ML18026A494 | |
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Site: | Susquehanna |
Issue date: | 05/12/1998 |
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GL-86-10, PLA-4902, NUDOCS 9805190195 | |
Download: ML18026A494 (46) | |
ACCESSION NBR: 9805190195 DOC;DATE: 98/05/12 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKET FACIL:50-387 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Unit 1, Pennsylva 05000387 50-388 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Unit 2, Pennsylva 05000388 AUTH.NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION BYRAM,R.G. Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.
RECIP . NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION Document Control Branch (Document Control -Desk)
Application for amends to licenses NPF-14 R NPF-22,revising TS to support Improved TS &. to implement provisions of GL 86-10 related to plant's Fire Protection Program.
TITLE: OR/Licensing Submittal: Fire Protection - App R - GL-88-12 E
NOTES: 05000387 G
M i E
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1 0
Robert G. Byram PP&L, Inc.
Senior Vice President Two North Ninth Street Generation and Chief Nuclear Officer Allentown, PA 18101-1179 Tel. 610.774.7502 Fax 610.774.5019 Tet. 61 0.774.5151 E-mail: rgbyram@papt.corn http: //www.papl.corn/
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn.: Document Control Desk Mail Station P1-137 Washington, D. C. 20555 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION REVISION TO PROPOSED AMENDMENTNO. 189 AND PROPOSED AMENDMENTNO. 146:
REMOVALOF FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS FROM TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONS Docket Nos. 50-387 PLA-4902 FILE R41-2 and 50-3SS This letter supersedes PLA-4367, dated September 18, 1995, "Proposed Amendment No. 189 to License NPF-14 and Proposed Amendment No. 146 to License NPF-22: Revised Transmittal Letter for Removal of Fire Protection Requirements from Technical Specifications". This letter responds to a NRC request to resubmit the proposal to change Technical Specifications for Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES), Units 1 and 2, to support the implementation of Improved Technical Specifications and to implement the provisions of Generic Letter 86-10" related to the relocation of the plant's Fire Protection Program from the technical specifications to another controlled document, the Susquehanna SES Technical Requirements Manual (TRM).
This proposal follows the guidance of Generic Letter 88-12 as described below.
Generic Letter Guidance: Generic Letter 86-10 encourages replacement oflicense conditions regarding fire protection with a standard.'license condition.
The standard fire protection license condition suggested by Generic Letter 86-10 was included in the Susquehanna SES Unit 1 facility operating licenses as condition 2.c.(6) and the Unit 2 facility operating license as condition 2.c.(3). As currently written, these conditions reflect NRC approval as defined in their Safety Evaluation dated August 9, 1989. The existing License Conditions should be updated to reflect approvals received up to and including the Safety Evaluation dated October 21, 1997 as follows:
~ P, 9805i90i95 9805KB PDR ADOCK 05000387 P PDR
FILE R41-2 PLA-4902 Document Control Desk Unit 1 PPAL, Inc. shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in the Fire Protection Review Report for the. facility and as approved in Fire Protection Program Section 9.5, SER, SSER ¹1, SSER¹2, SSER¹3, SSER¹4, SSER¹6, Safety Evaluation of Fire Protection Report dated August 9, 1989, Safety Evaluation of Revision 4 to the Fire Protection Review Report dated March 29, 1993, and Safety Evaluation of Fire Protection Program Issues, Safe Shutdown Methodology and Analysis Of Associated Circuits dated October 21, 1997, subject to the following provision:
The Licensee may make changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the commission only ifthose changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.
Unit 2 PP&L, Inc. shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in the Fire Protection Review Report for the facility and as approved in Fire Protection Program Section 9.5, SER, SSER ¹1, SSER¹2, SSER¹3, SSER¹4, SSER¹6, Safety Evaluation of Fire Protection Report dated August 9, 1989, Safety Evaluation of Revision 4 to the Fire Protection Review Report dated March 29, 1993, and Safety Evaluation of Fire Protection Program Issues, Safe Shutdown Methodology and Analysis Of Associated Circuits dated October 21, 1997, subject to the following provision:
The Licensee may make changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the commission only ifthose changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.
Generic Letter Guidance: The NRC-approved Fire Protection Program must be incorporated into the FSAR and submitted ivith the certification required by IO CFR 50.7I(e)(2), as requested by Generic Letter S6-IO. The FSAR update includes the incorporation of the Fire Protection Program, including the fire hazards analysis and major commitments that form the basis for the NRC-approved Fire Protection Program. This may be accomplished by referencing the documents ivhich define the licensee's Fire Protection Program as identified in the NRC's Safety Evaluation Reports.
FILE R41-2 PLA-4902 Document Control Desk The Susquehanna SES Fire Protection Program has been incorporated into the FSAR by way of reference to the Susquehanna SES Fire Protection Review, Report. The Susquehanna SES Fire Protection Review Report contains a description of the fire protection program, safe shutdown analysis, fire protection system descriptions, fire hazards analysis examining the effect of a postulated fire on the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown on a plant area by plant area basis, a compilation of all deviations taken from requirements, and a comparison of the Susquehanna SES design and fire protection features against regulatory requirements. The Susquehanna SES Fire Protection Review Report has been approved by the NRC through Revision 4.
Generic Letter Guidairce: The Limiting Conditions For Operation (LCO) and Surveillance Requirements associated ivith tliefire detection systems, fire suppression systems, fire barriers, and tlie administrative controls that addressfire brigade staffing would be relocated from t'Iie technical specifications. Tlie existing administrative controls related to fire protection audits are to be retained in teclinical specifications. Also, any specifications related to tlie capability for safe sliutdown following a fire are to be retained in teclinical specifications. All operational conditions, remedial actions, and, test requirements included in teclinical specifications as well as tlie fire brigade staffing requirements shall be incorporated into tfie Fire Protection Program.
