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{{#Wiki_filter:USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 1 of 100
Petitioners, )
: v.  
: v. ) No. 21-1048, consolidated
No. 21-1048, consolidated  
) with Nos. 21-1055, 21-1056, UNITED STATES NUCLEAR ) 21-1179, 21-1227, 21-1229, REGULATORY COMMISSION and ) 21-1230, 21-1231 the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, )
Respondents, )
with Nos. 21-1055, 21-1056, UNITED STATES NUCLEAR  
and )
21-1179, 21-1227, 21-1229, REGULATORY COMMISSION and  
21-1230, 21-1231 the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,  
Intervenor-Respondent. )
Intervenor-Respondent. )
CERTIFIED INDEX OF THE RECORD I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the documents listed on the attached index constitute the record before the agency relating to (1) the issuance of Materials License No. SNM-2515 by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on September 13, 2021, as set forth in Interim Storage Partners, LLC; WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility; Issuance of Materials License and Record of Decision, 86 Fed. Reg. 51,926 (Sept. 17, 2021); and (2) the adjudicatory proceedings culminating in issuance (a) by the Commission of CLI-20-13 (Dec. 4, 2020); CLI-20-14 (Dec. 17, 2020), CLI-20-15 (Dec. 17, 2020); and CLI-21-09 (June 22, 2021); and (b) by the Secretary of Orders dated October 25 and October 29, 2018.
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Respectfully Submitted, Annette L. Vietti-Cook Secretary of the Commission Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 18th day of November 2021 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 2 of 100
I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the documents listed on
the attached index constitute the record before the agency relating to (1) the
issuance of Materials License No. SNM-2515 by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission on September 13, 2021, as set forth in Interim Storage Partners, LLC;
WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility; Issuance of Materials License and
Record of Decision, 86 Fed. Reg. 51,926 (Sept. 17, 2021); and (2) the adjudicatory
proceedings culminating in issuance (a) by the Commission of CLI-20-13 (Dec. 4,
2020); CLI-20-14 (Dec. 17, 2020), CLI-20-15 (Dec. 17, 2020); and CLI-21-09
(June 22, 2021); and (b) by the Secretary of Orders dated October 25 and October
29, 2018.
USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 2 of 100
Respectfully Submitted,
Annette L. Vietti-Cook Secretary of the Commission
Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 18th day of November 2021 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 3 of 100
DON'T WASTE MICHIGAN, ET AL v US NRC US COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT CASE NO. 21-1048, consolidated with NOs. 21-1055, 21-1056, 21-1179, 21-1227, 21-1229, 21-1230 and 21-1231
License application; docketing and opportunity to request 82 FR 8773; 1 a hearing and to petition for leave to intervene. 01/30/2017 January 30, 2017
2 License application; withdrawal of notice of opportunity to 07/20/2017 82 FR 33521; request a hearing. July 20, 2017
Revised license application; opportunity to request a 83 FR 44070; 3 hearing and to petition for leave to intervene; order 08/29/2018 August 29, 2018 imposing procedures.
4Correction (to hearing request due date) 08/31/2018 83 FR 44680; August 31, 2018
5 Sierra Club's Motion for Extension of Time to Intervene in 03/03/2017ML17062A897 Licensing Proceeding.
6Request for Extension on Deadline. 03/09/2017ML17069A492
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7WCS Notices of Appearance for Stephen J. Burdick.03/13/2017ML17072A072
8 Notices of Appearance for Sara Kirkwood, David 03/13/2017ML17072A489 Cylkowski, and Emily Monteith.
Waste Control Specialists LLC's And Sierra Club's Joint 9 Motion For Revised Schedule Related To Hearing 03/13/2017ML17072A498 Requests.
Waste Control Specialists LLC's Answer Opposing 10 Nuclear Information And Resource Service's Letter 03/17/2017ML17076A365 Requesting An Extension Of Time And Proposing Approval Of Alternate Briefing Schedule.
NRC Staff's Response to the Nuclear Information and 11 Resource Service's Motion for an Extension of Time to 03/20/2017ML17079A534 Request a Hearing
Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition 12 (SEED Coalition) Request for Extension of 120 Days for 03/07/2017ML17080A493 Submission of Hearing Requests and Petitions to Intervene (w/ attachments)
Waste Control Specialists LLC's Answer Opposing 13 Sustainable Energy and Economic Development 03/23/2017ML17082A426 Coalition's Request for an Extension of Time and Proposing Approval of Alternate Briefing Schedule.
NRC Staff's Response to the Sustainable Energy and 14 Economic Development Coalition's Letter Requesting an 03/23/2017ML17082A441 Extension of Time to Request a Hearing.
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Order of the Secretary re Extension of Time Until May 31, 15 2017 to File Hearing Requests on WCS's License 03/29/2017ML17088A627 Application.
March 22, 2017 Letter from Rafael Ancha, Texas State 16 Representative, Regarding SEED Request for Extension 03/22/2017ML17089A788 of Time in the Matter of Waste Control Specialists
17 Joint Request To Withdraw The Federal Register Notice 04/19/2017ML17109A480 Providing An Opportunity To Submit Hearing Requests.
Response By Beyond Nuclear, Seed Coalition and Sierra 18 Club to Joint Request to Withdraw the Federal Register 04/28/2017ML17118A268 Notice Providing an Opportunity to Submit Hearing Requests.
19 Notice of Appearance for Diane Curran on behalf of SEED 04/28/2017ML17118A269 Coalition and Beyond Nuclear.
Certificate of Service for Beyond Nuclear, SEED Coalition 20 and Sierra Club's Response to Joint Request to Withdraw 04/28/2017ML17118A270 FRN.
21Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-17-10).06/22/2017ML17173A549
Beyond Nuclear, Inc.'s Motion to Dismiss Licensing 22 Proceedings for HI-STORE Consolidated Interim Storage 09/14/2018ML18257A312 Facility and WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Violation of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.
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Beyond Nuclear, Inc., Exhibits 1-8 to Motion to Dismiss 23 Licensing Proceedings for Hi-Store Consolidated Interim 09/14/2018ML18257A313 Storage Facility and WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Violation of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.
24 Notice of Appearance for Mindy Goldstein on behalf of 09/14/2018ML18257A314 Beyond Nuclear.
25 Notice of Appearance for Diane Curran on behalf of 09/14/2018ML18257A315 Beyond Nuclear.
26 Certificate of Service for Beyond Nuclear's Motion to 09/14/2018ML18257A316 Dismiss.
Errata to Beyond Nuclear's Motion to Dismiss Licensing 27 Proceedings for HI-Store Consolidated Interim Storage 09/18/2018ML18261A110 Facility and WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Violation of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.
Updated Notices of Appearance of Burdick, Matthews, and 28 Lighty, and Notice of Appearance of Bessette on behalf of 09/24/2018ML18267A298 Interim Storage Partners.
Interim Storage Partners LLC's Response Opposing 29 Beyond Nuclear, Inc.'s Unauthorized September 14, 2018 09/24/2018ML18267A299 Filing.
30 NRC Staff's Response to Motions to Dismiss Licensing 09/24/2018ML18267A313 Proceedings.
Beyond Nuclear's Reply to Holtec International, Interim 31 Storage Partners LLC, and NRC Staff Responses to 09/28/2018ML18271A232 Beyond Nuclear's Motion to Dismiss.
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Beyond Nuclear's Motion for Leave to Reply to Holtec 32 International, Interim Storage Partners LLC, and NRC 09/28/2018ML18271A233 Staff Responses to Beyond Nuclear's Motion to Dismiss.
Notice of Appearance for Robert V. Eye on behalf of 33 Fasken Land and Oil and Permian Basin Land and 09/28/2018ML18271A242 Royalty.
Motion of Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd. and Permian 34 Basin Land and Royalty Owners for Leave to Reply to 09/28/2018ML18271A243 NRC Staff's Response and Holtec International's Answer and Opposition to Motions to Dismiss.
Motion of Fasken Land and Minerals and Permian Basin 35 Land and Royalty Owners to Dismiss Licensing 09/28/2018ML18271A244 Proceedings For Hi-Store Consolidated Interim Storage Facility and WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility.
36 Reply of Movants Fasken and PBLRO to Staff's Response 09/28/2018ML18271A245 to Motions to Dismiss.
37 Request for Extension on Deadline for Intervention by 37 10/02/2018ML18276A066 Organizations and 4 Individuals.
38 Notices of Appearance by Diane Curran, Mindy Goldstein, 10/03/2018ML18276A241 and Caroline Reiser on behalf of Beyond Nuclear.
39 Beyond Nuclear, Inc.'s Hearing Request and Petition to 10/03/2018ML18276A242 Intervene.
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Interim Storage Partners LLC's Response Opposing 40 Fasken Land and Minerals' and Permian Basin Land and 10/05/2018ML18278A253 Royalty Owners' Unauthorized September 28, 2018 Filing.
Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Motions 41 for Leave to Reply Submitted by Beyond Nuclear, Fasken, 10/05/2018ML18278A264 and PBLRO.
42 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Request 10/08/2018ML18281A012 for Extension of Intervention Deadline.
Motion of Movants Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd. and 43 Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners for Leave to 10/11/2018ML18284A477 Reply to Interim Storage Partner LLC's Answer and Opposition to Movants Motions to Dismiss.
Amended Motion of Movants Fasken Land and Minerals, 44 Ltd. and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners for 10/11/2018ML18284A496 Leave to Reply to Interim Storage Partner LLC's Answer and Opposition to Movants Motions to Dismiss.
45 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd. and Permian Basin Land 10/16/2018ML18289A797 and Royalty Owners' Amended Certificate of Consultation.
46 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Motion 10/19/2018ML18292A803 For Leave To Reply Submitted By Fasken And PBLRO.
47NRC Staff Commission Notification. 10/24/2018ML18297A352
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48Order of the Secretary. 10/25/2018ML18298A335
49Order of the Secretary. 10/29/2018ML18302A329
50 NRC Staff's Response to Beyond Nuclear, Inc.'s Hearing 10/29/2018ML18302A365 Request and Petition to Intervene.
Petition of Permian Basin Land and Royalty Organization 51 and Fasken Land and Minerals for Intervention and 10/29/2018ML18302A412 Request for Hearing.
52 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Beyond 10/29/2018ML18302A413 Nuclear Inc.'s Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.
53 Beyond Nuclear's Reply to Oppositions to Hearing 11/05/2018ML18309A369 Request and Petition to Intervene.
Joint Motion To Establish Briefing Schedule For Fasken's 54 And PBLRO's Motion To Dismiss As Referred To The 11/07/2018ML18311A267 ASLBP For Consideration Under 10 C.F.R. 2.309.
55 Referral Memorandum from the Secretary to the Atomic 11/08/2018ML18312A298 Safety Licensing Board Panel
56 ORDER (Granting Joint Motion to Establish Briefing 11/09/2018ML18313A119 Schedule).
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57 Petition to Intervene and Request for Adjudicatory Hearing 11/13/2018ML18317A411 by Sierra Club.
58 Standing Declarations for Sierra Club in Support of 11/13/2018ML18317A412 Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing.
59 Expert Declarations for Sierra Club in Support of Petition 11/13/2018ML18317A413 to Intervene and Request for Hearing.
60 Exhibits for Sierra Club in Support of Petition to Intervene 11/13/2018ML18317A414 and Request for Hearing.
61 Petition of Don't Waste Michigan, etc. to Intervene and 11/13/2018ML18317A433 Request for Hearing.
62 Declarations of Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical 10/29/2018ML18317A435 Contamination (CACC).
63Declarations of Citizens Environmental Coalition (CEC).11/13/2018ML18317A436
64Declaration of Leona Morgan. 10/29/2018ML18317A437
65Declarations of Don't Waste Michigan (DWM).10/29/2018ML18317A439
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66Declarations of Public Citizen (PC). 10/29/2018ML18317A440
67 Declarations of Sustainable Energy and Economic 10/29/2018ML18317A441 Development Coalition (SEED).
68Expert Declaration Report of Robert Alvarez.11/13/2018ML18317A443
69James Ballard Expert Report and CV. 11/13/2018ML18317A444
70Gordon Thompson Expert Report and CV. 11/13/2018ML18317A445
71 Declarations of Nuclear Energy Information Service 11/13/2018ML18317A446 (NEIS).
72Establishment of Atomic Safety Licensing Board.11/16/2018ML18320A095
73 Second Referral Memorandum from the Secretary to the 11/16/2018ML18320A221 Atomic Safety Licensing Board Panel.
74Notice of Filing of Member Declarations of SLOMPF.11/17/2018ML18321A002
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75Notice of Filing of Curriculum Vitae of Robert Alvarez.11/17/2018ML18321A003
76 Notice of Appearance of Wallace L. Taylor on behalf of 11/20/2018ML18324A553 Sierra Club.
77 Notice of Appearance for Alana Wase and Joe Gillespie 11/20/2018ML18324A684 on behalf of NRC Staff.
78 Notice of Appearance of Counsel for Don't Waste 11/20/2018ML18324A698 Michigan et al.
Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing 79 Fasken's and PBLRO's Motion to Dismiss as Referred to 11/20/2018ML18324A886 the ASLBP for Consideration Under 10 CFR 2.309.
Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Hearing 80 Request and Petition to Intervene Filed by Permian Basin 11/20/2018ML18324A892 Land and Royalty Organization and Fasken Land and Minerals
NRC Staff's Response to Petitions to Intervene and 81 Requests for Hearing Filed by Permian Basin Land and 11/23/2018ML18327A071 Royalty Organization and Fasken Land and Minerals.
82 Motion of Sierra Club, Don't Waste Michigan, et al for 11/26/2018ML18330A299 Disqualification of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.
83 Fasken and PBLRO Reply to ISP's Opposition to Hearing 11/28/2018ML18332A530 Request and Petition to Intervene.
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Fasken and PBLRO Response to ISP's and Staff's 84 Opposition to Fasken's and PBLRO's Motion to Dismiss as 11/30/2018ML18334A360 Referred to the ASLBP for Consideration Under 10 CFR 2.309.
85 Fasken's and PBLRO's Reply to Staff's Response to 11/30/2018ML18334A361 Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.
86 NRC Staff Response to Motion for Disqualification of 12/06/2018ML18340A178 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.
Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike Portions 87 of the Replies Filed by Permian Basin Land and Royalty 12/10/2018ML18344A571 Organization and Fasken Land and Minerals.
88 NRC Staff Consolidated Answer to Petitions to Intervene 12/10/2018ML18344A594 and Requests for Hearing.
89 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Hearing 12/10/2018ML18344A684 Request and Petition to Intervene Filed by Sierra Club.
90 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Hearing 12/10/2018ML18344A685 Request and Petition to Intervene Filed by DWM et al.
91 Memorandum and Order (Denying and Referring Motion to 12/13/2018ML18347A393 Disqualify Board) LBP-18-6.
92 Fasken and PBLRO's Opposition to Interim Storage 12/17/2018ML18351A335 Partners LLC's Motion to Strike.
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93 Sierra Club's Reply to Answers filed by Interim Storage 12/17/2018ML18351A531 Partners and NRC Staff.
Combined Reply of Don't Waste Michigan, Citizens' Environmental Coalition, Citizens for Alternatives to 94 Chemical Contamination, Nuclear Energy Information 12/17/2018ML18351A640 Service, Public Citizen, Inc., etc. to ISP WCS and NRC Staff Answers.
95 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike Portions 12/27/2018ML18361A921 of the Reply Filed by Sierra Club.
96 Attachment 1 to Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to 12/27/2018ML18361A922 Strike Portions of the Reply Filed by Sierra Club.
97 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike Portions 12/27/2018ML18361A937 of the Reply Filed by Don't Waste Michigan et al.
Attachment 1 to Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to 98 Strike Portions of the Reply Filed by Don't Waste Michigan 12/27/2018ML18361A939 et al.
99 Opposition of Joint Petitioners to ISP WCS Motion to 12/30/2018ML18365A017 Strike.
100 Sierra Club's Answer to Interim Storage Partners' Motion 01/02/2019ML19002A472 to Strike Portions of Sierra Club's Reply.
101Order (Concerning Oral Argument). 01/10/2019ML19010A376
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102 Notice of Beyond Nuclear's Petition for Review of NRC 01/16/2019ML19016A336 Order in D.C. Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.
103Notice of Withdrawal of Caroline Reiser. 02/06/2019ML19037A322
104Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-19-03).03/11/2019ML19070A329
105Notice of Withdrawal of Stephen J. Burdick.04/02/2019ML19092A382
106Notice of Withdrawal of Emily Monteith. 04/24/2019ML19114A453
107Order (Regarding Location of Oral Argument).05/07/2019ML19127A031
Position Statements of Petitioners Don't Waste Michigan, 108 et al., Beyond Nuclear, Sierra Club, Fasken Land and Oil 05/20/2019ML19140A308 and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners, and NRC Staff on Location of Oral Argument.
109 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Response Regarding 05/20/2019ML19140A424 Location of Oral Argument.
110 Notice and Order (Establishing Dates and Location of Oral 05/24/2019ML19144A114 Argument)
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111 Notice of Appearance for Thomas Steinfeldt on Behalf of 06/03/2019ML19154A477 NRC Staff.
112 E-mail from ASLB Law Clerk Joseph McManus to Midland 06/03/2019ML19154A488 County, TX Commissioner Randy Prude.
113 Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-06/03/2019ML19154A586 54257.
114 Enclosure 1 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification 06/03/2019ML19154A587 re ISP Letter E-54257.
115 Enclosure 2 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification 06/03/2019ML19154A588 re ISP Letter E-54257.
116 Enclosure 3 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification 06/03/2019ML19154A589 re ISP Letter E-54257.
117Order (Establishing Format for Oral Argument).06/07/2019ML19158A402
118 Notice of Appearance for Timothy Laughlin on Behalf of 06/12/2019ML19163A391 Fasken and PBLRO
119 Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-06/28/2019ML19179A307 54423.
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120 Enclosure 1 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification 06/28/2019ML19179A308 re ISP Letter E-54423.
121 Enclosure 2 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification 06/28/2019ML19179A309 re ISP Letter E-54423.
122 Enclosure 3 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification 06/28/2019ML19179A310 re ISP Letter E-54423.
Interim Storage Partners LLC's Response to the Atomic 123 Safety And Licensing Board's Questions Regarding the 06/28/2019ML19179A311 U.S. Department of Energy's Authority Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.
124 Hearing Transcript of July 10, 2019 Oral Arguments in the 07/10/2019ML19198A218 Matter of Interim Storage Partners, LLC. Pages 1-207.
125 Hearing Transcript of July 10, 2019 Oral Arguments in the 07/11/2019ML19198A219 Matter of Interim Storage Partners, LLC. Pages 208-342.
126 Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Petitions for 08/23/2019ML19235A165 Intervention and Requests for Hearing) (LBP-19-07)
127 Letter from NRC Acting Secretary to Richard Guldi of 08/26/2019ML19238A313 Dallas Sierra Club
128NRC Staff Notice of Intent to Participate as a Party08/30/2019ML19242D526
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129 Joint Motion Regarding an Agreement for Mandatory 08/30/2019ML19242D648 Disclosures and Hearing File Obligations.
130 ORDER (Granting Joint Motion Regarding Mandatory 09/04/2019ML19247C334 Disclosures and Hearing File Obligations)
131Order (Scheduling Initial Scheduling Conference)09/05/2019ML19248C450
132 Licensing Board Notification Regarding ISP Letter E- 09/05/2019ML19248C912 55041.
ISP Transmittal Letter E-55041 Providing Supplemental 133 Information re References from the Environmental Report 09/04/2019ML19248C915 Chapter 3.
134 Enclosure 1 to ISP Letter E-55041 re Ecological 05/31/1997ML19248C918 Assessment of the Low Level Depository, Final Report.
Enclosure 2 to ISP Letter E-55041 re Final Report on 135 Habitat Characterization and Rare Species Survey for the 10/25/2004ML19248C922 Proposed Low Level Waste Repository.
Enclosure 3 to ISP Letter E-55041 re Final Report (Rev. 1) 136 on Supplemental Survey Ecological Assessment of the 03/31/2007ML19248C925 Low Level Waste Depository.
137 Enclosure 4 to ISP Letter E-55041 re Environmental 07/31/2008ML19248C927 Assessment Report.
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138NRC Staff's Safety and Environmental Review Schedule09/09/2019ML19252A253
Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Dismiss Sierra 139 Club's Contention 13 as Moot and Terminate This 09/09/2019ML19252A322 Proceeding
140Notice of Withdrawal of Robert V. Eye 09/12/2019ML19255F793
141 Sierra Club's Resistance to ISP's Motion to Dismiss Sierra 09/12/2019ML19255G961 Club's Contention 13
142Sierra Club's Motion to Amend Contention 1309/13/2019ML19256C635
143Sierra Club's Amended Contention 13 09/13/2019ML19256C638
144 Notice of Appearance for Kevin C. Roach on behalf of 09/17/2019ML19260G160 NRC Staff.
145Beyond Nuclear's Notice of Appeal of LBP-19-07.09/17/2019ML19260G875
146Beyond Nuclear's Brief on Appeal of LBP-19-07.09/17/2019ML19260G878
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147 Beyond Nuclear Certificate of Service for Appeal of LBP- 09/17/2019ML19260G879 19-07.
148 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Notice of Appeal of LBP- 09/17/2019ML19260H452 19-7 and Brief in Support of Appeal.
149Fasken and PBLRO's Brief on Appeal of LBP-19-0709/17/2019ML19260J386
150Fasken and PBLRO's Notice of Appeal of LBP-19-0709/17/2019ML19260J387
151 Fasken and PBLRO's Certificate of Service of Notice of 09/17/2019ML19260J388 Appeal and Brief on Appeal of LBP-19-07
152 Don't Waste Michigan, et al., Notice of Appeal of LBP-19-09/17/2019ML19260J391 07 and Brief in Support of Appeal.
153 Transcript of September 18, 2019 Teleconference on 09/20/2019ML19263B970 WCS / Interim Storage Partners.
Interim Storage Partners' Licensing Board Notification 154 Regarding Supplemental Information Being Provided to 09/20/2019ML19263F035 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff
155 ISP Answer Opposing Sierra Club's Motion to Amend 10/01/2019ML19274E207 Contention 13.
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156 Attachment 1 to ISP Answer to Sierra Club Amended 10/01/2019ML19274E211 Contention 13.
157 Attachment 2 to ISP Answer to Sierra Club Amended 10/01/2019ML19274E215 Contention 13.
158 Attachment 3 to ISP Answer to Sierra Club Amended 10/01/2019ML19274E218 Contention 13.
159 Sierra Club's Reply to ISP's Answer to Sierra Club's 10/07/2019ML19280A027 Motion to Amend Contention 13
160 NRC Staff Answer Opposing Sierra Club's Amended 10/07/2019ML19280D549 Contention 13.
161Order (Circulating Draft Initial Scheduling Order) 10/08/2019ML19281B546
162 Sierra Club's Brief in Opposition to ISP's Appeal of ASLB 10/13/2019ML19286A001 Decision Admitting Sierra Club's Contention 13.
163 Sierra Club's Reply to NRC Staff's Answer to Sierra Club's 10/14/2019ML19287A021 Motion to Amend Contention 13.
NRC Staff's Answer In Opposition To The Appeal Of 164 Fasken Land And Minerals, Ltd. And The Permian Basin 10/15/2019ML19288A224 Land And Royalty Owners Of LBP-19-7.
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165 NRC Staff's Answer In Opposition To Don't Waste 10/15/2019ML19288A228 Michigan, Et Al.'s Appeal of LBP-19-7.
166 NRC Staff's Answer In Opposition To Interim Storage 10/15/2019ML19288A232 Partners LLC's Appeal Of LBP-19-7.
167 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing the 10/15/2019ML19288A282 Appeal of LBP-19-7 by Don't Waste Michigan et al.
168 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing 10/15/2019ML19288A283 Fasken's and PBLRO's Appeal of LBP-19-7
169 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Beyond 10/15/2019ML19288A287 Nuclear's Appeal of LBP-19-7.
170Initial Scheduling Order 10/16/2019ML19289B740
171 Corrected Certificate of Service for ISP Answer to Fasken 10/16/2019ML19289E001 Appeal of LBP-19-7
Motion of Intervenor Sustainable Energy and Economic 172 Development Coalition for Leave to File Late-Filed 10/23/2019ML19297A226 Contention and Contention 17.
Declaration of Robert Alvarez in Support of Motion of 173 Intervenor Sustainable Energy and Economic 10/23/2019ML19297A229 Development Coalition for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention.
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Robert Alvarez Curriculum Vitae Filed in Support of Motion 174 of Intervenor Sustainable Energy and Economic 10/23/2019ML19297A232 Development Coalition for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention.
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Report Filed in 175 Support of Motion of Intervenor Sustainable Energy and 09/30/2019ML19297A235 Economic Development Coalition for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention.
Notice of Appearance for Monica R. Perales on behalf of 176 Fasken Oil and Ranch & Permian Basin Land and Royalty 10/24/2019ML19297H647 Owners.
177 Referral Memorandum from the Secretary to the Atomic 11/13/2019ML19317E079 Safety and Licensing Board Panel
178 Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Motion to Dismiss and 11/18/2019ML19322C599 Motion to Amend Contention 13) (LBP-19-9)
NRC Staff Answer in Opposition to Sustainable Energy 179 and Economic Development Coalition's New Contention 11/18/2019ML19322C992 17.
Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing 180 Petitioner Sustainable Energy and Economic Development 11/18/2019ML19322D453 Coalition's Motion for Leave to Submit Late-Filed Contention 17
Reply of Sustainable Energy and Economic Development 181 Coalition in Support of Motion for Leave to File Late-Filed 11/25/2019ML19329F937 Contention 17.
Notice of Appearance for Allan Kanner, Conlee Whiteley, 182 Elizabeth Petersen and Cynthia St. Amant on behalf of 12/09/2019ML19343A995 Fasken and PBLRO.
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183 Letter from NRC Secretary, Annette Vietti-Cook, to 12/11/2019ML19345E984 Tommy Taylor of Fasken Oil and Ranch
Letter from NRC Secretary, Annette Vietti-Cook, to A.
184 James Mayer of Green Century Exploration and 12/11/2019ML19345E987 Production
Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Motion for Leave to 185 File Late-Filed Contention and Terminating Proceeding) 12/13/2019ML19347A381 (LBP-19-11)
Sierra Club's Notice of Appeal from Atomic Safety and 186 Licensing Board Rulings Denying Intervention (LBP-19-07 12/13/2019ML19347E392 and LBP-19-09)
Sierra Club's Brief in Support of Appeal from Atomic 187 Safety and Licensing Board Rulings Denying Admissibility 12/13/2019ML19347E441 of Contentions in Licensing Proceeding (LBP-19-07 and LBP-19-09).
188 Notice of Appearance for Nicholas Moran on behalf of 01/06/2020ML20006F306 NRC Staff.
189 NRC Staff's Answer in Opposition to Sierra Club's Appeal 01/07/2020ML20007F038 of LBP-19-7 and LBP-19-9.
190 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Sierra 01/07/2020ML20007G369 Club's Appeal of LBP-19-7 and LBP-19-9
Notice of Appeal of LBP-19-11 by Intervenor Sustainable 191 Energy and Economic Development Coalition and Brief in 01/07/2020ML20007K164 Support of Appeal.
Page 22 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 25 of 100
192 Fasken and PBLRO Access to SUNSI Information 01/16/2020ML20016A453 Request
Fasken Oil and Ranch, Ltd And Permian Basin Land and 193 Royalty Owners Motion to Reopen the Record for 01/21/2020ML20021A384 Purposes of Considering and Admitting an Amended Contention.
Fasken Oil and Ranch, Ltd and Permian Basin Land and 194 Royalty Owners Motion for Leave to Amend Contention 01/21/2020ML20021A385 Four.
Affidavit of Aaron Pachlhofer Filed in Support of Fasken 195 and PBLRO's Motion to Reopen the Record for Purposes 01/21/2020ML20021A386 of Considering and Admitting an Amended Contention
Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing 196 Petitioner Sustainable Energy and Economic Development 02/03/2020ML20034D891 Coalition's Appeal of Licensing Board Decision LBP-19-11
197 NRC Staff'S Answer Opposing Sustainable Energy and 02/03/2020ML20034F184 Economic Development Coalition's Appeal of LBP-19-11.
NRC Staff's Response to Sustainable Energy and 198 Economic Development Coalition's Appeal of LBP-19-11 02/03/2020ML20034G078 (with Amended Certificate of Service).
199 Appeal of Staff Denial of Petitioners Request for SUNSI 02/12/2020ML20043F076 Information Related to ISPs Responses to RAIs.
Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing 200 Fasken's and PBLRO's Motion to Reopen the Record and 02/18/2020ML20049A373 Motion for Leave to Amend Contention Four.
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NRC Staff's Answer in Opposition to Fasken Amended 201 Contention 4 and Accompanying Motion to Reopen the 02/18/2020ML20049A577 Record.
202 NRC Staff Answer to Fasken's Letter Appeal of Staff 02/18/2020ML20049A604 Denial of Petitioners' Request for SUNSI Information.
Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing 203 Fasken's and PBLRO's Motion to Reverse NRC Staff's 02/18/2020ML20049H533 SUNSI Access Denial.
Fasken Oil and Ranch, LTD.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Reply to Interim Storage Partners, 204 LLC's Answer Opposing Motion for Leave to Reopen the 02/25/2020ML20056E908 Record and Associated Motion for Leave to Amend Contention Four.
205 Notice of Withdrawal of Timothy J. Laughlin on behalf of 04/06/2020ML20097E037 Fasken and PBLRO.
Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land 206 and Royalty Owners' Unopposed Motion to Extend 05/18/2020ML20139A226 Deadlines Pending the COVID-19 National Emergency
Order (Extending Time to Intervene, Request a Hearing, 207 and File New Contentions) Based on the Draft 05/22/2020ML20143A239 Environmental Impact Statement.
208 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land 07/06/2020ML20188A390 and Royalty Owners Motion to Reopen the Record.
Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land 209 and Royalty Owners' Motion for Leave to File New and/or 07/07/2020ML20189A000 Amended Contention.
Page 24 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 27 of 100
Exhibit 1 to Fasken and PBLRO's Motion for Leave to File 210 New and/or Amended Contention - Declaration of Tommy 07/07/2020ML20189A001 E. Taylor.
Exhibit 2 to Fasken and PBLRO's Motion for Leave to File 211 New and/or Amended Contention - Facts Petitioners 07/07/2020ML20189A002 Intend to Rely on to Support New and Amended Contentions.
212 Notice of Appearance for Rebecca Susko on behalf of 07/28/2020ML20210M366 NRC Staff.
NRC Staff's Answer in Opposition to Fasken Oil and 213 Ranch, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty 07/31/2020ML20213C523 Owners' Motions to Reopen the Record and File New Contention 5.
Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing 214 Fasken's And PBLRO's Second Motion To Reopen The 07/31/2020ML20213C708 Record And Motion For Leave To File New Contention 5.
Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Combined Reply to NRC Staff's and 215 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Oppositions to Motion for 08/07/2020ML20220A746 Leave to File New Contention and Motion to Reopen The Record
Letter from NRC Acting Secretary Richard J. Laufer to Dr.
216 Elliot J. Trester of Texas Physicians for Social 10/09/2020ML20283A713 Responsibility
217 Letter from NRC Secretary Annette Vietti-Cook to Kevin 11/12/2020ML20317A297 Kamps of Beyond Nuclear, et al.
218Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-20-13).12/04/2020ML20339A519
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219 Notice of Withdrawal for Rebecca Susko on behalf of NRC 12/09/2020ML20344A425 Staff
220 Notice of Appearance for Annemieke M. Tennis on behalf 12/15/2020ML20350B758 of Fasken & PBLRO.
221Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-20-14)12/17/2020ML20352A359
222Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-20-15)12/17/2020ML20352A360
223 Notice of Withdrawal of Joe Gillespie on behalf of NRC 01/04/2021ML21004A156 Staff
224 Memorandum and Order (Denying Motions to Reopen and 01/29/2021ML21029A084 for Leave to File) (LBP-21-02)
Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Combined Notice of Appeal and 225 Petition for Review of Atomic Safety Licensing Board's 02/23/2021ML21054A331 Denial of Motion for Leave to File New Contention No. 5 and Motion to Reopen the Record.
226 Notice of Appearance for Reginald Augustus on behalf of 03/09/2021ML21068A171 NRC Staff.
227 Interim Storage Partners, LLC's Answer Opposing Fasken 03/22/2021ML21081A208 Petition for Review of LBP-21-2
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228 NRC Staff's Answer in Opposition to Fasken's Petition for 03/22/2021ML21081A221 Review of LBP-21-2
229 Letter from NRC Secretary to Glenn LeMunyon for Fasken 04/01/2021ML21091A088 Oil and Ranch
230 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-21-09) 06/22/2021 ML21173A148
231 Initial application, safety analysis report (SAR) and 04/28/2016 ML16133A070 environmental report (ER), dated April 28, 2016 (Package)
232 Waste Control Specialists, LLC, Consolidated Interim 04/28/2016 ML16182A162 Spent Fuel Storage Facility License Application (Package)
Letter to S Kirk, Waste Control Specialists, LLC, Acceptance Review of Specific License Application ML16175A277 233 Requesting Authorization to Construct and Operate a 06/22/2016 (Package)
Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel-Supplemental Information Needed
234RSI Response Schedule 07/06/2016ML16193A314
235RSI Response 1 07/20/2016ML16229A549
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236RSI Response 2 08/31/2016ML16265A454
237RSI Response 3 10/07/2016 ML16294A134 (Package)
238RSI Response 4 11/16/2016 ML16330A116 (Package)
239RSI Response 5 12/16/2016 ML16356A346 (Package)
240RSI Response 6 12/22/2016 ML17018A292 (Package)
241Acceptance Letter, January 26, 2017 01/26/2017ML17018A168
242 Transcript of Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping 02/13/2017ML17061A744 Process 02/13/2017 Meeting
243 Transcript of Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping 02/15/2017ML17062A614 Process 02/15/2017 Meeting
244Notice of March 1, 2017 Public Meeting on Safety Review02/15/2017ML17047A326
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License application; docketing and opportunity to request a hearing and to petition for leave to intervene.
01/30/2017 82 FR 8773; January 30, 2017 2
License application; withdrawal of notice of opportunity to request a hearing.
07/20/2017 82 FR 33521; July 20, 2017 3
Revised license application; opportunity to request a hearing and to petition for leave to intervene; order imposing procedures.
08/29/2018 83 FR 44070; August 29, 2018 4
Correction (to hearing request due date) 08/31/2018 83 FR 44680; August 31, 2018 5
Sierra Club's Motion for Extension of Time to Intervene in Licensing Proceeding.
03/03/2017 ML17062A897 6
Request for Extension on Deadline.
DON'T WASTE MICHIGAN, ET AL v US NRC US COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT CASE NO. 21-1048, consolidated with NOs. 21-1055, 21-1056, 21-1179, 21-1227, 21-1229, 21-1230 and 21-1231 Page 1 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 3 of 100

Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping Process ML17058A036 245 02/13/2017, 02/15/2017 and 02/23/2017 Meeting 02/23/2017 (Package)
Presentation and Background Material
WCS Notices of Appearance for Stephen J. Burdick.
03/13/2017 ML17072A072 8
Notices of Appearance for Sara Kirkwood, David Cylkowski, and Emily Monteith.
03/13/2017 ML17072A489 9
Waste Control Specialists LLC's And Sierra Club's Joint Motion For Revised Schedule Related To Hearing Requests.
03/13/2017 ML17072A498 10 Waste Control Specialists LLC's Answer Opposing Nuclear Information And Resource Service's Letter Requesting An Extension Of Time And Proposing Approval Of Alternate Briefing Schedule.
03/17/2017 ML17076A365 11 NRC Staff's Response to the Nuclear Information and Resource Service's Motion for an Extension of Time to Request a Hearing 03/20/2017 ML17079A534 12 Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition (SEED Coalition) Request for Extension of 120 Days for Submission of Hearing Requests and Petitions to Intervene (w/ attachments) 03/07/2017 ML17080A493 13 Waste Control Specialists LLC's Answer Opposing Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's Request for an Extension of Time and Proposing Approval of Alternate Briefing Schedule.
03/23/2017 ML17082A426 14 NRC Staff's Response to the Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's Letter Requesting an Extension of Time to Request a Hearing.
03/23/2017 ML17082A441 Page 2 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 4 of 100

Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping Process 246 02/13/2017, 02/15/2017 and 02/23/2017 Meeting 02/23/2017ML17069A300 Presentation and Background Material - Spanish Version
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 15 Order of the Secretary re Extension of Time Until May 31, 2017 to File Hearing Requests on WCS's License Application.
03/29/2017 ML17088A627 16 March 22, 2017 Letter from Rafael Ancha, Texas State Representative, Regarding SEED Request for Extension of Time in the Matter of Waste Control Specialists 03/22/2017 ML17089A788 17 Joint Request To Withdraw The Federal Register Notice Providing An Opportunity To Submit Hearing Requests.
04/19/2017 ML17109A480 18 Response By Beyond Nuclear, Seed Coalition and Sierra Club to Joint Request to Withdraw the Federal Register Notice Providing an Opportunity to Submit Hearing Requests.
04/28/2017 ML17118A268 19 Notice of Appearance for Diane Curran on behalf of SEED Coalition and Beyond Nuclear.
04/28/2017 ML17118A269 20 Certificate of Service for Beyond Nuclear, SEED Coalition and Sierra Club's Response to Joint Request to Withdraw FRN.
04/28/2017 ML17118A270 21 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-17-10).
06/22/2017 ML17173A549 22 Beyond Nuclear, Inc.'s Motion to Dismiss Licensing Proceedings for HI-STORE Consolidated Interim Storage Facility and WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Violation of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.
09/14/2018 ML18257A312 Page 3 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 5 of 100

247 Transcript of Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping 02/23/2017ML17067A323 Process 02/23/2017 Meeting
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 23 Beyond Nuclear, Inc., Exhibits 1-8 to Motion to Dismiss Licensing Proceedings for Hi-Store Consolidated Interim Storage Facility and WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Violation of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.
09/14/2018 ML18257A313 24 Notice of Appearance for Mindy Goldstein on behalf of Beyond Nuclear.
09/14/2018 ML18257A314 25 Notice of Appearance for Diane Curran on behalf of Beyond Nuclear.
09/14/2018 ML18257A315 26 Certificate of Service for Beyond Nuclear's Motion to Dismiss.
09/14/2018 ML18257A316 27 Errata to Beyond Nuclear's Motion to Dismiss Licensing Proceedings for HI-Store Consolidated Interim Storage Facility and WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Violation of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.
09/18/2018 ML18261A110 28 Updated Notices of Appearance of Burdick, Matthews, and Lighty, and Notice of Appearance of Bessette on behalf of Interim Storage Partners.
09/24/2018 ML18267A298 29 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Response Opposing Beyond Nuclear, Inc.'s Unauthorized September 14, 2018 Filing.
09/24/2018 ML18267A299 30 NRC Staff's Response to Motions to Dismiss Licensing Proceedings.
09/24/2018 ML18267A313 31 Beyond Nuclear's Reply to Holtec International, Interim Storage Partners LLC, and NRC Staff Responses to Beyond Nuclear's Motion to Dismiss.
09/28/2018 ML18271A232 Page 4 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 6 of 100

248 WCS Presentation Slides for March 1, 2017 Public 02/24/2017ML17055C176 Meeting on Safety Review
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 32 Beyond Nuclear's Motion for Leave to Reply to Holtec International, Interim Storage Partners LLC, and NRC Staff Responses to Beyond Nuclear's Motion to Dismiss.
09/28/2018 ML18271A233 33 Notice of Appearance for Robert V. Eye on behalf of Fasken Land and Oil and Permian Basin Land and Royalty.
09/28/2018 ML18271A242 34 Motion of Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd. and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners for Leave to Reply to NRC Staff's Response and Holtec International's Answer and Opposition to Motions to Dismiss.
09/28/2018 ML18271A243 35 Motion of Fasken Land and Minerals and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners to Dismiss Licensing Proceedings For Hi-Store Consolidated Interim Storage Facility and WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility.
09/28/2018 ML18271A244 36 Reply of Movants Fasken and PBLRO to Staff's Response to Motions to Dismiss.
09/28/2018 ML18271A245 37 Request for Extension on Deadline for Intervention by 37 Organizations and 4 Individuals.
10/02/2018 ML18276A066 38 Notices of Appearance by Diane Curran, Mindy Goldstein, and Caroline Reiser on behalf of Beyond Nuclear.
10/03/2018 ML18276A241 39 Beyond Nuclear, Inc.'s Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.
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Summaries of 02/13/2017, 02/15/2017 and 02/23/2017 249 Public Scoping Meetings on Environmental Impact 03/13/2017ML17072A442 Statement for WCS Proposed Consolidated Interim Storage Facility
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 40 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Response Opposing Fasken Land and Minerals' and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Unauthorized September 28, 2018 Filing.
10/05/2018 ML18278A253 41 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Motions for Leave to Reply Submitted by Beyond Nuclear, Fasken, and PBLRO.
10/05/2018 ML18278A264 42 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Request for Extension of Intervention Deadline.
10/08/2018 ML18281A012 43 Motion of Movants Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd. and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners for Leave to Reply to Interim Storage Partner LLC's Answer and Opposition to Movants Motions to Dismiss.
10/11/2018 ML18284A477 44 Amended Motion of Movants Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd. and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners for Leave to Reply to Interim Storage Partner LLC's Answer and Opposition to Movants Motions to Dismiss.
10/11/2018 ML18284A496 45 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd. and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Amended Certificate of Consultation.
10/16/2018 ML18289A797 46 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Motion For Leave To Reply Submitted By Fasken And PBLRO.
10/19/2018 ML18292A803 47 NRC Staff Commission Notification.
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250April 6, 2017 Public Scoping Meeting Notice03/13/2017ML17072A248
10/25/2018 ML18298A335 49 Order of the Secretary.
10/29/2018 ML18302A329 50 NRC Staff's Response to Beyond Nuclear, Inc.'s Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.
10/29/2018 ML18302A365 51 Petition of Permian Basin Land and Royalty Organization and Fasken Land and Minerals for Intervention and Request for Hearing.
10/29/2018 ML18302A412 52 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Beyond Nuclear Inc.'s Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.
10/29/2018 ML18302A413 53 Beyond Nuclear's Reply to Oppositions to Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.
11/05/2018 ML18309A369 54 Joint Motion To Establish Briefing Schedule For Fasken's And PBLRO's Motion To Dismiss As Referred To The ASLBP For Consideration Under 10 C.F.R. 2.309.
11/07/2018 ML18311A267 55 Referral Memorandum from the Secretary to the Atomic Safety Licensing Board Panel 11/08/2018 ML18312A298 56 ORDER (Granting Joint Motion to Establish Briefing Schedule).
11/09/2018 ML18313A119 Page 7 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 9 of 100

251 Application Revision 1, SAR Revision 1, and ER Revision 03/16/2017 ML17082A021 1, dated March 16, 2017 (Package)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 57 Petition to Intervene and Request for Adjudicatory Hearing by Sierra Club.
11/13/2018 ML18317A411 58 Standing Declarations for Sierra Club in Support of Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing.
11/13/2018 ML18317A412 59 Expert Declarations for Sierra Club in Support of Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing.
11/13/2018 ML18317A413 60 Exhibits for Sierra Club in Support of Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing.
11/13/2018 ML18317A414 61 Petition of Don't Waste Michigan, etc. to Intervene and Request for Hearing.
11/13/2018 ML18317A433 62 Declarations of Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination (CACC).
10/29/2018 ML18317A435 63 Declarations of Citizens Environmental Coalition (CEC).
11/13/2018 ML18317A436 64 Declaration of Leona Morgan.
10/29/2018 ML18317A437 65 Declarations of Don't Waste Michigan (DWM).
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252 Transcript of Environmental Impact Statement - 04/06/2017ML17102B446 04/06/2017 Public Scoping Meeting
10/29/2018 ML18317A440 67 Declarations of Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition (SEED).
10/29/2018 ML18317A441 68 Expert Declaration Report of Robert Alvarez.
11/13/2018 ML18317A443 69 James Ballard Expert Report and CV.
11/13/2018 ML18317A444 70 Gordon Thompson Expert Report and CV.
11/13/2018 ML18317A445 71 Declarations of Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS).
11/13/2018 ML18317A446 72 Establishment of Atomic Safety Licensing Board.
11/16/2018 ML18320A095 73 Second Referral Memorandum from the Secretary to the Atomic Safety Licensing Board Panel.
11/16/2018 ML18320A221 74 Notice of Filing of Member Declarations of SLOMPF.
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253 Summary of March 1, 2017 Public Meeting on Safety 04/06/2017ML17100A250 Review
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 75 Notice of Filing of Curriculum Vitae of Robert Alvarez.
11/17/2018 ML18321A003 76 Notice of Appearance of Wallace L. Taylor on behalf of Sierra Club.
11/20/2018 ML18324A553 77 Notice of Appearance for Alana Wase and Joe Gillespie on behalf of NRC Staff.
11/20/2018 ML18324A684 78 Notice of Appearance of Counsel for Don't Waste Michigan et al.
11/20/2018 ML18324A698 79 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Fasken's and PBLRO's Motion to Dismiss as Referred to the ASLBP for Consideration Under 10 CFR 2.309.
11/20/2018 ML18324A886 80 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene Filed by Permian Basin Land and Royalty Organization and Fasken Land and Minerals 11/20/2018 ML18324A892 81 NRC Staff's Response to Petitions to Intervene and Requests for Hearing Filed by Permian Basin Land and Royalty Organization and Fasken Land and Minerals.
11/23/2018 ML18327A071 82 Motion of Sierra Club, Don't Waste Michigan, et al for Disqualification of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.
11/26/2018 ML18330A299 83 Fasken and PBLRO Reply to ISP's Opposition to Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.
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Page 29 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 32 of 100
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 84 Fasken and PBLRO Response to ISP's and Staff's Opposition to Fasken's and PBLRO's Motion to Dismiss as Referred to the ASLBP for Consideration Under 10 CFR 2.309.
11/30/2018 ML18334A360 85 Fasken's and PBLRO's Reply to Staff's Response to Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.
11/30/2018 ML18334A361 86 NRC Staff Response to Motion for Disqualification of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.
12/06/2018 ML18340A178 87 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike Portions of the Replies Filed by Permian Basin Land and Royalty Organization and Fasken Land and Minerals.
12/10/2018 ML18344A571 88 NRC Staff Consolidated Answer to Petitions to Intervene and Requests for Hearing.
12/10/2018 ML18344A594 89 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene Filed by Sierra Club.
12/10/2018 ML18344A684 90 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene Filed by DWM et al.
12/10/2018 ML18344A685 91 Memorandum and Order (Denying and Referring Motion to Disqualify Board) LBP-18-6.
12/13/2018 ML18347A393 92 Fasken and PBLRO's Opposition to Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike.
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 93 Sierra Club's Reply to Answers filed by Interim Storage Partners and NRC Staff.
12/17/2018 ML18351A531 94 Combined Reply of Don't Waste Michigan, Citizens' Environmental Coalition, Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination, Nuclear Energy Information Service, Public Citizen, Inc., etc. to ISP WCS and NRC Staff Answers.
12/17/2018 ML18351A640 95 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike Portions of the Reply Filed by Sierra Club.
12/27/2018 ML18361A921 96 to Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike Portions of the Reply Filed by Sierra Club.
12/27/2018 ML18361A922 97 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike Portions of the Reply Filed by Don't Waste Michigan et al.
12/27/2018 ML18361A937 98 to Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike Portions of the Reply Filed by Don't Waste Michigan et al.
12/27/2018 ML18361A939 99 Opposition of Joint Petitioners to ISP WCS Motion to Strike.
12/30/2018 ML18365A017 100 Sierra Club's Answer to Interim Storage Partners' Motion to Strike Portions of Sierra Club's Reply.
01/02/2019 ML19002A472 101 Order (Concerning Oral Argument).
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254 April 6, 2017 Scoping Meeting Presentation and 04/26/2017ML17110A107 Background Material
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 102 Notice of Beyond Nuclear's Petition for Review of NRC Order in D.C. Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.
01/16/2019 ML19016A336 103 Notice of Withdrawal of Caroline Reiser.
02/06/2019 ML19037A322 104 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-19-03).
03/11/2019 ML19070A329 105 Notice of Withdrawal of Stephen J. Burdick.
04/02/2019 ML19092A382 106 Notice of Withdrawal of Emily Monteith.
04/24/2019 ML19114A453 107 Order (Regarding Location of Oral Argument).
05/07/2019 ML19127A031 108 Position Statements of Petitioners Don't Waste Michigan, et al., Beyond Nuclear, Sierra Club, Fasken Land and Oil and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners, and NRC Staff on Location of Oral Argument.
05/20/2019 ML19140A308 109 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Response Regarding Location of Oral Argument.
05/20/2019 ML19140A424 110 Notice and Order (Establishing Dates and Location of Oral Argument) 05/24/2019 ML19144A114 Page 13 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 15 of 100

255 April 6, 2017 Scoping Meeting Presentation and 04/26/2017ML17110A109 Background Material (Spanish Language Version)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 111 Notice of Appearance for Thomas Steinfeldt on Behalf of NRC Staff.
06/03/2019 ML19154A477 112 E-mail from ASLB Law Clerk Joseph McManus to Midland County, TX Commissioner Randy Prude.
06/03/2019 ML19154A488 113 Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54257.
06/03/2019 ML19154A586 114 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54257.
06/03/2019 ML19154A587 115 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54257.
06/03/2019 ML19154A588 116 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54257.
06/03/2019 ML19154A589 117 Order (Establishing Format for Oral Argument).
06/07/2019 ML19158A402 118 Notice of Appearance for Timothy Laughlin on Behalf of Fasken and PBLRO 06/12/2019 ML19163A391 119 Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54423.
06/28/2019 ML19179A307 Page 14 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 16 of 100

256April 6, 2017 Public Scoping Meeting Summary05/03/2017ML17116A510
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 120 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54423.
06/28/2019 ML19179A308 121 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54423.
06/28/2019 ML19179A309 122 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54423.
06/28/2019 ML19179A310 123 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Response to the Atomic Safety And Licensing Board's Questions Regarding the U.S. Department of Energy's Authority Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.
06/28/2019 ML19179A311 124 Hearing Transcript of July 10, 2019 Oral Arguments in the Matter of Interim Storage Partners, LLC. Pages 1-207.
07/10/2019 ML19198A218 125 Hearing Transcript of July 10, 2019 Oral Arguments in the Matter of Interim Storage Partners, LLC. Pages 208-342.
07/11/2019 ML19198A219 126 Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Petitions for Intervention and Requests for Hearing) (LBP-19-07) 08/23/2019 ML19235A165 127 Letter from NRC Acting Secretary to Richard Guldi of Dallas Sierra Club 08/26/2019 ML19238A313 128 NRC Staff Notice of Intent to Participate as a Party 08/30/2019 ML19242D526 Page 15 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 17 of 100

257 Application Revision 2, SAR Revision 2, and ER Revision 07/19/2018 ML18206A595 2, dated July 19, 2018 (Package)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 129 Joint Motion Regarding an Agreement for Mandatory Disclosures and Hearing File Obligations.
08/30/2019 ML19242D648 130 ORDER (Granting Joint Motion Regarding Mandatory Disclosures and Hearing File Obligations) 09/04/2019 ML19247C334 131 Order (Scheduling Initial Scheduling Conference) 09/05/2019 ML19248C450 132 Licensing Board Notification Regarding ISP Letter E-55041.
09/05/2019 ML19248C912 133 ISP Transmittal Letter E-55041 Providing Supplemental Information re References from the Environmental Report Chapter 3.
09/04/2019 ML19248C915 134 to ISP Letter E-55041 re Ecological Assessment of the Low Level Depository, Final Report.
05/31/1997 ML19248C918 135 to ISP Letter E-55041 re Final Report on Habitat Characterization and Rare Species Survey for the Proposed Low Level Waste Repository.
10/25/2004 ML19248C922 136 to ISP Letter E-55041 re Final Report (Rev. 1) on Supplemental Survey Ecological Assessment of the Low Level Waste Depository.
03/31/2007 ML19248C925 137 to ISP Letter E-55041 re Environmental Assessment Report.
07/31/2008 ML19248C927 Page 16 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 18 of 100

258 Applicant response to request for additional information, 07/19/2018ML18208A437 dated July 19, 2018
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 138 NRC Staff's Safety and Environmental Review Schedule 09/09/2019 ML19252A253 139 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Dismiss Sierra Club's Contention 13 as Moot and Terminate This Proceeding 09/09/2019 ML19252A322 140 Notice of Withdrawal of Robert V. Eye 09/12/2019 ML19255F793 141 Sierra Club's Resistance to ISP's Motion to Dismiss Sierra Club's Contention 13 09/12/2019 ML19255G961 142 Sierra Club's Motion to Amend Contention 13 09/13/2019 ML19256C635 143 Sierra Club's Amended Contention 13 09/13/2019 ML19256C638 144 Notice of Appearance for Kevin C. Roach on behalf of NRC Staff.
09/17/2019 ML19260G160 145 Beyond Nuclear's Notice of Appeal of LBP-19-07.
09/17/2019 ML19260G875 146 Beyond Nuclear's Brief on Appeal of LBP-19-07.
09/17/2019 ML19260G878 Page 17 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 19 of 100

