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Refers to Info Provided on 981229 That Was Requested by NRC in .Informs That Info Has Been Reviewed & Forwards List of Mods & Other Engineering Work Products Which Will Be Reviewed During Ssei
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/12/1999
From: Gardner R
To: Mcelwain J
NUDOCS 9901200336
Download: ML20199E143 (7)


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January 12, 1999 Mr. John P. McElwain Chief Nuclear Officer Clinton Power Station Illinois Power Company Mail Code V-275 P.O. Box 678 Clinton,IL 61727




Dear Mr. McElwain:

l On January 8,1999, you provided the NRC with information that was requested of you in our l letter dated December 29,1998. We have reviewed that information and have enclosed a list of the modifications and other engineering work products which will be reviewed during the SSEl.

As outlined in our previous letter, please gather this information and make it available to the l NRC to support a pre-inspection planning site visit by the SSEl team leader during the week of ,

January 19,1999.

The team leader for this inspection is Eric Duncan. He can be reached at (630) 829-9739 if you i have any questions. <


l We appreciate your cooperation with this inspection.

Sincerely, Original /s/ R. N. Gardner Ronald N. Gardner, Chit.f Engineering Specialist Bra,r.h 2 Division of Reactor Safety Docket No.: 50-461 License No.: NPF-62 l


Additional Documents Requested for Clinton l Safety System Engineering Inspection See Attached Distribution DOCUMENT NAME: G:DRS\CLl01129.wpd To receive a copy of this docu,nont, Indicate in the bor 'C" = Copy without attachment / enclosure T = Copy wth attachmenUenclosure *ff a No copy OFFICE Rill Rlli l@ l NAME Duncan:sc(c Gardner (L ,

i DATE 1/F/99 1/11 /9 9 l OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 9901200336 990112 PDR ADOCK 05000461 G PDR

4 l

W. McElwain cc w/ encl: G. Hunger, Station Manager R. Phares, Manager, Nuclear Safety and Performance improvement J. Sipek, Director- Licensing l M. Aguilar, Assistant Attomey General l

G. Stramback, Regulatory Licensing Services Project Manager l General Electric Company Chairman, DeWitt County Board  ;

State Liaison Officer Chairman, Illinois Commerce Commission Distributign:

RPC (E-Mail) ,

Project Mgr., NRR w/enci j l J. Caldwell, Rlli w/enci )

C. Pederson, Rlll w/ encl B. Clayton, Rill w/enci SRI Clinton w/ encl DRP w/enci TSS w/enci DRS (2) w/ enc!

Rlli PRR w/enci l

PUBLIC1E:WJw/ encl Docket File w/ enc!





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Additional Documents Reauested for Clinton Safety System Enaineerina inspection Please provide or make available to the SSEl team the following documents to support a

, pre-inspection planning site visit by the team leader during the week of January 19,1999.

Modifications Packages associated with the following modifications are requested. At a minimum, the modification package should include a detailed description of the work performed, drawing changes, the modification approval letter (or equivalent), references to all supporting i

documentation such as calculations and work requests, and a copy of the associated 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation.

AP-027 S0 Replace Division i Undervoltage Relays AP-028 S0 Replace Division 11 Undervoltage Relays AP-029 S0 Replace Division ill Undervoltage Relays AP-032 Allow Use of Operator Actions in Conjunction With Fixed Tap Transformers AP-033 S4 Division i Regulating Transformer - Control Building MCC A Transformer AP-033 SS Division 1 Regulating Transformer - S&L Circuit Fix AP-037 S0 RAT Static VAR Compensator AP-038 S0 ERAT Static VAR Compensator AP-040 S9 ERAT LTC - Connect Phase and Lighting Arristor AP-040 S10 ERAT LTC Sequential to Non-Sequential Tap Changes (New 10/98)

