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Ack Receipt of 870727 & 0826 Ltrs Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-1100/87-02
Person / Time
Site: 07001100
Issue date: 10/07/1987
From: Martin T
To: Lichtenberger
NUDOCS 8710160305
Download: ML20235W551 (1)



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4 OCT 0 71987 d%RC M -

M81 DCI n A D 00 Docket No': 70-1100.

' Combustion Engineering,.Inc'.

ATTN: Mr. H.' V. Lichtenberger Vice President - Nuclear Fuel.

Nuclear; Power Systems.- Manufacturing P. 0. Box 500 Windsor, Connecticut '06095 LGentlemen:


Inspection No. 70-1100/87-02 f

'This refers to your letters' dated July 27, 1987 and August 26, 1987, in-response ' to-our. letter. dated July 7,1987.

Thank'you for informing us of the corrective and preventive actions documented in your letter's. These actions will be examined during a-future inspection ~of your licensed program.-

Your cooperation with us is appreciated.

Sincerely, 0r18 D018138'O8II 1


homas T. Martin, Director Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards cc:

Public Document Room (PDR)

Local Public Document Room (LPDR) 1 Nuclear Safety Information Center _(NSIC)

State of Connecticut bec w/ encl:

1 Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

Robert J. Bores, DRSS

-J..Roth, DRSS d



R, 3

-Della Ratt /lp 6 r.

htar j




/9/' /87 q

0F,FICIAL RECORD COPY RL CE 87 0001.0.0 09/14/87 K $h00?[$o h

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' SOfRBUSTION ENGINEERING License SNM-1067 Docket 70-1100 July 27, 1987 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Coninission Region 1 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Attention: Mr. Thomas T. Martin, Director Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards


Letter from Thomas T. Martin, NRC, to H. V. Lichtenberger, CE, dated July 7, 1987; Inspection No. 70-1100/87-02


Dear Mr. Martin:

i This is in reply to the above referenced letter in which it was reported, as a result of the subject inspection that one of our activities was not conducted in full compliance with NRC requirements. Our response to the Notice of Violation, identified as Appendix A to the referenced letter, follows:

Appendix A L

10CFR70.57(b)(2) requires that a management review and audit of a licensee's measurement control program for special nuclear materials be performed at intervalsnottoexceed(12) months.

Section 4.1.4 - Internal Audits of the licensee's Fundamental Nuclear Material Control Plan states, in part, that the NMM will be responsible for the assembly and coordination of a management review at intervals


not to exceed 12 months. The objectives of the measurement control audit 1

are to verify compliance with federal regulations that are applicable to J

measurement control, the measurement control plan herein described pursuant j

to 10CFR70.57(c), and the Procedures Manual.

J l

Contrary to the above, on April 15, 1987, the inspector found that a I

managenent review and audit of the measurement control program had not been i

performed within a 12 month interval. The last management review and audit of the measurement control program had been performed on November 11.- 13 and 19, 1985.

Power Systems 1000 Prospect HM Road (203) 688 1911 Combustion Engineering. Inc.

Post Office Box 500 Telex: 99297 Windsor, Connecticut o6095 0500 a sm.^ A B M_f



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Mr.' Thomas T.. Martin, Director

'Page Two,. July'27,:1987 e

_' } p i Response.

E s.

l '

The 1985' audit was' started and completed in mid-November of that. year.

The 1986' audit was started on December 1,1985 two weeks after the required: start date..The two week delay is attributed to personnel' changes which took place at about the time the audit.was initiated.

The audit has been completed and a copy is on file for NRC review.

Very truly yours, hv C.

H. V. Lichtenberger Vice President,' Nuclear Fuel HVL:DPL;sas cc: ' G. H. Chalder G. C. Kersteen D. L. Parks R. E. Sheetan i

l i

s l




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License-SNM-1067 1.,

Docket 70-1100' b

July 27, 1987 (Rev. 1 - 8/26/87)

,H y.


Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 1 631 Park Avenue King'of Prussia,. Pennsylvania 19406 m


Mr. Thomas T. Martin, i

' Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards' References -Letter from Thomas.T. Martin, NRC, to 4


Lichtenberger, CE, dated July-7, 1987; Inspection No. 70-1100/87-02 14

. De'ar iMrakNadtift :

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This dirNa:credlydtorthelaboveitieferenc'ed%1etterlin which it I

was reportted basiakresditTofrithe(sebjsct5 inspection that one of our activities'was not conducted in'. full compliance with NRC requirements.

Our-response to the Notice of Violation, identified as Appendix A to the. referenced' letter, follows:


Appendix A a

10CFR70.57(b)(2) requires that a management review and audit-of'a licensee's measurement control program for special nuclear materials be-performed at intervals not to exceed (12) months.

' i Section 4'.1.4;h Internal Audits ofLthe licensee's Fundamental Nuclear Material: Control.JPian: states,!-in;part, that the NMM j

will be responsible'for'the assembly <and coordination'of a management review at intervals not to exceed 12 months.

The.objectiveslof-the measuremontrcontrol audit are to verify b

compliance with federal. regulations that' are; applicable to

.j measurement: control, the measurement control plan herein


described pursuant to 10CFR70.57(c), and the Procedures Manual.




i Power Systems 1090 Prospect Hill Road (203) 688 1911 Combustica Engineenng, Inc.

Post Offre Box 500 Telex: 99297 Windsor, Connecticu' 06095 0500

' 9 0 A G, I, C h ') *?



5 Mr. Thomas T. Martin, Director Page Two, July 27,"1987 (Rev. 1 - 8/26/87)

Contrary to the above, on April 25, 1987, the inspector found that a management review and audit of the measurement control program had not been perforined within a 12 monthy interval.

The last management review and audit of the measurement control program had been performed on November 11, 13 and 19, 1985.


The corrective step taken was to complete the management

= ' -

review and audit of the measurement control program.

The corrective step taken to avoid further violations is to implement a scheduling calendar stating:

o Which audits, reviews and inventories are required O

and the dates they are to be completed.

The date a notice is to be sent to applicable parties notifying them of required action and the scheduled date for completion.

(This date will be sufficiently in advance of the scheduled completion..dgte al:1pWing J _ x. w e gamA._.._

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,s Q ' f or i t in)ely2 comple tion )._.

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the scheduled completichadate.will> be + achfeves.7""~~d7%VW n, '

The date when full compliance will be achieved is August 21 1987.

The 1986 management review and audits of the measurement control program was completed June 27, 1987.

i c,

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.n The implementation of the scheduling: j-Au August 21,.1987.

~Aum_st e

, j Very truly yours, COMBUSTION ENGINEERING,' INC.




h Y- {




Parks,; Manager j i, Nuclear Materials & Security i

DLP sas cci G.

11. Chalder G.


Kersteen R.


