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Forwards Response to IE Bulletin 79-15.Two Deep Draft Pumps, Similar to Those Described in Bulletin,Are Used in safety- Related Sys.Status of Pumps Re Operational Problems,Maint & Other Related Matters Is Described in Encl
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 09/16/1979
From: Linder F
LAC-6500, NUDOCS 7910190363
Download: ML20125B053 (4)


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Fortevicr 1U, 1979 In rcply, ploace refer to LhC-6500 DOCKET ::0. 50-409 U. S, Nuclecr Regulatory Corr.ission Office of Incl.cction and Enforcement ATT;; Director, Division of Reacter Construction Inspection

%''_On, D . C. 20555


?nGVISIONAL OPERATING LTCEUIE' NO. DPR-45 IE EULLETIN NO. 79 DEEP PUf'P DEFICIC!!CIE3 Rcforence: (1) NRC Letter, Keppler to Linder, dated July 11, 1979 Ocntlemen:

Our response to requests in the subject bu11ctin enclosed with Referenc9 1 are suh..;itted '. lith this lettsr as Attcchscnt 1.

If there are any questionc concerning this natter, please contact uS.

.i Very truly yours, ET IR*.I.A1ID P74EK COOPERATIVE  !

l Frank Lind: , General Manager FL: JOB:sf cc: J. I:eppler, Reg. Dir.,,NRC-DRO III

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ATTAOir:n?P 1 IM BUI,I.ETIt! NC , 79-15 ERC REQUE.7f

7. & nw;'>cr of deep draft p:cya eirtitar to those eh .'n in Figw.n i cati l' utilized in safety related a plications in ecah facility.

DPC RESPONS3 Precently at LACBUR, we have in service eight deep draf t pe/.r.s of similar design to those she.:n. Of these eight, only two c e utilized in a safety related syster;.

NL' FEOvn 7

2. Nanufa:turcr, med3 2, ecpacity cnd plant application.

DPC RESPONSE The two pumps were manufactured by the. ilorthingtor. Ccrporation.

They are identical and ha'te the Model Mc. l?H-110-5 s tage. The pu~p rctings are 750 gpm at a 320-foot head. The diosal driven pumpo are the backup source of water for the Alternate Core Spray and Fire Protection Systems and are kept in a standby modo.

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. C;)crall dimcncicna of th: pwyc.

DPC RESPONSE From the bottom of the right angle drive to thc bottom of the s trainer measures 27 feet 6 inches. The bcwl diameter is 11.5 inches, and the column pipe is 8 inches in diameter.


\ C. Swm.1ry of ctcytyp, i:ating and routina maintenanca hictory.

DPC RESPONSn LACBWR Preoperational Test No. 38-04-1 of the alternate core spray system was performed October 6 and again October 16, 1967. Test date from both pumps exceeded design specifications.

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The annual tect of the alternate corespray as specified N- l LACBWR Technical Specifications, Section 2. 4. 7. 3 and Section is performed during normal shutdowns. Acceptance  ;

criteria for this test is the .;ow at FI 38-37-801 is greater than or equal to 900 gpm with the pressure at PI 38 801 of 90 psi. Both pumps have excceded this criteria on all tests.

In May 1976, ptr.p le was removed from service for a general inspection. It was placed back in service in July,1976.- A post maintenance test was performed and the pump again met design specifications.

1 In May 1979, a special flow test was performel and both pumps again met design specifications.

Thest pumps are not part of our Preventive Maintenance Program. <

There ir nothing on these pumps that requires routine cervicing.


6. Cycrational proble .3 wid r::Jor repair efforta.

DPC. RESPONSE During the general inspection of pump 1A in May 1976, it was discovered that the clearances between the casing wear ring and the impeller seal ring exceeded the manuf acturer's specificationr.

The impeller seal rings were built-up using a bronze spray metal and machined to within manufacturer's specifications. Other items replaced included a suction case and suction case bearing.

Prior to then, the pump had not experienced any operational problems. It has not experienced any problems since.

Pump 1B has never experienced any operational problems and han never been removed from service.

NRC REQUEST C. The lonyct intenval that cach p:ry has been available for operation uithcut corrective mintenanac. Identify the nw6er of cyclco of operation during thic interval, the dumtion of each cycle and the operating modc(s) (rcoirculation, mted ficv, etc. ). Identify the lonpet continuouc operation at or near rated flou conditions for cach ptnp and tne statuo of the ptcy operability at the end of the run.


Pump 1A was available for operation from October 16, 1967, until May 26, 1976, when it was removed from service for inspection.

Pump 1B has been available for service since its preoperational

. test on October 16, 1967.

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. o R'FfACINElsT 1 During the period October 1967 to May 1976, pump 1A had perfore.ed 16 annual and 14 semi-annual tests of the alternate cora sprny.

Also, 78 nonthly tests of the dieccl fire pump were completed.

During Ole performance of the annual test, the pur.p ic run under rated flot conditions for approximately 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. The semi-annual and monthly tests are ran for less than 20 minutes while the flow is being recirculated. The diesels also start automatically when the HPSW pressure falls below 60 psi. When this happens, the pump run, for a short period and is then shut down. This condition occurs frequently during summer months. We cetimated 1250 startc for pump 1A during period.

Since October 1967, pump 1B has performed 20 annual, 21 semi-annual, and 116 monthly tes ts. It also starts on icw HPCW pressure. We have estimated 1775 automatic starts for pump 1B.

During the period May 7 to Mcy 17, 1979, while the electric HPSW pump was being replaced, pumps lA and 1B were run alternately.

Pump 1B ran one 2-day interval continuously during this period.

Pump 1A ran a 1-day interval. This is the longest continuous operation fer cither pump. Flow test on both pumps was performed May 19, 1979, and both met decign specifications.

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