SY-012 SO Switchyard Upgrade ECN 9067 Revise Setpoint Log Sheet E51-02 to Change the Trip Setpoint and the Allowable Value ECN 28988 Change Allowable Value for the RCIC Storage Tank Level Transmitters ECN 29457 Change of Setpoint for Differential Pressure Switch 1E51N581 and the Revision of Appropriate Design Documents ECN 29979 Remove 2 Auto Restart Relays From Chiller OVC13CA ECN 29980 Remove 2 Auto Restart Relays From Chiller OVC13CB ECN 30102 RAT Tap Setting From 2 to 3 ECN 30169 ERAT Tap Change From 3 to 2 ECN 30225 ADS Pressure Switch Setpoint Change ECN 30442 Voltage Reading for 138 kV Line ECN 30445 Revise Setpoint in High Voltage Shutdown Card 1DC08E ECN 30609 Alternate Low Voltage Alarm Card ECN 30660 Transformer Tap Change on 1DC06E AND 1DC07E ECN 30666 Time Delay Change for Low Voltage Alarm Card ECN 30699 Transformer Tap Change on 1DC07E ECN 30713 Revise Line Size to SX Pump Motor Division 1 ECN 27785 Altemate Magne-Blast Configuration ECN 30170 Altemate Levering-in Device ECN 30171 Work With ECN 27783 On DHP Breakers ECN 30294 Add Fuse to isolate Annunciator Power Supply for 1E ECN 30441 Alternate Configuration for GE Magne-Blast Breakers l M-0C Modify Valves 1E12-F042A/B/C And 1E21F005 To Prevent Pressure Locking l


D M-0083 SO ECCS Suction Strainer FW-039 SO Keepfill SX-047 S0 Design Change to Replace Limitorque SMC-04 Vvith SMB-000 ECN 30903 RHR/SX Bypass Orifice Division .

ECN 30905 Division 1 SX Flow Balance RI-049 SO Reposition Valve Limit & Torque Switches RRF024 SO RR Single Loop Analysis and Design Basis ECN 28133 Isolate RHR Heat Exchangers form RCIC Supply ECN 28489 Change Stroke Time for 1E51F045 and 1E51F095 ECN 29890 RCIC Turbine Insulation Reduce From 3" to 2" ECN 29928 Trim Limit Switch Mounting Plate of RCIC Valve 1E51F025 ECN 30119 Revise Tolerances For 1E51K601 And 1C61K001 FDDR LH1-5805 Acceptability of Minimum Flow Through Bypass Line on RCIC System 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations The following 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluations are requested.98-006 RAT Primary Tap Changes97-102 RAT Tap Change to Position #3 97-133 Division 2 Auxiliary Power Modification 97-168 ERAT / RAT USAR Discussion 98-004 Update USAR re: LD System Requirements (1-97-09-188)98-017 Changes to 50.59 Procedure 98-074 Revise Orifice 1SX12MA Size 98-092 Revise Main Control Room Pressure Description 98-123 Flooding Protection Requirements98-134 CR 1-98-07-105-0 RHR Bypass Valve 98-145 Replace Motor Operator on 1SX014B 97-008 Revise Overspeed Trip Setpoints for DGs97-029 Operability Determination for CR 1-96-10-360 97-087 CC Relief Valve Setpoint 97-090 Change 1SX020B to Normally Open 97-143 Remove Power From 1E12F006B in Modes 1,2, and 3 97-146 Uncoated Carbon Steel in Containment 97-198 Temperature Correction for Batteries97-238 Revise Calculation DC-ME-09-CP 96-044 Minimum Fuel Pool Temperature 96-047 Altemate Shutdown Cooling 96-101 Leak Detection Modification 98-114 RCIC isolation Change (LER 98-013)98-144 RCIC and HPCS Tomado Missile issues98-066 RCIC Operability During a Feedwater Line Break Outside Containment 97-042 RCIC Steam Admission Valve 1E51F013 044 Drill Hole in RCIC Valve 1E51-F095 97-141 RCIC Component Downgrade from 1E to non-1E 97-178 Relocate RCIC Stem Packing Leakoff 2

i 90-0038 Low Shutdown Service Water Flow in Div.1 Heat Exchangers (CR-90-03-071)

Operability Evaluations / Determinations The operability evaluations and operability determinations associated with the following conditions reports are requested.

