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Forwards Corrected Page to Safety Evaluation,Issued by NRC, by Ltr Dtd 970425.W/o Ltr
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 04/29/1997
NUDOCS 9705070288
Download: ML20138H801 (2)


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. * *f 9 . DA/RYL.AND NRC Docket No. 50-409 l


[B/((M[cocPERATivE tA cnosse soitiNo wAren nsacron ttAcewn) . nours i. 80x 27s GENOA, WISCONSIN 54632-9738 + (608) 689-2331 I

TO: A)W (d_Ck CONTROLLED DISTRIBUTION NO. 63 FROM: LACBWR Plant Manager April 29,1997


Changes to LACBWR Controlling Documents I. The following documents have been revised or issued new.


i Amendment No. 69 to Possession-Only License No. DPR 45 for the La Crosse Boiling l Water Reactor, was distributed on April 15,1997. l 4 Attached is a corrected page to the Safety Evaluation, issued by the NRC, by letter dated l April 25,1997. (Copy ofletter also attached.) ,  ;

l Instructions Remove and replace page 8 in the Safety Evaluation filed in the back of your Technical i Specification binder.

hil1 The materiallisted above is transmitted herewith. Please verify receipt of alllisted material, destroy superseded material, and sign below to acknowledge receipt.

O The material listed above has been placed in your binder.

O Please review listed material, notify your personnel of changes, and sign below to acknowledge your review and notification of personnel. [To be checked for supervisors for department specific procedures and LACBWR Technical Specifications.]

O The materiallisted above has been changed. [To be checked for supervisors when materids applicable to other departments are issued to them.]

/S/ DATE f

Please return this notification to the LACBWR Secretary within ten (10) working days. T 0 01 ,!

9705070288 970429 PDR W ADOCK 05000409 PDR '

ll...ll ll I.lll'Il llll

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p V The new DTS Section 6 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS. like the old TS. properly defines directly or through reference to the OAPD: (1) plant staff  !

responsibilities, qualifications and training. (2) facility organization.

(3) shift crew composition. (4) safety review committees. (5) reporting.  ;

(6) plant procedures programs, and (7) radiation protection programs. All of the Section 6 changes are discussed in the following paragraphs: ,

i Old Subsection 6.1 RESPONSIBILITY. This subsection was retained except i for a change in a management title from " Shift Supervisor" to Control Room Operator." With the plant in a permanently defueled status. the l former Shift Supervisor position, forme-ly part of the operating crew, has ,

been replaced by the Control Room Operator position. The Shift Supervisor position is now a facility management position and is described in the OAPD. The Control Room Operator is responsible for Control Room command functions and is trained and qualified to safely maintain the plant and ,

stored fuel. Therefore these title changes are acceptable as the I incumbents are qualified by training and ex3erience to perform the defined I tasks. T's subsection retained its old num3er and title and was directly '

transferred from the old TS to the DTS. Based on the above. the staff concludes that the new DTS Subsection 6.1 is acceptable.

Old Subsection 6.2 ORGANIZATION. This subsection retains the same number and title in the DTS. All references to the " Shift Supervisor" position I 7 were removed and replaced by " Control Room Operator." This change is i

, (V discussed and justified in DTS Subsection 6.1. above. In DTS Subsection the following phrase was properly added to the last sentence-

. .when fcel assemblies are stored in the Fuel Element Storage Well." 1 In old Subsection which is retained, the following I ty30 graphical error is corrected. "24-period" becomes "24-hour period."

Otlerwise. this paragraph remains unchanged. Old Subsection has been retained but properly relocated as a footnote. Based on the above the staff concludes that the new DTS Subsection 6.2 is acceptable.

Old Subsection 6.3 FACILITY STAFF OUALIFICATIONS. This subsection was unchanged, retained its old number and title and was directly transferred from the old TS to the DTS and is therefore acceptable.

Old Subsection 6.4 TRAINING. The licensee proposed relocation of the requirements of this old subsection to the Training Program. 10 CFR 50.36 does not require the training Program to be a part of the Technical Speci fications. Changes to the Training Program will be controlled by the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59, as required by the NRC's order of August 7 1991. authorizing decommissioning. The Training Program is fully enforceable and insaectable. Based on the above. the staff concludes that the relocation of t1e training requirements in the old TS to the Training Program is acceptable.
