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Confirms 890912 Telcon Re 890919 Meeting in Glen Ellyn,Il Re Findings Associated W/Release of U During 890825-29 Operating Period & Util Proposed Corrective Actions to Be Taken Prior to Restarting U Conversion Process
Person / Time
Site: 07000036
Issue date: 09/13/1989
From: Norelius C
To: Mcgill P
NUDOCS 8909260083
Download: ML20247M930 (3)



e D cb SEP 13 1989 Docket No. 70-36 Combustion Engineering, Inc.

ATTN: Dr. P. L. McGill Vice President Manufacturing Nuclear Power Systems Windsor, CT 06095 Gentlemen:

This refers to the telephone conversation between Mr. J. A. Rode and Mr. G. M. France III of my staff on September 12, 1989 regarding the arrangements for a meeting between members of our respective organizations.

The meeting is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., on Tuesday, September 19, 1989 at the NRC Region III office at 799 Roosevelt Road, Building 4, Glen Ellyn, Illinois.

The purpose of this meeting is to inform the NRC staff of your findings associated with the release of uranium during the August 25 through August 29, 1989 operating period, and your proposed corrective actions which will be taken prior to restarting the uranium conversion process.

If you have any questions related to this meeting, please contact Mr. D. J. Sreniawski of this office at (312) 790-5611.


ORIGINAL SIGNED BY C. E. NOREllVS Charles E. Norelius, Director Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards cc: J. A. Rode Plant Manager DCD/DCB (UDS) gf j

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REGION til u .g 799 ROOSEVi LT RO AD '

OLEN ELLYN. ILLINOIS 60137 NOTICE OF SIGNIFICANT LICENSEE MEETING Name of Licensee: Combustion Engineering, Inc. -

Facility: Hematite Facility, Hematite, Missouri


Docket No.: 70-0036/SNM-33 ,

Date and Time of Meeting: September 19,1989,9:00a.m.(CDT).

Location of Meeting: NRC Region III Office 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 Purpose of Meeting: To inform the NRC staff of the licensee's findings associated with the release of uranium during the conversion process run at CE Hematite'during the time frame of August 25 through August 29, 1989, and to describe for the NRC staff the proposed corrective actions to be taken prior to restarting the conversion process.

NRC Region III Attendees:

A. B. Davis, Regional Administrator C. E. Norelius, Director, Division of Ra'diation Safety and Safeguards Others as designated Headquarters Attendees:

L. C. Rouse, Chief Fuel Cycle Safety, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety Branch, NMSS G. H. Bidinger, Section Leader, Uranium Fuel Section, Fuel Cycle Safety B Branch, NMSS D. A. McCaughey, Nuclear Process Engineer, Uranium Fuel Section, Fuel Cycle Safety Branch, NMSS F.. C. Sturz, Environmental Engineer, Uranium Fuel Section, Fuel Cycle Safety Branch, NMSS Licensee Attendees:

C. R. Waterman, Vice President - General Manager, Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing J. A. Rode, Plant Manager, Hematite Operations A. E. Scherer, Director, Nuclear Licensing J. Conant, Manager, Nuclear Licensing '

H. E. Eskridge, Manager, Nuclear Licensing, Saf ety and Accountability, Hematite Operations f

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  • l NOTE: Attendance by NRC personnel at this Region III licensee meeting should be made known by 10:00 a.m., (CDT), September'18, 1989 via telephone call to G. M. France III, Region III, FTS 388-5786. {'


J. M. Taylor, Acting Executive Director for Regional Operations, ED0 H. Thompson, Deputy Executive Director for Nuclear Matcrials Safety, Safeguards and Operations Support, ED0 J. Lieberman, Director, Office of Enforcement R. M. Bernero, Director, Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and S&feguards R. E. Cunningham, Director, Division of Industrial & Medical Nuclear Safety, NMSS J. Glenn, Chief, Medical, Academic and Commercial Use Safety Branch, NMSS i


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