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Forwards IE Info Notice 86-098, Offsite Medical Svcs, Distributed on 861202 to All Facilities Holding OL or Cp. Brief Rept on Status of Arrangements for Medical Svcs in Offsite Plans VIs a VIs Guidance in FEMA Memo MS-1 Required
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/03/1987
From: Stevens J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Farrar D
IEIN-86-098, IEIN-86-98, NUDOCS 8706110426
Download: ML20214V050 (3)



June 3, 1987 Dockets Nos. 50-456/457 DISTRIBUTION

. ~ Dockets File. 7 OGC-Bethesda Mr. Dennis L. Farrar ' NRC & Local PDRs EJordan Director of Nuclear Licensing PD III-2 Rdg. File JPartlow P. O. Box 767 GHolahan ACRS (10)

Chicago, Illinois 60690 CVogan PD3-2 Plant File JStevens RMeck

Dear Mr. Farrar:




BRAIDWOOD STATION, UNITS 1 AND 2 Enclosed please find IE Information Notice No. 86-98: Offsite Medical Services which was distributed on December 2,1986 to all Nuclear Reactor Facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit. The information notice transmitted a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Guidance Memorandum (GM) MS-1, " Medical Services," that addresses implementation of the Commission Policy on Offsite Medical Services published on September 17, 1986 in the Federal Register (51 F_R 32904).

A critical deadline is approaching for plants that did not have a full power operating license on the effective date of the GM (November 13,1986). The implementation section of the GM states, " Plans for plants that do not have a full power operating license should reflect the provisions of this GM within 9 months of the effective date of the GM" (i.e., August 13,1987). Therefore, it is important that this information be submitted to FEMA in a timely manner to support the August 13, 1987 deadline. The NRC would like to be aware of the status of the offsite medical services arrangements in order to determine any potential delays in FEMA findings. Within 15 days, please provide a brief report on the status of arrangements for medical services in the offsite plans for Braidwood Station vis a vis the guidance in MS-1. In particular, please identify the schedule for submission of offsite medical services information to FEMA's regional office (s).

Orginal signed by/

Janice A. Stevens, Project Manager Project Directorate III-2 Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects


As stated cc: w/ enclosure See next page PDIII-2:PMQL PD Ipf 2:D JStevens:bj/ j iTef 6/5 /87 U /87 8706110426 870603 PDR ADOCK 050004S6 g PDR

Mr. Dennis L. Farrar Braidwood Station Comn.cnwealth Edison Company Units 1 and 2 cc:

Mr. William Kortier Ms. Lorraine Creek Atomic Power Distribution Route 1, Box 182 Westinghouse Electric Corporation Manteno, Illinois 60950 Post Office Boy 355 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 Douglass Cassel, Esq.

109 N. Dearborn Street Joseph Gallo, Esq. Chicago, Illinois 60E02 Isham, Lincoln & Beale 1150 Connecticut Ave., N. W. Elena Z. Kezelis, Esq.

Suite 1100 Isham, Lincoln & Beale Washington, D. C. 20036 Three First National Plaza Suite 5200 C. Allen Bock, Esq. Chicago, Illinois 60602 Post Offices Box 342 Urbana, Illinois 61801 Mr. Charles D. Jones, Director Illinois Emergency Services Thomas J. Gordon, Esq. and Disaster Agency Waaler, Evans & Gordon 110 East Adams Street 2503 S. Neil Springfield, Illinois 62706 Champaign, Illinois 61820 George L. Edgar i Ms. Bridget Little Rorem Newman & Holtzinger, P.C.

Appleseed Coordinator 1615 L Street, N.W.

