MONTHYEARML20217K9401999-10-0606 October 1999 Submits Safeguards Event Log for Calendar Quarter Ending 990930,IAW 10CFR73.71.No Safeguards Events Occurred ML20210R9181999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-409/99-02 on 990726-28.No Violations Noted ML20210F3651999-07-0909 July 1999 Submits Safeguards Event Log for Calendar Quarter Ending 990630,IAW 10CFR73.71 & LACBWR Security Plan ML20196D5161999-06-21021 June 1999 Discusses Rev 19 to Various Portions of Lacrosse Boiling Water Reactor Emergency Plan Submitted Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54(q).NRC Initial Review of Changes Will Be Subject to Insp to Confirm No Decrease in Effectiveness of Plan ML20207G1991999-06-0303 June 1999 Informs of Reorganization in NRR Ofc,Effective 990328. Reorganization Chart Encl ML20206R9211999-05-10010 May 1999 Forwards Annual Financial Rept & Certified Financial Statements for DPC for Years 1998 & 1997,IAW 10CFR50.71(b). Util Will Forward 1998 Annual Rept as Soon as Rept Is Completed ML20206H6771999-05-0505 May 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-409/99-01 on 990414-16.No Violation Noted.Overall Performance During Decommissioning/Safe Storage Activities Was Good ML20206J3671999-04-30030 April 1999 Forwards Rev 13 to QA Program Description, IAW 10CFR50.54(a)(3) & 50.4(b)(7).Changes in Rev 13 Listed ML20205R4261999-04-0808 April 1999 Submits Ltr for Calendar Quarter Ending 990331 IAW 10CFR73.71, Reporting of Safeguards Events. No Safeguards Events Occurred During Quarter ML20204F8291999-03-0909 March 1999 Forwards Annual Rept on Status of Decommissioning Funding for La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor,Iaw 10CFR50.75(f)(1) ML20207C2661999-02-19019 February 1999 Forwards Radioactive Effluent Rept & Radiological Monitoring Rept for 1998 for Lacbwr. Lacbwr,Pcp & ODCM, Encl ML20207A9431999-02-11011 February 1999 Forwards Revised Pages to LACBWR Decommissioning Plan. Each Page with Change Will Have Bar in right-hand Margin to Designate Location of Change ML20198E4371998-12-17017 December 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-409/98-05 on 981207-10.No Violations Noted.Activities in Areas of Facility Mgt & Control,Spent Fuel Safety & Radiological Safety Were Examined ML20196A8921998-11-23023 November 1998 Forwards Rev 12 to LACBWR QA Program Description ML20155H4221998-11-0303 November 1998 Ack Receipt of Re Insp Rept 50-409/98-02,in Response to Transmitting Predecisional EC Summary & Exercise of Enforcement Discretion Re Compliance with Maint Rule ML20154P4351998-10-13013 October 1998 Responds to Re Insp Rept 50-409/98-02 & Refers to C/As Taken to Bring LACBWR Into Compliance with Maint Rule ML20154K0191998-10-13013 October 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-409/98-04 on 980921-22.No Violations Noted ML20151Z6501998-09-17017 September 1998 Discusses Predecisional Enforcement Conference Held on 980630 Re Insp Rept 50-409/98-02 & Exercise of Enforcement Discretion.Two Apparent Violations,Involving Failure to Implement Key Aspects of Maintenace Rule,Identified IR 05000409/19980021998-09-17017 September 1998 Discusses Predecisional Enforcement Conference Held on 980630 Re Insp Rept 50-409/98-02 & Exercise of Enforcement Discretion.Two Apparent Violations,Involving Failure to Implement Key Aspects of Maintenace Rule,Identified ML20153F7431998-09-14014 September 1998 Informs That Changes Made in Rev 12 Are Adminstrative in Nature & Do Not Result in Reduction in Commitment to Safety & Reliably Operate LACBWR in Safstor Condition,Per 980909 Telcon with NRC ML20237D8861998-08-21021 August 1998 Advises That Rev 18 to Portions of Emergency Plan Do Not Decrease Effectiveness of Plan & Plan Continues to Meet Relevant Stds of 10CFR50.47(b) & Therefore,Nrc