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Responds to Generic Ltr 88-02 Re Isap Ii.Participation in Program Would Not Further Interests of Util,Since Facility Permanently Shut Down on 870430 & Defueling Completed on 870611
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 02/16/1988
From: Taylor J
GL-88-02, GL-88-2, LAC-12494, NUDOCS 8802220278
Download: ML20149J126 (3)


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  • 2615 EAST AVE SO.
  • PO. BOX 817 LACR (608) 788-4000 JAMES W. TAYLOR General Manager In reply, please refer to LAC-12494 DOCKET NO. 50-409 Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen:


Dairyland Power Cooperative La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR)

Provisional Operating License No. DPR-45 Generic Letter No. 88 Integrated Safety Assessment Program II (ISAP II)


(1) NRC Letter, Frank K. Miraglia, to all Power Reactor Licensees, dated January 20, 1988.

The subject Generic Letter requested a response within 30 days of the date of the referenced letter, indicating positive or negative interest in participating in ISAP II.

In reply, we wish to state that the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor was permanently shut down on April 30, 1987, and defueling was completed June 11, 1987. Thereafter, an amendment to License No. DPR-45 was issued on August 4, 1987, which modifies the license to a possess-but-not-operate status.

Since Dairyland is no longer an operating reactor licensee, participation in the ISAP program would not further the interests of Dairyland nor the goals of the program. to Generic Letter No. 88-02 is enclosed as a formality.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Sincerely, DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE James W. Taylor General Manager JWT:JDP sks Enclosure 0802220278 800216 ADOCK 0 % h9 PCI-39 PDR P


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Document Control Desk LAC-12494 Page 2 February 16, 1988 cc:


A.' Bert Davis, Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region III Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 Mr. Peter B.lErickson, LACBWR Project Manager Division of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. Ken Ridgway, NRC Resident Inspector e

Mr. Frank J. Miraglia Associate Director for Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation PC1-39

p 4

Integrated Safety Assessment Program (ISAF) II Response Fonnat to Generic Letter 88-02 Facility Name:

Dairyland Power Cooperative Utility: La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR)

Individual Contact Name:

John D.

Parkvn Phone Number: (608)-683.-2331 Plant Superintendent An expression of interest will not be considered a consnitment te participate on the part of the utility.


Would you be interested in participating in ISAP !!? If so, in what time frame?

No - Since LACBWR is shut down, participation in the ISAP program would not further the interes'ts of Dairyland nor the goals of the program.


Do you believe that an industry /NRC seminar consisting of a brief discussicn by NRC followed by a question and answer period would be beneficial prior to making a decision?

NA 3.

Would you be interested in a one-on-one meeting with the f!RC to discuss your particular facility or facilities?

NA 4.

If you remain undecided regarding participation, what additienal information do you need in order to make a decision?

NA r


Do you have any potential concerns about participating in !!AP II?

NA 6.

Do you have any suggestiens for progran improvenents or changes?

