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Forwards Planned Insp Effort for Next 6 Months at Plant.Info Provided to Minimize Resource Impact on Staff & Allow for Scheduling Conflicts & Personnel Availability to Be Resolved in Advance of Inspector Arrival Onsite
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/02/1998
From: Jordan M
To: Kingsley O
NUDOCS 9812160095
Download: ML20197K131 (34)


. . . - . . - - - . - . . -



g 8 o REGION lit j

  • g 801 WARRENVILLE ROAD LISLE, ILLINOIS 60532-4351 i A,*****/*

December 2, 1998 l Mr. Oliver D. Kingsley President, Nuclear Generation Group Commonwealth Edison Company ATTN: Regulatory Services Executive Towers West lll 1400 Opus Place, Suite 500 Downers Grovo,IL 60515



Dear Mr. Kingsley:

On November 4,1998, the NRC staff held an inspection resource planning meeting (IRPM).

The IRPM provided a coordinated mechanism for Region 111 to adjust inspection schedules, as needed, prior to the conclusion of the Plant Performance Review cycle in April 1999.

Enclosure 1 to this letter advises you of our planned inspection effort for the next 6 months at Braidwood.

This attached information is provided to minimize the resource impact on your staff and to allow for scheduling conflicts and personnel availability to be resolved in advance of inspector arrival onsite. The rationale or basis for each inspection outside the core inspection program is provided so that you are aware of the reason for emphasis in these program areas. Resident inspections are not listed due to their ongoing and continuous nature.

Enclosure 2 contains a historical listing of plant issues, referred to as the Plant issues Matrix (PIM), that was considered during the IRPM. The PIM includes only items from inspection reports or other docketed correspondence between the NRC and Commonwealth Edison Company.

l l

9912160095 981202 PDR ADOCK 05000456 G PDR l



e .o l' l L O. Kingsley l We willinform you of any changes to the inspection plan. If you have any questions, please ,

contact me at 630-829-9637.


/s/ M. J. Jordan l

l Michael J. Jordan, Chief ,

Reactor Projects Branch 3 1 Docket Nos.: 50-456; 50-457 License Nos.: NPF-72; NPF-77 '



1, inspection Plan

2. Plant issues Matrix 1

cc w/encls: D. Helwig, Senior Vice President H. Stanley, PWR Vice President

C. Crane, BWR Vice President i R. Krich, Regulatory Services Manager D. Greene, Licensing Director DCD - Licensing T. Tulon, Site Vice President l- K. Schwartz, Station Manager l T. Simpkin, Regulatory Assurance Supervisor R. Hubbard, MHB Technical Associates M. Aguilar, Assistant Attorney General t State Liaison Officer I Chairman, Illinois Commerce Commission

- Document: G:\brai\insppin7. bra To sesehre e sesy of uns document, irnscete in the hos "C" = Copy without estacWenca *E" = Copy weet emocWenct "N" a No copy OFFICE Rlli E Rill [ _

NAME Tongue:dp Jordan h DATE 1A/998 d/f98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY l

o. !) ,

O. Kingsley. Distribution:

SAR (E-Mail)

RPC (E-Mail)

Project Mgr., NRR w/encls J. Caldwell, Rlll w/encls C. Pederson, Rlli w/encls B. Clayton, Rlli w/encls SRI Braidwood w/encls DRP w/encls TSS w/encls DRS (2) w/encls ', ,/

Rlli PRR w/encls PUBLIC 01 w/encls ,)d$

Docket le w/encis l


IEO (E-Mail)

DOCDESK (E-Mail) 160021

1 BRAIDWOOD INSPECTION / ACTIVITY PLAN IP -Inspection Procedure Core - Minimum NRC Inspection Program (mandatory all plants)

Regional Initiative - Discretionary inspections NUMBER OF TYPE OF INSPECTION NRC INSPECTIONI

/ TITLEIPROGRAM AREA INSPECTORSI PLANNED DATES ACTIVITY-ACTIVITY INDIVIDUALS COMMENTS IP86750 Radwaste & Transportation 2 January 4 - 8,1999 Core IP81700 Security 1 January 11 - 15,1999 Core IP37550 E&TS, Effectiveness of Controls in 6 January 11 - 29,1999 Regional Initiative'@

IP40500 ldentifying, Resolving and IP37001 Preventing Problems, and 50.59 IP71707 Operational Assessment 2 January 18 - 22,1999 RegionalInitiative@

IP82701 EP Program 1 February 1 - 5,1999 Core IP37550 AE Followup 1 April 26-30,1999 RegionalInitiative @

IP73753 Inservice inspection 1 Outage (May,1999) Core IP33750 Occupational Exposure (Outage) 2 May 10 - 14,1999 Core IP62705 Breaker Maintenance 1 TBD (April /May,1999) RegionalInitiative @

l Notes:

@ Followup on previously identified issues.

@ Followt,9 Ga previously identified configuration management concems.

TBD - Date to tm determined later.

eu e "i23a8 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP' SALP Area =

  • Operations
  • Beginning Date = *10/1/97* . Ending Data = *10/1/98*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 1 9/8/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Operations 1A 3A 2A The inspectors observed the Unit 2 power descension, ascension and retum to service of the 2C main feed pump. The inspectors concluded that the nuclear station operators and unit supervisor demonstrated good overall command and control based on observations of control board operations, oversight of operator license training candidates, and response to unexpected alarms. The inspectors concluded that three material cont.ition problems presented distractions to plant operators, however, they were handled well by nuclear station operators and the unit supervisor.

2 9/6/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Operations 1A 3A 2A Operators responded well to a loss of offsite power on Unit 1. Operations management personnel demonstrated good command and control. The event was quickly and correctly classified as an Unusual Event. Licensee ,

management quickly assessed the extent of the damage to Unit 1 and restored offsite power. Four breakers failed to close that prevented re-energizing four nonsafety-related 480 volt buses and presented a minor complication to the recovery of the event.

3 9/5/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Operations 1A 3A 2A The inspectors concluded that the licensee properly performed a shutdown of the Unit 1 reactor in accordance with station procedures.

During the shutdown, the licensee demonstrated excellent control of reactivity changes; provided additional personnel to prevent distractions to operators conducting the reactor shutdown; used three-way communications, procedural place keeping methods, and self-checking techniques; performed independent verifications where required; and responded promptly to annunciator alarms. The inspectors concluded that Unit 1 equipment responded as designed to the manual trip of the turbine and to the manual trip of the reactor. One material condition problem occurred when the startup feedwater pump had to be secured '

due to failed inboard pump seal.

4 7/27/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Operations 1A The inspectors concluded, that the shift managers, unit supervisors, and nuclear station opvators exercised good control room conduct, based on observations of W! tomover briefings, pre-job briefings, control board operations, control of evolutions, response to alarms, communications, direction of personnel, and contro! of work evolutions.

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/23m PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP* ; SALP Area = ' Operations * , Beginning Date = *10/1/97* ; Ending Date = *10/1/9e*



r 5 7/27/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Operations 1A 3B The inspectors concluded that plant personnel were knowledgeable of  !

fuel handling and fuel inspection responsibilities and procedures. Fuel handling personnel demonstrated they were knowledgeable in the use of '

fuel handling equipment during recent receipts of new fuel. Fuel handling personnel followed procedures, implemented proper foreign material exclusion controls, and property maintained required documentation and status boards.

t 6 7/19/1998 NCV IR 98012, IR Licensee Operations 3A 1A The inspectors concluded that a loss of control room command and t 98009 control occurred for 42 seconds when there were no individuals in the control room who held a senior reactor operators license; a condition prohibited by TS 6.2.2.b. The inspectors reviewed the LER required to be submitted to the NRC per 10 CFR 50.73. The inspectors concluded that a Unit 1 unit supervisor failed to perform a tumover of the control room command and control function in accordance with established management expectations. This inappropriate action resulted in a failure to comply with Technical Specification 6.2.2.b which requires that at least one licensed senior reactor operator be in the control room when either Unit is in Mode 1,2,3, or 4. A non-cited violation was issued. The inspectors concluded that the immediate correctivo actions taken adequately addressed the cause of the event and appeared to be effective in preventing recurrence. The long-ter.o corrective actions have

f! been entered into the licensee's nuclear trac <ing system.

