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08/19/2013 Meeting Summary - Category 1 Public Meeting Regulatory Conference, H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Docket No. 50-261
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/23/2013
From: Hopper G
Division Reactor Projects II
To: William Gideon
Duke Energy Carolinas
Download: ML13238A054 (56)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION II 245 PEACHTREE CENTER AVENUE NE, SUITE 1200 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-1257 August 23, 2013 EA-13-129 Mr. William R. Gideon Vice President Duke Energy H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2 3581 West Entrance Rd Hartsville, SC 29550






Dear MR. Gideon,

This refers to the meeting conducted at your request at the NRC Region II Office on August 19, 2013, at 10:30am, Eastern Time. The purpose of this Regulatory Conference was for you to present to the NRC your perspectives on the facts and assumptions used by the NRC to arrive at the finding and the significance stated in the Inspection Report (IR) 05000261/2013008. This meeting also provided you an opportunity to provide other information you believe the NRC should take into consideration before making an enforcement decision. Enclosed are a list of attendees (Enclosure 1) and the presentation handouts (Enclosure 2).

The topics discussed included Duke Energys position with regard to the preliminary White finding documented in IR 05000261/2013008. This preliminary White finding was associated with an apparent violation (AV) of 10 CFR 50.63, Loss of All Alternating Current Power, as a result of the licensees failure to inspect the dedicated shutdown diesel generator radiator fan belts in accordance with the vendors recommended maintenance guidelines. We will consider the information you provided prior to making an enforcement decision.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room (PDR) or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's Agency-wide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

W. Gideon 2 Should you have any questions concerning this conference, please contact me at 404.997.4645.


/RA By James Dodson For/

George Hopper, Chief Reactor Projects Branch 4 Division of Reactor Projects Docket No.: 50-261 License No.: DPR-23


1. List of Attendee
2. Duke Energy Presentation Slides cc: Distribution via Listserv



W. Gideon 3 Letter to William R. Gideon from George Hopper dated August 23, 2013






OEMAIL OEWEB Region II Regional Coordinator NRR Enforcement Coordinator Enforcement Officer and Regional Counsel, RII Public Affairs Officer, RII Chief, Resource Management Branch, RII Region II Administrator's Secretary DRP Division Secretary Region II Division Directors and Deputies Region II Receptionist Headquarters Operations Officer NRR DISP/PIPB (reactor cases)

L. Douglas, RII, EICS RIDSNRRDIRS RidsNrrPMRobinson Resource PUBLIC

List of Attendees NRC L. Wert, Deputy Regional Administrator, RII C. Evans, Regional Counsel, RII S. Sparks, Senior Enforcement Specialist, RII R. Croteau., Director, Division of Reactor Projects (DRP)

W. Jones, Deputy Director, DRP H. Christensen, Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Safety (DRS)

G. Hopper, Chief, DRP, Reactor Projects Branch (RPB) 4 C. Scott, Acting Senior Resident Inspector, Robinson, RII J. Hickey, Chief, Division of Fuel Facility Inspection, Fuel Facility Branch 2, RII J. Dodson, Senior Project Engineer, DRP, RPB 4 S. Herrick, Project Engineer, DRP, RPB 4 G. MacDonald, Senior Reactor Analyst, RII J. Circle, Senior Reliability and Risk Analyst, HQ Call-in attendees:

M. Halter, Office of Enforcement, HQ L. Casey, Office of Enforcement, HQ K. Ellis, Senior Resident Inspector, Robinson, RII DUKE / Robinson P. Gillespie, Senior Vice President Nuclear Operations R. Gideon, Site Vice President T. Cosgrove, Plant General Manager J. Kammer, Director, Engineering K. Holbrook, Manager, Operations D. Douglas, Manager, Maintenance B. Rishel, Manager, Probabilistic Risk Analysis J. McCrory, Senior Engineer, Probabilistic Risk Analysis R. Hightower, Supervisor, Licensing C. Nolan, Director, Corporate Regulatory Affairs Call-in attendee:

D. Cummings, Associate General Counsel Public (call-in)

R. Thomas S. Cownoley S. Threatt, State of SC T. McKinney, State of SC Enclosure 1

Robinson Nuclear Plant Dedicated Shutdown Diesel Fan Belt Performance Deficiency August 19, 2013 Regulatory Conference

