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Forwards Addl Info to Meet Requirements of Section V.B of App I to 10CFR50,per NRC
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 06/24/1977
From: Madgett J
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20154E750 List:
LAC-4733, NUDOCS 8805270067
Download: ML20154J589 (11)


{{#Wiki_filter:, _ _ _. e s e =* j 19.1HnttNIB POWElt COUI* Eft.-tT1YE Ea Groue, OI',consin i 54601 June 24,1977 In reply please refer to LAC-4733 DOCKET No. 50-409 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation F' Ac' ATTN: hir. Robert W. Reid, Chief s e s, Operating Reactors Branch No. 4 Division of Reactor Licensing / % 8: N//$fgE47? U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis sion r t.,, e Washington, D. C. 20555 p 7 / SUBIEC T: DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE 4 LA CROSSE BOILING WATER REACTOR (LACBWR) /7.. .;/ PROVISIONAL OPERATING LICENSE NO. DPR-45 6' i 'q}' INFORMATION TO MEET REQUIREhiENTS OF SEC. V.B. OF APPENDIX I TO 10 CFR 50. RE: Letter, Reid to Madgett, dated Septerr.ber 15, 1976

Dear Mr. Reid:

Enclosed is the additional information requested in your letter of September 15, 1976 whi,:h we indicated would be furnished later in our letter of November 17, 1976. Specifically, information is contained in response to questions 3, 4, 6b and 7 of Enclosure 1 of your letter. Please contact us if there are further questions on this i.nformation. Very truly yours, DAlpYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE Joh:Q Madgett, Gene al Manager JPM/cw Enclosure cc: J. Keppler, Reg. Dir., NRC-DRO III $270 { fo D-Ot.M e P

3. Provide the information requested in items 3, 4o Sb, or 6b, 7 and 8 of Enclosure 2 or our February 18, 1976 letter. Based on considerations in Draft Regulatory Guide 1.DD, provide estimates of relative concentration (X/Q) and deposition (D/Q) at locations specified in response to item 2 above for each release point specified in response to item 1 above. 3. Ectimates of relative concentration (X/Q) and deposition (D/Q) at specific locations are provided in the attached tables. Table I shows the estimates of X/O and D/0 for residences in the vicinity of LACBWR. Table II shows the D/0 for pasturing and meat animals in the surrounding area and Table III shows the D/0 for milk cows and goat pastures. 4. Provide a detailed description of the meteorological data r models and parameters used to determine the X/Q and D/O values. Include information concerning the validity and accuracy of the models and assumptions for your site and the representativeness of the meteorological data.used. 4. The La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor has insufficier.t meteorological data to be developed for use in long term dispersion calculations. Thus, the meteorological data from the La Crcsse, Wisconsin Weather Station for the years 1967-71 was used to estimate the X/Q and D/Q for the LACBWR vicinity. The La Crosse weather station is located in the Mississippi River Valley approximately 22 miles north of the LACBWR plant site. The wind speed and directional data is col-lected at a height of ten meters. Since the valley at the La Crosse location has a north by northwesterly orientation as compared to the site's northerly orientation, the meteorological data for La Crosse was rotated one sector to be more representative of site topagraphy.

Thus, North becomes North-Northeast.

The Straight Line Airflow Model as described in Regulatory Guide 1.111 was used to estimate the annual X/Q and D/O was estimated by the method suggested in the same regulatory guide. For locations in the river valley the equation was multiplied by a factor of 1.5. Since LACBWR's gaseous re-lease is elevated the plume rise was determined according to the method of Briggs. The plume rise for neutral and unstable conditions was calculated by the formula -1 ah = bpr = 1. 6 F u X2/3 %M

