IR 05000461/1985044

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Special Safety Insp Rept 50-461/85-44 on 850823,24 & 30 & 0903-04.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Actions Re Program
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1985
From: Danielson D, Muffett J
Shared Package
ML20133C512 List:
50-461-85-44, NUDOCS 8510070389
Download: ML20133C519 (15)






Report No. 50-461/85044(DRS)

Docket No. 50-461 License No. CPPR-137 Licensee:

Illinois Power Company 500 South 27th Street Decatur, Il 62525 Facility Name:

Clinton Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 Inspection At:

Clinton Site, Clinton, IL Inspection Conducted:

August 23, 24 and 30, September 3 and 4,1985 WO Inspector:

J. W. Muffett 9/M/Os P

o'er Approved By:

D. H. Danielson, Chief Materials and Processes Section Date Inspection Summary Inspection on August 23, 24 and 30 and September 3 and 4, 1985 (Report No. 50-461/85044(ORS))

Areas Inspected:

Unannounced, special safety inspection to review licensee actions concerning the Clinton Overinspection Program.

The inspection involved a total of 40 inspector-hours by one NRC inspector.


No violations or deviations were identified.

8510070389 850930 PDR ADOCK 05000461 G






Persons Contacted Illinois Power Company (IP)

  • George Buffington, Staff
  • Wilfred Connell, QA Manager J. E. Karr, Quality Recovery Program Manager F. A. Spangenberg, Director Nuclear Licensing D. P. Hall, Vice President Sargent and Lundy Engineers (S&L)
  • T. G. Longlais, Head, Structural Engineering Division
  • P. L. Wattelet, Project Director
  • T. G. Best, Senior Structural Engineer
  • R. W. Hooks, Assistant Head, Structural Engineering Division
  • B. L. Weinhold, Mechanical Project Engineer
  • R. M. Tjernlund, Project Engineer
  • H. M. Sroka, Project Director
  • W. A. Chittenden, Director of Services
  • Richard J. Suslik, Deputy Site Manager
  • A. Morcos, Assistant Head, QA Division
  • J. M. McLaughlin, Manager Structural Department Illinois Attorney General
  • Stephen J. Moore, Assistant Attorney General Schiff, Hardin, and Waite
  • Sheldon A. Zabel, Attorney The inspector also contacted and interviewed other licensee and contractor employees.
  • Denotes those attending the final exit interview at Sargent & Lundy's office on September 4, 1985.


Review of Overinspection Program Illinois Power Company notified the NRC Region III office on July 26, 1985, of their request to terminate the Overinspection Program for electrical hangers (cable tray hangers and conduit supports).

In addition, Illinois Power Company on August 6, 1985, requested permission to terminate the Overinspection Progran for heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) ducts and duct supports.

As a supplement to the information provided by Illinois Power in their letters, a review of both the discrepancies (NCR reports) and of the engineering evaluations was performed.




NCRs Reviewed at the Clinton Site


On August 23, 1985, a review of the discrepancies (NCR reports)-

was initiated at the Clinton Power Station.

Approximately 300 Nonconformance Reports (NCRs) were reviewed.

These reports were reviewed for compliance with governing procedures and completeness; in addition, the inspector sought to develop a qualitiative understanding of the types and significance of the discrepancies.

The'NCRs reviewed were as follows:

  • The descriptions of discrepancies listed below are short summaries of the NCRs and in instances of numerous discrepancies on one item, only the most significant are listed.

(1) Electrical Hangers NCR Number Discrepancy *

50036 Damaged galvanize areas near welds not galvanoxed 50508 Edge distance on conduit support 1 " instead of 1 "

50675 Shim plate on dwg 1/8" x 1 5/8" x 3 11/32"; installed 1/8" x 1 3/4" x 3 3/4" 50693 Flat washer and domed washer both installed rather than 2 of the same kind 50736 Shim plate on dwg 1/8" x 1 5/8" x 3 1/2" installed 1/8" x 2" x 3 5/16" 50753 Gouge in washer 50802 Shim plate 1/8" too long 50842 Location of conduit hanger left off dwg 50890 CEAs too close (design 13/16") installed 5/8" 51004 Extra welds 51142 Junction box location not given on dwg 51208 Bolt to edge distance design 13/16"; installed 9/16" 51341 Location left off dwg; member shorter than design due to interference 51516 Dwg calls for 4" of weld, has 5" 51717 Location dimension left cff dwg 60036 CEA spacing design 4 ", installed 3 3/4" 60222 Grinding damage 1/16"; interference damage 60516 CEA spacing; undertorque 60667 Dwgs do not show tolerance for welds 60785 Documentation mix up WCP-1 or WCP-1C (only 1 hanger on dwg)

