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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000267/1986023]]
| number = ML20207N036
| issue date = 01/06/1987
| title = Ack Receipt of Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-267/86-23.Violations 1 & 4 Withdrawn.Implementation of Corrective Actions for Violations 2 & 3 Will Be Reviewed During Future Insp
| author name = Gagliardo J
| addressee name = Williams R
| addressee affiliation = PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF COLORADO
| docket = 05000267
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = NUDOCS 8701130411
| title reference date = 11-26-1986
| page count = 2
See also: [[see also::IR 05000267/1986023]]
{{#Wiki_filter:. i
                                        JAN    61987
    In Reply Refer To:
    Docket: 50-267/86-23
    Public Service Company of Colorado
    ATTN: Robert O. Williams, Jr.
            Vice President, Nuclear Operations
    P. O. Box 840
    Denver, Colorado    80201-0840
    Thank you for your letter of November 26, 1986, in response to our letter and
    Notice of Violation dated October 28, 1986. We have reviewed your reply and
    find the following:
          Violation 1: Since our inspector did not review the audits cited in your
          response, we withdraw this violation and will carry it as an unresolved
          item, pending our review of these cited audits during a future
          Violations 2 and 3: We find your reply responsive to the concerns raised
          in the Notice of Violation. We will review the implementation of your
          corrective actions during a future inspection to determine that full
          compliance has been achieved and will be maintained.
          Violation 4: We understand that the violation, as stated, is correct
          with regard to the paragraph of Procedure QAAP-1 used in the violation;
          we also understand that in the context of Procedure QAAP-1, taken as a
          whole, no violation exists. Therefore, we conclude that Procedure QAAP-1
          requires clarification.    Since you have connitted to revise
          Procedure QAAP-1 (per telecon between your Mr. Tomlinson and our
          Mr. Jaudon on January 5,1987), the violation is withdrawn,-and the
          revised Procedure QAAP-1 will be reviewed during a future inspection.
                                                  ognM sMned By
                                                    J. E. GcLliardo
                                                J. E. Gagliardo, Chief
                                                Reactor Projects Branch
    J. W. Gahm, Manager, Nuclear
      Production Division
    Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Station
    16805 WCR 191
    Platteville, Colorado      80651
    (cccont'd.nextpage)                                    d
    C:0SC                C: . B/A        C:RSB              C:RP                      l
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              ADOCK 05000267
      . .
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          Public Service Company of Colorado    -2-
          cc cont'd:
          P. Tomlinson, Manager, Quality
            Assurance Division
          Colorado Radiation Control Program Director
          Colorado Public Utilities Commission
          bcc to DMB (IE01)
          bec distrib. by RIV:
          RPB                                DRSP
          ~RRI                                R. D. Martin, RA
          Section Chief (RSB/ES              Project Inspector
          R&SPB                              D. Weiss, RM/ALF
          MIS System
          RSTS Operator
          RIV File
      h Public Service-                                                        :=t h
                16805 WCR 19 1/2, Platteville, Colorado 80651
                                                                          November'26, 1986
                                                                          Fort St. Vrain
                                                                          Unit No. 1
                Regional Administrator                                  -
                Region IV
                U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                I{
                611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000                        DEC 3 -M
-              Arlington, Texas 76011                          1    {            _
                Attention: Mr. J. E. Gagliardo, Chief
                            Reactcr Projects Branch
                                                    Docket No. 50-267
                                        SUBJECT:  I&E Inspection Report 86-23
                                      REFERENCE: NRC Letter, Gagliardo to Williams,
                                                    dated 10-28-86 (G-86565)
                Dear Mr. Gagliardo:
                This letter is in response to the Notice of Violations received as a
                result of inspections conducted at Fort St. Vrain during the period
                August 11 - 15, 1986.    The following response to the items contained
              - in the Notice of Violations is hereby submitted:
                1.  Failure to perform periodic review of the Fort St.                Vrain
                    Generating Station audit program:
                    10CFR    Part 50,    Appendix B,    Criterion XVIII,    requires    a
                    comprehensive system of audits to be performed. As part of this
                    audit program, the approved Fort St. Vrain Quality Assurance
                    Program, Updated    Final    Safety    Analysis    Report    (UFSAR),
                    Revision 3, Section B.5.19.15, contains the licensee commitment
                    to ANSI Standard N18.7-1972.      This standard, in Section 4.1,
                    requires periodic reviews by the owner organization of the
                    licensee audit program.
            .                  -
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fly 2.956
      .. . .