T. and the plume rise during stable conditions by oh = hpr = 2.9 (F/us)l/3 The effective height of emission was determined by sub-tracting the bluff height of 525 feet from the total plume rise as shown below. heff = hs + hpr - ht Where 1 heff = the effective plume rise hs = stack height l hpr = plume rise above point of release h = height of surrounding terrain t When the effective plume rise is < 0 the release is treated as a ground level release. Wind speeds at the height of ten meters were corrected to a height 107 a power formula for winds during stable and unstable conditions. The models used for these estimates are considered to be conservative for this appli-cation since they fail to take into consideration the complex terr.ain in which LACBWR is located. Turbulent diffusion, channeling effects and potential for local circulation are not considered. It has been estimated by Mahoney that even moderate wind direction shear results in effective increases in plume dispersion which are orders of magnitude larger than those expected in the absence of shear. A field study by Roffman showed that during stable conditions and elevated terrain that flat surface models over-predicted the airborne concentrations of SO2 by a factor 6.2 - 11.2. Hence, it would appear that the application of Straight Line Airflow Model is a conservative application of the model to LACBWR's location. 6.b. Describe the representativeness of the available data with respect to onsite and near site atmospheric transport and l diffusion conditions, and with respect to expected long term 1 conditions at and near the site. l l 6.b. The weather data used for X/O and D/0 estimates is repre-sentative of the winds that occur in the Mississippi Valley. It recognized that while the orientation of the river valley at La Crosse and the plant site are dif ferent, this difference is compensated by the rotation of the wind frequencies by one sector (North becomes North-northeast). ._J

7. Describe airflow trajectory regimes of importance in tranG-porting effluents to the locations for which dose ca)cu-1ations are made. 7. The airflow trajectories of importance are the increased wind frequency up and down the river valley caused by the topography and the flow of wind towards the bluff. The prevalent winds towards the bluff are the most important because the plant's release is then treated as a ground level release for most conditions. O e e

l Table a EstLnate of X/O and D/Q for Residences in LAC 3WR Vicinit'j Sector 1 (North) Distance No.of Elevation Lccation (Meters) Residences (feet MSL) y/o e/Q 1 1000 1 640 1.74x10-6 1.72x10-9 2 1100 640 1.67x1 -6 3.97x10-10 3 2300 660 2.84x10-6 2.73x10-10 4 2400 660 2.81x10-6 2.59x10-10 5 3500 700 3.15x10-6 1.63x10-10 680 3.12x10-6 1.41x10*10 6 4000 4 7 4700 1 660 3.08x10-6 1,1;xt:-10 8 5500 3 660 2.94x10-6 f.!4x10-il 9 5900 1 700 3.03x;g-6 3,;4x;;-11 10 6700 1 780 3.15x10-6 6.72x10-ll 11 7500 1 1120 4.54x10-6 5.22x10 l* ll 12 7600 5 680 2.08x10-6 5.15x10-Sector 2 (North-Northeast) 13 1400 30 660 4.20x10-6 5.30x10-10 14 2000 15 680 4.44x10-6 3.86x10-10 15 2700 3 700 4.47x10-6 2.73x10-10 16 3100 1 1100 1.10x10-5 3.08x10-10 17 4000 2 1100 S.73x10*6 1.96x10-10 18 4900 1 700 2.75x10-6 1.29x10*10 19 5400 1 700 2.70x10-6 1,1gxio-10 20 5900 2 680 2.73x10-I 9.46x10-ll 21 6400 1 740 2.73x10-6 8.16x10*ll 22 6800 1 1120 3.37x10-6 9.76x10-ll 23 7300 1 B20 2.58x10-6 7.03x10-ll 24 7500 2 1160 2.58x10-6 6.32x10-ll Sector 3 (Mertheast) 25 1900 1 1120 5.35x10-6 1.95x10-10 26 2900 1 740 1.12x10-6 7.90x10*ll 27 4400 1 1160 2.46x10-6 6.61x10*ll 28 4400 2 1120 2.46x10-6 6.61x10*ll i 29 5100 1 1180 2.15x10-6 3,4;xio-11 6 30 5300 1 1140 2.0fx10 6 3.21x10*ll 11 5600 1 1180 1.98x;; 7 2.90x10*ll 32 5900 1 740 8.79x10-2.l!x10-l* 33 6500 2 1160 1.74x10-6 2.22x10-ll 34 6700 2 1160 1.71x10-6 2.16x10-ll 35 6900 1 860 N.C. N.C. 36 7500 2 1190 N.C. N.C. 37 7900 2 1180 N.C. N.C. Sector 4 (East-Northeast) 38 1300 1 1120 4.93x10-6

,g3xt:-10 10 39 1800 1

1120 3.70x10-6 1.45xlC ll 40 4100 1 1190 1.74x10-6 3.63x10-41 5000 3 1160 1.45x;n-6 11 42 $200 2 lito 1.39x.5-6

,43x10 ll 2.31x10 11 43 5300 1

1160 1.32x1 -6 2.0tx10 l* 44 5900 2 1180 1.25x10-6 1,34x10-45 6800 1 1200 1.09x10-6 1,45xt:-ll, 46 7000 1 720 N.C. N.C. 47 7200 1 680 N.C. N.C. 48 . 7600 1 680 N.C. N.C. 49 7500 1 700 N.C. N.C.