Approval Not Required ML20237B9181998-08-17017 August 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-409/98-03 on 980811-12.No Violations Were Noted.Insp Included Review of Physical Security Plan for LACBWR ML20236W8111998-08-0303 August 1998 Forwards Summary of Decommissioning Insp Plan for Oct 1998 - Apr 1999,for Info.Plan Will Be Updated Approx Twice Yearly & May Be Revised at Any Time Based on Future Insp Findings, Events & Resource Availability ML20237E2631998-07-15015 July 1998 Forwards Rev 12 to QA Program Description. Page Change Locations Indicated by Bold Bar in right-hand Margin ML20236K7091998-07-0606 July 1998 Forwards Official Transcript Proceedings from 980513,public Meeting Held in Viroqua,Wi on Decommissioning of Lacrosse Boiling Water Reactor.Pen & Ink Changes Made to Original Transcript to Correct Errors & to Clarify Abbreviations ML20249A8331998-06-15015 June 1998 Expresses Appreciation for Support Provided for Recent Meeting Held at Viroqua High School - Middle School Complex on Decommissioning of Lacrosse Boiling Water Reactor ML20248M0461998-06-0909 June 1998 Expresses Appreciation for Support Provided for Recent Public Meeting Held at Viroqua High School on Decommissioning of LACBWR ML20216B9311998-05-0707 May 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-409/98-01 on 980420-0423.No Violations Noted ML20217K7121998-03-27027 March 1998 Forwards Rev 18 to LACBWR Emergency Plan.Bar Lines in right- Hand Margins Note Changes.Description of Each Change & Reason for Change Is Included as Cover Pages to Plan Rev ML20203K2041998-02-27027 February 1998 Forwards Summary of Decommissioning Insp Plan for Remainder of FY1998.Plan Will Be Updated Approx Twice Each Yr & May Be Revised Any Time Based on Future Insp Findings,Events, Resource Availabilty,Etc ML20202J4261998-02-16016 February 1998 Forwards Revised LACBWR Decommissioning Plan & Revised LACBWR Initial Site Characterization Survey for Safstor. Both Documents Revised Jan 1998 ML20202J0381998-02-10010 February 1998 Forwards Revised LACBWR Decommissioning Plan. Each Page W/Change Will Have Bar in right-hand Margin to Designate Location of Change ML20199A9351998-01-19019 January 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-409/97-01 on 971209-11 & 980107.No Violations Noted.Activities in Areas of Facility Mgt, Decommissioning Support,Spent Fuel Safety & Radiological Safety Were Examined During Insp ML20199J4111997-11-21021 November 1997 Informs That NRC Regional Oversight Responsibilities for LACBWR Has Been Transferred to Region III Div of Nuclear Matls Safety.Effective 971105 D Nelson Became Region III Point of Contact for Routine LACBWR Insp Matters ML20198R9721997-10-24024 October 1997 Forwards Changes to Physical Security Plan,Contingency Plan & Guard Force Training & Qualification Plan.Encl Withheld ML20149G1311997-07-10010 July 1997 Submits Ltr Re Quarterly Submittal of Safeguards Events Log for Quarter Ending 970630.No Safeguards Events During Past Quarter ML20148S9131997-07-0303 July 1997 Forwards Annual Financial Rept & Certified Financial Statements for Dairyland Power Cooperative for 1996 & 1995 ML20141H5581997-05-20020 May 1997 Discusses Change in Ofc as of 970520.Project Mgt for Facility BWR Will Be Assumed by Pw Harris.Site Visit Will Be Arranged Convenient to Both Staff & Scheduled Activities ML20141B7521997-05-0909 May 1997 Forwards TS Re Changes to LACBWR Controlling Documents ML20138H8011997-04-29029 April 1997 Forwards Corrected Page to Safety Evaluation,Issued by NRC, by Ltr Dtd 970425.W/o Ltr ML20138B6821997-04-25025 April 1997 Forwards Corrected Page 8 of SE for Amend 69 to La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor License ML20138A6431997-04-15015 April 1997 Forwards Rev 11 to LACBWR QA Program