to be representative of the affluent release.

(7) Not requi ed unless .he ntial jlervice Water RCFC Outlet Radiation x e Fonitor6 RE-PR002 anc .RE-PR003) indicates measured levels greater than 1 x 10.s Ci/el' amove na tground at any time curing the week. Y C i

     ]-                 ..


     .p   BYRON - UNIT 1                      3/4 11-5
                                  -       . .      -            .=    ..      .       --          _ _ _ _        _ _ .

W-2 1 s.o.s 3 4.aul

                                          % y Jcp%

s v A LA.A&*A.# uni t ud u4in. %a . r.- 9 .

           .r ar- A.         .
aneuCAs:uw usts
                      * :The intent of :nis : revision is :: ensurt uat facility certti:n is act initiated wiu einer Mcuirsc ecui:mont r systams inc=eracle r etner s:ect'iec limi.s meing excaecec.

i besotions :: mis :revisi:n nave :een :-:vicec for a timitac nuscer f scocifications *nen START'JP .iu inocerssie ecui: ment .cuic not aff ect :: ant safety. These excact ens art s.atac in ne AC- ON statamenu of ne accrocriata s:ecificati:ns. l-

3. 0.1 This s eci'ication 3r: vices =at surrei11anca activities 1ecassar/
ensurt One Limiting 0:nci-f ans f:r 0:ers-ion art met anc will :e cerf:rmac curing 'ne OPERA 7!0NAL *C0!5 or : ner ::ncitiens f:r .ni:n :ne Limiting 0:nci-tions for 0:erttien art acclicacie. :=: visions #:r accisional surieil anca activittas :: :e : erd:rmec wi ccut regar .: Os a :iicacle OPERA
  • CNAL."C053 or ::ner uncisions art :revi:ec in ne incivi:ual Suriei!*ance 4ecuiremenu.
                 '~5urveillanca Recuirements ':r icecial Tes: beacti:ns nesc :nly :e :er':mec anen me Scecial Tes- Excection is : sing utili:ac as an excecti:n u an incivicual s:eci'ication.

a.O.2 ~5e :revisiens of uis s: ecd:sti:n :revice ai!:wacle niersness fors:erf:rming surrefilanca activities :eycnc cosa s:ecif'ec in ne ncminal surieillance intarial. ~hese : !arancas art 9ecessarj :: =revice ::ersti:nal flexicility :ecause :' seneculing anc :erf:rmanca ::nsicerations. he = rase "at least" ass:ciatac diu a suriti!!anca

  • scuency =es not negata mis
      ,            a11: waste uleranca value anc :emiu :ne :erformar,ca of iort 'ncuent sureeillanca ac :vities.

The talertnca values. taken af:ner 'aciv4:ually :P ::nsecutive1y ver

c u rte tas i- ariais set su"t:ient!y istr*::ive u ansurt na: ce -

M etif acility associatac niu ne surietlianca ac-ivity is not st;ntcan-:f

egracec :eyene ua: :tainec frem ue seminal s:ecidiac in:arial.

a.0.3 ~5e :rev4si:ns of uis s: ecd'itati:n se: "cru ne :ri ar'a *:r

starmination :' um:It anca .iu ne OPERABI.** tcut-teenu :.' ue ;.f =::f g Conci:icas ':e eration. Jacer unse Ordur'a. ecui: ment, systams , :r ::..: reru art assu=ec u :e PEDELI un assec anc suriei M acca activities , ave :ete sa :sfacuri!y :e ':- ec .iuis ce s:ect ec :::e 'ntarial. . woui..; 0: s
r: vision is u :e =nstraec as cef' air; ecu:: ment, 'sys ams. :r ::m cnenu
PERA8Li, .nen suca inms art f:unc :r <nc-n :: :e 'neceraci a at tacugn su
veeting ue Surieillance Recuiremenu. *uss 1tay :e :eurmined inceert:ia (
uring use. :ur ng surieillanca ssu :r 'n ac=rtanca .12 uis s:ec-fi:sti:n.


                   ~hertfert. aC* ON sutamenu art antarte .nen ce Suriei'* enca tecu tmenu
                  .sacule nave :eend :er   d
rmec-?tu er uan a: ne time it 's tisuverse ua: ce tas.s wert c; :ar :r ec.