NMMh, s em me h

Table 1 (cont.) Estimate of V/O and 0/0 for Residences in LAC 3WR Vicinity Sector 5 (East) Distance No. cf Elevation !ccatien (Meters) Pesidences (feet MSLI Y/O 0/0 50 2700 1 1180 1.97x10-? 4.77x10-ll 51 3300 2 1190 1.62x10-6 3.53x10*ll $2 3700 2 1200. 1.46x10-6 3,11xio-11 53 3900 1 1180 1.39x10-6 2.58x10*ll 54 4900 1 1160 1.12x10-6 1,;cx;o-ll 55 5600 1 760 5.00x10-7 1.41x10* 1 56 6600 4 630 4.55x10*7 1.05x10-ll ll 57 6900 2 660 4.46x10-{ l. 0lxil*12, 58 7000 1 740 4.40x10*7 9.70x10 1' 59 7000 6 66,0 4.40x10~ 9.70x10* 60 7500 1 660 4.30x10-7 8.42x10*1' 61 7900 1 760 4.09x10*7 7.99x10-12 Sector 6 (East-southeast) 62 SCO 1 700 1.85x10-6 4.00x10-lo 63 1200 2 720 2.48x10-6 3,lexig-10 64 2400 1 1160 9.98x10-6 3,14xio-10 65 2600 2 1160 S.32x10-6 2.71x10-10 66 2900 2 1130 7.50x10 i 2.24x10-10 6 67 4000 2 1140 5.52x10* 1.26x10-10 68 4100 1 1200 5.54x10-6 1.23x10*lo 69 5600 1 1060 4.01x10-6 4.46x10-ll 6 3,c, 1.76x10 6 70 6100 2 630 1.65x10-g,c, 71 6800 1 640 72 6900 1 720 1.59x10-6 N.C. 73 7700 1 680 N.O. N.C. Sector 7 (Scutheast) 74 400 3 630 3.90x10*8 4.42xl;-10 75 800 1 680 1.46x10*3 3.36x10-10 5 76 2200 1 1120 7.25x10 6 3.02x10-10 77 2700 1 1140 5.99x10-1,97x10-10 10 78 3000 1 1120 5.44x10-6 1.62x10 10 79 3400 1 1080 4.93x10-6 1.36x1;- 80 4400 1 720 1.57x10-6 7,99xig-11 81 4700 1 6J3 1.55xlo-6 6.98x10-ll 82 4900 1 640 1.52x10-6 6.61x10-ll 33 5300 1 640 1.48x10-6 5.84x10*ll B4 5500 1 720 1.45x10-6 5.63x10~11 85 5600 2 700 1.43x10*f 5.53x10-ll 86 6100 2 660 1.38x;o-6 4.76x10*** $7 6600 1 680 1.34x10-6 4.34x10-ll BS 7600 2 1200 N.C. N.C. 89 7900 1 760 N.C. N.C. Seetcr 8 (Se th-Southeast) 90 900 22 660 2.64x10-6 6.08x10*10 91 1800 1 660 i.25xlG-6 4,g4xte-10 92 2100 1 700 4.16x10-6 3.39x10-10 93 3400 8 660 4.0!x;;-6 2.02x10*10 94 3600 28 660 3.99x10-6 1,9;x;$-l>. 15 4000 20 660 3.96x10-i 1.62x10*lk 96 5000 3 660 3.74x10.** 1.18x10-lo 97 5600 3 680 3.42x10*i 1.0lx10*IO 3. 6 2 x 10 * 'f 8.18x10*ll 98 6400 2 700 ll 3.41x10* 7.09x10*ll 99 6900 2 680 100 6900 1 1120 4.46x10*6 6.65x10* 101 7500 1 1140 4.32x10-6 5.54x10*ll 102 7900 1 700 N.C. 5.26x10-ll