61176 Lack of fusion at ends 61279 3/8" of undersize fillet weld 61386 Lack of fusion at start and stop 61556 Lack of fusion at start and stop 61673 8 welds (2" long, " weld) on 1" conduit support; various minor weld discrepancies









NCR Number Discrepancy *

61794 Arc strikes; extra shims; dwg calls for 4 - 1 " dia.

holes actual 4 - 1 3/4" dia. holes 61949 Arc strikes in vicinity of weld 62004 Weld 1/16" undersize 62268 Arc strikes; overlap; start-stop 62320 Abandoned CEA holes violate spacing (no violation incorrect)

62430 Stitch instead of continuous weld; arc strikes 62478 Lack of fusion 62610 Dwg length for unistrut 2'-8"; installed 2'-10" 62700 Arc strike 62849 Arc strike 62926 Dwg has 2 different sizes for same piece; installed matches one of the sizes 63076 Arc strikes 63232 Arc strikes 63334 Arc strikes 63385 Conduit support elevation 2" different than dwg; out of 6" tolerance for conduit support 63475 Arc strikes 63525 Welds oversize by 1/64"; return weld size 63695 Arc strikes 63737 Arc strikes adjacent to weld; undercut 63871 Undercut 63933 Arc strikes 64028 Conduit support location error on dwg


64147 Incorrect weld symbol on dwg 64208 Arc strikes 64272 Auxiliary steel 6" out of tolerance 64379 Dwg lacks a dimension; marking on bolt head 64431 CEA torqued to 150; dwg calls for 90 ft.lbs 64541 Washer bent; wrong washer 64609 Auxiliary steel gap to b1dg steel 7/16" out; washer missing; jam nuts added 64652 Slag; overlap; arc strikes 64674 Slag; arc strikes out of 6" radius for location tolerance 64757 Arc strikes; slag; overlap 64812 Weld symbols on dwg improper; weld ok 64936 Support location; grind mark 1/16"; intermittent weld out of spec; arc strike 64981 Lack of fusion 11/64" 65055 Arc strike; crack 65132 Tack welds left in place; melt thru; arc strike 65242 Strut 2\\" too long 65307 Arc strike; slag 65455 Dwg calls for 4 spacer plates, 2 used; arc strike 65498 Slag; lack of fusion; arc strike





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.NCR Number Discrepancy *

65626 1/16" undersize weld 65726 Dwg shows 3/8" between stiffener and bldg steel; k" installed 65827 Owg shows weld top only; actual weld top and bottom 65893 Burn thru 65973 Conduit hanger 2" below dwg elev 66017 Missing location dimension on dwg; undercut 66089 Arc strike 66123 Procedural violation (location of attachment)

66181 Conduit hanger 7" out of place (dwg shows 1 "

from CEA to end of strut actual 1 1/8")

66232 Arc strikes 66308 Arc strikes; attachment not per dwg 66380 Arc strikes 66426 Two A325 bolts undertorqued 66503 Arc strikes; undercut 66606 Undercut 66669 Two conduit clamps instead of one; crack 66814 Returns short; 2 extra welds 66849 Dwg missing a location dimension 67034 Member long?

67061 Overlap on return 67198 Extra holes; intermittent welds 67241 Support location, east west dimension not on dwg 67400 Documentation (member auxiliary steel or hanger member)

67488 Stitch weld pattern 67593 Undercut; grind damage; location dimension 67640 Lack of fusion; return %" too short 67695 Lack of fusion 67827 Overlap; slag 50470 CEA spacing 3/4" to close 50533 CEA spacing 3/4" to close 50714 CEA undertorqued 50877 CEA spacing " to close 50886 Minimum space to plate 13/16", installed 3/4" 51106 Dwg elevation 724'-4"; installed 723'-7 " (at conduit);

abandoned hole; undercut 51532 Undercut;: arc strikes; lack of fusion 51539 Configuration; arc strike 51850 Tolerance 1"; installed 1 5/8" 60172 Extra hole drilled in plate 60177 1/32" undersize 60865 Various weld; undercut 61102 Undercut; slight steel interference 61111 One leg of one small portion of weld 1/32" undersize; slag 61243 Lack of penetration; undersize weld 61385 Portion of weld undersize 61389 Start-stop lack of fusion; 1/16" undersize for 3/16"