117 North Linden Street Washington, D.C. 20036 Essex, Illinois 60935 Michael Miller, Esq.

Mr. Edward R. Crass Isham, Lincoln & Beale Nuclear Safeguards and One First National Plaza Licensing Division 42nd Floor Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, Illinois 60603 55 East Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspectors Office RR#1, Box 79 Bracev111e, Illinois 60407 Regional Administrator, Region III U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137

e Mr. Dennis L. Ferrar Braidwood Station (other)

Commonwealth Edison Company Units 1 and 2 cc:

Attorney General 500 South 2nd Street Springfield, Illinois 62701 EIS Review Coorindator


EPA Region V

- 230 5. Dearborn Street

- Chicago, Illinois 60604 Chairman Will County Board of Supervisors Will County Courthouse Joliet, Illinois 60434 ,



i i


'I i


t w y l0. -? f4 l


t SSINS No.: 6835 1 IN 86-98



i All nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license or a con-i struction permit.


l j This information notice is provided to bring to the attention of licensees a new Commission policy on offsite medical services around nuclear power plants

and a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidance memorandum addressing that policy. It is suggested that recipients review the infomation for appli-cability to their facilities. No written response is required. ,

4 Description of Circumstances:

1 Attached is FEMA Guidance Memorandum MS-1, " Medical Services," that addresses implementation of the Commission policy on offsite medical services published j on September 17, 1986 in the Federal Reatster (51 FR 32904). This Guidance Memorandum was prepared in coordination with the NRC staff. As noted in the -

referenced policy statement, the Commission has determined that these modifi-I cations fall under the backfit rule's exception as necessary to bring facili-ties into compliance with a rule of the Commission.

4 No written response is required by this information notice. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the Regional Administrator of the appropriate regional office or this office.

4 l.lh ard L.

rdan, Director Division Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcement

! Attachments:

l 1. FEMA Guidance Memorandum MS-1 ,

, 2. List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices Technical


Edward M. Podolak, IE (301) 492-7290 UV L UM



Attachment 1 is IN 86-98 December 2,1986 l Page 1 of 12 l l (- ( Federal Emergency Management Agency

] g- Washington, D.C. 20472 MDORANDW IVR: Regional Directors Acting Regional Directors M gg% '

i rRm: toughlin  :

. puty Associate Director '

I State and Iccal Progrars and S@ port .

SinTECr: Guidance MemorandJn (m) MS-1, Medical Services l

ne attached m MS-1, Medical Services, is brwarded be your use in i

! prwiding guidance to State and local officials in developing their  :

i radiological energency response plans and in evaluating the sedical services espabilities of State and local gwerments. ,


ne origins of this m and its developent and approval have been smewhat' j different from other m's. his m was developed as a result of a series of legal decisions involvirg NRC which determined that the existing '

l interpretation of the required pre-accident medical arrangements br

, contaninated injured individuals tes not mafficient. home decisions led l NRC to issue a policy statment (Attactiment B) on September 17, 19 86,

{ indicating that the NRC staff (in consultation with FDE) would develop

! detailed guidance on the necessary pre-accident arrangements br medical j services by Novmber 17, 1986.

We have worked closely with NRC in recent weeks in the preparation of l this guidance. thfortmately, the short deadline did not permit our usual procedure of obtaining Regional and other carents befbre issuing this final guidance.

If you have any questions about MS-1, you may contact Jees hamas at 646-2808. A list of all current operative m's (Attachnent C) is also j prwided br your information.

, ATTA090f!S:

i A. m MS-1, Medical Services

{ B. Dnergency Plannirn - Medical Services, l September 17,1986, 51 FR 33 04 i

C. List of Operative m's i

i i

i  %

e e


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  • Attachment 1 IN 86-98 December 2, 1986 i

Page 2 of 12 g..

. $( Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 NOV I 31986 GUIDANCE MEMORANDUM MS-1 MEDICAL SERVICES porpose This Guidance Memorandum (GM) provides interpretation and clarification of requirements contained in the Nuclear Regulatory Comission rule,10 CFR 50.47 (b)(12) and the associated guidance in NUREG-0654/ TEVA-REP-1, Revision 1, re.

lated to the provision of medical services for members of the general public.


