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Provides Requested Schedule for Util Responses for Open & Confirmatory Items Identified in Ser.Util Should Be Informed of NRC Schedule
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/1982
From: Tramm T
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
3615N, NUDOCS 8203230619
Download: ML20042A622 (8)


Commonwealth Edison

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( ) One Fast National Plaza. Chicago. lihnois

( 7 Address R: ply to: Post Offica Box 767

( - Chicago Illinois 6%90 March 12, 1982

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C rec 5;ygn ,

Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director - -9 Of fice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation , aS 3 2 fggg U.S. Nuclea r Regulatory Commission

  1. ~-

Washington, DC 20555 }, Q psw g% I4

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Byron Station Units 1 and 2 @

Resolution o f SER Open Items NRC Docket Nos. 50-454 and 50-455 Reference (a): February 12, 1982, letter from B. J. Youngblood to L. De lGe o rg e .

Dear Mr. Denton:

This is to provide the schedule requested in reference (a) for Commonwealth Edison's responses to open and confirmatory items identified in the Byron Safety Evaluation Report.

Attachment A to this letter contains the requested schedule. Fo r a few items, the NRC is responsible for the next action. Please let us know your schedule for those items at the earliest opportunity.

Please address questions or comments regarding this matter to this office.

Very truly yours,

} , /l&W" T. R. Tramm Nuclea r Licensing Administrato r 1m 3615N '

c,I t

8203230619 820312 PDR ADOCK 050004S4 E PDR _-

4 i

e ATTACHMENT A Schedule for Actions on Byron SER Outstanding Items and Confirmatory Issues Outstanding Item Next Action Date

1. Pipeline Support Respond to 6 new questions. 4/23/82
2. Turbine Missiles a) Provide revised analysis. 8/18/82 Evaluation b) Describe analytical methods ASAP in meeting with NRC.
3. High & Moderate Energy Provide _ report o f analysis. 5/05/82 Pipe Break Analysis
4. Pump and Valve NRC audit at Byron. 6/82 Operability
5. Baseplate Flexibility NRC to review 1/04/80 report. ---
6. Seismic and Dynamic NRC audit at Byron. 6/82 Qualification of Equipment
7. Environmental NRC audit at Byron. 6/82 Qualification of Electrical Equipment
8. Improved Thermal Design Provide plant-specific 4/05/82 Procedures information.
9. Inadequate Core Cooling Provide detailed information. 4/12/82 Instrumentation
10. Steam Generator Flow- Provide plan to address 3/17/82 Induced Vibrations problem.

l Outstanding Item Next Action Date

11. Vessel Forces and Provide data for comparison 4/15/82 Moments with confirmatory analysis.
12. Equipment and Floor Provide report of analysis. 3/24/82 Drainage
13. Fire Protection a) RCP 011 Collection Provide basis for deleting 3/31/82 drip pans.

b) Sprinklers in Cable Provide basis for deleting 3/31/82 Spreading Room sprinklers.

c) Safe Shutdown Provide revised report. 6/15/82 d) Alternate Shutdown . Provide revised report. 6/15/82 e) Emergency Communi- Provide location of radio 3/17/82 cations repeaters.

f) Hydrogen Piping Provide details of protection 3/24/82 against fire from hydrogen line break in Auxiliary Building.

14. Residual Moisture in Provide results of moisture 3/17/82 i Diesel Air Start content calculations.


15. Volume Reduction Provide information requested 3/17/82 System in 29 FSAR questions.
16. Emergency Plans and Facilities a) Provide letters of agreement 6/82 with appropriate state and local authorities.

b) Revise GSEP to specify the 6/82 responsibilities o f the Station Director which may not be delegated.

c) Revise GSEP to include a 6/82 description o f the shif t augmentation system and t



Outstanding Item- Next Action Date

16. Emergency Plans and Facilities (Cont'd) d) Revise GSEP Annex to include 6/82 Emergency Action Levels.

e) Revise GSEP to include FSAR- 6/82 analyzed accidents as initi-ating conditions.

f) Provide a copy o f the public 8/82 information brochure.

g) Completion of NRC review of ---

facilities (TSC, EOF, & OSC) .

h) Revise GSEP annex to include 6/82 nonradiological process and hydrological monitors.

