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Responds to Confirmatory Action Ltr CAL-RIII-90-11 Re Actions Required to Confirm Valve Operability for Unit 1,per IE Bulletin 85-003
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 06/26/1990
From: Chrzanowski R
To: Davis A
CAL-RIII-90-01, CAL-RIII-90-1, IEB-85-003, IEB-85-3, NUDOCS 9007090055
Download: ML20055D523 (7)




' 14 -

Commonwealth Edison -

' Zion Generat Station :.

1i ShNoh Blvd. &

e Michigan


Zion. Rhnois 80099

Telephone 708 / 746 2084


June 26, 1990 t -

'Mr. A..Bert Davis' 3

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III i

799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137:



-- Subj ec t :

Zion Station Units 1 & 2 i

. Motor Operated Valves J

Torque Switch Settings NRC Docket Nos. 50-295/304 r

Dear Mr. Davis:


'As'a result.of recent inconsistencies in MOV torque switch settings,.a

review has been Commonwealth Edison-personnel as to the operability of a

safety-related, valves at Zion' Station.

This-review was discussed:with members-

- of your staff on June 21 and 22,-1990.

Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) RIII 90-011 describes actions required to confirm valve operability for Unit 1 t


-(currently l operating in Mode 1).


'InresponsetoCALRIII90-011,itema,ZionSt$tionhasconfirmed'that j

=all of the IEB 85-03 MOVs are operable per the following discussion:

t N


Per' CAL-RII'I-90-011 item b, valves listed under Category 1 (per' Attachment), have had their torque switch settings verified correct or-changed to correct' settings since the. concerns have been raised.

Appropriate LCO's were entered per Technical Specifications-during these maintenance' inspections.


Per-CAL RIII 90-011, item c, MOVs in categories 2 thru 6 (per Attachment)~

have operability determinations based on a plant or' equipment configuration as described below.-


q I-

2. -_ Valves listed under Category 2 are' valves tha't do not need to change.

' position during accident conditions but are periodically stroked closed and would present a. problem if they,did not reopen. These valves are

deenergized open per the Technical Specifications or have been caution i

' carded to not be' stroked closed for periodic tests until-their torque switch settings-are r.qfirmed.

These settings will be checked prior to

. the next periodic test of these valves.

9007090055 900626 PDR ADOCK 0500o293 M 2 7 1990 PDC c



r 3.

The valve listed under Category 3 (which is stroked quarterly per PT-7B " Aux-

Feedwater Pumps Service Hater Valves Operability Checks") does not need to i

stroke:against a differential pressure as discussed in our IEB 85-03 response, provided-it:is stroked prior to its-upstream valve.

This upstream valve has already been verified to have its torque switches set properly. A procedure change to A0P 4.3 " Inadequate Auxiliary Feedwater Supply" has been completed to require this valve stroking sequence.


Valves listed under Category 4 are valves that are tested periodically at or near'their accident differential pressures.

If these valves fail the required tests, the appropriate Technical Specifications will be entered. MOVs VC 8110' and VC Bill are stroked monthly during PT-21 " Centrifugal Charging Pump Tests." MOVs VC 112B,C,D,E are stroked quarterly during PT-10." Safeguards Actuation Unit One."


Valves listed under Category 5 have had their operators changed.

Prior to _

returning to service they were verified to stroke under accident differential pressure per TSSP 240-89 " Unit 1 Aux FH MOV Spring Pa'ck P.eplacement fest"..


Valves listed under Category 6 are valves that are tested periodically at or..

near their accident differential pressure.

However,.the two valves are not independently tested.

The two valves are parallel valves that are tested one after the other where the SI8801A valve usually receives the full differential pressure and the SI8801B valve receives a lower differential pressure.

The following explanations describe the tests that are performed on these valves.

ISS 15.6.84 This is an ECCS full flow test that was performed during the last refueling outage on October 29, 1989 with satisfactory valve stroke results. This test subjected the valves to nearly full charging pressure upstream of-the closed valves.

The valves were stroked open and flow was discharged into a fully vented RCS.

These valves were not individually stroke tested against a full differential pressure as was accomplished during IEB 85-03 testing.

However, this test closely approximates the:

conditions which would exist during a large break LOCA.

PT-20 This periodic test is performed every month with full charging pump pressure upstream against closed valves.

The valves are then individually stroked during the test.

Isolation valves between the-SI8801 valves and the RCS are closed to prevent injection into the RCS. While full differential pressure is not obtained during this. test, successful valve strokes are accomplished on a monthly basis.

PT-10 This periodic test is performed each quarter to verify the j

safeguards actuation signal ~will actuate ~the valves to the safeguards position.