                -P-86646                                        -2-                      November 26, 1986
                    Contrary to this, the licensee failed to perform such reviews,
                    which was confirmed by a licensee Quality Assurance audit person.
                    This          is a Severity Level IV violation.                (Supplement I)(50-
                    (1) The reason for the violation if admitted:
                          This        violation      is        not  admitted.    A review of the
                          Fort St. Vrain QA Audit Program is conducted biennially
                          during the performance of the Nuclear Facility Safety
                          Committee (NFSC) Audit of the FSV QA Program.                    The audits
                          were reviewed by QA and the following excerpts from the
                          audits are provided:
                          *                    (NFSC D-81-01) "FSV has an audit program which
                                              is committed to          auditing    all    areas      and
                                              activities once every two (2) years. A schedule
                                              has been developed to implement this commitment.
                                              The audits currently being conducted do not
                                              address the systemic (sic) requirements for the
                                              criterion being audited. Rather, the audits are
                                              addressing only specific activities that
                                              criterion for procedure compliance . . ."
                          *                    (NFSC D-83-01) " Reviewed the Audit Report file
                                              to verify that an audit report is prepared for
                                              each audit, that it assesses the effectiveness
                                              of the audit program . . . "
                                              " Reviewed the audit schedule to verify all
                                              elements of the QA Program are being audited."
              -    .
                                              (NFSC D-85-01)        "A review of the implementation
                                              of the audit program was performed to verify
                                              compliance with the FSAR, the QA Program, and
                                              the    implementing        procedures.      The    review
                                              encompassed the planning, scheduling, conduct,
                                              reporting, and follow-up activities relating to
                                              auditing and monitoring."
                          These        reviews      by        the  NFSC    meet    the    intent              of
                          ANSI N18.7 - 1972, Section 4.1, for periodic review of the
                          audit        program which, as stated in the updated FSAR,
                          Section B.S.19.15, the FSV QA Program is responsive to for
                            . _ _ . ,    - --.            , _ _                  _
                                                                                                  m  -_ . . _ , ,  - - - - x
                                    ,                                                                                                -                      -
          , .  .
      ..          .
                                  P-86646                                          -3-                                        November 26, 1986
                                                    We recognized from discussions with the staff during this
                                                      inspection, that the audit program review process needs to
              .                                -be strengthened and have initiated measures to do so. These
                                                    measures include implementation of e new audit to review the
                                      .            Nuclear Facility Safety Committee (NFSC) activities and a
                                                    commitment to provide an in-depth review of the QA Audit
                                                    Program in NFSC D-87-01, QA Program Audit. This commitment
                                                  was made in response to NRC open                                        item  8619-02    in
                                                    September, 1986.        The QA Audit of NFSC activities is
                                                    currently in progress. These audits, conducted alternately,
                                                  will    provide a formal review of the audit functions on an
                                                    annual basis.
                                                  A question also arose during this inspection as to the
                                                    interpretation of Technical Specification AC 7.1.3.                                PSC has
                                                    interpreted      this    section as regarding the collective
                                                    competence of the NFSC membership required to review
                                                    problems in certain areas.                  We recognize the Technical
                                                    Specification as written is subject to mis-interpretation
                                                    and    have    submitted a change to AC 7.1.3 which more
                                                    accurately reflects the ANSI N18.7 - 1972 requirement. This
                                                    change      is    currently in for Plant                                Operations Review