Description ML20137R7651997-04-11011 April 1997 Forwards Safety Evaluation Approving Changes to QAP Description ML20138B7261997-04-10010 April 1997 Submits Ltr for Calendar Quarter Ending 970331,IAW 10CFR73.71 & LACBWR Security Plan ML20134H1841997-01-31031 January 1997 Submits Quarterly Safeguards Event Log Re License DPR-45 ML20133A3721996-12-16016 December 1996 Forwards Rev 17 to LACBWR Emergency Plan ML20132F8601996-12-10010 December 1996 Forwards Revised LACBWR Decommissioning Plan. Each Page W/ Change Will Have Bar in right-hand Margin to Designate Location of Change ML20134M2421996-11-0505 November 1996 Forwards Rev 11 to QA Program Description, Clarifying Section I, Organization Paragraph 7.d Revised to Assure Majority of SRC Members Be Degreed Individuals ML20024J3491994-10-0505 October 1994 Forwards Amend 68 to License DPR-45 & Ser.Amend Revises TS in Accordance W/Requirements of Revised 10CFR20.Several Minor Editorial Changes Also Included ML20149F2461994-08-0202 August 1994 Ack Receipt of 10CFR50.54(a) Submittal Dtd 940620,which Incorporates Changes in Quality Assurance Program Description 1999-08-13
MONTHYEARML20217K9401999-10-0606 October 1999 Submits Safeguards Event Log for Calendar Quarter Ending 990930,IAW 10CFR73.71.No Safeguards Events Occurred ML20210F3651999-07-0909 July 1999 Submits Safeguards Event Log for Calendar Quarter Ending 990630,IAW 10CFR73.71 & LACBWR Security Plan ML20206R9211999-05-10010 May 1999 Forwards Annual Financial Rept & Certified Financial Statements for DPC for Years 1998 & 1997,IAW 10CFR50.71(b). Util Will Forward 1998 Annual Rept as Soon as Rept Is Completed ML20206J3671999-04-30030 April 1999 Forwards Rev 13 to QA Program Description, IAW 10CFR50.54(a)(3) & 50.4(b)(7).Changes in Rev 13 Listed ML20205R4261999-04-0808 April 1999 Submits Ltr for Calendar Quarter Ending 990331 IAW 10CFR73.71, Reporting of Safeguards Events. No Safeguards Events Occurred During Quarter ML20204F8291999-03-0909 March 1999 Forwards Annual Rept on Status of Decommissioning Funding for La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor,Iaw 10CFR50.75(f)(1) ML20207C2661999-02-19019 February 1999 Forwards Radioactive Effluent Rept & Radiological Monitoring Rept for 1998 for Lacbwr. Lacbwr,Pcp & ODCM, Encl ML20207A9431999-02-11011 February 1999 Forwards Revised Pages to LACBWR Decommissioning Plan. Each Page with Change Will Have Bar in right-hand Margin to Designate Location of Change ML20196A8921998-11-23023 November 1998 Forwards Rev 12 to LACBWR QA Program Description ML20154P4351998-10-13013 October 1998 Responds to Re Insp Rept 50-409/98-02 & Refers to C/As Taken to Bring LACBWR Into Compliance with Maint Rule ML20153F7431998-09-14014 September 1998 Informs That Changes Made in Rev 12 Are Adminstrative in Nature & Do Not Result in Reduction in Commitment to Safety & Reliably Operate LACBWR in Safstor Condition,Per 980909 Telcon with NRC ML20237E2631998-07-15015 July 1998 Forwards Rev 12 to QA Program Description. Page Change Locations Indicated by Bold Bar in right-hand Margin ML20217K7121998-03-27027 March 1998 Forwards Rev 18 to LACBWR Emergency Plan.Bar Lines in right- Hand Margins Note Changes.Description of Each Change & Reason for Change Is Included as Cover Pages to Plan Rev ML20202J4261998-02-16016 February 1998 Forwards Revised LACBWR Decommissioning Plan & Revised LACBWR Initial Site Characterization Survey for Safstor. Both Documents Revised Jan 1998 ML20202J0381998-02-10010 February 1998 Forwards Revised LACBWR Decommissioning Plan. Each Page W/Change Will Have Bar in right-hand Margin to Designate Location of Change ML20198R9721997-10-24024 October 1997 Forwards Changes to Physical Security Plan,Contingency Plan & Guard Force Training & Qualification Plan.Encl Withheld ML20149G1311997-07-10010 