4.0.4 ~~~.i s 's:eci" cati:n ensures ca: ce sureti

  • ianca activ' ties assee a:ac niu a '.ist:ing 0:nci-ion *:r 0:ert-1:n ' ave teen :er':r-ec -tui-ne ::ectac nme f rurial :rd-r u entr/ ' u an OPERA ~ :NAL .*005 : P mer acci :t:1, n :n. Seinun :f u s :rev s :n 's u ansurt na: surse ~-
  • anca a:tiv n es ave :een satis'1 cur/ :eecnstrstac :n a :ur-tn :as's 45
                    -scut te u tee: ce PERAi:UN scut-smenu :f ne .mung ;uct- u ':r

ivt0N - ,N!r. - i 2. -2


1 W '2. - ec

                                                                                             "'40,.         g Apo'. *0A8!!;!7 3A$is Uncer me terms of uis s:ect'ication, ?se examela, cur *ng initial ::an:

STAAitJP or felicwing extancee lant autages, :ne acclicacle sureeii'anca ac.ivitiet mus: e :erformec witnin ce s.atac surveillance intarvai : rice :s C

lacing or esturning ne system or ecui: ment ints OPEUSLI status.
4. 0. 5 his stec1ficati:n ensures cat inservica ins:ection of ASME 0:ce Class *., 2 anc 3 c:mocnenu anc inseri cs tas-ing of a5ME C:ce O! ass *, 2 anc i

3 :t.mps sin: valves w1T1 :e :crfanec in ac::rcanca iu a :ericcically accatac version of Section XI of me ASME Sci'er anc 3-essure vessel :ce anc Acconca as recuirse :y 10 C?t 50.53a. Relief '-em any of :ne acevt escufetenents nas toen =coviced in writing :y tne Ceaunissi:n anc ,is not a : art :f Dese Tecnnical Scacif1 cations. d This s:ecif':ation incluces a ciar4"esti:n of me **scuencies for :er :rming

ne insersica ins ection anc tasting activ ties -scuirsc :y Section i

A! of we This :tari:sti:n ASME Soiler anc 3ressurt vessei 0 ce anc a::licacle Acconca. is =rsvicec :: ensure ::nsistancy in screeiiiance intervais sne:ugscut :nesa Tecnnical Specifications anc :: remove any asciquities relative is us f?touencies for :erforming :ne recuirac inservica ins:eciten anc tasting activities.

             ' dncer :ne *. arms of uis 5:ecification. ce sort etstri:*ive                scui tmenta a5ME Sci'er anc                     a of tne Tecnnical Scacid'ca-1:ns use :rscacanca over ce: r examcia, ue -scut-sments :f -

Pressure vessel C:ce anc acclicacle acconca.

    -Sceci'icati:n A.0.1 :: cerf:rs surseti'anca activist es crior :: ent y into an 025.uT!0NAL WOE :r a:ner s:ec "'ac scci'cac4!':y ::nc ti:n uses :recacenes   d ever us a5ME 3eiler anc 8-tssart sessa; :sce :covi sion Anc                  .n :n*se ai*:ws   :e:s ::.

axamcle, e tastac ac :s I ween after return :s normai  ::erati:n. PEUSLI =ces no: grsn: a graca ue Tecnnical icecification :efdni icn of ::acac* e af :er":ening 4 s s:ecifisc 'unc-icn

ertec ef:rt a :evice ::a is ac: a3ME 3cf*er anc F*tssurt is :eclarte
      */essel      0:ce ine:-evisien eracie anc.uxes nt:n a!*:ws    :rtescence a  salve   :ver ce:e '.-Cacaste f :e"':-

nq i u s ect 'iec 'unc den f:r w: :: 24 icurs :ef:rt :e' g :sc'artc ficeeracie. 4.Odo & q ^ ' W" O*0$'~Yo^' Y *Qi

