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Responds to Request for Transcript of Investigative Interview Re Liquid Effluent Releases from Plant.Transcript Will Be Sent When Case Closed
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 09/02/1987
From: Marsh R
To: Coward G, Wilson W
Shared Package
ML20055C226 List:
FOIA-90-76 NUDOCS 9007100011
Download: ML20055D783 (2)



September 7, 1987 lir. Cecrge A. Cowere Assirtant General lianager, Nuclear Sacramento Municipal Utility District P.O. Boy 15830 Sacramente, CA 95852-1830 e

Dear Mr. Coward:

This letter is in response to your request for a copy of the transcript of the Office cf Investigations interview of you pertaining to the matter of liquid effiurrt releases from Rancho Seco.

You ere correct in that you were informed that a copy of the transcript would be previded to yeu if you desire.

However, transcripts are not released while the it.vestigeticr. is still ir er open and active status.

The news media articier nay heve ce.used you tc believe the investigatien was completed, however, thtt it rct the cast.

I will retain your request and when the matter is closed, arrangements will be nede for e ccpy of your transcript to be sent to you, e N erely, W htet G. Mer.4, Director Of fice of Inuttigatiert Field Office, Regior. Y Distributien s/f 5-86-010 #

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S(pterber 2, 15C 1:r. W.A. Uilser Rancho Seco Nuclear Plant 14440 Twin Cities Road Hcrald, CA 95638

Dear Mr. Wilson:

This letter is in response to your request for a copy of the transeript of the Office of Investigatient interview of you pertaining to the matter of licuid effluent releases from Rancho Seco.

You arc cerrect in that you worr inforned that a copy of the transcript would be provided to you if you detire. However, transcripts are not released while the investigatieri it ttill in an cpen and active status. The news media erticles may have caused ycu to believe the investigation was completed, however, that it net tbc case.

Wil retain ycur requr-n trd when the retter is c1csed, arrancements will be tact fer a copy of your transcript to be sent to you.

Sinertriy, f

- Rcbert ti. Marsh, Director Office of it,vestigatient field Office, Peoien V i

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l Distribution [

s/f 5-86-010 l

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