The background is contained in a policy statement from the Nuclear Regulatory Coenission (NkC) titled " Emergency Planning - Medical services" (51 FR 32904).

In this policy staterrent, NRC states its belief that 10 CFR 50.47(b)TI2)

("arrar.gements are made for rnedical services for contaminate the maintenance of a list of treatment facilities) for individuals who might be severely exposed to dangerous levels of of fsite radiation following an accident at a nuclear power plant. As used in 20 CFR 50.47(b)(12) and planning Standard "L" of NUREG-0654/TEPA REP-1, Revision 1, the tem

  • contaminated injured" means
1) contaminated and otherwise physically injured; 2) contaminated and exposed to dangerous levels of radiation; or 3) exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.

Guidance 10 CFR 50.47 (b)(12) requires.that " Arrangements are made for contanineted ir.jured individuals." In its policy statement the NRC deterzined that this standard requires pre-accident arrangements for medical services for offsite individuals who might be exposed to dangerous levels of radiation following an accident at a nuclear power plant. The following guidance applies to the eval-untion of the medical services aspects of State and local emergency plans under the criteria in NUREG-0654/TEPA-REP-1.

Standards, Evaluations Criteria, Areas of Reviews and Acceptance Criteria A. Assignment of Responsibility (Organization Control)

Planning Standard Primary responsibilities for emergency response by the nuclear facility licensee, and by State and local organizations within the Emergency Planning Zones have been assigned, the emergency responsibilities of the various supl '

porting organizations have been specifically established, and each principa response organization has staff to respond and to augment its initial response on a continuous basis.

.. m

Attachmen2 1 IN 86-98 is December 2, 1986 Page 3 of 12 i

a i

2 2

i A.3. Evaluation Criterion i

Each plan shall include written agreements referring to the concept of l operations developed between Federal, State, and local agencies and other

! support organizations having an emergency response role within the Emergency

8)lanning Zones. The agreements shall identify the emergency measures to be provided and the mutually acceptable criteria for their implementation, and specify the arrangements for exchange of information. These agreements may be

. provided in an appendix to the plan or the plan itself may contain descriptions of these matters and a signature page in the plan may serve to verify the a g reement s. The signature page fomat is appropriate for organizations where response functions are covered by laws, regulations or executive orders where separate written agreements are not necessary.

Areas for Review and Acceptance Criteria

! State or local governments should obtain written agreements with the listed redical facilities (Planning Standard L. Evaluation Criteria 1 and 3) and trans-portation providers (Planning Standard L. Evaluation Criterion 4). The written I agreements should contain simple assurances that the providers have adequate technical information (e.g. treatment protocols) and treatment capabilities for

, handling " contaminated injured" individuals. An indication of Joint Comission on Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH) accreditation will suffice for such assurance. ,

(Note: Veterans Administration (VA), military and other government hospitals '

are not usually accredited by JCAN but usually have the desired capabilities.)

l :f state or local governments do not obtain written agreements, the licensee should obtain written agreements with the listed medical facilities and trans-portation providers. If good faith efforts are not successful in a particular

case, the licensee shall provide or arrange for adequate compensatory measures.
e.g., obtain written agreements with other providers or provide temporary field medical care.

i l L. Medical and Public Health Support Planning Standard '

l l

! Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated injured l.


i L.1. Evaluation Criterion


l Each organization shall arrange for local and backup hospital and medical services having the capability for evaluation of radiation exposure and uptake,

! Including assurance that persons providing these services are adequately l j prepared to handle contaminated individua s.


i. .
Attachment I s IN 86-98 December 2,1986 Page 4 of 12 I

l 3

Areas for Review and Acceptance Criteria i There should be one primary local hospital and one backup hospital for each -

site for the evaluation and emergency treatment of " contamination injured' i members of the general public. Nospitals are generally distributed proportional 1 to the population. Thus, at sites with low population and few hospitals, the

] prir,ary local and backup hospitals for members of the general public could be l the same as those for the utility eg loyees and emergency workers.

l L.3. Evaluation Criterion

[ach State shall develop lists indicating the location of public, private

, and military hospitals and other emergency medical services facilities within ,

i the State or contiguous States considered capable of providing medical support  ;

j for any contaminated injured individual. The listing shall include the name, location, type of facility and capacity and any special radiolopical capab111 I ties. These emergency medical services should be able to radio ogically l monitor contaminated personnel, and have facilities and trained personnel able j to care for contaminated injured persons.