4. m g - M O --

m f i.~! 4 - c pagM_ ) . r IvtCN - UN!"' *. 33s a >3

Ot'T - 3 . . . REACTOR 000LANT SYSTiw BASE 5 PRESSURE /TEwPERATURE t.IMI 5 (Cont:nuec) Heatuo and coolcown limit curves are calculated using the most limiting value of the nil-cuetility reference y temperature, RTNOT, at w the un,eend z fn, EH'1 he Ua..T2-) C I Ung 32 effective ft 11 power years of service life. The 32 EFPY 4 scrvice ife carice fer is cosen suca tnat tne limiting RT . at the 1/AT location in tne core region ( g, is greater c an tne RTNOT of W M ng uninaciatec material. D e seleciton of 'suen a. limiting RTNOT assuns mat aH cwomn.s in m Reacur Coolant u System will ee operatec conservatively in accorcance witn acclicable Coce 1- requirements. y;t The reactor vessel materials have 3een testec to cetermine ineir initial RT y  ;. 2e results of nese tests are snown in Tacle 3 3/a.4-1. Reactor

ehationancresultant fast neut on (E greater taan 1 .wev) feractation :an cause an-increase in ce RTgg7 Therefore, an adjustec reference temocrature.

sasec upon tne fluence, c::cer c:ntent anc :nosonorus c:ntent of the materiai in cuestion, can me recictec using Figure 3 3/4.4-1 anc tne largest value of MT caoutec Dy ai m r egulaury Gu e 1.H, Revision 1, " Effects of NOT Resicuai Elements on Precictee Raciation Damage to Reactor Vessel Materials" er the westinghouse Coccer Trenc Curves snown in Figure B 3/4.4-2. The neatue anc c:olcown limit curves of Figures 3.4-2 anc -3.4-3 incluce srecictac -  : adjustments for tais snift in RTNO7 at the enc of 32 EFPYA as weil as adjuscents W On;t s. k 6Fn og Mr 2-) for oossicle errors in ce pressure anc temeerature sensing instruments. Values of .tRT 3g7 cataminec in cis same say ce used untH W nsuhs from.ue satarial surveillance program, evaluatec acc:rcing to ASTN E185, are avaiiacle. Cacsules will :s removec in accorcance'wita ne recuirements of AS M EISS-73 anc 10 CFR Part 50, Accencix H. The surveillance scocimen wiu-crawal scecule is snown in Tacle 4.4-5. The leac factor -ecrosents tne rela-tionsnio Detween tne fast neutron flux density at tne location of the caosuie anc thelinner wall of tne reactor vessel. Therefore, tne results octained facm

tre surveillance. specimens can
e usec to predict ce future reciation casage I to tne reactor vessel satorial by using tne leac factor anc tne witacrawal time d
of me cacsule. .The heatue anc c:olcown curves must me recalculated wnen tne -
                         ' t.RT N07 ce em nu fra m sune ance e m u exceus W cakdatec $ g7                             3 for we acuivalent caosule raciation exposure.

c Allowacle pressure-temperature relationsnics for various heatuo'anc c:olcown rates are calculated using metnocs cardvec from Accencix G in

                          'Section:I*I of Oe ASMS~Sciler anc P essure Vessel Coce as required my Accencix G to 10 CFR Part 50, .anc :nese metnocs are ciscussac in cataf
  • in
                           % CAP-7924-A,. "Sasis for Heatuo anc Coolcewn Limit Carves," Acril 1975.

5YRCN - UN'T 1 5 3/4 4-S

w l ABLE B 3/4.4-la, REACIOR VESSEL 100CilleE55 I (UNIT"I) , .. Average Upper g SheIf fnergy q Normal to -

    "                                                                                         50 f L-Ib '          Principal   Pripipal 35 mil               Working     Wo(king P

g NOI Ieep. , ,860 1 Direction Direction Cu llcal lio. Grade {%) (%) ("f] {f*) (ft-th) {f t-lle) C_0H_PO 4_f Ni


C3486-1 A5338 CLI .30- .016 -10 < 40 ' @10 151 Closure Ilead 6 cme

                                                                             .007        20     e 80          20       125         ---

Closure llead Ring .IV4566 A508 CL2 .11

                                                                             .011        60     <100          60       145 Closure llead flange      124K358 val                                                                                      ---
                                                                             .012         10    < 70          10       152 Vessel Flange             123J219 val
                                                         "       .12         .008     -10       < 40       -10         117         ---