NCR Number Discrepancy *

61513 1/8" of unistrut consumed in weld 61696 Weld size 61772 Undercut; extra welds 61953 Start-stop lack of fusion 62146 1/64" undersize one leg; undercut; arc steikes 62185 Location 8" out; undersize weld 62302 Arc strike; undercut; extra weld 62477 Dimension inconsistency of dwg 62485 Start-stop lack of fusion; overlap 62698 Elevation taken 1%", installed 1 "; arc strikes; 1/16" undersize 62924 Undercut; configuration 62990 Undercut; overlap 63220 Arc strikes; undersize 63317 Undersize weld 63322 Two 1/8" deep cut marks in a 4" x 4" plate 63385 Elevation of hanger 2" different from dwg 63519 Undercut; arc strikes 63590 Excess gap; dwg shows W8 x 31 length 2'-3",

actual 2'-5" 63702 Undercut; arc strike 63778 Undercut 63784 Undercut; configuration 63917 Undercut; arc strike; CEA inaccessible 64022 Slag; support 10" out of location 64024 Undercut; arc strikes; overlap 64095 Edge distance for bolts; head markings 64185 Design distance between conduit clamp 4 ",

installed 4 5/16"; head markings 64197 Undercut; arc strikes 64292 Slag 64365 Arc strike; undercut 64367 Shim plate 3/64" too thin; abandoned holes not filled; wrong washers 64525 3/32" of weld rod attached to weld 64640 Undercut; grinding damage 1/16" deep 64651 CEA spacing 1" too close; head markings 64750 Surface slag; undercut 64801 Surface slag; arc strike; overlap " in length 64822 Weld length 64866 Undercut 65006 Weld undersize 1/32"; arc strikes; grinding damage 65008 Weld undersize 1/32", arc strikes; grinding damage 65166

" extra weld; overlap; arc strikes 65246 Elevation of conduit hanger 3" different than dwg 65257 Design gap 3/4", installed 7/8"; dwg error 65322 Arc strikes; overlap; surface slag; return weld 3/16" short 65443 Excess grinding 65453 Slag; oxidation


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NCR Number Discrepancy *

65524 Grinder damage; undercut 65594 Undercut; arc strikes 65607 Abandoned hole undercut, etc.

65663 Length inconsistency on dwg; installed item matches 1 of 2 dimensions 65736 Undersize 1/16" 65739 Arc strike 65773 Conduit clamps design l'-0",

installed l'-0k";

lack of fusion 65825 Arc strike; melt thru 65832 Overlap; arc strike 65876 0xidation; dwg error 65970 Undercut 1/32"; arc strikes 66000 Arc strikes; undercut 66076 Undersize weld; plate 1/8" too short 66172 Surface slag; arc strike; undercut; overlap 66182 Dwg shows 4 - 3/4" 8 " long CEAs, installed 4 - 3/4" 10" long; undercut 66242 Grinding damage 3/32" deep 66314 One stitch weld 1/8" short; dwg error 66325 Arc strikes 66391 Dwg error 66480

~ Arc strikes; lack of fusion 1/8" long; undercut 66499 Arc strikes; undercut 66569 Design elevation 795'-0", installed 795'-6 "

66644 Tube steel does not meet AISC standard 66649 Notch in tube steel 5/16" x 5/16" 66708 Slag 66763 Overlap; undercut 66775 Undercut 66836 Undersize 1/8",

" long; arc strike 66919 Design spacing conduit clamp 4 ", installed 4 13/32"

~66946 Burn thru; grinding damage 67038 Design shim plate 3/4" x 11" x 11", installed 3/4" x 11" x 10 3/4" 67189 Return weld length 67208 Lack of fusion; overlap; weld length 67270 Weld " short 67372 Overlap %"; arc strike 67380 Undercut; grinding gouge 67445 Undercut; one stitch weld %" short 67509 Return short; configuration 67540 Undercut 67594 Welds %" short 67681 Minor undercut 67684 Undercut 67767 Intermittent welds 3" long,