Fire protection requirements (Limiting Conditions for Operation and Surveillance requirements associated with fire detection systems, fire suppression systems and fire barriers) currently located in technical specifications will be relocated to the TRM. The Susquehanna SES TRM and an administrative program to control it have been established to provide the means for controlling those plant operating conditions deemed important to safe and eQicient operation of the plant but not directly concerned with Design Basis Accident (DBA) prevention or mitigation. Technical Requirements established by this program are commitments to control important plant equipment and operating conditions not controlled elsewhere. Adherence to the requirements, actions, and testing requirements in the TRM is mandatory. Changes to the TRM are controlled in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59.
All requirements to surveil fire protection features existing under current will be retained in the TRM. Additionally, based upon the resolution of a technical'pecifications recent deficiency, we have increased the scope of equipment being surveilled. These additional requirements are currently being controlled through technical specification interpretations. These technical specification interpretations conservatively establish safety related structures (Control Structure, Unit 1 and 2 Reactor Buildings, Diesel Generator Buildings and the Emergency Service Water Pumphouse) as the boundaries for determining which fire suppression and detection systems require technical specification surveillance. Based on this approach, all suppression and detection equipment currently
4 FILE R41-2 PLA-4902 Document Control Desk installed in a safety related structure is being surveilled. Barriers to be surveilled are those currently indicated on the FPRR drawings as fire rated boundaries plus a portion of the D Diesel Generator Bay north wall. Fire rated barriers required by specific deviation requests have also been included in the technical specification surveillance program.
This added scope for suppression, detection and barriers along with all current technical specification requirements will be included in the TRM.
Under the Technical Requirements Program, plant procedures will continue to provide the specific instructions necessary for the implementation of the specific requirements in the same manner as they are currently controlled by technical specifications.
All current technical specification operational conditions, remedial actions and test requirements associated with fire protection willbe relocated to the TRM.
Technical Specification 6.2.2e relating to the site Fire Brigade will also be relocated into the Technical Requirements Manual.
Generic Letter Guidance: The Administrative Controls section of the technical specification shall be augmented to support the Fire Protection Program. This shall be accomplished by additions to two specifications. First, the Unit Review Group (Onsite Review Group) shall be given responsibility for the review of the Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures and the submittal of recommended changes to the Company Nuclear Review and Audit Group (Offsite Corporate Review Group). Second, Fire Protection Program implementation shall be added to the list of elements for which written procedures sfiall be established, implemented, and maintained.
Three additions will be made to Technical Specification Section 6.0. Technical Specification will be added to include PORC review of all proposed changes to the Technical. Requirements Manual and submittal of all approved changes to the Susquehanna Review Committee. Technical Specification 6.8.1j. will be added to include the requirement to establish, implement, and maintain written procedures for the Technical Requirements Manual and the program that controls it. Technical Specification 6.8.2 will be changed to add the requirement for the General Manager-Susquehanna SES to review the procedure implementing technical requirements in accordance with Specification or 6.5.3, and approve prior to implementation and periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.
Attachment I hereto is an assessment of the safety basis for the proposed change and concludes that the change does not involve significant hazards. The change has been reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and the Susquehanna Review Committee. The NRC previously
FILE R41-2 PLA-4902 e Document Control Desk approved a propqsed change of similar nature in a SER dated February 1, 1995 for Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company's Haddam Neck Station.
PP&L recognizes there is an open issue regarding the Susquehanna SES safe shutdown methodology remaining to be resolved as part of the plant's Fire Protection Functional Inspection (FPFI). Based upon discussions with NRC senior management personnel, we are committed to resolution of this issue separate from this proposal as part of the FPFI open issues resolution process.
Attachment II to this letter is a copy of the current license conditions for Units 1 and 2 marked to show the proposed changes.
Attachment III to this letter is a copy of the technical specification pages marked to show the proposed changes as supplemented by this letter.
We request issuance of the proposed amendments by June 28. 1998 in order to support PAL's implementation of Improved Technical Specifications. Should you have questions, please contact Mr. William W. Williams at (610 ) 774-7742.
Sincerely, 1
R .By m Attachments copy: NRC Region I Mr. K. M. Jenison, NRC Resident Inspector Mr. V. Nerses, NRC Sr. Project Manager
Mr. K. Kerns, PA DEP/BRP
Robert G. Byram PP8L, Inc.
Senior Vice President Two North Ninth Street Generation and Chief Nuclear Officer Allentown, PA 18101-1179 Tel. 610.774.7502 Fax 610.774.5019 pl.corn/
Tel, 610.774.5151 E-mail:rgbyramepapl.corn http: // g.',Y 1 2 1998 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn.: Document Control Desk Mail Station P 1-137 Washington, D. C. 20555 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION REVISION TO PROPOSED AMENDMENTNO, 189 AND PROPOSED AMENDMENTNO. 146:
REMOVALOF FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS FROM TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONS Docket Nos. 50-387 PLA-4902 FILE R41-2 and 50-388 This letter supersedes PLA-4367, dated September 18, 1995, "Proposed Amendment No. 189 to License NPF-14 and Proposed Amendment No. 146 to License NPF-22: Revised Transmittal Letter for Removal of Fire Protection Requirements from Technical Specifications". This letter responds to a NRC request to resubmit the proposal to change Technical Specifications for
. Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES), Units 1 and 2, to support the implementation of Improved Technical Specifications and to implement the provisions of Generic Letter 86-10 related to the relocation of the plant's Fire Protection Program from the technical specifications to another controlled document, the Susquehanna SES Technical Requirements Manual (TRM).