                                                    Committee and NFSC reviews prior to NRC submittal.
                                                    Fort St. Vrain is in compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix B,
                                                    Criterion XVIII and ANSI N18.7 - 1972, Section 4.1, as they
                                                    relate to owner organization review of the Licensee Audit
                                      (2) The corrective steps which have been taken and the results
                                .  ,              Not applicable.
                                        (3) Corrective steps which will                          be taken to avoid further
                                                    Not applicable.
                                      (4) The date when full compliance will be achieved:
                                                    Not applicable.
                    __ . _ - _ _            - . _ _ _ .      _    _
                                                                      _ _ _  . _ _ _ . . _ . __ ,_ _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                        _ . - - .
    , . .
            P-86646                                        -4-                    November 26, 1986
            2.    Failure to have and to review examinations for lead auditors:
                  10CFR Part 50, Appendix B,                Criterion XVIII,  requires an audit
                  program performed by appropriately trained personnel. To assure
                  appropriate training, licensee UFSAR Section 85.18.2 states that
                  auditors and lead auditors are selected and qualified- in
                  _accordance with ANSI Standard N45.2.23-1978. ANSI N45.2.23-1978,
                  Section 4.2, requires that copies of the objective evidence of
                  the types and content of examinations used for qualification of
                  lead auditors shall be retained, and that the employer shall be
                  responsible    for  the          conformance      of    the examination to
                  Contrary    to the above, the licensee had utilized outside
                  contractors for qualification training of Public Service Company
;_,                of Colorado (PSC) employees as lead auditors at Fort St. Vrain,
                  and licensee did not have copies of examinations for lead
                  auditors, nor documentation of review of examinations used for
                  conformance to ANSI N45.2.23-1978.
                  This is a Severity Level IV violation.                      (Supplement I) (50-
                  (1) The reason for the violation if admitted:
                        Fort St.    Vrain has used two outside contractors to perform
                        lead    auditor  training - GA              Technologies,    Inc.    and
                        Stat-A-Matrix Institute.                Fort St. Vrain interpreted  the
                        requirement for " objective evidence of type and content of
                        examinations" to be satisfied by the course outline and
                        certificates of completion provided by these two companies.
          .    . (2) The corrective steps which have been taken and the results
                        On August 26, 1986, QA requested and has received from
                        GA Tec56niagic , Inc. and Stat-A-Matrix Institute additional
                        inforna,,t1 -    the type and content of examinations given to
                        PSC Auditors.    The informatio.n provided substantiated the
                        validity of utilizing these two organizations for lead
                        auditor training.
                  (3) Corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further
                        A commitment has been entered in the QA Commitment System to
                        require that during the annual                  review of lead auditor
                        qualifications, verification that " objective evidence of the
                        type and content of examinations"                    is on file for the
                        calendar year involved.
                                    .-    _ - _ _ - - - .                --
    . .. .
  .        .
                P-86646                            -5-                      November 26, 1986
                    (4) The date when full compliance will be achieved:
                          Full compliance will be achieved by December 31, 1986.
                3.  Failure to have records checklist for designating required
                    10CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVII requires retention of
                    records for activities affecting quality.      In the accomplishment
                    of this requirement, licensee UFSAR Section B5.19.9 contains the
                    licensee commitment to ANSI Standard N45.2.9-1974 and Regulatory
                    Guide 1.88.    Section 4.2 of ANSI N45.2.9-1974 specifies that, as
                    a minimum, records receipt control shall include a records
                    checklist designating the required records.
__                  Contrary to the above,        the licensee was not using a records
                    This      is a Severity Level IV violation.        (Supplement'I)(50-
                    (1) The reason for the violation if admitted:
                          Fort St. Vrain has been using a records transmittal form to
                          satisfy the ANSI N45.2.9-1974 requirements for a records
                          " checklist" designating the required records.                During a
                          review of transmittal      practices in response            to  this
                          violation,  it was determined that the transmittal form, as
                          currently used, did not verify that records                  packages
                          submitted to the Records Center were complete.