Table 1 (cont.) Estimate of X/Q and 0/0 for Residences in LACEWR Vicinity Sector 9 (Scuth) Distance No. cf Elevatien 'de s t ie n J,Etteral D?LLdrm ' feet MSU V/O 0/0 103 2600 3 700 2.36x10-6 1.30x10-10 104 7700 3 630 2.42x10-6 4.29x10*11 Sector 10 (South-Southwest) 105 7900 2 640 1.56x10-6 2.39x10-Il Sector 11 (Scuthwest) 106 6000 1 700 5.66x10-7 1.29x10-ll' 107 6400 1 740 5.51x'0-7 1.21x10*ll 108 6900 1 700 5,39x10-7 1.04x10-ll 109 7300 2 680 5.31x10-7 9.Clx10-12 110 7600 1 680 N.C. N.O. 111 8000 1 700 N.O. N.O. Sector 12 (West-Scuthwest) 112 4300 1 640 3.56x10-7 1.42x10-il 113 4800 3 660 5.10x10-7 1.19x10-ll 114 6100 2 1140 7.05x10-7 7.81x10-12 i 115 7700 1 680 N.C. 5.61x10-12 i Sector 13 (West) l 116 4100 2 660 7.16x10-7 2.69x10-ll 117 4800 1 1100 1.29x10-6 1.76x10-ll 118 5200 1 1080 1.21x10-4 1.55x10"ll 6 119 6200 1 1140 1.05x10 6 1.15x10-ll 120 6600 1 1160 1.00x10-1.04x10-ll 121 7100 1 1140 9.41x10-7 9.11x10-12 122 7700 1 1140 '.0. 7.s!xly 12 123 8000 1 1140 N.C. 7.27x10*** Secter 14 (West-Nerthwest) I 124 4500 1 700 1.94x10-6 7.55x10-ll i 125 5300 1 1040 4.44x10-6 6.13x10-il j 126 5900 2 680 1.31x10-6 6.37x10-ll 127 6200 2 680 1.32x10-6 4,34xl -11 129 6400 1 710 1.2tx10-6 4.34x10*fh 129 7300 1 1030 3.35x10-6 3.5tx10 *+ 130 7600 1 1120 3.24x10-f 3.31x10-ll 131 7600 1 1160 3.24x10-6 p.c. Secter 15 (Ner t hwe s t ) 132 5400 8 660 1.79x10-6 7.37x10-ll 133 5800 7 720 1.83x10-6 4.56x10-ll 134 6500 1 700 1.95x10-6 3.;7x10-11 135 7500 0 700 1.8dx10-6 2.84x10-ll 136 7900 1 650 1.74xl:-6 2.70x10'll 137 9000 2 700 1.71x10-6 g,ggxle-ll Sector 16 (Nerth-Northwest) 138 7500 2 660 1.71xl -6 3.67x10-ll 139 7600 1 1120 3.24x10*4 i l ~ ' J

Table 2 D/O for Pasturing Meat Animals Sector 1 (Merth) None Sector 2 (North-Northeast) Location Distance No. of Elevation _0/q (Met ers) Animals (feet MSL) 1 2900 65 690 2.51x10*10 2 5200 30 660 1.20x10-10 3 5500 14 700 1.09x10*10 4 6500 12 740 6.46x10*ll 5 6300 25 1100 7.29x10*ll 6 7300 2 1140 6.67x10*ll Sector 3 (Sortheast) 7 5000 22 1160 3.5?x10-ll 8 5600 ) 1160 2.tox10-ll 9 6400 26 300 2.46x10*ll 10 6600 25 1140 2.22x10-11 11 6700 21 1160 2.17x10*ll 12 7600 47 1130 1.6tx10*ff 13 7600 9 1160 1.70x10**' [ Sector 4 (East-Northeast) 14 1800 14 1H 1120 1.49x10-10 15 2700 50 1100 7.32x10*ll 16 4900 42 H 1140 2.37x10*ll 17 5200 3 1140 2.23x10*ll Sector 5 'Isst) 16 2700 22 1140 4.94x10*'l 1) 3700 4 1160 2.t2x'0*ll i

0 6600 3

720 1.10x10-l* Sector 6 (East-routheast) 21 2600 12 1140 2.68x10-10 22 2700 2 1160 2.57x10*10 23 4000 13 1100 1.30x10*10 ll 24 6300 2 660 5.51x10*ll 25 6300 4 650 4.77x10* 26 3000 62 1090 3.70x10-ll Sector 7 (Southeast) 27 2200 7, 6H 1140 3.05x10-10 29 4S00 21, 2 H 700 6.94x10*lh 29 7601 4 1060 J.13x10*1' 30 7300 12, 9H 1030 3.10x10*l* Sector 8 (South-Southeast) 31 2900 1 1120 J.0lx10*10 32 5000 14 650 1.20x10*}} 33 5300 3 650 1.12x10*1'0 1.09x10-34 5500 15 650 35 5600 10 620 1.06x10-10 36 7200 31, 6H 1100 6.08x10*[h 37 7700

