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Forwards Change to Rev 10 to Emergency Plan Section 3.8.1, Radiological Protection of Onsite Personnel, Per 880511 Request.Change Describes Conditions for Precautionary Onsite Sheltering & Control Room Ventilation Isolation
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 05/18/1988
From: Taylor J
Shared Package
ML20154J332 List:
LAC-12559, NUDOCS 8805260302
Download: ML20154J329 (2)



L o



  • 2615 EAST AVE. SO.
  • PO BOX 817
  • LACR (608) 788-4000 JAMES W. TAYLOR Gsneral Manager May 18, 1988 In reply, please refer to LAC-12559 DOCKET NO. 50-409 Document Contt11 Desk U. S. Nuclear r.agulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen:


Dairyland Power Cooperative La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR)

Provisional License No. DPR-45 Emergency Plan Revision - SAFSTOR Confition


(1) DPC Letter, J. Taylor to Document Control Desk, LAC-12377, dated September 29, 1987.

(2) NRC Letter, L. Rubenstein to J. Taylor, dated February 19, 1988.

(3) DPC Letter, J Taylor to Document Control Desk, LAC-12544, dated April 15, 1988.

(4) Telephone Discussion between R. Meck/P. Erickson (NRC) and R. Christians /P. Shafer (DTJ) of May 11, 1988.

In our letter of April 15, 1988 (Refe:ence 3) we responded to various questions, which you had posed (Reference 2) in regard to your evaluaticn of revisions to the LACLWR Emergency Plan s.bmitted previously (Reference 1).

One cocnent which had l>een raised by you (Reference 2) wa a m uest for us to provide a technical basis which demonstrates that there 12 3 r ;essity for a Site Area or a General Emergency classification during LACBWY. '.,AFSTOR conditions. We submitted a technical report as part of our response submittal (Reference 3), which provided bases for a conclusion that, "there would be no need to evacuate the site after a fuel damage accident, personnel dose limite should not be exceeded, and the (neighboring) Genoa 3 steam plant could continue operations. Therefore, a Site Area or General Emergency is not necessary."

Thu Technical Report (LAC-TR-134) indicated, in a very conservatively analyzed worst case accident scenario, the resultant whole body and skin dose l



8805260302 880518 l

PDR ADOCK 05000409 l





Document Control Desk LAC-Page 2 May 17, 1988 s

equivalent limits should not be exceeded by onsite personnel, if precautionary sheltering.....out to 80 undertaken (for a ground'r'elease). This scenario included a ground level release of Kr-85 from damaged spent fuel assemblies with containment not being isolated.

Sheltering should be done at the ALERT declaration, if significant fuel damage with potential for a ground level release, is the initiating condition.

In our telephche conversation (Reference 4), you requested that we include a statement regarding precautionary sheltering and Control Room ventilation isolation in the Emergency Plan revision. We have made a change to the Emergency Plan, Section 3.8.1 "Radiological Protection of Onsite Personnel" (page D-12) which describes the conditions for precautionary onsite sheltering and Control Room ventilation isolation. This change is enclosed with this letter for your review.

Please replace the old page D-12 in the copies of the Emergency Plan revision which were sent to you (Reference 3) with this new page D-12.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.

Sincerely, DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE James W. Taylor General Manager JWT: REC:PWS:sks Mr. A. Bert Davis, Regional Administrator cc:

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Region III Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 Mr. Peter B. Erickson, LACBWR Project Manager Division of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. Ken Ridgway, NRC Resident Inspector PCI-50

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