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Advises That NRC Has No Objection to Util Corrective Actions & Schedule for Unqualified Fire Damper Engineering Evaluations.Complete Review of Util Engineering Evaluations Will Be Issued Later
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 06/29/1990
From: De Agazio A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Sieber J
BV-90-005, BV-90-5, TAC-66319, NUDOCS 9007060092
Download: ML20058K451 (4)



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j WASHINGTON, D. C 20$56

.s June 29, 1990 1

Docket No. 50-334 Serial No. BY-90-005 Mr. J. D. Sieber, Vice President Nuclear Group Duquesne Light Company P. 0. Box 4 Shippingport, Pennsylvania 15007

Dear Mr. Sieber:


BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT NO. 1 - UNQUALIFIED FIRE DAMPER ENGINEERINGEVALUATION(TAC 66319) n DuquesneLightCompany(DLC)specialreportdatedSeptember 15, 1989, informed the Commission that certain fire damper assemblies failed tu comply with the requirements of Underwriter's Laboratory Standard 555-19M. The failure to comply was demonstrated by Underwriter's Leboratory fira testing of vertically mounted prototype fire dampers. The prototype assemblies tested failed a 90-minute fire endurance and hose stream test.

DLC declared inoperable twenty-six dampers similar to the prototypes and locatedinvariouslocationsatBeaverValleyPowerStationUnit1(BVPS-1),

and compensatory fire watches were established. DLC stated that unqualified fire dampers installed in locations where the combustible fire loadings exceed 1-hour will be replaced. The remaining unqualified fire damper installations were to be evaluated case-by-case to determine acceptability to withstand a fire for 1-hour. These evaluations were to be based upon National Fire Protection (NFPA) Association Code 90-A and Underwriter's Laboratory Standard 256. These documents indicate that steel ductwork 0.022 inches thick can withstand a 1-hour fire.

DLC letter dated December 19 1989, reaffirmed the commitment to replace during-thenextBVPS-1refuelingoutage,unqualifiedfiredampersinthose areas with combustible loadings exceeding 1-hour, and to maintain compensatory fire watches until then. That letter also evaluations for the remaining unqualified fire dampers. presented engineering DLC judged the results of the engineering evaluations to be satisfactory and concluded that those remaining fire dampers need not be replaced and that the compensatory measures were no longer needed.

A cursory examination of the DLC methodology shows it to be similar to that previously ap) roved by the staff for the Susquehanna facility. Based on this similarity, tie staff has no objection to DLC's corrective actions and schedule.

4 The complete staff review of the DLC engineering evaluations will be issued later.

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9007060092 900629 h

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' Mr. J. D. Sieber,

Duquesne Light Company is requested to inform the Commission, in writing, of any change to the schedule for fire damper replacement identified in this letter. Also, Duquesne Light Company is requested to inform the Commission, in writing, when the replacements have actually been implemented and the modifications are determined to be operational.


Albert W.

e Agario, Sr.Pr e t Manager Project Directorate I-4 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation ec: See next page i

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Mr. J. Sieber Beaver Valley Power Station i

Duquesne Light Company Units 1 & 2 CC:

Jay E. Silberg, Esquire Bureau of Radiation Protection Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge Pennsylvania Department of 2300 N Street, N.W.

Environmental Resources Washington, DC 20037 ATTN:

R. Janati Post Office Box 2063 Nelson Tonet, Manager Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 Nuclear Safety Duquesne Light Company Mayor of the Borrough of P. O. Box 4 Shippingport Shippingport, Pennsylvania 15077 Post Office Box 3 Shippingport, Pennsylvania 15077 Comissioner Roy M. Smith Regional Administrator, Region I West Virginia Department of Labor U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Building 3. Room 319 475 Allendale Road Capitol Complex King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Charleston,tly 25305 l

John D. Borrows Resident inspector Director, Utilities Department U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Public Utilities Comission Post Office Box 181 180 East Broad Street Shippingport, Pennsylvania 15077 Columbus, Ohio 43266-0573 Director, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency Post Office Box 3321 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105-3321 i

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'Mr. J. D. Sieber June 29, 1990 Duquesne Light Company is requested to inform the Comission, in writing, of any change to the schedule for fire damper replacement identified in this letter. Also, Duquesne Light Company is requested to inform the Comission, in writing, when the replacements have actually been implemented and the modifications are determined to be operational.



Albert W. De Agazio, Sr. Project Manager Project Directorate I.4 Division of Reactor Projects. I/II

.L9 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION g Docket F Ue'*

NRC & Local PDRs Plant File S.Varga(14E4)

B. Boger (14A2)

S. Norris A. DeAgazio OGC(forinformationonly)


E. Jordan (MNBB3302)




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