July 1997 Submits Ltr Re Quarterly Submittal of Safeguards Events Log for Quarter Ending 970630.No Safeguards Events During Past Quarter ML20148S9131997-07-0303 July 1997 Forwards Annual Financial Rept & Certified Financial Statements for Dairyland Power Cooperative for 1996 & 1995 ML20141B7521997-05-0909 May 1997 Forwards TS Re Changes to LACBWR Controlling Documents ML20138H8011997-04-29029 April 1997 Forwards Corrected Page to Safety Evaluation,Issued by NRC, by Ltr Dtd 970425.W/o Ltr ML20138A6431997-04-15015 April 1997 Forwards Rev 11 to LACBWR QA Program Description ML20138B7261997-04-10010 April 1997 Submits Ltr for Calendar Quarter Ending 970331,IAW 10CFR73.71 & LACBWR Security Plan ML20134H1841997-01-31031 January 1997 Submits Quarterly Safeguards Event Log Re License DPR-45 ML20133A3721996-12-16016 December 1996 Forwards Rev 17 to LACBWR Emergency Plan ML20132F8601996-12-10010 December 1996 Forwards Revised LACBWR Decommissioning Plan. Each Page W/ Change Will Have Bar in right-hand Margin to Designate Location of Change ML20134M2421996-11-0505 November 1996 Forwards Rev 11 to QA Program Description, Clarifying Section I, Organization Paragraph 7.d Revised to Assure Majority of SRC Members Be Degreed Individuals ML20024J3491994-10-0505 October 1994 Forwards Amend 68 to License DPR-45 & Ser.Amend Revises TS in Accordance W/Requirements of Revised 10CFR20.Several Minor Editorial Changes Also Included ML20058P1281993-12-0909 December 1993 Forwards Changes to Physical Security Plan,Contingency Plan & Guard Force Training & Qualification Plan.Encls Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(d)) ML20059G6131993-11-0101 November 1993 Responds to Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-409/93-01 on 930903 & 22 & 24.Corrective Actions: Reassigned Mechanics & Instrument Technician to LACBWR Staff ML20056E2601993-08-12012 August 1993 Forwards Nonproprietary & Proprietary Version of Analysis of Potential Blast Effects on LACBWR Reactor Bldg Due to 16 Inch Natural Gas Pipeline Failure,Suppl Analysis for Fast Closing Valve. Proprietary Version Withheld ML20046B5841993-07-26026 July 1993 Responds to Request for Addl Info on Implementation of Recently Issued Training Rule at LACBWR ML20046A6361993-06-29029 June 1993 Informs of Rev to Decommissioning Plan ML20045H1701993-06-29029 June 1993 Forwards Corrections to Annual Radioactive Effluent Rept & Radiological..., Incorporating 1992 Joint Wind Frequency Data (Table 4B),Table 3 (Page 12) & Page II of Table of Contents.Table 4B Unavailable at Time of Original Submittal ML20056E2681993-05-11011 May 1993 Requests That Proprietary Analysis of Potential Blast Effects on LACBWR Reactor Bldg Due to 16 Inch Natural Gas Pipeline Failure,Suppl Analysis for Fast Closing Valve Be Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(b)(4) ML20034E8821993-02-25025 February 1993 Forwards Radioactive Effluent Rept & Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept for LACBWR for Jan-Dec 1992, Per 10CFR50.36a(a)(2) ML20128P4611993-02-11011 February 1993 Forwards Rev to Annual Decommissioning Plan,Changing Requirement to Maintain Hourly Meteorological Data Logging for Effluent Release Calculations & Removing Makeup Demineralizer Sys ML20128K5891993-02-0909 February 1993 Forwards Corrected App a to Annual Rept for 1992 - Rept of Changes,Tests & Experiments ML20024H3221991-05-22022 May 1991 Forwards Consolidated Financial Statements as of 891231 & 901231 ML20055H6371990-07-25025 July 1990 Forwards Decommissioning Fund Rept for Plant ML20044A5821990-06-15015 June 1990 Forwards Annual Financial Rept & Certified Financial Statements for 1988 & 1989 ML20033F8081990-03-21021 March 1990 Provides Summary of Onsite Property Damage Insurance for Facility ML20012B3431990-03-0505 