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States Current Expectation Re Fuel Load Date & Provides Status Rept on Const & Testing Activities,In Response to Region III Request.Concurrence Requested in Plans for Resolution of Preoperational Test Deficiencies
Person / Time
Site: Byron Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/28/1984
From: Delgeorge L
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
9209N, NUDOCS 8410100326
Download: ML20093C038 (9)


T~ ]





'1 Commonwealth Edison

'l J one First National Piva. Chic po, lihnois

( ~f Addr ss Reply 12 Post Offica Box 767

\ / Chicago. Illinois 60690 September 28, 1984 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear _ Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Sub ject: Byron Station Unit 1 Completion of Pre-Operational Test Program NRC~ Docket No. 50-454 References (a): January 6, 1984, letter from T. R. Tramm to H. R. Denton.

(b): October 27, 1983, letter from T. R. Tramm to H. R. Denton.

(c): December 22,- 1983, letter from B. J. Youngblood to D. L. Farrar.

(d): May 21, 1984, letter from Cordell Reed to H. R. Denton.

(e): September 26, 1984 letter from L. O. DelGeorge to J. G. Keppler

Dear Mr. Denton:

At the request of the NRC Region III Staff, this letter is being

. submitted to state our current expectation relative to the fuel load date for Byron Station Unit 1. We are also providing a status report on construction and testing activities. NRC concurrence is being requested in our plans for resolution of certain preoperational test deficiencies.

As you are aware, the reopened record of the Byron ASLB was closed on August 24, 1984. At a briefing before the NRC Commissioners on April 24, 1984, a representative of the ASLB indicated that a decision would be issued from the Board within six weeks of the close of the record. While that statement was made prior to the issuance of the Appeal Board's decision remanding a portion of the record to the Licensing Board for further hearings, for planning purposes Commonwealth

. Edison has used a six week period for a supplemental initial decision following the close of the record. Assuming favorable ASLB action, authorization'from the ASLB to issue a license would occur on or about October 15, 1984.

-As discussed in this letter, we believe the design, construction and. testing required to support the issuance of a low-power license and 8410100326 840928 PDR ADOCK 05000454 A PDR

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jHcR.'~D'enton' .Shptember 28, 1984 PO _ za ffbeblosid'ing-willJbe; completed.-beforeOctobernl5,1984.

Because of the-

-est :currentJLicensing. Board schedule, it is now clear that the' Byron 1 fuel 21oa'didate:willjbe beyond the previously scheduled target, September 15, fC J1984i _

n . . , _

4 2

ByronJ1(constru'ction activities are. generally complete on plant j,y:' Jays,tems(covered by theLpreoperational testing program (Chapter 14'of;the FSAR and the Technical Specifications ~. 'The remaining-fconstructionLactivities involve painting, fireproofing, weld inspections

esidescribed"in-reference (e).of equipment supplied'by Systems Control

Corporation,/ plant modifications developed as a result of our initial
operating Jactivities, completion of non-essential systems and' other minor tasks which were not : essential to the conduct of the preoperational
testing program.c_ Construction is'also being completed on the auxiliary
buildingEventilation system. Completion of that system has been deferred ipastifuel'loadLas: reference (b) with NRC approval as

, Edocumented 7 1n reference (c).

s_ ;All of.thelpreoperational tests Chapter 14 of th'e

[ .FSAR'haverbeen completed except.for the auxiliary building ventilation

c Land:conteinment'purgeLsystems which-have been deferred with NRC approval es. described-in References (b) and (c). Attachment A to this letter Lprovides: additional details on the tests being~ deferred. The results of H ?the' completed tests have all been reviewed as required by our Startup 1 Manual. f Most"of the test results 1 have been accepted and the equipment has;been turned over to'theJoperating depa'rtment. In azfew cases additional testing is' required to clear-minor-deficiencies identified g- ;during-the'preoperationa.1 tests. It appears,that not all of the
1"3," / retesting clear those minor deficiencies completed The delays ~are due to a. variety of design, y: prior ^ to _0ctober - 15, 1984. .

deliverycand installation problems and scheduling conflicts.

ax .

We have determined that resolution ofreach of these minor test f  : deficiencies-can_be safely deferred-to a later point in the fuel. load and startup; sequence. Deadlines for resolution of each of those minor 1 ' deficiencies'have'been set accordingly. Attachment _B to this letter clists the deficiencies we plan to defer past fuel load if the Byron 1


Loperating license is issued on October 15, 1984. In all cases, the

, f results'of the.preoperationalitest have been evaluated and approved by hah '

icur Pro )ct Engineering Department. In no case does the deferral _of the

. resolution of a . test: deficiency degrade the . capability of a system

-required by Technical: Specifications to handle an accident condition.

20ur: conclusion thattthe-uncompleted testing has no impact on plant. safety

< is! based on::the Final Safety - Analysis Report .(FSAR) and associated design basis, and.the Byron Final 1 Draft-Technical Specifications dated August.28, s .j ' .1984., The list-'in Attachment'B will be updated if the operating license

'sC risinot issued by October 15 or if any of these activities are completed F "carlierLthan: expected.

h 10ur evaluation 1of'the deferral of completion of these segments (cfJthe pre-operational test; phase has concluded that they can be safely gs =


-4 ,

H. R. Denton- September 27, 1984 deferred for the limited periods proposed. This is based on our determi-snation that during fuel loading and startup testing, the reactor operating conditions and fission product inventory are such that sufficient capability is provided:

(a) for maintaining the reactor in a cold shutdown condition, (b) to comply with safety limits or limiting conditions for operation that will be included in the facility's Technical Specifications.