Approximate full charging pressure upstream of the valves is seen with the downstream SI8800 valves closed. While-there is no signift ant differential pressure across the' valves, the valves have satisfactorily stroked during these tests.

-ZINZEST/109 b





The periodic tests described in Category 6 cannot be oerformed at this time due to new information regarding the individual cold leg injection isolation valves

.(SI8800A,B,C,D).- It has been determined during the racent investigation that the SI8800 valves are not on Zion's Environmental.0ualification list.- Although.

j there is an extremely low probability that a ria:;gn basis accident would occur.

q while the valves'are closed during the 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> duration of these tests, the possibility exists that valves.SI8800A,B,C,D may not re-open under these conditions.

Commonwealth Edison is evaluating whether these valves should be i

on Zion Station's Environmental Qualification list.

l Considering the periodic tests that were performed on these valves, as discussed above, Commonwealth Edison considers these valves operable and 1

proposes to verify the torque switch settings during the next outage of 4

sufficient duration where conditions permit high head injection isolation.

q In response to CAL RIII 90-011, item d, all Unit 2 IEB 85-03 valves will have their torque switch settings verified correct using VOTES testing or field Inspection prior to entering mode 2 (current estimated date' July 13, 1990).

Two valves which will not be verified at this time are SI8803A and S188038, which are out-of-service due to a modification that has eliminated their function. At this l

time only five of~ thirty five valves still need to be inspected.

These remaining _

valves will be inspected at plant conditions that are less susceptible to loss of Reactor Coolant Pump seal injection.

1 In response to CAL RIII 90-011, item e, Zion Station will provide an expected i

' completion date for IEB 85-03 re-evaluation by July 6, 1990.

As required by CAL RIII 90-Oll, Zion Station will provide our programs and schedules addressing potential discrepancies with all other! safety-related H0Vs by i

July.6, 1990.

j If any questions arise concerning this matter, please-direct them-to this l


Very truly yours, [

,cfcfgnW R. A.jChrzanowski i

Nuclear Licensing Administrator i

RAC/es 1


C. Patel - NRR I

'i Zion Resident Inspector i

i i




y 1

-Attachment Unit 1 IEB 85-01_Valygi Categorv #1 Valves that have been verified at, or reset to the proper torque switch setting Valves Descriotion 1

1 SH0101*

1H0V-SH0101 is the 18 Auxiliary feedwater Pump Service Hater supply Upstream Stop Valve.

This valve is normally closed and is remotely opened from the control room during auxiliary feedwater pump operation when the condensate storage tank reaches a low level. This valve is in series with 1H0V-SH0104.

SH0102 IMOV-SH0102 is the 1A Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Service Water Supply Stop Valve.

This valve is normally closed and is remotely opened 3

from the control room during auxiliary feedwater pump operation when-the condensate storage tank reaches a low level.

SH0103 1H0V-SH0103 is the 1C Auxiliary Fuedwater Pump Service-Hater Supply.

Upstream Stop Valve. This valve is normally closed and is remotely opened-from.the control room during auxiliary feedwater pump operation when the condensate storage tank reaches a low level.

This valve is in series with'lH0V-SH0105.


IMOV-SH0104 is the IB Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Service Water Supply.

Stop Valve.

This valve is normally closed and is remotely opened from the control' room during auxiliary feedwater pump operation when Lthe condensate' storage tank reaches a low level.

This valve is in series with 1HOV-SH0101.



IMOV-VC8105 is the Charging Line Discharge Isolation Valve to the Regenerate Heat Exchanger.

This valve is'normally open, in series with VC-8106, and closes on a SI signal during an accident.

.VC8106 1H0V-VC8106 is the Charging Line Discharge Isolation Valve to the Regenerate Heat Exchanger.

This valve is normally open, in series with VC8105, and closes on a SI signal during an accident.


' caution carded to not be stroked closed for periodic surveillance untti torque l settings confirmed i

  • de-energized open per Technical Specifications a

+ VOTES tested

.* torque switches were reset


gp *

's 3

5 Attachment Unit 1 IEB 85-03 Valves

.CaingaryJ2 Valves administrative 1y maintained in ESF actuated position

,f SI8800A',B',C',D' 1MOV-SIB 800A,B,C,L are the Loop A,B,C,D Charging Cold Leg E

Injections Valves.

These valves are normally open (safeguards position), and receive a wntirmatory open SI signal during an c

- accident.

t S18802* the Safety Injection Pump Discharge Common Cold

,v' Leg Isolation Valve.

This valve is normally open and deenergized F

per Technical Specifications; and it receives a confirmatory open SI signal during an accident.

This valve is stroked open:and

~ closed for surveillance testing during a refueling outage.per X

both Technical Specifications and Station Operating. department PT's.