                    (2) The corrective steps which have been taken and the results
              -  .
                    (3) Corrective steps which will          be taken to avoid further
                          Administrative Procedure Q-17,      Quality Records, will be
                          revised to require that the total number of pages submitted
                          to the Records Center be entered on the transmittal form.
                          Records Center Procedure RCM-2, Receipt, Review, and Control
                          of Records, will be revised to require that the records be
                          checked to verify the number of pages listed on the
                          transmittal    form has been received by the Records Center
                          prior to filing the records.
                          __          .    __                          . _ _ . _ _        __
        P-86646                              -6-                  November 26, 1986
              (4) The date when full compliance will be achieved:
                    Administrative Procedure Q-17 and RCM-2 will be .'evised by
                    January 31, 1987.
        4.    Failure to provide notices for audits:
              10CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, requires that activities
              affecting quality shall be prescribed and accomplished            in
              accordance      with documented procedures.        Licensee    UFSAR
              Section B.5.5.1 contains the licensee commitment to ANSI
              Standard N18.7-1972,      which    in Section 5.1.2, ' requires the
              licensee to have and to follow procedures.
              Licensee procedure QAAP-1, Issue 3, " Guidelines for          Quality
              Assurance and Nuclear Facility Safety Committee Audits,"      states
              in Section 4.2.2 that a matrix which defines the applicability of
              the 18 criteria of 10CFR50, Appendix B, to each of the QA Audits
              is contained in Attachment QAAP-10 and is to be a major element
              in the development of audit plans and checklists.
              Contrary to the above, based on a list of audits provided by the
              licensee audit group, the following audits did not have matrices
              in Attachment QAAP-10:
              QAA-502    QA Program for Radioactive Waste Packages
              QAA-503    Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Shipping
              QAA-1003 Procurement
              QAA-1004 Maintenance QC & QA/QC
              QAA-1301 Results
              QAA-1402 Environmental Qualification
              QAA-1404 Nuclear Licensing and Fuels
      .    . QAA-1703 Unescorted Access Qualifications
              QAA-1802 Commitment Review
              QAA-3000 Miscellaneous
              NFSC-C      Corrective Action
              NFSC-D      QA Program
              This    is a Severity Level V violation.          (Supplement I)(50-
              (1) The reason for the violation if admitted:
                    This violation is not admitted. Attachment ID to QAAP-1 is
                    a matrix used to provide assistance to audit ' teams in the
                    preparation of audit plans and checklists. This matrix does
                    nothing more than list the pertinent 10CFR50, Appendix B
                    criteria for regularly scheduled QA audits.
  a ., .,
            P-86646                            -7-                    November 26, 1986
                      The list of audits given in the violation contains two types
                      of audits, QA audits and NFSC audits. The QA audits listed
                      were performed for the first time within the last two years
                      with the exception of the QAA-3000 miscellaneous audit,
                      which does not have a defined scope. Contained within the
                      scope of each audit plan and report was a listing of the
                      applicable Appendix B criteria. There is no requirement in
                      QAAP-1 for the development of an Attachment ID matrix for
                      all QAA audits prior to the audit, nor are restrictions
                      imposed on the addition of audits to the program prior to
                      initiation or performance of such audits.
                      NFSC audits are performed under the direction of the Nuclear
                      Facility Safety Committee (NFSC) by NFSC members.    Although
                      QA supports the NFSC in the performance of these audits by
                      developing schedules and providing clerical support, NFSC
                      lead auditors are responsible for the conduct of the audits.
                      NFSC audits are prepared using the same format as the QAA
                      audits,    including the listing of applicable 10CFR50,
                      Appendix B criteria in the scope of the audits.
                      QA will    revise QAAP-1 to clarify the requirements for
                      10CFR50, Appendix B criteria in the audit scopes.
                      Fort St. Vrain is in compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix B,
                      Criterion V and ANSI N18.7-1972, Section 5.1.2 as          they
                      relate to the auditing program.
                (2) The corrective steps which have been taken and the results
                      Not applicable.
                  (3) Corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further
                      Not applicable.
                  (4) The date when full compliance will be achieved:
                      Not applicable.
            Should    you      have  any    further    questions,  please  contact
            Mr. M. H. Holmes at (303) 480-6960.
                                                    .  .h.
                                                      . Tomlinson
                                                  Manager, Quality Assurance Division