March 1990 Lists Changes to Util Administrative Staff.Administrative Support to Facility Will Be Provided from Headquarters & Genoa Station 3,located Next to Facility ML18041A2111989-11-16016 November 1989 Responds to Generic Ltr 89-19 Re Request for Action Re Resolution of USI A-47, Safety Implication of Control Sys in LWR Nuclear Power Plants. Actions or Recommendations in Generic Ltr Will Not Be Performed ML19325C3741989-10-11011 October 1989 Forwards Revs 1,2 & 4 to Security Plan & Addenda I,Ii & Iii. Revs Withheld ML20248C5941989-09-21021 September 1989 Forwards Revised Radioactive Effluent Rept for LACBWR (Jan- June 1989), Incorporating Sr-89/90 & Fe-55 Analysis Data ML20247A1931989-08-22022 August 1989 Forwards Proposed Operator Licensing Exam Schedule Format for FY90 - FY93,in Response to Generic Ltr 89-12 ML20245G0911989-07-27027 July 1989 Advises That Util Already Exempt from 10CFR26, Fitness-for- Duty Program Because of Safstor Status.Request for Exemption Will Not Be Necessary Since License Amended to possession-only License Via Amend 63 ML20246K8411989-07-10010 July 1989 Responds to Generic Ltr 89-06, Task Action Plan Item I.D.2, Spds. All Spent Fuel Transferred from Reactor to Spent Fuel Storage Well & on 870804,License DPR-45 Amended to possess- but-do-not-operate Status ML20246B8371989-06-27027 June 1989 Forwards Endorsements 71,72,73,74,75 & 76 to Nelia Policy NF-217 ML20245A1231989-06-0606 June 1989 Submits Whole Body Dose Estimates & Request for Changes to Tech Specs & 6.8.4 1999-07-09
[Table view] |
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RO. BOX 817 LA CROSSE. WISCONSIN 54602-0817 (608) 788-4000' FAX NO. (608) 787-1420 WILLIAM L BERG General Manager June 29, 1993 In reply, please refer to LAC-13277 DOCKET NO. 50-409 Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen:
Dairyland Power Cooperative La Jrosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR)
Possession-Only License DPR-45 Decommissioninn Plan Revision REFER.ENCES :
(1) DPC Letter, Taylor to Document Control Desk,' LAC-12460, dated December 21, 1987 (original submittal of LACBWR's Decommissioning Plan)
(2) NRC Letter, Erickson to Berg, dated August 7, 1991, issuing Order to Authorize Decommissioning of LACBWR This letter will inform you of several changes necessary to keep the LACBWR Decommissioning Plan current. The changes are for various reasons, as outlined below, and modified pages have been provided for your copies of the Decommissioning Plan. None of the changes to the Plan were determined to require prior NR.C approval.
The changes have been reviewed and approved by the LACBWR Operations Review Committee and Safety Review Committee.
The individual pages requiring revision are included with this letter.
The changes are indicated on each page by a bold har in the right-hand margin.
Reasons for the changes are as follows:
(1) Page 4-1.
"...and acid storage tanks,..
Description has been removed from the General Plant Description. The acid storage tanks were utilized for regeneration of full-flow demineralizer resins. To reduce waste water volume, regeneration of the full-flow domineralizers was discontinued in 1970. The sulfuric acid tank was removed and appropriately disposed of.
This system no longer exists.
(2) Page 4-5.
Remove ".. final offgas line HEPA/ charcoal filters...."
The offgas system has been substantially removed, as part of the limited dismantling which has been discussed with our project manager at the U.S. Nuclear. Regulatory Commission. This portion of the facility description is no longer accurate as the system is being removed.
09 i PDR kh iM
Document Control Desk LAC-13277 Pa'ge 2 June 29, 1993 (3)
Page 5-12.
"A 4-inch offgas header....and closed the offgas storage tanks discharge valve."