This proposal follows the guidance of Generic Letter 88-12 as described below.
Generic Letter Guidance: Generic Letter 86-10 encourages replacenrent oflicense conditions regarding fire protection with a standard license condition.
The standard fire protection license condition suggested by Generic Letter 86-10 was included in the Susquehanna SES Unit 1 facility operating licenses as condition 2.c.(6) and the Unit 2 facility operating license as condition 2.c.(3). As currently written, these conditions reflect NRC approval as defined in their Safety Evaluation dated August 9, 1989. The existing License Conditions should be updated to reflect approvals received up to and including the Safety Evaluation dated October 21, 1997 as follows:
y J FILE R41-2 PLA4902 Document Control Desk Unit 1 PP8'cL, Inc. shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in the Fire Protection Review Report for the facility and as approved in Fire Protection Program Section 9.5, SER,'SSER ¹1, SSER¹2, SSER¹3, SSER¹4, SSER¹6, Safety Evaluation of Fire Protection Report dated August 9, 1989, Safety Evaluation of Revision 4 to the Fire Protection Review Report dated March 29, 1993, and Safety Evaluation of Fire Protection Program Issues, Safe Shutdown Methodology and Analysis Of Associated Circuits dated October 21, 1997, subject to the following provision:
The Licensee may make changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the commission only ifthose changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.
Unit 2 PPdcL, Inc. shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in the Fire Protection Review Report for the facility and as approved in Fire Protection Program Section 9.5, SER, SSER ¹1, SSER¹2, SSER¹3, SSER¹6, Safety Evaluation of Fire Protection Report dated August 9, 1989, 'SER¹4, Safety Evaluation of Revision 4 to the Fire Protection Review Report dated March 29, 1993, and Safety Evaluation of Fire Protection Program Issues, Safe Shutdown Methodology and Analysis Of Associated Circuits dated October 21, 1997, subject to the following provision:
The Licensee may make changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the commission only ifthose changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.
Generic Letter Guidance: T/ie NRC-approved Fire Protection Program must be incorporated into the FSAR and submitted ivith dre certification required by 10 CFR 50.71(e)(2), 'as requested by Generic Letter 86-10. Tlie FSAR update includes the incorporation of tlie Fire Protection Program, including tliefire hazards analysis and major commitments that form the basis for tlie NRC-approved Fire Protection Program. T/iis may be accomplished by referencing the document's iv/iich define the licensee's Fire Protection Program as identified iir tlie NRC's Safety Evaluation Reports.
FILE R41-2 PLA-4902 Document Control Desk The Susquehanna SES Fire Protection Program has been incorporated into the FSAR by of reference to the Susquehanna SES Fire Protection Review Report. The 'ay Susquehanna SES Fire Protection Review Report contains a description of the fire protection program, safe shutdown analysis, fire protection system descriptions, fire hazards analysis examining the effect of a postulated fire on the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown on a plant area by plant area basis, a compilation of all deviations taken from requirements, and a comparison of the Susquehanna SES design and fire protection features against regulatory requirements. The Susquehanna SES Fire Protection Review Report has been approved by the NRC through Revision 4.
Generic Letter Guidance: The Limiting Conditions For Operation (LCO) and Surveillance Requirements associated wiCk the fire detection systems, fire suppression systems, fire barriers, and the administrative controls tliat address fire brigade staffing would be relocated from tike teclknical specifications. Tike existing administrative controls related to fire protection audits are to be retained in i'echnical specifications. Also, any specifications related to the capability for safe slkiitdown following a fire are to be retained in teclknical specifications. All operational conditions, remedial actions, and 'test requirements included in teclinical specifications as well as tike fire brigade staffing requirements slrall be incorporated into the Fire Protection Program.
Fire protection requirements (Limiting Conditions for Operation and Surveillance requirements associated with fire detection systems, fire suppression systems and fire barriers) currently located in technical specifications will be relocated to the TRM. The Susquehanna SES TRM and an administrative program to control it have been established to provide the means for controlling those plant operating conditions deemed important to safe and efficient operation of the plant but not directly concerned with Design Basis Accident (DBA) prevention or mitigation. Technical Requirements established by this program are commitments to control important plant equipment and operating conditions not controlled elsewhere. Adherence to the requirements, actions, and testing requirements in the TRM is mandatory. Changes to the TRM are controlled in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59.
All requirements to surveil fire protection features existing under current technical specifications will be retained in the TRM. Additionally, based upon the resolution of a recent deficiency, we have increased the scope of equipment being surveilled. These additional requirements are currently being controlled through technical specification interpretations. These technical specification interpretations conservatively establish safety related structures (Control Structure, Unit 1 and 2 Reactor Buildings, Diesel Generator Buildings and the Emergency Service Water Pumphouse) as the boundaries for determining which fire suppression and detection systems require technical specification surveillance. Based on this approach; all suppression and detection equipment currently
FILE R41'-2 PLA-4902 Document Control Desk I
installed in a safety related structure is being surveilled. Barriers to be surveilled are those currently indicated on the FPRR drawings as fire rated boundaries plus a portion of the D Diesel Generator Bay north wall. Fire rated barriers required by specific deviation requests have also been included in the technical specification surveillance program.
This added scope for suppression, detection and barriers along with all current technical specification requirements will be included in the TRM.
Under the Technical Requirements Program, plant procedures will continue to provide the specific instructions necessary for the implementation of the specific requirements in the same manner as they are currently controlled by technical specifications.
All current technical specification operational conditions, remedial actions and test requirements associated with fire protection will be relocated to the TRM.
