IR 05000461/1985060

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Informs of Review of Unresolved Item Identified in Insp Rept 50-461/85-60 Re Acceptability of Preoperational Type a Test Conducted at Plant.Justification for Not Performing Another Type a Test Requested
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/1986
From: Paperiello C
To: Gerstner W
NUDOCS 8605200350
Download: ML20198A166 (2)




MAY 1 0 1985 Docket No. 50-461 Illinois Power Company ATTN:

Mr. W. C. Gerstner Executive Vice President 500 South 27th Street Decatur, IL 62525 Gentlemen:

Our inspection report sent to you on April 7, 1986 (Inspection Report No.

50-461/85060(ORS)), identified an unresolved item relating to the acceptability of the preoperational Type A test conducted at the Clinton Nuclear Power Station. We have completed our review and have determined that the work effort and activities in and on the containment liner since the January 1986 Type A test results were obtained have left Region III doubtful that these results will be representative of the containment's leakage when containment integrity is required.

The intent of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J, as it relates to the Preoperational Type A test, is to accurately measure the Primary Reactor Containment overall leakage rate after the containment is complete and ready for operation.

Specifically, Appendix J requires that the Type A test be conducted after the construction of the primary containment is complete and prior to any reactor operating period.

Appendix J also requires that modifications to the containment liner after the Preoperational Type A test be followed by an applicable leak test.

The test performed in January 1986 does not appear to meet the intent of


Appendix J for a Preoperational Type A test in that the Type A test was performed prior to the completion of the containment structure as evidenced by


a hole in the liner during the test, the numerous modifications that occurred following the test as described in the inspection report (50-461/85060(DRS)),

and the lack of stringent control of work activities in containment after the test.

These findings bring into question the validity of the test results.

Please provide to the Region III office your justification as to why you should not perform another Preoperational Type A test prior to the time that technical specifications would require containment integrity.

In particular, please demonstrate the following:


The adequacy of the controls in place subsequent to the January 1986 test


to protect the containment liner from damage and to ensure containment


integrity; and

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m Illinois Power Company

MAY 161986 2.

The integrity of the portions of the containment involved in the modifications described in inspection report 50-461/85060(DRS).

.We will gladly discuss any questions you may have concerning this matter.

Sincerely, b

Carl J! Pap ello, Director Division of Reactor Safety cc:


Licensing Fee Management Branch Resident Inspector, RIII Richard Hubbard Gary N. Wright, Manager Nuclear Facility Safety Jean Foy, Prairie Alliance Mark Jason, Assistant Attorney General, Environmental Control Division H. S. Taylor, Quality Assurance Division



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