" short 67876 Undercut 1/32"



NCR Number Discrepancy *

50669 Dimension missing on dwg; weld missing 51028 Undersize, etc.

51256 CEA spacing design 4 ", installed 4 3/8"; edge distance 60677 Strut welded %" out of place; grinding, etc.

61406 Lack of fusion (start-stop); weld size 61466 Lack of fusion (start-stop); undersize 61677 Undersize; profile undercut, etc.; arc strikes 61722 Member length undersize; crater 61901

" CEA instead of 3/8" 61975 Slag 62195 Conduit 7 " out of location; weld size; overlap, etc.

62764 Broken concrete 63002 Excess gap; undercut 63200 Excess gap; dwg calls for 3/16" fillet, " fillet installed 63303 Undercut 63313 Arc strikes; overlap; member length 63595 Arc strikes; excess gap 63740 Overlap; arc strikes; slag; undersize 63755 Undercut; arc strikes; overlap 63789 Arc strikes; welds not cleaned 63907 Arc strikes; undercut; configuration 64012 Overlap; undercut; arc strike; undersize


64230 Excess gap; abandoned holes not filled 64231 Design gap 3/8", installed 7/16"; overlap; slag; arc strikes 64329 Tolerance on location of weld design

, installed 1"


64432 Excess gap; undercut; bolt; wrong washer 64487 Undersize; overlap; slag; shims used not on B0M; gap 64587 Arc strike; undercut, etc.

64605 Undercut; arc strike; overlap; grinding gouge 1/16" deep 64759 Arc strike; undercut 64931 Abandoned holes; configuration 65164 Crater crack; burn thru, etc.

65416 0xidation; grinding damage; abandoned holes 65599 Arc strikes; dwg error 65912 Overlap; arc strikes; shim plate too large; 2 extra anchor bolts 66287 Dwg error; CEA 66496 Excess gap; stiffener omitted; burn thru 66927 Dwg error; arc strike; grinding damage; inefficient throat 67042 Excess gap; undercut; melt thru 67421 Undercut; lack of fusion; length and leg 67425 Grinding damage; undercut 67552 Flare bevel stitch weld profile 67812 Grinder damage < 1/16"; anchor plate gap








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NCR Number

. Discrepancy *



51762 Design 3/8" anchor, installed



' Undersize leg; undercut; arc strikes; crater 62081

~ Cracked weld; overlap; undersize; slag 63485 Arc strikes; crack in tack welds (not load welds);

insufficient throat 63775 Overlap; undercut; undersize; crater crack 64291-

%" crack; undercut; unspecified welds 64389 Crater crack; burn thru; slag

- 67584 Crack in 3/16" fillet weld; unspecified weld; arc strike; lack of fusion (2) HVAC Duct and Duct Supports NCR i


Discrepancy *


62321 9/32" gap between duct and angle 62776 Fan support legs slightly out of position (2")

63051 Hanger ~ 4" out of position


63349 1 of 8 stitch welds is < 1/16" undersize 63635 Improper size and location of access door i


64138 Stiffener spacing 32" instead of 24"


64343 Various stiffness problems


64454 Lack of fusion 5/32" long 64699 Arc strike; lack of fusion 1/8" long; missing portion of_ weld 64855 Stitch weld pattern


. 65065 Saw cut in angle, 1 " long %" deep-65296 Arc strike; tolerance on weld position

- 65503 Grinder mark less than 1/32" deep 65690 Lack of fusion 3/8" long 65956 Weld location, 1 " instead of 2 3/8" off centerline


66155 Tolerance installed 9/16"; undercut, etc.




66450 Tolerance

. installed 9/16", undercut, etc.