Technical Specification 6.2.2e relating to the site Fire Brigade will also be relocated into the Technical Requirements Manual.
I Generic Letter Guidance: The Administrative Controls section of tfie technical specification shall be augmented to support the Fire Protection Program. This shall be accomplislied by additions to'wo specifications. First, the Unit Review Group (Onsite Review Group) sliall be given responsibility for the review of tlie Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures and the submittal of recommended clianges to the Company Phiclear Review and Audit Group (Offsite Corporate Review Group). Second, Fire Protection Program implementation sliall be added to tlie list of elements for which written procedures shall be established, implemented, and maintained.
Three additions will be made to Technical Specification Section 6.0. Technical Specification will be added to include PORC review of all proposed changes to the Technical Requirements Manual and submittal of all approved changes to the Susquehanna Review Committee. Technical Specification 6.8.1j. will be added to include the requirement to establish, implement, and maintain written procedures for the Technical Requirements Manual and the program that controls it. Technical Specification 6.8.2 will be changed to add the requirement for the General Manager-Susquehanna SES to review the procedure implementing technical requirements in accordance with Specification or 6.5.3, and approve prior to implementation and periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.
Attachment I hereto is an assessment of the safety basis for the proposed change and concludeh that the change does not involve significant hazards. The change has been reviewed by the Plant
,Operations Review Committee and the Susquehanna Review Committee. The NRC previously
FILE R41-2 PLA-4902 Document Control Desk approved a proposed change of similar nature in a SER dated February 1, 1995 for Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company's Haddam Neck Station.
PP&L recognizes there is an open issue regarding the Susquehanna SES safe shutdown methodology remaining to be resolved as part of the plant's Fire Protection Functional Inspection (FPFI). Based upon discussions with NRC senior management personnel, we are committed to resolution of this issue separate from this proposal as part of the FPFI open issues resolution process.
Attachment II to this letter is a copy of the current license conditions for Units 1 and 2 marked to show the proposed changes.
Attachment III to this letter is a copy of the technical specification pages marked to show the proposed changes as supplemented by this letter.
We request issuance of the proposed amendments by June 2S. 1998 in order to support PP&L's implementation of Improved Technical Specifications. Should you have =questions, please contact Mr. William W. Williams at (610 ) 774-7742.
Sincerely, 1
R .By m Attachments copy: NRC Region I Mr. K. M. Jenison, NRC Resident Inspector c"
Mr. V. Nerses, NRC Sr. Project Manager Mr. K. Kerns, PA DEP/BRP
0 R
I 0 4~
ACCESSION NBR:9805190195 DOC.DATE: 98/05/12 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKET I SCIL.:50-381-Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Unit 1, Pennsylva 05000387 50-388 Susquehanna Electric Station, Unit 2, Pennsylva 05000388 AUTH. NAME BYRAM, R. G.
&. Light Co.
Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 7/5'ocument
Applicat:ion for amends to licenses NPF-14 E NPF-22,revising TS to support Improved TS & to implement provisions of GL 86-10 related, to plant's Fire Protection Program.
TITLE: OR/Licensing Submittal: Fire Protection - App R - GL-88-12 NOTES: 05000387 G
i I I s s r I
<s ohio 0 Robert G. Byram Senior Vice President Generation and Chief Nuclear Officer Tel. 610.774.7502 Fax 610.774.5019 E-mail: rgbyram@papt.corn PP&L, Inc.
Two North Ninth Street Allentown, PA 16101-1179 Tel. 610.774.5151 http:ltwww.papl.corn/
pp MPY 12 1998 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn.: Document Control Desk Mail Station P 1-137 Washington, D. C. 20555 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION REVISION TO PROPOSED AMENDMENTNO. 189 AND PROPOSED AMENDMENTNO. 146:
REMOVALOF FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS FROM TECHNICALSPE<CIFICATIONS Docket Nos. 50-387 PLA-4902 FILE R41-2 and 50-3SS This letter supersedes PLA-4367, dated September 18, 1995, "Proposed Amendment No. 189 to License NPF-14 and Proposed Amendment No. 146 to License NPF-22: Revised Transmittal Letter for Removal of Fire Protection Requirements from Technical Specifications". This letter responds to a NRC request to resubmit the proposal to change Technical Specifications for Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES), Units 1 and 2, to support the implementation of Improved Technical Specifications and to implement the provisions of Generic Letter 86-10 related to the relocation of the plant's Fire Protection Program from the technical specifications to another controlled document, the Susquehanna SES Technical Requirements Manual (TRM).
This proposal follows the guidance of Generic Letter 88-12 as described below.
Generic Letter Guidance: Generic Letter 86-10 encourages replacement oflicense conditiorrs regarding fire protection witir a stanrlard, license corrdition.
The standard fire protection license condition suggested by Generic Letter 86-10 was included in the Susquehanna SES Unit 1 facility operating licenses as condition 2.c.(6) and the Unit 2 facility operating license as condition 2.c.(3). As currently written, these conditions reflect NRC approval as defined in their Safety Evaluation dated August 9, 1989. The existing License Conditions should be updated to reflect approvals received up to and including the Safety Evaluation dated October 21, 1997 as follows:
9805i90i95 9805i2 PDR ADOCK 05000387 P PDR
FILE R41-2 PLA-4902 Document Control Desk Unit 1 PPkL, Inc. shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in the Fire Protection Review Report for the facility and as approved in Fire Protection Program Section 9.5, SER, SSER ¹1, SSER¹2, SSER¹3, SSER¹4, SSER¹6, Safety Evaluation of Fire Protection Report dated August 9, 1989, Safety Evaluation of Revision 4 to the Fire Protection Review Report dated March 29, 1993, and Safety Evaluation of Fire Protection Program Issues, Safe Shutdown Methodology and Analysis Of Associated Circuits dated October 21, 1997, subject to the following provision:
The Licensee may make changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the commission only ifthose changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.