259 Notice of August 29, 2018 Public Meeting on Safety 08/09/2018ML18221A267 Review
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 147 Beyond Nuclear Certificate of Service for Appeal of LBP-19-07.
09/17/2019 ML19260G879 148 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Notice of Appeal of LBP-19-7 and Brief in Support of Appeal.
09/17/2019 ML19260H452 149 Fasken and PBLRO's Brief on Appeal of LBP-19-07 09/17/2019 ML19260J386 150 Fasken and PBLRO's Notice of Appeal of LBP-19-07 09/17/2019 ML19260J387 151 Fasken and PBLRO's Certificate of Service of Notice of Appeal and Brief on Appeal of LBP-19-07 09/17/2019 ML19260J388 152 Don't Waste Michigan, et al., Notice of Appeal of LBP 07 and Brief in Support of Appeal.
09/17/2019 ML19260J391 153 Transcript of September 18, 2019 Teleconference on WCS / Interim Storage Partners.
09/20/2019 ML19263B970 154 Interim Storage Partners' Licensing Board Notification Regarding Supplemental Information Being Provided to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff 09/20/2019 ML19263F035 155 ISP Answer Opposing Sierra Club's Motion to Amend Contention 13.
10/01/2019 ML19274E207 Page 18 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 20 of 100

260Acceptance Letter, August 21, 2018 08/21/2018ML18225A281
10/01/2019 ML19274E211 157 to ISP Answer to Sierra Club Amended Contention 13.
10/01/2019 ML19274E215 158 to ISP Answer to Sierra Club Amended Contention 13.
10/01/2019 ML19274E218 159 Sierra Club's Reply to ISP's Answer to Sierra Club's Motion to Amend Contention 13 10/07/2019 ML19280A027 160 NRC Staff Answer Opposing Sierra Club's Amended Contention 13.
10/07/2019 ML19280D549 161 Order (Circulating Draft Initial Scheduling Order) 10/08/2019 ML19281B546 162 Sierra Club's Brief in Opposition to ISP's Appeal of ASLB Decision Admitting Sierra Club's Contention 13.
10/13/2019 ML19286A001 163 Sierra Club's Reply to NRC Staff's Answer to Sierra Club's Motion to Amend Contention 13.
10/14/2019 ML19287A021 164 NRC Staff's Answer In Opposition To The Appeal Of Fasken Land And Minerals, Ltd. And The Permian Basin Land And Royalty Owners Of LBP-19-7.
10/15/2019 ML19288A224 Page 19 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 21 of 100

261 ISP Presentation Slides for August 29, 2018 Public 08/29/2018ML18241A329 Meeting on Safety Review
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 165 NRC Staff's Answer In Opposition To Don't Waste Michigan, Et Al.'s Appeal of LBP-19-7.
10/15/2019 ML19288A228 166 NRC Staff's Answer In Opposition To Interim Storage Partners LLC's Appeal Of LBP-19-7.
10/15/2019 ML19288A232 167 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing the Appeal of LBP-19-7 by Don't Waste Michigan et al.
10/15/2019 ML19288A282 168 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Fasken's and PBLRO's Appeal of LBP-19-7 10/15/2019 ML19288A283 169 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Beyond Nuclear's Appeal of LBP-19-7.
10/15/2019 ML19288A287 170 Initial Scheduling Order 10/16/2019 ML19289B740 171 Corrected Certificate of Service for ISP Answer to Fasken Appeal of LBP-19-7 10/16/2019 ML19289E001 172 Motion of Intervenor Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention and Contention 17.
10/23/2019 ML19297A226 173 Declaration of Robert Alvarez in Support of Motion of Intervenor Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention.
10/23/2019 ML19297A229 Page 20 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 22 of 100

262 Summary of August 29, 2018 Public Meeting on Safety 09/25/2018 ML18267A214 Review (Package)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 174 Robert Alvarez Curriculum Vitae Filed in Support of Motion of Intervenor Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention.
10/23/2019 ML19297A232 175 Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Report Filed in Support of Motion of Intervenor Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention.
09/30/2019 ML19297A235 176 Notice of Appearance for Monica R. Perales on behalf of Fasken Oil and Ranch & Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners.
10/24/2019 ML19297H647 177 Referral Memorandum from the Secretary to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel 11/13/2019 ML19317E079 178 Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Motion to Dismiss and Motion to Amend Contention 13) (LBP-19-9) 11/18/2019 ML19322C599 179 NRC Staff Answer in Opposition to Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's New Contention 17.
11/18/2019 ML19322C992 180 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Petitioner Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's Motion for Leave to Submit Late-Filed Contention 17 11/18/2019 ML19322D453 181 Reply of Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition in Support of Motion for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention 17.
11/25/2019 ML19329F937 182 Notice of Appearance for Allan Kanner, Conlee Whiteley, Elizabeth Petersen and Cynthia St. Amant on behalf of Fasken and PBLRO.
12/09/2019 ML19343A995 Page 21 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 23 of 100

263 Part 1 - Physical Security (Cover letter only, enclosure 11/06/2018ML18310A069 withheld) (November 6, 2018)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 183 Letter from NRC Secretary, Annette Vietti-Cook, to Tommy Taylor of Fasken Oil and Ranch 12/11/2019 ML19345E984 184 Letter from NRC Secretary, Annette Vietti-Cook, to A.
James Mayer of Green Century Exploration and Production 12/11/2019 ML19345E987 185 Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Motion for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention and Terminating Proceeding)
(LBP-19-11) 12/13/2019 ML19347A381 186 Sierra Club's Notice of Appeal from Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Rulings Denying Intervention (LBP-19-07 and LBP-19-09) 12/13/2019 ML19347E392 187 Sierra Club's Brief in Support of Appeal from Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Rulings Denying Admissibility of Contentions in Licensing Proceeding (LBP-19-07 and LBP-19-09).
12/13/2019 ML19347E441 188 Notice of Appearance for Nicholas Moran on behalf of NRC Staff.
01/06/2020 ML20006F306 189 NRC Staff's Answer in Opposition to Sierra Club's Appeal of LBP-19-7 and LBP-19-9.
01/07/2020 ML20007F038 190 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Sierra Club's Appeal of LBP-19-7 and LBP-19-9 01/07/2020 ML20007G369 191 Notice of Appeal of LBP-19-11 by Intervenor Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition and Brief in Support of Appeal.
01/07/2020 ML20007K164 Page 22 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 24 of 100

Page 30 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 33 of 100
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 192 Fasken and PBLRO Access to SUNSI Information Request 01/16/2020 ML20016A453 193 Fasken Oil and Ranch, Ltd And Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners Motion to Reopen the Record for Purposes of Considering and Admitting an Amended Contention.
01/21/2020 ML20021A384 194 Fasken Oil and Ranch, Ltd and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners Motion for Leave to Amend Contention Four.
01/21/2020 ML20021A385 195 Affidavit of Aaron Pachlhofer Filed in Support of Fasken and PBLRO's Motion to Reopen the Record for Purposes of Considering and Admitting an Amended Contention 01/21/2020 ML20021A386 196 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Petitioner Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's Appeal of Licensing Board Decision LBP-19-11 02/03/2020 ML20034D891 197 NRC Staff'S Answer Opposing Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's Appeal of LBP-19-11.
02/03/2020 ML20034F184 198 NRC Staff's Response to Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's Appeal of LBP-19-11 (with Amended Certificate of Service).
02/03/2020 ML20034G078 199 Appeal of Staff Denial of Petitioners Request for SUNSI Information Related to ISPs Responses to RAIs.
02/12/2020 ML20043F076 200 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Fasken's and PBLRO's Motion to Reopen the Record and Motion for Leave to Amend Contention Four.
02/18/2020 ML20049A373 Page 23 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 25 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 201 NRC Staff's Answer in Opposition to Fasken Amended Contention 4 and Accompanying Motion to Reopen the Record.
02/18/2020 ML20049A577 202 NRC Staff Answer to Fasken's Letter Appeal of Staff Denial of Petitioners' Request for SUNSI Information.
02/18/2020 ML20049A604 203 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Fasken's and PBLRO's Motion to Reverse NRC Staff's SUNSI Access Denial.
02/18/2020 ML20049H533 204 Fasken Oil and Ranch, LTD.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Reply to Interim Storage Partners, LLC's Answer Opposing Motion for Leave to Reopen the Record and Associated Motion for Leave to Amend Contention Four.
02/25/2020 ML20056E908 205 Notice of Withdrawal of Timothy J. Laughlin on behalf of Fasken and PBLRO.
04/06/2020 ML20097E037 206 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Unopposed Motion to Extend Deadlines Pending the COVID-19 National Emergency 05/18/2020 ML20139A226 207 Order (Extending Time to Intervene, Request a Hearing, and File New Contentions) Based on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
05/22/2020 ML20143A239 208 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners Motion to Reopen the Record.
07/06/2020 ML20188A390 209 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Motion for Leave to File New and/or Amended Contention.
07/07/2020 ML20189A000 Page 24 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 26 of 100

264First RAI, Part 1 (November 16, 2018) 11/16/2018ML18320A184
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 210 Exhibit 1 to Fasken and PBLRO's Motion for Leave to File New and/or Amended Contention - Declaration of Tommy E. Taylor.
07/07/2020 ML20189A001 211 Exhibit 2 to Fasken and PBLRO's Motion for Leave to File New and/or Amended Contention - Facts Petitioners Intend to Rely on to Support New and Amended Contentions.
07/07/2020 ML20189A002 212 Notice of Appearance for Rebecca Susko on behalf of NRC Staff.
07/28/2020 ML20210M366 213 NRC Staff's Answer in Opposition to Fasken Oil and Ranch, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Motions to Reopen the Record and File New Contention 5.
07/31/2020 ML20213C523 214 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Fasken's And PBLRO's Second Motion To Reopen The Record And Motion For Leave To File New Contention 5.
07/31/2020 ML20213C708 215 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Combined Reply to NRC Staff's and Interim Storage Partners LLC's Oppositions to Motion for Leave to File New Contention and Motion to Reopen The Record 08/07/2020 ML20220A746 216 Letter from NRC Acting Secretary Richard J. Laufer to Dr.
Elliot J. Trester of Texas Physicians for Social Responsibility 10/09/2020 ML20283A713 217 Letter from NRC Secretary Annette Vietti-Cook to Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear, et al.
11/12/2020 ML20317A297 218 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-20-13).
12/04/2020 ML20339A519 Page 25 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 27 of 100

265 Notice of January 10, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety 12/21/2018ML18355A981 Review
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 219 Notice of Withdrawal for Rebecca Susko on behalf of NRC Staff 12/09/2020 ML20344A425 220 Notice of Appearance for Annemieke M. Tennis on behalf of Fasken & PBLRO.
12/15/2020 ML20350B758 221 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-20-14) 12/17/2020 ML20352A359 222 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-20-15) 12/17/2020 ML20352A360 223 Notice of Withdrawal of Joe Gillespie on behalf of NRC Staff 01/04/2021 ML21004A156 224 Memorandum and Order (Denying Motions to Reopen and for Leave to File) (LBP-21-02) 01/29/2021 ML21029A084 225 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Combined Notice of Appeal and Petition for Review of Atomic Safety Licensing Board's Denial of Motion for Leave to File New Contention No. 5 and Motion to Reopen the Record.
02/23/2021 ML21054A331 226 Notice of Appearance for Reginald Augustus on behalf of NRC Staff.
03/09/2021 ML21068A171 227 Interim Storage Partners, LLC's Answer Opposing Fasken Petition for Review of LBP-21-2 03/22/2021 ML21081A208 Page 26 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 28 of 100

266 Applicant response to request for additional information, 01/07/2019ML19009A099 dated January 7, 2019
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 228 NRC Staff's Answer in Opposition to Fasken's Petition for Review of LBP-21-2 03/22/2021 ML21081A221 229 Letter from NRC Secretary to Glenn LeMunyon for Fasken Oil and Ranch 04/01/2021 ML21091A088 230 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-21-09) 06/22/2021 ML21173A148 231 Initial application, safety analysis report (SAR) and environmental report (ER), dated April 28, 2016 04/28/2016 ML16133A070 (Package) 232 Waste Control Specialists, LLC, Consolidated Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility License Application 04/28/2016 ML16182A162 (Package) 233 Letter to S Kirk, Waste Control Specialists, LLC, Acceptance Review of Specific License Application Requesting Authorization to Construct and Operate a Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel-Supplemental Information Needed 06/22/2016 ML16175A277 (Package) 234 RSI Response Schedule 07/06/2016 ML16193A314 235 RSI Response 1 07/20/2016 ML16229A549 RECORD OF LICENSING ACTION Page 27 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 29 of 100

267 ISP Presentation Slides for January 10, 2019 Public 01/08/2019ML19008A296 Meeting on Safety Review
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 236 RSI Response 2 08/31/2016 ML16265A454 237 RSI Response 3 10/07/2016 ML16294A134 (Package) 238 RSI Response 4 11/16/2016 ML16330A116 (Package) 239 RSI Response 5 12/16/2016 ML16356A346 (Package) 240 RSI Response 6 12/22/2016 ML17018A292 (Package) 241 Acceptance Letter, January 26, 2017 01/26/2017 ML17018A168 242 Transcript of Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping Process 02/13/2017 Meeting 02/13/2017 ML17061A744 243 Transcript of Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping Process 02/15/2017 Meeting 02/15/2017 ML17062A614 244 Notice of March 1, 2017 Public Meeting on Safety Review 02/15/2017 ML17047A326 Page 28 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 30 of 100

268 Summary of January 10, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety 02/04/2019ML19032A230 Review
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 245 Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping Process 02/13/2017, 02/15/2017 and 02/23/2017 Meeting Presentation and Background Material 02/23/2017 ML17058A036 (Package) 246 Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping Process 02/13/2017, 02/15/2017 and 02/23/2017 Meeting Presentation and Background Material - Spanish Version 02/23/2017 ML17069A300 247 Transcript of Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping Process 02/23/2017 Meeting 02/23/2017 ML17067A323 248 WCS Presentation Slides for March 1, 2017 Public Meeting on Safety Review 02/24/2017 ML17055C176 249 Summaries of 02/13/2017, 02/15/2017 and 02/23/2017 Public Scoping Meetings on Environmental Impact Statement for WCS Proposed Consolidated Interim Storage Facility 03/13/2017 ML17072A442 250 April 6, 2017 Public Scoping Meeting Notice 03/13/2017 ML17072A248 251 Application Revision 1, SAR Revision 1, and ER Revision 1, dated March 16, 2017 03/16/2017 ML17082A021 (Package) 252 Transcript of Environmental Impact Statement -
04/06/2017 Public Scoping Meeting 04/06/2017 ML17102B446 253 Summary of March 1, 2017 Public Meeting on Safety Review 04/06/2017 ML17100A250 Page 29 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 31 of 100

269 Notice of February 19, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety 02/07/2019ML19038A440 Review
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 254 April 6, 2017 Scoping Meeting Presentation and Background Material 04/26/2017 ML17110A107 255 April 6, 2017 Scoping Meeting Presentation and Background Material (Spanish Language Version) 04/26/2017 ML17110A109 256 April 6, 2017 Public Scoping Meeting Summary 05/03/2017 ML17116A510 257 Application Revision 2, SAR Revision 2, and ER Revision 2, dated July 19, 2018 07/19/2018 ML18206A595 (Package) 258 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated July 19, 2018 07/19/2018 ML18208A437 259 Notice of August 29, 2018 Public Meeting on Safety Review 08/09/2018 ML18221A267 260 Acceptance Letter, August 21, 2018 08/21/2018 ML18225A281 261 ISP Presentation Slides for August 29, 2018 Public Meeting on Safety Review 08/29/2018 ML18241A329 262 Summary of August 29, 2018 Public Meeting on Safety Review 09/25/2018 ML18267A214 (Package) 263 Part 1 - Physical Security (Cover letter only, enclosure withheld) (November 6, 2018) 11/06/2018 ML18310A069 Page 30 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 32 of 100

Background Information for March 20, 2019 Public 270 Meeting on Safety Review - Draft Consolidated 02/08/2019ML19073A252 Emergency Plan
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 264 First RAI, Part 1 (November 16, 2018) 11/16/2018 ML18320A184 265 Notice of January 10, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 12/21/2018 ML18355A981 266 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated January 7, 2019 01/07/2019 ML19009A099 267 ISP Presentation Slides for January 10, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 01/08/2019 ML19008A296 268 Summary of January 10, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 02/04/2019 ML19032A230 269 Notice of February 19, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 02/07/2019 ML19038A440 270 Background Information for March 20, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review - Draft Consolidated Emergency Plan 02/08/2019 ML19073A252 271 ISP Presentation Slides for February 19, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 02/19/2019 ML19050A019 272 First RAI, Part 2 (March 6, 2019) 03/06/2019 ML19065A019 273 Notice of March 20, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 03/07/2019 ML19066A273 Page 31 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 33 of 100

271 ISP Presentation Slides for February 19, 2019 Public 02/19/2019ML19050A019 Meeting on Safety Review
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 274 Background Information for March 20, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review - Submission of ISP Draft Responses for RAls NP-2.2-1, NP-2.2-2 and EP-X 03/12/2019 ML19073A251 275 Background Information for March 20, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review - WCS Draft Responses 03/12/2019 ML19073A253 276 Summary of February 19, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 03/14/2019 ML19072A156 277 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated March 22, 2019 03/22/2019 ML19122A034 278 Notice of April 11, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 03/28/2019 ML19092A195 279 Background Information for April 11, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review - Submission of ISP Draft Responses for RAls NP-2.4-x, NP-2.6-x, P-2.6-x 04/01/2019 ML19093A183 (Package) 280 Background Information for April 16, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review - Submission of ISP Draft Responses for RAls NP-15-x and P-15-x 04/03/2019 ML19095B557 (Package) 281 Notice of April 16, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 04/04/2019 ML19094B861 282 Summary of March 20, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 04/19/2019 ML19105B217 Page 32 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 34 of 100

272First RAI, Part 2 (March 6, 2019) 03/06/2019ML19065A019
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 283 First RAI, Part 3 (April 23, 2019) 04/23/2019 ML19120A428 284 Summary of April 11, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 05/03/2019 ML19123A023 285 Summary of April 16, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 05/06/2019 ML19126A066 286 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated May 31, 2019 05/31/2019 ML19156A048 (Package) 287 ISP First Round RAI Proposed Submittal Schedule 05/31/2019 ML19156A059 288 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated June 26, 2019 06/26/2019 ML19197A044 289 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated June 28, 2019 06/28/2019 ML19184A159 (Package) 290 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated June 28, 2019 06/28/2019 ML19190A227 (Package) 291 Revised Review Schedule Letter, July 1, 2019 07/01/2019 ML19182A107 Page 33 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 35 of 100

273 Notice of March 20, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety 03/07/2019ML19066A273 Review
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 292 Background Information for September 12, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review - Submission of ISP Draft Responses for Several RAls and Associated Document Markups from First Request For Additional Information, Part 2, Docket 72-1050 CAC/EPID 001028/L-2017-NEW-0002 07/26/2019 ML19211D084 293 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated July 31, 2019 07/31/2019 ML19217A231 (Package) 294 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated August 20, 2019 08/20/2019 ML19235A157 (Package) 295 Notice of September 12, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 08/27/2019 ML19239A201 296 Submission of Draft Responses for Several RAls and Associated Document Markups from First Request For Additional Information, Part 2, dated August 30, 2019 08/30/2019 ML19252A132 (Package) 297 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated September 18, 2019 09/18/2019 ML19270E399 298 Applicant submittal of supplemental information, dated September 20, 2019 09/20/2019 ML19268A113 (Package) 299 Submission of ISP Draft Responses for Several RAls and Associated Document Markups from First Request For Additional Information, Part 3, dated October 8, 2019 -
Transmittal Letter 10/08/2019 ML19283B556 Page 34 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 36 of 100

Page 31 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 34 of 100
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 300 Submission of ISP Draft Responses for Several RAls and Associated Document Markups from First Request For Additional Information, Part 3, dated October 8, 2019 -
10/08/2019 ML19283B557 301 Summary of September 12, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 10/10/2019 ML19281D885 302 Notice of October 24, 2019 Public Meeting on Environmental Requests for Additional Information 10/11/2019 ML19284B621 303 Summary Report of Environmental Impact Statement 04/06/2017 Public Scoping Meeting 10/31/2019 ML19161A150 304 Part 4 (November 5, 2019) - Environmental Impact Statement 11/05/2019 ML19309E913 305 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated November 21, 2019 11/21/2019 ML19337B502 (Package) 306 Summary of October 24, 2019 Public Meeting on Environmental Requests for Additional Information 11/22/2019 ML19326B216 307 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated January 6, 2020 01/06/2020 ML20015A448 (Package) 308 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated January 17, 2020 01/17/2020 ML20028E843 (Package)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 309 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated January 22, 2020 01/22/2020 ML20028D890 (Package) 310 Part 1 - Materials Clarification Questions (February 3, 2020) 02/03/2020 ML20034E835 311 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated February 14, 2020 02/14/2020 ML20052D995 (Package) 312 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated February 14, 2020 02/14/2020 ML20052E047 (Package) 313 ISP Updated First Round RAI Proposed Submittal Schedule 02/14/2020 ML20050D259 314 ER Revision 3, dated February 17, 2020 02/17/2020 ML20052E144 (Package) 315 Applicant submittal of supplemental information, dated March 5, 2020 03/05/2020 ML20071F152 (Package) 316 March 11, 2020 Clarification Responses 03/11/2020 ML20076D714 (Package) 317 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated March 16, 2020 03/16/2020 ML20083J964 (Package)
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Background Information for March 20, 2019 Public 274 Meeting on Safety Review - Submission of ISP Draft 03/12/2019ML19073A251 Responses for RAls NP-2.2-1, NP-2.2-2 and EP-X
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 318 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated April 7, 2020 04/07/2020 ML20105A133 (Package) 319 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated April 7, 2020 04/07/2020 ML20105A171 (Package) 320 Federal Register Notice (Includes directions on How to Comment on Draft EIS) 05/08/2020 85 FR 27449; May 8, 2020 321 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated May 18, 2020 05/18/2020 ML20139A173 (Package) 322 SAR Revision 3, dated May 22, 2020 05/22/2020 ML20150A337 (Package) 323 Draft Environmental Impact Statement, dated May 2020 05/31/2020 ML20122A220 324 Overview of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, dated May 2020 05/31/2020 ML20121A016 325 Overview of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Spanish language version), dated May 2020 05/31/2020 ML20136A148 326 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated June 11, 2020 06/11/2020 ML20163A008 Page 37 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 39 of 100

275 Background Information for March 20, 2019 Public 03/12/2019ML19073A253 Meeting on Safety Review - WCS Draft Responses
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 327 Applicant submittal of supplemental information, dated July 21, 2020 07/21/2020 ML20203M040 328 Application Revision 3, dated August 24, 2020 08/24/2020 ML20237F470 329 SAR Revision 4, September 2, 2020 09/02/2020 ML20261H419 (Package) 330 October 1, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides 09/16/2020 ML20274A035 331 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meetings -
October 1, 2020 Webinar 09/17/2020 ML20261H356 332 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meetings -
October 8, 2020 Webinar 09/17/2020 ML20261H374 333 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meetings -
October 15, 2020 Webinar 09/17/2020 ML20261H380 334 October 1, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides (Spanish Language Version) 09/30/2020 ML20274A036 335 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meetings -
October 1, 2020 Webinar 10/01/2020 ML20260H210 Page 38 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 40 of 100

276 Summary of February 19, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety 03/14/2019ML19072A156 Review
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 336 Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meeting October 1, 2020 Webinar 10/01/2020 ML20288A206 337 October 6, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides 10/02/2020 ML20279A355 338 October 6, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides (Spanish Language Version) 10/02/2020 ML20279A356 339 Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meeting October 6, 2020 Webinar 10/06/2020 ML20288A242 340 October 8, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides 10/08/2020 ML20279A516 341 October 8, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides (Spanish Language Version) 10/08/2020 ML20279A517 342 Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meeting October 8, 2020 Webinar 10/08/2020 ML20294A435 343 Revised Review Schedule Letter, October 9, 2020 10/09/2020 ML20282A351 344 October 15, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides 10/15/2020 ML20279A763 Page 39 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 41 of 100

277 Applicant response to request for additional information, 03/22/2019ML19122A034 dated March 22, 2019
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 345 October 15, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides (Spanish Language Version) 10/15/2020 ML20279A764 346 Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meeting October 15, 2020 Webinar 10/15/2020 ML20297A255 347 Errata for Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meeting October 8, 2020 Webinar 11/06/2020 ML20315A023 348 January 14, 2021 Supplemental Information to Part 2 RAI Responses 01/14/2021 ML21014A063 349 Applicant submittal of supplemental information, dated January 27, 2021 01/27/2021 ML21027A147 350 Application Revision 4 and SAR Revision 5, dated April 12, 2021 04/12/2021 ML21105A766 (Package) 351 Final Environmental Impact Statement, dated July 2021 07/31/2021 ML21209A955 352 Overview of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, dated July 2021 07/31/2021 ML21200A050 353 Letter from Texas Governor Greg Abbott 09/10/2021 ML21256A264 Page 40 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 42 of 100