Inlet Nozzle IV4684/3V1320

                      "                                   "      .12         .008      -20      < 40       -20         116         ---

y " IV4684/3V1320

                      "                                   "      .13          .007     -20      < 10        -20        116          ---
        "                          IV4695

[ " " .32 .006 -20 < 10 -20 119 -- h"Outlet Nozzle IV4695 IV4656

                                                                , 11
                                                                 ,            .007          0    < 10           0      131          ---
                         "                                "       .11         .007     -20       < 10       -20         131
         "                          IV4656                                                       '
                                                                  .11         .007     -20       < 10       -20         112
         "                          2V2557                                                                                           ---
                                                                  .11         .008      -10         50       -10         94
         "                          2V2557
                                                                                                 < 70          20       138           184
                                                           "      .05          .010       20 Notzle SheIi                123J218 40      (100         40       139           156 SP-5933
                                                                   .05         .010 upper Shell                                                                                                                  160
                                                           "        04         .014        10     < 70         to       150 Lower Shell               5P-5951                                                                                           ---
                                                           "      ---          .012         0     < 60          0       115 Bottom llead Ring           IV4672                                                                                          --
                                                                   .19         .009     -30         40       -20        118 Bottom llead Dome          C2815-1         A5338 CLI
                                                                                         -30        30                   //*              ,-.


                                                                   .024          010                                                      ~

Upper to lower Shell Girth Weld to k, F4

           " Normal to Principal Welding Direction                                                                                          (


                                        ^                            A

y 9 ..o..s' l I - TA BL.G - I #g . 9 - s b g . g .,, .J. . ,

                                                                    ..                                                                                  Dir .lan                                       '
                                                           - RfACTOR VfSSfL:100CllNfSS'
                                                                                                                                                                             ..~ -

g_ . .g . . A ve uae-50 fL/1b jager-SheIf fnyrijy ,= r, T RT d-Cu- P NOT 35 mil NOT _ w_. _

  . Con _ponent.              Hea t No.        Twaad ?_ _        Dl . U),'          (*f) Tenp. ("F) ~    ("F)   .(ft-lb)_   Nor.,s.<l 16                    ' ( t t llQ
                                                                                           '                                 Prs dr 1 Closure llead Dome     - C4375-2             AS33 3,         .12      .013      f)         <20'       -40'     114'                                                       ---


                                               . C1. :1                                                                      p,y a ,o,s Closure llead Ring'       48C1300-1-1        A508 C1. 3-        05 .007 -30               <30         -30      108       - a     --                                       ---

Closure llead flan 9e .2029-V-1 AS0tl Cl. 2 ---

                                                                          .011          .0     < 60 --       0-    IS7                                                         ---

Vessel. flan 9e 124LSS6VA1  : ASoll C1. 2 : ---

                                                                          .008         30      <90          30     129                                                         ---

Inlet Nozzle S1-2979- .A50tl C1. 2 .07 .010 -10 <S0 -10 130 ---

   -Inlet Nozzle              51-2979            AS0t! Cl. 2 .07           .009 .-20           <40         -20     121                                                            :-

Inlet Nozzle- 42-5105 A50ll C1. 2 .07 .008 0 <60 0 122 --- Inlet. Nozzle 42-510S LA50ll C1. 2 .07 .011 0 <60 0. 121 --- Outlet Nozzle ^ 11-5052 A508 Cl. 2 .09 .010 -10 <SO -10 108 --- b) _ Outlet Nozzle . 5052 ASUB Cl. 2 .08 .007 -10 <SO -10 121 -- w . Outlet Nozzle . 4-2953 AS08 C1. 2 .09 .010 -20 <40 -20 133 --- 4-2956- - ASull C1. 2 .09 .009 -10 <SO -10 121 --- Q Outlet Nozzle 4P-6107 AS08 Cl.#2 --- .014 10 <70 10 155 Nozzle ShcIl ---

$ Opper Shell                  490329/ .j_j      A508 C1. 3 .01            .007 ' 20 <
                                                                                               <40         -20     149                                                         149 s                              49C297 P Lower Shell                  490330/    '),j  . A508 C1. 3      .05      .008 -20            <40         -20     127                                                         159                         -