CR 1-98-08-219-0 High Percentage of Contactors Failing Minimum Voltage Pull In Test CR 1-98-04 066-0 Inadequate Calibration of ECCS Motor Current Indication Loops CR 1-97-10-414-0 Use of improper Cable Resistance Values in Electrical Calculations CR 1-98-04-190-0 Breakers for VC B Supply and Return Fans Did Not Close Within Acceptable Values CR 1-97-09-359-0 Division 1 Bus Overvoltage CR 1-97-10-123-0 Division 2 Battery Charger Anomalies / Deficiencies CR 1-97-02-179-0 Breaker Coordination CR 1-98-11 157-0 Plant Configuration Discrepancy Not Reviewed and an inadequate Engineering Evaluation for CR 1-98-03-163 CR 1-98-09-292-0 Inability of Valves 1SX014A and 1SX0148 to Meet the Sizing Guidance Provided in Limitorque TU 98-01 CR 1-97-09 201-0 Division 1 SX Flow Balance Low Flows to Safety-Related Components Fed By SX CR 1-98-06 215-0 Use of Unqualified Zine Coating (Paint) in Containment CR 1-98-07-130-0 Flow Out of SX Under a Loss of the Dam, Resulting in an Unaccounted SX Flow Not Going to the Ultimate Heat Sink Calculations The following calculations are requested.

Cl-CPS-688 Calculation for 0FC-VG004 Cl-CPS-689 Calculation for 0FC-VG104 IP-C-0036 RHR "B" High Pressure Setpoint Calculation iP-C-0037 RHR "A" High Pressure Setpoint Calculation 01HP09 HPCS Rated Core Spray Flow Head and Pressure Requirements Based Upon PTP-HP-01 Data Cl-CPS-144 Setpoint Calculation for RCIC Tank Low Level Transmitter 1E51NO35A Cl-CPS-146 Setpoint Calculation for Instrument 1E51-N636A 19-Al-14 Rev. 2 Fast Transfer of ESF Buses 1 A1 & 1B1 Between RAT and ERAT 19-AK-13 Rev. O Add. B Class 1E Auxiliary Power Load Follow, Short Circuit and Transient Analysis Feed From the ERAT 19-AN-19, Rev. 2 Calculations for Functional Requirements for 1" and 2"d Level Undervoltage Relays at 4kV 1 A1,1B1, and 1C1 19-AN-32, Rev. O Vol. B ERAT LTC Control Settings 4536-EAD-2 Rev.1 Ampacity of Cables From ERAT to ESF Buses IP-M-0300 Rev. O Realistic Analysis for RCIC DC Valve Availability During HPCS Out of Service and Station Blackout Conditions 3

. 1 3C10-1276-001 Rev. 4 Dynamic Loading of Suppression Pool- ECCS Suction Strainer Loads IP-S-0135 Rev. O Vol. A/B ECCS Suction Strainer Structural Analysis IP-S-0136 Rev. 0 ECCS Suction Strainer Restraint Analysis IP-S-0137 Rev. 0 ECCS Suction Strainer Load Determination IP-S-0138 Rev. 0 ECCS Suction Strainer Perforated Plate / Solid Plate Structural l Analysis l IP-S-0139 Rev. O Design Requirements for ECCS Strainer Bellows l lP-S-0140 Rev. 0 ECCS Suction Strainer - SRV/CO Hydrodynamic Loads Using GESSAR 11 Methodology l lP-S-0141 Rev. O Determination of SRV Air Bubble Oscillation Characteristics l

