IR 05000369/1985027

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Insp Repts 50-369/85-27 & 50-370/85-26 on 850721-0820.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Safety Verification,Surveillance Testing & Maint Activities
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/29/1985
From: Dance H, William Orders, Pierson R
Shared Package
ML20135F575 List:
50-369-85-27, 50-370-85-26, TAC-57673, TAC-57674, NUDOCS 8509170330
Download: ML20135F612 (7)


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[" - 'n REGION 11 g j 101 MARIETTA STREET, * * 2 ATLANTA, GEORGI A *t0323 o

'+4 . . . . . g Report Nos.: 50-369/85-27 and 50-370/85-26 Licensee: Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Docket No and 50-370 License Nos.: NPF-9 and NPF-17 Facility Name: McGuire Nuclear Station Inspection Conducted: J y 21 - August 20, 1985 Inspectors: _ _j W. Or e s, S i'or R

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Approved by: -

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Kugh C. Danch, Section Chief OfteSiibned Division of Reactor Projects SUMMARY Scope: This routine unannounced inspection involved 200 inspection hours on site in the areas of operations, safety verification, surveillance testing and maintenance activitie Results: Of the areas inspected,no violations were identifie $DR ADOCK 05000369 PDR





l REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Employees T. McConnell, Plant Manager G. Cage, Superintendent of Operations

  • D. Raines, Superintendent of Maintenance
  • B. Hamilton, Superintendent of Technical Services
  • L. Weaver, Superintendent of Administration
  • B. Travis, Superintendent of Integrated Scheduifng E. McCraw, License and Compliance Engineer D. Mendezoff, License and Compliance Engineer Other licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen, technicians, operators, mechanics, security force members, and office personne * Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on August 19, 1985, with those persons indicated in paragraph I above. The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspectors during this inspectio . Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters (Closed) Violation 369/85-03-0 Failure to perform surveillance PT/11A/4350/17A, Diesel Generator IA Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Performance Test, within the prescribed surveillance. interval. Corrective steps have been taken to avoid further violations of this typ (Closed) Violation 369/85-06-02. Failure to follow procedure during the removal from and restoration to service of safety-related equipment and safety-related system testing. Corrective measures have been taken to avoid further violations of this typ (Closed) Violation 369/85-06-03, 370/85-06-0 Failure to perform diesel generator surveillance testing at a frequency specified by Technical Specification in Table 4.8.1. This table had been misinter-preted. Once the interpretation problem was identified, a correct test frequency was initiate . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ -

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i (Closed) Violation 370/85-03-0 Failure to adequately implement Operations Procedure OP/0/A/6350/01A,125VDC/120VAC Instrument and Control

Power Inverter Shutdown, in that the Unit 2 inverter was selected for j deenergization instead of the Unit 1 inverter and the Unit 2 inverter "In


Sync" light was not verified illuminated prior to deenergizing. Corrective steps.have been taken to' avoid further violations of this typ . Unresolved Items *

(Closed) Unresolved Item 369/85-03-0 During an operator control board 1 surveillance breakers for valves 2RN-43 and 2RN-64 were found open. An l event of this type has not subsequently reoccurre Resident inspector 1 emphasis on control board surveillance has not noted any additional

deficiencies in this area. The reason for the breakers being open was not i determined. This item is close New unresolved items were not identifie ! Plant Operations


The inspection staff reviewed plant operations during the report period to i verify conformance with applicable regulatory requirements. Control room j logs, shift supervisors logs, shift turnover records and equipment removal j and restoration records were routinely peruse Interviews were conducted

. with plant operations, maintenance, chemistry, health physics, and j performance personnel.

j Activities within the control room were monitored during shifts and at shift

. changes. Actions and/or activities observed were conducted as prescribed i

in applicable station administrative directives. The complement of licensed

personnel on each shift met or exceeded the minimum required by technical specification ,

i Plant tours during the reporting period included but were not limited to the j turbine buildings, auxiliary building, electrical equipment rooms, cable j spreading rooms, and the station yard zone ~inside the protected are During the plant tours, ongoing activities, housekeeping, security,



i equipment status and radiation control practices were observed.

E Unit 1 Operations McGuire Unit 1 began the reporting period in Mode 1 operating at 100*4 powe It was maintained in Mode 1 at or about 100's power for the duration of the reporting period.


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, *An Unresolved Item is a matter about which more information is required to determine whether it is acceptable or may involve a violation or deviation.