- Loose bolt 66954

- Air monitors (protruding gasket)

67108 3 loose bolts on duct connector

- 67323 Abandoned holes; not sealed; access door 18" x 18" instead of 24" x 20" 67451 No' dimension on a transition piece 67532 2" long 1/16" deep gouge; undercut


67637 Loose bolt; undersize weld 67743'

1/16" gouge on angle; bolt skewed 1/16"; seam split 3/4" 67813 Dwg dimension 5\\", actual 5 "'

67870-Tolerance and position; gouges <-1/16" deep 67440 3 bolts skewed 1/16"













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o NCR Number Discrepancy *

67529 Size of access door; latches; bolt holes off center 67613 Unfilled bolt hole; access door has 2 latches instead of 3 '

67707 Stiffener spacing 25\\", drawing shows 24";

gouge 3/16" long on angle 67779 Missing welds 67853 Gouge 1/16" deep 51511 Weld not installed 62453 Undercut; arc strikes 62615 Lack of fusion; slag on stitch welds 63019 Lack of fusion; arc strike 63335 Arc strike; bolt not tight 63584 Access door too small; sealant; welds missing 63979 Dwgs states add weld if gap exists; 3/16" gap exists 64210 Weld discrepancies.ainor 64343 Various 64441 Arc strikes 64716 Various welds 64867 Cracked weld; bolt hold drilled thru weld 64985 Welds 65140 Gasket missing; weld size 65329 Loose bolt; jam nut missing 65495 Excess gasket protrusion 65499 Piping NCR error 65978 Gouge < 1/16" deep; undercut < 1/16"; lack of fusion 66354 Porosity; loose bolt 66615 Overlap, etc.

66745 Porosity; crater 66922 Tolerance 3"; actual location 6" away from design 67059 3/4" tolerance, 13/16" installation 67178 1/16" iong tear in duct 67336 Abandoned bolt holes in angles not filled 65699 Lack of fusion 1/8" long; arc strikes Upon completion of the review of the NCRs at the site, the inspector was able to arrive at a number of conclusions.

These were as follows:

(a) The NCRs reviewed were complete and complied with procedural requirements.

(b) Certain installation tolerances and acceptance criteria appear to be excessively restrictive for


this type of equipment.

(c) Based on the inspector's involvement with similar progra'ns at other Nuclear Power Stations of the same vintage, the types and significance of the discrepancies are at.alitatively very similar to those found in the other programs.






NCR Review at Sargent & Lundy Office On August 30, 1985, a review of the engineering evaluations of the discrepancies associated with the NCRs was initiated at Sargent &

Lundy Engineers' Chicago office.

One hundred and one engineering evaluations were reviewed. The engineering evaluations were reviewed for procedural requirements, technical methodology, adequacy and completion.

The engineering evaluations which were reviewed are as follows:

  • The descriptions of discrepancies listed below are short summaries of the NCRs and in instances of numerous discrepancies on one item, only the most significant are listed.

(1) Electrical Cable Tray Hangers and Conduit Hangers NCR Number Discrepancy *

50528 Installed shim plate larger than design 50888 Undertorqued CEA; damaged washer 51004 Unspecified weld 51195 Crack in unspecified weld 51663 Dwg error 60509 Various weld discrepancies 60732 Weld underlength 61271 Start-stop lack of fusion 61536 Undersize weld 61771 Unspecified weld 61960 Installed dimension 3/8" out 62311 Unspecified welds; fit up gap 62735 Baseplate gap 62795 Undersize weld 63104 Undercut; overlap 63594 Undercut 63736 Bolt identification 64255 Slag; installation elevation 64442 Installed spacing 1 5/16" and 1 5/32" (design 1 ")

64806 Weld size 64807 Overlap 65132 Melt through; unspecified welds 65175 Lack of fusion 65737 Installation elevation; undercut 66109 Lack of fusion; overlap 50627 Lack of fusion; overlap 50930 Undercut 60122 Tolerance 61061 Various welding discrepancies 61275 Insufficient throat 61466 Insufficient throat 61935 Weld size; undercut 62454 Overlap; undercut






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Number Discrepancy *

62537 undercut 63125 Installed plate " x 11" x 11"; design " x 10" x 10" 63367 Undercut; overlap 63726 Installed angle section different than designed 63831-Undercut 63977 Undercut 64023 Incomplete weld



Pattern of an intermittent weld 64586 Bent washer; damaged threads


64859 Drawing error 65006 Weld 1/32" undersize 65399 Unspecified weld 65540 Weld size; distorted strut member 65887 Weld size


66430 Lack of fusion 66757 Welds larger than designed 51733 Stiffener omitted 60105 Intermittent welds 4" between welds; as designed 6" 62430 Configuration



Undersize weld 63218 63701 Underlength weld



63707 Junction box installed, not on dwg 64329 Missing stiffener 64432 Gas; undersize weld 64886 Slag 65580 Configuration of weld pattern


