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Forwards Copy of Insurance Endorsement Dtd 990429,reflecting Change in Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance,Iaw Requirements of 10CFR140.15(e)
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 06/07/1999
From: Matt Thomas
Maine Yankee
MET-99-51, MN-99-14, NUDOCS 9906150086
Download: ML20195F753 (2)



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MaineYankee 321 OLD FERRY RD.

  • WISCASSET ME 04578-4922 June 7,1999 MN-99-14 MET-99-51 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555



License No. DPR-36 (Docket No. 50-309)


Letter: M. B. Sellman to USNRC; Certifications of Permanent Cessation of Power Operation and That Fuel Has Been Permanently Removed From the Reactor; MN-97-89 dated August 7,1997 (c)

Letter: M. K. Webb, USNRC to M. J. Meisner, MYAPC; Exemption From Financial Protection Requirement Limits Of 10CFR50.54(w) and 10 CFR 140.11(TAC Nos. MA0659 and MA0660); dated January 7,1999.


Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance i


In Reference (b), Maine Yankee informed the USNRC that the Board of Directors of Maine Yankee had decided to permanently cease operations and that fuel has been permanently removed from the reactor. In accordance with 10CFR50.82(a)(2), the certifications in the letter modified the Maine Yankee license to permanently withdraw Maine Yankee's authority to operate.

Maine Yankee requested and has received an exemption from certain financial protection requirement limits delineated in 10CFR140.11 as discussed in Reference (c). Maine Yankee is now required to maintain a minimum of $100,000,000 in primary Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance.


This represents a reduction in coverage from $200,000,000 previously required by 10CFR140.


Attached is a copy of the Insurance Endorsement dated April 29,1999 reflecting the change and is being forwarded to you in accordance with the requirements of 10CFR140.15(e).

Very truly yours,

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w Michael E. Thomas Vice President and Treasurer Attachment c:

Mr. Hubert Miller Mr. Michael T. Masnik Mr. Michael K. Webb c"~~1 Mr. Mark Roberts Mr. Patrick J. Dostie Mr. 'Uldis Vanags 9906150086 990607 PDR ADOCK 05000309 J


hh d TJ101 f


It is agreed that:


N limit ofliability stated inItsm 4 of the declarations of the policy and the limit (s) ofliability stated in the Inorcase of Limit ofLiability Endorsement (s) listed below apply only with respect to obligations assumed or expenses lacuned becmise of bodily Igiury, property damage, environmental damage or evacuation of the public (a) caused, during their respective effective periods, by the nuclear energy hasard and (b) which is discovered, and for which written claim is made against the insured, not later than January 6,2009.


N lunit ofliability stated in Item 4 of the declarations of the policy as amended by the Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsement (s) 1isted below is further amended to read 2100.000.00.0. 'Ihis amended limit applies with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily irdury, property damage, environmental damage or evacuation of the public (a) caused, during the effective period of the policy, by the nuclear energy hazard and (b) to which the limits ofliability stated in the policy do not apply under the terms of paragraph 1 above; provided, however, that if written claim is made against the insured later than January 6,2009 for bodily irdury, property damage, environmental damage or evaeustion of the public caused during a period when a limit ofliability lower than that stated in this paragraph 2 was in effect, then such lower limit ofliability shall apply to such claim.


In the event that any peyments have heretofbre been made by the companies for loss or expense covered by the policy, each of the limits of!!abilhy including the amended limit ofliability stated in paragraph 2 above is reduced in acwid cs with Condition 3 of the policy by the total amount of those payments, sxcept to the ettent that any such reduced limit of liability may have been previously restored in ecwid-ace with a Restoration of Limit of Liability Endorsement.


The original limit ofliability stated in Item 4 of the declarations of the policy, the limit (s) of liability stated in the Increase ofLimit ofLiability Endorsaiwi(s) listed below and the amended limit ofliability stated in paragraph 2 above shall not be cumulative, and each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for anyloss or expense covered by the policy shallreduce by the amount of such payment each of those limits ofliability, regardless ofwhich limit ofliability applies with respect to the bodilyinjury, property damage, environmental damage or evacuation of the public out of which such loss or expense arises.

Previous Increase of Limit of Liabilhy Endorsement (s)

Endorsement No.(s) 19,24,29,39,46,103,141 and 148 ENeative Dets of this Endorsernent:

January 7,1999 To form a part of Policy No.

NF 0194 (12:c1 A.M.StandardTkne) lasued to:

Maine Yankee Atomie PowerCompany en Date oflasue:

April 29,1999 h*==

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Praaident Endorsement No:

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