Remove the description currently in place under section 5.2.10, Gaseous Waste Disposal System, and substitute a sentence that this system has been mostly removed under limited dismantlement.
l The offgas system was not necessary for SAFSTOR or plant repowering.
Therefore, piping, tanks, filters, etc. of this system have'been removed i
and disposed of in an appropriate manner for radioactive material.
Page 6-3.
The current SAFSTOR plan calls for the services of an Administrative Assistant who works jointly between LACBWR and the adj acent fossil unit and a Secretary responsible for all clerical tasks at LACBWR. The Administrative Assistant currently in place,_who has j
extensive experience, has reached retirement.
Her duties will be assumed by the current Secretary, and an additional clerical person will be shared between the two facilities (50 percent each place). This will permit the senior clerical person at each facility to concentrate on the specialized work required and the person shared by the plants to perform i
more general work.
This will retain the 1-1/2 person commitment for clerical purposes at the LACBWR facility but will change the structure and level of the job rating.
This figure is being changed to reflect the change from the Administrative Assistant.
(6) Figure 4.3.
This diagram showing the main floor of the turbine and containment buildings is revised to show the removal of the shield walls around the steam turbine. The shield walls were originally designed to reduce personnel radiation exposure from short-lived isotopes in the steam.
Since plant shutdown, this source of radiation has ceased to exist.
Repowering of the plant would not increase radiation levels in this area.
The shield walls have been properly disposed of.
Please contact either John Parkyn or Roger Christians of my staff, at 608-689-2331, if you have any questions or comments.
William L. Berg, General Manager VLB :J DP : dh Enclosures i
A. Bert Davis, NRC Region III Larry Pittiglio. NRC Project Manager
. -. ~..
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1 4
FACILITY DESCRIPTION 4.1 CENERAL PLANT DESCRIPTION The LACBWR was a nuclear power plant of nominal 50 Mw electrical output, which utilizes a forced-circulation, direct-cycle boiling-water reactor as its heat source.
i The reactor and its auxiliary systems are within a steel containment building. The turbine-generator and acsociated equipment, the control room for both turbine and reactor controls, and plant shops and offices are in a conventional building adjacent to the containment building.
Miscellaneous structures which are associated with the power plant, and are j
located adjacent to the Turbine Building, include the electrical switchyard, Cribbouse, Waste Treatment Building, LSA Storage Building, oil pump house,.
stack, warehouses, administration building, annex building, guard house, outdoor fuel oil tanks, underground septic tanks, gas storage tank vaults, l
underground oil tanks and the condenser circulating water discharge seal well at Cenoa Unit 3.
Miscellaneous onsite improvements include roads, walks, parking areas, yard lighting, fire hydrants required for plant protection, access to and use of rail siding facilities, fencing, landscaping, and communication services.
4.2 BUILDING AND STRUCTURES 4.2.1 Containment Buildinn The containment building (Figs. 4.1 and 4.2) is a right circular cylinder
with a hemispherical dome and semi-ellipsoidal bottom.
It has an overall internal height of 144 ft. and an inside diameter of 60 ft., and it extends 26 ft. 6 in below grade level. The shell thickness is 1.16 in., except for the upper hemispherical dome which is 0.60 in. thick.
The building contains most of the equipment associated with the nuclear steam supply system, including the reactor vessel and'oiological shielding, the fuel element storage well, the forced circulation pumps, the shutdown condenser, and process equipment for the reactor water purification system, decay heat cooling system, shield cooling system, seal injection system, emergency core spray system, boron injection system, and storage well cooling system.
The containment building was designed to withstand the instantaneous release of all the energy of the primary system to the containment atmosphere at an initial ambient temperature of 80 F, neglecting the heat losses from the building and heat absorption by internal structures.
Its design pressure is 52 psig, compared to a calculated maximum pressure buildup of 48.5 psig following the maximum credible accident while in operation. The containment building shell is designed and constructed according to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sections II, VIII, and IX, and Nuclear Code Cases 1270N, 1271N, and 1272N.
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1 D-PIAN 4-1 June 1993
The remaining grade or above grade areas contain a shower / wash / frisking area, and the dry active waste (DAW) compactor unit and temporary storage space for processed DAV containers.
