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Forwards Insp Rept 50-029/86-08 on 860610-1006 & Notice of Violation.Violation Re Improper Operator Actions in Opening Main Coolant Sys Bypass Valves Represents Weakness in Operator Training & Surveillance Testing Program
Person / Time
Site: Yankee Rowe
Issue date: 10/24/1986
From: Wenzinger E
To: Heider L
Shared Package
ML20215M682 List:
NUDOCS 8611030160
Download: ML20215M681 (2)

See also: IR 05000029/1986008



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Oci 241986

Docket No. 50-29

Yankee Atomic Electric Company

ATTN: Mr. L. H. Heider

Vice President of Operations

1671 Worcester Road

Framingham, Massachusetts 01701


Subject: Inspection No. 50-29/86-08

This transmits the June 10 - October 6, 1986 resident inspection findings by Mr.

H. Eichenholz of this office at the Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Rowe, Massachu-

setts. Those findings were based on observation of activities, interviews, inde-

pendent measurements, and documents review, and have been discussed with Mr.

N. St. Laurent of your staff.

Based upon the results of this inspection, it appears that one of your activities

was not conducted in full compliance with NRC requirements, as set forth in the

Notice of Violation, enclosed herewith as Appendix A. This violation has been cate-

gorized by severity level in accordance with the General Statement of Policy and

Procedures for NRC Enforcement Actions, 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C (Enforcement

Policy 1986). You are required to respond to this letter, and in preparing your

response, you should follow the instructions in Appendix A.

The noted violation deals with improper operator actions in opening main coolant

system loop bypass valves and failure to establish a written procedure to ensure

the performance of a required surveillance test. We are concerned that these de-

ficiencies represent weaknesses in your operator training and surveillance testing


This also refers to your letter dated September 18, 1986, in response to our let-

ters dated July 11 and August 9, 1986, regarding NRC Inspection Report No. 50-29/

86-09. Thank you for informing us of the corrective and preventive actions, as

discussed during the Region I Enforcement Conference held July 22, 1986, and as

documented in your letter. Those actions will be examined during a future inspec-

tion of your licensed program.

The responses directed by this letter and the accompanying Notices are not subject

to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required by

the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1986, PL 96-511.

Your cooperation with us in these matters is appreciated.


gmal. SiSUS

8611030160 861024

PDR ADOCK 05000029 I

G PDR Edward C. Wenzinger, Chief

Projects Branch No. 3 gg

Division of Reactor Projects

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Yankee Atomic Electric Company 2 00T 241986


1. Appendix A, Notice of Violation

2. NRC Region I Inspection Report Number 50-29/86-08

cc w/encls:

N. N. St. Laurent, Plant Superintendent

J. E. Tribble, President

G. J. Papanic, Jr. , Senior Project Engineer - Licensing

Public Document Room (PDR)

Local Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector

Commonwealth of Massachusetts (2)

bec w/encls:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

Management Assistant, DRMA (w/o) encl)

DRP Section Chief

DRP Branch Chief

M. McBride, SRI, Pilgrim

W. Raymond, SRI, Vermont Yankee

E. Mckenna, LPM, NRR

RI:D ,

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