278Notice of April 11, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review03/28/2019ML19092A195
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 354 NRC Staff¶s Record of Decision, dated September 13, 2021 09/13/2021 ML21222A214 355 Materials License for ISP, dated September 13, 2021 09/13/2021 ML21188A096 (Package) 356 Letter from Allan Kanner on behalf of Permian Basin Coalition of Land and Royalty Owners and Operators and Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.
09/11/2021 ML21258A404 357 Letter from William Grantham, New Mexico Assistant Attorney General 09/13/2021 ML21274A155 358 Letter from James Kenney, Secretary of the New Mexico Environment Department 09/14/2021 ML21278A544 359 Email to Annemieke Tennis, Monica Perales and Allan Kanner 09/23/2021 ML21278A394 360 Final Safety Evaluation Report, dated September 2021 09/30/2021 ML21188A101 361 Letter to James Kenney, Secretary of the New Mexico Environment Department 10/14/2021 ML21280A339 362 Letter to William Grantham, New Mexico Assistant Attorney General 10/14/2021 ML21281A093 363 Letter to Texas Governor Greg Abbott 10/21/2021 ML21265A263 Page 41 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 43 of 100
Background Information for April 11, 2019 Public Meeting ML19093A183 279 on Safety Review - Submission of ISP Draft Responses 04/01/2019 (Package) for RAls NP-2.4-x, NP-2.6-x, P-2.6-x
Background Information for April 16, 2019 Public Meeting ML19095B557 280 on Safety Review - Submission of ISP Draft Responses 04/03/2019 (Package) for RAls NP-15-x and P-15-x
281Notice of April 16, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review04/04/2019ML19094B861
282 Summary of March 20, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety 04/19/2019ML19105B217 Review
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283First RAI, Part 3 (April 23, 2019) 04/23/2019ML19120A428
284 Summary of April 11, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety 05/03/2019ML19123A023 Review
285 Summary of April 16, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety 05/06/2019ML19126A066 Review
286 Applicant response to request for additional information, 05/31/2019ML19156A048 dated May 31, 2019 (Package)
287ISP First Round RAI Proposed Submittal Schedule05/31/2019ML19156A059
288 Applicant response to request for additional information, 06/26/2019ML19197A044 dated June 26, 2019
289 Applicant response to request for additional information, 06/28/2019ML19184A159 dated June 28, 2019 (Package)
290 Applicant response to request for additional information, 06/28/2019ML19190A227 dated June 28, 2019 (Package)
291Revised Review Schedule Letter, July 1, 201907/01/2019ML19182A107
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Background Information for September 12, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review - Submission of ISP Draft 292 Responses for Several RAls and Associated Document 07/26/2019ML19211D084 Markups from First Request For Additional Information, Part 2, Docket 72-1050 CAC/EPID 001028/L-2017-NEW-0002
293 Applicant response to request for additional information, 07/31/2019 ML19217A231 dated July 31, 2019 (Package)
294 Applicant response to request for additional information, 08/20/2019 ML19235A157 dated August 20, 2019 (Package)
295 Notice of September 12, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety 08/27/2019ML19239A201 Review
Submission of Draft Responses for Several RAls and ML19252A132 296 Associated Document Markups from First Request For 08/30/2019 (Package)
Additional Information, Part 2, dated August 30, 2019
297 Applicant response to request for additional information, 09/18/2019ML19270E399 dated September 18, 2019
298 Applicant submittal of supplemental information, dated 09/20/2019 ML19268A113 September 20, 2019 (Package)
Submission of ISP Draft Responses for Several RAls and 299 Associated Document Markups from First Request For 10/08/2019ML19283B556 Additional Information, Part 3, dated October 8, 2019 -
Transmittal Letter
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Submission of ISP Draft Responses for Several RAls and 300 Associated Document Markups from First Request For 10/08/2019ML19283B557 Additional Information, Part 3, dated October 8, 2019 -
Enclosure 3
301 Summary of September 12, 2019 Public Meeting on 10/10/2019ML19281D885 Safety Review
302 Notice of October 24, 2019 Public Meeting on 10/11/2019ML19284B621 Environmental Requests for Additional Information
303 Summary Report of Environmental Impact Statement 10/31/2019ML19161A150 04/06/2017 Public Scoping Meeting
304 Part 4 (November 5, 2019) - Environmental Impact 11/05/2019ML19309E913 Statement
305 Applicant response to request for additional information, 11/21/2019 ML19337B502 dated November 21, 2019 (Package)
306 Summary of October 24, 2019 Public Meeting on 11/22/2019ML19326B216 Environmental Requests for Additional Information
307 Applicant response to request for additional information, 01/06/2020 ML20015A448 dated January 6, 2020 (Package)
308 Applicant response to request for additional information, 01/17/2020 ML20028E843 dated January 17, 2020 (Package)
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309 Applicant response to request for additional information, 01/22/2020 ML20028D890 dated January 22, 2020 (Package)
310 Part 1 - Materials Clarification Questions (February 3, 02/03/2020ML20034E835 2020)
311 Applicant response to request for additional information, 02/14/2020 ML20052D995 dated February 14, 2020 (Package)
312 Applicant response to request for additional information, 02/14/2020 ML20052E047 dated February 14, 2020 (Package)
313 ISP Updated First Round RAI Proposed Submittal 02/14/2020ML20050D259 Schedule
314ER Revision 3, dated February 17, 2020 02/17/2020 ML20052E144 (Package)
315 Applicant submittal of supplemental information, dated 03/05/2020 ML20071F152 March 5, 2020 (Package)
316March 11, 2020 Clarification Responses 03/11/2020 ML20076D714 (Package)
317 Applicant response to request for additional information, 03/16/2020 ML20083J964 dated March 16, 2020 (Package)
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318 Applicant response to request for additional information, 04/07/2020 ML20105A133 dated April 7, 2020 (Package)
319 Applicant response to request for additional information, 04/07/2020 ML20105A171 dated April 7, 2020 (Package)
320 Federal Register Notice (Includes directions on How to 05/08/2020 85 FR 27449; Comment on Draft EIS) May 8, 2020
321 Applicant response to request for additional information, 05/18/2020 ML20139A173 dated May 18, 2020 (Package)
322SAR Revision 3, dated May 22, 2020 05/22/2020 ML20150A337 (Package)
323Draft Environmental Impact Statement, dated May 202005/31/2020ML20122A220
324 Overview of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, 05/31/2020ML20121A016 dated May 2020
325 Overview of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement 05/31/2020ML20136A148 (Spanish language version), dated May 2020
326 Applicant response to request for additional information, 06/11/2020ML20163A008 dated June 11, 2020
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327 Applicant submittal of supplemental information, dated 07/21/2020ML20203M040 July 21, 2020
328Application Revision 3, dated August 24, 2020 08/24/2020ML20237F470
329SAR Revision 4, September 2, 2020 09/02/2020 ML20261H419 (Package)
330 October 1, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation 09/16/2020ML20274A035 Slides
331 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meetings - 09/17/2020ML20261H356 October 1, 2020 Webinar
332 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meetings - 09/17/2020ML20261H374 October 8, 2020 Webinar
333 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meetings - 09/17/2020ML20261H380 October 15, 2020 Webinar
334 October 1, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation 09/30/2020ML20274A036 Slides (Spanish Language Version)
335 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meetings - 10/01/2020ML20260H210 October 1, 2020 Webinar
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336 Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public 10/01/2020ML20288A206 Meeting October 1, 2020 Webinar
337 October 6, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation 10/02/2020ML20279A355 Slides
338 October 6, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation 10/02/2020ML20279A356 Slides (Spanish Language Version)
339 Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public 10/06/2020ML20288A242 Meeting October 6, 2020 Webinar
340 October 8, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation 10/08/2020ML20279A516 Slides
341 October 8, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation 10/08/2020ML20279A517 Slides (Spanish Language Version)
342 Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public 10/08/2020ML20294A435 Meeting October 8, 2020 Webinar
343Revised Review Schedule Letter, October 9, 202010/09/2020ML20282A351
344 October 15, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation 10/15/2020ML20279A763 Slides
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345 October 15, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation 10/15/2020ML20279A764 Slides (Spanish Language Version)
346 Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public 10/15/2020ML20297A255 Meeting October 15, 2020 Webinar
347 Errata for Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact 11/06/2020ML20315A023 Statement Public Meeting October 8, 2020 Webinar
348 January 14, 2021 Supplemental Information to Part 2 RAI 01/14/2021ML21014A063 Responses
349 Applicant submittal of supplemental information, dated 01/27/2021ML21027A147 January 27, 2021
350 Application Revision 4 and SAR Revision 5, dated April 12, 04/12/2021 ML21105A766 2021 (Package)
351Final Environmental Impact Statement, dated July 202107/31/2021ML21209A955
352 Overview of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, 07/31/2021ML21200A050 dated July 2021
353Letter from Texas Governor Greg Abbott 09/10/2021ML21256A264
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354 NRC Staffs Record of Decision, dated September 13, 09/13/2021ML21222A214 2021
355Materials License for ISP, dated September 13, 202109/13/2021 ML21188A096 (Package)
Letter from Allan Kanner on behalf of Permian Basin 356 Coalition of Land and Royalty Owners and 09/11/2021ML21258A404 Operators and Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.
357 Letter from William Grantham, New Mexico Assistant 09/13/2021ML21274A155 Attorney General
358 Letter from James Kenney, Secretary of the New Mexico 09/14/2021ML21278A544 Environment Department
359 Email to Annemieke Tennis, Monica Perales and Allan 09/23/2021ML21278A394 Kanner
360Final Safety Evaluation Report, dated September 202109/30/2021ML21188A101
361 Letter to James Kenney, Secretary of the New Mexico 10/14/2021ML21280A339 Environment Department
362 Letter to William Grantham, New Mexico Assistant 10/14/2021ML21281A093 Attorney General
363Letter to Texas Governor Greg Abbott 10/21/2021ML21265A263
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Comment Source and Document ID 364 Abbott, Greg State of Texas www.regulations.
gov (ML20309A385) 365 Acosta, Jazmin www.regulations.
gov (ML20295A198) 366 Albright, Bud United States Nuclear Industry Council Email (ML20311A204) 367 Allen, Catherine Email (ML20282A629) 368 Anderson, Dorothy www.regulations.
gov (ML20296A547) 369 Anonymous, Anonymous www.regulations.
gov (ML20211M112) 370 Anonymous, Anonymous www.regulations.
gov (ML20233A241)
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Affiliation (if Comment Commenter stated) Source and Document ID
gov (ML20268B232) 372 Anonymous, Anonymous www.regulations.
gov (ML20290A362) 373 Anonymous, Anonymous www.regulations.
gov (ML20294A404) 374 Anonymous, Anonymous www.regulations.
gov (ML20302A008) 375 Anonymous, Anonymous www.regulations.
gov (ML20308A426) 376 Anonymous, Anonymous City of Arlington, TX www.regulations.
gov (ML20266G517) 377 Arends, Joni Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety Email (ML20309B074) 378 Arends, Joni Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206)
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State of www.regulations.
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 379 Arnold, Richard Tribal Radio-active Materials Transpor-tation Committee www.regulations.
364Abbott, Greg Texas gov (ML20309A385)
gov (ML20309A406) 380 Aros, George Email (ML20307A301) 381 Atteberry, Barbara Email (ML20281A819) 382 Austin, Landry Idaho Department of Environmental Quality www.regulations.
gov (ML20309A400) 383 Baker, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 384 Baker, Toby Texas Commission on Environmental Quality www.regulations.
gov (ML20309A396) 385 Barnard, Edward Email (ML20305A501) 386 Barnes, Margaret Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Email (ML20309B0) 387 Bartelt, Jeannette Email (ML20172A154)
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365Acosta, Jazmin gov (ML20295A198)
gov (ML20245E429) 389 Beaulah, Pat Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 390 Beaulah, Pat Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 391 Belisle, Mavis Nuclear Free World Committee of the Dallas Peace and Justice Center Email (ML20309B074) 392 Beltran, Carlos Email (ML20281A553) 393 Bennett, Terrence Email (ML20210M393) 394 Berland, Paul www.regulations.
gov (ML20281A523) 395 Bernard, Larry San Diego Mission Email (ML20309B074) 396 Best, Alynda Email (ML20301A002)
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United States 366Albright, Bud Nuclear Email Industry (ML20311A204)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 397 Best, Alynda Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 398 Bezansib, David Email (ML20170A498) 399 Blackburn, Stephan Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 400 Blanco, Arturo Environmental Protection Agency Email (ML20244A136) 401 Bookster, John Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 402 Bosold, Patrick Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 403 Boudart, Jan Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 404 Boudart, Jan Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 405 Boudart, Jan Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)
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367Allen, Catherine Email (ML20282A629)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 406 Bouquin, David Email (ML20308A921) 407 Bowdey, Lisa Email (ML20309A006) 408 Bowman, Phyllis Email (ML20309A337) 409 Braden, Al Email (ML20254A326) 410 Braden, Al Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 411 Brechin, Vernon Email (ML20301A888) 412 Brook, Molly Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 413 Brown, Marty San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 414 Brown, Norman Patrick Indigenous Rights Center.Org Email (ML20309B074)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 415 Buchser, John Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club Email (ML20309B104) 416 Bula, Dale Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 417 Burling, Hannah League of Women Voters New Mexico Email (ML20309A990) 418 Burnam, Lon Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 419 Burnam, Lon Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 420 Burnam, Lon Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 421 Burnam, Lon Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 422 Burnam, Lon Tarrant Coalition for Environmental Awareness Email (ML20309B074) 423 Burns, Terry Sierra Club, Alamo Group of Lone Star Chapter Email (ML20307A135)
368Anderson, Dorothy gov (ML20296A547)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 424 Burns, Terry Sierra Club, Alamo Group of Lone Star Chapter Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 425 Caldwell, Brian Email (ML20307A218) 426 Campbell, Bruce Email (ML20346A483) 427 Canestaro-Garcia, Alice Energía Mía Email (ML20309B074) 428 Cantu, Rodrigo Lone Star Legal Aid Email (ML20309B0) 429 Carpenter, Amy Email (ML20309A168) 430 Carr, Melody Email (ML20254A320) 431 Cassidy, T Email (ML20305A321) 432 Castor, Edward www.regulations.
369Anonymous, Anonymous gov (ML20211M112)
gov (ML20294A407)
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370Anonymous, Anonymous gov (ML20233A241)
gov (ML20226A161) 434 Clark, Peter Indigenous Rights Center.Org Email (ML20309B074) 435 Coenen, Rod Email (ML20280A076) 436 Coghlan, Jay Nuclear Watch New Mexico Email (ML20309B074) 437 Coghlan, Jay Nuclear Watch New Mexico Email (ML20323A202) 438 Collonge, Pegasus NevadaDesert Experience.or g
Email (ML20309B074) 439 Cook, Richard Email (ML20280B085) 440 Cooke, David City of Fort Worth Email (ML20306A364) 441 Cordova, Tina Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium Email (ML20309B074)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 442 Cortez, Loyd Email (ML20254A321) 443 Cortez, Norma Email (ML20281A817) 444 Croom, Carolyn Email (ML20280B050) 445 Croom, Carolyn Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 446 Croom, Carolyn Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 447 Crow, Caroline Caring for Pasadena Communities Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 448 Crow, Caroline Lone Star Legal Aid Email (ML20309B0) 449 Currens, Leslie Email (ML20163A560) 450 D'Arrigo, Diane Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 451 D'Arrigo, Diane Nuclear Information and Resource Service Email (ML20309B069) 452 D'Arrigo, Diane Nuclear Information and Resource Service Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 453 D'Arrigo, Diane Nuclear Information and Resource Service Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 454 Daniel, Theresa Dallas
: County, Texas Email (ML20309A029) 455 Daniel, Theresa Dallas
: County, Texas Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 456 Davidson, Jill www.regulations.
gov (ML20268B803) 457 Davis, Edward U.S. Nuclear Industry Council Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 458 Deerinwater, Jesse Citizens' Resistance at Fermi 2 Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 459 Dinn, Amy Lone Star Legal Aid Email (ML20309B0)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 460 Douglas, Karen League of Women Voters, New Mexico Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 461 Drake, Tiffany Missouri Department of Natural Resources Email (ML20301A066) 462 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A365) 463 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A366) 464 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A367) 465 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A368) 466 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20285A065) 467 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20285A068) 468 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20290A008)
371Anonymous, Anonymous gov (ML20268B232)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 469 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20290A009) 470 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20300A183) 471 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A098) 472 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A187) 473 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A191) 474 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A208) 475 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A213) 476 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A220) 477 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309A964)
372Anonymous, Anonymous gov (ML20290A362)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 478 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B013) 479 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B074) 480 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B078) 481 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B080) 482 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B088) 483 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B093) 484 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B119) 485 Dunzik-Gougar, Mary Lou American Nuclear Society www.regulations.
373Anonymous, Anonymous gov (ML20294A404)
gov (ML20281A524) 486 Eastland, Mike North Central Texas Council of Governments www.regulations.
gov (ML20308A421)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 487 Eckhardt, Sarah State of Texas Email (ML20303A292) 488 Edlow, Jack Edlow International Company Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 489 Eichelberger, Don www.regulations.
374Anonymous, Anonymous gov (ML20302A008)
gov (ML20297A250) 490 Eichelberger, Don Abalone Alliance SEC Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 491 Eiser, Jay Email (ML20300A097) 492 Evans, Amanda Email (ML20346A458) 493 Evans, William Email (ML20254A335) 494 Eyles, Evelyn Email (ML20346A476) 495 Faidley, Richard Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 496 Fay, Jacquelyn Email (ML20298A326) 497 Feil, Kim Email (ML20219A663) 498 Fleming, Melissa Email (ML20160A448) 499 Ford, Aaron State of Nevada Email (ML20309A959) 500 Fronzak, Robert America Association of Railroads www.regulations.
375Anonymous, Anonymous gov (ML20308A426)
gov (ML20192A001) 501 Gannaway, Timothy Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 502 Gannaway, Timothy Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 503 Garcia, Janet Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 504 Gardner, Rose Email (ML20176A481)
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City of www.regulations.
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 505 Gardner, Rose Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 506 Gardner, Rose Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 507 Gardner, Rose Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 508 Gardner, Rose Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 509 Gardner, Rose Alliance for Environmental Strategies Email (ML20309B074) 510 Geiger, Doreen Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 511 Gellert, Sally Jane Email (ML20170B322) 512 Gendron, Marilyn Email (ML20309B056) 513 Gentile, Allison Email (ML20301A852)
376Anonymous, Anonymous Arlington, TX gov (ML20266G517)
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Concerned 377Arends, Joni Citizens for Email Nuclear (ML20309B074)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 514 Germano, Jennifer Email (ML20309A994) 515 Getchell, Lynette Email (ML20298A508) 516 Gewax, Lisa www.regulations.
gov (ML20248H322) 517 Gibson, Claudia www.regulations.
gov (ML20133K148) 518 Gibson, Kenneth Email (ML20298A358) 519 Gilmore, Donna Email (ML20279A820) 520 Goldstein, Bridget Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 521 Goodwin, Vikki Texas State Government Email (ML20294A263) 522 Gordon, Rick Email (ML20284A338)
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Concerned Meeting 378Arends, Joni Citizens for Transcript Nuclear (ML20288A206)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 523 Gordon, Susan Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment Email (ML20309B074) 524 Gorman, Pam Xcel Energy Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 525 Gosslee, Susybelle Texas League of Women Voters Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 526 Gould, Robert Physicians for Social Responsibility Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 527 Gray, Erica Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 528 Greenwald, Janet Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping Email (ML20309B074) 529 Greenwald, Janet Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping Email (ML20309B115) 530 Greenwald, Janet Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 531 Grisham, Michelle Lujan State of New Mexico Email (ML20309B135)
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gov (ML20211M134) 533 Gundersen, Margaret Fairewinds Energy Education Email (ML20346A482) 534 Haase, Daniel www.regulations.
gov (ML20227A344) 535 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &
Economic Development (SEED)
Coalition Email (ML20224A364) 536 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &
Economic Development (SEED)
Coalition Email (ML20309A003) 537 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &
Economic Development (SEED)
Coalition Email (ML20309B074) 538 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &
Economic Development (SEED)
Coalition Email (ML20309B086)
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Economic Development (SEED)
Coalition Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 540 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &
Economic Development (SEED)
Coalition Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 541 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &
Economic Development (SEED)
Coalition Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 542 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &
Economic Development (SEED)
Coalition Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 543 Hall, Joyce Email (ML20282A635) 544 Halpin, Beki Email (ML20281A930) 545 Halpin, Beki Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 546 Halpin, Beki Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435)
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Tribal Radio-active www.regulations.
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 547 Halpin, Richard Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 548 Halpin, Richard Austin Texas Green Sanctuary Ministry Email (ML20280B005) 549 Halpin, Richard Austin Texas Green Sanctuary Ministry Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 550 Hancock, Don Southwest Research and Information Center Email (ML20309B074) 551 Hanratty, Linda Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 552 Hanson, Richard Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Email (ML20301A204) 553 Harmon, Lucy Email (ML20279A828) 554 Harrison, Dan Email (ML20280A904) 555 Hartline, Steven www.regulations.
379Arnold, Richard Materials gov Transpor- (ML20309A406) tation Committee
gov (ML20224A467)
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380Aros, George Email (ML20307A301)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 556 Hendon, Peggy League of Women Voters of Tarrant County Email (ML20285A066) 557 Hendricks, Bob Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 558 Henry, Howard Email (ML20309B043) 559 Hersher, Kelsey Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 560 Hisasue, Carole San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 561 Hoffman, Ace Email (ML20305A421) 562 Hogan, Frances Email (ML20346A468) 563 Holder, Elaine San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 564 Holland, Brooke Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)
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381Atteberry, Barbara Email (ML20281A819)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 565 Howard, Donna Texas State Repre-sentative Email (ML20309A652) 566 Hughes, Ed Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 567 Hughes, Ed Northeast New Mexicans United Against Nuclear Waste Email (ML20309B074) 568 Hughes, Patty Northeast New Mexicans United Against Nuclear Waste Email (ML20309B074) 569 Hyde, Bridget Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 570 Hyde, Bridget Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 571 Inowei, Marie Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 572 Inserra, Marie Email (ML20301A082)
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Idaho www.regulations.
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 573 Isakson, Jeffery TN America LLC Email (ML20220A064) 574 Israel, Celia State of Texas Email (ML20308A897) 575 Jagiello, Carol Email (ML20300A367) 576 Jagiello, Carol Email (ML20307A154) 577 Jaques, Karen Email (ML20297A598) 578 Jenkins, Lyn Email (ML20281A729) 579 Jenkins, Rose Email (ML20168A498) 580 Johnson, Diane www.regulations.
382Austin, Landry Department of gov Environmental (ML20309A400)
gov (ML20290A289) 581 Johnson, Jan League of Women Voters of Denton Email (ML20309B108)
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Meeting 383Baker, Robert Transcript (ML20294A435)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 582 Johnson, Molly San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 583 Johnson, Molly San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 584 Johnson, Ron Tribal Radioactive Materials Transpor-tation Committee www.regulations.
gov (ML20309A406) 585 Kamps, Kevin Email (ML20254A305) 586 Kamps, Kevin Email (ML20297A201) 587 Kamps, Kevin Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 588 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20190A044) 589 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A365) 590 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A366)
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Texas Commission www.regulations.
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 591 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A367) 592 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A368) 593 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20285A051) 594 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20285A065) 595 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20285A068) 596 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20290A008) 597 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20290A009) 598 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20300A183) 599 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A098)
384Baker, Toby on gov Environmental (ML20309A396)
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385Barnard, Edward Email (ML20305A501)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 600 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A187) 601 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A191) 602 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A208) 603 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A213) 604 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A220) 605 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309A964) 606 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B013) 607 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B067) 608 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B074)
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Texas Email 386Barnes, Margaret RioGrande (ML20309B0)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 609 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B078) 610 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B080) 611 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B086) 612 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B088) 613 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B093) 614 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B119) 615 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20317A281) 616 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 617 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242)
Legal Aid
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387Bartelt, Jeannette Email (ML20172A154)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 618 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 619 Keegan, Michael Don't Waste Michigan Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 620 Kellie, Susan Email (ML20309A557) 621 Kenner, Kate Email (ML20307A159) 622 Kenney, James C.
New Mexico Environment Department Email (ML20309B065) 623 Kern, The Rev Dr Edward Email (ML20280A971) 624 Kipen, Ethel Email (ML20279A868) 625 Kipen, Ken Email (ML20279A868) 626 Klein, James Email (ML20200A002)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 627 Klein, James Email (ML20284A345) 628 Kleuskens, Tanya Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 629 Kleuskens, Tonya Email (ML20309B110) 630 Koch, Cindy www.regulations.
gov (ML20234A539) 631 Koerber, Ellen Email (ML20307A421) 632 Kovac, Scott Nuclear Watch New Mexico Email (ML20323A202) 633 Kraft, David Nuclear Energy Information Service Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 634 Kraft, David Nuclear Energy Information Service www.regulations.
gov (ML20308A732) 635 Kurland, Miriam Email (ML20279A830)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 636 Lambert, Jerell Email (ML20297A111) 637 Latona, Kay Email (ML20280A891) 638 Lawrence, George Email (ML20289B027) 639 Lee, Marc www.regulations.
gov (ML20220A311) 640 Lee, Michel Council on Intelligent Energy &
Conservation Policy and Promoting Health and Sustainable Energy Email (ML20309B068) 641 Lee, Michel Legal Environmental Action Fund Email (ML20309B068) 642 Lee, Michelle Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 643 Lee, Michelle Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 644 Letson, Sonya Email (ML20308A366) 645 Lewis, Sherry San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 646 Lewison, Linda Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 647 Limberg, Kim Email (ML20346A497) 648 Littlejohn, Nick Email (ML20281A870) 649 Lodge, Terry On behalf of:
388Beaudoin, Mary gov (ML20245E429)
Multiple Organizations Email (ML20309B038)
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Meeting 389Beaulah, Pat Transcript (ML20288A206)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 650 Lodge, Terry Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 651 Logan, Christopher Email (ML20219A680) 652 Lukasiewicz, Judy Email (ML20174A474) 653 Lyons, Alejandría SouthWest Organizing Project Email (ML20309B074) 654 M, Terissa Email (ML20284A039) 655 Macfarlane, John Email (ML20281A909) 656 MacKenzie, Therese Email (ML20305A112)
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Meeting 390Beaulah, Pat Transcript (ML20297A255)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 657 Marida, Patricia Email (ML20309B098) 658 Mathis, Marilyn Email (ML20309A347) 659 Mayers, Kenneth Veterans For Peace Santa Fe Chapter Email (ML20309B074) 660 McCole, Jamy Black www.regulations.
gov (ML20290A896) 661 McCoy, David Citizen Action New Mexico Email (ML20309B004) 662 McCoy, David Citizen Action New Mexico Email (ML20309B074) 663 McCoy, David Citizen Action New Mexico Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206)
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Nuclear Free World 391Belisle, Mavis Committee of Email the Dallas (ML20309B074)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 664 McCoy, David Citizen Action New Mexico Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 665 McCullum, Rod Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 666 McCullum, Rod Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 667 McCullum, Rodney Nuclear Energy Institute Email (ML20308A908) 668 McDill, Teresa New Mexico Environment Department Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 669 McGuire, Meredith Email (ML20200A004) 670 McGuire, Meredith Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206)
Peace and Justice Center
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392Beltran, Carlos Email (ML20281A553)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 671 McManemy, Victor Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamin-ation Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 672 McMurrian, Katrina Nuclear Waste Strategy Coalition (NWSC)
Email (ML20309B042) 673 McMurrian, Katrina Nuclear Waste Strategy Coalition (NWSC)
Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 674 McNairn, Bonnie Email (ML20309B002) 675 McSweeney, Charles Email (ML20280B086) 676 Melton, Kathryn Email (ML20280A119) 677 Merritt, Fred Email (ML20309B039) 678 Michetti, Susan Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206)
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393Bennett, Terrence Email (ML20210M393)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 679 Mitchell, Cheryl Email (ML20307A199) 680 Montgomery, Bruce Nuclear Energy Institute Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 681 Morey, Sandra Email (ML20296A493) 682 Morgan, Leona Email (ML20309B038) 683 Morgan, Leona Diné No Nukes Email (ML20309B074) 684 Morgan, Leona Nuclear Issues Study Group Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 685 Mowery, Zac www.regulations.
gov (ML20294A405) 686 Mulcihy, David Email (ML20210M399) 687 Murphy, Deborah Email (ML20282A695)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 688 Murphy, Patricia Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 689 Nabi, Joy Email (ML20301A112) 690 Nazor, Craig Lone Star Chapter Sierra Club Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 691 Neeley, Charles www.regulations.
394Berland, Paul gov (ML20281A523)
gov (ML20290A288) 692 Nesbit, Steve American Nuclear Society Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 693 Newton-Grayson, Diana www.regulations.
gov (ML20224A466) 694 Nicolai, Michael Email (ML20309B075) 695 Nieman, Bryce Keller Independent School District Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 696 Norwood, Nancy San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799)