Duke Participants

 Preston Gillespie Senior Vice President, Nuclear Operations

 Randy Gideon Site Vice President

 Mike Glover Director, Site Operations

 Tom Cosgrove Plant General Manager

 Jim Kammer Director, Engineering

 John Little Manager, Shift Operations

 Donnie Douglas Manager, Maintenance

 Bob Rishel Manager, Probabilistic Risk Analysis

 Richard Hightower Supervisor, Licensing

 Chris Nolan Director, Regulatory Affairs 2


 Opening Remarks R. Gideon

 DSDG Design and Timeline J. Kammer

 Operations Response J. Little

 Maintenance Response D. Douglas

 Significance Determination B. Rishel

 Cause Analysis & Corrective Actions T. Cosgrove

 Regulatory Perspective M. Glover

 Closing Remarks P. Gillespie 3

Opening Remarks

 Robinson agrees with the apparent violation described in the NRCs letter dated July 1, 2013

 Robinson understands the importance of the Dedicated Shutdown Diesel-Generator (DSDG)

 Performance did not meet our expectations for maintaining the DSDG

 Root Cause Evaluation performed

 Key drivers contained in the Probability Risk Assessment (PRA):

 Mitigation measures to maintain secondary side cooling

 High probability of success for fan belt replacement

 Postulated damage from arc faulting in 480V cabinets

 Duke Energys analysis concludes that the Finding is of very low safety significance 4

Dedicated Shutdown Diesel Generator Design and Timeline Jim Kammer Robinson Engineering Director 5

Robinson Design Topics

 DSDG Design

 Relevant Robinson Design Features

 DSDG Belt Failure Timeline

 Postulated Events affected by DSDG Belt Failure

 Overall Postulated Event Timeline 6

DSDG Design

 DSDG installed in 1981

 The DSDG provides a source of electrical power to bring the plant safely to a hot shutdown condition in the event of a fire

 DSDG automatically provides an emergency source of electrical power in the event of a simultaneous loss of all off-site power and both EDGs Fan Belt Guard 7

Design Features

 Emergency AC Power

 480V Emergency Power System versus more typical 4160V systems

 Amptectors are installed on Emergency Bus E1 and E2 Supply Breakers

 Spatial separation results in Emergency Bus E1 High Energy Arc Fault (HEAF) not directly impacting Emergency Bus E2 and vice versa

 In the Cable Spread and Emergency Switchgear Rooms, fire retardant coating is applied to cables in tray that are not flame spread rated


 Instrumentation required for Operators to assess and maintain secondary side heat removal does not rely on power from Dedicated Shutdown (DS) Bus

 Steam Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump flow indication does not rely on power from the DS Bus

 Radio communications do not rely on power from the DS Bus 8

DSDG Belt Failure Timeline Started DSDG Closed DSDG DSDG unloaded breaker automatic successfully from the 52/32B and shutdown on tested per DSDG loaded the high OST-910 enclosure per DSDG temperature monthly OST-910 Aug 28 Oct 2 Oct 2 Oct 2 1808 1623 1648 1703 9

Postulated Fire Events Affected by DSDG Belt Failure

 Postulated large fire affecting onsite power distribution

 Dominates both Duke and NRC Risk Significance Analysis

 Postulated loss of Offsite and Emergency AC power internal to power block only

 Support facilities would continue to receive AC power from retail distribution system 10

Postulated Fire Event Timeline 0 Minutes 78 Minutes 150 Minutes 255 Minutes Core Inventory Makeup Operations Event Initiation Required Recovery Normal DS Indications DS Battery Depleted Maintenance Repair of DSDG Radiator Fan Belt 11

Operations Response John Little Robinson Manager - Shift Operations 12

Operations Response - Overview

 Operators would maintain adequate heat sink capability for core decay heat removal

 Procedural Direction


 Periodic Examinations

 Operator Fundamentals

 Operators would respond to the fire using AOP-041, Response to a Fire Event and DSP-001, Alternate Shutdown Diagnostic

 Based on postulated fire location or procedural progression, both emergency buses and offsite power are assumed to be unavailable 13

