IR 05000461/1985025

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Forwards Request for Addl Info Re BWR Owners Group Exam of corrosion-resistant Cladding Re Preservice Insp Program Discussed in Insp Rept 50-461/85-25.Response Requested within 30 Days
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/28/1985
From: Butler W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Spangenberg F
NUDOCS 8509050219
Download: ML20134N607 (4)


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Docket No. 50-461 E , DISTRIBUTION Docket.Filc: JPartlow NRC PDR BGrimes local PDR EJordan Mr. Frank PRC System MHum Director of fiuclear Licensing & NSIC BLiaw Configuration Management LB#2 Reading Clinton Power Station EHylton P.O. Box 306 BSiegel Mail Code V920 Goddard, OELD Clinten, Illinois 61727 ACRS (16)

Dear Mr. Spangenberg:

SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATI0li O!! THE EXAMINATION OF CORR 0SI0f4 RESISTANT CLADDING RELATED TO THE PRESERVICE INSPECTION PRCGRAf! FOR CLIhTON PCWER STATION Region III Inspection Report No. 50-461/85025 (DRS) datcd May 8, 1985 discusses a deconstration of a special nondestructive examination procedure for the ultra-sonic examination of recirculatien piping with corrosion resistant cladding (CRC)

that was perfo med by the BWR Owner's Group and witnessed by the NRC staff.

Althcugh utilities with CRC piping welds in their plants have developed special instrcr.entation to address the technical problems asscciated with the ultrasonic examination of this configuration, the staff has not yet established criteria for the qualification of procedures and personnel to examine CRC welds in BWR recirculation system piping. Therefore, we have requested utilities with this configuration to document their plant specific methodology. The enclosed request for additional information is similar to requests for Perry and Hope Creek and has been discussed with your licensing staff.

It is requested that you provide a response within 30 days of receipt of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this request or cannot provide a response within the time specified please contact the licensing project manager for your application.

Sincerely, ortstemi eYema by:

Walter R. Butler, Chief Licensing Branch lio, 2 Division of Licensing Enclosure: As stated -

cc: See next page


L/PH LB#2/DL/BC q BSi. gel:lb WButler )

08/q/85 08/ Q 85 {

8509050219 850828 PDR ADOCK 05000461 0 PDR








,1 AUG 2 8 1985 Docket No. 50-461 Mr. Frank Director of Nuclear Licensing &

Conficuration Management Clinton Power Station P.O. Box 306 Mail Code V920 Clinton, Illinois 61727

Dear Mr. Spangenberg:



Region III Inspection Report No. 50-461/85025 (DRS) dated May 8, 1985 discusses a demonstration of a special nondestructive examination procedure for the ultra-sonic examination of recirculation piping with corrosion resistant cladding (CRC)

that was performed by the BWR Owner's Group and witnessed by;the NRC staff.

l Although utilities with CRC piping welds in their plants have developed special instrumentation to address the technical problems associated with the ultrasonic examination of this configuration, the staff has not yet established criteria for the qualification of procedures and personnel to examine CRC welds in BWR recirculation system piping. Therefore, we have requested utilities with this configuration to document their plant specific methodology. The enclosed request for additional information is similar to requests for Perry and Hope Creek and has been discussed with your licensing staff.


It is requested that you provide a response within 30 days of receipt of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this request or cannot provide a response'within the time specified please contact the licensing project manager for your application.



Walter R. Butler, Chief Licensing Branch No. 2 Division of Licensing Enclosure: As stated cc: See next page


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Mr. Frank Clinton Pcwer Station Illinois Power Company Unit 1


Mr. Allen Samuelscn, Esquire Jean Foy, Esquire Assistant Attorney General 511 W. Nevada Environmental Control Division . Urbana, Illinois 61801 Southern Region 500 South Second Street Richard B. Hubbard Springfield, Illinois 62706 Vice President Technical Associates Mr. D. P. Hall 1723 Hamilton Ave. - Suite K Vice President' San Jose, CA 95125


Clinton Power Station P. O. Box 678-Clinton, Illinois, 61727 Hr. H. R. Victor Manager-Nuclear Station Engineering Opt..

Clinton Power Statf ?n P.'0. Box 678 Clinton, Illinois 61727 Sheldon~Zabel, Esquire Schiff, Hardin & l!aite 7200 Sears Tower 233 Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 Resident Inspecter U. S. Nuclear' Regulatory Commission RR 3, Box 229 A '

Clinton, Illinois 61727 Mr. R. C. Heider Project Manager Sargent & Lundy Engineers.

55 East Monroe Street.

Chicago, Illinois 60603 L Mr. L. Larson Project Manager General Electric Company 175 Curtner Avenue, N/C 395 San Jose, California 95125 Regional Administrator, Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen ~Ellyn, Illinois- 60137




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Enclosure Request for Additional Information Related to the Examination of Corrosion Resistant Cladding Region III Inspection Report Number 50-461/85025 (DRS) discusses a demonstra-tion of a special nondestructive examination procedure for the ultrasonic examination of piping in the reactor recirculation system with corrosien resistant cladding (CRC) applied to mitigate intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC). Since the welds with CRC have not been identified, as such, in the Clinton Preservice Inspection Program it is requested that the following information be provided.

1. Identify the specific welds with CRC, the diameter of the pipe, and typical dimensions of the cladding. Include weld numbers, whether the cladding is. applied to the inside diameter (I.D.) and/or outside diameter (0.D.) of the pipe, and the configuration of the weld (i.e., pipe-to-tee, pipe-to-elbow, pipe-to-pipe).

2. The use of cladding, in particular 0.D. cladding, can interfere with effective ultrasonic examinations. Describe the type of transducers used for these examinations and address the measures that were taken to assure that the instrumentation and examination procedures used on the clad welds are capable of detecting a significant flaw, if present.

Provide sketches or drawings for clad calibration standards and confirm that the cladding in the standards is representative of the dimensions of the cladding applied to the recirculation piping.

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3. Describe the recording and reporting criteria for flaw indications used during the ultrasonic testing. Discuss the method used to distinguish inherent geometric or metallurgical reflectors from flaw indications.