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Forwards Revised LACBWR Decommissioning Plan. Each Page W/ Change Will Have Bar in right-hand Margin to Designate Location of Change
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 12/10/1996
From: Berg W
Shared Package
ML20132F862 List:
LAC-13570, NUDOCS 9612260118
Download: ML20132F860 (5)


a D



  • 3200 EAST AVE. SO.
  • PO. BOX 817
  • LA CROSSE, WISCONSIN 54602-0817 (608) 788-4000 FAX NO. (608) 787-1420 WILLIAM L. BERG G:neral Manager December 10,1996 In reply, please refer to LAC-13570 DOCKET NO. 50-409 Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Dairyland Power Cooperative La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR)

Possession-Only License DPR-45 Annual Decommissioning Plan Revision


(1) DPC Letter, Taylor to Document Control Desk, LAC-12460, dated December 21,1987 (original submittal of LACBWR's Decommissioning Plan)

(2) NRC Letter, Erickson to Berg, dated August 7,1991, issuing Order to Authorize Decommissioning of LACBWR (3) NRC Letter, Brown to Berg, dated September 15,1994, modifying Decommissioning Order The annual update of the LACBWR Decommissioning Plan has been completed, and the pages with changes and their explanations are included with this letter. Each page with a change will have a bar in the right-hand margin to designate the location of the change. None of the changes were determined to require prior NRC approval, and they have been reviewed by both onsite and offsite review committees.

The individual pages requiring revision are attached to this letter. Please substitute these revised pages in your copy (ies) of the LACBWR Decommissioning Plan.

Reasons for the changes are as follows:


Page 1-3 Editorial correction to delete an unnecessary word.


Page 3-4 This change corrects a typographical error.



40 9612260118 961210 l

PDR ADOCK 05000409 W


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Document Control Desk LAC-13570 Page 2 December 10,1996 (3)

Page 4-1 The tense of the verb is changed so that the description of the Containment Building will remain unchanged as unused components and systems are removed.


Page 5-3 This change was made to provide an accurate description of current system status. The Reactor Vessel and associated primary systems were drained to facilitate SAFSTOR dismantling activities.


Page 5-4 This change was made to provide an accurate description of current SAFSTOR system status. The use for flushing was discontinued. The forced circulation system has been drained.


Page 5-5 This change was made to provide an accurate description of current SAFSTOR system status.


Page 5-6 This change was made to provide an accurate description of current SAFSTOR system status. Flushing operations are no longer conducted.


Page 5-7 A change was made to system description and status because parts of the system have been removed under an approved facility change.


Page 5-8 A change was made to system description and status because the system has been removed under an approved facility change.

(10) Page 5-9 This change was made to provide an accurate description of current SAFSTOR system status.

(11) Page 5-12 This change is made to maintain formatting of system description and status, including current system status.

(12) Page 5-13 This addition of words corrects an apparent and unintentional omission of wording.

(13) Page 5-15 A change was made to system description and status because accessible l

portions of the system were removed under an approved facility change.

(14) Page 5-17 This change was made to provide an accurate description of current SAFSTOR system status.

(15) Page 5-21 This change includes the description of the new replacement for I A station air compressor and new air filtering and drying equipment for control air.

This equipment was installed under an approved facility change. This change also provides a more accurate system description as used in SAFSTOR.

Document Control Desk LAC-13570 Page 3 December 10,1996 (16) Page 5-25 Same as (14).

(17) Page 5-27 Same as (14).

(18) Page 5-28 Same as (14).

(19) Page 5-29 Same as (14).

(20) Page 5-30 Same as (14).

(21) Page 5-38 The SPING-3 and SPING-4 stack monitors were replaced with new monitors under an approved facility change. The system description is changed to reflect that upgrade. A change was made to provide a more accurate description of current SAFSTOR system status.

(22) Pages 5-39 through 5-52, and Figures 5.1 and 5.2. This change updates Section 5.3, Radionuclide Inventory Estimates so that it refers to the Initial Site Characterization Survey for SAFSTOR and deletes the subsections to 5.3.

Technical Repon LAC-TR-138 was issued November 17,1995, as a new part of the LACBWR Decommissioning Plan, titled Initial Site Characterization Survey for SAFSTOR. This document contains the Initial Site Soil Contamination Determination Survey, done in accordance with NUREG/CR-5849, and completed in 1995. This new soil survey and figure replaces the survey now contained in the Decommissioning Plan. All the information concerning plant contamination, plant system contamination radionuclide content, and activated metal components has directly transferred to the Initial Site Characterization Survey.