7 6/22/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Operations 1A 3B The inspectors concluded that the retum-to-seru ;e of the Unit 2 system Auxiliary Transformer 242-2 was planned and e>3cuted well Operations personnel conducted a thorough heightened level of awareness briefing, operated control room and switchyard equipment safely, and followed applicable procedures.

8 6/17/1998 Negative IR 98009 NRC Operations 1A The inspectors concluded that compensatory actions required for the impairment of the "B" essential service water flood door were poorly communicated between operations department management, the fire watch supervision, and fire watch personnel. The inspectors also determined that there were no post orders or written instructions concerning how to perform flood watch duties. The inspectors concluded that, in this case, the actions taken by fire watch personnel to check the position of the essential service water pump room flood door on an hourly basis without entering the room did constitute a satisfactory flood watch.

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M/23/98 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and E .2 Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP* ; SALP Area =

  • Operations
  • Beginning Date = *10/1/97* . Ending Data = *10/1/98*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 9 6/8/1998 Weakness IR 98008 NRC Operations 1A 3A The inspectors were concemed about the frequency of mispositioned equipment events. Six valves were mispositioned in the month of May.

All of the valves were non-safety-related and none of the mispositioning events resulted in a plant transient. The inspectors agreed with the licensee's conclusion that the number of equipment mispositioning events that involved or affected safety-related equipment or that were considered r significant, declined from a year ago. However, the inspectors observed that the number of equipment mispositioning events were increasing in 1998 which is noteworthy and warrants consideration.

10 5/18/1998 Negative IR 98008 NRC Operations 1B The inspectors concluded that the Unit 2 operators monitored pressurizer pressure poorly after securing backup heaters and did not re-energize the heaters in time to prevent pressurizer pressure from going below the lower Technical Specification limit. The operators secured the heaters to reduce the station electrical load to support electrical grid needs during unseasonably hot weather.

11 3/29/1998 Positive IR 98005 NRC Operations 1A 3B The inspectors concluded that the reactivity manipulations performed during the power ascension portion of a special process procedure to co!!ect vibration data on the Unit 1 main generator were properly performed and supervised.

12 3/29/1998 Positive IR 98005 NRC Operations 1B 3A As a result of an event on 3/9/98, the inspectors concluded that operations management exhibited an excellent safety focus following the loss of power from two offsite power to some site facilities during winter storm conditions. In anticipation of problems, the control room staff was '

augmented, reviewed abnormal operating procedures for a loss of offsite power, a reactor trip, a problem with non-essential service water, and a loss of instrument air.

13 3/29/1998 Positive IR 98005 NRC Operations 18 3C SC The inspectors concluded that the Unit 2 control room operators correctly and promptly responded to a rod control urgent failure alarm. The inspectors concluded that the shift manager appropriately evaluated the '

potential effects of the troubleshooting on the operation of the unit. The shift manager also ensured that the system engineer and maintenance personnel clearly understood the scope of the troubleshooting that was authorizad in the work package.

Page 3 of 9

PLANT ISSUES MATRIX iii23e Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascencing): Search Colurnn = *SALP* , SALP Area = " Operations" , Beginning Data = *10/1/97* ; Endmg Data = *10/1/98*

  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 14 3/9/1998 Positive IR 98002 NRC Operations 2A The inspectors concluded that the as-found configuration of the Essential Service Water (SX) system was consistent with system drawings, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report system description, Technical Specifications, mechanical hneups, and electrical lineups with a few minor exceptions. The inspectors determined that the exceptions did not affect the operability of the Unit 2 SX system. The inspectors concluded that the SX system procedures were well-written and contained sufficient guidance for personnel to complete the activity covered by the procedure. The material condition of the system was good. The heat exchanger inspections, heat exchanger performance tests, and biocide injection into the essential service water system were being scheduled, performed, and documented to meet Generic Letter 89-13 ccmmitments.

(3/9/98) 15 2/13/1998 NCV IR 98005 Licensee Operations 1A 3B SC The inspectors concluded that operators did not follow the procedure to install the spent fuel pool (SFP) skimmer filter during a filter replacement which resulted in improper filter installation. The operators did not verify the proper installation of the filter. The filter failure resulted in a pump down of the SFP to a level of 424 feet 3 inches (about 3 inches).

Operators subsequently secured the SFP skimmer system. The inspectors concluded that the licensee's root cause analysis identified and station management adequately addressed the problems that contributed to the spill. The licensee-identified and corrected failure to follow procedures was a non-cited violation.

16 2/4/1998 NCV IR 98002 NRC Operations 1B The inspectors concluded that the quality of supervision declined during the Unit 2 startup from observed performance during previous reactor startups. This conclusion was based on operations supervision not identifying an error rnade by an operator during the review of a shutdown margin calculation; supervision's failure to direct the retum to service of the boron dilution prevention system after shutting down the reactor which is required by Technical Specification; and supervision not verifying the proper steam supply to the gland seal steam system. However, the inspectors did recognize the attempt by licensee management to improve

, operational performance by dedicating an operator and supervisor to monitor reactivity changes, and by developing a well prepared pre-evolution briefing. The problems with supervisory oversight were identified and corrected by the licensee and therefore, a non-cited violation was issued (2/4/98)

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Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP* , SALP Area = *Opttions* . Beginning Datt = *10/1/97* , Ending Data = *10/1/98*

  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 17 2/4/1998 F'ositive IR 98002 NRC Operations 1B The inspectors concluded that licensee management demonstrated a good safety focus during the paralleling of the steam-driven feedwater pumps during the Unit 2 reactor startup. The 28 steam 4 riven main feedwater pump would not respond to automatic or manual controls due to a failed low pressure govemor. The shift manager ensured procedural compliance and maintained excellent control of the troubleshooting evolution until the problem was resolved. (2/4/98) 18 1/26/1998 Positive 98003 NRC Operations 1B Control room operators properly responded to the reactor trip by entering and performing the steps contained in procedure 2BwEP-O. Analysis of selected plant parameters indicated that the plant was quickly stabilized in a hot shutdown condition and responded as designed (1/26/98).

19 1/26/1998 Negative 98003 NRC Operations 1B 2B The shift manager failed to assign the correct priority to the emergent work on the digital electro-hydraulic control (DEHC) system. The

  • urgent" priority initiated actions that bypassed the normal screening process which included a review by a minimum of five persons with the requiled knowledge base (1/26/98).

20 1/26/1998 Positive 97022 NRC Operations 1B 3C The inspectors concluded that the infrequently performed activity briefing of shift personnel for removal of the "N* annunciator train was conducted and attended by the appropriate personnel. The inspectors concluded that the licensee demonstrated an excellent safety focus by providing additional Nuclear Station Operators (NSOs) in the control room and additional non-licensed operators in the field to allow for continuous monitoring of critical plant equipment normally monitored by the unavailable annunciators. The inspectors concluded that the Unit Supervisor (US) demonstrated good supervisory presence by remaining in or near the at-the-controls area and provided continuous reminders to the NSOs to remain focused on the control board indicators. The inspectors concluded that the !!censee's restoration and testing of the *N*

train of control room annunciators was properly performed in accordance with established procedures. (1/26/98)

Page 5 of 9

"' 58 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP* , SALP Area =

  • Operations" . Beginning Date = '0/1/97* , Ending Data = *10/1/98*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 21 1/14/1998 Positive 97022 NRC Operations 3B The inspectors observed licensed operator requalification training and determined that operators promptly identified all of the off-normal and casualty events included in the training scenarios, properly used the correct procedures to place the plant in a stable condition, and correctly used self-checking and communication techniques. Inspectors I concluded that supervisory personnel provided directions to operators, conducted periodic crew briefings, effectively supervised reactivity manipulations, correctly identified and entered the applicable TS action statements, properly classified the Generating Station Emergency Plan >