Operations Response - Overview

 Depending on the limiting event, Operators would respond with

 DSP-002, Dedicated Shutdown Procedure - Hot Shutdown Using the Dedicated/Alternate Shutdown System

 EPP-1, End Path Procedure - Loss of All AC Power

 For the purposes of this discussion, DSP-002 response is more limiting

 Cooldown rate

 DSP-002 - 25°F/hr

 EPP 100°F/hr

 DSP-002 exposes RCP seals to elevated temperature for a longer period of time

 Other factors

 Requires control of the plant from local control stations

 Communications and direction via radio 14

Operations Response - Procedural Requirements

 Operators will maintain Auxiliary Feedwater flow ensuring the critical safety function for heat sink - 300 gpm Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) flow or minimum of 8% SG narrow range (60% wide range) level

 Procedure steps direct maintaining heat sink early in response:

 EOP-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, steps 6 through 8 (prior to entry into DSP-002)

 EPP-1, step 7

 DSP-002, Attachment 1, Turbine Building Operator, steps 6 and 7 15

Operations Response - Anticipating Plant Response

 Stable cooldown rate with valve position procedurally established via DSP-002 prior to DS battery depletion

 DSP-002 implements DSP-007, Cold Shutdown Using DS System

 DS Battery Depletion occurs in One Hour

 Included in procedural basis in multiple procedures


 OP-602, Dedicated Shutdown System

 Operators would expect effects of depletion of DS battery after trip of the DSDG and would have one hour to prepare

 Based on related procedures

 Feedwater flow will continue for heat sink 16

Operations Response - Reinforced by Training

 Dedicated Shutdown (DS) Procedural Strategy included as part of Operator Initial Training Curriculum

 Continuing Training Backbone

 Prior to DSDG Belt Failure

 DSP-002, last completed August 2011

 EPP-1, last completed June 2012 17

Operations Response - Reinforced by Training

 Importance of DS strategy including DSDG reflected by frequency they appear in Licensed Operator Job Performance Measure (JPM) annual exams:

 2009 - Local SG PORV control

 2009 - Energizing DS Bus using DSDG per DSP-002

 2010 - Deenergizing Emergency Buses per DSP-002

 2010 - Manual Start of the DSDG per EPP-1

 2012 - Manual Start of DSDG per DSP-002 (after AUTO start mod)

 2012 - Respond to a loss of all AC Power EPP-1 (AFW Flow)

 2013 - Start CCW Pump A, Control Charging Pump A locally per DSP-002 18

DSP-002, Alternate Hot Shutdown System Procedure

 Operations personnel proceed to the pre-arranged muster location 19

DSP-002, Alternate Hot Shutdown System Procedure

 Radios, portable lights and controlled procedures maintained in the muster location

 Radio communication between operators has been demonstrated

 Channel 2 does not require use of repeater

 Successfully Tested at NRC request - 2007 Triennial Fire Protection Inspection (IP 71111.05); from Muster Location to Charging pump room on channel 2 without need for repeater (11/07/07)

 Functionality tested monthly per OST-639, Fire Equipment Inventory

 Test successfully repeated on 08/07/13:

 Muster location to Secondary Control Panel, Charging Pump Room, and SI Pump Room

 If Shift Manager goes to Work Control, communicates to Charging Pump Room via Secondary Control Panel Operator 20

Secondary Control Station

 Operators control the plant at the secondary control station

 Location where cooldown established

 Natural circulation including subcooling checked at step 10 of DSP-002, Att. 1 21

AFW Flow Control Valves

 Operators control AFW flow using valves adjacent to the control panel to maintain the secondary heat sink

 A stable cooldown rate with associated valve position via DSP-002 would have been attained by the time of DS battery depletion 22

Indications Used for Control

 Secondary Control Station - Multiple indications available at the start of the postulated scenario and for one hour on the DS batteries after DSDG trip

 SG Level (all three SGs)

 Pressurizer (PZR) Level

 Pressurizer Pressure

 Condensate Storage Tank Level

 A RCS Cold Leg Temperature

 A RCS Hot Leg Temperature

 Indications remaining after battery depletion

 AFW flow via FT-6416 - 1st level Turbine Building

 SG Pressure - Secondary Control Station 23

Secondary Control Station Operators use the indication of SG pressure (left) and the curve from DSP-002 (right) to correlate and control RCS cold leg temperature and ensure decay heat removal