Unit 2 PP&L, Inc. shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in the Fire Protection Review Report for the facility and as approved in Fire Protection Program Section 9.5, SER, SSER ¹1, SSER¹2, SSER¹3, SSER¹4, SSER¹6, Safety Evaluation of Fire Protection Report dated August 9, 1989, Safety Evaluation of Revision 4 to the Fire Protection Review Report dated March 29, 1993, and Safety Evaluation of Fire Protection Program Issues, Safe Shutdown Methodology and Analysis Of Associated Circuits dated October 21, 1997, subject to the following provision:
The Licensee may make changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the commission only ifthose changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.
Generic Letter Guidancei Tlie NRC-approved Fire Protection Program niiist be incorporated into tlie FSAR and submitted >vith the certification required by 10 CFR $ 0.7l(e)(2), as requested by Generic Letter 86-10. The FSAR iiprlate includes tlie incorporation of the Fire Protection Program, including tice fire hazards analysis and major commitments tliatform tlie basis for tlie NRC-approved Fire Protection Prograni. Tlcis may be accoinplislied by referencing the docuinents'which define the licensee's Fire Protection Prograni as identified in tlie NRC's Safety Evaluation Reports.
FILE R41-2 PLA-4902 Document Control Desk The Susquehanna SES Fire Protection Program has been incorporated into the FSAR by way of reference to the Susquehanna SES Fire Protection Review Report. The Susquehanna SES Fire Protection Review Report contains a description of the fire protection program, safe shutdown analysis, fire protection system descriptions, fire hazards analysis examining the effect of a postulated fire on the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown on a plant area by plant area basis, a compilation of all deviations taken from requirements, and a comparison of the Susquehanna SES design and fire protection features against regulatory requirements. The Susquehanna SES Fire Protection Review Report has been approved by the NRC through Revision 4.
Generic Letter Guidance: Tlie Limiting Conditions For Operation (LCO) and Surveillance Requirements associated witli tliefire detection systeins, fire suppression systeins, fire barriers, and the administrative controls that address fire brigade staffing would be relocated froni tlie teclinical specifications. Tlie existing adininistrative controls related to fire protection audits are to be retained in teclinical specifications. Also, airy specifications related to tlie capability for safe sliutdown folloiving a fire are to be retained in teclinical specifications. All operational conditions, remedial actions, and. test requirements included in technical specifications as well as the fire brigade staffing requireinents sliall be incorporated into tlie Fire Protection Prograni.
Fire protection requirements (Limiting Conditions for Operation and Surveillance requirements associated with fire detection systems, fire suppression systems and fire barriers) currently located in technical specifications will be relocated to the TRM. The Susquehanna SES TRM and an administrative program to control it have been established to provide the means for controlling those plant operating conditions deemed important to safe and efficient operation of the plant but not directly concerned with Design Basis Accident (DBA) prevention or mitigation. Technical Requirements established by this program are commitments to control important plant equipment and operating conditions not controlled elsewhere. Adherence to the requirements, actions, and testing requirements in the TRM is mandatory. Changes to the TRM are controlled in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59.
All requirements to surveil fire protection features existing under current technical specifications will be retained in the TRM. Additionally, based upon the resolution of a recent deficiency, we have increased the scope of equipment being surveilled. These additional requirements are currently being controlled through technical specification interpretations. These technical specification interpretations conservatively establish safety related structures (Control Structure, Unit 1 and 2 Reactor Buildings, Diesel Generator Buildings and the Emergency Service Water Pumphouse) as the boundaries for determining which fire suppression and detection systems require technical specification surveillance. Based on this approach, all suppression and detection equipment currently
4 FILE R41-2 PLA-4902 Document Control Desk installed in a safety related structure is being surveilled. Barriers to be surveilled are those currently indicated on the FPRR drawings as fire rated boundaries plus a portion of the D Diesel Generator Bay north wall. Fire rated barriers required by specific deviation requests have also been included in the technical specification surveillance program.
This added scope for suppression, detection and barriers along with all current technical specification requirements will be included in the TRM.
Under the Technical Requirements Program, plant procedures will continue to provide the specific instructions necessary for the implementation of the specific requirements in the same manner as they are currently controlled by technical specifications.
All current technical specification operational conditions, remedial actions and test requirements associated with fire protection will be relocated to the TRM.
Technical Specification 6.2.2e relating to the site Fire Brigade will also be relocated into the Technical Requirements Manual.
Generic Letter Guidance: The Administrative Controls section of the technical specification shall be augntented to support the Fire Protection Progrmn. This shall be accomplished by additions to. two specifications. First, the Vnit Review Group (Onsite Revieiv Group) shall be given responsibility for the revieiv of the Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures and the submittal of reconunended changes to the Cojnpany Nuclear Revieiv and Audit'roup (Offsite Corporate Review Group). Second, Fire Protection Program implementation shall be added to the list of elements for which written procedures shall be established, impleInented, and maintained.
Three additions will be made to Technical Specification Section 6.0. Technical Specification will be added to include PORC review of all proposed changes to the Technical Requirements Manual and submittal of all approved changes to the Susquehanna Review Committee. Technical Specification 6.8.1j. will be'added to include the requirement to establish, implement, and maintain written procedures for the Technical Requirements Manual and the program that controls it. Technical Specification 6.8.2 will be changed to add the requirement for the General Manager-Susquehanna SES to review the procedure implementing technical requirements in accordance with Specification or 6.5.3, and approve prior to implementation and periodically as set forth in 'administrative procedures.
