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Forwards Revised LACBWR Decommissioning Plan. Each Page W/Change Will Have Bar in right-hand Margin to Designate Location of Change
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 02/10/1998
From: Berg W
Shared Package
ML20202J042 List:
LAC-13625, NUDOCS 9802230068
Download: ML20202J038 (5)





  • ROUTE 1. box 275 (2CNOA, WISCONSIN S4632 9738 + (608) 689-2331 February lo,.998 In reply, please refer to LAC-13625 DOCKET NO. 50-4C; Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Dairyland Power Cooperative La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR)

Possession-Only License DPR-45 Annual Decommissioning Plan Revision


(1) DPC Letter, Taylor to Document Control Desk, LAC-12460, dated December 21,1987 (original submittal of LACBWR's Decommissioning I'!an)

(2) NRC Letter, Erickson to Berg, dated August 7,1991, issuing Order to Authorize Pecommissioning of LACBWR (3) NRC Letter, Brown to Berg, dated September 15,1994, modifying Decommissioning Order The annual update of the LACBWR Decommissioning Plan has beer completed, and the pages with changes and their explanations are included with this letter. Each page with a change will have a bar in the right-hand margin to designate the location of the change. None of the changes were determined to require prior NRC approval, and they have beca reviewed by both onsite and offsite review committees.

The individual pages requiring revision are attached to this letter. Please substitute these revised pages in your copy (ies) of the LACBWR Decommissioning Plan.

Reasons for the changes are as follows:


Page 3-2 The National Weather Service (NWS) has relocated from the Airport to ths, new Doppler Radar Station.

DD\\g/g 9802230068 980210 DR ADOCK 0500 9



's Documem Control Desk LAC-13625 Page 2 February 10,1998 (2)

Page 5-21 The description of the backup air comp. m ~s removed. The single-stage station air compressor's power supply was moved to Essential Power. Air will now 1,e provided to the entire plant in the event ofloss of Off-Site Power. For this reason, the backup air compressor was no longer needed and is being removed under an approved facility change.


Page 5-31 The Central Alarm Station has been relocated from the Control Room crea, and the space is now used for a copy machine and files and is best described as an adjacent office.


Page 5-38 In Section 5.2.35, Containment Integrity Systems. the description and status are revised to reflect the fact that the requirements for Containment Integrity were deleted from Technical Specifications by Amendment #69, dated April 11,1997.


Page 5-45 Section, Containment Building High Range Area Radiation Monitors, is deleted. Amendment #69 to the LACBWR Technical Specifications removed the requirement for Post-Accident Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation of this typr The Containment Building High Range Area Radiation Monitors ha ce oeen removed under an approved facility change.


Figures Deleted, these figures were removed in the previous revision; instructions for 5.1 & 5.2 removal, however, were inaccurate and incomplete. Page 6-1 is being reissued since it is presently located on the backside of Figure 5.2.


Page 6-4 Changes to the next-to-last paragraph of section 6.2, Organizatigrum_d hsponsibilities. are necessary because the Review and Audit section of Technical Specifications was relocated to the Quality Assurance Program Description (QAPD), with the issuance of Amendment #69 to the L.ACBWR Technical Specifications, and included changes regarding Safety Review Committee membership and minimum meeting frequency. These changes describe those requirements as they are now stated in the approved QAPD.

In Section 6.3, Contractor Use, the last sentence in the third paragraph, the wordingfully controlled by is replaced with gowrned by the requirements of. This more accurately describes the role of the Quality Assurance Program.


Page 6-14 In Section, the membership of the Fire Response team is ci anged from three (3) to a minimum of two (2). The LACBWR Fire Protection Plan has been revised and includes this reduction in the required number of members.

1 er-


Document Control Desk LAC-13625 Page 3 February 10,1998 In Section, reference to technical specifications is replaced with reference to the fire Protection Plan. Fire protection requirements were -

transferred from Technical Specifications to the Fire Protection Plan with the issuance of Amendment #69 M the LACBWR Technical Specifications.


Page 6-15 This change to Section 6.9.4, Fire Protection Systems, corrects the wording used to describe the transformer deluge system.

(10) Figure 6.2 " Limited Dismantlement" is added to the activitics listed with the time line extending from approximately 1990 to 2039. This activity is already addressed in the plan, in Section 1.1, Selection of SAFSTOR. on page 1-2, where it states "Only limited decontamination and dismantling of unused systems can be performed during this period." Section 7.3.2, Removal of-Unused Equipment During SAFSTOR, page 7-3, contains a discussion of the removal activities. With this being an ongoing activity, it is appropriate to include it in this figure.

(11) Page 7-1 The last sentence under Section 7.2, SAFSTOR Modifications, is reworded _

to more clearly describe the basis of the gas activity monitor calibrations.

(12) Page 7-3 The Decommissioning Rule made changes to 10 CFR 50.59 that make this -

evaluation directly applicable to LACBWR. Therefore, the wording "safery emluation similar to a" is removed from Section 7.3.2.

(13) Page 7-5 Subsection a) of Section 7.4.3 is revised to show the fact that the stack monitor recalibration has been accomplished and the routine requirements have been relocated from Technical Specifications to the ODCM.

Subsection b) is changed because the requirement has been relocated from Technical Specifications to the ODCM.

In the last sentence of section 7.4.3, the word annualis added to more accurately describe the effluent report.

The requirements of Section 7.<.4 have been relocated from Technical Specifications to the ODCM. Since historical data is used for offsite dose calculations, reference to continuous collection of meteorological data is deleted.

(14) Page 8-8 This change to Section 8.4.5, Environmental Surveys, is necessary because the requirement for this program has been relocated from Technical Specifications to the ODCM.


  • r l <i Document Control Desk LAC-13625 Page 4 February 10,1998 Also attached are revised pages to the LACBWR Site Characterization Survey. Please substitute these revised pages in your copy (ies) of the LACBWR Decommissioning Plan.

Reasons for these changes are as follows:


Cover This is the first revision to this document. 'I he revision date is being added page to the cover page.


Page 2 A statement is added to the last sentence which describes the final disposition of the contaminated ground.


Page 7 The date is deleted from the note at the bottom of the page. Attachment I will be routinely updated and contains the date to which these values are decay corrected. Therefore, it is unnecessary to include the date in this note.


Page 8 This change, in the first paragraph, is made to correct a transcription error at the end of the second sentence:..although n.p reactions should read

..although n,P reactions. The production of C-14from N-14 is sigmficant.


Page 9 The date is deleted from the note at the bottom of the page. Attachment 2 will be routinely updated and contains the date to which these values are decay corrected. Therefore, it is unnecessary to include the date in this note.


Page 10 In the last line, the word heat is replaced with retention, which is the correct name for this tank.


Page11 The date is deleted from the note at the bottom of the page. Attachment 3 will be routinely updated and contains the date to which these values are decay corrected. Therefore, it is unnecessary to include the date in this note.


Page 15 The date is deleted from the note at the bottom of the page. Attachment 4 will be routinely updated and contains the date to which these values are decay corrected. Therefore, it is unnecessary to include the date in this note.


Pages 24 These pages totally revised. All of the attachments have been decay thru 29 corrected to January 1998 and therefore replace the previous attachments, which were decay corrected to July 1995.


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Document Control Desk e,.

LAC-13625 Page5 February 10,1998 If you have any questions concerning any of these changes, please contact Michael Johnsen of my staff at 608-689-4210.

a Sincerely, DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE d,/ M b William L. Berg, General Manager WLB:MNJ:dh Enclosures cc:

Paul W. Harris, NRC Project Manager D