(c) to ensure the required safety features, (d) to ensure support for the required features in the accident analyses of the facility, and


. (e)' to process, store, control, or limit the release of radioactive' materials.

. .Because the incomplete pre-operational tests' represented in Attachment B are not prerequisites to the start-up tests as described in Chapter 14, we expect to initiate the Start-Up Test phase in conjunction with completion of the remaining pre-operational testing. Appropriate

" interim technical specifications or license conditions are being or have been prepared where necessary. -Those. requests are being submitted

. separately. With NRC concurrence in our plan for resolution of the minor test deficiencies identified in Attachment B, we see no obstacle in terms of preoperationalotesting to loading fuel at Byron 1 as soon as the operating license is issued.

.If there are any questions on this matter, please contact this office. We are available to meet with members of your staff at any time

'in order to provide additional information which may be required as a result of your review of this request.

Very truly yours,

/ -

b L. O. DelGeorgef Assistant Vice Pres dent Attachments icc:: 'J. G. Keppler -- R III (1/wl)

NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Byron (1/wl) 9209N

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a Tech Spec L

Test '

l: Description i Applica0111ty , Completion %Quimo Prior To -

SI .73.13 1518948A leakage g 1 gpa not cemonstratea -

- at 2235 psig RCS pressure.

Moce 2 . .. Initial Criticality,(Moce 2) -


151894tB leakage il gpm not cemonstratea at 2235 psig RCS pressure.

. Mode 2 Initial Criticality (Moae 2) '(

'1518940C leakage f I gpa "not cemonstrated Moce 2 '. Initial Criticality (Mode 2) at 2235 psig RCS pressure.

1S18948) leakage i l gpm not cemonstrated

' Initial Criticality (Moue 2)

' Moue 2 ;

at 2235 psig RCS pressure. -

'ba5IS: Leakage $ 1 gpn .

'. . STATUS: Moairications performed anc components ~ cemonstrated at d40-82) psig.

tested at 620-625 psig, retest requires cperating valves shall oe aemonstratea -

plant canaltions.

LPtHAttt prior to entering Moce 2 per requirements of Tecn Spec -


Tech Spec Section

u FC 31.10 dpent fuel pool gate seals leak Irradiated Storage of Arraalatea rwl


ruel Pool Fuel Storage assemblies 10 Twi storage Cooling pool. ( '.


Spent fuel pool level switch setpoints incorrect Irraalateo Storage of irraalated fuel Fuel Storage assemolles in fuel storage

~ STATUS: Modifications on gates and level switch pool.

complete, retest requires fuel pool to be filled.

EM 28.12 tincceptaole vibration curing tnit 2 Fuel Pool Irraalated Storage of.1rraalated tw1 Pipe Vibration . cooling moue Fuel htorage assemolles 10 fuel storage pool.

(nacceptable. vibration curing tnit 1 Fuel Puol Arraalated Storage of irraalatec fwl cooling mode Fuel Storage assemolles in fuel storage-

~ pool.

STATUS: Moctrications on snubbers and restraints

  • complete, retest requires fuel pool to be fillec.


%d l



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. Tes t '-

. Tech Spec . .

latscription . .


Alpp11ca0111ty '

Completion MrQuired Prior To ' '

c p.

. wo 115.10 ' ' Owuu1CA temporary control tuoing .

Watrol fbom Mom 6 - Initial Criticality (Hoce 2) .

- I

.ui111ed water - unUu1CA high conensor pressure ' Mode 6'. .. Initlai Criticality (Mode 2) ' (P valve uwu144A coes not maintain proper pmssure - , .

. initial Criticality.(Mooe 2);-

toue 6 Uwou1CA Ieset control relay actuation 3, .

Mom 6' Initial Criticality:(Mooe 2> . U Ow001CA amperage meter requires Iecalibration Mooe 6 initial Criticality kMoce 2).

' 0F1-SXuB4 requires reca11brution Mom 6 Initial Criticality (Mow 2):

owuo1CA vibration reaalngs requizeo tooe 6 : Initial Criticality (Moce 2)

Ow001CA cooling coil inlet pressure load Moae 6 initial Criticality (Mo m 2)-

Wndenser cooling water control valve (OSXU64A)


Iesponse tode 6 -Initial Criticality (Moce 2)"

ESF Relay (R4AX) not installed Mode 6 _!

Initial Criticality (Mode 2)

Reset control contact to ESO Relay (R4AX) not

,. installed :tue 6 Initial Criticality (Mode 2) l STATUS: Modification nearly complete, t$ ASIS: Train 6 operaole ano

! fetest therefore, control room air

- remains. '

l temperature sole to De maintained at less enan or equal to vo or. ci i

VP 93.10 O Differential pressure indicators which provide tece 4 ttt btanooy (Mace 3)


Contalment indication of fan flow read lower than expected.

wntilation _

STATUS: Relocation of pressure taps .in progress. BASIS: sufficient capa0111ty exists to maintain pr13ary contaltunent average air temperature wittun the .

temperature limits or Tech Spec

l l

  • e-


  • 9209N

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