(GSEP) events, appropriately upgraded and downgraded GSEP events, and simulated the required notifications. The inspectors concluded that the simulator accurately represented the actual control boards in the control room. (1/14/98) 22 1/7/1998 Positive 97022 NRC Operations 3B On January 6 and 7, inspectors observed operators perform rounds of the auxiliary building and turbine building. The inspectors reviewed the day shift equipment operator, auxiliary building, and turbine building logs and concluded that readings required by Technical Specification (TS) or other commitments were obtained. (1/7/98) 23 11/14/1997 Positive 97019 NRC Operations 1A 1B The inspectors concluded that the operating crews performing the startup from the Unit 2 refueling outage demonstrated excellent human performance when challenged by a waterhammer event on the 2D tempering feedwater line on November 10 and a boron dilution prevention system actuation on November 14. The operators were observed to quickly identify the problem, enter the appropriate procedures and terminate the transients. The inspectors observed that throughout the startup, pre-evolution briefings met or exceeded management expectations, operators followed procedures, and there was continuous supervisory involvement and oversight. (11/14/97) 24 11/10/1997 VIO/SL-IV 97021 NRC Operations 1B The fill and vent procedure for the feedwater system was inadequate, in that it caused the water hammer event, and is considered a violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V. (11/10/97) 25 11/10/1997 Positive 97021 NRC Operations 1B Operations staff initiated timely and appropriate actions in response to the feedwater system waterhammer event. (11/10/97)

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PLANT ISSUES MATRIX u/23ss Braidwood '

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP* ; SALP Area =

  • Operations * . Beginning Date = *10/1/97* : Endin
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 26 11/10/1997 VIO/SL-IV 97021 NRC Operations 1B 3A Two additional violations of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, Criterion V, were  ;

identified where existing procedures were not followed pertaining to the procedure change process for an inadequate startup procedure, and the problem identification process for a tempering line snubber considered inoperable. (11/10/97) 27 11/7/1997 Positive 97310 NRC Operations 1A The examiners noted that the control room environment was professional, access to the control room was well controlled, and extraneous activities were minimized. (11/7/97) 28 11/7/1997 Strength 97310 NRC Operations 3B The applicants' peer and self-checking techniques, and control and performance of reactivity manipulations were strengths during the dynamic simulator examinations.

The crews displayed pro-active teamwork during the dynamic simulator examinations One crew's diagnostic ability during an excessive steam flow event was poor. (11/7/97) 29 11/7/1997 Weakness 97310 NRC Operations 3B The examiners identified the following generic weaknesses in the applicants' abilities: (1) the ability to determine, based on given feedwater system and plant information, the expected position of feedwater valves affected by a feedwater isolation signal, (2) the ability to determine, based on various fuel oil tank levels, emergency diesel generator operability, and (3) the ability to start the Hydrogen Recombiners. (11/7/97) 30 11/7/1997 Positive 97310 NRC Operations 3B The written and operating examinations were developed at an appropriate level of difficulty and were, for the most part, technically accurate.

The proposed examination material submitted to the examiners for review and approval generally met, and often exceeded, the examination development guidelines specified in NUREG 1021, Interim Revision 8.

The administered written examination was technically accurate and well structured.

The licensee's written examination results' matrix aided the examiner's post written examination review and the identification of generic weaknesses on 16 individual questions. (11/7/97)

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1 /23/98 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP" . SALP Area = " Operations * ; Beginning Date = *10/1/97* , Ending Date = *10/1/98*

  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 31 11/3/1997 Positive 97016 NRC Operations The inspectors reviewed the licensee's tracking system for human performance errors resulting in licensee event reports (LERs) and problem identification forms (PlFs) conceming out-of-services. The inspectors concluded the licensee accurately identified and correctly tracked human performance errors described in LERs and PIFs concerning out-of-services.

The inspectors reviewed the licensee *s tracking system for entries into unplanned limiting condition for noerations (LCOs) and operator work arounds. The inspectors concluded the licensee accurately identified and correctly tracked unplanned LCO entries and operator work arounds.

Self-Critical 32 11/3/1997 VIO/SL-IV 97016 NRC Operations 1B The inspectors concluded that the licensee's "Reportability Manual" was incorrect for reporting engineered safety feature actuations. The licensee failed to report a Unit 2 "A" train containment ventilation isolation. The inspectors informed the licensee that the event was reportable and it took several days before the licensee agreed that the event was reportable. A violation was issued. Inadequate Procedure / Instruction 33 10/4/1997 97016 NRC Operations The inspectors concluded that the corrective actions taken by the licensee to ensure the correct positioning of equipment was not totally effective. The licensee identified eleven mispositioned components between September 2 and October 4,1997. Problems with mispositioned components have been discussed in previous inspection reports and this has been a recurring issue. The examples discussed in this report were considered to be further examples of the violation issued in inspection Report No. 97015. It is too early to determine if the recent corrective actions taken by licensee management have been effective in addressing this issue. Self-Critical Page 8 of 9

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11/23/98 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP' . SALP Area = " Maintenance" : Beginning Date = "10/1/97* , Ending Date = *10N/98*

  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 1 9/8/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Maintenance 2A The inspectors observed the performance of eight surveilance tests. The inspectors concluded that the surveillance tests adequately tested the system, the operators followed the procedures, and that the procedures included the required testing discussed in the Technical Specifications.

2 9/8/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Maintenance 2A The inspectors observed all or portions of seven maintenance activities.

The inspectors concluded that activities were performed in accordance with the applicable procedures, that the procedures provided the requisite information necessary to perform the work, that maintenance personnel demonstrated good work practices, and that maintenance personnel were knowledgeable of the associated limiting conditions for operations and high-risk work activity requirements.

3 9/8/1998 Negative IR 98012 Self- Maintenance 2A Several material condition problems directly affected plant operations Revealed during this inspection period. Most failures involved nonsafety-related equipment but occurred during evolutions such as a feedwater pump swap, reactor shutdown, and a loss of offsite power. These equipment failures did not have a profound impact but did complicate the evolutions.

The inspectors did not identify a common cause for these equipment failures.

4 7/27/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Maintenance 38 3B The inspectors observed all or portions of various maintenance activities and concluded that activities were performed in accordance with the applicable procedures, that the procedures provided the requisite information necessary to perform the work, that maintenance personnel demonstrated good general work practices, and that maintenance personnel were knowledgeable of the associated limiting condition for operations and high-risk work activity requirements.

5 7/27/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Maintenance 3B 3C The inspectors observed the performance of five surveillance tests. The inspectors concluded that the surveillance tests adequately tested the system, the operators followed the procedures, and that the procedures included the required testing discussed in the Technical Specifications.

6 6/8/1998 Positive IR 98008 NRC Maintenance 28 The inspectors concluded that the results obtained during four surveillance tests observed during tha inspection period met acceptance criteria. The inspectors also concluded that the survei!!ance tests adequately tested the respective system to verify that it would function per design.

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Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Coturnri = *SALP" ; SALP Area = " Maintenance' , Beginning Date = "10/1/97* : Ending Data = *10/1/98* <

  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 7 5/8/1998 NCV LER 457/98003- Licensee Maintenance 3A LER 457/98003-00 Failure to identify surveillance test data that did not 00, IR 98009 meet TS acceptance criteria. Surveillance data taken for 2BwOS, "125 Volt Direct Current ESF Battery 211 Quarter 1y Surveillance
  • Rev. 8, on December 23,1997, dM not meet acceptance criteria. Nonlicnesed operators and SRO reviewer failed to identify that the specific gravity of one cell was 1.262 with TS acceptance criteria of less than or equral to 1.280, and the specific gravity of another ce!!

deviated from the average by 0.023 with the acceptance criteria of less than or equal to 0.020. A non-cited violation was issued.

8 4/25/1998 Positive IR 98008 NRC Maintenance 2B 3B The inspectors concluded that the replacement of the Unit 2 rod control ,

negative 24 volt direct current power supplies in the shutdown Control Rod Banks B, C, and E cabinet was planned and executed well. The ,

instrument maintenance technicians demonstrated a high level of '

proficiency as a result of excellent pre-job training and the careful validation of the maintenance procedure.