Attachment I hereto is an assessment of the safety basis for the proposed change and concludes that the change does not involve significant hazards. The change has been reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and the Susquehanna Review Committee. The NRC previously
t l J
FILE R41-2 PLA-4902 Document Control Desk approved a proposed change of similar nature in a SER dated February 1, 1995 for Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company's Haddam Neck Station.
PP&L recognizes there is an open issue regarding the Susquehanna SES safe shutdown methodology remaining to be resolved as part of the plant's Fire Protection Functional Inspection (FPFI). Based upon discussions with NRC senior management personnel, we are committed to resolution of this issue separate from this proposal as part of the FPFI open issues resolution process.
Attachment II to this letter is a copy of the current license conditions for Units 1 and 2 marked to show the proposed changes.
Attachment III to this letter is a copy of the technical specification pages marked to show the proposed changes as supplemented by this letter.
We request issuance of the proposed amendments by June 28. 1998 in order to support PP&L's implementation of Improved Technical Specifications. *Should you have questions, please contact Mr. William W. Williams at (610 ) 774-7742.
Sincerely, R .By m Attachments copy: NRC Region I Mr. K. M. Jenison, NRC Resident Inspector Mr. V. Nerses, NRC Sr. Project Manager Mr. K. Kerns, PA DEP/BRP
0 N
REVISED PROPOSED AMENDMENTNO. 189 FACILITYOPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-14 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION UNIT NO. 1 Licensee, PPAL, Inc., hereby files a revised proposed Amendment No. 189 to its Facility Operating License No. NPF-14 dated July 17, 1982.
This amendment contains a revision to the Susquehanna SES Unit 1 Technical Specifications.
- By m
. Vice esident- Generation and Chief Nuclear Officer this Ia. day of ~~,
Sworn to and subscribed before me 1998.
Notary Public NOTARIALSEAL JANICE M. REESE, Notary Public City of Allentown, Lehlgh County, PA My Commission Expires June 11, 2001 9805190195
E h
r ~ -, l ~
~ I n,
4 I
REVISED PROPOSED AMENDMENTNO. 146 FACILITYOPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-22 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION UNIT NO. 2 Licensee, PPhL, Inc., hereby files a revised proposed Amendment No. 146 to its Facility Operating License No. NPF-22 dated March 23, 1984.
This amendment contains a revision to the Susquehanna SES Unit 2 Technical Specifications.
.B am Vice esident - Generation and Chief Nuclear Officer Sworn this ta tend day of ~~,
subscribed before me 1998.
NOTARIALSEAL Notary Public JANICE M. REESE, Notaiy Public City of Allentown, Lehlgh County, PA My Commission Expires June 11, 2001
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ATTACHMENTI to PLA-4902 Page 1 of 6 REMOVAL OF FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS FROM TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Back round The standard fire protection license condition suggested by Generic Letter 86-10 has been included in the Susquehanna SES Units 1 and 2 facility operating licenses as conditions 2.c.(6) for Unit 1 and 2.c.(3) for Unit 2. As part of this proposed change, these conditions will be updated to reference the latest applicable NRC safety evaluations. These conditions preclude changes to the approved Fire Protection Program without prior Commission approval if those changes would adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown conditions in the event of a fire.
The proposed change specifically addresses relocation of Fire Protection requirements from the Technical Specifications to the Technical Requirements Manual. Adherence to the requirements, actions, and testing requirements in the Technical Requirements Manual is mandatory. The General Manager -Susquehanna SES is responsible for ensuring compliance with Technical Requirements throughout the plant organization.
In addition, the proposed change revises Technical Specifications to include the requirement for a program and procedure to implement the Technical Requirements Manual, and also revises Technical Specifications to add the requirement for the Plant Operations Review Committee to review all proposed changes to the Technical Requirements Manual and to forward copies of reviewed changes to the Susquehanna Review Committee (
The proposed change will not affect the substance of the Fire Protection Program, system operability requirements, compensatory (remedial) actions, surveillance requirements, system bases, or fire brigade staffing.
Descri tion of the Chan cs In accordance with Generic Letter 86-10, Technical Specification provisions related to the Fire Protection Program are being relocated from Technical Specifications to another controlled document, the Susquehanna Technical Requirements Manual. Future changes to the Technical Requirements Manual will be subject to the requirements of 10CFR50.59. Further, changes to Technical Specification Section 6 (Administrative Controls) to include review of changes to the Technical Requirements Manual, provide that any changes to the Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures are reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC).
The Susquehanna Technical Requirements Manual and the program which controls it is a PP8'cL
ATTACHMENTI to PLA-4902 Page2of6 initiative which ensures that fire protection limiting conditions for operation, surveillance requirements, and their bases are adequately controlled and maintained following their relocation
'&om Technical Specifications.
The following changes are proposed to be made to Technical Specifications:
Technical Specifications, Fire Detection Instrumentation; 3.7.6, Fire Suppression Systems; and 3.7.7, Fire Rated Assemblies with their associated Bases, will be relocated in their entirety to the Technical Requirements Manual.
Technical Specification 6.2.2e relating to the site Fire Brigade will also be relocated into the Technical Requirements Manual.
Three additions will be made to Technical Specification Section 6.0. Technical Specification will be added to include PORC review of all proposed changes to the Technical Requirements Manual and submittal of all approved changes to the Susquehanna Review Committee. Technical Specification 6.8. 1j. will be added to include the requirement to establish, implement, and maintain written procedures for the Technical Requirements Manual and the program that controls it. Technical Specification 6.8.2 will be changed to add the requirement for the General Manager - Susquehanna SES to review the procedure implementing technical requirements in accordance with Specification or 6.5.3, and approve prior to implementation and periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.
