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Forwards Certificate of Compliance 6294,Rev 0,for Model UNC-2901
Person / Time
Site: 07000734, 07000036, 07000364, 07000371, 07000135, 07000820, 07106294
Issue date: 02/06/1975
From: Macdonald C
To: Clemons P, Eskridge H, Fink C
Shared Package
ML20198G802 List:
NUDOCS 8601110357
Download: ML20198G797 (2)


. .

O O FCB i 01R5 cc: (w/ encl) lir. Alfred 11. Grolla Department of Transportation Protective Packaging, Inc.

ATT 1: Mr. J. D. Simchuk P.O. Box 1192 Tacoma, liashington 93401 Addressees:

I tiestinghouse Electric Corporation l

ATI?l: Mr. K. R. Schendol P.O. Box 355 Pittsbur;;h, Pennsylvania 15230 Nucinar Ptml Sorvices, Inc.

ATTN: tr. C. J. Itichel E M n, Tennessee 37650 Gabcock 4 lillcox Company ATT?!: Mr. A. V. Olsen P.O. Box 1269

- Lynchburg, Virginia 24505 Mucicar Engineering Conpany P.O. Box 7246 Louisville, Xcntucky 40207 Distribution: (w/ enc 1)

Docket File (6)

NRC FDR (6) ,

RO;llQ (2)

State llealth Official l R!tRiggs, MP:T EDrown,?tF:T N!!SS:H/F

!!F:R/F '

t!F:T:R/F 0601110357 750206 '

(DR ADOCK 07000364 PDR

.me e > MF:T

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.u....* RRRiggs:ah CE!!ac onald 2///75 2//P/75

, ,,, ,, , t e s, , , ua Atom U Enm Cm 8 t'2 M3 CERTIFICATE OF COMPL!A d 10 G R 71 A L C r.' 5 01 i I D' U db N C t '** f**a t . .A s Pd > Ts 4

i . .. . .

11 Ce :d rate l;omber sa it.m.miNa l I c . Pr a. e l ten t.f u'.w fl i, 1<f. Pa;* tac,. Ic. T ote' f4 2. Pa p-l f400 0 UW6409/0(JF 1 5

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.' e ' a cer f.via e, aw,M it; i t h..en.,1/ 3 nl .17 2 4 '.,170.3 , or e 172.3.15 o' t m ((;4 n , rt.T of , r,,nsgo,[ai,
,, r ; .q..,,w,.

I Wter.,is H nufavons (43 Cf H 17')-1M anr114 Cr H tCM and b*c1.cas 146-1r,-ICa prvt 14tr-19-100 ni the Derurtr- nt of 1 ransprtatk..

{ C a m;r o rs Oc -rw+s n s at c a. ns t s ci C F R 14 5-1 :9), a s a rn,e nd.4 1

l  ;' 2. Tne $4L.r,.cs ar.J tonresti des r t :d in iteri b Lefes., nwis t he U. r mJst:ts set forti. m S t.Lesat C ref i stte 10 Cnje of Itcierar

~i Ee;i,lations, Part 71,Pa:ka9 ng of Rad.oactiva 6.bteria f or Transwt and Trantoortaticn of Radioacts f/arerial Under Cc tun Cor + t ans."

B-Tri.s cert
licar:r d>s not re! evir tbs ca,s;grcr frorn crp..anca witn any re<Wrar-e of hi
  • rmf ations cf t6w US. Otpctrnent of Traas;.ptir.on er otrv r es ce# m Arory ayer%, mc'ud.r a t% p j s- nra 6t of ary rp.atry ibrono'i c.r L"o wherh the f.etke;;*

. ndi le grumpn ti.vl,


. 3. l'h1 otetsf:cate is suuad on the b.esis tI a *a'nr analyCs report of Ibe pack) r or ar.pWtian-

, !1) Prep 1rmf by (#,'rie aprof Afressh (21 Trtle and ide itif. ration of report rir ape,J.ratic ru .

Mestinghouse Electric Corporation  !!cstinghouse Electric Corporation application

P.O. Box 355 dated July 13, 1973, as supplenented.

l Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 (3) Docket No. 71-C400

1. C O';'JITIONS 7t' s c.ertificater is conrf.tenrai up>n tb* f(f.*'.rrj of t% f"tu rer ets of Ger. set D of 10 Cr R iI,ei apph(.Me,.ind tha conditions specihtd la itten s belove.


b. G esu.ption of PJck yrq and Aothoruad C:,n* ents, Med 'l Nur+r, Fmila C:4ss. Otne Con +tions, and Hiferenews:

(a) Packaging (1) liodel number: Super Tiger

  • l (2) Description i

A protective overpack which providas containment, inpact rer;istance and themal resistance for its contents. The containment vessel (cavity) is approximately 76" x 76" x 172" constructed of 3/16" thick and 10-gage mild steel. Closure of the containment ' vessel is by a 1/4" thick aluminum plate with silicone rubber gasket' which is bolted to the containr.ent vessel. A pressure fitting with cap on the closure plate provides a r.uans for leak testing.