9 4/20/1998 NCV IR 98005 NRC Maintenance 2A 4A The licensee identified the failure to properly perform density corrections to instrumentation that measured containment spray additive flow rate as part of Braidwood Technical Staff Surveillance Procedure 6.2.2.d-1,

" Containment Spray Additive Flow Rate Verification." This resulted in the mispositioning of the Unit 1 and Unit 2 containment spray additive tank throttle valves resulting in a spray additive flow rate of 78 gallons per minute (as measured by primary water flow) exceeding the TS limit of 74 gallons per minute (as measured by primary water flow) from about April 1991, for Unit 1 and November 1991, for Unit 2. A nor-cited violation was issued.

10 4/20/1998 Positive !R 98005 NRC Maintenance 2B The inspectors concluded that the five surveillance tests observed this inspection period were performed well and the data taken met all established acceptance criteria. The test procedures were clearly written and ensured that if followed, Technical Specification (TS) requirements would be met and Updated Final Safety Analysis Repcs desian criteria satisfied.

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  • Search Sorted by Date (Descending) ard SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP" , SALP Area =
  • Maintenance * , Beginning Date = *10/1/97* ; Ending D
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION li 4/20/1998 "9sitive IR 98005 NRC Maintenance 3A 3C The inspectors concluded that the licensee exhibited an excellent safety focus during the replacement of the Unit 1 instrument air regulator for the heater drain pump discharge Valve 1 AOV-HD0468 actuator, by classifying the work as a high risk activity, by developing a high risk activity plan, and by briefing personnel on the associated risks. The inspectors concluded that Work Package 98002177941 was clearly written and contained the necessary instructions and drawings for the successful completion of the maintenance activity.

12 4/20/1998 Negative IR 98005 NRC Maintenance 3C The inspectors concluded that poor plannhg in preparation for work on the essential service water supply valve to the suction of the 18 auxiliary feedwater pump resulted in unnecessarily entering the TS limiting condition for operation for about 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and a delay in starting work on the valve. Electricians were unable to perform the scheduled maintenance when they arrived at the work site due to structural interference. The 18 auxiliary feedwater pump was actually available for use during the four hour period so the safety impact was minimal.

13 4/2/1998 Positive IR 98005 NRC Maintenance 3B 3C The inspectors concluded that the installation of the line stop on the essential service water supply line and the subsequent inspection and repair of tube leaks in the common component cooling water heat exchanger were planned well. Personnelinvolved with the maintenance activities were well-briefed on the allowed completion times for each activity, the requirements of the TS, including the limiting conditions for operations, and the contingency plans if problems arose. Licensee personnel properly placed and walked down the out-of-service, obtained and posted transiem fire load permits, obtained and posted plant boundary impairments on impaired fire and watertight doors, followed work package instructions, and maintained oversight and control of contractor personnel during the installation and removal of the line stop.

14 3/27/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Maintenance 3B 3C The inspectors concluded that the licensee has made improvement in outage work package preparation and outage schedule deve!opment for the upcoming Unit 1 steam generator replacement and Refueling Outage A1 R07. The inspectors concluded that the improvement is due to increased visibility of the outage planning process, improved communications, and the use of project teams.

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PLANT ISSUES MATRIX 1 /23/96 Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP* ; SALP Area =

  • Maintenance
  • Beginning Data = *10/1/97* ; Ending Date = *10/1/98*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 15 3/9/1998 Positive IR 98002 NRC Maintenance 2A During surveillance testing, operations personnel and the involved system engineer were knowledgeable of system operation, testing setup, and testing methods. Operators identified and resolved potential problems between plant configuration and procedural guidance prior to starting the

' test. Surve!!!ance tests were performed in accordance with plant procedures and all acceptance criteria were met. (IR 98002) 16 3/9/1998 VIO!SL-IV IR 98002 NRC Maintenance 2B Technical Specification and American Society of Mechanical Engineers surveillance requirements for the essential service water system were being met by the performance of surveillance tests. However, the inspectors identified that safety-related valves were manipulated during the performance of Unit 1 and Unit 2 Technical Staff Surveillance tests and independent verifications of proper system alignment were not subsequently conducted as required by Braidwood Administrative Procedure 100-18. A violation was issued. (3/9/98) 17 3/9/1998 Positive IR 98002 NRC Maintenance 2B SC The inspectors concluded that licensee management demonstrated a good safety focus in addressing problems with the maintenance and test equipment program, originally identified by the inspectors in inspection Report No. 97022. The licensee established a team of station employees to address these problems, and the team took a broad look at the problem and was able to identify additional concems that needed to be resolved. (3/9/98) 18 3/9/1998 Positive IR 98002 NRC Maintenance 28 5C The inspectors concluded that licensee management demonstrated a good safety focus in addressing problems with the maintenance and test equipment program, originally identified by the inspectors in inspection Report No. 97022. The licensee established a team of station employees to address these problems, and the team took a broad look at the problem and was able to identify additional concems that needed to be resolved. (3/9/98) 19 1/26/1998 Negative 98003 NRC Maintenance 2B Operational analysis department (OAD) technicians used uncontrolled documentation in performance of the maintenance activity. The shift manager and unit supervisor failed to question the use of the uncontrolled documentation and also failed to question whether troubleshooting following the replacement of the nuclear programmable logic card was within the scope of the blanket work request, WR No. 980001222 Task 04 (1/26/98).

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M/23/98 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP ; SALP Area = " Maintenance

  • Beginning Data = *10/1/97* , Ending Date = *10/1/98*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 20 1/26/1998 Negative 98003 NRC Maintenance 2B Work control and planning was inadequate. The use of a blanket work request bypassed the licensee's normal work control process (1/26/98).

21 1/26/1998 Positive 97022 NRC Maintenance 2B The inspectors concluded that the licensee accurately identified, quantified, tracked, and reported the number of non-outage corrective work requests reported to the NRC as committed to in Pie Braidwood Station March 28,1997, response to the NRC's request for information pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f). (1/26/98) 22 1/26/1998 VIO/SL-IV 97022 NRC Maintenance 2B The inspectors identitied five examples where maintenance and test equipment was not stored in accordance with station procedures. The

  • inspectors concluded that the licensee was not appropriately controlling access to maintenance and test equipment. A violation was issued.

(1/26/98) 23 1/26/1998 Positive 97022 NRC Maintenance 2B 3A The inspectors concluded that for observed surveillance activities acceptance criteria were met, personnel correctly followed the test procedures, and that surveillance tests verified the systems performed as required by the updated final safety analysis report and TS.~ (1/26/98) 24 1/26/1998 Negative 98003 NRC Maiitenance 3A No procedure was used by OAD personnel during bench testing the replacement card and proper test equipment were not on site to perform -

the appropriate test. Although proper test equipment was at Byron, the card was not taken to Byron until after the Braidwood reactor trip (1/26/98).

25 1/15/1998 Positive 97022 NRC Maintenance 2B 3A The inspectors concluded that the maintenance activities observed were performed in accordance with the applicable procedures, that the procedures provided the requisite information for the assigned work, that maintenance personnel demonstrated safe work practices, and that maintenance personnel were knowledgeable of the associated TS limiting condition for operations. (1/15/98)

Page 5 of 9

I M/23/98 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Braidwood - .