 Indications of pressure for all three steam generators would remain available

 purely mechanical, no electrical power necessary

 SG level indication not necessary FT-6416 - Local Feed Flow indication, first level turbine building (center), remains available, electrical power not required 24

Response to DSDG High Temperature Trip

 Operators will maintain feedwater flow ensuring critical safety function of heat sink for decay heat removal

 AFW flow procedurally driven to 300 gpm minimum

 SG levels procedurally established and maintained between 60 and 68%

 Stable cooldown rate of 25°F/hour after entry into DSP-002

 Operator have the procedures, training, indications, and fundamental knowledge to successfully maintain decay heat removal

 Performance of DSP-002 provides a success path

 Flow rates to the SG are relatively stable when DS Battery is depleted

 Vapor volume of SGs sufficient to prevent overfill after loss of level indication

 SG Overfill will not occur in the postulated scenario 25

Operations Success Credit

 Operator actions will succeed

 Procedures direct continued flow to the steam generators

 Available indications will be used to ensure SGs remain viable as a heat sink throughout the postulated scenario

 Operator actions to maintain flow have been in progress prior to the loss of SG indication and will continue after the loss

 Required only to continue feed flow and steaming monitoring SG pressure

 Training and examinations reinforce continued flow to the steam generators

 Effective Radio communications demonstrated 26

Maintenance Response Donnie Douglas Robinson Maintenance Manager 27

Maintenance Response

 Personnel will respond to the ERO notification

 Parts needed to repair the DSDG are readily obtained with or without computer resources or other support

 Emergent Work Order using station process is designed for this type of situation

 DSDG repair will succeed in required timeframe

 Straightforward tasks

 Simple, readily available tools 28

Maintenance Response Strategy to Postulated Fire Event 0 Minutes 18 Minutes 30 Minutes 60 Minutes 120 Minutes 150 Minutes Start of Belt Installation Core Inventory Makeup Team 1 Event Initiation ERO Notification Remove Guard Combined Team Personnel Arriving Travel to Site DSDG Trip Install Belts Team 2 Obtain Belts Operations Diagnosis of Trip 29

Maintenance Response Maintenance actions start to recover DSDG:

 Within 60 minutes of the start of the scenario:

 Maintenance personnel arrive on site

 Missions to locate replacement belts and remove belt guard underway 30

Maintenance Response Within 120 minutes of the start of the scenario, Maintenance have obtained the replacement belts 31

Maintenance Response Within 120 minutes of the start of the scenario, Maintenance would have the guard off and the belts removed 32

Maintenance Success Credit

 High Probability of Success

 Emergency Response to fill two teams

 Identifying/Acquiring Parts

 core skill

 trial scenarios

 day and night acquisition

 Emergent Work Order process practiced in Emergency drills/exercises

 Belt replacement is a simple and frequent task

 181 Work Order tasks performed over past 5 years associated with belt replacements or adjustments with one condition report for rework 33

Significance Determination Bob Rishel PRA Manager 34

Significance Determination - Overview

 Robinson Basis for Very Low Safety Significance

1. Plant design and configuration of DS cables/HEAF sources make loss of DS Bus unlikely

 Impact of 480V HEAF is smaller when compared to a 4160V HEAF

2. Recovery Credit

 Operators establish/maintain SGs feed and cool down rates before DS battery depletion occurs

 Operators maintain heat sink after DS battery depletion

 Maintenance recovery of DSDG

 The belt repair straightforward with simple tools 35

HEAFs in Robinson E1 Switchgear

 Robinson 480V HEAF considerations

1. 480V E1 and E2 switchgear robust cabinet construction

 Solid tops

 Cabinets are secured with thread fasteners in corners

 Supply breakers are in lower half of cabinet

 Outgoing load breakers are protected with Amptectors

2. E2 cables and DS Bus cables are outside the Zone of Influence (ZOI) for E1 HEAF from supply breakers
3. No E2 damage from E1 HEAF

 No loss of DS Bus due to E1 HEAF 36

Emergency Bus Configuration - Looking South Emergency Emergency Bus E1 Bus E2 37

Significance Determination Contributions

 Robinson Incremental Conditional Core damage Probability (ICCDP) contribution from the E1 HEAF is <1E-08

