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Forwards Amend 9 & Answers to Questions Set Forth in Commission to Util.W/O Encls
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 09/23/1964
From: Case E
To: Kouts H
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709230299
Download: ML20235A422 (1)


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SEP 2 31964 ,

Docket No. 50-205



3 Dr. Herbert Kouts Chairman , Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards U. . S. Atomic Energy Commission WashinFton 25, D. C.

Dear Dr. Kouts :

l Transmitted herewith for the use of the Committee are eighteen (18) l copies of the following:

1 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CCMPAIIY - Amendamt. No. 9 - Bodega Answers to questions set forth in the Cozmf.saiou's letter to Puific Gas and Electric Company datef i Awytet 26,15&a I

f 8


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l Sincerely yours ,

r Edson G. Case Assistant Director.s.

Division of Peactor(Licensing -.

Enclosures :

As stated above bec: E. G. Case D. Knuth N. D. y on _me ~

SuNqh pt 1 h e n- '""

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_ .._ For Information a

i, ,.2.i_., For Appropriate Handling 'I l

_., ,_,,,,,, F or p r e p i. ra t ion o f rep ly fo r Cli.t i);..n n ' .3 i it.3 nature (Refer to Manual Chaptee 0240) i i s'

__. _ .. . FInformation or d i scu s sMeeting.

ion ' a t Coi.un s s oner Yor distribution to other Commissioners 1

Daily Log .


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i Houard C. Brown, Jr.

For the Chairman 1

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Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg Chafrman, Atomic Energy Commission April 25, 196h [

Washington 25, D. C.

Dear Sir:

In an effort to reconcile differences in interpretation of the geology of Bodoga Head, Julius Schlocker and Manuel Bonilla, C. A. Wahrhaftig of the University of California at Derkeley, D. M. Lemor} of the U. S. G. S., and E. C. Marliave in the role of geologic consultant to P. G. and E., together j with ourselves visited the proposed reactor site on March 18,196h. All per-  !

l tinent geologic data, both previously known and found on.this trip, were dis-l cussed in the field. Wo believe that we are all in essential agreement as to {

the observations that can be rado at the site but we disagree. as to their rel- .

ative significance and interpretation.

Our previous disagreement with interpretations of Schlocker and Bonilla hinged on tle amount of displacement of the Shaft Fault.- Wo stated in our 1 letter to P. G. and E. that the Simft Fault, which is a fractured zone in the granite of the site and cuts the lower beds of the overlying sedimonts, has at most a few inchos of displacement, and that this displacement is principally normal in character, that is, the beds above the dipping fault-plane have mov-ed downward with respect to the beds below the fault-plane, indicating a ten-sional fault. lateral displacement along the Shaf t Fault of probably several-feet was. maintained by Schlocker and Bonilla, the evidence for such displace-ment being offsets of a thin dike of diorite and an irre6ularly shaped pogma-  ;

tito body or series of bodies. Offsets of the diorite dike indicated right' lateral motion, while displacement of the pegmatite indicated left . lateral mo-tion.

We adnitted that the diorite dike together with enclosing shear zone, which we called a vein in our letter to P. G. and E., had indeed been offset by a fault for a distance of a foot or so,' but wo maintained that this was a. -

sepcrate and older fault than the Shaft Fault. On this last visit to the site,.

Wahrhaftig found evidence that the diorite dike may have boon offset by a fault for a distance of28 to 30 feet in a right lateral sonso: a diorito dike was found east of the Shaft Fault which has similar texture and mineraloEy to that of the other diko. The evidence looks reasonably good that this much displace-ment can have taken placo but it is by no means certain, and it is clear that if the diko were displaced this much it was by_a_ fault that is, much older _thm the Shaft Fault. A long history of events is recorded in the granite which '

bears on any interpretation given to the movement of the Shaft Fault. These i

events events are as follows: emplacement of granito with pogmatite formation l

in its late cooling stages, shearing of granite in a roughly east-west direct-ion;, cmplacemont of diorite in local zones within one or more of these shears, rep. 2ted shearing parallel to diorite diko or dikes, offset of dikes in a right 1cte ral senso by north-south trending shears, further east-west shearing' par-alL1 to diorite dike or dikos, hydrothermal development of secondary minerals -

(cir, and chlorite) in east-west shears. Of critical importance to the time of formation of the Shaft Fault and to the amount of its displacement is the presence of an oast-west trending shear zono to the east of the Shaft Fault (sco map) and almost on line with the shear zono containing the diorite dike .