Beneath the grade floor are two shielded cubicles. One cubicle, through which access is gained by removal of floor shield plugs, is available for the storage of up to nine higher activity solid waste drums. The other area, through which access is gained by a stairway, contains the dewatering ton exchanger, the WTB sump and pump, and additional waste storage space.
l The Waste Treatment Bulding ventilation is routed through an 11 EPA filter to the stack plenum. The building is normally maintained at a negative pressure. The general arrangement of the WTB is shown on Figure 4.5.
The LSA Storage Building is southwest of the Turbine Building.
It is used to store processed, packaged and sealed low level dry active waste materials, and sealed low level activity components for a period of approximately 5 years. The building has the capacity for 500 DOT 17H-55 gallon drums of waste.
No liquids are stored in this building.
There are no effluent releases from this building during normal use.
4.2.4 Cribhouse The Cribhouse is located on the bank of the Mississippi River to the west of the plant and through its intake structure, provides the source of river water to the various pumps supplying river water to the plant. The Cribhouse contains the diesel-driven high pressure service water pumps, travelling screens, low pressure service water pumps and the circulating water pumps.
1 D-PLAN 4-5 June 1993
5 PIANT STATUS - (cont'd) 5.2.10 Caseous Waste Disposal System This system routed main condenser gasses through various components for drying, filtering, recombining, monitoring and holdup-for decay. Most of the system has been removed since it was no longer required for SAFSTOR nor necessary for any potential repowering.
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4 9
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D. PIAN 5 12 June 1993 i
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d 6.
DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM - (cont'd) stationed at or visiting LACBWR comply with it in spirit as well as regula-tion.
This supervisor will also assign the day-to-day duties of the health physics technicians.
The Health Physics Technicians will be responsible for the radiation protection and chemistry programs at LACBWR. They will perform all tasks required for surveillance and will provide all work coverage required by special work permits. They will maintain as required the exposure records of personnel, take all the readings necessary to guard against the spread of contamination and provide input to the long-term radienuclide inventory program. They will report, as directed by the Health and Safety Supervisor, to the Duty Shif t Supervisor as required.
The Mechanical Maintenance Foreman is responsible for the assignment of mechanical maintenance duties and will direct the completion of all mainte-nance requests and surveillance tests of a mechanical nature. The Mechanical Maintenance Foreman is responsible for the preventive maintenance program established on those systems necessary to maintain the SAFSTOR condition.
This foreman is responsible for overall maintenance on all of the plant equipment which may serve as backups to the required systems or backup supplies to the rest of the Dairyland system.
Maintenance Mechanics are responsible for the completion of all mechanical maintenance tasks. These tasks include all surveillance requirements and work requests defined in maintenance orders as well as general duties as assigned by the maintenance supervisor.
The Administrative Secretary is responsible for overall administration of
LACBWR. She will maintain all records required under technical specifi-cations for plant operation and will maintain a record of all activities involved in facility shutdown and establishment of the SAFSTOR mode. The Administrative Secretary will ensure that all clerical functions are performed adequately. She will maintain all budget expense and project accounts and will coordinate preparation of the LACBWR budget. Duties will i
also include assigning to staff personnel required re=ponses to regulatory agencies, other Dairyland departments, etc., and ensuring that these tasks are completed by the established deadline.
The Clerk Typist will report to the Administrative Secretary two and one-half days per week and will assist in the clerical tasks at LACBWR, including word processing and the personal computer database.
She will also operate the telephone communication switchboard and other tasks as assigned by the Administrative Secretary.
The Licensing Engineer will be responsible for all facility licensing. This will include steps preparatory to eventual shipment of SAPSTOR fuel and proceeding into the DECON mode.
The Licensing Engineer will be the principal liaison on behalf of the Plant Manager for the contact with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other regulatory agencies. This engineer will be i
D-PLAN 6-3 June 1993
.5 Clerk Typist Assumes Cooperative-wide Security & QA
- Duties to be performed with assistance of qualified consultants when necessary.
FIGURE 6.1 D-PLAN June 1993 m
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&p Main Floor of Turbine and Containment Buildings.'El. 668'0" FIGURE'4,3 D-PLAN June 1993
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