49C29tl Gottom llead Ring 4801566 1-1 A508 C1. 3 .07 .007 -30 <30 -30 126 --- Bottom IIcad Dome C3053-l' AS338.- .06 .004 -30 40 -20 121 --- C1. l Upper Shell to- WF447 SAW .059 .009 10 -<70 10 80 --- l.ower Shell . Girth Weld Weld ilAZ --- --- --- --- -60 <0 -60 143 --- e - og W

                                        ^                                     ^ - -                                  n-                  _ _ _ - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ - - -

l i CC I 25 % \ l i l l l i REACTOR COOLANT SYSTP BASE 3 l PRES $URE/T99ERATURE t.IMITS (Continued)  !

  • r.* note in the coolcown curve of Figure 3.4-3 is cue to the accec c:n- q stre,nt on tne vessel closure flange given in Apoencix G of 10 CFR 50. This
-'straint recuires tnat, at pressures greater : nan 27. of ue preservice system hydrostatic tas; pressure One fiange regions uat are nignly stressac ey tne
       . :olt proloac must exceec :ne RT NOT o ue material my at eas- M ?n O
         . .. .-         ., . Y%e flange RT NOT
                                                 -       imoinges on n e cool::wn e m es anc therefore tne noten is required.

HEATUP 4 Three se arata calculations are recu' rec :: cetermine ne limi curves for finite neatuo rates. As is cone in :ne coolcown analysis, a:lowaole stessure-tem:erature reittionsni:s :re cavelocec for stancy-stata ::nci:fons ' ' as well as- *inita neatuo rata conciti ns assuming :ne :resence of a Raf cafect at-;ne .insice of tne vessel wall. The Enemai gracients curing heatu orocuce ::moressive stresses at ne insica of the wall nat alleviate tee tensile stresses precucac ey internal pressure. The metal temoerature at One crack tip lags tne coolant temocrature; tnerefore, the K,R

  • for ne U4T crack c during heatuo is lower tnan :ne g g for tne 1/47 crack curing staany-state c:ncitions-at the same coolant temoerature. Owring neatuo, es ecially 4:- me enc of :ne transient, c:ncitions may exist sucn-that tne effec s of ::meressive tnemai stresses anc cifferent K;g's for stancy-stata anc finita neatun -atas '
o not offsa esca o;ner anc tne crossure-tem:erature curve casec on stancy-stata c:nci icns no longer re: resents a icwer bounc of all similar curves for finita neatuo rates when ce 1/47. flaw is consicerec. Thersfare. otn cases nave to ce analy:ec in or er Oc assure tna at any ::alant temocrature One lower value of ne allowaale pressure calculatac for stancy-stata an: finita neatuo ratas is obtained.

The sec:nc portion of ne neatuo analysis c:ncarns ne calculation of pressure-tammerature limitations for tne case in wnica a 1/47 caso.outsice r. surf ace flaw is assumec. Unlike :ne situation at :ne vessei insica surface, c L' Lue nermal gracients estantisnec at :ne cutsica surfaca curing neatuo 3roduce stresses.wnica are tansile in nature anc inus tenc to reinforca any pressure stresses pressnt. These themal s .resses,' of ::urse, are :ecencent on :otn me rata of neatun anc.:ne time (or coolant temoerature) along tne neatuo ramo. Furuemore, since One inemal~ stresses, at ne outsice are tensile anc increase witn increasing neatuo rata, a lower sounc curve cannot ce :sf'nec. Rau er, eacn heatuo rata of interest must te analy:ec on an incivicual : asis. Following tne generation of. pressure-tammeratum curves for noen ue staacy-state anc finita neatuo rata situations, tne final limit curves are procucac as fs11ows. A comoosite curve is cons: vetac :asac on a point-:y-i point coenarison of tne staacy-stata anc finita neatuo rata cata. At any given temocrature, .:na allowaole crossure is taxen to :e :ne lesser of me L nroe. values.tanen from :ne curves uncer ::nsiceration. I SYRCN.- UNIT 1 B 3/4 4*14 u =

j. -


           -                         SE                          1                           1 SF                          1                          None RO                          2                           1 .