. Areas for Review and Acceotance Criteria l

i The lists should be annotated to indicate the ambulatory /non-ambulatory capact-

! ties for providing medical support for " contaminated injured" members of the

' general public and any special radiological capabilities. This will enable state and local officials to direct members of the general public to those institutions i capable of handling " contaminated injured" patients. In the event that local and regional medical resources need to be supplemented, additional medical re-

! sources would be available through the Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan. These resources would include the Rediation Emergency Ass' stance Center /

1 Training 5ite at Oak Ridge, Tennessee and the National Disaster Medical System  :

! with headquarters in Rockville, Maryland.

L.4. Evaluation Criterion tach organization shall arrange for transporting victims of radiological acci-dents to medical support fact ities.

f i

Areal for Review and Acceotence Criteria i

tecause the early symptoms of persons esposed to dangerous levels of radiation i are usually limited to nausea and vomiting, ambulances may not be required to '

transport such persons to medical facilities. Rather non specialized public l and private vehicles can be used, supported, if necess,ary, with agreements in t accordance with A.3 above. For other types of contaminated injured individ-i  ;

vals, specialtred transportation resources (e.g., ambulances) would be necessary  !

! } and should be assured by agreements, if necessary, in accordance with A.3. above.

i Provisions should be made for the use of contamination control in transporting j contaminated persons to medical facilities. ..


. Attachment 1 IN 86-98 December 2, 1986 Fage 5 of 12 s

4-planning Standard D. Radiological Emergency Response Training Radiological emergency response training is provided to those who may be called on to assist in an emergency.

0.4. Evaluation Criterion Each organization shall establish a training program for instructing and quali-fying personnel whc will implement radiological emergency response plans. The specialized initial training and periodic retraining programs (including the scope, nature and frequency) shall be provided in the following categories:

h. Medical support personnel Areas for Review and Acceptance Criteria Each hospital listed under Evaluation Criteria L.1 and L.3. shall have at least one physician and one nurse on call within about 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> who can supervise the evaluation and treatment of radiologically " contaminated injured" members of the general public. There are several sources for this training including NRC licensee in sponsored centamination training. Transportattan providers should have basic training control. Examples include but are not Ilmited to:


FEMA handbook, videotape, slides and instruction manual titled " Hospital Emergency Department Management of Radiation Accidents," SM 80/1984 2.

Courses from The Radiation Emergency Assistance Center / Training Site (REAC/TS) at Oak Ridge Associated Universities.

3. Audiocassette and text course, " Radiation Accident Preparedness: Medical and Managerial 803, New York, NYAspects" 10016. by Science-Thru-Media Inc., 303 Fifth Avenue, Suite N. , Exercises and Drills planning Standard Periodic exercises are (will be) conducted to evaluate major portions of emer-gency response and maintain keycapabilities, skills periodic drills are (will be) conducted to develop or drills are (will be), corrected.and deficiencies identified as a result of exercises ll 9


. . , um

s Attachment 1 In 86-98 December 2. 1986 Page 6 of 12 M.2. Evaluation Criterion A drill is a supervised instruction period aimed at testing, developing and maintaining skills in a particular operation. A drill is often a component of an exercise. A drill shall be supervised and evaluated by a qualified drill instructor. Each organfration shall conduct drills, in addition to the biennial ammva4* exercise at the frequencies indicated below:

c. Medical emergency drills A medical emergency drill involving a simulated contaminated individual which contains provisions for participation by the local support services agencies (i.e., ambulance and offsite medical treatment facility) shall be conducted a nnua lly. The offsite portions of the medical drill may be perfonned as part of the required biennial ammva4* exercise.

