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Forwards Emergency Response Data Sys (ERDS) Mail Survey Re Feasibility of Using Reactor Site Computer Sys as Source of Data for Erds.Requests That Survey Be Completed & Returned by 861212.W/o Encl
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna, 05000000
Issue date: 11/18/1986
From: John Hickman
To: Wike C
Shared Package
ML20235G519 List: ... further results
FOIA-87-737 NUDOCS 8611240087
Download: ML20244E446 (3)


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! g NUCt. EAR REGULATORY COMMISSION g E WASHINGTON. D. C, 20555 November 18, 1986 L1 k . . . . . j#

.3 Mr. Charles R. Wike i

Susquehanna Steam Electric Station RD 1 Box 1646 Berwick, PA 18603 4



Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) Mail Survey 1

Dear Mr. Wike:

I 1 Since October,1985 an NRC contractor has been performing onsite surveys of

, reactor site computer systems to determine the feasibility of using these

" systems as the source of data for an Emergency Response Data System (ERDS).

1 The surveys have collected data in the following three areas:

1. Availability and characteristics of reactor plant, radiological and

. meteorological parameters as computer points on licensee computer systems.

I 2. Computer system hardware and software design for licensee computer j systems containing the desired parameter computer points.

j b, 3. Assessment of the telecommunications capabilities for transmitting j data from licensee computer systems to NRC Headquarters.

By the end of November 1986, approximately 61 reactor sites will have had 1 onsite surveys completed. The remaining 16 reactor sites, of which yours is one, are to be surveyed using a mail survey technique.

I am enclosing a copy of the survey checklist to be used for your facility. >

Please realize that not all items in the checklist will apply to your facil-

-; ity. The survey checklists were originally designed for use by an onsite h surveyor who could easily determine what portions of the checklist applied

.j to each site. The descriptive materials and instructions which accompany a the enclosed checklist should allow you to make these same decisions. The

] checklist deal with a very broad spectrum of reactor plant, computer and

.d telecommunications systems because they are intended to cover all licensed i nuclear reactors. l q<.

4 I would appreciate your reviewing the enclosed descriptive material and the j checklist. Before commencing your research and entry of data in the checklist, j it is recommended that you contact the contractor personnel listed below to O ensure that you understand the information being requested and the means by 1 which that information can be collected in the most efficient manner. We would appreciate having the survey completed and returned to me by December 12, ,

/ 1986. If you have any questions of a general or policy oriented nature, please 4 call me at 301-492-4155.

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Mr. Charles R. Wike November 18, 1986 ti 1

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1 When the survey checklist has been completed, package it with any descriptive j material that you have added (e.g., computer point runs, P& ids, calibration curves, computer system drawings, etc.) and mail them to me at the address  !

l j provided below:


't NRC Representative Contractor Representative

j U5 NRC Phoenix Associates, Inc.

Washington, DC 20555 4720 Montgomery Lane Attn: John B. Hickman Bethesda, MD 20814 j Mail Stop - MNBB-3302 Suite 600-a Phone - 301-492-4155 Attn: Mark Birnbaum i Phone - 301-654-0850 '

d 4 Please do not hesitate to call me or one of our contractors should you have i any questions in completing the survey forms. We sincerely appreciate your participation in this survey effort. .

Sincerely, (a DriginalWSp

' John B. Hickman -

]j Incident Response Branch Division of Emergency Preparedness i 1 (,


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and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcement

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i Survey Checklist N

1 Distribution: w/o enclosure j K. E. Perkins, IE R. F. Priebe, IE .

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