West of the Shaft Fault. This shoar zono contains the same chloritic alter-ation as the shoar zone to the west but it does not contain diorite. The Shaft Fault does not contain chloritic alteration. Had there been 28 to 30 feet of l h 5 -



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., ) i displacomor,t along the Shaft Fault, this shear zono would appear on the west 1 sido of_ the Shaft Fault 28 to 30 feet to the north. It does not occur there.

Exposures are excellent in that area, and the offset shear zone could not go undetected. We believe, therefore, hat this is the same shear zone that con- 3 tains the diorito diko west of the Shaft Fault, and that its few inches of. ]

right lateral displacement are the best indication of the total amount of- j latoral displacement of the Shaft Fault. j On their geologic plan, Schlocker and Bonilla show the Shaft Fault as a zono of breaks bounded by two more or loss parallol faults which completely i J cross the bottom of the sito and are separated from each other an average dis-

! tance of about two feet. On their cross-section the bounding faults are sep-l >

arated about fivo feet at the t op: of the shaft on the _ south side, and only one of them is shown cutting the overlying sedimentary beds. No faults are shown- 3

' on their plan or section diverging in strike and dip fram the bounding frac-tures of the Shaft Fault. Two offsots of the diorito dike are shown on their geologic plan of the shaft bottom which occur on faults that do not appear to connect with the Shaft Fault. Their mapping of these offsets is accurately depicted: so tight are these small faults that their continuance for more  !

i than a few inches beyond the offset accments of diko in either direction can-not be established, although it seems certain that they must continue through the granite. 'Both of these small faults differ in strike from the Shaft Fault by from 20 to ho degrees, and both of them dip eastward approximately 35 do-grecs, while the Shaft Fault' dips westward approximately 70 degrees. 7aulting with this same direction and sense of displacement is not confined to the'vi-cinity of the Shaft Fault as suggested by Schlockerb and Bord 11a's published maps a small fault with about 5 foot of right lateral offset displaces thn shcar zono in which the diorito dike occurs some 35 feet west of the Shaft Fault, and a similar f!ault displaces the diorito diko several inches approxim-ately 10 feet cast of tho Shaft Fault. Almost all of these small, very tight' i or uell-healed faults with ri htC lateral displacement strgke approximately north-south, while members of the Shaft Fault strike N LO E. As can be seen i

on the map, tho diorite dike or dikes can be traced to the Shaft Fault fran the ucst but can be traced only to a point eight feet fram the Shaft Fault on the cast where it appears to stop against another very tight fault. We believe that this fault is part of the older north-south system of faults rath-er than of the Shaft Fault system.

Uhother or not there are two systems of faults, as we stated in our let-ter to P. G. and E. and reaffirm hero, one system geologically old and showing i possibly 30 feet of displacement, the other system young and showing only one fpot of. displacement, the evidence of~~ he t amount of displacement where the Shnft Fault cuts the surface of tho granite -' the ancient granite surface on which the Pleistocene sedimentary beds were deposited - is_ unequivocal,-

I Mo offset of the contours of this surface is shown by Schlockor and Bonilla (Plato 2 of their renort and reproduced here). This surface was' formed by l erosion, possibly wavo action, before the Pleistocene sediments were deposited, j

and it dips stooply southwestward in tho direction of the trace of _ the Shaft' Fault, thus in the ideal direction for detecting lateral or vertical movements of the Shaft Fault. Any lateral or vertical movenent of the Shaft Fault would  :

offset these contours and produce a small ridge along the fault trace. Schlocker- '

and Bonilla show no such offsets although they might not have noticed a displace-ment of a foot or so. -



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Thus, we believe that the total amount of displacement of any faults passing through the reactor shaft that has occurred since tho Pleistocene  !