A0 2 1 SCRE 1 None' or, whenever a SCRE (SRO/STA) is not included in tne snift crew c:moosition, tne minimum snitt crew shall ce as (,ows: POSITION NUMBER OF INDIVISUALS REQUIRED TO F!LL POSIT :N MODES 1, 2, 3 & 4 MODES 5 & 6 l SE 1 1 SF 1 None R0 2 1 A0 2 1 STA 1 None SE_

                                     -    Shift Supervisor (Snift Engineer) witn a Senior coerator license on Unit 1 SF    -     Shift Foreman witn a Senior Operator license on Unit 1 RC    -     Individual with a Reactor Operator license on Unit 1

' AO - Auxiliary Operstar SCRE - Station control Room Engineer witn a Senior Reactor Operator's License on Unit 1 i' STA - Shift Tecnnical Aavisor The Shift Crew Composition may be one less than the minimum recuirements of Tacle 6.2-1 for a period of time not to 'exceec 2 hours _ in creer to acc:mmocate unexsectec aesence of on-cuty -shift crew semoers provided immediate actien is taken to. restore tne Shift Crew Comoosition to witnin'tne minimum recuirements of Tacle 6.2-1. This provision coes not permit any shift crew position to De unmanned ucon snift enange cue to an one: ming shift crownan ceing lata or acsant. Durinc any ansance of tne Shift Sucervisor from tse control room wnile tse Unit is in MODE 1, 2, 3 or 4, an incivicual with a valic Senior coerator license sna11. ce cesignated 7,c assume the control room consnanc function.- Ouring any

                       .aosence of .no Shift Sucervisor from tne control room wnile tse Unit is in MODE 5 or 5, an incivicual wits a valic coeritor license sna11 ee cesignatec ::
                       ! assume tse control room cc,mmano function.
                 --   7 t c l C, G . E _ I u.* r / [ bd ," t pla             7 .1 h,i f,, b S - I A W *O b.%

svRcN - uMIT 1- , m f a e s ii j ~e s s'c b ~oF M N is' u' " x - c . 4

                                                                                  //-2 w TABLE 6.2-14, MINIMUM SHIFT CREW COMPOSITION 1

POSITION NUMBER OF INDIVIOUALS REQUIRED TO FILL POSITION , u BOTH UNITS IN BOTH UNITS IN ONE UNIT IN MODE 1, 2, 3 OR 4 l MODE 1, 2, 3, MODE 5 OR 6 . AND OR 4 OR DEFUELED ONE UNIT IN MODE 5 OR 6 OR DEFUELED b 1 1 1 SE 1 " "* 1  ! 5F I a 8 8 g 3 2 3 a a a A0 3 3 3 STA et SCRE 1 none 1 SE - Shift. Super,viso%Ddor Operator License SF - Sh4# F%with a Senior Operator License A,o - Individual with an Operator License AO - Auxiliary Operator STA - Shift Techpical Advisor .' C Scts- w s , tem. a us a_, wp g .4 % The Shift Crew Composition may be one less than the minimum requirements of Table 6.2-1 for a period of time not to exceed 2 hours in order to accommodate unexpected absence of on duty shift crew members provided immediate action is taken to' restore the Shift Crew Composition to within the minimum requirements

 .of Table 6.2-1. This provision does not permit any shift crew position to be unmanned upon shift change due to an onco % ..i h w. a an being late or absent.

During any absence of the Shift Supervisor uvM rol room while the unit is in MODE 1, 2, 3 or 4, an individuat with a valid Senior Operator license shall be designated to assume the control room command function. During any absence of the Shift Supervisor from the control room while the unit'is in MODE 5 or 6, an individual with a c valid Senior Operator or Operator license shall be designated to assume the control room command function. Y 'least one of the required' individuals must be assigned to the designated


At position for. each unit. eat least one licensed Senior Operator or licensed Senior Operator Limited to Fuel Handling must be present during Core Alterations on either unit, who has no other concurrent responsibilities.

  # TO (.1. ,lt, udt.R. f yo *w Ta.lJa. (e L -l cA Q i. Ao.hw h eywe 3 .ol m .

Synew - UNIT 1 SmP 6-Sow.}}