IMOV-SI8803A,B are the Safety Injection Boron Injection-Tank-(BIT) Inlet Isolation. Valves.- These valves, have been i

administrative 1y removed from service (de-energized open) per a recent Technical Specification change that removed the requirement for maintaining a Boron Injection Tank with 20,000 ppm boric acid solution, c


1MOV-SIB 806 is the Safety Injection Pumps Suction Isolation Valve-1 from the Refueling Hater Storage Tank (RHST)..This valve is.

.normally open and de-energized per Technical Specifications; and it receives a confirmatory open SI signal during an accident.

This valve is stroked open and closed for surveillance ~ testing-during a refueling outage per both Technical Specifications land Station Operating department PT's.

t SI8923A*

1MOV-SI8923A is the 1A Safety. Injection Pump Suction Isolation-Valve from.the Refueling Hater.-Storage Tank (RHST).

This valve is normally open (safeguards' position), and receives a confirmatory open SI signal during an accident.

SI8923B' IMOV-SI89238 is the IB Safety Injection Pump Suction Isolation Valve from the Refueling Hater Storage Tank-(RHST).

This valve

/F is normally open (safeguards pos'etion), and receives a l

confirmatory open SI signal during an accident.

SI9010A',B' 1MOV-SI9010A.B are the Safety Injection Pump's Cross-Tie Isolation Valves to the Cold Leg Discharge.

These valves are N

normally open (safeguards position), and receive a confirmatory open SI signal during an accident.

' caution carded to not be stroked closed for periodic surveillance until torque y

settings confirmed

  • de-energized open per Technical Specifications


+ VOTES tested i

  • torque switches were reset ZINZEST/.109 7


,, j ~





Unit 1 IEB 85-03 Valves

-l Cdagory 3 Valves governed by an operating procedure to ensure O differential pressure when stroked SH0105 1MOV-SH0105 is the 1C Auxiliary feedwater Pump Service Hater Supply Stop Valve.

This valve is normally closed and is remotely opened from the control room during auxiliary feedwater pump operation

.I when the condensate storage tank reaches a low level.

This valve is in series with IMOV-SH0103.


Valves that are periodically tested at approximately the IEB 85-03 differential pressure, i

VC8110-1H0V-VC8110 is the Charging Pumps Recirculation Isolation' Valve in series with VC8111. This valve-is normally open,.and would be I

closed during a LOCA when RCS pressure decreases to 1250 psig upon i

loss of RCS subcooling.

VC8111-1MOV-VC8111 is the Charging Pumps Recirculation Valve in series with VC8110.

This valve is normally open, and would be-closed:

L during a LOCA when RCS pressure decreases to 1250 psig upon loss of j

RCS subcooling.

l q


1HOV-VC112B is the Charging' Pumps Suction Isolation Valve from the i

Volume Control Tank (VCT).

This valve is normally open in series:

with VC112C.and receives a close SI signal during an accident.

.j i

VC112C 1MOV-VC112C is the Charging Pumps Suction-Isolation Valve from'the' Volume control Tank (VCT).

This valve ~1s normally open, in series with VC112B and receives a close SI signal during an accident.

j 1

l VC112D 1H0V-VC1120 is the Charging Pumps Suction Isolation Valve from the l

L Refueling Hater Storage Tank (RHST).

This valve is normally 1!

L' closed, in parallel with VC112E and receives an open-SI signal during~an accident.

L i

l' VC112E IM0V-VC112E is'the Charging Pumps Suction Isolation-Valve from the h

_ Refueling Hater Storage Tank (RHST).

This valve ~is normally closed in parallel with VC1120 and receives an open SI signal during an-i accident.

l 1


Attachment Unit ! IEB 85-03 Valves 1

Category _.5_

New valves tested at IEB 85-03 differential pressure U

FH0050 AFH supply to IB SG throttle valves j

FH0051 AFH supply to IB SG throttle valves FH0052

'AFH supply to 1C SG throttle valves FH0053+

AFH supply to IC SG throttle valves FH0054 AFH supply to IA SG throttle valves FH0055 AFH supply to 1A SG throttle valves FH0056 AFW supply to ID SG throttle valves FH0057 AFH supply to ID SG throttle valves Category _6_

Valves that have_been periodically tested at or near accident differential pressure that are tested one after the other in a parallel alignment.

SI8801A,B 1H0V-SI8801A,B are the Safety Injection Boron Injection Tank (BIT)

Parallel / Discharge Isolation Valves.

These valves are normally closed, and receive an open SI signal during an accident.

' caution carded to not be-stroked closed for periodic surveillance until torque settings confirmed

  • de-energized open per Technical Specifications j

+V0TES tested i

'l i