Latest revision as of 15:19, 19 December 2021

Ack Receipt of Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-267/86-23.Violations 1 & 4 Withdrawn.Implementation of Corrective Actions for Violations 2 & 3 Will Be Reviewed During Future Insp
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/06/1987
From: Gagliardo J
To: Robert Williams
NUDOCS 8701130411
Download: ML20207N036 (2)

See also: IR 05000267/1986023


. i

JAN 61987

In Reply Refer To:

Docket: 50-267/86-23

Public Service Company of Colorado

ATTN: Robert O. Williams, Jr.

Vice President, Nuclear Operations

P. O. Box 840

Denver, Colorado 80201-0840


Thank you for your letter of November 26, 1986, in response to our letter and

Notice of Violation dated October 28, 1986. We have reviewed your reply and

find the following:

Violation 1: Since our inspector did not review the audits cited in your

response, we withdraw this violation and will carry it as an unresolved

item, pending our review of these cited audits during a future


Violations 2 and 3: We find your reply responsive to the concerns raised

in the Notice of Violation. We will review the implementation of your

corrective actions during a future inspection to determine that full

compliance has been achieved and will be maintained.

Violation 4: We understand that the violation, as stated, is correct

with regard to the paragraph of Procedure QAAP-1 used in the violation;

we also understand that in the context of Procedure QAAP-1, taken as a

whole, no violation exists. Therefore, we conclude that Procedure QAAP-1

requires clarification. Since you have connitted to revise

Procedure QAAP-1 (per telecon between your Mr. Tomlinson and our

Mr. Jaudon on January 5,1987), the violation is withdrawn,-and the

revised Procedure QAAP-1 will be reviewed during a future inspection.


ognM sMned By

J. E. GcLliardo

J. E. Gagliardo, Chief

Reactor Projects Branch


J. W. Gahm, Manager, Nuclear

Production Division

Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Station

16805 WCR 191

Platteville, Colorado 80651


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8701130411 B70106



ADOCK 05000267






. .

t -

Public Service Company of Colorado -2-

cc cont'd:

P. Tomlinson, Manager, Quality

Assurance Division



Colorado Radiation Control Program Director

Colorado Public Utilities Commission

bcc to DMB (IE01)

bec distrib. by RIV:


~RRI R. D. Martin, RA



Section Chief (RSB/ES Project Inspector

R&SPB D. Weiss, RM/ALF


MIS System

RSTS Operator

RIV File








h Public Service-  :=t h

16805 WCR 19 1/2, Platteville, Colorado 80651

November'26, 1986

Fort St. Vrain

Unit No. 1



Regional Administrator -

Region IV


U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission I{

611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 DEC 3 -M

- Arlington, Texas 76011 1 { _


Attention: Mr. J. E. Gagliardo, Chief

Reactcr Projects Branch

Docket No. 50-267

SUBJECT: I&E Inspection Report 86-23

REFERENCE: NRC Letter, Gagliardo to Williams,

dated 10-28-86 (G-86565)

Dear Mr. Gagliardo:

This letter is in response to the Notice of Violations received as a

result of inspections conducted at Fort St. Vrain during the period

August 11 - 15, 1986. The following response to the items contained

- in the Notice of Violations is hereby submitted:

1. Failure to perform periodic review of the Fort St. Vrain

Generating Station audit program:

10CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVIII, requires a

comprehensive system of audits to be performed. As part of this

audit program, the approved Fort St. Vrain Quality Assurance

Program, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR),

Revision 3, Section B.5.19.15, contains the licensee commitment

to ANSI Standard N18.7-1972. This standard, in Section 4.1,

requires periodic reviews by the owner organization of the

licensee audit program.


. -



l 4/ -C

fly 2.956

.. . .




-P-86646 -2- November 26, 1986

Contrary to this, the licensee failed to perform such reviews,

which was confirmed by a licensee Quality Assurance audit person.

This is a Severity Level IV violation. (Supplement I)(50-


(1) The reason for the violation if admitted:

This violation is not admitted. A review of the

Fort St. Vrain QA Audit Program is conducted biennially

during the performance of the Nuclear Facility Safety

Committee (NFSC) Audit of the FSV QA Program. The audits

were reviewed by QA and the following excerpts from the

audits are provided:


  • (NFSC D-81-01) "FSV has an audit program which

is committed to auditing all areas and

activities once every two (2) years. A schedule

has been developed to implement this commitment.

The audits currently being conducted do not

address the systemic (sic) requirements for the

criterion being audited. Rather, the audits are

addressing only specific activities that

criterion for procedure compliance . . ."

  • (NFSC D-83-01) " Reviewed the Audit Report file

to verify that an audit report is prepared for

each audit, that it assesses the effectiveness

of the audit program . . . "

" Reviewed the audit schedule to verify all

elements of the QA Program are being audited."

- .

(NFSC D-85-01) "A review of the implementation

of the audit program was performed to verify

compliance with the FSAR, the QA Program, and

the implementing procedures. The review

encompassed the planning, scheduling, conduct,

reporting, and follow-up activities relating to

auditing and monitoring."