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395Bernard, Larry San Diego Email Mission (ML20309B074)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 697 O'Brien, Kathy Email (ML20309A280) 698 O'Donnell, Richard Email (ML20210M394) 699 O'Neill, Patrick www.regulations.
gov (ML20302A009) 700 O'Shaughnessy, Eileen Nuclear Issues Study Group Email (ML20309B074) 701 O'Shaughnessy, Eileen Nuclear Issues Study Group Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 702 Oder, Steve Email (ML20210M389) 703 Orkin, Jenna Email (ML20210M398) 704 Ottmer, Tammy Colorado State Patrol www.regulations.
gov (ML20309A400) 705 Pachlhofer, Aaron Email (ML20309B100)
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396Best, Alynda Email (ML20301A002)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 706 Padilla, Elizabeth Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 707 Padilla, Elizabeth Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 708 Padilla, Elizabeth Save Andrews County Email (ML20309B074) 709 Papas, Timothea Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 710 Parry, Ronald Email (ML20309B107) 711 Patrie, Lewis Email (ML20163A565) 712 Pearce, Susan Email (ML20346A488) 713 Perales, Monica Fasken Oil and Ranch Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 714 Peterson, Gordon Email (ML20281A702)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 715 Pezzati, Mark Email (ML20304A636) 716 Poole, Steve Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 717 Preston, David Email (ML20302A169) 718 Price, Betsy City of Fort Worth Email (ML20306A364) 719 Pritikin, Joshua www.regulations.
gov (ML20133K149) 720 Propst, Sarah New Mexico
: Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department Email (ML20309B052) 721 Proska, Margo and Dennis Email (ML20309B010) 722 Pyle, Alexandra Email (ML20309A084)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 723 Ramsay, Rebecca Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 724 Ramsay, Rebecca www.regulations.
gov (ML20268B231) 725 Ratcliff, Philip Email (ML20163A559) 726 Reade, Deborah Email (ML20308A937) 727 Reed, Cyrus Email (ML20280B000) 728 Reed, Cyrus Sierra Club, Lone Star Chapter Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 729 Resnikoff, Marvin Radioactive Waste Management Associates www.regulations.
gov (ML20276A227) 730 Resnikoff, Marvin Radioactive Waste Management Associates www.regulations.
gov (ML20281A521) 731 Rhodes, Suzanne League of Women Voters Email (ML20298A249)
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Meeting 397Best, Alynda Transcript (ML20297A255)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 732 Richey, Sharon Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 733 Richey, Sharon Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 734 Richter, Mark Nuclear Energy Institute Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 735 Roberts, Duane Email (ML20281A471) 736 Rodriquez, Eddie Texas State Representa-tive Email (ML20308A440) 737 Romo, Jacqueline www.regulations.
gov (ML20290A892) 738 Rosen, David Email (ML20280A083) 739 Rosen, David Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 740 Rosen, David Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)
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398Bezansib, David Email (ML20170A498)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 741 Ruebelmann, Lorna Email (ML20309B023) 742 Sachs, Gary Email (ML20346A467) 743 Samson, Hannah Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Email (ML20309B0) 744 Sargent, Barbara www.regulations.
gov (ML20211M132) 745 Sauber, Michael Email (ML20309A995) 746 Sayre, Johannes Email (ML20232A069) 747 Schmalz, Charles Email (ML20299A067) 748 Schuurman, Susan Nuclear Issues Study Group Email (ML20300A459) 749 Schuurman, Susan Nuclear Issues Study Group Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)
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Meeting 399Blackburn, Stephan Transcript (ML20288A206)
gov (ML20211M133) 751 Seamster, Teresa Email (ML20309A678) 752 Seeley, Linda San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 753 Seyb, Cynthia Email (ML20309A677) 754 Shaffer, Tria Email (ML20280A043) 755 Shelley, Adrian Public Citizen Texas Office Email (ML20309B074) 756 Shelley, Adrian Public Citizen Texas Office Email (ML20309B086) 757 Shelley, Adrian Public Citizen Texas Office Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 758 Shepperd, Ben Permian Basin Petroleum Association Email (ML20220A468)
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Environmental Email 400Blanco, Arturo Protection (ML20244A136)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 759 Simpson, Robert Email (ML20172A254) 760 Simpson, Robert Email (ML20299A298) 761 Sinett, Audrey Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 762 Singleton, James www.regulations.
gov (ML20290A293) 763 Singleton, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 764 Singleton, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 765 Singleton, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 766 Singleton, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 767 Singleton, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)
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Meeting 401Bookster, John Transcript (ML20297A255)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 768 Siwik, Allyson Gila Resources Information Project Email (ML20309B073) 769 Smith, David Email (ML20281A881) 770 Smith, Edward www.regulations.
gov (ML20294A397) 771 Smith, Jan Email (ML20280A985) 772 Smith, Roger Email (ML20307A747) 773 Smith, Tom Email (ML20309B130) 774 Smith, Tom Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 775 Smith, Tom Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 776 Smith, Tom Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435)
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Meeting 402Bosold, Patrick Transcript (ML20288A242)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 777 Smyke, Pete Email (ML20170A386) 778 Soria, Sandra Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 779 Spencer, Dave Email (ML20299A117) 780 Sperry, Carolyn Email (ML20346A443) 781 Stein, Cletus The Peace Farm Email (ML20309B074) 782 Stein, Gerald Email (ML20280B090) 783 Stewart, Carol Email (ML20234A570) 784 Suellentrop, Ann Peaceworks Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 785 Summer, Rebecca Email (ML20309B109)
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Meeting 403Boudart, Jan Transcript (ML20288A206)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 786 Summer, Rebecca Email (ML20309B112) 787 Sutton, Patrice Physicians for Social Responsibility Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 788 Swanson, Jane San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 789 Talarek, Stephanie Physicians for Social Responsibility Email (ML20300A412) 790 Tapang, Pamie Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 791 Tasian, Diane League of Women Voters of Dallas Email (ML20309B055) 792 Tate, John Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 793 Taylor, Wallace Sierra Club Email (ML20307A480) 794 Taylor, Wallace Sierra Club Nuclear Free Campaign Email (ML20309B074)
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Meeting 404Boudart, Jan Transcript (ML20288A242)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 795 Taylor, Wally Sierra Club Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 796 Thomas, Jay TM Americas Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 797 Thomas, Jay TN Americas Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 798 Tinney, Herbert and Carolyn Email (ML20280A055) 799 Tomlinson, John Email (ML20231A759) 800 Treichel, Judy Nevada Nuclear Waste Task Force Email (ML20301A150) 801 Treichel, Judy Nevada Nuclear Waste Task Force Email (ML20309B074) 802 Trester, Elliot Physicians for Social Responsibility Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 803 Tu, Yenter No Borders Communicatio n
Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)
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Meeting 405Boudart, Jan Transcript (ML20297A255)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 804 Turnbull, Clay New England Coalition Email (ML20309B090) 805 Valdivia, Enrique Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Email (ML20309B0) 806 Valentine, Jennifer www.regulations.
gov (ML20266G387) 807 Valenzano, Mike TN Americas Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 808 Van Norman, Janet Email (ML20301A179) 809 Vann II, Robert Email (ML20307A384) 810 Vann II, Robert Email (ML20346A463) 811 Vann II, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 812 Vescovi, Peter Orano Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 813 Videen, Tom Email (ML20309A986) 814 Villegas, Lorraine Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 815 Walker, Kalene Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 816 Wallace, Cathy Email (ML20280B051) 817 Wallace, Kathy Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 818 Walter, Patricia Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 819 Warner, Janet Wheeler Peak Progressives Email (ML20309B074) 820 Warren, Barbara Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 821 Warren, Barbara Citizens' Environmental Coalition Email (ML20309A947)
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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 822 Wasgatt, Ann Email (ML20210M388) 823 Wassenich, Linda Email (ML20308A235) 824 Watchempino, Laura Email (ML20199M416) 825 Watchempino, Laura Email (ML20325A261) 826 Weehler, Cynthia Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 827 Weehler, Cynthia Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 828 Wells, Robert Email (ML20210M400) 829 Wild, Kathryn Email (ML20307A728) 830 Wilder, Laura www.regulations.
gov (ML20220A313)
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406Bouquin, David Email (ML20308A921)
: Peace, Chapter #63 Email (ML20307A146) 832 Williams, Lori Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 833 Williams, Mary Jane Email (ML20300A492) 834 Williams, Mary Jane Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 835 Williams, Mary Jane www.regulations.
gov (ML20290A291) 836 Wingeier, Stephen Email (ML20307A716) 837 Young, John Email (ML20281A660) 838 Zabala, Maggie Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 839 Zabarte, Ian Native Community Action Council Email (ML20309B041)
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407Bowdey, Lisa Email (ML20309A006)
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 840 Zabarte, Ian Native Community Action Council Email (ML20309B074) 841 ZamEk, Jill San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 842 Zashin, Elliot www.regulations.
gov (ML20290A286) 843 Zhu, Ling www.regulations.
408Bowman, Phyllis Email (ML20309A337)
gov (ML20211M118) 844 Zimmermann, Ron Email (ML20296A417) 845 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: NIRS  
409Braden, Al Email (ML20254A326)
Meeting 410Braden, Al Transcript (ML20297A255)
411Brechin, Vernon Email (ML20301A888)
Meeting 412Brook, Molly Transcript (ML20288A206)
San Luis 413Brown, Marty Obispo Email Mothers for (ML20308A799)
Indigenous Email 414Brown, Norman Patrick Rights (ML20309B074)
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Rio Grande Email 415Buchser, John Chapter of the (ML20309B104)
Sierra Club
Meeting 416Bula, Dale Transcript (ML20294A435)
League of 417Burling, Hannah Women Email Voters New (ML20309A990)
Meeting 418Burnam, Lon Transcript (ML20288A206)
Meeting 419Burnam, Lon Transcript (ML20288A242)
Meeting 420Burnam, Lon Transcript (ML20294A435)
Lone Star Meeting 421Burnam, Lon Chapter of the Transcript Sierra Club (ML20297A255)
Tarrant 422Burnam, Lon Coalition for Email Environmental (ML20309B074)
Sierra Club, 423Burns, Terry Alamo Group Email of Lone Star (ML20307A135)
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Sierra Club, Meeting 424Burns, Terry Alamo Group Transcript of Lone Star (ML20288A242)
425Caldwell, Brian Email (ML20307A218)
426Campbell, Bruce Email (ML20346A483)
427Canestaro-Garcia, Alice Energía Mía Email (ML20309B074)
428Cantu, Rodrigo Lone Star Email Legal Aid (ML20309B0)
429Carpenter, Amy Email (ML20309A168)
430Carr, Melody Email (ML20254A320)
431Cassidy, T Email (ML20305A321)
432Castor, Edward gov (ML20294A407)
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433Cato, Mary gov (ML20226A161)
Indigenous Email 434Clark, Peter Rights (ML20309B074)
435Coenen, Rod Email (ML20280A076)
Nuclear Email 436Coghlan, Jay Watch New (ML20309B074)
Nuclear Email 437Coghlan, Jay Watch New (ML20323A202)
NevadaDesert Email 438Collonge, Pegasus Experience.or (ML20309B074) g
439Cook, Richard Email (ML20280B085)
440Cooke, David City of Fort Email Worth (ML20306A364)
Tularosa 441Cordova, Tina Basin Email Downwinders (ML20309B074)
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442Cortez, Loyd Email (ML20254A321)
443Cortez, Norma Email (ML20281A817)
444Croom, Carolyn Email (ML20280B050)
Meeting 445Croom, Carolyn Transcript (ML20288A206)
Meeting 446Croom, Carolyn Transcript (ML20294A435)
Caring for Meeting 447Crow, Caroline Pasadena Transcript Communities (ML20294A435)
448Crow, Caroline Lone Star Email Legal Aid (ML20309B0)
449Currens, Leslie Email (ML20163A560)
Meeting 450D'Arrigo, Diane Transcript (ML20288A242)
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Nuclear 451D'Arrigo, Diane Information Email and Resource (ML20309B069)
Nuclear Meeting 452D'Arrigo, Diane Information Transcript and Resource (ML20288A206)
Nuclear Meeting 453D'Arrigo, Diane Information Transcript and Resource (ML20297A255)
Dallas Email 454Daniel, Theresa County, (ML20309A029)
Dallas Meeting 455Daniel, Theresa County, Transcript Texas (ML20297A255)
456Davidson, Jill gov (ML20268B803)
U.S. Nuclear Meeting 457Davis, Edward Industry Transcript Council (ML20288A206)
Citizens' Meeting 458Deerinwater, Jesse Resistance at Transcript Fermi 2 (ML20288A206)
459Dinn, Amy Lone Star Email Legal Aid (ML20309B0)
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League of Meeting 460Douglas, Karen Women Transcript Voters, New (ML20288A242)
Missouri 461Drake, Tiffany Department of Email Natural (ML20301A066)
462Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20284A365)
463Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20284A366)
464Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20284A367)
465Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20284A368)
466Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20285A065)
467Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20285A068)
468Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20290A008)
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469Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20290A009)
470Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20300A183)
471Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20301A098)
472Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20301A187)
473Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20301A191)
474Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20301A208)
475Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20301A213)
476Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20301A220)
477Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309A964)
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478Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B013)
479Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B074)
480Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B078)
481Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B080)
482Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B088)
483Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B093)
484Drey, Kay Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B119)
American www.regulations.
485Dunzik-Gougar, Mary Lou Nuclear gov Society (ML20281A524)
North Central www.regulations.
486Eastland, Mike Texas Council gov of (ML20308A421)
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487Eckhardt, Sarah State of Email Texas (ML20303A292)
Edlow Meeting 488Edlow, Jack International Transcript Company (ML20288A206)
489Eichelberger, Don gov (ML20297A250)
Abalone Meeting 490Eichelberger, Don Alliance SEC Transcript (ML20294A435)
491Eiser, Jay Email (ML20300A097)
492Evans, Amanda Email (ML20346A458)
493Evans, William Email (ML20254A335)
494Eyles, Evelyn Email (ML20346A476)
Meeting 495Faidley, Richard Transcript (ML20297A255)
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496Fay, Jacquelyn Email (ML20298A326)
497Feil, Kim Email (ML20219A663)
498Fleming, Melissa Email (ML20160A448)
499Ford, Aaron State of Email Nevada (ML20309A959)
America www.regulations.
500Fronzak, Robert Association of gov Railroads (ML20192A001)
Meeting 501Gannaway, Timothy Transcript (ML20294A435)
Meeting 502Gannaway, Timothy Transcript (ML20297A255)
Meeting 503Garcia, Janet Transcript (ML20297A255)
504Gardner, Rose Email (ML20176A481)
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Meeting 505Gardner, Rose Transcript (ML20288A206)
Meeting 506Gardner, Rose Transcript (ML20288A242)
Meeting 507Gardner, Rose Transcript (ML20294A435)
Meeting 508Gardner, Rose Transcript (ML20297A255)
Alliance for Email 509Gardner, Rose Environmental (ML20309B074)
Meeting 510Geiger, Doreen Transcript (ML20288A206)
511Gellert, Sally Jane Email (ML20170B322)
512Gendron, Marilyn Email (ML20309B056)
513Gentile, Allison Email (ML20301A852)
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514Germano, Jennifer Email (ML20309A994)
515Getchell, Lynette Email (ML20298A508)
516Gewax, Lisa gov (ML20248H322)
517Gibson, Claudia gov (ML20133K148)
518Gibson, Kenneth Email (ML20298A358)
519Gilmore, Donna Email (ML20279A820)
Meeting 520Goldstein, Bridget Transcript (ML20288A242)
521Goodwin, Vikki Texas State Email Government (ML20294A263)
522Gordon, Rick Email (ML20284A338)
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Multicultural 523Gordon, Susan Alliance for a Email Safe (ML20309B074)
Meeting 524Gorman, Pam Xcel Energy Transcript (ML20294A435)
Texas League Meeting 525Gosslee, Susybelle of Women Transcript Voters (ML20288A206)
Physicians for Meeting 526Gould, Robert Social Transcript Responsibility (ML20297A255)
Meeting 527Gray, Erica Transcript (ML20297A255)
Citizens for 528Greenwald, Janet Alternatives to Email Radioactive (ML20309B074)
Citizens for 529Greenwald, Janet Alternatives to Email Radioactive (ML20309B115)
Citizens for Meeting 530Greenwald, Janet Alternatives to Transcript Radioactive (ML20294A435)
531Grisham, Michelle Lujan State of New Email Mexico (ML20309B135)
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532Guldi, Christine gov (ML20211M134)
Fairewinds Email 533Gundersen, Margaret Energy (ML20346A482)
534Haase, Daniel gov (ML20227A344)
Sustainable Energy &
535Hadden, Karen Economic Email Development (ML20224A364)
Coalition Sustainable Energy &
536Hadden, Karen Economic Email Development (ML20309A003)
Coalition Sustainable Energy &
537Hadden, Karen Economic Email Development (ML20309B074)
Coalition Sustainable Energy &
538Hadden, Karen Economic Email Development (ML20309B086)
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Sustainable Energy & Meeting 539Hadden, Karen Economic Transcript Development (ML20288A206)
Sustainable Energy & Meeting 540Hadden, Karen Economic Transcript Development (ML20288A242)
Sustainable Energy & Meeting 541Hadden, Karen Economic Transcript Development (ML20294A435)
Sustainable Energy & Meeting 542Hadden, Karen Economic Transcript Development (ML20297A255)
543Hall, Joyce Email (ML20282A635)
544Halpin, Beki Email (ML20281A930)
Meeting 545Halpin, Beki Transcript (ML20288A206)
Meeting 546Halpin, Beki Transcript (ML20294A435)
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Meeting 547Halpin, Richard Transcript (ML20288A206)
Austin Texas 548Halpin, Richard Green Email Sanctuary (ML20280B005)
Austin Texas Meeting 549Halpin, Richard Green Transcript Sanctuary (ML20294A435)
Southwest 550Hancock, Don Research and Email Information (ML20309B074)
Meeting 551Hanratty, Linda Transcript (ML20288A242)
Texas Parks Email 552Hanson, Richard and Wildlife (ML20301A204)
553Harmon, Lucy Email (ML20279A828)
554Harrison, Dan Email (ML20280A904)
555Hartline, Steven gov (ML20224A467)
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Tarrant County
Meeting 557Hendricks, Bob Transcript (ML20297A255)
558Henry, Howard Email (ML20309B043)
Meeting 559Hersher, Kelsey Transcript (ML20297A255)
San Luis 560Hisasue, Carole Obispo Email Mothers for (ML20308A799)
561Hoffman, Ace Email (ML20305A421)
562Hogan, Frances Email (ML20346A468)
San Luis 563Holder, Elaine Obispo Email Mothers for (ML20308A799)
Meeting 564Holland, Brooke Transcript (ML20297A255)
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Texas State Email 565Howard, Donna Repre- (ML20309A652) sentative
Meeting 566Hughes, Ed Transcript (ML20297A255)
Northeast New Mexicans Email 567Hughes, Ed United (ML20309B074)
Against Nuclear Waste Northeast New Mexicans Email 568Hughes, Patty United (ML20309B074)
Against Nuclear Waste
Meeting 569Hyde, Bridget Transcript (ML20294A435)
Meeting 570Hyde, Bridget Transcript (ML20297A255)
Meeting 571Inowei, Marie Transcript (ML20288A242)
572Inserra, Marie Email (ML20301A082)
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573Isakson, Jeffery TN America Email LLC (ML20220A064)
574Israel, Celia State of Email Texas (ML20308A897)
575Jagiello, Carol Email (ML20300A367)
576Jagiello, Carol Email (ML20307A154)
577Jaques, Karen Email (ML20297A598)
578Jenkins, Lyn Email (ML20281A729)
579Jenkins, Rose Email (ML20168A498)
580Johnson, Diane gov (ML20290A289)
League of 581Johnson, Jan Women Email Voters of (ML20309B108)
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San Luis 582Johnson, Molly Obispo Email Mothers for (ML20308A799)
San Luis Meeting 583Johnson, Molly Obispo Transcript Mothers for (ML20297A255)
Tribal Radioactive www.regulations.
584Johnson, Ron Materials gov Transpor- (ML20309A406) tation Committee
585Kamps, Kevin Email (ML20254A305)
586Kamps, Kevin Email (ML20297A201)
Meeting 587Kamps, Kevin Transcript (ML20294A435)
588Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20190A044)
589Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20284A365)
590Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20284A366)
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591Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20284A367)
592Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20284A368)
593Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20285A051)
594Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20285A065)
595Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20285A068)
596Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20290A008)
597Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20290A009)
598Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20300A183)
599Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20301A098)
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600Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20301A187)
601Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20301A191)
602Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20301A208)
603Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20301A213)
604Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20301A220)
605Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309A964)
606Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B013)
607Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B067)
608Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B074)
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609Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B078)
610Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B080)
611Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B086)
612Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B088)
613Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B093)
614Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20309B119)
615Kamps, Kevin Beyond Email Nuclear (ML20317A281)
Beyond Meeting 616Kamps, Kevin Nuclear Transcript (ML20288A206)
Beyond Meeting 617Kamps, Kevin Nuclear Transcript (ML20288A242)
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Beyond Meeting 618Kamps, Kevin Nuclear Transcript (ML20297A255)
Don't Waste Meeting 619Keegan, Michael Michigan Transcript (ML20288A242)
620Kellie, Susan Email (ML20309A557)
621Kenner, Kate Email (ML20307A159)
New Mexico Email 622Kenney, James C. Environment (ML20309B065)
623Kern, The Rev Dr Edward Email (ML20280A971)
624Kipen, Ethel Email (ML20279A868)
625Kipen, Ken Email (ML20279A868)
626Klein, James Email (ML20200A002)
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627Klein, James Email (ML20284A345)
Meeting 628Kleuskens, Tanya Transcript (ML20288A242)
629Kleuskens, Tonya Email (ML20309B110)
630Koch, Cindy gov (ML20234A539)
631Koerber, Ellen Email (ML20307A421)
Nuclear Email 632Kovac, Scott Watch New (ML20323A202)
Nuclear Meeting 633Kraft, David Energy Transcript Information (ML20297A255)
Nuclear www.regulations.
634Kraft, David Energy gov Information (ML20308A732)
635Kurland, Miriam Email (ML20279A830)
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636Lambert, Jerell Email (ML20297A111)
637Latona, Kay Email (ML20280A891)
638Lawrence, George Email (ML20289B027)
639Lee, Marc gov (ML20220A311)
Council on Intelligent Energy &
Conservation Email 640Lee, Michel Policy and (ML20309B068)
Promoting Health and Sustainable Energy
Legal Email 641Lee, Michel Environmental (ML20309B068)
Action Fund
Meeting 642Lee, Michelle Transcript (ML20288A206)
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Meeting 643Lee, Michelle Transcript (ML20297A255)
644Letson, Sonya Email (ML20308A366)
San Luis 645Lewis, Sherry Obispo Email Mothers for (ML20308A799)
Meeting 646Lewison, Linda Transcript (ML20288A206)
647Limberg, Kim Email (ML20346A497)
648Littlejohn, Nick Email (ML20281A870)
On behalf of: Email 649Lodge, Terry Multiple (ML20309B038)
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Sustainable Energy and Meeting 650Lodge, Terry Economic Transcript Development (ML20294A435)
651Logan, Christopher Email (ML20219A680)
652Lukasiewicz, Judy Email (ML20174A474)
SouthWest Email 653Lyons, Alejandría Organizing (ML20309B074)
654M, Terissa Email (ML20284A039)
655Macfarlane, John Email (ML20281A909)
656MacKenzie, Therese Email (ML20305A112)
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657Marida, Patricia Email (ML20309B098)
658Mathis, Marilyn Email (ML20309A347)
Veterans For Email 659Mayers, Kenneth Peace Santa (ML20309B074)
Fe Chapter
660McCole, Jamy Black gov (ML20290A896)
661McCoy, David Citizen Action Email New Mexico (ML20309B004)
662McCoy, David Citizen Action Email New Mexico (ML20309B074)
Citizen Action Meeting 663McCoy, David New Mexico Transcript (ML20288A206)
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Citizen Action Meeting 664McCoy, David New Mexico Transcript (ML20288A242)
Meeting 665McCullum, Rod Transcript (ML20288A242)
Meeting 666McCullum, Rod Transcript (ML20294A435)
Nuclear Email 667McCullum, Rodney Energy (ML20308A908)
New Mexico Meeting 668McDill, Teresa Environment Transcript Department (ML20297A255)
669McGuire, Meredith Email (ML20200A004)
Meeting 670McGuire, Meredith Transcript (ML20288A206)
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Citizens for Alternatives to Meeting 671McManemy, Victor Chemical Transcript Contamin- (ML20297A255) ation
Nuclear Waste Email 672McMurrian, Katrina Strategy (ML20309B042)
Coalition (NWSC)
Nuclear Waste Meeting 673McMurrian, Katrina Strategy Transcript Coalition (ML20294A435)
674McNairn, Bonnie Email (ML20309B002)
675McSweeney, Charles Email (ML20280B086)
676Melton, Kathryn Email (ML20280A119)
677Merritt, Fred Email (ML20309B039)
Meeting 678Michetti, Susan Transcript (ML20288A206)
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679Mitchell, Cheryl Email (ML20307A199)
Nuclear Meeting 680Montgomery, Bruce Energy Transcript Institute (ML20297A255)
681Morey, Sandra Email (ML20296A493)
682Morgan, Leona Email (ML20309B038)
683Morgan, Leona Diné No Email Nukes (ML20309B074)
Nuclear Meeting 684Morgan, Leona Issues Study Transcript Group (ML20297A255)
685Mowery, Zac gov (ML20294A405)
686Mulcihy, David Email (ML20210M399)
687Murphy, Deborah Email (ML20282A695)
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Meeting 688Murphy, Patricia Transcript (ML20288A242)
689Nabi, Joy Email (ML20301A112)
Lone Star Meeting 690Nazor, Craig Chapter Transcript Sierra Club (ML20297A255)
691Neeley, Charles gov (ML20290A288)
American Meeting 692Nesbit, Steve Nuclear Transcript Society (ML20294A435)
693Newton-Grayson, Diana gov (ML20224A466)
694Nicolai, Michael Email (ML20309B075)
Keller Meeting 695Nieman, Bryce Independent Transcript School District(ML20297A255)
San Luis 696Norwood, Nancy Obispo Email Mothers for (ML20308A799)
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697O'Brien, Kathy Email (ML20309A280)
698O'Donnell, Richard Email (ML20210M394)
699O'Neill, Patrick gov (ML20302A009)
Nuclear Email 700O'Shaughnessy, Eileen Issues Study (ML20309B074)
Nuclear Meeting 701O'Shaughnessy, Eileen Issues Study Transcript Group (ML20297A255)
702Oder, Steve Email (ML20210M389)
703Orkin, Jenna Email (ML20210M398)
Colorado www.regulations.
704Ottmer, Tammy State Patrol gov (ML20309A400)
705Pachlhofer, Aaron Email (ML20309B100)
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Meeting 706Padilla, Elizabeth Transcript (ML20288A206)
Meeting 707Padilla, Elizabeth Transcript (ML20297A255)
708Padilla, Elizabeth Save Andrews Email County (ML20309B074)
Meeting 709Papas, Timothea Transcript (ML20288A206)
710Parry, Ronald Email (ML20309B107)
711Patrie, Lewis Email (ML20163A565)
712Pearce, Susan Email (ML20346A488)
Fasken Oil Meeting 713Perales, Monica and Ranch Transcript (ML20297A255)
714Peterson, Gordon Email (ML20281A702)
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715Pezzati, Mark Email (ML20304A636)
Meeting 716Poole, Steve Transcript (ML20288A242)
717Preston, David Email (ML20302A169)
718Price, Betsy City of Fort Email Worth (ML20306A364)
719Pritikin, Joshua gov (ML20133K149)
New Mexico Energy, 720Propst, Sarah Minerals and Email Natural (ML20309B052)
Resources Department
721Proska, Margo and Dennis Email (ML20309B010)
722Pyle, Alexandra Email (ML20309A084)
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Meeting 723Ramsay, Rebecca Transcript (ML20294A435)
724Ramsay, Rebecca gov (ML20268B231)
725Ratcliff, Philip Email (ML20163A559)
726Reade, Deborah Email (ML20308A937)
727Reed, Cyrus Email (ML20280B000)
Sierra Club, Meeting 728Reed, Cyrus Lone Star Transcript Chapter (ML20297A255)
Radioactive www.regulations.
729Resnikoff, Marvin Waste gov Management (ML20276A227)
Radioactive www.regulations.
730Resnikoff, Marvin Waste gov Management (ML20281A521)
League of Email 731Rhodes, Suzanne Women (ML20298A249)
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Meeting 732Richey, Sharon Transcript (ML20288A206)
Meeting 733Richey, Sharon Transcript (ML20294A435)
Nuclear Meeting 734Richter, Mark Energy Transcript Institute (ML20288A206)
735Roberts, Duane Email (ML20281A471)
Texas State Email 736Rodriquez, Eddie Representa- (ML20308A440) tive
737Romo, Jacqueline gov (ML20290A892)
738Rosen, David Email (ML20280A083)
Meeting 739Rosen, David Transcript (ML20288A242)
Meeting 740Rosen, David Transcript (ML20297A255)
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741Ruebelmann, Lorna Email (ML20309B023)
742Sachs, Gary Email (ML20346A467)
Texas Email 743Samson, Hannah RioGrande (ML20309B0)
Legal Aid
744Sargent, Barbara gov (ML20211M132)
745Sauber, Michael Email (ML20309A995)
746Sayre, Johannes Email (ML20232A069)
747Schmalz, Charles Email (ML20299A067)
Nuclear Email 748Schuurman, Susan Issues Study (ML20300A459)
Nuclear Meeting 749Schuurman, Susan Issues Study Transcript Group (ML20297A255)
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750Schwartz, Marge gov (ML20211M133)
751Seamster, Teresa Email (ML20309A678)
San Luis 752Seeley, Linda Obispo Email Mothers for (ML20308A799)
753Seyb, Cynthia Email (ML20309A677)
754Shaffer, Tria Email (ML20280A043)
755Shelley, Adrian Public Citizen Email Texas Office (ML20309B074)
756Shelley, Adrian Public Citizen Email Texas Office (ML20309B086)
Public Citizen Meeting 757Shelley, Adrian Texas Office Transcript (ML20288A242)
Permian 758Shepperd, Ben Basin Email Petroleum (ML20220A468)
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759Simpson, Robert Email (ML20172A254)
760Simpson, Robert Email (ML20299A298)
Meeting 761Sinett, Audrey Transcript (ML20288A206)
762Singleton, James gov (ML20290A293)
Meeting 763Singleton, Robert Transcript (ML20288A206)
Meeting 764Singleton, Robert Transcript (ML20288A242)
Meeting 765Singleton, Robert Transcript (ML20294A435)
Meeting 766Singleton, Robert Transcript (ML20294A435)
Meeting 767Singleton, Robert Transcript (ML20297A255)
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Gila 768Siwik, Allyson Resources Email Information (ML20309B073)
769Smith, David Email (ML20281A881)
770Smith, Edward gov (ML20294A397)
771Smith, Jan Email (ML20280A985)
772Smith, Roger Email (ML20307A747)
773Smith, Tom Email (ML20309B130)
Meeting 774Smith, Tom Transcript (ML20288A206)
Meeting 775Smith, Tom Transcript (ML20288A242)
Meeting 776Smith, Tom Transcript (ML20294A435)
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777Smyke, Pete Email (ML20170A386)
Meeting 778Soria, Sandra Transcript (ML20294A435)
779Spencer, Dave Email (ML20299A117)
780Sperry, Carolyn Email (ML20346A443)
781Stein, Cletus The Peace Email Farm (ML20309B074)
782Stein, Gerald Email (ML20280B090)
783Stewart, Carol Email (ML20234A570)
Meeting 784Suellentrop, Ann Peaceworks Transcript (ML20294A435)
785Summer, Rebecca Email (ML20309B109)
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786Summer, Rebecca Email (ML20309B112)
Physicians for Meeting 787Sutton, Patrice Social Transcript Responsibility(ML20297A255)
San Luis 788Swanson, Jane Obispo Email Mothers for (ML20308A799)
Physicians for Email 789Talarek, Stephanie Social (ML20300A412)
Meeting 790Tapang, Pamie Transcript (ML20297A255)
League of 791Tasian, Diane Women Email Voters of (ML20309B055)
Meeting 792Tate, John Transcript (ML20294A435)
793Taylor, Wallace Sierra Club Email (ML20307A480)
Sierra Club Email 794Taylor, Wallace Nuclear Free (ML20309B074)
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Meeting 795Taylor, Wally Sierra Club Transcript (ML20288A242)
Meeting 796Thomas, Jay TM Americas Transcript (ML20288A206)
Meeting 797Thomas, Jay TN Americas Transcript (ML20297A255)
798Tinney, Herbert and Carolyn Email (ML20280A055)
799Tomlinson, John Email (ML20231A759)
Nevada 800Treichel, Judy Nuclear Email Waste Task (ML20301A150)
Nevada 801Treichel, Judy Nuclear Email Waste Task (ML20309B074)
Physicians for Meeting 802Trester, Elliot Social Transcript Responsibility(ML20297A255)
No Borders Meeting 803Tu, Yenter Communicatio Transcript n (ML20297A255)
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804Turnbull, Clay New England Email Coalition (ML20309B090)
Texas Email 805Valdivia, Enrique RioGrande (ML20309B0)
Legal Aid
806Valentine, Jennifer gov (ML20266G387)
Meeting 807Valenzano, Mike TN Americas Transcript (ML20294A435)
808Van Norman, Janet Email (ML20301A179)
809Vann II, Robert Email (ML20307A384)
810Vann II, Robert Email (ML20346A463)
Meeting 811Vann II, Robert Transcript (ML20288A242)
Meeting 812Vescovi, Peter Orano Transcript (ML20288A242)
Page 93 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 96 of 100
813Videen, Tom Email (ML20309A986)
Meeting 814Villegas, Lorraine Transcript (ML20297A255)
Meeting 815Walker, Kalene Transcript (ML20297A255)
816Wallace, Cathy Email (ML20280B051)
Meeting 817Wallace, Kathy Transcript (ML20288A206)
Meeting 818Walter, Patricia Transcript (ML20288A206)
819Warner, Janet Wheeler Peak Email Progressives (ML20309B074)
Meeting 820Warren, Barbara Transcript (ML20297A255)
Citizens' Email 821Warren, Barbara Environmental (ML20309A947)
Page 94 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 97 of 100
822Wasgatt, Ann Email (ML20210M388)
823Wassenich, Linda Email (ML20308A235)
824Watchempino, Laura Email (ML20199M416)
825Watchempino, Laura Email (ML20325A261)
Meeting 826Weehler, Cynthia Transcript (ML20288A206)
Meeting 827Weehler, Cynthia Transcript (ML20294A435)
828Wells, Robert Email (ML20210M400)
829Wild, Kathryn Email (ML20307A728)
830Wilder, Laura gov (ML20220A313)
Page 95 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 98 of 100
Veterans For Email 831Wilks, John Peace, (ML20307A146)
Chapter #63
Meeting 832Williams, Lori Transcript (ML20297A255)
833Williams, Mary Jane Email (ML20300A492)
Meeting 834Williams, Mary Jane Transcript (ML20297A255)
835Williams, Mary Jane gov (ML20290A291)
836Wingeier, Stephen Email (ML20307A716)
837Young, John Email (ML20281A660)
Meeting 838Zabala, Maggie Transcript (ML20294A435)
Native Email 839Zabarte, Ian Community (ML20309B041)
Action Council
Page 96 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 99 of 100
Native Email 840Zabarte, Ian Community (ML20309B074)
Action Council
San Luis 841ZamEk, Jill Obispo Email Mothers for (ML20308A799)
842Zashin, Elliot gov (ML20290A286)
843Zhu, Ling gov (ML20211M118)
844Zimmermann, Ron Email (ML20296A417)
Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: NIRS  