Areas for Review and Acceptance Criteria State or local governments should provide for the conduct of appropriate drills -

and exercises which include " contaminated injured" individuals. These medical emergency drills involving the primary local (L.I.) hospital for state and local governments should be conducted annually. These drills should also test the capability of relocation centers to direct ' contaminated injured" members of the general public to the appropriate hospital. If State or local governments cannot provide for the conduct of the drills, the licensee shall . provide for the con-duct of such drills. If good faith efforts are not successful ir, a particular case, the licensee shall provide or arrange for adequate compensatory measures.

Implementation State and local emergency response plans should reflect the provisions of this GM at the next annual update following 9 months from the effective date of this GM.

Plans for plants that do not have a full power operating license should reflect the provisions of this GM within 9 months of the effective date of this GM. The first medical drill reflecting the provisions of this GM should be conducted by the end of the next biennial exercise following 1 year from the effective date of this GM.

  • Changes reflect language incorporated into GM PR-1.

e Attachment 1 IN 86-98 December 2, 1986 Page 7 of 12 1

1 i

6-1 NRC Coordination This Guidance Nemorandum has been prepared in coordination with the NRC staff.

As noted in the referenced NRC Policy Statement. the Commission has determined that these modifications fall under the backfit rule's esception as necessary to bring facilities into compliance with a rule of the Commission.

i i .

l l

a e

i 1

1 so

Attachment 1 IN 5tPF5 1 .

Decerraer 2,1986 '

t Page 8 of 12 i Attachment 8'

'is 3:gM rede,el Regfster / Vol .1. No.100 / Wednudey. September 17. 1986 / Rates and Regulellens i

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  • lls a emeneie,,en Cemelseien lee *H to the Informedeme fe,
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- Page 9 of 12 j Federal peristre / Vol 31. No too / Wedneedey. Septrmber 17. 1966 / Rutes and Reguistione 32905 Comrr nion eend ded est h pwdent Me minimeft) metemry De Cer.tninion het determined ht mk todubon pcpoor of te artengemente for the pemon that moy be te erree,gemeote contefnplated endu ';on's reg.!stiw esqutred esposed nnd not be elebwete. As the $teteseent of pohey are the interpreting pfe safes standerd (b)(12) to pedovet3 etsied b) h Comentulets minimier, neuand by a nuoubk app!) le such e!!a.te eryo.ed *jijt .,es nevee se intent of 6e ne ding d phnning standard (b)(12) i instideale 3 ven $e ender 13ing regv?stione le seguire directly se Accereingt).siihevgh lenplementet on of assumption of Se MC's emergency ind.rectly that state end lesel ele recene of ee standard .illente!!

planning regwiebone that e senese goummente edept entreerdiesty some ed&sena to. end eene sacade na sould scowr and the eneme. soch as tenstrwetion of .edancohene of.the emergency Comm.eeien pruumption Get e,ch an additional heepiteh se teensioneet of precedes and ergeoisations fee wlush

! acesdens towid neuti to effelte substannel ed&tianel medical bcensees are altimately nsponsible, he