Safe Anal sis The proposed change recognizes the Technical Requirements Manual and the administrative procedure which controls it. The Technical Requirements Manual will serve to ensure that fire protection limiting conditions for operation, surveillance requirements, and their bases are adequately controlled and maintained following their relocation from Technical Specifications.
The operating restrictions and testing included in the Technical Requirements Manual and procedures for the Fire Protection requirements being relocated are equivalent to those which were in Technical Specifications. Fire protection features necessary to satisfy the fire protection guidelines and requirements of Appendix A to BTP APCSB 9.5-1 and Paragraphs III G, J, 0, and L of Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50 previously committed to for Susquehanna SES have not been changed in conjunction with their removal &om Technical Specifications and the scope of fire protection features receiving surveillance has not been reduced. Plant procedures will continue to provide the specific instructions necessary for the implementation of the specific requirements, just as when the requirements resided in the Technical Specifications. Fire Protection Program commitments, reporting requirements and amendments will by this process be transferred from the jurisdiction of 10 CFR 50.73 and 10 CFR 50.90 to 10 CFR 50.59.
Additionally, Susquehanna SES, Units 1 and 2, License Conditions require compliance with the
~ provisions of the fire protection program as described in the Fire Protection Review Report which ensures enforcement of the fire protection requirements. The proposed changes are in
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ATTACHMENTI to PLA-4902 Page 3 of 6 accordance with the guidance provided in Generic Letter 86-10 "Implementation of Fire Protection Requirements" dated April 24, 1986, and Generic Letter 88-12, "Removal of Fire Protection Requirements from Technical Specifications," dated August 2, 1988. The Technical Requirements Manual, which "is. part of the FSAR by reference, will contain fire protection related operational conditions, remedial actions, and test requirements. Use of the Technical Requirements Manual provides a more visible control mechanism for the Fire Protection Program elements.
Provisions for review of future changes to Technical Requirements are dictated by the changes to Technical Specification The Plant Operations Review Committee's responsibilities and authority are being revised to provide specific reference to the requirement to review the Technical Requirements Manual and changes thereto. This change reinforces the importance of the Technical Requirements Manual and the requirements controlled by it and assures a multidiscipline review by the Plant Operations Review Committee of proposed changes to those requirements that are removed from Technical Specifications and placed in the Technical Requirements Manual. All new Technical Requirements, and any proposed changes that directly affect the Requirement, Applicability, Testing Requirements, or Action sections of an existing Technical Requirement will be submitted to the Susquehanna Review Committee for information.
The proposed change deletes Unit 1 and Unit 2 Technical Specifications 3/ (Fire Detection Instrumentation), 3/4.7.6 (Fire Suppression Systems), 3/4.7.7 (Fire Rated Assemblies), the corresponding section 3/4 Bases, and revises Technical Specification in accordance with the annotated pages provided as Attachments III.
The requirements of Technical Specifications 3/, 3/4.7.6 and 3/4.7.7 are proposed to be moved in their entirety to the Susquehanna SES Technical Requirements Manual. Additionally, the requirements for the Fire Brigade found in Technical Specification 6.2.2e are also proposed to be moved to the Technical Requirements Manual. These changes are administrative in nature in that no requirements are being altered.
Technical Specification 6.8, Procedures and Programs, is revised to include implementation of the program that administratively controls the Technical Requirements Manual. This change reinforces the importance of the Technical Requirements Manual and its administrative controls and is consistent with the requirements established for similar programs. The change also administratively changes procedure and procedure change review and approval from the Superintendent of Plant-Susquehanna to the General Manager-Susquehanna SES to reflect reorganization of the Nuclear Department.
Pursuant to the above, this proposed change does not adversely affect the safe operation of Susquehanna SES.
J ATTACHMENTI to PLA-4902 Page 4 of 6 NO SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATIONS T/se proposed changes do not:
Involve a significant increase in tire probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
The proposed change relocates the provisions of the Fire Protection Program that are contained in the Technical Specifications and places them in the Technical Requirements Manual. No requirements are being added or deleted. A requirement is proposed to require written procedures for the implementation of the Technical Requirements Program. Review and approval of those portions of'he Fire Protection Program contained in the Technical Requirements Manual and revisions thereto will be the responsibility of the Plant Operations Review Committee just as it was their responsibility to review changes to the fire protection Limiting Condition for Operation and Surveillance Requirements when they were part of the Technical Specifications. Requiring review by the Plant Operations Review Committee reinforces the importance of the Technical Requirements Manual and the requirements controlled by it and assures a multidisciplined review. Approved Technical Requirements or changes thereto are provided to the Susquehanna Review Committee for information. No design basis accidents are affected by the change, nor are safety systems adversely affected by the change. Therefore, there is no impact on the probability of concurrence or the consequences of any design basis accidents.
Approval, as defined in Technical Specification 6.8.2, of procedures listed in Technical Specification 6.8.1 is proposed to be changed from the "Superintendent of Plant-Susquehanna" to General Manager-Susquehanna SES. This change is administrative in nature and as such is no impact on the probability of concurrence or the consequences of any design basis accidents.
The proposed changes to the license conditions for Units 1 and 2 are administrative in nature in that these changes only update the listing of NRC approved safety evaluations and as such are no impact on the probability of concurrence or the consequences of any design basis accidents.