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP* . SALP Area =

  • Maintenance
  • Beginning Data = *10/1/97* , Ending Date = *10/1/98*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 26 12/20/1997 VIO/SL-IV 97022 NRC Maintenance 2A SC The licensee identified in 1989 that all four safety-related Unit 2 main feedwater check valves (FWO79A, B, C, and D) had seized in an open I

position due to insufficient clearances between critical components in the valve dampening mechanisms. The inspectors identified in December 1997 that critical components in the Unit 1 FWO79A and D check valve dampening mechanisms were replaced in May and April of 1997 respectively without being machined to the required clearances. The inspectors concluded that the corrective actions taken for the seizing of the FWO79 check valve piston rods in 1989 were not adequate to prevent recurrence. A violation was issued. (12/97) i 27 12/15/1997 VIO/SL-IV 97018 NRC Maintenance 2B In general, structures, systems, and components (SSCs) were property scoped into the MR program. However, a violation was identified concerning two system functions that were not properly scoped into the MR program. (12/15/97) 28 12/15/1997 Strength 97018 NRC Maintenance 2B The process for assessing plant risk resulting from equipment out-of-service for on-line maintenance was determined to be good. The availability of three different sources of risk information was considered to be a strength of the program. (12/15/97) 29 12/15/1997 Positive 97018 NRC Maintenance 2B 38 The system engineers were experienced and knowledgeable about their systems and their responsibilities with respect to the MR. (12/15/97) 30 12/15/1997 VIO/SL-IV 97018 NRC Maintenance 2B 5A The performance criteria for reliability and unavailability, although in some cases higher than the probabilistic risk assessment assumptions, were adequately justified through the use of a sensitivity study. In general, performance criteria had been established to effectively monitor system performance. However, one violation was identified conceming an inadequate reliability performance criterion and the inappropriate use of plant level performance criteria for four systems. (12/15/97) 31 12/15/1997 Positive 97018 NRC Maintenance 2B 5A The structural monitoring program was effective. inspections adequately assessed the conditions of stmctures and corrective actions were initiated to correct deficiencies. (12/15/97) 32 12/15/1997 Misc 97018 NRC Maintenance 28 58 The monitoring of functional failures against goals and performance criteria did not appear to be up-to-date for all systems. Although this may be due to the recent changes associated with the program, further review will be required to ensure adequate monitoring will occur in the future.


Page 6 of 9

ii/23r98 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP" . SALP Area = " Maintenance * , Beginning Date = *10/1/97* Ending Date = "10/1/98*

  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 33 12/15/1997 Positive 97018 Licensee Maintenance 2B SB SC The recent audit was critical of the MR program's acceptability. A number of issues were identified and corrective actions were implemented or planned to correct program deficiencies. The use of outside personnel provided independent insights into the MR program and added to the overall quality of the audit. (12/15/97) 34 11/24/1997 Positive 97919 NRC Maintenance 28 On November 24, the inspectors observed the performance of 2BwVS, an American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code performance test, on the 2A centrifugal charging pump, and concluded that the surveillance test was properly performed and acceptance criteria were met. (11/24/97) 35 11/14/1997 Negative 97019 NRC Maintenance 3A On November 14, inspectors observed maintenance activities for the repair of hydraulic actuator leakage on main steam isolation vafve 1MS001C. The inspectors concluded that the work package was property prepared and the work was properly performed in accordance with the work package. However, the inspectors observed that the mechanics f had to realign the hydraulic tubing and this was not documented in the work package. The inspectors concluded that not documenting as-found conditions was a poor work practice. (11/14/97) 36 11/3/1997 Positive 97016 NRC Maintenance 2B The inspectors concluded that the six surveillance tests observed dur~ng this period were performed in accordance with procedures and all .

acceptance criteria were met or the proper actions were taken by the test directors when the acceptance criteria were not met. Heightened level of awareness and pre-job briefings were thorough and exceeded minimum briefing requirements. The surveillance test procedures were well written and ensured Technical Specification and Updated Final Safety Analysis Report requirements were tested. Teamwork / Shit Lwel 37 11/3/1997 VIO/SL-IV 97016 NRC Maintenance SC The inspectors identified 17 examples where the licensee failed to take effective corrective actions for the securing of movable carts in the auxiliary building. A violation was previously issued for the licensee's failure to control movable carts and equipment in NRC Inspection Report No. 50-456/96021(DRP); 50-457/96021(DRP). A violation was issued.

Self-Critical Page 7 of 9


Braidwood -

Search Sorted ty Date (Descerdng) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP" : SALP Area =

  • Maintenance * . Beginning Data = *10/1/97* ; Erdng Date = *10/1/98*

'38 11/2/1997 VIO/SL-IV 97019 NRC Maintenance 3A The inspectors concluded that licensee personnel failed to identify and remove all loose materials from the containment as required by a containment loose debris surveillance conducted on November 2. A Notice of Violation was issued. (11/2/97) 39 10/28/1997 VIO/SL-IV 97016 NRC Maintenance 28 The inspectors concluded that contractor personnel demonstrated poor '

human performance on October 28,1997, by failing to follow the.

procedure to establish a freeze seal prior to maintenance. The inspectors observed two subsequent maintenance activities that required freeze seals, conducted by both licensee and contractor personnel, which revealed none of the previously noted problems. A violation was issued. Personnel Performance Deficiency 40 10/28/1997 Positive 97016 NRC Maintenance 2B The inspectors concluded that the maintenance on valve 2CV-093A was performed well by the maintenance crew. The inspectors observed that -

during the maintenance work performed on 2CV-051A, the maintenance crew followed the procedure, noted that the work would exceed the scope of the work package and had the package changed, and used the proper materials for the job. However, the inspectors observed a lack of concem demonstr _ad by mechanics after having dropped 2CV-8121 and an associated test gauge on the floor. Teamwork / Skill Level Page 8 of 9


Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Colurnn = *SALP* SALP Area =

  • Engineering * . Beginning Data = *10/1/97* ; Ending Data = *10/1/98*

1 DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP iMM CODES DESCRIPTION 1 9/8/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Engineering 48 The inspectors concluded that three operability determinations regarding the essential service water supply to the auxiliary feedwater system, the Unit 2 reactor cooling pump motor temperature measurement, and the measurement of main control room differential pressure reflected sound engineering judgement and safety focus. The inspectors also concluded that the operabi!ity determinations were properly documented, were understood by control room operators, and that appropriate corrective actions had been identified and were being tracked by system engineering personnel.

2 8/28/1998 Positive IR 98011 NRC Engineering 4B 4C The pre-service program, procedures and documentation were conducted and complied with the ASME Code and Technical Specification requirements. The steam generator tubing pre-service inspection program and procedures were conservative providing a baseline to track any degradation in the smallest of anomalies.

3 8/28/1998 Positive IR 98011 NRC Engineering 4B 4C Changes to tendon tools and fixtures enhanced the tendon removal process. Tendon removal was effectively performed using lessons learned from the Byron steam generator replacement tendon activities.

4 8/28/1998 Positive IR 98011 NRC Engineering 4B 4C With regard to the Unit 1 SGRP, pre-service eddy current examination of the steam generator tubing was accomplished with conservative procedures, assuring a good baseline inspection data reference for the future inservice inspection examinations. Welding and nondestructive examination performance for the steam generator feedwater piping surpassed the applicable procedures and ASME Code requirements. -

Welding quality demonstrated good workmanship.

5 8/28/1998 Positive IR 98011 NRC Engineering 4B SB The welder qualification program was well plannad and implemented.

Management and Quality Assurance oversight of the welder qualification process demonstrated a good safety perspective.

Page 1 of 7

PLANT ISSUES MATRIX n/2n Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP* , SALP Area =

  • Engineering , Beginning Date = *10/1/97* . Ending Data = *10n/98*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 6 7/27/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Engineering 4B The inspectors concluded that the licensee properly performed the 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluations for the isolation of the demineralized water makeup system to the diesel generator jacket water standpipes, the installation of temporary Alteration 98-1-010, and the removal of Unit 1

' and 2 reactor containment fan cooler inlet and outlet dew point '

temperature indication. The inspectors concluded that the licensee's justifications were technically correct and made reference to applicable "

sections of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Technical Specifications, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and  :

Pressure Vessel Code, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guides.

t 7 7/27/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Engineering 4B The inspectors concluded that the operability determinations regarding .

the Unit 1 safety injection pump minimum flow requirements, integrated leak rate testing piping lines, and Unit 2 intermediate range instrument electronic noise reflected good engineering judgement and safety focus.

The inspectors also concluded that the necessary compensatory actions were well understood by operations personnel and that corrective actions were being tracked by system engineering personnel.

8 6/8/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98008 NRC Engineering 4B The inspectors concluded that the licensee took inadequate corrective actions in response to a previous NRC violation regarding non-environmentally qualified safety-related equipment subject to a harsh environment in the event of an accident No actions were taken to identify other non-environmentally qualified safety-related equipment located in an area that could become a harsh environment until questioned by the inspectors. The licensee later identified three more examples of non-environmentally qualified safety-related equipment. A violation was issued.

