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Forwards Application for Amend to License SNM-33 to Transfer Combustion Engineering,Inc Assets & Liabilities Related to NRC Licensed Activities to Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power,Inc
Person / Time
Site: 07000036
Issue date: 06/03/1999
From: Bell R
Shared Package
ML20195D377 List:
NUDOCS 9906090147
Download: ML20195D374 (2)



ADB 70M%

Mpp June 3,1999 Director j

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Re:

Application for Transfers and Amendments of Materials License SNM-33 Gentlemen:

Enclosed for filing is an Application for Transfers and Amendments of materials license SNM-33. The filing is necessitated by the acquisition by ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power, Inc. of all assets and liabilities related to NRC licensed activities of Combustion Engineering,Inc. Upon closing of the transaction, ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power, Inc. will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Asea Brown Boveri Inc., which is currently the parent of Combustion Engineering, Inc.

Details on the transaction giving rise to the Application are provided therein.


The enclosed Application demonstrates that the proposed transfers will not involve any change in the operating organization, location, facilities, equipment or procedures associated with the licensed activities, and that there will be no changes in the use, possession, locations or storage oflicensed material as a result of the transaction. Current Combustion Engineering, Inc. employees responsible for licensed materials and activities will become ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power, Inc. employees and will continue to be responsible for such activities after the transfers. ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power, Inc. will meet all the requirements for a NRC licensee and holder of approvals and certificates, including financial and technical qualifications. ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power, Inc. will agree to abide by all commitments and representations made to the NRC prior to the transfers, as well as all of the terms and conditions of the licenses, approvals and certificates.

.f 9906090147 990603 PDR ADOCK 07000036*


PDR ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power h

Robert S Bell Jr.

Cornbustion Engineenng. Inc.

Telephone (860) 2849730

%ce President Post Office Box 500 Fax (860) 285 3671 and General Counsel 2000 Day Hill Road Windsor, connecticut 06095-0500 k


y 1

p e


Director, June 3,1999 -
  • Page 2 We request the NRC to make the transfers and amendments effective as of the Closing Date of the transaction. As it is currently contemplated that the Closing Date will occur on or about June 29,1999, issuance of the NRC's approval is requested by no later than that date. We will keep the NRC informed of any changes in the timetable established for closing the transaction and the Closing Date.

We further request that, as of the effective date of the transfers requested by the Application, the NRC consider that any other pending applications for approvals or amendments with respect to the licenses, approvals and certificates which are subject of such Application be considered as the pending applications of the transferee.

Combustion Engineering, Inc. will pay the fees for processing the requested amendment, which is subject to full cost review, upon billing by the NRC in accordance with '

10 CFR 170.12.

Should there be any questions regarding this matter please contact Robert S. Bell, Jr.,

Esq., Vice President and General Counsel, ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power, at 860-285-9780.-



s Robert S. Bell, Jr.


Vice President and General Counsel ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

- Enclosure a


Administrator Region III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission r

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