65732 Melt thrt; undercut 66083 Size of angle sections; loose nuts 66544 Undercut; overlap


66749 Undercut; overlap 66927 Configuration; lack of fusion 67143 Weld length; weld size 67425 Missing weld 67772 Undersize weld



Drawing error-(2) HVAC Ducts and Duct Supports


NCR 1-Number Discrepancy *-

62225 Configuration 62458 Unspecified welds; bolts 62611 Bolting



63459 Bolting; various welding discrepancies 63794 Missing portion of weld 64295 Configuration 64388 Weld pattern; edge distance

64420 Intermittent weld pattern


64953 Loose bolt-t L






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O NCR Number Discrepancy *

65085 Weld size 65503'

Grinding damage

.62349 Bolting 62572 Bolting; various weld discrepancies 62666 Hardware missing; weld incorrect 63325 Arc strike 63335 Arc strike 63794 Undercut; gaps 64210 Insufficient fusion 64397 Weld craters; weld pattern 64566 Grinding damage 64716 Access hole 64979 Screws missing 65077 Stiffener not installed 65140 Undersize weld; portion of gasket missing 65482 Excess gasket protrusion; 3/32" hole 67032 Lack of fusion 67106 Lack of fusion 67178 Cut 1/16" long 67440 Missing gasket; bolting 62780 3/16" out of tolerance 63349 Weld undersize During this review, six of the written portions of the NCR evaluations were found to be unclear or imprecise.

The six

unclear evaluations were as follows:

(a) NCR 60509 - It appeared that the Level III QC inspector had made the decision concerning acceptability.

(b) NCR 63594 - It appeared that QC inspection was incomplete due to the presence of welding slag.

(c) NCR 50930 - Calculation was unclear as to which plane is being evaluated for effects of welding undercut.

(d) NCR 62611 - Unclear as to why FCR 25668 was applicable.

.(e) NCR 64716 - Required a reference to next page of the calculation.

(f) NCR 64979 - Written explanation of conclusion was unclear in regards to 1/8" diameter hole.

All of the above six NCR evaluations were found acceptable based on other supporting documentation.

Also, these evaluations were revised for improved clarity.

All of the NCR evaluations reviewed were adequate to properly disposition the discrepancies.


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Welding Issues As a method to determine the overall significance of the welding discrepancies reviewed by the NRC inspector, the discrepancies (which were welding discrepancies against AWS D1.1 were reviewed for compliance with the Visual Weld Acceptance Criteria (VWAC)

developed by the Nuclear Construction Issues Group (NCIG).

This review determined that virtually all of the weld discrepancies which resulted in a strength reduction of less than 10% (categories A and 81) would not have been identified as weld discrepancies under the NCIG Visual Weld Acceptance Criteria.

This new acceptance criteria was approved by the NRC on June 26, 1985, in a letter from J. Knight, Acting Director, Division of Engineering, NRR, to Mr. D. E. Dutton, Chairman, Nuclear Construction Issues Group, Southern Company Services.

The use of this new acceptance criteria must be requested in a change to the Safety Analysis Report (SAR)

and approved by the NRC.

This request has been submitted to the NRC.


Audits The NRC inspector reviewed " Report on Special Internal Audit No. 128."

This was a QA audit of certain areas of the engineering evaluations of the Clinton Overinspection discrepancies.

The audit covered the following types of components and Sargent & Lundy divisions:

Type of Component Division Instrument piping PMD, CID, EMD HVAC ductwork and duct supports CQD Cables EPED Cable terminations EPED Cable trays EPED Conduits EPED Cable tray supports SED Conduit supports SED The audit represented an acceptable effort by the Sargent & Lundy QA organization.

The general findings and corrective actions indicate that the QA program was functioning in an acceptable manner.


Conclusion During this inspection no violations or deviations were identified.

This inspection revealed no violation of FSAR commitments as they pertain to design and analysis.

Also, the procedures dealing with the dispositioning of the discrepancies were functioning properly.



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Exit Interview The _ inspector met with representatives (denoted in Persons Contacted paragraph) at the conclusion of the inspection.

The inspector summarized

.the scope and findings of the inspection noted in this report.


. inspector.also. discussed the likely informational content of the inspection report with regard to documents or processes reviewed by the inspector during:the inspection.

The. licensee did not identify any such documents / processes as proprietary.



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