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Suppls 900626 Response to CAL-RIII-90-011 Re Torque Switch Settings,Per NRC Bulletin 85-003.Program to Address Generic Ltr 89-10 Which Expands Scope of Bulletin 85-003 Testing to safety-related motor-operated Valves,Being Developed
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 07/06/1990
From: Schuster T
To: Davis A
CAL-RIII-90-11, GL-89-10, IEB-85-003, IEB-85-3, NUDOCS 9008140439
Download: ML20058N682 (4)


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July 6, 1990

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Mr. A.~ Bert Davis

-V.S. Nuclear Regulatory.Commtssion Region III 799-Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, II.60137 L.




Zion Station Unit 1 & 2

'i Motor Operated Valves-f.

HILC__DO.Chel.AOL_50-295/ 30_4 Torque Swttch Settings.

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a) -NRC Confirmatory Action Letter RIII-90-011, dated


June 22, 1990 regarding MOV_ Limit Switch Settings

' b)- Commonwealth' Edison Items-a-d of NRC Confirmatory Letter RIII-90-Oll, dated June 26, 1990-L Dea'r Mr. Davis:

NRC Confirmatory Action Letter RIII-90-011. require'd Commonwealth Edison to respond to 3' items (a-c) by June 26, 1990 and 2 additional items (d

-& e) by July.6, 1990.

In a-letter dated June 26, 1990, R.A. Chrzanowsk1~to A.B. Davis, Commonwealth. Edison provided a response to items a-d.

The purpose

!of-this letter provide addltional information'in regards to:the use and L

-testing of.the Boron Injection Tank Inlet Isolation Valves'-(SI8803A'and B),

'and to provide Commonwealth Edison's response'to. item e.


- The SI8803A and B valves had been previously; addressed as Category 2 valves,-that were administratively maintained in their ESF-actuated position.

This statement is true for normal' operations, however it has become necessary 1to reienergize and close these valves during the time period required to:


. perform periodic surveillanceitesting of the Boron Injectlon-Tank ~0utlet

-Isolation Valves (SI8801A and B), required by the Station's' Technical-Specifications.

This change is_necessary due to environmental qualification-issues discovered on the High Head Safety Injection Cold Leg Isolation Valves


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(SI8800A-D)', which were used previously as the isolation point for periodic ls testing of the SI8801A and 8 Valves.


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. q b. U" Mr. A..B. Davist

- July 6, 1990 v

As such,'for Unit.1, the SIB 803A and B valves will have their' torque-switch settings; locally verified prior to their use, and for Unit 2, these torque-switch settings will be verified as previously stated, prior to entry into Mode'2.from-the current Refueling Outage. As of this date, 28 of-the 35 IEB 85-03 valves on Unit 2 have had their torque switch settings verified correct.(15 field verifications and 13 VOTES tested). Of the 28 inspected, 4-field verification discrepancies have been noted. Three.of these discrepancies were found to be in the conservative-direction and one was non-conservative.

In response to item e, Commonweath Edison will be performing a re-evaluation of Zion Station's IEB 85 03 submittal by September 1,'1990.

This're-evaluation will focus on the criteria used in selection of IEB 85-03

-valves,'the calculations and assumptions used in deriving setpoint values, and the testing methodologies used in response to that IEB. After completien of this re-evaluation, retesting and re-submittals will be performed as appropriate.

In addition, Commonwealth Edison is developing a program to address NRC Generic Letter 89-10, which expanded the scope of IEB 85 testing to all safety-related HOVs.

This program will contain additional long term actions aimed at H0V setpoints and operability concerns.

With regards to programs and schedules to address potential discrepancies with all other safety related HOVs, Commonwealth Edison provides the_following_information:

- Zion Station's In Service Testing and Periodic Surveillance Programs provide assurance of proper valve operation through periodic valve stroke testing.

This program is fully implemented at Zion Station at this time.

Zion Station will be revising the appropriate administrative procedures to provide proper administrative controls over MOV torque switch, thermal overload, and torque switch bypass settings.

These-procedure revisions are expected to be completed by August 1,- 1990.

- Zion Station will check and adjust torque and bypass switch settings in conjunction with regularly scheduled preventative maintenance, or any required corrective maintenance.

The current Zion Station Preventative Maintenance Schedule will result in the verification of all safety-related MOVs (147 Unit 1, 144 Unit 2. and 14 Commen) over the next 3. refueling outages. Attachment A provides a numerical breakdown of this Preventative Maintenance Schedule on a per outage and unit basis.

- In addition, Commonwealth Edison will address testing, maintenance, and settings for all safety-related MOVs in the program for NRC Generic Letter 89-10.

As such, this program will incorporate additional testing, programatic controls, and schedules for all safety-related H0Vs as deemed necessary.


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- Hr. A. LB.' Davis ~ -

July:6. 1990; If-any questions-arise:concerning this matter; please direct this:



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T.K. Schuster-Nuclear Licensing Administrator-Attachment cc:

C. Patel - NRR Zion Resident Inspector

>NRC Document Control Desk

~ZNLD/ID83/ tim m..




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' REFUELING R12 R13 R14 Unit 1-57-(Fall'1991) 50 (Fall 1992) 40 (Sorina 1994)

Unit 2 65 (Sortna 1992) 66 (Soring 1993) 13 (Fall 1994)

Comon -

14~(Fall 1991) 0 0

'This is our current estimation of when these outages will occur.

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