40. IH 740 5.90x10*--

Sector ) (South) Ncne 4 h

Table 2 (cont.) D/Q for Pasturing Meat Antr.als Sector 10 (South-Scuthwest) None Sector 11 (Southwest) None Sector 12 (West-Southwest) Distance No. of Slovation Locatien (Meters) Ani.als (feet MSL) O/0 38 4600 50 ((0 1.13x10-ll 39 4300 25 (40 1.42x10-ll 40 4900 50 700 1.16x10-ll Sector 13 (West) 41 4100 25 660 2.6)x10-11 Sector 14.(West-Northwest) None i Sector 15 (Northwest) None i Sector 16 (North-Nerthwest) None e 9 i t, 4 L .I m. a

Table 3 D/Q for Milk Cows and Ccat Pastures Sector 1 (North) Distance No. of Elevation Location (Meters) Animals (feet MSL) D/o 1 6900 37 1100 6.62x10-ll Sector 2 (North-Northeast) 2 2900 24 680 2.54x10-10 3 4000 25 1100 1.96x10-10 10 4 5200 31 660 1.14x10 ll 5 7300 22 1140 6.52x10-6 7300 30 1160 5.64x10-ll Sector 3 (Northeast) 7 4300 40 1120 3.72x10-Il B 5000 41 1160 3.72x10-ll I 9 5300 50 1140 3.62x10-ll 10 5600 42 1160 3.21x10-ll 11 6600 11 1140 2.84x10-ll 12 7500 39 1140 2.19x10-ll 13 7500 29 1140 1.75x10-ll 14 7800 42 1140 1.61x10-ll i 15 7900 16 1160 1.59x10-ll I sector 4 (East-Northeast) 16 1000 45 1120 3.96x10-10 17 1800 44 1130 1.40x10-10 3800 36 1130 3.92x10-ll 18 Il 19 4300 36 1160 3.22x10 11 20 5000 53 1140 2.45x10-21 5900 29 1140 1.84x10-ll 22 6600 12 740 1.62x10*ll l 23 7500 35 670 1.40x10-ll 24 7600 10 740 1.38x10-ll 25 7900 21 670 1.24x10-ll i Sector 5 (East) 26 2700 64 1140 4.75x10*ll 27 3700 43 1G 1160 2.5!x10*ll 28 5500 49 1160 1.84x10-ll 29 5700 13 720 1.35x10-11 30 6700 25 680 1.0tx10-ll 31 8000 21 1080 7.24x10-12 Secter 6 (East-Scutheast) 32 2600 66 1160 2.72x'0-10 33 2900 25 1140 2.24x10-10 10 34 3100 3a 1140 2.0lxla 11 35 4700 30 1100 9.56x10 11 36 5600 34 1160

8. 0 ' A10 ll 37 6800 1

660 5.10x10-38 7700 12 700 3.91x10-ll 39 7800 41 1000 3.86x10-l' hmm mp_


P Table 3 (cent.) D/Q fer Milk Ccws and Ocat Pastures Secter 7 (Southeast) Distance No. cf Elevatien Loc..t i e n (m.e t e r s ) Ani als (feet MSL) c/o 4. J200 24 1140 3.02x10-10 41 3200 28 1120 1.54x10-10 42 470s 9 700 7.08x10*ll 43 4900 30 1060 6.84x10-ll 44 6000 1G 680 4.84x10-ll 45 6900 16 1050 3.77x10*ll 46 7600 57 1060 3.11x10-ll 47 7700 10 1100 3.06x10-ll Sector 9 (South-Southeast) 48 2900 25 1100 3.16x10*10 49 J600 24 1060 2.14x10~10 50 5300 17 650 1.12x10-10 Sector 9 (South) None Secter 10 (South-Scuthwest) Ncne Sector il (S c u thw' s t) ucne Secter 12 (West-Scuthwest) 51 4900 12 660 1.16x10*ll Secter 13 (West) i ,Ncne Secter 14 (West-Nerthwest) i i None Sector 15 (Northwest) ? None Sector 16 (Nerth-Northwest) None k h- --em-+}}