IR 05000309/1988200

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Discusses Insp Rept 50-309/88-200 on 880523-27,0606-10 & 0718-22 & Forwards Notice of Violation & Summary of 890329 Enforcement Conference
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 06/07/1989
From: Johnston W
To: Frizzle C
Maine Yankee
Shared Package
ML20244B562 List:
EA-89-043, EA-89-43, NUDOCS 8906130170
Download: ML20244B559 (4)


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.07 JU N 880 Docket No. 50-309 EA No. 89-43

' Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company-


ATTN: Mr. Charles D. Frizzle President 83 Edison Drive Augusta, Maine 04336 Gentlemen:

Subject: Notice of Violation and Enforcement Conference Meeting (NRC Inspection No. 50-309/88-200)

This letter refers to the NRC safety inspections conducted on May 23-27, June 6-10, and July 18-22, 1988, at the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Plant and to the circumstances associated with identified violations in your procurement program; the improper implementation of 10 CFR Part 21 for certain purchase orders; and the lack of appropriate review of vendor corrective action letter The subject inspection report was provided to Mr. John Randazza on December 30, 1988. On March 29, 1989 an enforcement. conference was conducted at the Region 1 office with yourself and members of your staff to discuss the apparent violations, their causes, and your corrective actions. A summary of the

enforcement conference and your presentation notes are enclosed with this 1ette {


The three violations which are described in the enclosed Notice of Violation

' involve (1) a lack of appropriate documents to furnish evidence of the technical criteria used in the purchase and dedication of commercial grade items for use in safety- related systems; (2) acceptance of items for use in safety-related applications based on certificates of compliance from vendors without verifying the adequacy of those certificates; (3) failure to include the requirements of e l

10 CFR 21 on your procurement level 1 (safety related) purchase orders; and j (4) failure to appropriately review and enter General Motors Power Pointers j into your Operational Assessment Syste Items (1) and (2) are collectively t categorized as a Severity Level IV violation and items (3) and (4) are each


categorized as Severity Level V violations in accordance with the General l l


[ Statement of Policy and Procedures for NRC Enforcement Action," 10 CFR 2,


Appendix C (Enforcement Policy) (1988). However, had the items identified in (1) and (2) above been of indeterminate quality or defective, the NRC would have considered escalated enforcement actio ,


l We note that your reevaluation of 17,000 purcr-use orders issued from 1983 to l 1988 identified approximately 800 purchase orde*s that were classified as i

' procurement level 2 (commercial grade) procuremnts. Your review of 550 items i

purchased as procurement level 2, which were u:sd in safety-related systems ,  !

indicated that they are equal to or better than the original design items and l


l OFFICIAL RECORD COPY IR MY 88-200 - 0001. /03/89 7g#l-8906130170 890607 PDR i

Q ADOCK 05000309 l \~


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Ma;ae Yankee Atomic Power Company -2-that there is not a-safety concern with their use. During an NRC. inspection (No. 50-309/89-03) conducted on February 28 - March 3, 1989 the NRC reviewed a sample of your reevaluations and confirmed that, for those samples reviewed, no safety concerns remain with their use. The NRC will be reviewing your reevaluations in greater detail during subsequent inspection Concerning item (4) above, we are concerned about the decision made by your staff not to enter General Motors Electromotive Division Power Pointers and Maintenance Instructions from the emergency diesel generator vendor into your Operational Assessement System (0AS). This decision was made without changing the OAS procedure which requires such data to be entered into the OA Further, this problem had existed for some time before it was identified during our inspection No. 50-309/88-200. During the enforcement conference your staff stated the problem was identified by an internal QA evaluation; however, we note that this QA evaluation appears to have been prompted by the NRC visit to your facilities to discuss the scope of the planned inspection (50-309/88-200)

and credit for self identification has not been given. Durint; NRC inspection No. 50-309/89-03, we verified that Power Pointers are now entered into your DAS; written criteria have been established for review of Power Pointers; and records of Power Pointer reviews are being maintained. We find the above corrective actions to be acceptable and should prevent recurrence of the problem. For this reason, no response is required for violation No. 3 in the enclosed Notice of Violatio Also addressed in the subject inspection was a potential enforcement finding l

' (50-309/88-200-03) stating that the reactor coolant system flow may not have been maintained above the minimum level of 360,000 gpm. Following your staff's presentation at the enforcement conference and an additional NRC review, we find no violation existed and your actions to be acceptabl You are required to respond to the enclosed Notice and, in preparing your response, you should follow the instructions specified in the Notice. In your response, you should document the actions taken or pinnned to prevent recurrence. In particular, you should address the - ures you have established to assure that your corrective actions regarding methods for l documenting procurement level 2 purchases have been effective. At the enforcement conference, you stated that your reviews of purchase orders had not yet been completed. In your response, you should also state the results of ,

j your remaining reviews and whether or not all your reviews are now complete )


1 After reviewing your response to the Notice, including your proposed corrective

' actions and the results of any future inspections of this area, the NRC will j determine whether further enforcement action is necessary to ensure compliance with NRC regulatory requirements.


In accordance in 10 CFR 2.790, a copy of this letter and its enclosures will be placed in the NRC Public Document Roo I I

t OFFICIAL RECORD COPY IR MY 88-200 - 0001. /03/89

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Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company -3-The responses directed by this ~1etter and the enclosed Notices are not subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget, otherwise required by the Paperwork Reduction - Act of 1980, Pub. L. No. 96-51 Sincerel W V-William V. Johnston, Acting Director Division of Reactor Safety

, Enclosures: Appendix A, Notice of Violation l

' NRC Enforcement Conference Meeting Summary Licensee presentation the Enf.orcement Conference l-i


OFFICIAL RECORD COPY IR MY 88-200 - 0002. /03/89 l





. Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company' -4-cc w/ enc 1: .


J. B.~Randazza, Assistant. Chairman of the Boar J. H. Garrity, Vice President, Engineering and Licensing E. T. Boulette, Vice-President,. Operations / Plant Manager '

P.~L. Anderson, Project Manage .J. D. Firth,-Vice President, Public & Governmental Affairs G. D. Whittier, Manager, Nuclear Engineering & Licensing J. A. Ritsher, Attorney (Ropes and Gray)

P. Ahrens, Esquire Public Document' Room (PDR)-

Local Public' Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information_ Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector State of Maine bec w/ enc 1:


Region I Docket Room (with' concurrences)

L. Tripp, DRP D. Limroth, DRP H. Eichenholz, SRI - Yankee P. Sears, LPM, NRR R. Bores, Technical Assistant, DRSS J. Wiggins, DRP P. Wilson, DRP W. Brach, NRR, RVIB J. Lieberman, OE l



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// .DRP Niggins RVIB: RR Brach


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