! sedimentary beds were deposited is of ordor of'one oot. ~ Vortical slickensides on the fault surfaco indicato that t at movement, at least, j was vertical. The age of the sedimentary beds is cortainly greater than

,; h2,000 years and more likoly between 200,000 and 600,000 years, based upon i

correlations with Pleistocene events elsewhere. The displacement in the sediments was probably the rrult of more than one displacement, as evid-

, enced by the breadth and t. anastomosing naturo of the Shaft Fbult and by. the

! clear evidence of pure vertical motion most recen,tly contracted with evid-ence of strike-slip movements within the sedimentary beds as noted by Bonilla j l and Schlocker. , j Using the abovo figures and the dates of'known movements of tho San l Andreas Fault in historic times, a crudo estimate of the chances of displace-i ment occurring withinthe sito during the noxt 200 years can be mado. Two large earthquakes with accompanying carth movements havo occurred along the San Andreas Fault in this region since about 1800, one in 1838 and another in ]'

' 1906. If we extrapolate from this inadequate sample and say that the average l period between major quakes is 65 years, then there havo been between 500 and {

10,000 earthquakes comparable to that of 1906 which have shaken the site since the sedimentary beds overlying the site were deposited. -As the h0,000 year ninimum age of the sediments is unrealistic and is simply the limit of'detec- {

tion of the carbon-lh method, we can say more reasonably that there- have been 1 between 3,000 and 10,000 major earthquakes in this area. If, as Schlocker and


Bonilla bolieve and as we believe, the Shaft Fault has moved more than once during this 91mo interval with displacements of, say, b inches each tiac, then I the chancos are about ,1/$00 for disruption of the site.during the next' 200 years. If, as Wahrhaf tig believes, there has been only ono movement of this i

fault, then the chances decrease to 1/1500.

It seems worthwhile noting that sinco all controversy about the seismic hazards of the site localizes on the Shaft Fault and possible displacements along it, a simplo solution would be to move the hole bo.-that the Shaft Fralt does not intersect it. It was fortuitous that the Shaft Fault crossed the i particubr spot solocted for the hole. It would seen worthwhile to nxplore, '

by means of tunnels, the necessary 30 -h0 foot westward to ascertain'whether another fault occurs.

e Tours sincerely,

,g[, -

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af'U 3 ._ Garniss H. Cur 1 v4 n,. I' a 'Q


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i Berkeley, California  !

April 29, 1964 )

Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission Washington, 25, D. C. '


Dear Dr. Seaborg,

On llarch 18, 1964, I made a trip to the Bodega reactor site with Professors Garniss H. Curtis and Jack F. Evernden of the University of California, and Messrs. J. Schlocker, Manuel G. Bonilla, and Dwight M. i Lonmon of the U. S. Geological Survey. . Attached to this letter is a <

i statement on our observations at the site on that day, and on other matters pertaining to the safety of the reactor site.

As you probably how, shortly after the publication of T5I' 844 (the U. S. Geologica1' Survey's appraisal of the geologic hazards of the Bodega reactor site), Professors Curtis and Evernden wrote a letter to the P. G. and E. stating their views regarding the hazard of the site.

Because statements in the letter were at variance with the geology as reported by Schlocker and Bonilla, Mr. Schlocker requested that a fie2d trip be made to the reactor site by all parties concerned, to resolve the differences in interpretation of the geology.

I was asked to be on this trip because I am both a member of the Geology Faculty at the University of California and hold a W. A. E.

appointment with the U. S. Geological Survey, the organization for which I worked for 15 years before coming to Derkeley. I made this trip not as an employee. of the Geological Survey a member of the Coology Faculty of the University of California, and it is as an associate. professor at the University of California that I am writing you this letter. .

a./ 9 4

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t A sumnary of our observations, as I interpret them, is as follows:-

The shaft fault probably has a displaconent with a total net strike separation of approximate 3y 24 feet; it has noved more than once, and has moved once in the last 200,000 years with a dip separation of about 1 foot and a strike-slip conponent of displacement of between 4 inches and 2 feet.

In addition, ry reading on the history of earthquakes in California, in preparation for this trip, shows that displacements on minor faults are a comon accompaniment of displacement on a major fault during an earthquake; and that we nay expect a najor earthquake in the San francisco Bay Region  !

about once every century or half-century.

l On this wholly inadequate statistical sample, which is all we have to go on, I would guess that the probability of a significant offset on the shaft fault within the next 200 years lies between 1 in 50 and 1 in 50,000, with the most reasonable probability being 1 in 1,000 I think that all of '

the group who visited the reactor agree on this order of likelihood of recurrence.