The containrent vessel is centered and supported in an outer 3/16" thick steel Sc' et by approxinately 32" of polyurethane foeta insulation c'. the end and 10" on the sides. A r.mvable section or cap consisting of approxinately 34" of polyurethane foam insulation encased in steel with a silicone rubber gasket is bolted to the rain outer steel ,iacket. The overall dimensions of the packagcc are approximately 8' x 8' x 20' . "ent holes are providad on the sides and ends of the container. Set into each corner of th > o.:ter container are s tand trd 1.5.0. ', teel castings.

The total wice including ueight of the cotant'. is 45,000 pounda.

E PP- r_

O O Page 2 - Certificate flo. 6400 - Revision flo. 0 - Docket flo. 71-6400

5. (a) Packaging (continued)

(3) Drawings Packaging is constructed in accordance uith Protective Packaging, Inc. , Drawings flos.

32106-1, Sheet 1, Revision F and 3210G, Sheet 2.

(b) Contents (1) Type and form of naterial (i) Radioactive natorial including fissile material as solids or liquids, in normal or special form packaged in secondary packaging which neets DOT Specification 7A, Type A general packaging.

(ii) Radioactive material including v'issile material as solids, in normal or special forn packaged in secondary packaging uhich meets 00T Specificatian 17C or 17H 55-gallon steel druas. Fissile natorial concentration shall be no more than 6 grams fissile material in any liter.

(iii) Radioactive natorial including fissile natorial as solids, in nornal or special forn packaged in secondary packaging uhich neets UOT Specification 7A, Type A general packaging.

(2) flaxinun quantity of naterial per package (i) For the contents described in 5(h)(1)(i):

Greater than type A quantity of radioactive material in secondary packaging. Fissile material contents not to exceed the gonerally licensed nass limits as specified in 571.11 of 10 CFR Part 71.

(ii) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(ii):

Greater than type A quantity radioactive mterials in secondary packaging. Forty-tuo 17C or 1711 55-gallon steel drums. Each drum is limited to a maximun of 200 gram fissile material with no more than 5 grams fisslie natorial in any liter and a naxinun of 200 pounds of graphite.

F o o Page 3 - Certificate f!o. 5400 - P.evisica flo. 0 - Docket flo. 71-6400 '

5. (b) Content's (continued) ,

(2) itaximum quantity of naterial per package (continuedf (iii) For the contents described in 5(h)(1)(iii):

Greater than type A quantity radioactive material in secondary packaging. !!ot more than 5 Gear.s/ft3 fissile material.

(c) Fissile Class I, II and III (1) Fissile Class I For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(11) and 5(b)(1)(iii) and limited in 5(b)(2)(ii) and 5(b)(2)(fii).

(2) Minimum transport For the contents described in index to .:e shown 5(b)(1)(1) and limited in 5(b)(2)(1):

on label for Class II As prescribed by Paragraph 71.11(b) of 10 CFR Part 71.

(3) Itaxirm.: nurrber of For the contents described in packages per ship-nent for Class III 5(b)(2)((1):5(b)(1) 1) and limited ,,

in One(1)

6. The maximun weight of the contents including secondary packaging, dunnage, shoring and bracing nust not exceed 30,000 pounds.
7. The maxinum decay heat generation per package must not exceed:

(i) 30 watts and the heat sources are distributed throughout the cavity such that the tenperature at any point within .

the cavity does not exceed 200*F, or (11) ' 235 uatts providad conbustibh solids or liquids are not present and the heat sources are distributed throughout the cavity such that the internal surface temperature of the cavity walls will nowhere exccad 350'F.

8. The cor. tents described in 5(b)(1)(ii) and limited in 5(b)(2)(ii) nay be interaixed with the contents described in 5(h)(1)(iiij and linited in 5(b)(2)(fil).

Paga 4 - Cer{jcate tio. 6400 - Revision flo. O o caet "o 7i-o4co

9. For less than full loads, sufficient dunnage, shoring and/or bracing shall be utilized to mininize secondary impact of the Type A packaging within the cavity under normal and accidant .