todaid ele being espewd le doneetous preennel. tut le deel with eedese agitremente of the beckht twk.10 c2 lesels of en&stion [e presumpbos plant occidente "17 pfRC et an Behr, ac t se itses) for e meet.beneret snetysis sencv-red in b) Se Federal Emergency W Commluien believu not and a finding that the seets c' ee 36tenerement Agenry) Ahet estafector) steensemente obeeld .ed.fetehens an justined by a ncons.deastoe of eis mettet fo!!cwing swtr tentie! bcre ese in esfety are set the CL'AAD decistort Se Cernalestos me&cel(ltestment fecihtees andinclude 3) e het opp isable. elateoflocet then .edencabone er ngtenalfu j hei dee ded to n eM.rm th.'s prise transportstien provider, oppropriately ear et ee bechfit tw'e's estepeen for hterpretetaon of plannled stenderd annotated to show eeir cepecJties, tso f.fitsbene notessary le bring i
(b)(12). opecial capabihties or e$er mlque tecihties late setnphence with a ruh of j Hom evet. $t Commission hoe come sherettenstics. (t) e seed felt Ia Ceramtseler6 Ser le CFR to tes ,

I le e d.fferent rnals with m;*ct to the reasonable eflori ny Lcensen et local se (e)(!) and (e)(4)(19e 5) The enetrole ,

I surdmve ervengements secene fee ve be done i indaid .als who m.sht be wrieve state

  • Titten soummnte ernesents withtothe fetiListe hated se obteln to jvetwlush f; $e oppLeathe bothfat ben o rae reg *f ear of lie '

4 espesed but not odermise injur, lee ad4el fet!Lhes and erenoportetnam saception provielee a enestitutes the I esd.olor: emergency in enginetty pretidm (3) premien fee mahaos sore of th.e Siste. eat of rebey. Aer dd I e,solsire the scope ef error,pemente et sifeble neme story Irelahs for El IWeb Gdd.ei I teewe, the Commiseltm focueed on the emeeg ncy nspeen ,enemmel to f partic6'.ar twede of offsite eapmd ihnkfp. trensport eM provide b lie p.ter eleles est of plicy. .e in&ndweb for emeryency med.cel emerseney faret old le se,erely espeed Cesaksiae Idesb! ed three testers 3 areatment of eete tod even in)vey h endaldeels and (e)e goedleJe ohh puebhed se toerta pebey of this fe%n. W Comedenton mede a n asoneble effort by busee, or siete et ruting oppbcaste see k119 ewer

  • lece13 eiernments to see nei Lcenn en equitable estepuen to b distinctner. bet = Mn te med for immed.ete or mer. tere etdicot tare, opproplele dice and aserslese are nquirements of eenha siendeed s hach woe in its view the goel et sendected .hich include elmvieted (b)(12)andu te 80 47(s)(1) Pbm i Hurefy espond 6n&,idwele ilgood the oppbeset sehehed the ,ogeue.sete '

p!anning etendeed for long eeren mdica een As to (bl(12). and u seed of p'enning standerd (b)(,2) es l

,espewd feath pertetstet efforte ate sen. e licenne .not abe8 eveseestulle Intaryntese b the Co nesien prie, to I eued estmevidvets, the Co.minlee pesside er stru .eCU j for adequetem== me-et- *=i wa*=v .AAD deetel m e,ees.n,

  • l i .

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.se .e.een



- . :nment 1.. d6 98

. December 2e 1986 Page 10 of 12 32906 Federal Rett etet / Vol. St. No 100 / Wednesday. September 17.1944/ Rufte end Regulellene omites (be3end ee pointenente of a tiet of pro e 1 sting treatment festiaun) for effeite espeeed lad.wideste The Comm.seien tel. eses est the lost two letters. dietwesed in detail in lie May M.

1943 Statement of Pelley, eenUnve le reliance en the laterim 39idence for the period notessary for the MIC elef!lelove and1.sensees opplicante, and elete end locat severwoestele imp'ement the deteJed guldence.

