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Forwards Insp Rept 70-1100/89-80 on 890828-29 & 0905-08 & Notice of Violation.Licensee Should Be Prepared to Discuss Areas of Nuclear Fuel Integrated Improvement Program at 891005 Meeting
Person / Time
Site: 07001100
Issue date: 10/02/1989
From: Joyner J
To: Mcgill P
Shared Package
ML20248J250 List:
NUDOCS 8910130170
Download: ML20248J248 (2)


. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -



OCT 0 21999 I'

Docket No. 70-1100 Combustion Engineering, Inc.

ATTN: Dr. P. L. McGill Vice President - Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing Nuclear Power Systems

'1000 Prospect Hill Road Windsor,. Connecticut 06095-0500 Gentlemen:


Inspection No. 70-1100/89-80 This. letters refers to the special announced inspection conducted by Mr. J. H.

Joyner and other members of the NRC team on August 28-29 and September 5-8, 1989. The inspection included a review of your activities in the functional areas of facility operations, equipment maintenance, licensing, management controls, criticality safety, radiological controls and emergency preparedness.

The inspection consisted of selective examination of procedures and repre-sentative records, interviews with personnel and observations by the inspectors. NRC Region I Inspection Report No. 70-1100/89-80 is enclosed with this letter. As noted in Mr. William Russell's letter dated September 6, 1989, to Dr. Shelby Brewer, discussions of our inspection findings will be held in conjunction with your quarterly briefing on the status of implementation of the Nuclear Fuel Integrated Improvement Program in the NRC Region I office beginning at 1:00 p.m., October 5, 1989.

Within the scope of this inspection, two violations were identified.

You are required to reply to this matter in accordance with the enclosed Appendix A.

The response directed by this letter and the accompanying Notice is not subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required b/ the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-511.

At the October 5 meeting, relat to the inspection findings, we request that, in particular, you be prepared to discuss your corrective actions for the two violations, the status of development of procedures to support your internal audit program, your plans for conduct of an emergency preparedness exercise in 1989, and your plans to address the deficiencies found by the inspection team in the Radiation Deficiency Reports program.

Further, please be prepared to describe the status of your current efforts to more accurately determine skin and extremity personnel doses from beta radiation in the Pellet Shop.

In addition to the discussions of the inspection findings, we request that you be prepared to discuss the areas of the Nuclear Fuel Integrated Improvement Program that are currently behind schedule, the reasons for any delay, your plans for assuring that the target dates will be met or, in the alternative, the reasons for, and the impact of, schedule revisions.

OFFICIAL RECORD COPY IR CE 70-1100/89 0001.0.0 t \\



8910130170 091002 PDR ADOCK 07001100

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Combustion Engineering, Inc.



QCT 0 2 Igeq.

Your cooperation with us is appreciated.

Sincerely, Original Signed By:

James H. Joyner 1

for Malcolm R.-Knapp, Director 4

Division of Radiation. Safety and 3.

Safeguards it



Appendix A, Notice of Violation-2.

NRC-Region I-Inspection Report No. 70-1100/89-80 cc w/encis:

'A. E.'Scherer, Director, Nuclear Licensing C.'B._ Brinkman, Manager, Washington Nuclear Operations Public' Document ~ Room (PDR)_

Local ~Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety. Inforrr.ation Center (NSIC)

State'of Connecticut bcc.w/encls:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

Management Assist' ant,-.DRMA (w/o encis)

J. Roth.DRSS G. Bidinger, NMSS J. Joyner,_DRSS M.: Austin, DRSS D.'McCaughey,.NMSS-P. O'Connell, DRSS-p C. Gordon, DRSS L

'M.' Austin, DRSS F. Costello, DRSS

.%t RI SS RI:DRSS RI:DRSS RI:DRSS RI:DRSS r/slj Austin Gordon O'Connell Costello

/ -/89 09/' /89

$$/cL/89 09/ /89

%/Q/89 JNMSS

DRSS f Bidinger.-

Knapp p8/2489' (09/~W 89 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY IR CE 70-1100/89 0002.0.0 10/02/89 L




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REGION 1 476 ALLENDALE ROAD KING OF PRUSSIA. PENNSYLVANIA 19406 OCT 0 21989 Docket'No. 70-1100 Cosbustion Engineering, Inc.


Dr. P. L. McGill Vice President - Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing Nuclear Power Systems 1000 Prospect Hill Road Windsor,-Connecticut. 06095-0500 Gentlemen:


Inspection No. 70-1100/89-80 This letters refers to the special announced inspection conducted by Mr. J. H.

Joyner and other members of the NRC team on August 28-29 and September 5-8, 1989.

The' inspection included a review of your activities in the functional areas of. facility operations, equipment maintenance, licensing, management controls, criticality safety, radiological controls and emergency preparedness.

The inspection consisted of selective examination of procedures and repre-sentative records, interviews with personnel and observations by the inspectors. NRC Region I Inspection Report No. 70-1100/89-80 is enclosed with this letter. As noted in Mr. William Russell's letter dated September 6, 1989, to Dr. Shelby Brewer, discussions of our inspection findings will be held in

.j conjunction with your quarterly briefing on the status of implementation of the q

Nuclear Fuel Integrated Improvement Program in the NRC Region I office beginning at 1:00 p.m., October 5, 1989.

Within the scope of this inspe'ction, two violations were identified.

You are required to reply to this matter in accordance with the enclosed Appendix A.

The response directed by this letter and the accompanying Notice is not subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-511.

At the 0ctober 5 meeting, relative to the inspection findings, we request that, in particular, you be prepared to discuss your corrective actions for the two violations, the status of development of procedures to support your internal audit program, your plans for conduct of an emergency preparedness exercise in 1989, and your plans to address the deficiencies found by the inspection team in the Radiation Deficiency Reports program.

Further, please be prepared to describe the status of your current efforts to more accurately determine skin and extremity personnel doses from beta radiation in the Pellet Shop.

1 In addition to the discussions of the inspection findings, we request be prepared to discuss the areas of the Nuclear Fuel Integrated Improvement Program that are currently behind schedule, the reasons for any delay, your i

plans for assuring that the target dates will be met or, in the alternative, the reasons for, and the impact of, schedule revisions, i


l L

l Combustion Engineering, Inc.

2 OCY 0 21999 Your cooperation with us is appreciated.

Sincerely, w

Malcolm R. Knapp, Director Division'of Radiation Safety and Safeguards



Appendix A, Notice of Violation 2.

NRC Region I Inspection Report No. 70-1100/89-80 cc w/encis:

A. E. Scherer, Director, Nuclear Licensing C. B. Brinkman, Manager, Washington Nuclear Operations Public Document Room (PDR) local Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

State of Connecticut i

l l

1 1