(23) Pages 5-53 through 5-58. The remaining pages of Section 5 are renumbered to maintain consecutive page numbering.

(24) Renumbered page 5-43. This change is made to represent an estimate more in line with the SAFSTOR dose history at LACBWR.

(25) Page 6-3 and Figure 6.1. These changes are title changes only from Administrative Secretary to Administrative Supervisor and Clerk-Typist to Administrative Secretary and do not suggest any change in responsibility.

(26) Page 6-7 These changes were made to provide an up-to-date description of H.P.

Continuing Training Program, which has undergone refinements under approved procedure changes.

I Document Control Desk LAC-13570 Page 4 December 10,1996 (27) Page 6-13 The verb "will have accumulated" is changed to past tense.

Additional information is being included to indicate the current status of decommissioning funding.

The last sentence in Section 6.7.2 is deleted because it contains redundant and dated information. Remaining Section 6 pages 6-14 thru 6-19 are reissued due to respacing to accommodate changes.

(28) Page 6-16 A brief description of the sprinkler system for I A Diesel Generator has been added to make the section more complete.

j (29) Page 7-3 These changes are made to be consistent with terms and definitions of 10 CFR 20.

(30) Page 8-9 Change to correct misspelling of the word " semiannually."

(31) Page 9-5 Discussion ofpool boiling has been removed. Based on a LACBWR Technical Report, that is no longer a possibility. Additional information about temperature stabilization is added to elaborate on the current status.

(32) Page 9-6 This change corrects a typographical error.

If you have any questions concerning any of these changes, please contact Michael Johnsen of my stalTat 608-689-4210.

Sincerely, DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE (4)lAAADmt.L William L. Berg, General Manager WLB:MNJ:dh Enclosures cc:

IIub Miller, Regional Administrator, NRC Region III Morton Fairtile, NRC Project Manager


  • ROUTE 1. box 275 GENOA WisCONstN 54632-9738 * (808)889-2331 h Wie-s)



LACBWR Plant Manager December 19,1996


Changes to LACBWR Controlling Documents I.

The following documents have been revised or issued new.

DECOMMISSIONING PLAN, revised October 1996 Instructions:

Remove Title Page Replace with new Title Page Remove pages 0-1 thru 0-4 Replace with new pages 0-1 thru 0-4 Remove page 1-3 Replace with new page 1 Remove pages 3-4 & 3-5 Replace with new pages 3-4 & 3-5 Remove Figure 3.8 & page 4-1 Replace with new Figure 3.8 & page 4-1 Remove pages 5-2 thru 5-9 Replace with new pages 5-2 thru 5-9 Remove pages 5-12 thru 5-17 Replace with new pages 5-12 thru 5-17 Remove pages 5-20 & 5-21 Replace with 5-20 & 5-21 Remove pages 5-24 thru 5-30 Replace with new pages 5-24 thru S-30 Remove pages 5-38 thru 5-58 Replace with new pages 5-38 thru 5-45 and Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.1 Remove page 6-3 Replace with new page 6-3 Remove pages 6-6 & 6-7 Replace with new pages 6-6 & 6-7 Remove pages 6-12 thru 6-19 Replace with new pages 6-12 thru 6-19 Remove Figures 6.1 & 6.2 Replace with new Figures 6.1 & 6.2 Remove page 7-3 Replace with new page 7-3 Remove page 8-9 Replace with page 8-9 Remove pages 9-5 & 9-6 Replace with new pages 9-5 & 9-6 Note: Due to a printing problem, reverse sides of the pages are being reissued separately.

NRC Docket No.30-409 I

1 I

fiD The materiallisted above is transmitted herewith. Please verify receipt of all listed material, destroy superseded material, and sign below to acknowledge receipt.

1 t

O The material listed above has been placed in your binder.

O Please review listed material, notify your personnel of changes, and sign below to j

acknowledge your review and notification of personnel. [To be checked for supervisors i

for department specific procedures and LACBWR Technical Specifications.]

O The materiallisted above has been changed. [To be checked for supervisors when materials applicable to other departments are, issued to them.)



Please return this notification to the LACBWR Secretary within ten (10) working days.

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