Representative 845 COMMENT on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) sample of 2,019 Email Docket No. 72-1050; NRC-2016-0231 form comments (ML20167A140) received
COMMENT on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
Docket No. 72-1050; NRC-2016-0231 Representative sample of 2,019 form comments received Email (ML20167A140) 846 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: SEED  
Representative 846 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: SEED  

Halt sample of 247 Email the license for radioactive waste storage form comments (ML20189A292) received
Halt the license for radioactive waste storage Representative sample of 247 form comments received Email (ML20189A292)
Page 97 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 100 of 100
Page 97 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 99 of 100

Representative 847 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: Nukebusters  
RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 847 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: Nukebusters  

sample of 5 Email Nuclear Transport and Storage form comments (ML20199F496) received
Nuclear Transport and Storage Representative sample of 5 form comments received Email (ML20199F496) 848 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: Nukebusters  
Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: Nukebusters  

Representative 848 Comment to US Nuclear Regulatory Commission on DEIS for sample of 2,044 Email WCS ISP CISF form comments (ML20230A427) received
Comment to US Nuclear Regulatory Commission on DEIS for WCS ISP CISF Representative sample of 2,044 form comments received Email (ML20230A427) 849 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: Sierra Club  
Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: Sierra Club  

Representative 849 Docket  

NRC-2016-0231 Don?t dump on Texas -- sample of 672 Email Deny the radioactive waste storage license form comments (ML20279A818) received
NRC-2016-0231 Don?t dump on Texas --
Deny the radioactive waste storage license Representative sample of 672 form comments received Email (ML20279A818) 850 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: Public Citizen  
Representative 850 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: Public sample of 2,754 Email Citizen  

No nuclear waste in Texas form comments (ML20288A842) received
No nuclear waste in Texas Representative sample of 2,754 form comments received Email (ML20288A842) 851 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: NIRS  
Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: NIRS  

Docket Representative 851 NRC 2020-0065 Transfer of VLL (Radioactive) Waste to Exempt sample of 9 Email Persons for Disposal form comments (ML20303A280) received
Docket NRC 2020-0065 Transfer of VLL (Radioactive) Waste to Exempt Persons for Disposal Representative sample of 9 form comments received Email (ML20303A280) 852 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: NIRS  
Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: NIRS  

Draft Representative 852 Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), Docket No. 72-1050; sample of 2,382 Email NRC-2016-0231 form comments (ML20304A233) received
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), Docket No. 72-1050; NRC-2016-0231 Representative sample of 2,382 form comments received Email (ML20304A233) 853 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: SEED  
Representative 853 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: SEED  

No sample of 12 Email nuclear waste form comments (ML20224A363) received
No nuclear waste Representative sample of 12 form comments received Email (ML20224A363) 854 Multiple commenters -Sponsor of form: Not known.  
Representative 854 Multiple commenters -Sponsor of form: Not known.  

sample of 57 Email Please Approve the Texas CIS Facility form comments (ML20285A059) received
Please Approve the Texas CIS Facility Representative sample of 57 form comments received Email (ML20285A059)
Page 98 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 100 of 100}}
Page 98 of 98}}

Latest revision as of 19:47, 27 November 2024

11-22-21 Certified Index of Record (DC Cir.)(Case No. 21-1048)(Consolidated)
Person / Time
Site: Consolidated Interim Storage Facility
Issue date: 11/22/2021
From: Annette Vietti-Cook
NRC/OGC, US Federal Judiciary, Court of Appeals, for the District of Columbia Circuit
1923391, 21-1048, 21-1055, 21-1056, 21-1179, 21-1227, 21-1229, 21-1230, 21-1231
Download: ML21335A229 (100)









No. 21-1048, consolidated


with Nos. 21-1055, 21-1056, UNITED STATES NUCLEAR


21-1179, 21-1227, 21-1229, REGULATORY COMMISSION and


21-1230, 21-1231 the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,









Intervenor-Respondent. )

CERTIFIED INDEX OF THE RECORD I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the documents listed on the attached index constitute the record before the agency relating to (1) the issuance of Materials License No. SNM-2515 by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on September 13, 2021, as set forth in Interim Storage Partners, LLC; WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility; Issuance of Materials License and Record of Decision, 86 Fed. Reg. 51,926 (Sept. 17, 2021); and (2) the adjudicatory proceedings culminating in issuance (a) by the Commission of CLI-20-13 (Dec. 4, 2020); CLI-20-14 (Dec. 17, 2020), CLI-20-15 (Dec. 17, 2020); and CLI-21-09 (June 22, 2021); and (b) by the Secretary of Orders dated October 25 and October 29, 2018.

USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 1 of 100

Respectfully Submitted, Annette L. Vietti-Cook Secretary of the Commission Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 18th day of November 2021 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 2 of 100


License application; docketing and opportunity to request a hearing and to petition for leave to intervene.

01/30/2017 82 FR 8773; January 30, 2017 2

License application; withdrawal of notice of opportunity to request a hearing.

07/20/2017 82 FR 33521; July 20, 2017 3

Revised license application; opportunity to request a hearing and to petition for leave to intervene; order imposing procedures.

08/29/2018 83 FR 44070; August 29, 2018 4

Correction (to hearing request due date) 08/31/2018 83 FR 44680; August 31, 2018 5

Sierra Club's Motion for Extension of Time to Intervene in Licensing Proceeding.

03/03/2017 ML17062A897 6

Request for Extension on Deadline.


DON'T WASTE MICHIGAN, ET AL v US NRC US COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT CASE NO. 21-1048, consolidated with NOs. 21-1055, 21-1056, 21-1179, 21-1227, 21-1229, 21-1230 and 21-1231 Page 1 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 3 of 100


WCS Notices of Appearance for Stephen J. Burdick.

03/13/2017 ML17072A072 8

Notices of Appearance for Sara Kirkwood, David Cylkowski, and Emily Monteith.

03/13/2017 ML17072A489 9

Waste Control Specialists LLC's And Sierra Club's Joint Motion For Revised Schedule Related To Hearing Requests.

03/13/2017 ML17072A498 10 Waste Control Specialists LLC's Answer Opposing Nuclear Information And Resource Service's Letter Requesting An Extension Of Time And Proposing Approval Of Alternate Briefing Schedule.

03/17/2017 ML17076A365 11 NRC Staff's Response to the Nuclear Information and Resource Service's Motion for an Extension of Time to Request a Hearing 03/20/2017 ML17079A534 12 Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition (SEED Coalition) Request for Extension of 120 Days for Submission of Hearing Requests and Petitions to Intervene (w/ attachments) 03/07/2017 ML17080A493 13 Waste Control Specialists LLC's Answer Opposing Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's Request for an Extension of Time and Proposing Approval of Alternate Briefing Schedule.

03/23/2017 ML17082A426 14 NRC Staff's Response to the Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's Letter Requesting an Extension of Time to Request a Hearing.

03/23/2017 ML17082A441 Page 2 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 4 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 15 Order of the Secretary re Extension of Time Until May 31, 2017 to File Hearing Requests on WCS's License Application.

03/29/2017 ML17088A627 16 March 22, 2017 Letter from Rafael Ancha, Texas State Representative, Regarding SEED Request for Extension of Time in the Matter of Waste Control Specialists 03/22/2017 ML17089A788 17 Joint Request To Withdraw The Federal Register Notice Providing An Opportunity To Submit Hearing Requests.

04/19/2017 ML17109A480 18 Response By Beyond Nuclear, Seed Coalition and Sierra Club to Joint Request to Withdraw the Federal Register Notice Providing an Opportunity to Submit Hearing Requests.

04/28/2017 ML17118A268 19 Notice of Appearance for Diane Curran on behalf of SEED Coalition and Beyond Nuclear.

04/28/2017 ML17118A269 20 Certificate of Service for Beyond Nuclear, SEED Coalition and Sierra Club's Response to Joint Request to Withdraw FRN.

04/28/2017 ML17118A270 21 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-17-10).

06/22/2017 ML17173A549 22 Beyond Nuclear, Inc.'s Motion to Dismiss Licensing Proceedings for HI-STORE Consolidated Interim Storage Facility and WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Violation of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.

09/14/2018 ML18257A312 Page 3 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 5 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 23 Beyond Nuclear, Inc., Exhibits 1-8 to Motion to Dismiss Licensing Proceedings for Hi-Store Consolidated Interim Storage Facility and WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Violation of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.

09/14/2018 ML18257A313 24 Notice of Appearance for Mindy Goldstein on behalf of Beyond Nuclear.

09/14/2018 ML18257A314 25 Notice of Appearance for Diane Curran on behalf of Beyond Nuclear.

09/14/2018 ML18257A315 26 Certificate of Service for Beyond Nuclear's Motion to Dismiss.

09/14/2018 ML18257A316 27 Errata to Beyond Nuclear's Motion to Dismiss Licensing Proceedings for HI-Store Consolidated Interim Storage Facility and WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Violation of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.

09/18/2018 ML18261A110 28 Updated Notices of Appearance of Burdick, Matthews, and Lighty, and Notice of Appearance of Bessette on behalf of Interim Storage Partners.

09/24/2018 ML18267A298 29 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Response Opposing Beyond Nuclear, Inc.'s Unauthorized September 14, 2018 Filing.

09/24/2018 ML18267A299 30 NRC Staff's Response to Motions to Dismiss Licensing Proceedings.

09/24/2018 ML18267A313 31 Beyond Nuclear's Reply to Holtec International, Interim Storage Partners LLC, and NRC Staff Responses to Beyond Nuclear's Motion to Dismiss.

09/28/2018 ML18271A232 Page 4 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 6 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 32 Beyond Nuclear's Motion for Leave to Reply to Holtec International, Interim Storage Partners LLC, and NRC Staff Responses to Beyond Nuclear's Motion to Dismiss.

09/28/2018 ML18271A233 33 Notice of Appearance for Robert V. Eye on behalf of Fasken Land and Oil and Permian Basin Land and Royalty.

09/28/2018 ML18271A242 34 Motion of Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd. and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners for Leave to Reply to NRC Staff's Response and Holtec International's Answer and Opposition to Motions to Dismiss.

09/28/2018 ML18271A243 35 Motion of Fasken Land and Minerals and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners to Dismiss Licensing Proceedings For Hi-Store Consolidated Interim Storage Facility and WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility.

09/28/2018 ML18271A244 36 Reply of Movants Fasken and PBLRO to Staff's Response to Motions to Dismiss.

09/28/2018 ML18271A245 37 Request for Extension on Deadline for Intervention by 37 Organizations and 4 Individuals.

10/02/2018 ML18276A066 38 Notices of Appearance by Diane Curran, Mindy Goldstein, and Caroline Reiser on behalf of Beyond Nuclear.

10/03/2018 ML18276A241 39 Beyond Nuclear, Inc.'s Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.

10/03/2018 ML18276A242 Page 5 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 7 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 40 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Response Opposing Fasken Land and Minerals' and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Unauthorized September 28, 2018 Filing.

10/05/2018 ML18278A253 41 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Motions for Leave to Reply Submitted by Beyond Nuclear, Fasken, and PBLRO.

10/05/2018 ML18278A264 42 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Request for Extension of Intervention Deadline.

10/08/2018 ML18281A012 43 Motion of Movants Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd. and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners for Leave to Reply to Interim Storage Partner LLC's Answer and Opposition to Movants Motions to Dismiss.

10/11/2018 ML18284A477 44 Amended Motion of Movants Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd. and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners for Leave to Reply to Interim Storage Partner LLC's Answer and Opposition to Movants Motions to Dismiss.

10/11/2018 ML18284A496 45 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd. and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Amended Certificate of Consultation.

10/16/2018 ML18289A797 46 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Motion For Leave To Reply Submitted By Fasken And PBLRO.

10/19/2018 ML18292A803 47 NRC Staff Commission Notification.

10/24/2018 ML18297A352 Page 6 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 8 of 100


10/25/2018 ML18298A335 49 Order of the Secretary.

10/29/2018 ML18302A329 50 NRC Staff's Response to Beyond Nuclear, Inc.'s Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.

10/29/2018 ML18302A365 51 Petition of Permian Basin Land and Royalty Organization and Fasken Land and Minerals for Intervention and Request for Hearing.

10/29/2018 ML18302A412 52 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Beyond Nuclear Inc.'s Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.

10/29/2018 ML18302A413 53 Beyond Nuclear's Reply to Oppositions to Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.

11/05/2018 ML18309A369 54 Joint Motion To Establish Briefing Schedule For Fasken's And PBLRO's Motion To Dismiss As Referred To The ASLBP For Consideration Under 10 C.F.R. 2.309.

11/07/2018 ML18311A267 55 Referral Memorandum from the Secretary to the Atomic Safety Licensing Board Panel 11/08/2018 ML18312A298 56 ORDER (Granting Joint Motion to Establish Briefing Schedule).

11/09/2018 ML18313A119 Page 7 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 9 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 57 Petition to Intervene and Request for Adjudicatory Hearing by Sierra Club.

11/13/2018 ML18317A411 58 Standing Declarations for Sierra Club in Support of Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing.

11/13/2018 ML18317A412 59 Expert Declarations for Sierra Club in Support of Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing.

11/13/2018 ML18317A413 60 Exhibits for Sierra Club in Support of Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing.

11/13/2018 ML18317A414 61 Petition of Don't Waste Michigan, etc. to Intervene and Request for Hearing.

11/13/2018 ML18317A433 62 Declarations of Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination (CACC).

10/29/2018 ML18317A435 63 Declarations of Citizens Environmental Coalition (CEC).

11/13/2018 ML18317A436 64 Declaration of Leona Morgan.

10/29/2018 ML18317A437 65 Declarations of Don't Waste Michigan (DWM).

10/29/2018 ML18317A439 Page 8 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 10 of 100


10/29/2018 ML18317A440 67 Declarations of Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition (SEED).

10/29/2018 ML18317A441 68 Expert Declaration Report of Robert Alvarez.

11/13/2018 ML18317A443 69 James Ballard Expert Report and CV.

11/13/2018 ML18317A444 70 Gordon Thompson Expert Report and CV.

11/13/2018 ML18317A445 71 Declarations of Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS).

11/13/2018 ML18317A446 72 Establishment of Atomic Safety Licensing Board.

11/16/2018 ML18320A095 73 Second Referral Memorandum from the Secretary to the Atomic Safety Licensing Board Panel.

11/16/2018 ML18320A221 74 Notice of Filing of Member Declarations of SLOMPF.

11/17/2018 ML18321A002 Page 9 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 11 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 75 Notice of Filing of Curriculum Vitae of Robert Alvarez.

11/17/2018 ML18321A003 76 Notice of Appearance of Wallace L. Taylor on behalf of Sierra Club.

11/20/2018 ML18324A553 77 Notice of Appearance for Alana Wase and Joe Gillespie on behalf of NRC Staff.

11/20/2018 ML18324A684 78 Notice of Appearance of Counsel for Don't Waste Michigan et al.

11/20/2018 ML18324A698 79 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Fasken's and PBLRO's Motion to Dismiss as Referred to the ASLBP for Consideration Under 10 CFR 2.309.

11/20/2018 ML18324A886 80 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene Filed by Permian Basin Land and Royalty Organization and Fasken Land and Minerals 11/20/2018 ML18324A892 81 NRC Staff's Response to Petitions to Intervene and Requests for Hearing Filed by Permian Basin Land and Royalty Organization and Fasken Land and Minerals.

11/23/2018 ML18327A071 82 Motion of Sierra Club, Don't Waste Michigan, et al for Disqualification of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.

11/26/2018 ML18330A299 83 Fasken and PBLRO Reply to ISP's Opposition to Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.

11/28/2018 ML18332A530 Page 10 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 12 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 84 Fasken and PBLRO Response to ISP's and Staff's Opposition to Fasken's and PBLRO's Motion to Dismiss as Referred to the ASLBP for Consideration Under 10 CFR 2.309.

11/30/2018 ML18334A360 85 Fasken's and PBLRO's Reply to Staff's Response to Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.

11/30/2018 ML18334A361 86 NRC Staff Response to Motion for Disqualification of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.

12/06/2018 ML18340A178 87 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike Portions of the Replies Filed by Permian Basin Land and Royalty Organization and Fasken Land and Minerals.

12/10/2018 ML18344A571 88 NRC Staff Consolidated Answer to Petitions to Intervene and Requests for Hearing.

12/10/2018 ML18344A594 89 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene Filed by Sierra Club.

12/10/2018 ML18344A684 90 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene Filed by DWM et al.

12/10/2018 ML18344A685 91 Memorandum and Order (Denying and Referring Motion to Disqualify Board) LBP-18-6.

12/13/2018 ML18347A393 92 Fasken and PBLRO's Opposition to Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike.

12/17/2018 ML18351A335 Page 11 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 13 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 93 Sierra Club's Reply to Answers filed by Interim Storage Partners and NRC Staff.

12/17/2018 ML18351A531 94 Combined Reply of Don't Waste Michigan, Citizens' Environmental Coalition, Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination, Nuclear Energy Information Service, Public Citizen, Inc., etc. to ISP WCS and NRC Staff Answers.

12/17/2018 ML18351A640 95 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike Portions of the Reply Filed by Sierra Club.

12/27/2018 ML18361A921 96 to Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike Portions of the Reply Filed by Sierra Club.

12/27/2018 ML18361A922 97 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike Portions of the Reply Filed by Don't Waste Michigan et al.

12/27/2018 ML18361A937 98 to Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Strike Portions of the Reply Filed by Don't Waste Michigan et al.

12/27/2018 ML18361A939 99 Opposition of Joint Petitioners to ISP WCS Motion to Strike.

12/30/2018 ML18365A017 100 Sierra Club's Answer to Interim Storage Partners' Motion to Strike Portions of Sierra Club's Reply.

01/02/2019 ML19002A472 101 Order (Concerning Oral Argument).

01/10/2019 ML19010A376 Page 12 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 14 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 102 Notice of Beyond Nuclear's Petition for Review of NRC Order in D.C. Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.

01/16/2019 ML19016A336 103 Notice of Withdrawal of Caroline Reiser.

02/06/2019 ML19037A322 104 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-19-03).

03/11/2019 ML19070A329 105 Notice of Withdrawal of Stephen J. Burdick.

04/02/2019 ML19092A382 106 Notice of Withdrawal of Emily Monteith.

04/24/2019 ML19114A453 107 Order (Regarding Location of Oral Argument).

05/07/2019 ML19127A031 108 Position Statements of Petitioners Don't Waste Michigan, et al., Beyond Nuclear, Sierra Club, Fasken Land and Oil and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners, and NRC Staff on Location of Oral Argument.

05/20/2019 ML19140A308 109 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Response Regarding Location of Oral Argument.

05/20/2019 ML19140A424 110 Notice and Order (Establishing Dates and Location of Oral Argument) 05/24/2019 ML19144A114 Page 13 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 15 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 111 Notice of Appearance for Thomas Steinfeldt on Behalf of NRC Staff.

06/03/2019 ML19154A477 112 E-mail from ASLB Law Clerk Joseph McManus to Midland County, TX Commissioner Randy Prude.

06/03/2019 ML19154A488 113 Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54257.

06/03/2019 ML19154A586 114 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54257.