These reviews by the NFSC meet the intent of

ANSI N18.7 - 1972, Section 4.1, for periodic review of the


audit program which, as stated in the updated FSAR,

Section B.S.19.15, the FSV QA Program is responsive to for




. _ _ . , - --. , _ _ _

m -_ . . _ , , - - - - x

, - -

, . .

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P-86646 -3- November 26, 1986

We recognized from discussions with the staff during this

inspection, that the audit program review process needs to


. -be strengthened and have initiated measures to do so. These

measures include implementation of e new audit to review the

. Nuclear Facility Safety Committee (NFSC) activities and a

commitment to provide an in-depth review of the QA Audit

Program in NFSC D-87-01, QA Program Audit. This commitment

was made in response to NRC open item 8619-02 in

September, 1986. The QA Audit of NFSC activities is

currently in progress. These audits, conducted alternately,

will provide a formal review of the audit functions on an

annual basis.


A question also arose during this inspection as to the

interpretation of Technical Specification AC 7.1.3. PSC has


interpreted this section as regarding the collective

competence of the NFSC membership required to review

problems in certain areas. We recognize the Technical

Specification as written is subject to mis-interpretation

and have submitted a change to AC 7.1.3 which more

accurately reflects the ANSI N18.7 - 1972 requirement. This

change is currently in for Plant Operations Review

Committee and NFSC reviews prior to NRC submittal.

Fort St. Vrain is in compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix B,

Criterion XVIII and ANSI N18.7 - 1972, Section 4.1, as they

relate to owner organization review of the Licensee Audit


(2) The corrective steps which have been taken and the results


. , Not applicable.

(3) Corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further



Not applicable.

(4) The date when full compliance will be achieved:

Not applicable.

__ . _ - _ _ - . _ _ _ . _ _

_ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . __ ,_ _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - .

, . .





P-86646 -4- November 26, 1986

2. Failure to have and to review examinations for lead auditors:

10CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVIII, requires an audit

program performed by appropriately trained personnel. To assure

appropriate training, licensee UFSAR Section 85.18.2 states that

auditors and lead auditors are selected and qualified- in

_accordance with ANSI Standard N45.2.23-1978. ANSI N45.2.23-1978,

Section 4.2, requires that copies of the objective evidence of

the types and content of examinations used for qualification of

lead auditors shall be retained, and that the employer shall be

responsible for the conformance of the examination to


Contrary to the above, the licensee had utilized outside

contractors for qualification training of Public Service Company

_, of Colorado (PSC) employees as lead auditors at Fort St. Vrain,

and licensee did not have copies of examinations for lead

auditors, nor documentation of review of examinations used for

conformance to ANSI N45.2.23-1978.

This is a Severity Level IV violation. (Supplement I) (50-


(1) The reason for the violation if admitted:

Fort St. Vrain has used two outside contractors to perform

lead auditor training - GA Technologies, Inc. and

Stat-A-Matrix Institute. Fort St. Vrain interpreted the

requirement for " objective evidence of type and content of

examinations" to be satisfied by the course outline and

certificates of completion provided by these two companies.

. . (2) The corrective steps which have been taken and the results


On August 26, 1986, QA requested and has received from

GA Tec56niagic , Inc. and Stat-A-Matrix Institute additional

inforna,,t1 - the type and content of examinations given to

PSC Auditors. The informatio.n provided substantiated the

validity of utilizing these two organizations for lead

auditor training.


(3) Corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further


A commitment has been entered in the QA Commitment System to

require that during the annual review of lead auditor

qualifications, verification that " objective evidence of the

type and content of examinations" is on file for the

calendar year involved.

.- _ - _ _ - - - . --

. .. .

. .



P-86646 -5- November 26, 1986

(4) The date when full compliance will be achieved:

Full compliance will be achieved by December 31, 1986.

3. Failure to have records checklist for designating required


10CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVII requires retention of

records for activities affecting quality. In the accomplishment

of this requirement, licensee UFSAR Section B5.19.9 contains the

licensee commitment to ANSI Standard N45.2.9-1974 and Regulatory

Guide 1.88. Section 4.2 of ANSI N45.2.9-1974 specifies that, as

a minimum, records receipt control shall include a records

checklist designating the required records.