 This is based on:

 E1 Switchgear energetic phase HEAF zone of influence does not cause a loss of DS Bus power or E2 Bus

 Per NUREG/CR-6850 Appendix M and FAQ 06-0017, 480V HEAFs have not caused damage beyond the switchgear itself

 FAQ 06-0017 limits 480V HEAFs to feeder breakers

 The 480V HEAF ZOI is smaller than the NUREG/CR-6850 Appendix M for medium voltage switchgear 38

Significance Determination Recovery Credit

 Full recovery credit (defined as 92.5%) should be applied

 DSP-002 establishes initial success for SG feed with SDAFW

 Maintaining feed leads to success

 No diagnosis required by the operator

 Stress - high

 Complexity - nominal

 Training - nominal

 Procedures - available

 Indications - available

 Expansive time is available

 Tech Support Center provides oversight

 Fan Belt replacement is straightforward

 Robinson ICCDP evaluation is approximately 6.5E-07 39

Causes and Corrective Actions Tom Cosgrove Robinson Plant Manager 40

Evaluation Results: Causes

 Root Cause - A time based preventative maintenance basis prescribing fan belt replacement did not exist

 Primary Contributing Causes

 Belt Procedure steps not prescriptive

 Degraded motor sheave condition

 Contributing Causes

 Did not exhibit the behaviors needed to achieve high standards of reliability and availability of the DSDG

 Belt guard design precluded routine monitoring

 Lack of maintenance rigor in use of vendor information (used qualitative vice quantitative inspection techniques) 41

Corrective Actions: Immediate / Interim

 Immediate Actions Taken

 Replaced the radiator fan belts

 Modified the radiator fan belt guard

 Interim Actions Taken

 Implemented additional short term motor, fan and belt monitoring actions

 Conducted leadership and maintenance briefs

 Completed system expectation sessions with maintenance, engineering, work management, operations and station leadership 42

Corrective Actions: To Address Causes

 Corrective Actions to Preclude Recurrence

 Implemented a time based DSDG belt replacement frequency of 2 years

 Other Key Corrective Actions to Address Causes

 Replaced sheaves and modified the DSDG fan motor mounting

 Revised maintenance procedures to include quantitative sheave exam, belt inspection, and tensioning criteria (Programmatic)

 Integrated DSDG into the stations Reliability Improvement Plan (Organizational)

 Conduct Training for Performance Improvement (Includes Continuing and Initial Training) 43

Corrective Actions: Extent of Condition

 Emergency Diesel Generators (EDGs) A&B supply/exhaust fan belts replaced

 Preventive Maintenance (PM) for EDGs supply/exhaust fan time based replacement

 PM for time based replacement - Engine Driven Fire Pump/alternator

 Security DG radiator fan and alternator drive belts replaced

 PM for replacement of Instrument Air compressors A/B drive belts on 4 year frequency 44

Corrective Actions: Extent of Cause

 Identify new PMs for belts

 Flex equipment

 4th Train AFW DG

 Deep Well DG

 Identify new PMs for elastomerics


 Service Water

 Fire Protection


 Expand scope of systems if 4 or more new PMs are needed

 Single Failure study - DSDG and support systems 45

New Sheaves and Mounting System for DSDG Radiator Fan 46

Radiator Fan Belt Guard with New View Port View Port 47

Regulatory Perspectives Mike Glover Director - Site Operations 48

Regulatory Perspectives

 Apparent violation of 10 CFR 50.63 (Blackout Rule) for failure to perform adequate preventative maintenance on the Dedicated shutdown Diesel Generator (DSDG) cooling system.

 Robinson agrees with the Apparent Violation from the aspect that no time based replacement activity was in place for the DSDG radiator fan belts

 Corrective Actions to restore compliance were completed on October 3, 2012

 Comprehensive actions have been taken to prevent recurrence

 Other corrective actions are taken or planned

 In summary, despite the temporary loss of the DSDG, the combination of the above along with the other actions described in this presentation serve to ensure mitigation necessary to prevent core damage

 Duke Energys analysis concludes that the Finding is of very low safety significance 49

Closing Remarks Preston Gillespie Senior Vice President, Nuclear Operations 50