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Unit 2 Operations McGuire Unit 2 began the reporting period in Mode 5 in an outage following a phase differential induced main electrical generator trip. This trip and subsequent outage were discussed in detail in Inspection Report 50-369/85-23 and 50-370/85-2 Following the necessary repairs, the unit was returned to Mode 1 at 9:00 p.m. on the evening of July 2 At 11:30 p.m. the same evening, the unit experienced a main generator excitation firing circuit trouble alarm which ultimately resulted in the turbine being manually tripped at

40 a.m. July 27. After troubleshooting and verifying proper operation of 1 the permanent magnet generator, the unit re entered Mode 1 at 6:51 a.m. that i morning. During power ascension excessive vibration was encountered on the 4 main generator #11 bearing. Various methods were attempted to reduce this
vibration without succes At 2:50 a.m. on July 29th the turbine tripped from 60% power due to a phase

, differential induced main electrical generator trip. This was followed by a reactor trip. All systems responded normall At 5:11 p.m. that evening during recovery from the previous trip, a Reactor Protective Instrumentation urgent failure alarm occurred on rod D-8 during withdrawal of the shutdown bank. The reactor was manually tripped as required by procedur Following correction of this problem, the reactor was restarted reaching criticality at 11:45 p.m. on July 30th. The reactor was maintained in Mode 2 due to vibration troubleshooting on the #11 main


generator bearing. At 6:04 p.m. on August 2 the unit entered Mode 1. The vibration problems with #11 bearing persisted. During periods of reduced grid demand, reactor power was reduced, and the main generator was taken off i

, line for balance and vibrational analysi The unit remained critical throughout. The unit completed the reporting period at 100% power with


vibration still present in the #11 bearing but within an acceptable rang . Ice Condenser Door Blocks An evaluation of the administrative controls associated with the installation and removal of ice condenser door blocking devices was performed. These blocking devices are used to prevent the ice condenser doors from opening during maintenance in the containment when the unit is j


4 The unit one blocking devices are painted fluorescent red while the unit two

blocking devices are painted fluorescent green. There are 24 blocking  ;


devices per unit, one for each set of door During installation and '

removal, the blocks are installed or removed pursuant to Enclosure 13.1 of I

Maintenance Procedure MP/0/A/7150/78. Essentially, the procedure requires that a maintenance representative document the installation and removal of





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! each blocking device. An independent verification is also performed by a

maintenance representative who documents on one line of the procedure that

, the entire set of 24 blocking devices has either been removed or installed,

as the case may be. Upon removal, the blocking devices are stored in a
designated storage area outside containment. It should be noted that the


individual blocks are not uniquely identified nor is there an individual storage rack fur each blocking device.

! Surveillance Testing i

The surveillance tests categorized below were analyzed and/or witnessed by the- inspector to ascertain procedural and performance adequacy and q conformance with applicable technical specifications. The selected tests

witnessed were examined to ascertain that current written approved procedures were available and in use, that test equipment in use was calibrated, that test prerequisites were met, systen restoration completed and test results were adequate, i

PT/11/A/4350/17A Diesel Generator 1A Fuel Oil Transfer Pump i

Performance Test


PT/1/A/4601/03 Protective System Channel III Functional Test i


PT/1/A/4252/01A Motor Driven Auxiliary Feed Pump 1A Performance


Test i

i PT/0/A/4350/08F EVCS Charger Service Test PT/2/A/4204/01A Residual Heat Removal Pump 2A Performance Test

' Maintenance Observations l The maintenance activities categorized below were analyzed and/or witnessed [

! by the resident inspection staff to ascertain procedural and performance adequacy and conformance with applicable technical specifications. The



selected activities witnessed were ' examined to ascertain that where L applicable, current written approved procedures were available and in use, '

that prerequisites were met, equipment restoration completed and maintenance

! results were adequate.

! Work Request Title l 043216 PM/PT on 125V Battery EVCA t

! 115400 Repair "B" S/G Blowdown


115405 Repair Fire Door

23361 . Repair Fire Door Hinge
115483 Repair IEMF-26 j 115491 Remove Ice Accumulation on Intermediate Deck Doors i


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Work Request Title 115621 Troubleshoot S/G "A" HI-Hi Level Alert 115562 Investigate and Repair Pressurizer Heater Group IB

, 41255 Repair EMF Module 115632 Repair 1 EMF-26 115471 Repair Loose Parts Monitor 64553 Repair NAL Card 64625 Repair Pressurizer Heater Group 18 Open Items Review


The following items were reviewed in order to determine the adequacy of corrective actions, the implications as they pertain to safety of I

operations, the applicable reporting requirements, and licensee review of the event. Based upon the results of this review, the items are herewith close Unit 1: ITEM NUMBER CLOSE0VT ACTION


LER 83-90 85-27C LER 83-91 85-27C LER 83-92 85-27C LER 83-93 85-27C LER 83-94 85-27C LER 83-95 85-27C LER 83-96 85-27C LER 83-97 85-27C LER 83-98 85-27C LER 83-99 85-27C LER 83-100 85-2/C LER 83-101 85-27C LER 83-102 85-27C

! LER 83-106 85-27C j LER 83-107 85-27C l LER 83-112 85-27C j LER 83-113 85-27C LER 83-116 85-27C LER 83-117 85-27C

LER 83-118 85-27C LER 83-119 85-27C LER 83-120 85-27C

LER 83-121 85-27C LER 84-07 85-27C LER 84-02 85-27C LER 84-06 85-27C LER 84-10 85-27C LER 84-11 85-27C LER 84-14 85-27C LER 84-15 85-27C


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LER 84-16 85-27C LER 84-12 85-27C LER 85-01 85-27C LER 85-02 85-27C LER 85-03 85-27C LER 85-08 85-27C Unit 2: ITEM NUMBER CLOSE00T ACTION LER 84-34 85-26C LER 85-01 85-26C