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Forwards Suppl 2 to Dcrdr Summary Rept, Resolving 13 Issues in Science Applications Intl Corp 870205 Technical Evaluation Rept.Suppl Commitments Integrated Into Planned Refueling Outages for Dcrdr Implementation
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1987
From: Leblond P
Shared Package
ML20235C194 List:
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-1.D.1, TASK-TM 3268K, TAC-51217, TAC-51218, NUDOCS 8707090334
Download: ML20235C190 (2)


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} Commonwrith Edison k' 2' 7 Address Reply to: Post Office Box 767

- One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois


Nj Chicago, Illinois 60690 - 0767 I

June 30, 1987 l

l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 i


Zion Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 Detailed Control Room Design Review NUREG 0737, Item I.D.1 NRC Docket Nos. 50-295 & 50-304 TAC Nos. 51217 & 51218 References (a): May 1, 1986 letter from P.C. LeBlond to H.R. Denton (b): December 30, 1986 letter from P.C. LeBlond to H.R. Denton (c): March 10, 1987 letter from S.A. Varga to D.L. Farrar Gentlemen:

References (a) and (b) provided the NRC Staff with reports that summarized the manner in which Commonwealth Edison Company's detailed control room design review (DCRDR) was conducted for Zion Station. These reports both summarize how each phase of the review was conducted and identified all of the human engineering discrepancy (HED) findings along with Commonwealth Edison's responses and proposed schedule for the implementation of the respective corrective actions.

In addition, reference (b) identified 13 issues for which final agreement had not been reached. Commonwealth Edison Company committed to provide the information needed to resolve these issues by July 1, 1987.

That commitment was reflected in the NRC's SER transmitted in reference (c). Commonwealth Edison Compariy's response Ieyarding these 13 166ues is contained in the enclosure to this letter. Two copies of this report are provided for your use.


I G707090334 070630 PDR ADOCX 05000295

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O The commitments discussed in the enclosure are being integrated iito the planned refueling outages for DCRDR implementation as discussed in reference (b).

The first refueling outage for Zion Unit 1 is scheduled to begin in January of 1988. Therefore, any questions that may arise during the NRC's review of these 13 issues should be resolved in a timely fashion.

Please direct any questions regarding this matter to this office.

Very truly yours, fs P. C. LeBlond Nuclear Licensing Administrator Enclosure cc: Resident Inspector - Zion J. A. Norris - NRR 3268K}