__ Contrary to the above, the licensee was not using a records


This is a Severity Level IV violation. (Supplement'I)(50-


(1) The reason for the violation if admitted:

Fort St. Vrain has been using a records transmittal form to

satisfy the ANSI N45.2.9-1974 requirements for a records

" checklist" designating the required records. During a

review of transmittal practices in response to this

violation, it was determined that the transmittal form, as

currently used, did not verify that records packages

submitted to the Records Center were complete.

(2) The corrective steps which have been taken and the results

- .



(3) Corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further


Administrative Procedure Q-17, Quality Records, will be

revised to require that the total number of pages submitted

to the Records Center be entered on the transmittal form.

Records Center Procedure RCM-2, Receipt, Review, and Control

of Records, will be revised to require that the records be

checked to verify the number of pages listed on the

transmittal form has been received by the Records Center

prior to filing the records.

__ . __ . _ _ . _ _ __





P-86646 -6- November 26, 1986

(4) The date when full compliance will be achieved:

Administrative Procedure Q-17 and RCM-2 will be .'evised by

January 31, 1987.

4. Failure to provide notices for audits:

10CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, requires that activities

affecting quality shall be prescribed and accomplished in

accordance with documented procedures. Licensee UFSAR

Section B.5.5.1 contains the licensee commitment to ANSI

Standard N18.7-1972, which in Section 5.1.2, ' requires the

licensee to have and to follow procedures.

Licensee procedure QAAP-1, Issue 3, " Guidelines for Quality


Assurance and Nuclear Facility Safety Committee Audits," states

in Section 4.2.2 that a matrix which defines the applicability of

the 18 criteria of 10CFR50, Appendix B, to each of the QA Audits

is contained in Attachment QAAP-10 and is to be a major element

in the development of audit plans and checklists.

Contrary to the above, based on a list of audits provided by the

licensee audit group, the following audits did not have matrices

in Attachment QAAP-10:

QAA-502 QA Program for Radioactive Waste Packages

QAA-503 Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Shipping

QAA-1003 Procurement

QAA-1004 Maintenance QC & QA/QC

QAA-1301 Results

QAA-1402 Environmental Qualification

QAA-1404 Nuclear Licensing and Fuels

. . QAA-1703 Unescorted Access Qualifications

QAA-1802 Commitment Review

QAA-3000 Miscellaneous

NFSC-C Corrective Action

NFSC-D QA Program

This is a Severity Level V violation. (Supplement I)(50-


(1) The reason for the violation if admitted:

This violation is not admitted. Attachment ID to QAAP-1 is

a matrix used to provide assistance to audit ' teams in the

preparation of audit plans and checklists. This matrix does

nothing more than list the pertinent 10CFR50, Appendix B

criteria for regularly scheduled QA audits.

a ., .,




P-86646 -7- November 26, 1986

The list of audits given in the violation contains two types

of audits, QA audits and NFSC audits. The QA audits listed

were performed for the first time within the last two years

with the exception of the QAA-3000 miscellaneous audit,


which does not have a defined scope. Contained within the

scope of each audit plan and report was a listing of the

applicable Appendix B criteria. There is no requirement in

QAAP-1 for the development of an Attachment ID matrix for

all QAA audits prior to the audit, nor are restrictions

imposed on the addition of audits to the program prior to

initiation or performance of such audits.

NFSC audits are performed under the direction of the Nuclear

Facility Safety Committee (NFSC) by NFSC members. Although

QA supports the NFSC in the performance of these audits by

developing schedules and providing clerical support, NFSC


lead auditors are responsible for the conduct of the audits.

NFSC audits are prepared using the same format as the QAA

audits, including the listing of applicable 10CFR50,

Appendix B criteria in the scope of the audits.

QA will revise QAAP-1 to clarify the requirements for

10CFR50, Appendix B criteria in the audit scopes.

Fort St. Vrain is in compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix B,

Criterion V and ANSI N18.7-1972, Section 5.1.2 as they

relate to the auditing program.

(2) The corrective steps which have been taken and the results


Not applicable.


(3) Corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further


Not applicable.

(4) The date when full compliance will be achieved:

Not applicable.

Should you have any further questions, please contact

Mr. M. H. Holmes at (303) 480-6960.



. .h.

. Tomlinson

Manager, Quality Assurance Division