This probability is large enough,'I feel, to justify an assurance from the design engineers of the plant that it can undergo a disruption with an offset on the order of five feet without any danger of releasing radioactive materials into the air. (I an not thinking now of nucioar explosions, which I understand are extrenely unlikely in this situation, but of secondary hazards, such as the escape of steam through the damged reactor, which might carry radioactive Interials into the atmosphere). If this assurance cannot be made, then I feel the plant should not be built. )

Geologists in the Bay Region are unanimous in their apprehension for the future, for past experience tells us that we may expect a major shock on the San Andreas Fault or one of its neighbors (e. g., the Hayward Fault) about once every 50 or 100 years in the Bay ReCion, and the last one was nearly GO years ago. When the next earthquake comes, the loss of life and disruption

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to community services from the effect of the earthquake alone will probably be much greater than they were in 1900, because of the dense population and unwise building on alluvium, filled land, bay mud, and along the fault zones themselves. Ifhen the community is struggling to recover from damaged water and sewer lines, disrupted communications, and other effects of a major earthquake, it will hardly be in a position to cope also with Ndioactive na terials.



1 Sincerely your


yde IIahrhaff i Associate Professor of Geology .)

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Northern California Association To Preserve Bodega Head and Harbor -4 2284 c upaw

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BerkeleyMColifornia ADVISOR $

2820 Telegraph Avenue Ansel Adoms i

oovid Brower April 7, 1964 l ,'

John Emmons

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Joel Gustafson Docket # 30-203 F JC3 Weldon F. Hooid ,e $

Joet Hedspeth }'

1 s ibgtation Mr. Robert Lowenstein [.. . klY ,)

Francis Herring Assistant Direetor of Regulation W4:a Q

o. a. tueen U.S. Atomic Energy Commission -g wmiam Penn Mott, Jr. asMngton D, D.C. (TA 1c i d:!! T


j 7 I " ' ' ' " ' "

Dear Mr. Lowenstein:

T. Etic Reynolds In the AEC's publication, " Licensing of Power Reactors," a procedure yd 'j"3 '"

,,, m is described involving meetings between the staff of the Applicant and the staffs of.

the Division of Licensing and Regulation and the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards.

Mr. '#illiam Quaide, formerly a: consultant for the Pacific Gas and Elec tric Company, has mentioned l

attending several such meetings on the proposed Bodega Bay Atomic Park; but of them. he had not attended all In the interests of accuracy, we would very muen appreciate receiving a log of all such meetings to j date, listing time and place, with respect to the l proposed Bodega Bay Atomic Park.

Sincerely, f

/ .ub s:we%

vid E. Pesonen i Executive Secretary y # 4f n ,a dw-G fn B b{

t- -



To work for pmervation of the scenic and historic hoodlands of Bodego Boy and t o insure the ecologicalintegrity of the surrounding marine environment.

A California Non-pro 6s Corporation

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- t IN REPl.Y REFER Tm g 94 1 O f fA? 't UNITED STATES d[


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# WASHINGT ON 25. O.C. ^

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OFFICE oF THE DIRECTOR April 10,1964 i.

' j'


Mr. Harold L. Price Director of Regulation U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Washington 25, D. C.

Dear Mr. Price:

In response to your letter of April'1 Julius Schlocker This repozL of will ourbe staff  !

is preparing a final' report on Bodega Head.


in draf t form and will be patterned clong the guidelines given toWe plan to Mr. Anderson by Dr. Beck of your staff.

availabic to discuss it with your staff on April 16 in accordance with the arrangements discussed with you by telephone on April 9. 4' It is our plan to have Mr. Schlockcr and Mr. Lemmon fros our Menlo Park l office in Washington a day or two in advance of your ACRS meeting. l Mr. Lemmon is one of our senior geologists with vide professional-  !

experience in the western States and he has studied the Bodega Head.' l reactor site in company with Mr. Schlocker and Mr. Bonilla.