1) Complete full-scale exercise. 10/82 j) Revise GSEP to Annex to 6/82-provide periodic testing of communications with Wisconsin and NRC.
17. Control Room Human a) Provide assessment of items 10/01/82 Factors Review not available for HFE8 review.

b) Provide response to HFEB 10/01/82 audit findings.

ll 8

3615N I

t }

t Confirmatory Issue Next Action Date

1. Verification of River- NRC review of FSAR question ---

Screenhouse Seismic 241.4.


2. . Category I Manhole -Provide information on ~3/17/82 Tornado Protection design revisions.
3. Analysis o f Tangential- Closed. ---

Shear on Containment

4. Ff oing Vibration Test Provide summary o f test 12/82 Program results.
5. Snubber Inspection Provide details o f preservice 3/19/82 and Testing Program inspection and testing program for snubbers.
6. Seismic Reassessment Completion of NRC audit at 3/08/82 of Components and S&L.


'7. Basis for Steam Provide updated Reg. Guide 1/84-Generator Tube 1.121 position.


8. Pump and Valve Provide detailed test' program. 8/01/82 Inservice Testing 9.- Loose Parts Monitoring Provide final design report 5/01/82 System per Section C.4 o f R.G. 1.133.
10. Code Cases for Control Provide information on quality 3/17/82 Valves of control valves.
11. Fracture Toughness Provide Byron 2 vessel data. 3/24/82 Data for Byron 2
12. Steam Generator Tube Delineate extent and frequency 4/05/82 Surveillance o f periodic' inspections.


Confirmatory Issue Next Action Date

13. Boration to Cold a) Provide analysis to demon- 4/15/82 Shutdown strate adequacy o f boric acid injection.

b) Provide analysis confirming 4/15/82 ability to depressurize without rupturing PRT rupture disk or demonstrate that PROV's will function in the environment expected.

14. Cooldown Rate with RHR Provide analysis to show that 4/15/82 cooldown rate is slow enough to preclude RCS.
15. RCS Vent Procedures NRC review of Owners Group ---


16. Charging Pump. Dead- Provide description of 4/07/82 heading changes to prevent deadheading.
17. Containment Dif feren- Provide analysis to demon- 3/17/82 tial Pressure Analysis strate structural integrity with 3.47 psig external loading.
18. Containment Sump Provide description o f 7/01/82 Instrumentation postaccident monitoring instrumentation.
19. Minimum Containment Provide revised minimum 4/19/82 Pressure Analysis pressure analysis.
20. Containment Leak Provide information on systems 5/82 Testing to be vented and drained in Type A leak test.
21. Confirmatory Test for Conduct test. 10/82 Sump Design
22. Upper Head Temperature Provide basis for upper head 3/24/82 Verification temperature prediction.


Confirmatory Issue Next Action Date

23. I.E.Bulletin 80-06 Conduct tests to verify that 10/82 valves will not change position solely because of reset of actuation signal.
24. P-4 Interlock Provide details of design 4/1/82 changes to facilitate testing.
25. Remote Shutdown Co ndu t :. test above 10% power. 6/83-Capability
26. Steam Generator Provide details of design 4/05/82 Pressure Control changes to valve operators.
27. Switchover from Provide details of design 4/05/82 Injection to changes to reset circuit.


28. a) II.K.3.1 NRC review o f Owners Group ---

evaluation of auto-closure of PORV block valves.

b) III.D.l.1 Provide description o f system 12/02/82 leak monitoring and initial results.

c) II.K.2.17 NRC review o f Owners Group ---

guidelines for procedures to deal with voiding in RCS.

29. Viewing Installation NRC site visit. 7/82 and Arrangement of Electrical Equipment
30. Independence o f NRC site visit. 7/82 Redundant Electrical Safety Equipment
31. Electrical Distribution Provide documentation o f .12/82 System Voltages final voltage levels.


Confirmatory Issue Next Action Date

32. Combined Health Provide evaluation of 4/15/82 Physics and Chemistry alternate organization-Organization structures.
33. Revision to Physical Provide revised plan. 4/15/82 Security Plan
34. RCP Rotor Seizure and Provide assessment o f 4/05/82 Shaft Break transient.
35. Anticipated Transients NRC review o f Owner's Group --- ,

Without Scram guidelines.

3 6.- Compliance with NRC Provide report of compliance- 4/05/82 Regulations evaluation.

i 3615N J