9 6/8/1998 Positive IR 98008 NRC Engineering 4B The inspectors concluded, following a review of three safety-related engineering requests, that engineering personnel used appropriate technical evaluations and engineering judgement to support their responses. The inspectors concluded that engineering persontsel documented their responses well and in accordance with Braidwood Administrative Procedure 2320-2,

  • Engineering Requests."

Page 2 of 7

PLANT ISSUES MATRIX 1/23/98 Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Colunn = "SALP* , SALP Area =

  • Engineering
  • Beginning Date = *10/1/97* ; Ending Data = *10/1/98*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 10 4/24/1998 NRR 1R 98201 NRC Engineering 4A 4C NRR design inspection conducted 3/2/98 through 4/24/98 evaluated capabi:ity of the auxiliary feedwater (AFW) and safety injection (SI) systems to perictm their safety functions. Findings identified weaknesses in design and operation of the AFW system, corrective actions, several components not being tested appropriatly, incorrect design insta!!ation, test procedure discrepencies, vendor recommendations not being performed, a number of calculational descrepencies, and not fully evaluatirig the impact of NRC generic communications. However, the team concluded that the AFW and SI systems were capable of performing their safety functions, and the systems generally adhered to the desigh and licensing bases.

11 4/20/1998 IR 98005 NRC Engineering 4B The inspectors reviewed four 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluations and concluded that they adequately met regulatory and procedural requirements. The inspectors found minor errors in two safety evaluations that had no impact on the outcome of the evaluation. The inspectors concluded that the minor errors were due to a lack of attention to detail by the engineers. Attention to detailin engineering work was previously discussed as a problem in inspection Report No. 50-456/97016(DRP); 50-457/97016(DRP). The other two safety evaluations were comprehensive and well-written.

12 3/30/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98005 NRC Engineering 4B Licensee personnelincorrectly determined in 1995 that the use of a tri-nuclear filtration system inside the SFP did not constitute a temporary alteration (TALT). The inspectors concluded that when licensee personnel later determined in September 1997, the use of the tri-nuclear system was a TALT, the discrepancy was not entered into the corrective action system by using a problem identification form and no corrective actions were completed as of April 20,1998. A violation was issued.

13 3/9/1998 Positive IR 98002 NRC Engineering 4A The inspectors performed a review of post-modification and surveillance testing procedures for a modification that installed a pressure control and fire damper assembly between the auxiliary and turbine buildings and concluded that all acceptance criteria associated with those procedures were met. The post-modification test procedure was well-written and verified that the modification performed as designed. The inspectors concluded that the pressure control and fire damper assembly property contro!!ed the differential pressure between the auxiliary and turbine buildings. (3/9/98)

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11/23/96 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Braidwood - '

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Colurnn = *SALP" . SALP Area =

  • Engineering * , Beginning Data = *10/1/97* , Endung Date = *10/1S8'
  1. DATE TYPE SOURC.I ID BY ! SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 14 3/9/1998 Positive IR 98002 NRC Engineering 4B The inspectors concluded that operability determinations regarding the reactor coolant system leakage calculations and the automatic operation of the pressurizer power operated relief valves reflected good engineering judgement and safety focus. (3/9/98) 15 3/9/1998 Negative IR 98002 NRC Engineering 4C The inspectors concluded that the licensee was not aware of 134 engineering requests !.. ils J cabase that had not been prioritized. The i inspectors also corcluded tnt 25 ? high priority engineering requests had i no due dates assigned. The 253 h,gh priority engineering requests without due dates assigned nude up about 54 percent of the high priority backlogs. With this high pen;en!%e, the inspectors concluded that the number of high prion;y ove."Jee engineering requests was not a good performance indicator of bddog reduction which was a performance indicator committed to in the licensee's March 28,1997 response to the ,

NRC request for information pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f). (3/9/98) 16 3/3/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98005 NRC Engineering 2A 4C The inspectors concluded that the licensee made a temporary alteration to the spent fuel pool (SFP) skimmer strainer level controllers but did not perform a review and document the alteration as required by Braidwood i Administrative Procedure 2321-18T11," Determination of Temporary  !

Alterations (TALTs)." The inspectors also concluded that the absence of a syphon break on the SFP skimmer return line and the broken SFP I skimmer suction piping precluded the licensee from satisfying the requirements of TS Condition 5.6.2 for prevention of the inadvertent  !

draining of the SFP below the 423 foot elevation. Two violations, of which one had two examples, were issued.

17 12/29/19S7 VIO/SL-IV 97022 NRC Engineering 4C The inspectors observed progress in reducing the total number of temporary alterations. System and site engineering personnel were tracking open temporary alterations as listed in the associated  !

documentation. The inspectors concluded plant procedures related to the temporary alteration process were followed for known plant alterations.  !

However, the inspectors identified two unauthorized modifications that ,

were in place for several years, but were not identified in plant design documentation. A violation was issued. (12/29/97)  !

I Page 4 of 7

ii23sd PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Braidwood -

Sean:h Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP" ; SALP Arec = "Engineenng" , Beginrnng Date = "10/1/97* ; Ending Data = *10/1/98*

DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 18 12/15/1997 Positive 97019 NRC Engineering 4C The inspectors performed a review of three safety-related modifications installed during the most recent Unit 2 refueling outage (A2R06) and concluded that the modifications and revisions were processed in accordance with the appropriate procedures, were property documented, and received proper safety evaluations. The inspectors concluded that post-modification test procedures were well written and adequately verified that the modification performed as designed. The physical installation of modification hardware appeared to match the work package specifications. (12/15/97) 19 11/10/1997 Positive 97021 NRC Engineering 4C Appropriate engineering evaluations had been implemented for components affected by the waterhammer event. (11/10/97) 20 11/10/1997 VIO/SL-IV 97021 NRC Engineering SA An additional example of a violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, was identified pertaining to the failure to follow the problem identification process procedure and initiate a PIF on damaged feedwater line snubbers, when the damage was discovered. (11/10/97) 21 11/10/1997 Positive 97021 Licensee Engineering 5A The licensee's event investigation and assessment effectively determined ,

the sequence of events and cause of the waterhammer event.

(11/21/97) 22 11/10/1997 Positive 97021 NRC Engineering SC Licensee short and long term corrective actions appeared to be adequate to establish the integrity of the affected systems and prevent recurrence of this waterhammer event. (11/10/97) 23 11/3/1997 Negative 97016 NRC Engineering 4B The inspectors concluded that the original revision of operability evaluation 97-015 for the 125 voit direct current battery charger was conducted poorly. After the inspectors questioned the operability determination, the licensee reevaluated the operability evaluation and determined that the sizing of the battery charger did meet the design basis requirements. The inspectors concluded that the preparation and supervisory review of the original operability evaluation 97-015 was poor, ,

and that the system engineer demonstrated a lack of knowledge of the design basis requirements of the 125 voit direct current battery chargers. Personnel Performance Deficiency Page 5 of 7

m._.m*- --

"/23/98' PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Braidwood '

Seen:h Sorted by Date (Descerdng) and SMM Codes (Ascerdng): Search Column = *SALP* ; SALP Area =

  • Engineering * : Beginning Date = *10/1/97* ; Ending Date = *10/1/98*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 24 11/3/1997 NCV 97016 Ucensee Engineering 4B The inspectors concluded that the licensee failed to perform a modification to the main turbine control software in accordance with station procedures. The licensee had modified the runback termination setpoint for both units in 1990, had not changed the simulator, and had

, not trained operators on the change. The inspectors concluded that the licensee conducted an accurate and thorough apparent cause evaluation of the undocumented change of the turbine runback termination setpoint.

