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Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 881206 Application for Amend to License SNM-1067 Re Spacing Criteria for Fuel Rod Transport Carts.Response Should Be Provided within 45 Days
Person / Time
Site: 07001100
Issue date: 03/27/1989
From: Bidinger G
To: Waterman C
NUDOCS 8904120068
Download: ML20248D879 (3)


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W 2 71989 Docket No. 70 1100-

License.No. SNM-1067 y

Combustion Engineering, Inc.

ATTN:. Mr. Charles R. -Waterman, Vice President H

and General Mana'ger Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing 1000 Prospect Hill Road

. Windsor, Connecticut' 06095 0500 g

i Gentlemen:-

. This-refers to your application dated December 6,1988, amendment to Materials License SNM-1067.


Our_ review of your application has identified additional information that is.

needed before final action can be taken on your request. The additional

information'(6 copies),-specified in the enclosure, should be provided within 45 days ~of the date of this letter.

If you have any of rqy staff at (questions regarding this matter, please contact Dave McCaughey 301) 492 0669.

Sincerely, WWW W George H. Bidinger,'Section Leader Uranium Fuel Section Fuel Cycle Safety Branch Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, NMSS


As stated cc:

Mr. A. E. Scherer, Director Mr. C. B. Brinkman, Manager

' Nuclear Licensing Washington Nuclear Operations Dr. P. L.' McGill, Vice President Mr. R. E. Sheeran, Manager Nuclear Fuel Accountability and Security Distribution /enci VLTharpe*NRU[FileICenfer?


Docket:70-IIUU a

_IMSB R/F DAMcCaughey Region 1 JRoth, RI l

MHorn LCRouse GHBidinger L


IMUF IMUF:gp NAME:DAMcCaughey:mlh:

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l OFFICIAL RECORD COPY fr#2E8e Bi88dgo 0@b C

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' 1. 7 License No. SNM-1067 currently exempts CE from the requirement of having a criticality monitoring system in Buildings-1,1A, 2, 2A, 3, 3A, 16, and 18. The amendment application deletes the-request for exemption. Therefore, it should be demonstrated in Part II-Chapter 8 that a criticality monitoring. system meeting the requirements of 10 CFR 70.24 is provided in all areas authorized to possess special nuclear material. An alternative to this is the reestablishment of the exemption request in the license.

Please clarify your position.

3.2.5 Tne adequacy of this section is difficult to assess as written.

In discussions with CE, it was agreed that this section would be rewritten to more clearly identify CE's intent and position to continuously sample room air and, during operations, breathing i

zone air.

Convert MPC-days into MPC-hours.

3.2.9 By letter dated February 18, 1985, CE notified NRC that they will use respiratory protective equipment under the provisions of'10 CFR 20. Therefore, this section should be deleted.

4.2.6 The first revision in this section provides for a very restrictive commitment. Noncoplanar slabs anywhere in the facility are limited to a maximum of 12-inch vertical difference. This restriction, while acce) table to the staff, does not seem to be reasonable or to matcl1 current plant layout.

Please review to ascertain CE's ability to comply with this connitment.

4.3.1 Figure 8.1 describes the dimensional details of the computer model for the Virgin Power Storage Area. This model limits the spacing of the power cans in the horizontal position to 23-inches center-to-center and in the vertical position to 22.5-inches center-to-center. These minimum spacing limits should be established as license conditions in Section 4.3.1.

4.3.7 Figure 8.5 describes the dimensional details of the computer model for the Concrete Block Storage Area. This model provides a spacing boundary of 48-inches in front of the shelves. This i

boundary should be included as a license condition in Section l


4 4.3.8 Figure 8.6 describes the dimensional details of the computer model for the Pellet Storage Shelves. This model 3rovides a 60-inch exclusion area in front of the shelves. T11s exclusion area should be included as a license condition in Section 4.3.8.


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4.3.14" Provide criteria (e.g., spacing) for-fuel assembly storage.

4.3.15 Identify the specific containers authorized for this storage-configuration.

4.3.23' The 35'kg UO mass limit has been demonstt'ated to be safe when 2

contained in a 5-gallon steel bucket. However, the use of this.

mass limit has not been demonstrated to be safe for the equipment in the Scrap Recycle System. Please provide this demonstration in Chapter 8 and necessary controls in Chapter 4.

4.3.24 -26 Provide spacing criteria for the grinder coolant sump, centrifuges, and the liquid waste collection cylinder. As appropriate, provide the justification in Part II.

7.0 The financial connitment letter should also be incorporated into Appendix A.


CE does not need to commit to keeping. records of Plan changes for 2 years. Rather, CE should provide the Chief, Fuel Cycle Safety Branch, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, NMSS, with six copies of the changes to the Plan within 6 months of the change. Please revise this section accordingly.

PART Il 8.3.3 Currently, there are no spacing controls established in Chapter

-4 with respect to the slab limited Rod Transfer Carts. Section 8.3.3 explains that the spacing between these carts and other fissile material will be a minimum of I foot. This spacing must be demonstrated in Chapter 8 and appropriate license conditions should be established in Chapter 4.

8.8.2 Spacing criteria for the Fuel Rod Transport Carts should be demonstrated in Chapter 8 and established as license conditions in' Chapter 4.