10. Protrusions frco Type A packaging sucl$ as lif ting eyes, etc., i shall be positioned such that they uill not contact the cavity walls, or shoring shall be provided to prevent puncture of the l cavity walls by the protrusions under the nornal and accident conditions.
11. Radiation shielding as required shall be an integral part of the Type A packaging.  ;
12. Contents shall be positioned :n the cavity such that the center 1 of gravity of the loaded package is substantially the same as  ;

the center of gravity of an empty package.  !

13. A leak test shall be conducted of each Super Tiger package prior to delivery to a carrier for transport to ensure that it is prope ly sealed.
14. Shipment of liquids where freezing nay be encountered must I receive approval with regard to arrangements m,de to prevent  :

freezino of th t content ,

15. The package authorized by this certiricate of Compliance is i.ereby approved for use under the go...:ral license provisions i of Paragraph 71.12(b) of 10 CFR Part 71. .
16. Expiration date: February 28, 1980. ,


1 liestinghouse Electric Corporation application dated July 13, 1973, i requesting approval to deliver special nuclear material to a carrier '

for transport in the above package. '

l'or.ics .hsearch, Inc. , Reacet C2373, "Engincaring EwJuction of the Super Tiger Overpack lusioned for the Shipment of Large Quantities of liazardous !!aterials."

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,a 3 (G L3i Page 5 - Certi ficate i;o. 640.1 - Revision fio. 0 - Dochet flo. 71-6400 REFEf!EI!CES (continued)

';uclear l'3terials and Equiprant Corporation's application dated Septeter 17, 1971, as suppler: anted January 6, l'J72,1%cket 70-364, requesting approval to delivar special nucicar natcrial to a carrier for transpart in the Super Tigar package.

F0?. T!!E ll.S. fiUCLEA!! REGULATORY C0f'11SS10f!

' Original N 3.,<J 1,y

, Charles E. &cDonald Charles E. l'acDonald, Chief Transportation Dranch Division of flaterials and Fuel Cycle Facility Licensing Date FEB 1 0 UI6 kfYg 4f

b O'

>}1 (4p


O O Ff8 C M5 MP:TriU!O 70-36,70-133

.w. ~ ~ ' ~ *70-364,70-371


70-734,70-820 71-6294 Gentlemen Enclosed is Cortificate of Conp11ance No. 6294, Revision No. O, for the Model No. L21C-2901 shippin,q package. This Certificato of Compliance supersedes, in its entiroty, ?,nendnent No. 71-30, ,

i ns amended, to Special Nucient Hatorial License No. S101-33.

i Combustion Engineering, Inc., The Babcock G 'wilcox Conpany, linited liuclear Corporation, and General Atemic Company have been registered as users of this packago under the .goneral lice.ese Inwisions of Paragraph 71.12(b) of 10 CPR Part 71. Addresscos are re<1uented to make the proper distribution within their organizations for use of this packago under the general licenso.

These approvals constitute authority to use this package for the l shipment of radioactive material and for the packago to be ahlpped in accordance with the provisions of 46 CPR 'J146.19-10a and 49 CPR $173.393a.

Sincerely, ongia41.h uuJo Charles E. Wel)onald Charles U. HacDonald, Chief

( Transportation Branch Division of Haterials and Puel Cycle Pacility f.icensing Enclosurest

1. Cortificata of Corsp11ance flo. 6294, Rev. 0
2. Combustion Engineering Itr dtd 2/5/75 t

ce Mr. Alfred W. Crella Dopartment of Transportation Addresseest See attached _


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Eune Ar n.p s e m m 9131 A,Of 0140 Tt u o. sova ne .a.wetas e.m.4 e e... see. ..

O O A .1drn3 secs :

Coabustion Engintering Inc.

Arr'1: !tr. II. E. Eskridg s Pooto 21-A lie.matito, Missouri 63047

'Mio Sabcoch i '.lilcox Ccapany Art:1: Mr. C.1 Fink 609 ?l. Warren Avenue Apollo, Pennsylvania 15613 United Nuclear Corporation ACI: ;'r. Perc/ E. Clersens 67 Sandy Desert llond llacasvilla, Connecticut 06382 ,

General Atomic Conpany ATT.'l l Mr. Douglas T. Farney P.O. P.ot 81603 H.'n Diego, Cillfornia 92133 ISistribution: (u/encis) bocket File (7)

NPC PD:1 (7)

It0: liq (2)

State llealth CCficial Itt0<!a :aarden, MP:T EDrm,n , NP:T N ."1 M'-

-  ; w :q n *

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