This failure to perform a modification to the main turbine control software in accordance with station procedures was a licensee identified non-cited violation. Self-Critical 25 11/3/1997 Positive 97016 NRC Engineering 4C The inspectors concluded that the licensee accurately maintained, I tracked and controlled temporary alterations. Teamwork / Skill Level t

Page 6 of 7


Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP" . SALP Area =

  • Plant Support" ; Begirnng Date = *10/1/97* . Erdng Data = *10/1/98*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 1 9/8/1998 Misc IR 98012 NRC Plant 1C SA 5B The inspectors performed a review of the licensee's fire barrier Support impairment program. Although the inspectors identified a number of administrative errors, it was concluded that all required compensatory actions for degraded fire barriers were in place. Additionally, after the inspector's review, the licensee performed a self-astessment of the fire barrier impairment program. The licensee identified and corrected additional administrative issues, and planned to develop process improvements, and perform additional assessments to ensure continued program effectiveness.

2 8/14/1998 Positive IR 98013 NRC Plant 1C 2A 3C The water chemistry of primary and secondary systems was well Support maintained and monitored. Levels of corrosive impurities were maintained at or below industry guidelines. Good coordination and communication between the chemistry department and plant staff ensured awareness of chemistry program performance.

3 8/14/1998 Positive IR 98013 NRC Plant 1C 2B The quality control of laboratory instruments ensured the overall accuracy Support of required analyses. No problems were obsented with the radiological and the non-radiological comparison programs, demonstrating that the licensee was accurately performing chemical and radiological analyses.

The post accident sampling comparisons were completed as required  ;

and the results indicated that the post accident samples were consistent with the reactor coolant chemistry.

4 8/14/1998 Positive IR 98013 NRC Plant 1C 3B in general, chemistry technician performance was excellent, with workers Support exhibiting a comprehensive knowledge of station procedures and chemistry sampling and analysis techniques. The computer based training for radiation workers was reviewed and found to be consistent with class room training provided in the past.

5 8/14/1998 Positive IR 98013 NRC Plant 1C 3C The radiation protection and chemistry planning for the steam generator Support replacement project appropriately considered the radiological hazards associated with the project. Good communication and coordination was noted between the station radiation protection group and the contract radir tion protection personnel.

6 8/14/1998 Positive IR 98013 NRC Plant 1C 5A SC Chemistry program self assessments were probing and identified Support problems which were resolved in a timely manner.

Page 1 of 8


Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP" ; SALP Area = "Ptant Support' ; Beginning Date = *10/1/97* , Erdng Date = *10/1/98*

  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 7 7/27/1998 NCV IR 98009 Licensee Plant 1C 3A The licensee identified that contract fire watch individuals had falsified fire Support watch documentation. The inspectors concluded that this failure constitutes a violation with low risk consequence because the fire areas were still being inspected, although at less than the required frequency;
  • ' and in some cases the detection system remained operable to give early warning Although the inappropriate action of the individual fire watches was willful, it was promptly brought to the NRC's attention by the licensee, it involved isolated acts of two individuals, and it was addressed by ,

appropriate remedial action. Therefore, a Non-Cited Violation was issued.

8 6/19/1998 Positive IR 98010 NRC Plant 1C 2A The licensee increased their detection capability in the search process for Support hand carried articles and small packages through the procurement of new x-ray equipment.

9 6/15/1300 VIO/SL-IV 1R 98010 NRC Plant 1C 2A The inspector identified that a security force member failed to adequately Support conduct a personnel search of two individuals who alarmed a portal metal .'

detector. This is a violation of ingress search procedures.

10 6/19/1998 Negative IR 98010 NRC Plant 1C 2B Tiie ;n pector identified that twenty-five action requests relating to the Support material condition or nie vehkla barrier system were open and no corrective action was taken to date. The iicensea identified some of these issues in 1996. This is an inspection followup item.

11 6/19/1998 Positive IR 98010 Licensee Plant 1C 3C The licensee's recent root-cause analysis investigation and corrective Support actions pertaining to a negative trend in human performance errors within the security force were comprehensive and insightful Errors had increased. The investigation identified factors that caused the errors to occur including that security force personnel were not consistently thinking about their assigned tasks due to overtime, inadequate training, and inadequate corr'munications. This is an inspection followup item.

12 6/18/1998 Positive IR 98010 NRC Plant 2A 3A The performance of a security force meraber upon the detection of the ,

Support odor of alcohol on a contractor employee in the main access control facility on June 18,1998, was commendable. The security force's timely actions prevented a individual, who was later detennined by testing to be unfit for duty from entering the protected area.

Page 2 of 8

M/23/98 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Braidwood -

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Colurnn = "SALP" ; SALP Area =

  • Plant Support" , Beginning Date = *10/1S7* . Ending Data = *1G/1S8*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 13 5/20/1998 Positive IR 98007 NRO Plant 1C Regarding the exercise of 5/20/98, overall performance during the 1998 Support Emergency Preparedness exercise demonstrated that emergency plan implementation generally met regulatory requirements. Overall,
  • emergency response performance in the Control Room Simulator was technically proficient and professional. The Technical Support Center staff's responses were effective for scenario conditions. Overall performance of Operations Support Center management and staff was appropriate however, staffing was slow due to some plant personnel not hearing an announcement to staff the OSC. Overall performance of the ,

Corporate Emergency Operations Facility (CEOF) personnel was effective. Personnel performance of Eme rgency Operations Facility staff was appropriate. Self-critiques following ;ermination of the exercise were I critical and included inputs from exercise prticipants as well as controllers.

14 5/1/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98008 NRC Plant 3A The inspectors concluded that contractor personnel performing work Support associated with the Unit 1 steam generator replacement project failed to de-energize a welding machine and failen to bleed off the pressure in the hoses of an oxygen-acetylene torch prior to leaving them unattended which was contrary to the requirements contained in Braidwood Adrninistrative Procedure 1100-15, " Fire Prevention When Welding, Cutting, Grinding or Performing Open Flame Work (Hot Work)." A violation was issued.

15 4/7/1998 Positive IR 98006 NRC Plant 1C The effluent re: ease program was well implemented. The total activity Support released and associated doses were low and remained below regulatory limits. The inspector identified a minor deficiency with the lack of quality verification in that station personnel did not verify that required changes to the software, which calculated dose from effluent releases, had been made. This was being addressed by the licensee.

16 4/7/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98006 NRC Plant 1C 1A One procedural violation was identified conceming the failure to ensure Support that a workers electronic dosimetry was tumed on prior to performing work on a steam generator platform during the Unit 2 outage. A notice of violation was issued.

Page 3 of 8

PLANT ISSUES MATRIX 1/23/98 Braidwood '

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column - SALP* , SALP Area = " Plant Support" Beginning Date = *t0/1S7* , Ending Date = *10/1/98*

  1. DATE] TYPE SOURCE _ ID BY SA*_P SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 17 4 //1998 1R 98006 NRC Plant 1C 2A During several walkdowns of the auxiliary building, the inspector observed ,

Support good housekeeping and use of appropriate radiological postings and I

boundaries. However, several exampies where radiological postings and/or boundaries had fallen were noted, which had not been identified by

, the station radiation protection staff.

18 4/7/1998 Positive IR 98006 NRC Plant 1C 28 The gaseous and liquid radiation monitoring instrumentation was well Support maintained and setpoints were established and set in accordance with station procedures. The licensee was appropriately addressing recurrent problems with the Steam Jet Air Ejector radiation monitors and planned a modification to improve the detection of primary-to-secondary leakage.

19 4/7/1998 Positive IR 98006 NRC Plant 1C 2B 3B The inspector observed that refresher training provided to instrument Support maintenance personnel regarding the calibration of plant radmonitors was comprehensive and effective.

20 3/9/1998 Positive IR 98002 NRC Plant 1C 38 The inspectors concluded that the As-Low-As Reasonably-Achievable Support and Heightened Level of Awareness briefings for the transfer of resin were properly performed and documented. The inspectors concluded that the auxiliary building 383 foot elevation access points to the radwaste tunnel were properly posted and access was prohibited by locked doors.