06/03/2019 ML19154A587 115 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54257.

06/03/2019 ML19154A588 116 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54257.

06/03/2019 ML19154A589 117 Order (Establishing Format for Oral Argument).

06/07/2019 ML19158A402 118 Notice of Appearance for Timothy Laughlin on Behalf of Fasken and PBLRO 06/12/2019 ML19163A391 119 Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54423.

06/28/2019 ML19179A307 Page 14 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 16 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 120 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54423.

06/28/2019 ML19179A308 121 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54423.

06/28/2019 ML19179A309 122 to Interim Storage Partners Board Notification re ISP Letter E-54423.

06/28/2019 ML19179A310 123 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Response to the Atomic Safety And Licensing Board's Questions Regarding the U.S. Department of Energy's Authority Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.

06/28/2019 ML19179A311 124 Hearing Transcript of July 10, 2019 Oral Arguments in the Matter of Interim Storage Partners, LLC. Pages 1-207.

07/10/2019 ML19198A218 125 Hearing Transcript of July 10, 2019 Oral Arguments in the Matter of Interim Storage Partners, LLC. Pages 208-342.

07/11/2019 ML19198A219 126 Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Petitions for Intervention and Requests for Hearing) (LBP-19-07) 08/23/2019 ML19235A165 127 Letter from NRC Acting Secretary to Richard Guldi of Dallas Sierra Club 08/26/2019 ML19238A313 128 NRC Staff Notice of Intent to Participate as a Party 08/30/2019 ML19242D526 Page 15 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 17 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 129 Joint Motion Regarding an Agreement for Mandatory Disclosures and Hearing File Obligations.

08/30/2019 ML19242D648 130 ORDER (Granting Joint Motion Regarding Mandatory Disclosures and Hearing File Obligations) 09/04/2019 ML19247C334 131 Order (Scheduling Initial Scheduling Conference) 09/05/2019 ML19248C450 132 Licensing Board Notification Regarding ISP Letter E-55041.

09/05/2019 ML19248C912 133 ISP Transmittal Letter E-55041 Providing Supplemental Information re References from the Environmental Report Chapter 3.

09/04/2019 ML19248C915 134 to ISP Letter E-55041 re Ecological Assessment of the Low Level Depository, Final Report.

05/31/1997 ML19248C918 135 to ISP Letter E-55041 re Final Report on Habitat Characterization and Rare Species Survey for the Proposed Low Level Waste Repository.

10/25/2004 ML19248C922 136 to ISP Letter E-55041 re Final Report (Rev. 1) on Supplemental Survey Ecological Assessment of the Low Level Waste Depository.

03/31/2007 ML19248C925 137 to ISP Letter E-55041 re Environmental Assessment Report.

07/31/2008 ML19248C927 Page 16 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 18 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 138 NRC Staff's Safety and Environmental Review Schedule 09/09/2019 ML19252A253 139 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Motion to Dismiss Sierra Club's Contention 13 as Moot and Terminate This Proceeding 09/09/2019 ML19252A322 140 Notice of Withdrawal of Robert V. Eye 09/12/2019 ML19255F793 141 Sierra Club's Resistance to ISP's Motion to Dismiss Sierra Club's Contention 13 09/12/2019 ML19255G961 142 Sierra Club's Motion to Amend Contention 13 09/13/2019 ML19256C635 143 Sierra Club's Amended Contention 13 09/13/2019 ML19256C638 144 Notice of Appearance for Kevin C. Roach on behalf of NRC Staff.

09/17/2019 ML19260G160 145 Beyond Nuclear's Notice of Appeal of LBP-19-07.

09/17/2019 ML19260G875 146 Beyond Nuclear's Brief on Appeal of LBP-19-07.

09/17/2019 ML19260G878 Page 17 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 19 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 147 Beyond Nuclear Certificate of Service for Appeal of LBP-19-07.

09/17/2019 ML19260G879 148 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Notice of Appeal of LBP-19-7 and Brief in Support of Appeal.

09/17/2019 ML19260H452 149 Fasken and PBLRO's Brief on Appeal of LBP-19-07 09/17/2019 ML19260J386 150 Fasken and PBLRO's Notice of Appeal of LBP-19-07 09/17/2019 ML19260J387 151 Fasken and PBLRO's Certificate of Service of Notice of Appeal and Brief on Appeal of LBP-19-07 09/17/2019 ML19260J388 152 Don't Waste Michigan, et al., Notice of Appeal of LBP 07 and Brief in Support of Appeal.

09/17/2019 ML19260J391 153 Transcript of September 18, 2019 Teleconference on WCS / Interim Storage Partners.

09/20/2019 ML19263B970 154 Interim Storage Partners' Licensing Board Notification Regarding Supplemental Information Being Provided to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff 09/20/2019 ML19263F035 155 ISP Answer Opposing Sierra Club's Motion to Amend Contention 13.

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10/01/2019 ML19274E211 157 to ISP Answer to Sierra Club Amended Contention 13.

10/01/2019 ML19274E215 158 to ISP Answer to Sierra Club Amended Contention 13.

10/01/2019 ML19274E218 159 Sierra Club's Reply to ISP's Answer to Sierra Club's Motion to Amend Contention 13 10/07/2019 ML19280A027 160 NRC Staff Answer Opposing Sierra Club's Amended Contention 13.

10/07/2019 ML19280D549 161 Order (Circulating Draft Initial Scheduling Order) 10/08/2019 ML19281B546 162 Sierra Club's Brief in Opposition to ISP's Appeal of ASLB Decision Admitting Sierra Club's Contention 13.

10/13/2019 ML19286A001 163 Sierra Club's Reply to NRC Staff's Answer to Sierra Club's Motion to Amend Contention 13.

10/14/2019 ML19287A021 164 NRC Staff's Answer In Opposition To The Appeal Of Fasken Land And Minerals, Ltd. And The Permian Basin Land And Royalty Owners Of LBP-19-7.

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 165 NRC Staff's Answer In Opposition To Don't Waste Michigan, Et Al.'s Appeal of LBP-19-7.

10/15/2019 ML19288A228 166 NRC Staff's Answer In Opposition To Interim Storage Partners LLC's Appeal Of LBP-19-7.

10/15/2019 ML19288A232 167 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing the Appeal of LBP-19-7 by Don't Waste Michigan et al.

10/15/2019 ML19288A282 168 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Fasken's and PBLRO's Appeal of LBP-19-7 10/15/2019 ML19288A283 169 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Beyond Nuclear's Appeal of LBP-19-7.

10/15/2019 ML19288A287 170 Initial Scheduling Order 10/16/2019 ML19289B740 171 Corrected Certificate of Service for ISP Answer to Fasken Appeal of LBP-19-7 10/16/2019 ML19289E001 172 Motion of Intervenor Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention and Contention 17.

10/23/2019 ML19297A226 173 Declaration of Robert Alvarez in Support of Motion of Intervenor Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention.

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 174 Robert Alvarez Curriculum Vitae Filed in Support of Motion of Intervenor Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention.

10/23/2019 ML19297A232 175 Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Report Filed in Support of Motion of Intervenor Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention.

09/30/2019 ML19297A235 176 Notice of Appearance for Monica R. Perales on behalf of Fasken Oil and Ranch & Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners.

10/24/2019 ML19297H647 177 Referral Memorandum from the Secretary to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel 11/13/2019 ML19317E079 178 Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Motion to Dismiss and Motion to Amend Contention 13) (LBP-19-9) 11/18/2019 ML19322C599 179 NRC Staff Answer in Opposition to Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's New Contention 17.

11/18/2019 ML19322C992 180 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Petitioner Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's Motion for Leave to Submit Late-Filed Contention 17 11/18/2019 ML19322D453 181 Reply of Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition in Support of Motion for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention 17.

11/25/2019 ML19329F937 182 Notice of Appearance for Allan Kanner, Conlee Whiteley, Elizabeth Petersen and Cynthia St. Amant on behalf of Fasken and PBLRO.

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 183 Letter from NRC Secretary, Annette Vietti-Cook, to Tommy Taylor of Fasken Oil and Ranch 12/11/2019 ML19345E984 184 Letter from NRC Secretary, Annette Vietti-Cook, to A.

James Mayer of Green Century Exploration and Production 12/11/2019 ML19345E987 185 Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Motion for Leave to File Late-Filed Contention and Terminating Proceeding)

(LBP-19-11) 12/13/2019 ML19347A381 186 Sierra Club's Notice of Appeal from Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Rulings Denying Intervention (LBP-19-07 and LBP-19-09) 12/13/2019 ML19347E392 187 Sierra Club's Brief in Support of Appeal from Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Rulings Denying Admissibility of Contentions in Licensing Proceeding (LBP-19-07 and LBP-19-09).

12/13/2019 ML19347E441 188 Notice of Appearance for Nicholas Moran on behalf of NRC Staff.

01/06/2020 ML20006F306 189 NRC Staff's Answer in Opposition to Sierra Club's Appeal of LBP-19-7 and LBP-19-9.

01/07/2020 ML20007F038 190 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Sierra Club's Appeal of LBP-19-7 and LBP-19-9 01/07/2020 ML20007G369 191 Notice of Appeal of LBP-19-11 by Intervenor Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition and Brief in Support of Appeal.

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 192 Fasken and PBLRO Access to SUNSI Information Request 01/16/2020 ML20016A453 193 Fasken Oil and Ranch, Ltd And Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners Motion to Reopen the Record for Purposes of Considering and Admitting an Amended Contention.

01/21/2020 ML20021A384 194 Fasken Oil and Ranch, Ltd and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners Motion for Leave to Amend Contention Four.

01/21/2020 ML20021A385 195 Affidavit of Aaron Pachlhofer Filed in Support of Fasken and PBLRO's Motion to Reopen the Record for Purposes of Considering and Admitting an Amended Contention 01/21/2020 ML20021A386 196 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Petitioner Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's Appeal of Licensing Board Decision LBP-19-11 02/03/2020 ML20034D891 197 NRC Staff'S Answer Opposing Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's Appeal of LBP-19-11.

02/03/2020 ML20034F184 198 NRC Staff's Response to Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition's Appeal of LBP-19-11 (with Amended Certificate of Service).

02/03/2020 ML20034G078 199 Appeal of Staff Denial of Petitioners Request for SUNSI Information Related to ISPs Responses to RAIs.

02/12/2020 ML20043F076 200 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Fasken's and PBLRO's Motion to Reopen the Record and Motion for Leave to Amend Contention Four.

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 201 NRC Staff's Answer in Opposition to Fasken Amended Contention 4 and Accompanying Motion to Reopen the Record.

02/18/2020 ML20049A577 202 NRC Staff Answer to Fasken's Letter Appeal of Staff Denial of Petitioners' Request for SUNSI Information.

02/18/2020 ML20049A604 203 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Fasken's and PBLRO's Motion to Reverse NRC Staff's SUNSI Access Denial.

02/18/2020 ML20049H533 204 Fasken Oil and Ranch, LTD.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Reply to Interim Storage Partners, LLC's Answer Opposing Motion for Leave to Reopen the Record and Associated Motion for Leave to Amend Contention Four.

02/25/2020 ML20056E908 205 Notice of Withdrawal of Timothy J. Laughlin on behalf of Fasken and PBLRO.

04/06/2020 ML20097E037 206 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Unopposed Motion to Extend Deadlines Pending the COVID-19 National Emergency 05/18/2020 ML20139A226 207 Order (Extending Time to Intervene, Request a Hearing, and File New Contentions) Based on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

05/22/2020 ML20143A239 208 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners Motion to Reopen the Record.

07/06/2020 ML20188A390 209 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Motion for Leave to File New and/or Amended Contention.

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 210 Exhibit 1 to Fasken and PBLRO's Motion for Leave to File New and/or Amended Contention - Declaration of Tommy E. Taylor.

07/07/2020 ML20189A001 211 Exhibit 2 to Fasken and PBLRO's Motion for Leave to File New and/or Amended Contention - Facts Petitioners Intend to Rely on to Support New and Amended Contentions.

07/07/2020 ML20189A002 212 Notice of Appearance for Rebecca Susko on behalf of NRC Staff.

07/28/2020 ML20210M366 213 NRC Staff's Answer in Opposition to Fasken Oil and Ranch, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Motions to Reopen the Record and File New Contention 5.

07/31/2020 ML20213C523 214 Interim Storage Partners LLC's Answer Opposing Fasken's And PBLRO's Second Motion To Reopen The Record And Motion For Leave To File New Contention 5.

07/31/2020 ML20213C708 215 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Combined Reply to NRC Staff's and Interim Storage Partners LLC's Oppositions to Motion for Leave to File New Contention and Motion to Reopen The Record 08/07/2020 ML20220A746 216 Letter from NRC Acting Secretary Richard J. Laufer to Dr.

Elliot J. Trester of Texas Physicians for Social Responsibility 10/09/2020 ML20283A713 217 Letter from NRC Secretary Annette Vietti-Cook to Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear, et al.

11/12/2020 ML20317A297 218 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-20-13).

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 219 Notice of Withdrawal for Rebecca Susko on behalf of NRC Staff 12/09/2020 ML20344A425 220 Notice of Appearance for Annemieke M. Tennis on behalf of Fasken & PBLRO.

12/15/2020 ML20350B758 221 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-20-14) 12/17/2020 ML20352A359 222 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-20-15) 12/17/2020 ML20352A360 223 Notice of Withdrawal of Joe Gillespie on behalf of NRC Staff 01/04/2021 ML21004A156 224 Memorandum and Order (Denying Motions to Reopen and for Leave to File) (LBP-21-02) 01/29/2021 ML21029A084 225 Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.'s and Permian Basin Land and Royalty Owners' Combined Notice of Appeal and Petition for Review of Atomic Safety Licensing Board's Denial of Motion for Leave to File New Contention No. 5 and Motion to Reopen the Record.

02/23/2021 ML21054A331 226 Notice of Appearance for Reginald Augustus on behalf of NRC Staff.

03/09/2021 ML21068A171 227 Interim Storage Partners, LLC's Answer Opposing Fasken Petition for Review of LBP-21-2 03/22/2021 ML21081A208 Page 26 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 28 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 228 NRC Staff's Answer in Opposition to Fasken's Petition for Review of LBP-21-2 03/22/2021 ML21081A221 229 Letter from NRC Secretary to Glenn LeMunyon for Fasken Oil and Ranch 04/01/2021 ML21091A088 230 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-21-09) 06/22/2021 ML21173A148 231 Initial application, safety analysis report (SAR) and environmental report (ER), dated April 28, 2016 04/28/2016 ML16133A070 (Package) 232 Waste Control Specialists, LLC, Consolidated Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility License Application 04/28/2016 ML16182A162 (Package) 233 Letter to S Kirk, Waste Control Specialists, LLC, Acceptance Review of Specific License Application Requesting Authorization to Construct and Operate a Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel-Supplemental Information Needed 06/22/2016 ML16175A277 (Package) 234 RSI Response Schedule 07/06/2016 ML16193A314 235 RSI Response 1 07/20/2016 ML16229A549 RECORD OF LICENSING ACTION Page 27 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 29 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 236 RSI Response 2 08/31/2016 ML16265A454 237 RSI Response 3 10/07/2016 ML16294A134 (Package) 238 RSI Response 4 11/16/2016 ML16330A116 (Package) 239 RSI Response 5 12/16/2016 ML16356A346 (Package) 240 RSI Response 6 12/22/2016 ML17018A292 (Package) 241 Acceptance Letter, January 26, 2017 01/26/2017 ML17018A168 242 Transcript of Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping Process 02/13/2017 Meeting 02/13/2017 ML17061A744 243 Transcript of Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping Process 02/15/2017 Meeting 02/15/2017 ML17062A614 244 Notice of March 1, 2017 Public Meeting on Safety Review 02/15/2017 ML17047A326 Page 28 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 30 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 245 Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping Process 02/13/2017, 02/15/2017 and 02/23/2017 Meeting Presentation and Background Material 02/23/2017 ML17058A036 (Package) 246 Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping Process 02/13/2017, 02/15/2017 and 02/23/2017 Meeting Presentation and Background Material - Spanish Version 02/23/2017 ML17069A300 247 Transcript of Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping Process 02/23/2017 Meeting 02/23/2017 ML17067A323 248 WCS Presentation Slides for March 1, 2017 Public Meeting on Safety Review 02/24/2017 ML17055C176 249 Summaries of 02/13/2017, 02/15/2017 and 02/23/2017 Public Scoping Meetings on Environmental Impact Statement for WCS Proposed Consolidated Interim Storage Facility 03/13/2017 ML17072A442 250 April 6, 2017 Public Scoping Meeting Notice 03/13/2017 ML17072A248 251 Application Revision 1, SAR Revision 1, and ER Revision 1, dated March 16, 2017 03/16/2017 ML17082A021 (Package) 252 Transcript of Environmental Impact Statement -

04/06/2017 Public Scoping Meeting 04/06/2017 ML17102B446 253 Summary of March 1, 2017 Public Meeting on Safety Review 04/06/2017 ML17100A250 Page 29 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 31 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 254 April 6, 2017 Scoping Meeting Presentation and Background Material 04/26/2017 ML17110A107 255 April 6, 2017 Scoping Meeting Presentation and Background Material (Spanish Language Version) 04/26/2017 ML17110A109 256 April 6, 2017 Public Scoping Meeting Summary 05/03/2017 ML17116A510 257 Application Revision 2, SAR Revision 2, and ER Revision 2, dated July 19, 2018 07/19/2018 ML18206A595 (Package) 258 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated July 19, 2018 07/19/2018 ML18208A437 259 Notice of August 29, 2018 Public Meeting on Safety Review 08/09/2018 ML18221A267 260 Acceptance Letter, August 21, 2018 08/21/2018 ML18225A281 261 ISP Presentation Slides for August 29, 2018 Public Meeting on Safety Review 08/29/2018 ML18241A329 262 Summary of August 29, 2018 Public Meeting on Safety Review 09/25/2018 ML18267A214 (Package) 263 Part 1 - Physical Security (Cover letter only, enclosure withheld) (November 6, 2018) 11/06/2018 ML18310A069 Page 30 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 32 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 264 First RAI, Part 1 (November 16, 2018) 11/16/2018 ML18320A184 265 Notice of January 10, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 12/21/2018 ML18355A981 266 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated January 7, 2019 01/07/2019 ML19009A099 267 ISP Presentation Slides for January 10, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 01/08/2019 ML19008A296 268 Summary of January 10, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 02/04/2019 ML19032A230 269 Notice of February 19, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 02/07/2019 ML19038A440 270 Background Information for March 20, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review - Draft Consolidated Emergency Plan 02/08/2019 ML19073A252 271 ISP Presentation Slides for February 19, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 02/19/2019 ML19050A019 272 First RAI, Part 2 (March 6, 2019) 03/06/2019 ML19065A019 273 Notice of March 20, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 03/07/2019 ML19066A273 Page 31 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 33 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 274 Background Information for March 20, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review - Submission of ISP Draft Responses for RAls NP-2.2-1, NP-2.2-2 and EP-X 03/12/2019 ML19073A251 275 Background Information for March 20, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review - WCS Draft Responses 03/12/2019 ML19073A253 276 Summary of February 19, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 03/14/2019 ML19072A156 277 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated March 22, 2019 03/22/2019 ML19122A034 278 Notice of April 11, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 03/28/2019 ML19092A195 279 Background Information for April 11, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review - Submission of ISP Draft Responses for RAls NP-2.4-x, NP-2.6-x, P-2.6-x 04/01/2019 ML19093A183 (Package) 280 Background Information for April 16, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review - Submission of ISP Draft Responses for RAls NP-15-x and P-15-x 04/03/2019 ML19095B557 (Package) 281 Notice of April 16, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 04/04/2019 ML19094B861 282 Summary of March 20, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 04/19/2019 ML19105B217 Page 32 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 34 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 283 First RAI, Part 3 (April 23, 2019) 04/23/2019 ML19120A428 284 Summary of April 11, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 05/03/2019 ML19123A023 285 Summary of April 16, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 05/06/2019 ML19126A066 286 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated May 31, 2019 05/31/2019 ML19156A048 (Package) 287 ISP First Round RAI Proposed Submittal Schedule 05/31/2019 ML19156A059 288 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated June 26, 2019 06/26/2019 ML19197A044 289 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated June 28, 2019 06/28/2019 ML19184A159 (Package) 290 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated June 28, 2019 06/28/2019 ML19190A227 (Package) 291 Revised Review Schedule Letter, July 1, 2019 07/01/2019 ML19182A107 Page 33 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 35 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 292 Background Information for September 12, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review - Submission of ISP Draft Responses for Several RAls and Associated Document Markups from First Request For Additional Information, Part 2, Docket 72-1050 CAC/EPID 001028/L-2017-NEW-0002 07/26/2019 ML19211D084 293 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated July 31, 2019 07/31/2019 ML19217A231 (Package) 294 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated August 20, 2019 08/20/2019 ML19235A157 (Package) 295 Notice of September 12, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 08/27/2019 ML19239A201 296 Submission of Draft Responses for Several RAls and Associated Document Markups from First Request For Additional Information, Part 2, dated August 30, 2019 08/30/2019 ML19252A132 (Package) 297 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated September 18, 2019 09/18/2019 ML19270E399 298 Applicant submittal of supplemental information, dated September 20, 2019 09/20/2019 ML19268A113 (Package) 299 Submission of ISP Draft Responses for Several RAls and Associated Document Markups from First Request For Additional Information, Part 3, dated October 8, 2019 -

Transmittal Letter 10/08/2019 ML19283B556 Page 34 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 36 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 300 Submission of ISP Draft Responses for Several RAls and Associated Document Markups from First Request For Additional Information, Part 3, dated October 8, 2019 -

10/08/2019 ML19283B557 301 Summary of September 12, 2019 Public Meeting on Safety Review 10/10/2019 ML19281D885 302 Notice of October 24, 2019 Public Meeting on Environmental Requests for Additional Information 10/11/2019 ML19284B621 303 Summary Report of Environmental Impact Statement 04/06/2017 Public Scoping Meeting 10/31/2019 ML19161A150 304 Part 4 (November 5, 2019) - Environmental Impact Statement 11/05/2019 ML19309E913 305 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated November 21, 2019 11/21/2019 ML19337B502 (Package) 306 Summary of October 24, 2019 Public Meeting on Environmental Requests for Additional Information 11/22/2019 ML19326B216 307 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated January 6, 2020 01/06/2020 ML20015A448 (Package) 308 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated January 17, 2020 01/17/2020 ML20028E843 (Package)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 309 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated January 22, 2020 01/22/2020 ML20028D890 (Package) 310 Part 1 - Materials Clarification Questions (February 3, 2020) 02/03/2020 ML20034E835 311 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated February 14, 2020 02/14/2020 ML20052D995 (Package) 312 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated February 14, 2020 02/14/2020 ML20052E047 (Package) 313 ISP Updated First Round RAI Proposed Submittal Schedule 02/14/2020 ML20050D259 314 ER Revision 3, dated February 17, 2020 02/17/2020 ML20052E144 (Package) 315 Applicant submittal of supplemental information, dated March 5, 2020 03/05/2020 ML20071F152 (Package) 316 March 11, 2020 Clarification Responses 03/11/2020 ML20076D714 (Package) 317 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated March 16, 2020 03/16/2020 ML20083J964 (Package)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 318 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated April 7, 2020 04/07/2020 ML20105A133 (Package) 319 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated April 7, 2020 04/07/2020 ML20105A171 (Package) 320 Federal Register Notice (Includes directions on How to Comment on Draft EIS) 05/08/2020 85 FR 27449; May 8, 2020 321 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated May 18, 2020 05/18/2020 ML20139A173 (Package) 322 SAR Revision 3, dated May 22, 2020 05/22/2020 ML20150A337 (Package) 323 Draft Environmental Impact Statement, dated May 2020 05/31/2020 ML20122A220 324 Overview of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, dated May 2020 05/31/2020 ML20121A016 325 Overview of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Spanish language version), dated May 2020 05/31/2020 ML20136A148 326 Applicant response to request for additional information, dated June 11, 2020 06/11/2020 ML20163A008 Page 37 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 39 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 327 Applicant submittal of supplemental information, dated July 21, 2020 07/21/2020 ML20203M040 328 Application Revision 3, dated August 24, 2020 08/24/2020 ML20237F470 329 SAR Revision 4, September 2, 2020 09/02/2020 ML20261H419 (Package) 330 October 1, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides 09/16/2020 ML20274A035 331 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meetings -

October 1, 2020 Webinar 09/17/2020 ML20261H356 332 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meetings -

October 8, 2020 Webinar 09/17/2020 ML20261H374 333 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meetings -

October 15, 2020 Webinar 09/17/2020 ML20261H380 334 October 1, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides (Spanish Language Version) 09/30/2020 ML20274A036 335 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meetings -

October 1, 2020 Webinar 10/01/2020 ML20260H210 Page 38 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 40 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 336 Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meeting October 1, 2020 Webinar 10/01/2020 ML20288A206 337 October 6, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides 10/02/2020 ML20279A355 338 October 6, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides (Spanish Language Version) 10/02/2020 ML20279A356 339 Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meeting October 6, 2020 Webinar 10/06/2020 ML20288A242 340 October 8, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides 10/08/2020 ML20279A516 341 October 8, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides (Spanish Language Version) 10/08/2020 ML20279A517 342 Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meeting October 8, 2020 Webinar 10/08/2020 ML20294A435 343 Revised Review Schedule Letter, October 9, 2020 10/09/2020 ML20282A351 344 October 15, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides 10/15/2020 ML20279A763 Page 39 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 41 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 345 October 15, 2020 Webinar Public Meeting Presentation Slides (Spanish Language Version) 10/15/2020 ML20279A764 346 Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meeting October 15, 2020 Webinar 10/15/2020 ML20297A255 347 Errata for Transcript of Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meeting October 8, 2020 Webinar 11/06/2020 ML20315A023 348 January 14, 2021 Supplemental Information to Part 2 RAI Responses 01/14/2021 ML21014A063 349 Applicant submittal of supplemental information, dated January 27, 2021 01/27/2021 ML21027A147 350 Application Revision 4 and SAR Revision 5, dated April 12, 2021 04/12/2021 ML21105A766 (Package) 351 Final Environmental Impact Statement, dated July 2021 07/31/2021 ML21209A955 352 Overview of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, dated July 2021 07/31/2021 ML21200A050 353 Letter from Texas Governor Greg Abbott 09/10/2021 ML21256A264 Page 40 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 42 of 100

RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 354 NRC Staff¶s Record of Decision, dated September 13, 2021 09/13/2021 ML21222A214 355 Materials License for ISP, dated September 13, 2021 09/13/2021 ML21188A096 (Package) 356 Letter from Allan Kanner on behalf of Permian Basin Coalition of Land and Royalty Owners and Operators and Fasken Land and Minerals, Ltd.

09/11/2021 ML21258A404 357 Letter from William Grantham, New Mexico Assistant Attorney General 09/13/2021 ML21274A155 358 Letter from James Kenney, Secretary of the New Mexico Environment Department 09/14/2021 ML21278A544 359 Email to Annemieke Tennis, Monica Perales and Allan Kanner 09/23/2021 ML21278A394 360 Final Safety Evaluation Report, dated September 2021 09/30/2021 ML21188A101 361 Letter to James Kenney, Secretary of the New Mexico Environment Department 10/14/2021 ML21280A339 362 Letter to William Grantham, New Mexico Assistant Attorney General 10/14/2021 ML21281A093 363 Letter to Texas Governor Greg Abbott 10/21/2021 ML21265A263 Page 41 of 98 USCA Case #21-1048 Document #1923391 Filed: 11/22/2021 Page 43 of 100


Comment Source and Document ID 364 Abbott, Greg State of Texas www.regulations.

gov (ML20309A385) 365 Acosta, Jazmin www.regulations.

gov (ML20295A198) 366 Albright, Bud United States Nuclear Industry Council Email (ML20311A204) 367 Allen, Catherine Email (ML20282A629) 368 Anderson, Dorothy www.regulations.

gov (ML20296A547) 369 Anonymous, Anonymous www.regulations.

gov (ML20211M112) 370 Anonymous, Anonymous www.regulations.

gov (ML20233A241)


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gov (ML20268B232) 372 Anonymous, Anonymous www.regulations.

gov (ML20290A362) 373 Anonymous, Anonymous www.regulations.

gov (ML20294A404) 374 Anonymous, Anonymous www.regulations.

gov (ML20302A008) 375 Anonymous, Anonymous www.regulations.

gov (ML20308A426) 376 Anonymous, Anonymous City of Arlington, TX www.regulations.

gov (ML20266G517) 377 Arends, Joni Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety Email (ML20309B074) 378 Arends, Joni Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 379 Arnold, Richard Tribal Radio-active Materials Transpor-tation Committee www.regulations.

gov (ML20309A406) 380 Aros, George Email (ML20307A301) 381 Atteberry, Barbara Email (ML20281A819) 382 Austin, Landry Idaho Department of Environmental Quality www.regulations.

gov (ML20309A400) 383 Baker, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 384 Baker, Toby Texas Commission on Environmental Quality www.regulations.

gov (ML20309A396) 385 Barnard, Edward Email (ML20305A501) 386 Barnes, Margaret Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Email (ML20309B0) 387 Bartelt, Jeannette Email (ML20172A154)

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gov (ML20245E429) 389 Beaulah, Pat Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 390 Beaulah, Pat Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 391 Belisle, Mavis Nuclear Free World Committee of the Dallas Peace and Justice Center Email (ML20309B074) 392 Beltran, Carlos Email (ML20281A553) 393 Bennett, Terrence Email (ML20210M393) 394 Berland, Paul www.regulations.

gov (ML20281A523) 395 Bernard, Larry San Diego Mission Email (ML20309B074) 396 Best, Alynda Email (ML20301A002)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 397 Best, Alynda Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 398 Bezansib, David Email (ML20170A498) 399 Blackburn, Stephan Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 400 Blanco, Arturo Environmental Protection Agency Email (ML20244A136) 401 Bookster, John Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 402 Bosold, Patrick Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 403 Boudart, Jan Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 404 Boudart, Jan Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 405 Boudart, Jan Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 406 Bouquin, David Email (ML20308A921) 407 Bowdey, Lisa Email (ML20309A006) 408 Bowman, Phyllis Email (ML20309A337) 409 Braden, Al Email (ML20254A326) 410 Braden, Al Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 411 Brechin, Vernon Email (ML20301A888) 412 Brook, Molly Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 413 Brown, Marty San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 414 Brown, Norman Patrick Indigenous Rights Center.Org Email (ML20309B074)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 415 Buchser, John Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club Email (ML20309B104) 416 Bula, Dale Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 417 Burling, Hannah League of Women Voters New Mexico Email (ML20309A990) 418 Burnam, Lon Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 419 Burnam, Lon Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 420 Burnam, Lon Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 421 Burnam, Lon Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 422 Burnam, Lon Tarrant Coalition for Environmental Awareness Email (ML20309B074) 423 Burns, Terry Sierra Club, Alamo Group of Lone Star Chapter Email (ML20307A135)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 424 Burns, Terry Sierra Club, Alamo Group of Lone Star Chapter Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 425 Caldwell, Brian Email (ML20307A218) 426 Campbell, Bruce Email (ML20346A483) 427 Canestaro-Garcia, Alice Energía Mía Email (ML20309B074) 428 Cantu, Rodrigo Lone Star Legal Aid Email (ML20309B0) 429 Carpenter, Amy Email (ML20309A168) 430 Carr, Melody Email (ML20254A320) 431 Cassidy, T Email (ML20305A321) 432 Castor, Edward www.regulations.

gov (ML20294A407)

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gov (ML20226A161) 434 Clark, Peter Indigenous Rights Center.Org Email (ML20309B074) 435 Coenen, Rod Email (ML20280A076) 436 Coghlan, Jay Nuclear Watch New Mexico Email (ML20309B074) 437 Coghlan, Jay Nuclear Watch New Mexico Email (ML20323A202) 438 Collonge, Pegasus NevadaDesert Experience.or g

Email (ML20309B074) 439 Cook, Richard Email (ML20280B085) 440 Cooke, David City of Fort Worth Email (ML20306A364) 441 Cordova, Tina Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium Email (ML20309B074)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 442 Cortez, Loyd Email (ML20254A321) 443 Cortez, Norma Email (ML20281A817) 444 Croom, Carolyn Email (ML20280B050) 445 Croom, Carolyn Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 446 Croom, Carolyn Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 447 Crow, Caroline Caring for Pasadena Communities Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 448 Crow, Caroline Lone Star Legal Aid Email (ML20309B0) 449 Currens, Leslie Email (ML20163A560) 450 D'Arrigo, Diane Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 451 D'Arrigo, Diane Nuclear Information and Resource Service Email (ML20309B069) 452 D'Arrigo, Diane Nuclear Information and Resource Service Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 453 D'Arrigo, Diane Nuclear Information and Resource Service Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 454 Daniel, Theresa Dallas

County, Texas Email (ML20309A029) 455 Daniel, Theresa Dallas
County, Texas Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 456 Davidson, Jill www.regulations.

gov (ML20268B803) 457 Davis, Edward U.S. Nuclear Industry Council Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 458 Deerinwater, Jesse Citizens' Resistance at Fermi 2 Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 459 Dinn, Amy Lone Star Legal Aid Email (ML20309B0)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 460 Douglas, Karen League of Women Voters, New Mexico Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 461 Drake, Tiffany Missouri Department of Natural Resources Email (ML20301A066) 462 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A365) 463 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A366) 464 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A367) 465 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A368) 466 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20285A065) 467 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20285A068) 468 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20290A008)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 469 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20290A009) 470 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20300A183) 471 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A098) 472 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A187) 473 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A191) 474 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A208) 475 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A213) 476 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A220) 477 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309A964)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 478 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B013) 479 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B074) 480 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B078) 481 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B080) 482 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B088) 483 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B093) 484 Drey, Kay Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B119) 485 Dunzik-Gougar, Mary Lou American Nuclear Society www.regulations.

gov (ML20281A524) 486 Eastland, Mike North Central Texas Council of Governments www.regulations.

gov (ML20308A421)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 487 Eckhardt, Sarah State of Texas Email (ML20303A292) 488 Edlow, Jack Edlow International Company Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 489 Eichelberger, Don www.regulations.

gov (ML20297A250) 490 Eichelberger, Don Abalone Alliance SEC Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 491 Eiser, Jay Email (ML20300A097) 492 Evans, Amanda Email (ML20346A458) 493 Evans, William Email (ML20254A335) 494 Eyles, Evelyn Email (ML20346A476) 495 Faidley, Richard Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 496 Fay, Jacquelyn Email (ML20298A326) 497 Feil, Kim Email (ML20219A663) 498 Fleming, Melissa Email (ML20160A448) 499 Ford, Aaron State of Nevada Email (ML20309A959) 500 Fronzak, Robert America Association of Railroads www.regulations.

gov (ML20192A001) 501 Gannaway, Timothy Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 502 Gannaway, Timothy Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 503 Garcia, Janet Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 504 Gardner, Rose Email (ML20176A481)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 505 Gardner, Rose Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 506 Gardner, Rose Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 507 Gardner, Rose Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 508 Gardner, Rose Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 509 Gardner, Rose Alliance for Environmental Strategies Email (ML20309B074) 510 Geiger, Doreen Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 511 Gellert, Sally Jane Email (ML20170B322) 512 Gendron, Marilyn Email (ML20309B056) 513 Gentile, Allison Email (ML20301A852)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 514 Germano, Jennifer Email (ML20309A994) 515 Getchell, Lynette Email (ML20298A508) 516 Gewax, Lisa www.regulations.

gov (ML20248H322) 517 Gibson, Claudia www.regulations.

gov (ML20133K148) 518 Gibson, Kenneth Email (ML20298A358) 519 Gilmore, Donna Email (ML20279A820) 520 Goldstein, Bridget Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 521 Goodwin, Vikki Texas State Government Email (ML20294A263) 522 Gordon, Rick Email (ML20284A338)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 523 Gordon, Susan Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment Email (ML20309B074) 524 Gorman, Pam Xcel Energy Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 525 Gosslee, Susybelle Texas League of Women Voters Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 526 Gould, Robert Physicians for Social Responsibility Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 527 Gray, Erica Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 528 Greenwald, Janet Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping Email (ML20309B074) 529 Greenwald, Janet Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping Email (ML20309B115) 530 Greenwald, Janet Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 531 Grisham, Michelle Lujan State of New Mexico Email (ML20309B135)

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gov (ML20211M134) 533 Gundersen, Margaret Fairewinds Energy Education Email (ML20346A482) 534 Haase, Daniel www.regulations.

gov (ML20227A344) 535 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &

Economic Development (SEED)

Coalition Email (ML20224A364) 536 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &

Economic Development (SEED)

Coalition Email (ML20309A003) 537 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &

Economic Development (SEED)

Coalition Email (ML20309B074) 538 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &

Economic Development (SEED)

Coalition Email (ML20309B086)

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Economic Development (SEED)

Coalition Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 540 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &

Economic Development (SEED)

Coalition Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 541 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &

Economic Development (SEED)

Coalition Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 542 Hadden, Karen Sustainable Energy &

Economic Development (SEED)

Coalition Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 543 Hall, Joyce Email (ML20282A635) 544 Halpin, Beki Email (ML20281A930) 545 Halpin, Beki Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 546 Halpin, Beki Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 547 Halpin, Richard Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 548 Halpin, Richard Austin Texas Green Sanctuary Ministry Email (ML20280B005) 549 Halpin, Richard Austin Texas Green Sanctuary Ministry Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 550 Hancock, Don Southwest Research and Information Center Email (ML20309B074) 551 Hanratty, Linda Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 552 Hanson, Richard Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Email (ML20301A204) 553 Harmon, Lucy Email (ML20279A828) 554 Harrison, Dan Email (ML20280A904) 555 Hartline, Steven www.regulations.

gov (ML20224A467)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 556 Hendon, Peggy League of Women Voters of Tarrant County Email (ML20285A066) 557 Hendricks, Bob Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 558 Henry, Howard Email (ML20309B043) 559 Hersher, Kelsey Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 560 Hisasue, Carole San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 561 Hoffman, Ace Email (ML20305A421) 562 Hogan, Frances Email (ML20346A468) 563 Holder, Elaine San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 564 Holland, Brooke Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 565 Howard, Donna Texas State Repre-sentative Email (ML20309A652) 566 Hughes, Ed Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 567 Hughes, Ed Northeast New Mexicans United Against Nuclear Waste Email (ML20309B074) 568 Hughes, Patty Northeast New Mexicans United Against Nuclear Waste Email (ML20309B074) 569 Hyde, Bridget Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 570 Hyde, Bridget Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 571 Inowei, Marie Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 572 Inserra, Marie Email (ML20301A082)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 573 Isakson, Jeffery TN America LLC Email (ML20220A064) 574 Israel, Celia State of Texas Email (ML20308A897) 575 Jagiello, Carol Email (ML20300A367) 576 Jagiello, Carol Email (ML20307A154) 577 Jaques, Karen Email (ML20297A598) 578 Jenkins, Lyn Email (ML20281A729) 579 Jenkins, Rose Email (ML20168A498) 580 Johnson, Diane www.regulations.

gov (ML20290A289) 581 Johnson, Jan League of Women Voters of Denton Email (ML20309B108)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 582 Johnson, Molly San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 583 Johnson, Molly San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 584 Johnson, Ron Tribal Radioactive Materials Transpor-tation Committee www.regulations.

gov (ML20309A406) 585 Kamps, Kevin Email (ML20254A305) 586 Kamps, Kevin Email (ML20297A201) 587 Kamps, Kevin Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 588 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20190A044) 589 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A365) 590 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A366)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 591 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A367) 592 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20284A368) 593 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20285A051) 594 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20285A065) 595 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20285A068) 596 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20290A008) 597 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20290A009) 598 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20300A183) 599 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A098)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 600 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A187) 601 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A191) 602 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A208) 603 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A213) 604 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20301A220) 605 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309A964) 606 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B013) 607 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B067) 608 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B074)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 609 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B078) 610 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B080) 611 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B086) 612 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B088) 613 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B093) 614 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20309B119) 615 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML20317A281) 616 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 617 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 618 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 619 Keegan, Michael Don't Waste Michigan Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 620 Kellie, Susan Email (ML20309A557) 621 Kenner, Kate Email (ML20307A159) 622 Kenney, James C.

New Mexico Environment Department Email (ML20309B065) 623 Kern, The Rev Dr Edward Email (ML20280A971) 624 Kipen, Ethel Email (ML20279A868) 625 Kipen, Ken Email (ML20279A868) 626 Klein, James Email (ML20200A002)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 627 Klein, James Email (ML20284A345) 628 Kleuskens, Tanya Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 629 Kleuskens, Tonya Email (ML20309B110) 630 Koch, Cindy www.regulations.

gov (ML20234A539) 631 Koerber, Ellen Email (ML20307A421) 632 Kovac, Scott Nuclear Watch New Mexico Email (ML20323A202) 633 Kraft, David Nuclear Energy Information Service Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 634 Kraft, David Nuclear Energy Information Service www.regulations.

gov (ML20308A732) 635 Kurland, Miriam Email (ML20279A830)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 636 Lambert, Jerell Email (ML20297A111) 637 Latona, Kay Email (ML20280A891) 638 Lawrence, George Email (ML20289B027) 639 Lee, Marc www.regulations.

gov (ML20220A311) 640 Lee, Michel Council on Intelligent Energy &

Conservation Policy and Promoting Health and Sustainable Energy Email (ML20309B068) 641 Lee, Michel Legal Environmental Action Fund Email (ML20309B068) 642 Lee, Michelle Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 643 Lee, Michelle Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 644 Letson, Sonya Email (ML20308A366) 645 Lewis, Sherry San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 646 Lewison, Linda Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 647 Limberg, Kim Email (ML20346A497) 648 Littlejohn, Nick Email (ML20281A870) 649 Lodge, Terry On behalf of:

Multiple Organizations Email (ML20309B038)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 650 Lodge, Terry Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 651 Logan, Christopher Email (ML20219A680) 652 Lukasiewicz, Judy Email (ML20174A474) 653 Lyons, Alejandría SouthWest Organizing Project Email (ML20309B074) 654 M, Terissa Email (ML20284A039) 655 Macfarlane, John Email (ML20281A909) 656 MacKenzie, Therese Email (ML20305A112)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 657 Marida, Patricia Email (ML20309B098) 658 Mathis, Marilyn Email (ML20309A347) 659 Mayers, Kenneth Veterans For Peace Santa Fe Chapter Email (ML20309B074) 660 McCole, Jamy Black www.regulations.

gov (ML20290A896) 661 McCoy, David Citizen Action New Mexico Email (ML20309B004) 662 McCoy, David Citizen Action New Mexico Email (ML20309B074) 663 McCoy, David Citizen Action New Mexico Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 664 McCoy, David Citizen Action New Mexico Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 665 McCullum, Rod Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 666 McCullum, Rod Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 667 McCullum, Rodney Nuclear Energy Institute Email (ML20308A908) 668 McDill, Teresa New Mexico Environment Department Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 669 McGuire, Meredith Email (ML20200A004) 670 McGuire, Meredith Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 671 McManemy, Victor Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamin-ation Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 672 McMurrian, Katrina Nuclear Waste Strategy Coalition (NWSC)

Email (ML20309B042) 673 McMurrian, Katrina Nuclear Waste Strategy Coalition (NWSC)

Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 674 McNairn, Bonnie Email (ML20309B002) 675 McSweeney, Charles Email (ML20280B086) 676 Melton, Kathryn Email (ML20280A119) 677 Merritt, Fred Email (ML20309B039) 678 Michetti, Susan Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 679 Mitchell, Cheryl Email (ML20307A199) 680 Montgomery, Bruce Nuclear Energy Institute Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 681 Morey, Sandra Email (ML20296A493) 682 Morgan, Leona Email (ML20309B038) 683 Morgan, Leona Diné No Nukes Email (ML20309B074) 684 Morgan, Leona Nuclear Issues Study Group Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 685 Mowery, Zac www.regulations.

gov (ML20294A405) 686 Mulcihy, David Email (ML20210M399) 687 Murphy, Deborah Email (ML20282A695)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 688 Murphy, Patricia Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 689 Nabi, Joy Email (ML20301A112) 690 Nazor, Craig Lone Star Chapter Sierra Club Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 691 Neeley, Charles www.regulations.

gov (ML20290A288) 692 Nesbit, Steve American Nuclear Society Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 693 Newton-Grayson, Diana www.regulations.

gov (ML20224A466) 694 Nicolai, Michael Email (ML20309B075) 695 Nieman, Bryce Keller Independent School District Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 696 Norwood, Nancy San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 697 O'Brien, Kathy Email (ML20309A280) 698 O'Donnell, Richard Email (ML20210M394) 699 O'Neill, Patrick www.regulations.

gov (ML20302A009) 700 O'Shaughnessy, Eileen Nuclear Issues Study Group Email (ML20309B074) 701 O'Shaughnessy, Eileen Nuclear Issues Study Group Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 702 Oder, Steve Email (ML20210M389) 703 Orkin, Jenna Email (ML20210M398) 704 Ottmer, Tammy Colorado State Patrol www.regulations.

gov (ML20309A400) 705 Pachlhofer, Aaron Email (ML20309B100)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 706 Padilla, Elizabeth Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 707 Padilla, Elizabeth Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 708 Padilla, Elizabeth Save Andrews County Email (ML20309B074) 709 Papas, Timothea Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 710 Parry, Ronald Email (ML20309B107) 711 Patrie, Lewis Email (ML20163A565) 712 Pearce, Susan Email (ML20346A488) 713 Perales, Monica Fasken Oil and Ranch Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 714 Peterson, Gordon Email (ML20281A702)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 715 Pezzati, Mark Email (ML20304A636) 716 Poole, Steve Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 717 Preston, David Email (ML20302A169) 718 Price, Betsy City of Fort Worth Email (ML20306A364) 719 Pritikin, Joshua www.regulations.

gov (ML20133K149) 720 Propst, Sarah New Mexico

Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department Email (ML20309B052) 721 Proska, Margo and Dennis Email (ML20309B010) 722 Pyle, Alexandra Email (ML20309A084)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 723 Ramsay, Rebecca Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 724 Ramsay, Rebecca www.regulations.

gov (ML20268B231) 725 Ratcliff, Philip Email (ML20163A559) 726 Reade, Deborah Email (ML20308A937) 727 Reed, Cyrus Email (ML20280B000) 728 Reed, Cyrus Sierra Club, Lone Star Chapter Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 729 Resnikoff, Marvin Radioactive Waste Management Associates www.regulations.

gov (ML20276A227) 730 Resnikoff, Marvin Radioactive Waste Management Associates www.regulations.

gov (ML20281A521) 731 Rhodes, Suzanne League of Women Voters Email (ML20298A249)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 732 Richey, Sharon Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 733 Richey, Sharon Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 734 Richter, Mark Nuclear Energy Institute Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 735 Roberts, Duane Email (ML20281A471) 736 Rodriquez, Eddie Texas State Representa-tive Email (ML20308A440) 737 Romo, Jacqueline www.regulations.

gov (ML20290A892) 738 Rosen, David Email (ML20280A083) 739 Rosen, David Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 740 Rosen, David Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 741 Ruebelmann, Lorna Email (ML20309B023) 742 Sachs, Gary Email (ML20346A467) 743 Samson, Hannah Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Email (ML20309B0) 744 Sargent, Barbara www.regulations.

gov (ML20211M132) 745 Sauber, Michael Email (ML20309A995) 746 Sayre, Johannes Email (ML20232A069) 747 Schmalz, Charles Email (ML20299A067) 748 Schuurman, Susan Nuclear Issues Study Group Email (ML20300A459) 749 Schuurman, Susan Nuclear Issues Study Group Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)

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gov (ML20211M133) 751 Seamster, Teresa Email (ML20309A678) 752 Seeley, Linda San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 753 Seyb, Cynthia Email (ML20309A677) 754 Shaffer, Tria Email (ML20280A043) 755 Shelley, Adrian Public Citizen Texas Office Email (ML20309B074) 756 Shelley, Adrian Public Citizen Texas Office Email (ML20309B086) 757 Shelley, Adrian Public Citizen Texas Office Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 758 Shepperd, Ben Permian Basin Petroleum Association Email (ML20220A468)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 759 Simpson, Robert Email (ML20172A254) 760 Simpson, Robert Email (ML20299A298) 761 Sinett, Audrey Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 762 Singleton, James www.regulations.

gov (ML20290A293) 763 Singleton, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 764 Singleton, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 765 Singleton, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 766 Singleton, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 767 Singleton, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 768 Siwik, Allyson Gila Resources Information Project Email (ML20309B073) 769 Smith, David Email (ML20281A881) 770 Smith, Edward www.regulations.

gov (ML20294A397) 771 Smith, Jan Email (ML20280A985) 772 Smith, Roger Email (ML20307A747) 773 Smith, Tom Email (ML20309B130) 774 Smith, Tom Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 775 Smith, Tom Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 776 Smith, Tom Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 777 Smyke, Pete Email (ML20170A386) 778 Soria, Sandra Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 779 Spencer, Dave Email (ML20299A117) 780 Sperry, Carolyn Email (ML20346A443) 781 Stein, Cletus The Peace Farm Email (ML20309B074) 782 Stein, Gerald Email (ML20280B090) 783 Stewart, Carol Email (ML20234A570) 784 Suellentrop, Ann Peaceworks Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 785 Summer, Rebecca Email (ML20309B109)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 786 Summer, Rebecca Email (ML20309B112) 787 Sutton, Patrice Physicians for Social Responsibility Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 788 Swanson, Jane San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 789 Talarek, Stephanie Physicians for Social Responsibility Email (ML20300A412) 790 Tapang, Pamie Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 791 Tasian, Diane League of Women Voters of Dallas Email (ML20309B055) 792 Tate, John Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 793 Taylor, Wallace Sierra Club Email (ML20307A480) 794 Taylor, Wallace Sierra Club Nuclear Free Campaign Email (ML20309B074)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 795 Taylor, Wally Sierra Club Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 796 Thomas, Jay TM Americas Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 797 Thomas, Jay TN Americas Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 798 Tinney, Herbert and Carolyn Email (ML20280A055) 799 Tomlinson, John Email (ML20231A759) 800 Treichel, Judy Nevada Nuclear Waste Task Force Email (ML20301A150) 801 Treichel, Judy Nevada Nuclear Waste Task Force Email (ML20309B074) 802 Trester, Elliot Physicians for Social Responsibility Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 803 Tu, Yenter No Borders Communicatio n

Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 804 Turnbull, Clay New England Coalition Email (ML20309B090) 805 Valdivia, Enrique Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Email (ML20309B0) 806 Valentine, Jennifer www.regulations.

gov (ML20266G387) 807 Valenzano, Mike TN Americas Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 808 Van Norman, Janet Email (ML20301A179) 809 Vann II, Robert Email (ML20307A384) 810 Vann II, Robert Email (ML20346A463) 811 Vann II, Robert Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242) 812 Vescovi, Peter Orano Meeting Transcript (ML20288A242)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 813 Videen, Tom Email (ML20309A986) 814 Villegas, Lorraine Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 815 Walker, Kalene Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 816 Wallace, Cathy Email (ML20280B051) 817 Wallace, Kathy Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 818 Walter, Patricia Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 819 Warner, Janet Wheeler Peak Progressives Email (ML20309B074) 820 Warren, Barbara Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 821 Warren, Barbara Citizens' Environmental Coalition Email (ML20309A947)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 822 Wasgatt, Ann Email (ML20210M388) 823 Wassenich, Linda Email (ML20308A235) 824 Watchempino, Laura Email (ML20199M416) 825 Watchempino, Laura Email (ML20325A261) 826 Weehler, Cynthia Meeting Transcript (ML20288A206) 827 Weehler, Cynthia Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 828 Wells, Robert Email (ML20210M400) 829 Wild, Kathryn Email (ML20307A728) 830 Wilder, Laura www.regulations.

gov (ML20220A313)

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Peace, Chapter #63 Email (ML20307A146) 832 Williams, Lori Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 833 Williams, Mary Jane Email (ML20300A492) 834 Williams, Mary Jane Meeting Transcript (ML20297A255) 835 Williams, Mary Jane www.regulations.

gov (ML20290A291) 836 Wingeier, Stephen Email (ML20307A716) 837 Young, John Email (ML20281A660) 838 Zabala, Maggie Meeting Transcript (ML20294A435) 839 Zabarte, Ian Native Community Action Council Email (ML20309B041)

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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 840 Zabarte, Ian Native Community Action Council Email (ML20309B074) 841 ZamEk, Jill San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Email (ML20308A799) 842 Zashin, Elliot www.regulations.

gov (ML20290A286) 843 Zhu, Ling www.regulations.

gov (ML20211M118) 844 Zimmermann, Ron Email (ML20296A417) 845 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: NIRS


COMMENT on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)

Docket No. 72-1050; NRC-2016-0231 Representative sample of 2,019 form comments received Email (ML20167A140) 846 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: SEED


Halt the license for radioactive waste storage Representative sample of 247 form comments received Email (ML20189A292)


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RECORD ID DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DATE ACCESSION NUMBER 847 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: Nukebusters


Nuclear Transport and Storage Representative sample of 5 form comments received Email (ML20199F496) 848 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: Nukebusters


Comment to US Nuclear Regulatory Commission on DEIS for WCS ISP CISF Representative sample of 2,044 form comments received Email (ML20230A427) 849 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: Sierra Club




NRC-2016-0231 Don?t dump on Texas --

Deny the radioactive waste storage license Representative sample of 672 form comments received Email (ML20279A818) 850 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: Public Citizen


No nuclear waste in Texas Representative sample of 2,754 form comments received Email (ML20288A842) 851 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: NIRS


Docket NRC 2020-0065 Transfer of VLL (Radioactive) Waste to Exempt Persons for Disposal Representative sample of 9 form comments received Email (ML20303A280) 852 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: NIRS


Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), Docket No. 72-1050; NRC-2016-0231 Representative sample of 2,382 form comments received Email (ML20304A233) 853 Multiple commenters - Sponsor of form: SEED


No nuclear waste Representative sample of 12 form comments received Email (ML20224A363) 854 Multiple commenters -Sponsor of form: Not known.


Please Approve the Texas CIS Facility Representative sample of 57 form comments received Email (ML20285A059)

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