Sincerely ,yours, f

Arthur A. Baker Acting Director

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APR 101964 l

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Docket No. $U-20$

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I Nuclear facility Analysis section 1 Office of the burgeon General l

U. 4. rublic Health 6ervice Department of Health, Education, and weifare 1901 Chapenen Avenue Locaville, Marylana )

i Gentlemen:

Traammitted herewith for your information is a copy of the following: ,

1 FACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CONFANY Amendment No. 7, dated March 31, 1964, to the facility

. License application from racific Gas'and Electric l

Company for the proposed nuclear reactor at Bodega Bay, California.

biacerely yours, Original signed by Norman D. Mason

,r~'Edson G. Case l

Acting Director j Division of Reactor Licensing i


1 As stated above Distribution Doc. Room Formal

,, y Suppl.

sw- DRL Reading R&PRSB Reading Originator: NDMason E. G. Case

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Office of Atomic &aargy Developt and Radiaties crotection Room 1033, 6 tate Capitol

, sacramento 14, California  ;

I s

Dear Mr. Blanca Enclosed herewith for your infctmation is a copy of Amendment No. 6, dated March 31, 1964, to the facility License application i from Pacific Gas and Electric Company for the proposed nuclear  !

react.or at Bodega Day, California.

Sincerely yours, Original signed by Norman D. Ma;on Jt"Edson G. Case l Acting Director Division of Reactor Licensing Eaclosure: Distribution As stated above Doc. Roota Formal m Suppl.

N '

DRL Reading R&PRSB Reading Originator: ND Hason E. G. Case bec: C. Eason

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- g;;,-Y. 'V~, @- 1 January 25, 1965 Honorable Glenn Seaborg, Chairman, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Washington, D. C. 20545

Dear Sir:

In the January 1965 issue of the Architectural ,!

Record there is an article about the now abandoned .! ' ;

power reactor at Bodega Head, California. The article I mentions report made to you by the seismic hazards investigator of the Department of'the Interior and' reports written by your Committee on Reactor Safeguards, and'your Division of Nuclear Licensing. Also. mentioned is a brief description of the proposed construction method, "an unverified principle," and studies written by.Nathan Newmark and Robert Williamson, the former of the University of Illinois. I would appreciate very much your sending me copies of any or all of these l writinst that'you are able to, or advise where I might obtain same, (along with their correct titles, etc.).

In addition I understand that the AEC has' prepared certain similar reports on a proposed power reactor proposed by the City of'Los' Angeles Department of Water i and Power, in Malibu, California. As this is only a few miles from my home I am very much interested in this project, and anything you can send me on'this will be l greatly appreciated.

In addition to the seismic problems of these '1 stations, which is my primary interest, I am also in-terested in the whole projects.

I am With thanks for your k ind attention to my request.

yours very truly


b M '

e-Marshall W. Rissman Architect 3'

i' Rec'd Off, Dir. of Reg-Datc-./ :2.2M~---

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! PACIFIC P ALISAOEG, CALIFORNI A January 25, 1965 }ij!h b -

Honorable Glenn Seaborg, Chairman,

"'o2//J' O. S. Atomic Energy Commission  ;

Washington, D. C. 20545 i i

Dear Sir:

In the January 1965 issue of the Architectural abandoned ,

Record there is an Bodega Head, California. The. article article about the now power reactor atmentions report made to you by the seismic hazasds investigator of the Department of.the Interior andon Reactor Safeguar reports written by your Committeeand your Division of Nuc a brief description of the proposed construction method, "an unverified principle," and studies written is the former by Nathan Newmark and Robert Williamson,I would appreciate.very of the University of Illinois.

much your sendingare maable copies to, of or any or all advise of these where Ietc.).

might writinis that you obtain same, (along with their correct titles, In addition I understand that the AEC has prepared certain similar reports on a proposed power reactor proposed by the City of Los Angeles Department of WaterAs this is o and Power, in Malibu, California. this

miles from my home I am very much interested in on this will be project, and anything you can send me greatly appreciated..

In addition to the seismic problems of these l

stations, which is my primary interest, I am also in-terested in the whole projects.

With thanks for your kind attention to my request, I am ,

yours very truly


& w Marshall W. Rissman Architect 3' i

Rec'd Off. N. of 3@

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