Therefere. until apprepnete deleiled geldence senslatent with ele pelley statement le lesved and implemented.

the uteneing Deerde may sentinue to evoser.ebty find est en) bearing templiance with it CFR l to 4? b)(12) ehell be limited te lesvee whic tow!d have been heard befm the +

l Court e detitlen in CUAAD e.NAC. j Deted et %embas'es DC.$.elas der of e September. tese l Someell Ch lk.

j Setnoen ef the Commeser (f1 Ds es-tiene Filed bl&48 I el sel tusst sees reeMee e

l l

i r

4 4

I e 1


Attachment 1

' IN 86-98 December 2, 1986 Page 11 of 12 4 9 'l Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D C. 20472 Attachtrent C Noverber 13, 1986 OPERATIVE GJIIANCE PDORAN:W N.nSer thte Title 4 4/1/80 Padio Transmission Frequencies and Coverage

'5 4/1/80 Agreerents Acorg Govermental Agencies and Private (Revised- Parties 10/19/83) 8 4/2/80 Regional Advisory Ccrmittee Coordination with Utilities (Pevised-10/19/83) 16 8/7/80 Sta dard Pegional Pcviewing and Reportirg Procedures for State and local Radiological Dergency Pasponse Plans 17 1 / 0 / 81 Joint Exercise ProcedJres 18 5 /21 / 81 FD% Action to Oualify Alert and Notification Systems (Pcvised- Against NJPE-0654/FD%-RD-1, Rev.1 10/19/83) 20 10/19/83 Foreton Larvaage Translation of Public Education Brochures and Safety Messaaes 21 2/27/04 A:ceptance Criteria for Evacuation Plans 22 10/19/83 Recordkeeping Requirenents for Public Heetings 24 4/5/84 Radiological Diergency Preparedness for Handicapped Perscns n -1 7/15/85 RenedIal Exereises D-2 7/15/85 Staf f Support in Evaluating RIP Exercises PR-1 10/1/85 Policy on NORDG4654/rD%-RD-1 and 44 CFR 350 Periodic Requirements

& 6

. . Attachment 1 IN 86 98 Dece.mber 2.1986 Page 12 of 12 2

IT-1 10/1/95 A Guide to Docurents Related to the MP Program PI-1 10/2/85 MMA Action to Pilot Test Guidance on Public Infonnation Materials and Provide Technical Assistance on Its Use FR-1 12/3/85 Federal Response Center MS-1 11/13/86 Medir:a1 Services q


  • 11/13/86 Protegtive Actions for school Children
  • GM-21 will tm retitled as Gt W-1 when it la rwised.

I l

e i

I ,


! l

, I .

i I e 1 0 e

g 00

- - _ _ - . . - - _ . - . - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - - .. . Y

Attachment 2 IN 86-98 December 2, 1986 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED lE INFORMATION NOTICES Information Date of Notice No. Subject Issue Issued to 86 97 Emergency Communications 11/28/86 All power reactor System facilities holding an OL or CP and fuel facilities 86-96 Heat Exchanger Fouling Can 11/20/86 All power reactor Cause Inadequate Operability facilities holding Of Service Water Systems an OL or CP 86-95 Leak Testing lodine-125 11/14/86 All NRC licensees Sealed Sources In Lixi, Inc. authorized to use Imaging Devices and Bone Lixi, Inc. imaging Mineral Analyzers devices 86-94 Hilti Contrete Expansion 11/6/86 All power reactor Anchor Bolts facilities holding an OL or CP 86-93 IES 85-03 Evaluation Of 11/3/86 All power reactor Motor Operators Identifies facilities holding Improper Torque Switch an OL or CP Settings 86-82 Failures Of Scram Discharge 11/4/86 All power reactor Rev. I Volume Vent And Drain Valves facilities holding <

an OL or CP i 86-92 Pressurizer Safety Valve 11/4/86 All PWR facilities

Reliability holding an OL or CP 86-91 Limiting Access 11/3/86 All power reactor Authorizations facilities holding i

an OL or CP; fuel fabrication and processing facilities i

86-90 Requests To Dispose Of Very 11/3/86 All power reactor  !

Low level Radioactive Waste facilities holding  :

Pursuant to 10 CFR 20.302 an OL or CP l OL = Operating License CP = Construction Permit .

- . . _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ _ - _ _ - - _ . _ _ _ _