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Provides Written Communication Re Util Intentions & Commitments,Per 900808 Telcon W/M Wallace.Standing Order 90-24 Issued to Provide Administrative Controls Beyond Tech Spec Requirements to Assure Svc Water Pump Availability
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 08/23/1990
From: Joyce T
To: Martin T
Z6D-90-047, Z6D-90-47, NUDOCS 9009070198
Download: ML20059D827 (3)



m O CommonwealthEdison Zion Generah'ng Station -

Shiloh Blvd. & Lake Midigan a

Zion. Mnois 60099 Telephone 708 / 746-2004 L

August 23, 1990 l-Z6D-90-047 l.

To: Mr. Thomas Martin, NRC Region III


Service Water System q


Telephone conversation of August 8, 1990, between yourself and Mr. Mike Hallace j

i The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a written communication of our intentions / commitments for the areas discussed during the referenced




Describe the Admir.istrative Controls implemented to assure only acceptable p::'::p configurations.

1 Standing Order No. 90-24 was issued to provide administrative I

controls beyond Technical. Specification requirements to assure' sufficient-Service Hater pump availability.

Standing Order No. 90-25 superceded Standing Order No, 90-24 to provide an improved format for Operating shift Management to use when evaluating Service Hater: pump availability.

This is similar to the system used in the past at Byron Station on the essentia1EService Hater system.

q 2.

Describe an acceptable pump configuration such that a two pump configuration would not be realized.

1 Acceptable Service Hater. pump configurations are those Service Hater pinp. combinations that would result in three or more Service Water s

pumps being available for the worst case scenario assumptions shown below:

l One or both units above Cold Shutdown

- The minimum number of Service Hater pumps available as allowed by the Technical Specifications without an LCO.

3 being in effect The Service Water cross-tie valves (OMOV-SH0003 and OMOV-SH0004) are open Loss of Coolant Accident on one unit above Cold Shutdown Loss of-Offsite Power to the Station Single failure of a Diesel Generator or a Service Water i

pump (applicable only when no LCO in effect) 9009070198^9dd'823


PDR ADOCK 05000295 2808o P

PDC g(



0 3.

Identify the duration for which these interim tontrols will apply and the long term actions to be taken.

Administrative controls will remain in place until either:

Commonwealth Edison Nuclear Engineering Department and Zion Station Technical Staff can complete an evaluation that concludes two Service Hater pumps can adequately handle all accident conditions (target completion: February 15, 1991), or Technical Specification changes are in place to prevent the possibility of unacceptable pump configurations with either unit above Cold Shutdown (target submittal: March 15, 1991) 4.

Describe the Operator actions required to reduce cooling water flow to the "non-affected" unit and how these actions will be assured in the event of an accident.

No Operator actions would be required on the "non-affected" uni! with three or more Service Water pumps available.

l Zion currently has in place Standing Order No. 90-25 which specifies how many diesel generators and Service Water pumps may be out of service at one time.

If the Station did get to a two pump combination, thin non-essential loads that are valved in and a


majority of essential loads on the non-affected unit would be isolated primarily from the control room.


Describe the plans for Component Cooling heat exchanger inspections.

The slit accumulation in the No. 1 Component Cooling heat exchanger was such that it affected only a few rows of tubes and is believed to be worst case accumulation.

The history and plans for the Component Cooling heat exchangers is shown below:

'O' CC heat exchanger inspected in 1979

'l' CC heat exchanger inspected in 1990

'2' CC heat exchanger to be inspected during the next refueling outage (presently Unit 1, Fall 1991)

Future inspection intervals for Component Cooling heat exchangers to be determined as part of the Generic Letter 89-13 project 4

i l

2808o I

l Please call shou;d you need any further information.

l fu L Tom Joyce

y Station Manager Zion Station TP/tm cc: M. Hallace G. Hagner R. Chrzanowski T. Rieck H. Kurth J. Lafontaine P. LeBlond R. Johnson W. Stone F. Lentine H. T'Niemi G. Tryzna l

J 1



l 3.

Identify the duration for which these interim controls will apply and the long term actions to be taker,.

Administrative controls will remain in place untti either:

Commonwealth Edison Nuclear Engineering Department and Zion Station Technical Staff can complete an evaluation that concludes two Service Water pumps can adequately handle all accident conditions (target completion: February 15, 1991), or Technical Specification changes are in place to prevent the possibility of unacceptable pump configurations with either unit above Cold Shutdown (target submittal: March 15, 1991) 4.

Describe the Operator actions required to reduce cooling water flow to the "non-affected" unit and how these actions will be assured in the event of an accident.

No Operator actions would be required on the "non-affected" unit with three or more Service Hater pumps available.

Zion currently has in place Standing Order No. 90-25 which specifies how many diesel generators and Service Water pumps may be out of service at one time.

If the Station did get to a two pump combination, then non-essential loads that are valved in and a majority of essential loads on the non-affected unit would be isolated primarily from the control room.


Describe the plans for Component Cooling heat exchanger inspections.

P The silt accumulation in the No. 1 Component Cooling heat exchangor was such that it affected only a few rows of tubes and is believ7J to be worst case accumulation.

The history and plans for the Compt,ent Cooltr,g heat exchangers is shown below:

'O' CC heat exchanger inspected in 1979

'1' CC heat exchanger inspected in 1990

'2' CC heat exchanger to be inspected during the next refueling outage (presently Unit 1, Fall 1991)

Future inspection intervals for Component Cooling heat exchangers to be determined as part of the Generic Letter 89-13 project l

L i

2808o I


Please call should you need any further information.


Tom Joyce

'i Station Manager Zion Station TP/tm cc: M. Hallace G. Hagner R. Chrzanowski T. Rieck H. Kurth J. Lafontaine P. LeBlond R. Johnson H. Stone F. Lentine W. T'Niemi G. Tryzna l