IP-S-0142 Rev. 0 ECCS Suction Strainer Constructibility l

IP-S-0143 Rev. 0 ECCS Suction Strainer- LOCA Air Bubble Loads Using GESSAR 11 Methodology IP-S-0144 Rev. 0 ECCS Suction Strainer Effects Analysis IP-M-0465 Rev. 0 ECCS Suppression Pool Suction Strainer Hydraulic Head Losses Evaluation l IP-M-0462 Rev. O Temperature Rise in ECCS Cubicles Upon Loss of Air Coolers IP-S-0132 Rev.1 Acceptance Criteria for Allowable Sediment Depth in the CW l Screenhouse IP-Y-0001 Rev. O Calculate Amount of Boron and Boric Acid Required to Mix in the RCIC Storage Tank to Support Emergency Operating Procedure CPS 4411.10 01HP14 Rev. O Minimum HPCS Pump DP Requirement for the Surveillance Test to Assure that the HPCS Mode C and E Flow Rate is Equal or Greater Than 5010 GPM 01LP08 Rev. O LPCS Rated Core Spray Flow Head and Pressure Requirements Based Upon PTP-LP-01 Data 01RH19 Rev. 2 LPCI Rated RPV Injection Flow Head and Pressure Requirement Based Upon PTP-RH-01 Data 01Rl01 Rev. 6 (C/D) RCIC System Piping 01Rl12 Rev. O RCIC System Flow Element 1E51-N0001 Flow Coefficient Determination and Evaluation of Flow Element Accuracy 01 R113 Rev. 0 NPSH Calculation - RCIC Suction From Suppression Pool IP-CL-006 Rev. O Selsmic Qualification of MOVs 1E51-F013, A/D,6"-900# Gate With SMB-0 Operator IP-M-0384 Rev.1 Evaluation of Vortex in the RCIC Storage Tank IP-M-0423 Rev. O RCIC Turbine Heat Loss With 3" and 2" Insulation.

IP-Q-0331 Rev. 2 Seismic Qualification of MOVs 1E51-F010 and 1E51-F031 (SO-CLO68) 060332 Rev. O RCIC Acceptance Criteria for Startup Test Procedures STP-17 and STP-33 Open Maintenance items i Additional documentation regarding resolution of the following action requests is requested.

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AR D76691 During Performance of PM - PEMRIA050M Found Hardened Grease in the Motor Pinion Cavity AR D18955 Indicator Pegged High and Face Plate is Melted j Enaineerina Work Reauests The following engineering work requests and documentation which describes the completed or proposed resolution is requested.

EWR 95-00265 Evaluate 1E51N581 Setpoint Change (RCIC DP Switch)

EWR 97-06-021 Discrepancy Between USAR and CPS 3310.01 Regarding Diversion of 1 Flow Back to the Storage Tank During injection into Vessel l EWR 98-03-052 Validate RCIC System RCIC Pre-Operational Tests l The following pre-operational tests are requested to be made available to the SSEI team.

l PTP-RI-01 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling l STP-14-H RCIC System Startup Test )

STP-14-1 RCIC System Startup Test J

STP-14-2 RCIC System Startup Test '

XTP-RI-03 RCIC Special Test Procedure i

Condition Reports l Copies of the following condition reports and documentation regarding the completed corrective actions is requested. l 1-96-08-095-1 RCIC System Exceeded Availability Goals Due to Valve Seat Leakage 1-97-02-191-0 RCIC Operability During a Feedwater Line Break Outside Containment 1-97-09-214-0 ISA 1997-0536: Inadequate Final Closure of Safety System Functional Assessments 1-97-10-184-0 Potential Lack of Missile Protection for Safety-Related Piping j 1-97-12-109-0 Area Temperatures Below Minimum Temperatures Outlined in Environmental Design Criteria 1-98-06-226-0 RCIC Gland Seal Compressor Shunt Trip 1-98-07-368-0 Inadequate Remote Shutdown Control Circuit Design 1-98-09-393-0 RCIC Steam Supply Line isolation 1-98-10-077-0 Altemate Packing Arrangement is not Supported by CPS Plant Procedures and USAR Requirements 1-94-02-020-0 RCIC Storage Tank Setpoints Did Not Consider Effects of Vortexing 1

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