Post-transfer radiation surveys were completed and posted. (3/9/98) 21 3/9/1998 Positive IR 98002 NRC Plant 1C SC The radiation protection department's control of radiation monitoring Support devices and postings was good. Instruments and postings were controlled in accordance with plant procedures. (IR 98002) 22 1/29/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98002 NRC Plant 1C 3C 3B The inspectors concluded that the continuous fire watch requirement for Support the Unit 1 lower cable spreading room was not met at least three times on January 29. The inspectors concluded that the fire watch was not adequately supervised because the instructions to the individual assigned to the fire watch were unclear, the stated post-order requirements were not enforced, and supervisory review of the waten documentation as well as observation of the fire watch did not identify these problems. A violation was issued. (IR 98002) 23 1/26/1998 Positive 97022 NRC Plant 1C SC The inspectors concluded that the licensee accurately identified.

Support quantified, tracked, and reported the percent of contaminated square footage reported to the NRC as committed to in the Braidwood Station March 28,1997, response to the NRC's request for information pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f). (1/26/98)

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Braidwood '

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascerdng): Search Column = *SALP" , SALP Area = " Plant Suppor!* ; Beginning Date = *10M/97* ; Erdng Date = *1CM198*

  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 24 12/31/1997 Positive 97022 NRC Plant 1C 3B The inspectors observed that the station response to a fire drill conducted Support on December 31 was prompt and thorough and concluded fire brigade members performed (or simulated) all tasks well. (12/31/97) 25 11/24/1997 Positive 97019 NRC Plant 1C The inspectors concluded that three vehicle searches observed on Support November 21 at the entrance to the protected area were performed in accordance with the appropriate licensee procedure and that the proper revision of the procedure was used. No problems were observed.

(11/24/97) 26 11/21/1997 Negative 97020 NRC Plant 1C 28 The inspector identified that the security delay barrier enhancements in Support support of the tactical response program were not completed. Although the Operational Safeguards Response Evaluation was conducted in July 1997, the licensee delayed completion of the barrier modifications because of maintenance outage priorities. (11/21/97) i 27 11/21/1997 Positive 97020 NRC Plant 1C 3A Security management responded aggressively to investigate apparent Support small paper fires in two vital areas.

Security officers promptly identified and responded effect'1..; to a potential security threat involving an armed tresp< sser in the owner controlled area. (11/21/97) 28 11/21/1997 Negative 97020 Licensee Plant 1C 3A in general, the conduct of security activities was professional; however, a ,

Support negative trend in performance of the contract security force was noted during the period of June through August 1997 when four security officers were observed to be inamntive while on post. In three of four instances, '

the inattentiveness causet. the licensee to be in violation of security plan commitments. Specifically, a security officer assigned as a compensatory measure for a failed security system was observed to be inattentive; and on two separate occasions, a member of the armed response team was observed to be inattentive. (11/21/97) 29 11/21/1997 Positive 97020 Licensee Plant 1C SA The quality assurance staff performed a good review of security, fitness ,

Support for duty, and the Plant Access Data System programs. (11/21/97)

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Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP* ; SALP Area = " Plant Support' , Beginning Date = *10/1/97* , Ending Date = *10/1/98*

  1. DATE TYPE  ! SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 30 10/27/1997 Negative 97016 NRC Plant 1C

- The inspectors concluded that licensee management did not clearly Support communicate restrictions on use of skull caps as protective clothing to l workers. The licensee had a policy memorandum restricting the use of i skull caps as protective clothing if hair could not be protected from contamination. However, this policy memorandum restriction on the use of skull caps was not in the procedure that governed protective clothing, nor was it in the radiation work permit. Inadequate Oversight i 31 10/21/1997 Negative 97017 Licensee Plant 1C 3A The RP staff identified radiation worker problems and inadequate Support radiological postings (10/18-21/97) 32 10/20/1997 VIO/SL-IV 97016 NRC Plant 1C The inspectors concluded that licensee management had not effectively Support communicated and/or had not enforced the requirements for the control of combustible material. Corrective action for a previous violation of combustible material control was ineffective to prevent recurrence. The inspectors identified that between September 16 and October 20,1997, there were at least ten examples of the failure to adhere to procedures governing combustible liquid control. A violation was issued. Self-Critical 33 10/15/1997 VIO/SL-IV 97016 NRC Plant 1C The inspectors concluded that between September 26 and October 15, Support there was an unusually high number of improper radiological postings. A large portion of these appeared to have been caused by contractor personnel failing to comply with licensee procedures. A victation was issued. Personnel Performance Deficiency l 34 10/6/1997 VIO/SL-IV 97017 Licensee Plant 1C 3A One violation was identified concerning the failure of an individual to '

Support adhere to a radiological posting. Although the radiological plans and reviews for the chemical and volume control system valve work were comprehensive, the workers were not adequately prepared for pre-job ,

meetings. An RP technician provided good coverage for the breach of  ;

the 2CV223 valve, and the workers demonstrated good radiological practices (10/6/97).

35 10/6/1997 Positive 97017 Licensee Plant 1C 3B The quality assurance staff performed a good reviev of radiation worker Support practices and RP technician performance (10/6/97).

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PLANT ISSUES MATRIX /23/98, Braidwood Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP* ; SALP Area =

  • Plant Support" , Beginning Date = *10/1/97* , Ending Data = *10/1/98*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 36 10/6/1997 Positive 97017 NRC Plant 1C 3B The radiation protection (RP) staff provided thorough work planning and Support oversight of the core barrel removal. Although the inspectors observed some initial challenges to the work crew, the evolution was we!!

performed, ary1 the accumulated worker dose was below the licensee's original estimate. (10/6/97).


8 A counter number used for NRC intemal editing.

DAM The date of the event or significant issue. For those items that have a clear date of occurrence use the actual date. If the actual date is not known, use the date the issue was identified. For issues that do not have an actual date or a date of identification, use the LER or inspection report date.

TYPE The categorization of the issue - see the TYPE ITEM CODE table.

SOURCE The document that contains the issue information: IR for NRC Inspection Report or LER for Licensee Event Report.

ID CY Identification of who discovered the issue - see table.

SALP SALP Functional Area Codes - Engineering,, Maintenance Operations, Plant Support and All/ Multiple (i.e., more than one SALP area affected).

SMM CCDES Senior Manager Meeting Codes - see table.

DESCRIPTION Details of the issue from the LER text or from the IR Executive Summaries.


  • Eels are apparent violations of NRC 1 Operational Performance:

ED Escalated Discretion - No Civil Penalty requirements that are being considered for A - Nomtal eel

  • Escalated Enforcement issue -Waiting Final NRC Action escalated enforcement action in accordance B - During Transients LER License Event Report to the NRC with the " General Statement of Policy and C - Programs and Processes Licensing Licensing issue from NRR Procedure for NRC Enforcement Action (Enforcement Policy) NUREG-1600. 2 Material Condition:

Misc Miscellaneous (Emergency Preparedness Finding, etc.) However, the NRC has not reached its final A - Equipment Condition NCV Non-Cited Violation enforcement decision on the issues B - Programs and Processes Negative individual Poor Licensee Performance identified by the Eels and the PIM entries 3 Human Performance:

Positive Individual Good Licensee Performance may be modified when the final decisions A - Work Performance Strength Overall Strong Licensee Performance are made. Before the NRC makes its B - Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities enforcement decision, the licensee will be C - Work Environment URl" Unresolved Inspection item provided with an opportunity to either VIO/SL-l Notice of Violation - Seventy Level I (1) respond to the apparent violation or 4 Engineering / Design:

VIO/SL-il Notice of Violation - Severity Level 11 (2) request a predecisional enforcement A - Design VIO/SL-ill Notice of Violation - Severity Level lit conference. B - Engineering Support VIO/SL-IV Notice of Violat;Gn - Severity Level IV

  • URis are unresolved items about which C - Programs and Processes Weakness Overall Weak Licensee Performance

[h h r th ue n est on s a 5 Problem identification and Resolution:

acceptable item, a deviation, a A - Identification nonconformance, or a violation. However, B - Analysis ID BY C - Resolution the NRC has not reached its final Licensee The licensed utility conclusions on the issues, and the PIM NRC The Nuclear Regulatory Commission entries may be modified when the final Self-Revealed Identification by an event (e.g., equipment breakdown) conclusions are made.

Other Identification unknown e

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