- 2. Create tlute possibility of a ne)v or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
The proposed changes relocate the provisions of the Fire Protection Program that are contained in the Technical Specifications and places them in the Technical Requirements Manual. The proposed change requires written procedures to cover the implementation of the Technical Requirements Program No requirements are being added or deleted by the Technical Requirements Manual. There are no new failure modes associated with the
ATTACHMENTI to PLA-4902 Page 5 of 6 proposed changes. Therefore, since the plant will continue to operate as designed, the proposed changes willnot modify the plant response to an accident.
Approval, as defined in Technical Specification 6.8.2, of procedures listed in Technical Specification 6.8.1 has been change from the "Superintendent of Plant Susquehanna" to General Manager-Susquehanna SES. This change is administrative in nature and as such creates no new failure modes and will not modify the plant response to an accident.
The proposed changes to the license conditions for Units 1 and 2 are administrative in nature in that these changes only update the listing of NRC approved safety evaluations and as such create no new failure modes and willnot modify the plant response to an accident.
- 3. Involve a significant redaction in a margin ofsafety.
No change is being proposed for the Fire Protection Program requirements themselves. The relevant Technical Specifications are being relocated, and the requirements contained therein are being incorporated into the Technical Requirements Manual. Plant procedures will continue to provide the specific instructions necessary for the implementation of the requirements, just as when the requirements resided in the Technical Specifications. A written procedure will be in place for the implementation of the Technical Requirements Program. Fire Protection Program changes will be subject to the provisions of 10CFR50.59 and the current fire protection license condition. As such, the changes do not directly affect any protective boundaries nor does it impact the safety limits for the boundary. Review and approval of those portions of the Fire Protection Program contained in the Technical Requirements Manual and the revisions thereto will be the responsibility of the Plant Operations Review Committee just as it was their responsibility to review changes to the fire protection Limiting Condition for Operation and Surveillance Requirements when they were part of the Technical Specification. Approved Technical Requirements or changes thereto are provided to the Susquehanna Review Committee for information. Thus, there are no adverse impacts on the protective boundaries, safety limits, or margin of safety.
Since operability and surveillance requirements will remain in a controlled document, the changes do not reduce the effectiveness of Technical Specification requirements. Any changes to the Fire Protection Program requirements will be made in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR50.59 and the fire protection license condition.
Approval, as defined in Technical Specification 6.8.2, of procedures listed in Technical Specification 6.8.1 has been change from the "Superintendent of Plant Susquehanna" to General Manager-Susquehanna SES. This change is administrative in nature and as such there is no adverse impacts on the protective boundaries, safety limits, or margin of safety.
J ATTACHMENTI to PLA-4902 Page6of6 The proposed changes to the license conditions for Units 1 and 2 are administrative in nature
. in that these changes only update the listing of NRC approved safety evaluations and as such there is no adverse impacts on the protective boundaries, safety limits, or margin of safety.
ENVIRONMENTALCONSIDERATIONS We have reviewed the proposed license amendment against the criteria of 10CFR51.22 for environmental considerations. The proposed changes do not increase the type and amounts of eQluents that may be released offsite, nor significantly increase individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposures. Based on the foregoing, we have concluded that the proposed changes satisfy the criteria delineated in 10CFR51.22(c)(9) for a categorical exclusion from the requirements for an environmental impact statement.
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- 1. The Nuclear Regulatory Comnfssfon (the Coaefssfon or the NRC) having found that:
A. The application 'for the amendment filed by the Pennsylvania Power 8 Light Company, dated August 5, 1988 complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act),
and thc Coaafssion's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I;
- 8. The facility will operate in conformfty with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Coaafssfon; C. There is reasonable assurance: (i) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering thc health and safety of the public, and (ff) that such activities wfll be conducted in compliance with the Coaefssfon's regulations set forth fn 10 CFR Chapter I; D. -
The issuance of this amendment wfll not be inimfcal to the coIIeon defense and security or to thc health and safety of the public; and E. The issuance of this amendment is fn accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Coaafssfon's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied.
- 2. Accordingly, the license fs amended by a change to License Condition 2.C(6) of the Facility Operating License No. NPF-14 to read as follows:
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2.C(6) shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as descrfbed fn the Fire Protection Review Report for the facility and as approved in
~9-sub)ect to the following provision:
licensee may make changes to the approved fire protection
'he program without prior approval of thc Coaefssfon only ff those changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.
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- 1. The Nuclear Regulatory Comfssfon (the Coeafssfon or the NRC) having found that:
A. The applicatfon for the amendment filed by the Pennsylvania Power L Light Company, dated August 5, 1988 coeplfes with the standards and requires>>nts of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954,>>nded (the Act),
and the Coaefssfon's regulations set forth fn 10 CFR Chapter I; S. The facility will operateawld fntheconformity with the applfcatfon, regulatfons of the Commission; the provtsfons of the Act, 1
C .Tiara fs reasonable assurance: (f) that the actfvfttes authorfzed by thfs aside>>nt can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the publfc and (fi) that such actfvtttes will be conducted fn compliance with the C~fssfon's regulattons set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I;
- 0. The issuance of this aI>>nda>>nt will not be tntefcal to the coeeon defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and E. The fssuance of this aI>>nant. fs in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Coaefssfon's regulations and all applicable requfreeents l.ave been satfsfted.
- 2. Accordfnoly,'he license is amended by a change to the"License Condition 2.C(3) of the Facflity Operating License No. NPF-22 to read as follows:
1 P c >>wc z.c(3) shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection prograa as described fn the Fire Protection Pevtew Report for the fact lfty and as approved in
'%gag-subject to the following provisions:
The licensee say eke changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the Comfssfon only ff those changes would not adversely affect the abtlfty'to achieve ind Iefntafn safe shutdown fn the event of a fire.
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