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Notifies of Addition of Unnumbered License Condition to Amend SG-1 to License SNM-1067,authorizing Extension of Reconciliation Period for 850917 Low Enriched U Physical Inventory to 851030
Person / Time
Site: 07001100
Issue date: 10/29/1985
From: Brown W
To: Lichtenberger
NUDOCS 8601140479
Download: ML20137A706 (2)


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OCT 2 9 E SGMI:RLJ 70-1100 Combustion Engineering, Inc.

Nuclear Power Systems ATTN:

H. V. Lichtenberger Vice President, Nuclear Fuel 1000 Prospect Hill Rd.

P. O. Box 500 Windsor, Conn. 06095-0500 Gentlemen:

This is in response to your letter dated October 18, 1985, which transmitted a request to extend the reconciliation period for your September 17, 1985.. low enriched uranium physical inventory and to delay the subsequent submission of DOE /NRC Form 742.

We have determined that granting your request will not adversely affect the coninon defense and security nor the public health and safety and is other-wise in the public interest. Accordingly, we are hereby adding the following unnumbered license condition to Safeguards Amendment SG-1 to your License No. SNM-1067, effective immediately, to read as follows:

"Notwithstanding the requirements of 10 CFR 70.51(e)(4) to calculate, reconcile and adjust the book record to the results of the September 17, 1985 low enriched uranium physical inventory within 30 calendar the requirements of 10 CFR 75.35 to submit days and notwithstanding(30) days after the start of the physical DOE /NRC Form 742 within inventory, the licensee shall complete these activities on or before October 30, 1985."

In accordance with a telephone conversation of October 21, 1985 between your Mr. T. Bowie and our Mr. R. Jackson it was detenained that your previously referenced letter of October 18, 1985, as well as your letter to Mr. James H.

Joyner, Chief Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards Branch, Region I also dated October 18,1985, (as provided to us via teletype) contain information of the *.ype specified in 10 CFR 2.790(d). Accordingly, pursuant to Section 2.790(d)(1), such information is deemed to be commercial or financial within the meaning of 10 CFR 9.5(a)(4), and shall be withheld from public disclosure, unless subject to the provisions of 10 CFR 9.12.

8601140479 R51029 PDR ADOCK 07001100 C


R Combustion Engineering, Inc. '

In the previously referenced 0ctober 21, 1985, telephone conversation between Messrs. Bowie and Jackson, it was agreed that Combustion Engineering - Windsor would forward the required license fee of $150 to Mr. D.

iss, NRC - License Fee Management Branch at a later date under separate f

1 1



Willard B. Br wn, hief Safeguards Material Licensing and International Activities Branch kDivisionofSafeguards,NMSS s